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The Hexi Corridor is an important base of agriculture development in Northwest China. According to recent statistics, there are 65.94×108m3 of water resources available in the Hexi Corridor. At present, net consumption in development and utilization is 43.33×108m3. Water supply and demand reach a balance on the recent level of production, but loss of evaporation and evapotranspiration is as much as 25.69×108m3. So net use efficiency of water resources is 59%. Based on analyzing balance between water and land considering ecological environment at present, there exists the serious water shortage in the Shiyang River system where irrigation lands have overloaded. There is a comparative balance between supply and demand of water resource in the Heihe River system; and the Sule River system has some surplus water to extend irrigation land. Use of agriculture water accounts for 83.3% and ecological forest and grass for 6.9%. The Hexi Corridor still has a great potential for water saving in agriculture production. Water-saving efficiency of irrigation is about 10% by using such traditional technologies as furrow and border-dike irrigation and small check irrigation, and water-saving with plastic film cover and techniques of advanced sprinkler and drip/micro irrigation etc. cansave more than 60% of irrigated water. Incremental irrigation area for water-saving potential in the Hexi Corridor has been estimated as 56% – 197% to original irrigation area. So the second water sources can be developed from water saving agriculture in the Hexi Corridor under Development of the Western Part of China in large scale. This potential can be realized step by step through developing the water-saving measures, improving the ecological condition of oasis agriculture, and optimizing allocation of water resources in three river systems. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Key innovation Project Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZcx-1-10-03) Biography: GAO Qian-zhao (1942 –), male, a native of Changzhou, Jiangsu, Professor and supervisor of Ph. D students. His research interests include hydrology and rational utilization of water resources in the arid zone.  相似文献   

The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that water resources and eco-environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since the water crises occurred in the 1970s, problems caused by continuous decrease of water resources have been becoming serious year by year and eco-environment crisis occurred as a consequence. Up to now, 10 380ha of irrigated lands have been abandoned due to sand coverage and water shortage in the basin. Ground water was over exploded in Wuwei and Minqin because of water shortage. Ground water table in many places dropped under 5m (which is the ecology water table level), thus about 3000ha of Elaeagnus angustifolia forest come to dead and another 5800ha become feeble, and wind-drift sand near the oasis become alive. According to the current situation, if water utilization scope was not enlarged, a water transfer volume of 600×106m3/a from other areas will be suitable to keep water resources and eco-environment safety in the basin, and also 70×106m3/a will be left as spare water. Under this condition the water resources and eco-environment of the basin can reach the critical safety line of 2.032×109m3/a; or if 180×106m3 of water can be transferred from other areas, the water resources can reach the safety warning line of 1.732×109m3/a. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40235053) and Lanzhou Jiaotong University "Qinglan" Foundation Biography: ZHANG Ji-shi (1963-), male, a native of Tongwei of Gansu Province, senior engineer, specialized in water resources and climate change in Northwest China. E-mail: zjs1963@yahoo.com.cn; hangjs@mail.lzjtu.cn  相似文献   

The processes of water resources exploitation and utilization can be divided into three stages by water resources transformation, and the history, present situation and future trend of water resources development in piedmont areas around high mountains of arid northwestern China. The three stages are: the stage of surface water development (the first stage), the stage of comprehensive development of surface and ground water (the second stage) and the stage of economical development of water resources (the third stage). The three stages link each other and show the law and processes of water resources exploitation and utilization associated with social and technological progress. The economical water policy should run through the three stages. On this point, however, the third stage differs from the others, particularly, refering to irrigated agriculture. The third stage has more progressive significance because it breaks the traditional ideas on water resources development. According to our investigation and calculation, under present conditions of water resources development, the net used water is about 160 × 108 m3, accounting for 18% of the total water resources of northwestern China. The water resources have not been fully developed. If the first stage is finished, the exploitable water can be increased by 91%. After the second stage, furthermore, it can be increased by 216%. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The water resources of lakes in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals mainly with the water resources of China’s lakes scattered over five drainage basins with a total area of 71,787 km2 and a total storage capacity of 7,088 million m3, the fresh water capacity of which amounts to about 2,261 million m3, varying from year to year or even within a year. Attention should be paid to the reasonable utilization of water resources and the problems that have already emerged should be carefully and skillfully handled.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopmentoftheworld,waterdemandisincreasing,especiallywiththegrowthofpopulationinthelast50years,waterdemandforirrigationhasgreatlyincreasedforfoodproduction.Inthearidandsemi-aridareas,watershortagebecomesaheavierproblemtorestrictfoodproduction,localeconomyandenvironmentalprotection.China,with22%ofthetotalpopulationintheworld,hasonly8%offreshwaterintheglobe;watershortagehasaffectedagricultureandresident'slifeinthenorthernChina.SomescientistsindicatedthatChina'swaters…  相似文献   

From the point of view of urban consumption behavior, urban fresh water consumption could be classified as three types, namely, direct, indirect and induced water consumption. A calculation approach of urban fresh water consumption was presented based on the theory of urban basic material consumption and the input-output method, which was utilized to calculate urban fresh water consumption of China, and to analyze its structural change and causes. The results show that the total urban fresh water consumption increased 561.7×109m3, and the proportion to the total national fresh water resources increased by 20 percentage points from 1952 to 2005. The proportion of direct and induced water consumption had been continuously rising, and it increased by 15 and 35 percentage points separately from 1952 to 2005, while the proportion of indirect water consumption decreased by 50 percentage points. Urban indirect water consumption was mainly related to urban grain, beef and mutton consumption, and urban induced water consumption had a close relationship with the amount of carbon emission per capita. Finally, some countermeasures were put forward to realize sustainable utilization of urban fresh water resources in China. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40535026)  相似文献   

GLACIERMELTWATERRUNOFFINCHINAANDITSNOURISHMENTTORIVER¥YangZhenniang(杨针娘)(LanzhouInstituteofGlaciologyandGeocryology,theChines...  相似文献   

Based on the finite-volume coastal ocean model(FVCOM),a three-dimensional numerical model FVCOM was built to simulate the ocean dynamics in pre-dam and post-dam conditions in Bachimen(BCM).The domain decomposition method,which is effective in describing the conservation of volume and non-conservation of mechanical energy in the utilization of tidal energy,was employed to estimate the theoretical tidal energy resources and developable energy resources,and to analyze the hydrodynamic effect of the tidal power station.This innovative approach has the advantage of linking physical oceanography with engineering problems.The results indicate that the theoretical annual tidal energy resources is about 2×10~8 k Wh under the influence of tidal power station;Optimized power installation is confirmed according to power generation curve from numerical analysis;the developable resources is about 38.2% of theoretical tidal energy resources with the employment of one-way electricity generation.The electricity generation time and power are 3479 hours and 2.55×10~4 KW,respectively.The power station has no effect on the tide pattern which is semi-diurnal tide in both two conditions,but the amplitudes of main constituents apparently decrease in the area near the dam,with the M_2 decreasing the most,about 62.92 cm.The tidal prism shrinks to 2.28×10~7 m~3,but can still meet the flow requirement for tidal power generation.The existence of station increases the flow rate along the waterway and enhances the residual current.There are two opposite vortexes formed on the east side beside the dam of the station,which leads to pollutants gathering.  相似文献   

Based on the theories of landscape ecology,landscape eco-environment in the coutrol watershed by reser-voir of Erlong Mountain in Heilogjiang Province was analyzed and assessed by using GIS technique and statistical model of Principal Component Analysis and Spatial Cluster Analysis.It is found that 100.08km^2(36%) of the total area is in the state of kilter,85.73km^2(31%) of the total area is in the state of general,and 47.26km^2(17%) and 15.48km^2(16%) is in the relatively poor state and ideal state.According to landscape ecological structure,there are three land-scape function areas being planned and designed.1) Agricultural landscape function area:its developmental direction is tour agriculture and high-benefit agriculture.2)Eco-environment protected function area:the direction of development and utilization of this region is to develop vigorously forest for soil and water conservation ,and try to increase the rate of vegetation cover.3)Forest landscape function area:rational cut and utilization of forest resources,space optimization disposal of category of forest ,foster of forest and protection of wildwood will become the main development directions for this region.This study trys to provide scientific foundation for ecological restoration of the whole valley and its sustain-able development.  相似文献   

邹平市北部平原区孔隙水分布广泛且南北差异较大,摸清邹平市地下水资源储量,进行开采潜力分析,提出解决水资源供需矛盾和合理开发利用地下水资源的现实措施,对邹平市合理高效开发利用地下水资源具有重要意义。为推动邹平市地下水合理高效开发利用,本文利用地下水均衡原理,对区内浅层及深层孔隙水进行资源量计算,并对浅层地下水开发利用潜力进行分区。分析表明,邹平市地下水分布较为不均,存在"南超北余"不均匀分布的现状。调整开采布局的原则是以环境地质问题为约束条件,并最大限度地发挥地下水资源潜力。遵循以调控浅层地下水合理水位为中心的资源开发利用总方针,依据浅层地下水开采资源潜力和开采现状等,主要分为强化开采、稳定开采、控制开采、补源开采和半咸水改造利用5个大区。  相似文献   


1 INTRODUCTIONSustainability as present understand comes fromword protection strategy commission, which firstly putforward some wide excepted environmental sustainability principles and three important identifications forlife support system: soil, air and water. Then, in thereport of Our Common Future (WCED, 1987), theconcept of sustainable development is put to an outstanding level. Sustainable groundwater resources development is then a great issue in the recent years andthe future (…  相似文献   


Valuation of lake and marsh wetlands ecosystem services in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wetlands are highly productive natural ecosystems, providing valuable goods and services. There is growing interest in transferring ecosystem service value from the existing wetlands studied to other wetlands ecosystems at a large geographic scale. The benefit transfer method uses the known values from wetlands to predict the value of other wetland sites. This methodology requires only limited time and resources. The present study calculated the value of the ecological services provided by lake and marsh wetlands in China in terms of biodiversity indices, water quality indices and economic indices. Basic data on wetlands were obtained through remote sensing images. The results show that: 1) The total ecosystem service value of the lake and marsh wetlands in 2008 was calculated to be 8.1841 × 1010 United States Dollars(USD), with the marsh and lake wetlands contributing 5.6329 × 1010 and 2.5512 × 1010 USD, respectively. Values of marsh ecosystem service were concentrated in Heilongjiang Province(2.5516 × 1010 USD), Qinghai Province(1.2014 × 1010 USD), and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(1.1884 × 1010 USD). The value of the lakes were concentrated in Tibet Autonomous Region(6.223 × 109 USD), Heilongjiang(5.810 × 109 USD), and Qinghai(5.500 × 109 USD). 2) Waste treatment and climate regulation services contributed to 26.29% and 24.74% respectively, of the total ecosystem service value of the marsh wetlands. Hydrological regulation and waste treatment contributed to 41.39% and 32.75%, respectively, of the total ecosystem service value of the lake wetlands. 3) The total ecological service value of the lake and marsh wetlands was 54.64% of the total service value of natural grassland ecosystems and 30.34% of the total service value of forests ecosystems in China.  相似文献   

通过对昌邑北部胶莱河与潍河之间地下卤水资源的调查研究,发现在卤水开发利用中存在卤水综合利用程度低、资源浪费严重、缺乏统一规划管理等问题,并针对存在的问题提出了依靠科技进步,提高卤水综合利用水平,控制开采规模,实行淡季限产停产等措施,以保护和合理开发利用资源。  相似文献   

1 THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS The Sanjiang Plain is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, China. Russia borders this region in the north and east. Its total area is 1.088×107ha. The area of plain occupies 61.21%of the total land area and that of hill and mountain amounts to 38.79%of the total land area. It is not only one of the most important regions with large area of fresh water wetlands and with varieties of rare migratory waterfowls, but a…  相似文献   

After the winter and summer current structures on two or three latitudinal sections in Taiwan Strait were obtained from the measured current data, the seawater fluxs through the sections were calculated. In summer, the currents in the central and northern part of Taiwan Strait normally flow northward at a net flux of 3.32×106m3/s. In winter, the high temperature and salinity Kuroshio and South China Sea water enter Taiwan Strait from the southem section at 1.69×106m3/s and 0.59×106 m3/s respectively, while the East China Sea water enters Taiwan Strait from the northern section at 1.02×106m3/s. About 0.40×106 m3/s of the seawater enters the South China Sea along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong; the other 0.62×106 m3/s of the seawater is mixed with the Kuroshio water and the South China Sea water in the northern sea areas. The net northward flux is 1.74×106m3/s in winter.  相似文献   

This paper explores the method of comprehensive evaluation of water resources carrying capacity and sets up an evaluation model applying the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the data of nature, society, economics and water resources of the Tarim River Basin in 2002, we evaluated the water resources carrying capacity of the basin by means of the model. The results show that the comprehensive grades are 0.438 and 0.454 for Aksu and Kashi prefectures respectively, where the current water resources exploitation and utilization has reached a relative high degree and there is only a very limited water carrying capacity, 0.620 for Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture, where water resources carrying capacity is much higher, and in between for Hotan Prefecture and Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture. As a whole, the comprehensive grade of the Tarim River Basin is 0.508 and the current water resources exploitation and utilization has reached a relative high degree. Thus, we suggest that the integrated management of the water resources in the basin should be strengthened in order to utilize water resources scientifically and sustainably.  相似文献   


Picoplankton distribution was investigated in different water masses of the East China Sea in November,2006 and February,2007.The autumn and winter cruises crossed three major water masses:the coastal water mass(CWM),the mixed water mass(MWM),which forms on the continental shelf,and the Kuroshio water mass(KWM).Picoplankton composition was resolved into four main groups by flow cytometry,namely Synechococcus,Prochlorococcus,picoeukaryotes,and heterotrophic bacteria.The average abundances of Synechococcus,picoeukaryotes,and heterotrophic bacteria were(0.63±10.88)×103,(1.61±1.16)×103,(3.39±1.27)×105 cells/mL in autumn and(6.45±8.60)×103,(3.23±2.63)×103,(3.76±1.37)×105 cells/mL in winter,respectively.Prochlorococcus was not found in the CWM and seldom observed in surface samples in either season.However,Prochlorococcus was observed in the MWM and KWM(approximately 10 3 cells/mL) in both autumn and winter.Synechococcus distribution varied considerably among water masses,with the highest levels in KWM and lowest levels in CWM.The depth-averaged integrated abundance of Synechococcus was approximately 5-fold higher in KWM than in CWM,which may be due primarily to water temperature.In the MWM,Synechococcus was resolved as two subgroups;the presence of both subgroups was more common in autumn.Picoeukaryote abundance varied less among water masses than Synechococcus,and heterotrophic bacteria depth-averaged integrated abundance exhibited the smallest seasonal variations with respect to water mass.Correlation analysis showed that relationships between picoplankton abundances and environmental factors(temperature,nutrients,and chlorophyll a) differed among the three water masses,suggesting that the three water masses have different effects on picoplankton distribution(particularly Synechococcus).  相似文献   

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