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We calculate the microphysical characteristics of stratospheric aerosol from lidar-sensing data at wavelengths of 355 and 532 nm using a priori information about the aerosol spectra obtained from balloon and aircraft measurement data. We analyze the mode structure of the spectra and its coupling with the integral microphysical characteristics of aerosol. For most implementations, it was shown that two aerosol modes (of background and volcanic natures) make commensurate contributions to integral aerosol characteristics, which makes it difficult to use the traditional method of model estimates. It is more efficient to use an optical model of a statistical character that is based on approximation dependences between the required integral aerosol characteristics and lidar-measured optical characteristics. We found that the area, volume, and effective size of particles and the lidar ratio at a wavelength of 355 nm correlated with the absolute values of backscattering coefficients at wavelengths of 355 or 532 nm and the lidar ratio at the wavelength of 532 nm correlated with the ratio of backscattering coefficients at these wavelengths. We estimate the error in the determination of integral characteristics of aerosol using the model developed. The model efficiency is demonstrated on real data of stratospheric aerosol lidar sensing.  相似文献   

DGPS走航测深验潮技术中的潮位信息提取方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴未华  李炎  邵浩  葛勇 《海洋学研究》2008,26(3):98-106
提出了一种提取观测海域潮位信息的新方法--DGPS走航测深验潮技术,即在走航ADCP重复测量断面潮周期流场观测的同时获取潮位信息,并实现水下地形的潮位改正.该方法通过重复测量点瞬时水深数据选取、潮位差数据计算、叠加拟合和迭代逼近等预处理与算法,可在潮差约1.6 m、地形起伏高达10~20 m的台湾浅滩沙波区,获取均方根误差小于0.1 m的潮位观测结果.  相似文献   

A method for reconstructing the parameters of postvolcanic stratospheric aerosol from the results of joint measurements of the aerosol backscattering coefficient with lidar systems based on the Nd:YAG laser and the aerosol extinction coefficient with the SAGE III satellite instrumentation is developed. The most informative set of optical characteristics is determined for each of the microphysical parameters under consideration (concentration, surface area, volume, and effective size of particles of the fine and coarse aerosol fractions). Multiple polynomial regressions between optical and microphysical characteristics of aerosol are obtained. These regressions make it possible to determine the microphysical characteristics of aerosol within a wide range without solving incorrect inverse problems. The results are compared with independent experimental data. The errors of reconstructing microphysical parameters of aerosol are estimated for different situations in the stratosphere. The influence of the shape of particles of the dust fraction on the results of a reconstruction of the microphysical parameters of aerosol is considered.  相似文献   

在卫星数据反演气溶胶光学厚度产品的基础上,讨论了二次反演大气柱中气溶胶粒子密度的问题.通过理论分析,利用多波段气溶胶光学厚度提取大气柱中气溶胶粒子密度是可行的,并指出能否准确确定多波段气溶胶光学厚度会直接影响粒子密度的反演结果.定义并分析了气溶胶粒子消光体积权重系数随粒子半径的变化,表明从气溶胶光学厚度中反演大气柱中气溶胶积聚模态和粗模态粒子密度的结果是可信的.利用SeaWiFS气溶胶光学厚度产品,运用蒙特卡罗法反演了2002年我国海域上空大气柱中积聚模态和粗模态气溶胶粒子密度,结果表明,积聚模态粒子密度比粗模态的高2~3个量级,它们的空间分布趋势一致;我国近岸海域大气柱中气溶胶粒子密度高于离岸海域的;春季气溶胶粒子密度高于其他季节的,特别在黄海、东海海区是如此.  相似文献   

The parameters of heavily dusty air in an aerosol chamber under the conditions of an arid zone are studied. The transmission, optical density, Angstrom parameter, aerosol absorption coefficient, and visibility range are calculated. The temporal and spectral dependences of the optical parameters are analyzed. The regularities of the particle-size distribution function in strongly inhomogeneous dust aerosol are studied for coarsely (with a diameter more than 1 μm) and finely dispersed (with a diameter of less than 1 μm) fractions. The sizes and concentrations of the aerosol particles in air were determined using a photoelectric aerosol counter together with a 15-channel analyzer. We present the absorption spectra of coarsely and finely dispersed dust aerosol collected under different meteorological conditions. The possible mechanisms of variations in the aerosol disperse composition are analyzed.  相似文献   

The results of studies of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) in Dushanbe conducted from July 2010 to March 2011 within the AERONET program are discussed. The statistical characteristics of AOT have been shown to significantly vary during dust intrusions. The seasonal variations in the dustiness of the atmosphere have been analyzed.  相似文献   

利用第二代静止气象卫星风云四号 A 星(FY-4A)的多通道扫描成像辐射计(Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager,AGRI)资料,充分考虑其通道设置,以山东为研究区域,构建适用于山东本地的气溶胶模型,研究山东地区气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth,AOD)反演算法。选取两次典型空气污染案例进行反演,并将反演结果与临近时刻的 AOD 产品进行对比验证分析。结果表明:反演结果与 Himawari-8/ AHI(Advanced Himawari Imager)的气溶胶产品在空间分布上总体一致, 能体现 AOD 的变化趋势及分布情况;和临近时刻的 MODIS 产品相关系数较高,均在0. 90 左右,最高可达0. 94。这说明基于自定义气溶胶模型,利用 FY-4A/ AGRI 数据反演山东地区气溶胶合理可行。  相似文献   

We have developed a scheme to retrieve surface wave parameters (wave height and wave propagation direction) from European Remote-Sensing Satellite (ERS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image mode data in coastal seas around Japanese coastlines. SAR spectra are converted to surface wave spectra of swell-dominated or wind-wave dominated cases. The SAR spectrum and SAR-derived wind speed are used to derive the surface wave spectrum. The wind-wave dominated case and swell-dominated case are differentiated by a wind speed of 6 m/s, and processed in different ways because of their different degree of nonlinearity. It is indicated that the cutoff wavelength for retrieval of the wind-wave dominated spectrum is proportional to the root of significant wave height, which is consistent with the results of previous studies. We generated 66 match-ups using the SAR sub-images and the in-situ surface wave parameters, which were measured by wave gauges installed in near-shore seas. Among them, there are 57 swell-dominated cases, and 9 wind-wave dominated cases. The significant wave heights derived from SAR and from in-situ observation agree with the bias of 0.09 m, the standard deviation of 0.61 m and the correlation coefficient of 0.78. The averaged absolute deviation of wave propagation directions is 18.4°, and the trend of the agreement does not depend on the wave height. These results demonstrate that the SAR surface wave spectrum retrieved by the present system can be used to observe the surface wave field in the coastal seas around Japan.  相似文献   

The well-known method of the back trajectory statistics (BTS) is used to develop a new approach to estimating atmospheric pollution fields according to local measurements. On the basis of instrumental measurements at one or a few monitoring points and information on atmospheric dynamics (in this work, back trajectories of the motion of air particles), the BTS method makes it possible to estimate the spatial structure of fields of a measured quantity. Results from solving a simplified demonstration of estimating the spatial distribution of the volume concentration of a fine aerosol fraction are presented; these results were obtained on the basis of an analysis of photometric measurements in the period of 2004–2010 at six AERO-NET monitoring sites on the territory of Russia: Zvenigorod, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Yakutsk, and Ussuriisk.  相似文献   

The influence of the aerosol component on the total transmission of sounding IR radiation is analyzed. The emissions of both industrial and natural origins into the atmosphere were regarded as the medium. It is noted that, in studying the radiative transport through gas-aerosol mixtures, it is necessary to take into account both molecular absorption and scattering from aerosol particles. It is shown that there are certain boundary values of the microphysical parameters of aerosol where it is sufficient to take into account only one of the above-mentioned factors of radiation extinction. The quantitative values of the parameters of an aerosol medium, on the basis of which the solution of the transport equation can be significantly simplified, are given.  相似文献   

华志励  刘波 《海洋科学》2019,43(9):94-103
为了准确理解冷泉水体中甲烷气体的分布规律,综合运用单波束测深数据和冷泉水体流场数据,建立了冷泉气泡上升、溶解速率的定量反演方法,利用现场海试资料对反演方法进行了验证,并对海试区域的冷泉气体溢出、溶解通量以及冷泉水体的甲烷浓度进行了估算。计算结果表明,考察船航向与冷泉水体流向的差异会对声学探测结果产生影响,当航向与流向的夹角大于±60°时,声学成像中冷泉倾角的误差将超过50%。同时,冷泉气泡上升速率的衰减与溢出口水深显著相关,相关系数可达0.9,并且冷泉上升流对上升速率的提升效果明显。水合物稳定带的分布对冷泉气泡的收缩速率影响显著,稳定带内、外收缩速率的差异可达3~4倍。冷泉气体通量的计算结果表明,调查区域内冷泉的溢出强度整体较大,同时溶解通量与水深之间呈现明显的分段效应。根据冷泉气体溶解通量估算的冷泉水体甲烷浓度与色谱分析结果具有较好的一致性。相关研究有助于实现对冷泉水体中甲烷气体分布的定量评估,为潜在海底冷泉区的圈划和海域天然气水合物的调查提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The mass concentration M of surface submicron aerosol and its condensation activity χ were measured at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2001–2006. Variations in these quantities on scales of several days to several months are analyzed. It is shown that the occurrence of dense and superdense hazes over central Russia became more frequent during these years. This resulted in a change in the character of the seasonal dependence of the mass aerosol concentration M: ordered oscillations whose amplitude increases from year to year appeared in the seasonal cycle of M. Due to more frequent cases of dense and superdense hazes in 2002–2006, a significant monotonic increase is observed in the annual means of M. The annual mean of M increased more than twofold in 2005 (56 μm/m3) compared to 2001 (23 μm/m3). The time regimes of M and χ are characterized by variations with periods in the vicinity of 10, 20, and 40–50 days, as well as variations with longer periods within 70–100 days. In addition, the variability of mass concentration is of a strongly intermittent character. A cross-spectral analysis has shown that, on the whole, variations in M are coherent with those in χ. If the parameters M and χ vary on the same time scales, then, as a rule, variations in M lag behind variations in χ by several days. To understand the relationship between the parameters M and χ, special investigations, including studies of aerosol composition, are needed.  相似文献   

The Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a five-channel radiometer with wavelength from 0.6 to 12 μm. Daily 0.125° sea surface temperature (SST) data from VIRS were first produced at the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) for comparison with SST from TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI). In order to obtain accurate high spatial resolution SST for the merging of SST from infrared and microwave measurements, new SST retrieval coefficients of the Multichannel SST (MCSST) algorithm were generated using the global matchups from VIRS brightness temperature (BT) and Global Telecommunications System (GTS) SST. Cloud detection was improved and striping noise was eliminated. One-year global VIRS level-1B data were reprocessed using the MCSST algorithm and the advanced cloud/noise treatments. The bias and standard deviation between VIRS split-window SST and in situ SST are 0.10°C and 0.63°C, and for triple-window SST, are 0.06°C and 0.48°C. The results indicate that the reprocessing algorithm is capable of retrieving high quality SST from VIRS data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The problems of recording the ionospheric response to tropical cyclones (TCs) and the possibilities for detecting such a response using GPS (Global Positioning System) signals are discussed. Investigations of ionospheric effects of tropical cyclones with the use of different geophysical methods and technologies of GPS application for remote diagnostics of the ionosphere are reviewed. The results of investigating the action of tropical cyclones on the Earth’s ionosphere on the basis of measurements of variations in the total electron content at the global network of ground-based double-frequency GPS receivers are presented. It is shown that (a) the recording of tropospheric effects in the ionosphere is associated with the difficulties of detecting weak disturbances and their identification against the general background of variations and with the problems of identification of sources of such disturbances; (b) geomagnetic storms mask the effects of tropospheric disturbances in the upper ionosphere; and (c) when identifying the ionospheric effects of tropical cyclones, one must pay the bulk of attention to the search for the enhancement of the intensity of disturbances in ionospheric parameter variations.  相似文献   

基于浮游植物吸收光谱提取粒径参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在南海北部、大亚湾及珠江口3个不同水体生物-光学数据的基础上, 研究了浮游植物粒径结构的变化特征, 建立了基于浮游植物吸收光谱提取的浮游植物粒径参数(S<f>)的混合光谱模型。南海海区不同的水体环境下浮游植物的粒级结构有着很大的差异: 在河口和沿岸水体小型浮游植物占优势, 在外海水体微微型浮游植物占优势。浮游植物粒径参数随小型浮游植物增多而减少, 随微微型浮游植物增多而增大。叶绿素a浓度从外海到沿岸逐渐增大, 浮游植物粒径参数随叶绿素a浓度的增大而减小, 它们之间呈幂函数关系。结果表明, 利用混合光谱模型得到的浮游植物粒径参数与南海海区不同水体的生物-光学特征(粒级结构Rpico和Rmicro、粒级指数SI、叶绿素a浓度)有一定的相关性。具体的相关性表示为: S<f>与粒级结构(Rpico和Rmicro)存在一定的关系, 与小型浮游植物和微微型浮游植物之间的线性相关系数分别是0.55和0.65; S<f>与浮游植物粒级指数(SI)有较好的线性关系, 相关系数是0.57; S<f>与叶绿素a浓度呈幂函数关系, 相关系数是0.64。这个混合光谱模型为从光学参数反演浮游植物种群的生态学信息提供了有效的手段, 同时又可用于分析浮游植物优势粒径结构对光学特性的影响。  相似文献   

以粤港澳大湾区中山市及其邻近水域河网水体为试验区, 同步采集现场光谱及水质数据, 研究受测水体的高光谱反射率特征, 并分析非光学活性参数中化学需氧量(CODCr)、总磷(TP)浓度与高光谱反射率的相关性。结果显示, 各河流水体光谱反射率主要受悬浮颗粒物和叶绿素a的影响; 在500~680nm波段范围内, 水体光谱反射率大小与CODCr、TP浓度呈负相关关系; 与单波段相比, 特定波段的反射率比值与CODCr、TP浓度值的相关性较高, 与CODCr、TP浓度值相关性最高的反射率比值波段组合分别为R675/R794R690/R815。选择上述波段组合建立的水质反演模型具有良好的估算精度, 模型估算平均相对误差分别为27.2%、32.1%, 表明高光谱技术在珠江口河网水体非光学活性参数CODCr、TP浓度反演上具有较大的应用潜景。  相似文献   

GNSS-R观测下的海面飓风风速反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球导航卫星系统在地球表面的反射信号(GNSS-R)进行海面风速反演已经被广泛研究并作为一种重要的遥感手段。目前,该L波段微波信号的相关功率已可以在多普勒频率和时延码片空间进行多普勒时延图像的成像。由于该图像的图像特征与海面粗糙度有较高的相关性,因此能够用来进行海面风场反演。然而,对于该遥感手段而言,其双基雷达前向散射截面(BRCS)理论上与海面粗糙度有更高的相关性,如同目前合成孔径雷达使用后向雷达散射截面而非相关功率。所以,本文通过改进已有的GNSS-R的双基雷达散射截面方程,代替相关功率在多普勒时延空间进行成像,得出了与海面粗糙度相关的双基雷达散射截面图像(BRCS map)。基于该图像,本文提出了三种与其形状特征相关的观测量,通过2005年Dennis飓风GNSS-R机载数据生成的16000多幅图像进行地球物理模式函数建模并与经典的一维时延波形匹配方法得出结果进行对比分析,得出更为精确的风速反演结果。  相似文献   

MODIS渤海海冰遥感资料反演   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
鉴于渤海海冰监测和预报对海冰卫星遥感数字化产品的迫切需求,本文利用MODIS的1B级数据进行渤海海冰参数反演,提供海冰遥感图像和海冰密集度、冰厚数值产品,作为渤海海冰监测和海冰数值预报初始场的重要信息来源,以及海冰预报质量检验的参考依据之一。反演结果表明,其各通道对海冰性质有很好的反映,资料信号比较稳定,对不同密集度和厚度的冰有较好的区分,相对NOAA/AVHRR和HY-1A资料有更好的实际应用价值;Terra/MODIS和HY-1A/COCTS海冰遥感反演结果对比也为HY-1A系列卫星海冰遥感的改进和提高提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

The aerosol products derived from the ocean colour missions SeaWiFS and MODIS (Aqua and Terra) were assessed with AERONET field measurements collected at sites in Mozambique (Inhaca) and Kenya (Malindi). The median of absolute relative differences between satellite and AERONET aerosol optical thickness τa at 443 nm varied between 12% and 22% for the different missions and sites. These differences tended to be higher at Malindi and for longer wavelengths. This analysis was supplemented by data collected offshore in the framework of the Maritime Aerosol Network. Results showed a general consistency between satellite missions and with global validation statistics. This suggests that the uncertainties associated with the atmospheric correction scheme and consequently with the distributions of ocean colour reflectance in the study area may be compared with those found in other regions. This result lends some confidence to the use of ocean colour data in the coastal waters of south-eastern Africa.  相似文献   

针对东海渔区的海洋渔业应用,以中国东海渔区(121°~124°E,29°~32°N)NOAA level-2B SST反演数据为例,通过不同空间内插方法的对比分析,得到最优内插模型,继而获取海表温度图像和海温等值线图,为海洋渔业提供必要的基础资料.  相似文献   

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