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The horizontal distributions of reactive silicate and zinc in the Otago Harbour, New Zealand, a shallow, vertically well-mixed estuary, have been compared. Within the harbour silicate displayed a linear salinity profile on two sampling occasions in October and early November. Consideration of the silicate budget suggested some removal of freshwater silicate in the headwaters of the estuary. Zinc concentrations, measured using state-of-the-art clean laboratory techniques were orders of magnitude lower than previously published data for coastal waters. Typical values of 5–20 ng l−1 Zn were recorded in the seaward endmember. Zinc-salinity profiles were approximately linear. Relationships between zinc and silicate concentrations for the estuarine and freshwater samples suggest a coupling between the rates of supply of these elements to the ocean and their utilisation by plankton.  相似文献   

Oscillations in Otago Harbour, (45° 49’ S, 170° 38’ E) produced by the 1960 Chilean Tsunami are found by spectral analysis to have most of their energy at a period of about 80 min. By numerically integrating a one‐dimensional linear momentum equation and the continuity equation for various sections of the harbour, this period is found to correspond to the quarter wavelength oscillation in the main channel between the mouth of the harbour and the Halfway Islands. The large value of the linear frictional coefficient, calculated from the phase of the tide in the harbour, and the resulting excessive damping, indicates why long period non‐tidal oscillations are generally not found in the harbour.  相似文献   

Benthic macrofauna of the continental shelf off Otago Peninsula, south-eastern New Zealand (45°51′S, 170°52′E) was surveyed by dredge sampling during 1973–1975. Numerical classification (Canberra metric coefficient and flexible sorting) was used to produce site groups and species groups, and three major benthic communities were recognised: a shallow-water (14–25 m) fauna inhabiting well-sorted fine sand, a mid-shelf fauna (concentrated in the depth range 50–76 m) associated with sediments containing the greatest proportions of gravel and siltclay, and a predominantly sand-bottom fauna occurring mainly on the outer shelf (87–150 m). All station groups were dominated numerically by polychaetes (mean of 36·6–56% of individuals) with Mollusca (13·8–25%) or Crustacea (12·1–19·4%) the next most abundant group.The inshore sand fauna was the most distinct, characteristic elements being the trochid gastropod Antisolarium egenum, an amphipod of the genus Hippomedon and dense patches of the spionid polychaete Spiophanes bombyx. Diagnostic species of the mid-shelf mixed sediments were Lepidonotus jacksoni, Psammolyce antipoda, Lumbrineris brevicirra and Phyllamphicteis foliata (Polychaeta), Terenochiton otagoensis, Micrelenchus caelatus caelatus, Maoricolpus roseus roseus and Zegalerus tenuis (Mollusca), Ampelisca chiltoni (Amphipoda) and Amphipholis squamata (Ophiuroidea). Outer shelf sand stations were faunally less distinct, but among the more characteristic species were Euthalenessa fimbriata, Sigalion sp. and Euchone sp. (Polychaeta) and Gari stangeri (Bivalvia). Several abundant species were widely distributed among station groups, notably Nephtys macroura, Lumbrineris magalhaensis, Phyllochaetopterus socialis and Owenia fusiformis (Polychaeta) and Nucula nitidula and Tawera spissa (Bivalvia).Free-living lunulitiform Bryozoa of the genus Otionella were a characteristic component of inner and outer shelf sand faunas, and their inshore penetration probably marks the outer limit of a turbulent zone.Species diversity (Margalef's d) varied markedly across the shelf and appeared to be related primarily to the degree of sediment heterogeneity. Mixed sediments of the middle shelf were particularly rich in species.  相似文献   

Residence times of the three main channel systems of Manukau Harbour were calculated by methods based on the salinity measured in 10 tidal excursion segments: the freshwater replacement technique and a volume exchange model. The amount of freshwater present in the segments at high water was low (< 11% throughout the year), so salinities were high, with minimum values (winter) in each segment being in the range 30.1–34.0 (compared with a median value of 34.5 in the nearby coastal waters). The proportion of each segments’ volume which was exchanged with an adjacent segment during a tidal cycle varied markedly across the harbour, from ≤ 5 % in several shallow inner harbour segments to 65% in a deep segment adjacent to the entrance channel. For annual average conditions the freshwater replacement times of the channels were 11–18 days. Slightly longer residence times—12–26 days—were obtained from the volume exchange model. Calculated replacement times for two non‐conservative tracers— inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen—were approximately half those for freshwater, as 5–12% of these species disappeared from the water column each day.  相似文献   

Current meter, current drogue, salinity, temperature, and tidal elevation observations from Rangaunu Harbour are presented. The flow is dominated by the tides, the ebb tide in general being stronger than the flood. The time of high tide is increasingly delayed with distance from the open ocean. High tide at the head of the harbour lags about an hour behind that at the mouth. The phase of the flow relative to that of the elevation is less than that for a frictionless system. This difference from a quarter of a tidal period results from tidal energy dissipation and probably varies through the spring‐neap tidal cycle. The outer harbour has essentially coastal water which is exchanged each tide. Residence time of the inner harbour waters and the inner harbour shallows (where evaporation is sufficient to raise the salinity) is several days.  相似文献   

The pea crab Pinnotheres novaezelandiae Filhol (Brachyura: Pinnotheridac) infests the mussel Perna canaliculus (Gmelin) in Wellington Harbour. The crab passes through the same post‐planktonic stages as other pea crabs. The number of eggs hatching increases over summer, although females can be found incubating eggs at any time of the year. Shellfish below the level of low water neap tide are more heavily infested than those above this level. Damage to the host is restricted to erosion of the demibranchs and nodule formation on the mantle.  相似文献   

The distributions of the trace metals iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) along with hydrological parameters (salinity, temperature and reactive phosphate) across the New Zealand continental shelf near Otago Peninsula have been studied. This is a region in which the Subtropical Convergence (STC), a major oceanic front separating subtropical and subantarctic waters, is uniquely located close to land, permitting an examination of the influence of terrestrial sources of Fe and Cu on oceanic waters containing excess micronutrients. Acid-soluble (110 nmol kg−1) and dissolved (6.3 nmol kg−1) Fe concentrations were highest over the central shelf, and decreased rapidly across the mixing zone of the STC to about 5 nmol kg−1 for both forms. The distribution of acid-soluble and dissolved Cu were similar to their counterparts for Fe. Depth-concentration profiles for acid-soluble Fe and Cu suggest resuspension of shelf sediments is the main source. The ratio of oxine-labile to acid-soluble Fe varied from 0.03 to 0.26, with the highest values found in the near surface waters. Oxine-labile Fe and Cu also decreased in concentration in a seawards direction, and with depth, indicating the influence of near surface processes on the reactivity of these elements. Cd concentrations across the continental shelf were very low (<200 pmol kg−1) and exhibited no clear spatial trend and no correlation with phosphate. Comparison of the Cd/P ratio across the shelf indicated that the waters in this region were strongly depleted in Cd relative to P. Phosphate concentrations were lowest in neritic water and increased in the seawards direction because of mixing with nutrient-rich Subantarctic Surface Water.  相似文献   


Benthos near a sewage outfall discharging 69 000 m3 d?1 of municipal sewage into Tauranga Harbour was studied to determine the nature and extent of the impact caused by a small organic input. Sediment samples were collected about the outfall and analysed for particle size, sorting, mud content, readily oxidisable carbon (ROC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP), “oil and grease” (OG), and macroinvertebrates. It is concluded that observed patterns of physical sediment characteristics are mainly natural. Levels of ROC, TKN, TP, and OG were all highest at or nearby the outfall. However, chemical changes in the sediment related to the discharge seemed to be limited to within less than 50 m distance of the outfall. The distributions of ROC, TKN, and TP in the sediments were closely related to natural changes in mud content. The outfall had little effect on the distribution of total numbers of taxa or individuals, or the composition of macro‐invertebrate assemblages. Rather, these were most closely related to the (probably natural) variability in sediment particle size and sorting. Analysis of the distributions of common species showed that several were responding to the discharge, but such responses were limited to within 10 m of the outfall. Trie absence of extensive impact on benthos from the outfall probably related to high water velocities (up to 0.5 m sr?1 on a mean tide) over the outfall diffuser, which would ensure that any drop in sediment oxygen levels is small.  相似文献   

The oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios of 10 species of living Bryozoa collected from the Otago Shelf, New Zealand were analysed to assess the extent to which isotopic equilibrium (relative to inorganic equilibrium isotope fractionation) is attained during the precipitation of skeletal calcium carbonate. The data reveal that whereas eight species of Bryozoa synthesise skeletal carbonate in apparent oxygen isotope equilibrium with respect to environmental conditions, two species (Celleporina grandis and Hippomonavella flexuosa) yield δ18Ocalcite values which indicate significant disequilibrium oxygen isotope fractionation during calcification. Sufficient data are available from one species (C. grandis) to demonstrate that disequilibrium is probably related to kinetic factors associated with diffusion‐controlled transport of HCO3‐ to the site of calcite precipitation. Carbon isotope signatures indicate significant departures from inorganic isotope equilibrium in all but one bryozoan species (Hippomenella vellicata). Although greater uncertainties are associated with estimates of the isotopic composition of total dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CSDIC), the data suggest that two factors—kinetic fractionation and incorporation of respiratory CO2—are important in controlling carbon isotope disequilibrium. Where bryozoan species exhibit evidence for disequilibrium in both oxygen and carbon isotope systems (C. grandis, H. flexuosa), it is likely that kinetic factors are primarily responsible for observed departures from carbon isotope equilibrium. In contrast, the probable explanation for those species which display evidence for carbon isotope disequilibrium only, is that skeletal carbonate is precipitated from a DIC pool modified by the incorporation of respiratory CO2. Differences between the carbon isotope composition of skeletal elements from the same species and co‐existing species living in the same community suggests that significant variations may occur in the extent to which marine DIC and respiratory CO2 are utilised during calcification. Additional studies of carbon pathways associated with calcification are required to assess the relative effects of kinetic, metabolic, and environmental factors on the carbon isotopic composition of bryozoan skeletal carbonate.  相似文献   

Entrance morphologies and sediment characteristics were studied at Westport Harbour, a river mouth port located on the Buller River, New Zealand. The most frequent morphology found was that in which two submarine bars were present off the river mouth. When present, these bars were separated by a transverse channel running east from Carters Beach and terminating in the principal inlet channel. Sediment samples were collected and analysed for grain size, reliability (grain shape), and, in a few instances, mineralogy. The data collected suggested that longshore sediment transport is predominantly west to east and that river derived sediment is deflected to the east. The inner bar is predominantly a littoral drift related event whereas the outer bar, which is composed mainly of littoral drifted sediment, forms as a submarine extension of Carters Beach. Both bars can be modified by floods in the river, although modification of the outer bar is much less frequent because of the very high river flows required. Sediment can bypass directly across the river mouth only when the inner bar is present. On other occasions bypassing can only occur by transport through the transverse channel or over the outer bar, into the river channel and then onshore.  相似文献   

Balaena Bay, Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, has a small pocket beach that was covered originally by pebbles and cobbles. In February and October 1982, the beach was nourished with sandy granular gravel, the stability of which was monitored until February 1984. Although isolated from oceanic swell, the new beach readily responded to locally generated wind waves which induced both northwards and southwards longshore drift. The net effect was erosion of the southern beach, aggradation over the central beach, and minor fluctuations at the northern end. Yet despite this mobility nearly all the nourishment sediment was retained in the littoral zone. Beach volumes, calculated for each survey, varied little and sediment distribution patterns revealed negligable transport of nourishment sediment to adjacent beaches and offshore areas. Stability is further confirmed by compositional data which record no preferential loss of the sandstone, argillite, and quartz components. The only compositional changes were the incorporation into the new beach of small (< 10%) quantities of sediment derived from the old beach surface and from biogenic productivity.  相似文献   

Lugworms are important members of the macrobenthos of sheltered intertidal sediments, and this study assessed the abundance and distribution of Abarenicola affinis in Otago, southern New Zealand. Using a faecal cast:lugworm ratio (1.00:1.09) revealed a patchy distribution across inlets, with an overall mean abundance of 11.1 individuals/m2 (range: 3.8 to 21.3 individuals/m2). Distribution patterns varied among inlets, with lugworms mostly confined to the high intertidal zone, but spread across all intertidal zones in one inlet. The lugworm habitat was characterised by muddy to medium sand (55–233 µm mean grain size) with low organic matter (< 2%) and chlorophyll a (1–12 µg/g dry sediment) contents. Depending on the inlet, lugworm abundance was related to sediment parameters, indicating that their distribution across Otago inlets is habitat dependent. The present findings also indicate that factors other than those measured contribute to A. affinis distribution and abundance patterns in this region.  相似文献   

The population biology of the wedge shell Macomona liliana (Iredale, 1915) was studied at six sites on intertidal sandflats in Manukau Harbour over 2 years. Differences were found in the densities of bivalves between sites, and at each site large seasonal fluctuations in densities were also observed. Within‐site density fluctuations were mainly the result of changes in the numbers of juveniles (< 5 mm long). Length‐frequency distributions were dominated by a single mode associated with new recruits. The only major inter‐site difference was the scarcity of large bivalves at one site. Recruitment to the macrobenthos occurred over an extended period (summer to late winter or spring), but with markedly different levels of recruitment in the two successive years. Length‐frequency plots indicated that growth in the first year was 2–3 mm. The possible involvement of hydrodynamics, inter‐ and intraspecific interactions, and pollution on recruitment, and the importance of mortality and migration to post‐settlement survival are discussed.  相似文献   

Transport of seston (suspended sediment) in Pelorus Sound is controlled by tides and freshwater inflow. During high freshwater inflow, a moderately stratified estuarine circulation may be superimposed on the tidal circulation, but the latter dominates and transports seston seawards and landwards with the ebb and flood phases respectively. With extreme freshwater inflow, the estuarine circulation gains impetus and most seston is rapidly transported seaward in the low saline surface layer.

Irrespective of circulation there is a persistent trend in seston concentrations. Highest values occur at the sound's head because of the influence of nearby Pelorus and Kaituna Rivers and because of resuspension of bottom sediment by strong tidal currents. Seston concentrations wane along the sound until near the entrance, where values increase as a result of greater production of biogenic seston and because additional seston is brought in from Cook Strait with the flood tide. This trend parallels variability in the thicknesses of muddy bottom sediments. Muds are thick at the head where an extensive delta extends from the river mouths; muds gradually thin seaward and then thicken markedly in the vicinity of the sound entrance.

Seston weight and composition patterns and 3.5 kHz seismic profiles indicate Pelorus Sound acts as a double‐ended sediment trap. The upper reaches receive and retain river‐derived seston, whereas the sound entrance traps seston derived from Cook Strait. This situation appears to hold for both high and extremely high influxes of sediment.  相似文献   

A bloom of the green microalga Tetraselmis sp. in a small lagoon in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, is considered to have caused a fish kill of pilchards (Sardinops sagax). The fish deaths are attributed to anoxia brought about by a combination of reduced dissolved oxygen levels and the microalgae sticking to and clogging the secondary gill lamellae of the fish.  相似文献   

This investigation examines aspects of reproductive output in brooding wild male seahorses, Hippocampus abdominalis, from Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. Previously undocumented, such information is crucial to the management and protection of this species in relation to the CITES Appendix II‐listing of all seahorse species. Brooding males (n = 46) were captured and kept captive until the release of their juveniles, whereupon the number of juveniles was counted and sampled for standard length (SL) and dry weight (DW). SL (mean ± 1SE) of brooding males was 18.1 ± 0.6 cm and wet weight (WW) 17.6 ± 1.6 g. Number (mean ± 1SE) of juveniles released per brood was 271.2 ± 27. The number of juveniles produced was positively correlated with parent SL, WW, and brood pouch volume. Brood pouch volume was positively correlated with male SL. SL (mean ±1SE) of juveniles released was 16.7 + 0.2 mm and DW 1.2 ± 0.1 mg. Mean SL and DW of juveniles were not correlated with the number of juveniles per brood, parent male SL or parent male pouch volume. The percentage of pouch contents which were non‐viable (i.e., premature or non‐viable eggs) upon juvenile release was low (1.1 ± 0.2%; mean ±1SE of the total pouch contents). Based on findings in this study it is suggested that the CITES 10 cm minimum height restriction, which can be used in lieu of non‐detriment findings to allow sustainable exploitation of seahorses, is not suitable for H. abdominalis from Wellington Harbour as it would appear to only protect small males that produce low numbers of juveniles.  相似文献   

The long-term effects (>1 year) of a naturally occurring toxic plankton bloom (Karenia brevisulcata) on subtidal benthic macroinvertebrate communities were investigated in Wellington Harbour, a semi-enclosed temperate embayment in New Zealand. For 3 years communities were sampled at three different sites in the harbour. Analyses revealed that community recovery following the bloom was site-specific. Multivariate analyses indicated that at one site community composition was approaching recovery 3 years post-bloom. At the second site, a sequential recovery process was indicated, whereas at the third site the community composition oscillated from year to year, but did not show any signs of a sequential recovery process. The nature of the hydrodynamic regime was identified as a major factor influencing the observed recovery processes. Communities exposed to an active hydrodynamic regime were less affected by the bloom and differed little in their composition pre- and post-bloom, as they were naturally in a perpetual state of recovery as indicated by a dominance of r-selected species. The community at the hydrodynamically less active site was more affected by the bloom and exhibited temporal differences in composition consistent with successional models. Complete recovery to a pre-disturbance climax community dominated by K-selected species is likely to take 4–5 years, if not interrupted by other disturbances. Given the increased occurrence of harmful algal blooms worldwide, more monitoring and manipulative studies are needed to further evaluate the effects of such disturbances on macrobenthic communities.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2002,46(2):127-138
A combination of remote sensing, field surveys and sedimentological analysis of beach sands is used to assess changes of the shorelines consequent to the construction of a harbour at Damietta on the Nile Delta. The results indicate that harbour construction, and, in particular, the construction of two jetties that extend out from the harbour entrance, have created a discontinuity in the eastward-moving littoral drift. Imagery from Landsat Thematic Mapper provides crude assessments of the rate of up-drift accretion and down-drift erosion of the shorelines, despite the relatively coarse pixel size (30 m) and short time-scale of the monitoring period (1984–1987–1991). Conventional bathymetric surveys highlight changes in the nearshore environment associated with the growth of the updrift accretionary wedge and siltation of the harbour access channel. Beach sediments also provide a record of the changes in erosion and accretion-dominated process domains on both sides of the harbour entrance. The accretionary beaches west of the western jetty having a finer mean grain size with a tendency to poorer sorting skewed to the finer fraction and preferential increase in the assemblage of low-density non-opaque heavy minerals. The beach sands of the erosional shoreline east of the eastern jetty are characterised by coarser mean grain size with a tendency to better sorting skewed to the coarser fraction and heavy mineral assemblages dominated by opaques and high-density non-opaques. The synergistic use of remote sensing, bathymetric surveying and sedimentology provides evidence that changes have affected a much larger area than predicted at the time of harbour construction.  相似文献   

In the Great South Basin, within the Eocene section, at time-depths around 700–900 ms two way time below the seafloor, unusual features are observed on 3D seismic data closely associated with polygonal faults. The features, referred to as honeycomb structures (HS), cover an area of ∼600 km2, are packed circular, oval, to polygonal depressions 150–400 m across in plan view and several to 10 + m in amplitude. Polygonal faults rapidly die out at the Marshall Paraconformity, which is overlain by the Oligocene Penrod Formation. Hence the polygonal faults are inferred to have formed prior to the Marshall Paraconformity, and they cross-cut HS features. Consequently the top of the HS probably formed at burial depths of around 375–500 m, which is their decompacted depth below the paraconformity. The interval containing HS is about 125 m vertical thick. There are several possible origins for the HS. The most probable is related to bulk contraction of the sediment volume accompanied by fluid expulsion, which suggests a diagenetic origin, in particular the opal-A/CT transition. There are actually two polygonal fault systems (PFS) present in the area. The Southern Tier 1 PFS lies laterally to the HS and overlaps with it. The Northern PFS (Tier 2) lies above the HS, appears to be independent of the HS, and formed in the upper 200–300 m of the sediment column. The Tier 1 PFS probably formed by shear failure related to the same diagenetic effects that caused the HS.  相似文献   

New Zealand's brief history of human habitation has led to widespread and often irreversible change in the biophysical environment. Most of the wetlands were drained and de-forestation led to major gully and channel erosions and high amounts of sediment yield in the estuarine and marine environments. The scale of land-based effects on marine species is indeterminable. The legislation for managing the land–sea interface is widely acknowledged as having fallen short of its full potential. After the 2008 general election the new government commenced review of this legislation while consideration was given to ‘unlocking New Zealand's energy potential’ as a key component to an export-led economic recovery. The government is promoting oil, gas and mineral exploration on land and at sea. The government is also enacting boundaries that extend continental shelf jurisdiction. These developments may lead to further progress on an integrated system that covers all aspects of marine management that began in 2000. In any case, New Zealanders face important decisions regarding the tradeoffs between further resource utilisation and environmental protection. This article contributes to the discussion on integrated management to maintain a balance between utilisation and protection and does not reflect the view of the Ministry of Fisheries.  相似文献   

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