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《Marine Chemistry》1987,20(3):277-288
A solvent extraction method for measuring nanomolar concentrations of ammonium in seawater is described. The procedure is based on formation of indophenol in alkaline solution by reaction of phenol, hypochlorite and ammonia using sodium aquopentacyanoferrate as a coupling agent. Indophenol is then concentrated by extraction into n-hexanol at low pH and re-extraction into aqueous alkaline buffer. The concentration of indophenol blue is determined colorimetrically. The molar absorbance is 2.08 × 105 absorbance units per molar NH4+ in seawater with a precision of ± 1.9 nM NH4+ (95% Cl) for concentrations ≤ 50 nanomolar. This represents a 12-fold improvement in sensitivity and a 26-fold improvement in precision over standard aqueous analyses. Calibration curves are linear to at least 2 μM NH4+. Sensitivity in seawater is 97% of that found in deionized distilled water due to a slight salt effect.  相似文献   

Efforts to measure the rate of nitrogen recycling in natural waters have depended on estimates of ammonium production using the 15N isotope dilution method. This technique requires the removal of dissolved ammonium from the water sample for analysis of the 15N content. Steam distillation or micro-diffusion methods have been most commonly used, but these techniques are labor intensive and time consuming. We have attempted to simplify the measurement of the planktonic regeneration of ammonium by presenting a mercury precipitation technique which is simple, practical, and easily used at sea.  相似文献   

Estimating nitrogen transformation rates in aquatic ecosystems by isotope dilution techniques is simplified by directly measuring nitrogen isotopic ratios for NH4+ in the water using high performance cation exchange liquid chromatography (HPLC). Modifications of HPLC conditions and implementation of a median-area method for retention time determination improved and linearized a previously reported sigmoid relationship between the retention time shift (RTshift) of the NH4+ peak and the ratio of [15NH4+]: [Total NH4+] in seawater fortified with 15NH4+. Increasing the temperature of the HPLC column from 47 to 85 °C increased mobile phase buffer flow rate relative to column back pressure, decreased the retention time for NH4+, and allowed the buffer pH to be optimized relative to the pK of NH4+. The use of median-area rather than maximum-height to define the retention time of NH4+ further improved the linearity (r > 0.995) of the relationship between the ratio [15NH4+]: [Total NH4+] and RTshift over the range of isotope ratios. Reduction of NO3 to NH4+ by adding zinc dust to acidified (pH 2) seawater or lakewater samples, followed by pH neutralization, and subsequent analysis of NH4+ isotope ratios by HPLC, extended application of the method to isotope dilution experiments with NO3. Advantages of this direct-injection method over mass-measurement approaches traditionally used for isotope dilution experiments include small sample size and minimal sample preparation.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1986,19(2):139-151
A solvent extraction method for measuring nanomolar concentrations of silicic acid in seawater is described. The procedure is based on the formation of beta silicomolybdic acid by reaction of silicic and molybdic acids at low pH, extraction of the combined acid into n-butanol and reduction with a mixture of p-methylaminophenol sulfate and sulfite. The concentration of the resulting blue silicomolybdous acid in the extract is determined colorimetrically. The method has 30 times the sensitivity and 14 times the precision of standard aqueous analyses. Molar absorbance is 2.29 × 105 in seawater with a precision of ± 2.5 nM Si for concentrations <- 50 nanomolar. Sensitivity in seawater is 70% of that in deionized distilled water owing to a significant salt effect. Natural concentrations of arsenate, arsenite and germanic acid cause negligible interference; however, phosphate interference is equivalent to 11 ± 1 nM Si over a broad range of phosphate concentrations, resulting in an error of ± 1 nM in the corrected silicic acid concentration measurement.  相似文献   

Natural assemblages of marine bacteria were chosen in a batch culture experiments. The impact of varying nitrogen substrate concentrations and the substrate C:N ratios (C:NS) on the bacterial C:N ratio (C:NB), the bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) and ammonium regeneration was mainly examined. The C:NS ratios varied from 5:1 (carbon limitation) to 40:1 (nitrogen limitation) with varying combinations of glucose and NO3-. The C:NB ratio had positive relationship with the C:NS ratio (r=0.93, n=8), whose value was 3.77 when the C:NS ratio was 5:1 but increased to 6.47 when the C:NS ratio was 40:1. These results indicate that the C:NB ratio is a potential diagnostic tool for determining the bacterial growth in natural waters controlled by either, carbon or nitrogen. BGE decreased with the declining nitrate concentration and negatively related to C:Ns (r=-0.51, n=8). The average value of BGE was 0.20. This value was a little lower than other reports, which could be induced by the nitrogen source used in our experiments. Finally, regeneration time of ammonium delayed with the increasing C:NS ratio, which indicates that there were different metabolism mechanisms when bacterial growth was limited by carbon source and nitrogen source.  相似文献   

本文研究了南极普里兹湾海域悬浮颗粒物中的天然15N丰度,并就δ15N与POC、PON等生化要素之间的相关性进行了讨论,对δ15N含量分布特征的形成机制及其与物理、生物学过程的耦合进行了探讨,给出了南极普里兹湾悬浮颗粒物中的δ15N与POC、PON含量呈负相关关系;表层水中δ15N、POC和PON的分布和δ15N的垂直分布可能与涡流有关.  相似文献   

In this study, the 14N:15N ratio of suspended particulate material collected from the Tamar river estuary, south-west England, is described. Three populations of particles, distinguishable by their 15N content, were observed. This investigation has shown that populations of estuarine particles are generated by biological transformations in situ and that the 15N content of estuarine particles does not merely reflect hydrodynamic mixing of the freshwater and seawater source particulate material.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the determination of ammonium concentration and isotopic enrichment in seawater samples at the low nanomolar range (10–100 nmol/kg). It is based on the reaction of phenol/hypochlorite with ammonium to form indophenol, with subsequent solid phase extraction, derivatisation and analysis by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. The precision of the method was maximised by incorporating a deuterated indophenol internal standard. A system was developed which generated seawater with extremely low ammonium concentrations thus matching sample and standard matrices for quantitative analysis. Data are presented from a study of ammonium regeneration rates at three stations in the oligotrophic North–East Atlantic where ambient ammonium concentrations were < 21 nmol/kg. Results suggested that ammonium availability for phytoplankton was limited by the rate of ammonium regeneration. Efficient ammonium assimilation contributed to the very low ambient ammonium concentrations measured at these stations. The study highlights the need for the accurate determination of ammonium regeneration rates in studies of new production, particularly in extreme oligotrophic conditions. If not corrected for isotope dilution, f-ratio estimates may be overestimated by 10.7–13.7%.  相似文献   

Because organic matter originating in the euphotic zone of the ocean may have a distinctive nitrogen isotope composition (15N/14N), as compared to organic matter originating in terrestrial soils, it may be used to evaluate the relative nitrogen contribution to marine and estuarine sediment. The nitrogen isotope ratios of 42 sediment samples of total nitrogen and 38 dissolved pore-water ammonium samples from Santa Barbara Basin sediment cores were measured. The range of δ15N values for total nitrogen was +2.89 – +9.4‰ with a mean of +6.8‰ and for pore water ammonium, +8.2 – +12.4‰ with a mean of 10.2‰.The results suggest that the dissolved ammonium in the pore water is produced from bacterial degradation of marine organic matter. The range of δ15N values for total nitrogen in the sediment is interpreted as resulting from an admixture of nitrogen derived from marine (+10‰) and terrestrial (+2‰ marines. The marine component of this mixture, composed principally of calcium carbonate with smaller amounts of opal and organic matter, contains ~ 1.0% nitrogen. The terrestrial component, which comprises over 80% of the sediment, contains ~ 0.1% organically bound nitrogen and accounts for > 25% of the total nitrogen in Santa Barbara Basin sediment.  相似文献   

Underwater census and single‐pass electrofishing were compared for estimating relative abundance of juvenile brown trout in the Kakanui River, South Island, NZ. Mean sampling efficiency was lower, and the variability of sampling efficiency was much greater, for underwater census (0+ trout: x = 0.38, s = 0.368; 1+ trout: x = 0.62, s = 0.822) than for single‐pass electrofishing (0+ trout: x = 0.61, s = 0.143; 1+ trout: x = 0.74, s = 0.171). Sampling efficiency of both methods was dependent on temperature. Electrofishing became less efficient at higher temperatures whereas underwater census became less efficient at colder temperatures. The low, and highly variable, sampling efficiency for underwater census of 0+ brown trout was related to substrate hiding behaviour which is dependent on temperature. A ratio method for comparing relative abundance estimates is presented. Minimum significance values for the ratio (R) were derived for 0+ trout using temperature adjusted sampling efficiencies. To be statistically significant, relative abundance estimates made by underwater census had to differ by a factor of 6–7 times, whereas those made by single‐pass electrofishing had to differ only by about 2 times, depending on the number of fish counted. By confining comparisons of relative abundance estimates made by underwater census to the summer period, differences of about 3.5–4 times could be detected statistically. It was concluded that single‐pass electrofishing is superior to underwater census for estimating the relative abundance of juvenile brown trout in shallow (< 1 m) river habitat, especially when temperature varies widely as with season and time of day.  相似文献   

海水中低含量铵氮的高灵敏度荧光法测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种改进的、可测定海水中低含量铵氮的高灵敏度荧光分析方法。其原理是在硼酸缓冲溶液的作用下,海水中的铵氮与邻苯二甲醛(OPA)发生衍生化反应,通过测定生成的荧光产物来确定水体中铵氮的浓度。方法的检测限极低(0.002 5μmol/L),重现性好,且水样用量少(10 mL),适用于海水中溶解有机物的光铵化研究及其他低铵含量水样的测定。  相似文献   

A method has been developed for determination of15N isotope ratio in nitrate nitrogen, which is a major analytical step in tracer experiments for studies of nitrate metabolism in the marine environment. The method is based on diazotization of nitrite with sulfanilic acid following reduction of nitrate to nitrite by a cadmium-copper column. The diazonium compound is then subject to the azo coupling reaction with 2-naphthol, and the azo dye formed is extracted by a solid phase extraction column. The dye eluted from the column is collected, and total nitrogen and15N content of the dye are determined by mass spectrometry. Sulfanilic acid can also remove preexisting nitrite by heating the sample under acidic conditions before passing through the cadmium-copper reduction column. The average recovery of nitrate nitrogen was 86%. A procedure for reducing the background nitrogen that derives from the analytical operations has been developed; background nitrogen was limited to about 0.25 μg-atomN. The variation in the background nitrogen levels reflects the range of error in15N determination of nitrate nitrogen by this method. Application of the present method to a15NO3 isotope dilution experiment for determination of nitrification rate in sea water is demonstrated.  相似文献   

本研究利用铵锌镉还原法将海水、湖水和自来水水体中硝酸盐转化为N2O气体测试氮、氧同位素, 结果表明当反应体系的pH值在6~8之间, NO3-还原为NO2-的转化率大于95%, NO2-还原为N2O的转化率大于99%。配置5种丰度的硝酸盐氮、氧同位素标样, 将实验结果与理论值绘制校准曲线, 氮同位素校准曲线斜率为0.48, 相关性良好(R2=0.999 8), 5种丰度δ15NN2O标准偏差在0.18‰~0.43‰之间(n=5);氧同位素校准曲线斜率为0.70, 相关性良好(R2=0.999 6), 5种丰度δ18ON2O标准偏差在0.27‰~0.46‰之间(n=5)。铵锌镉还原法与镉柱还原法测定硝酸盐氮、氧同位素结果的精密度和准确度一致, 同时海水、湖水和自来水3种不同类型水样的硝酸盐氮、氧同位素测试数据满足实验要求, 而且在实验流程的简洁性和高效性方面更具优势。  相似文献   

A detailed examination of a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method for liquid samples in the analysis of total nitrogen dissolved in seawater is reported. The nitrogenous compounds in liquid samples are oxidized on a platinum catalyzer at 680°C under oxygen atmosphere and the generated NO2 is absorbed into a chromogenic reagent, followed by a spectrophotometric determination. The results of this method are much higher than those of wet oxidation methods. Molecular size dependency of the results clearly indicates that the above discrepancy is caused by the low oxidation capacity of the wet oxidation method against high-polymer organic matter dissolved in seawater. The results revealed that the concentration of total nitrogen in seawater is nearly constant from surface to bottom, ranging from 30 to 40 μM 1?1, which organic nitrogen concentration higher in the surface layer, and a rapid decrease with depth. An examination of molecular size distribution indicates that the concentration of high-polymer organic nitrogen decreases rapidly from surface to deeper layers, with molecular sizes ranging from 5 × 103 to 3 × 104. Because of the well-defined principle of the oxidation process, its reliability, ease of sample handling and of analytical procedure on board or in the land laboratory, the present method is much more suitable for the marine analytical chemistry of total and organic nitrogen than the other previous methods.  相似文献   

为了验证细菌反硝化法对水体中硝酸盐氮、氧同位素组成测定的适用性、重现性及准确性, 在不同时间(2019年7月28日、8月19日、8月26日)利用反硝化细菌分别将海水、湖水和自来水样品中的硝酸盐转化为氧化亚氮(N2O), 并进行氮、氧同位素测定。结果表明, 不同时间段3个批次实验的硝酸盐氮同位素校准曲线斜率都接近理论值1, 相关性系数均高于0.999, 说明反硝化细菌在将样品中的硝酸盐全部还原为N2O的过程中氮同位素分馏效应很小; 同一样品3个批次测定的硝酸盐的氮同位素值基本相同, 表明细菌反硝化法对硝酸盐氮同位素的测定在长时间周期内具有很好的重现性和准确性。3个批次氧同位素校准曲线斜率稳定在0.61~0.63之间, 相关性系数均高于0.99, 单批次内海水、湖水和自来水3类样品中硝酸盐氧同位素比值的标准偏差范围在0.18‰~0.69‰之间, 表明经过氧同位素校准曲线的校正, 可以准确反映样品中硝酸盐氧同位素组成; 同一样品3个批次测定的氧同位素值差异较大, 其变化范围为1.33‰~16.38‰, 可能是由于样品储存过程中硝酸盐与水之间发生的氧同位素交换作用所致。  相似文献   

In this study, the dispersal of wastes from offshore fish farms was evaluated by analyzing nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) in macroalgae incubated in the water column at sites located at an increasing distance from the fish cages. Bioassays were performed at three fish farms situated in separate localities with different nutritional conditions (Canary Islands, Murcia and Catalonia) and varying in size, species of fish reared and annual production. Macroalgal bioassays were carried out in two different directions (DI and DII) and they were replicated at each distance in order to evaluate the effect of small-scale variability on the spatial extent of fish farm wastes. The results obtained with δ15N contribute to a better understanding of the application of nitrogen stable isotopes ratios in macroalgae as an effective bioindicator for tracing the dispersion of offshore fish farm wastes, and demonstrate that fish farm wastes can be traced even over distances of some km from the pollution source. In the Canary Islands, the maximum distance obtained for detection of fish farm wastes was between 450 and 700 m. Of the three installations studied, Murcia presented the greatest distance for detection of fish farm waste influence, ranging from between 1550 and 2450 m, whilst in Catalonia this distance was less than 120 m. In Catalonia, the results were masked by the influence of other sources of nitrogen, and thus fish farm wastes were detected at more reduced distances than expected. These results confirm that fish farm wastes can be traced using the nitrogen stable isotope ratios of macroalgae and that this method can also be useful for identifying areas of potential risk to some sensitive ecosystems, and as an early signal that changes in the community structure might occur.  相似文献   

以蒸馏法为基础, 研究了适合海水中铵盐稳定氮同位素分析的预处理方法。对蒸馏法预处理过程中的最佳蒸馏时间、沸石的选取、铵盐最适浓度范围等分别进行改进和优化, 获得稳定、高效的海水中铵盐氮稳定同位素分析预处理方法。结果表明: 最佳蒸馏时间为50 min, 铵盐的回收率为(97±5.8)%。测定了不同沸石对不同浓度氨氮的吸附率, 筛选出酸性条件下铵氮吸附效率较高且稳定的康华科技沸石; 确定铵盐的最佳适用浓度范围为2~10 μmol/L, 在该浓度范围内氮回收率94%~99%,氮分馏系数为0.1‰~0.8‰。将此方法应用于长江口海域水样分析, 结果表明, 这一方法可以应用于河口中铵盐的氮同位素分析, 能够为河口中溶解态氮的来源及循环机理等研究提供有效信息。  相似文献   

The concentration of Ca in the formation waters of petroleum reservoirs can play a major role in influencing the outcome of a number of processes that are of great significance to the oil industry. For example, formation water Ca concentration affects the risk of carbonate scale formation during production. In order to better understand the concentrations of Ca in formation waters, we have investigated the chemistries of formation waters from a range of onshore and offshore basins worldwide, using published sources, as well as unpublished data held by BP. Although calcium and sodium are the principal cations in almost all formation waters they vary enormously in their relative proportions. We have identified three distinct trends on a plot of XCa (Ca/(Na + Ca)) against Cl. Most data lie on a high-Ca trend, here termed Trend 1, and show an increase in XCa with salinity. We interpret this as tracking equilibration with Ca and Na-bearing minerals, with the ratio (mol Ca/mol Na2) remaining approximately constant irrespective of salinity for chloride-dominated fluids. At very high salinities, Br-enriched bittern brines that have taken part in dolomitisation lie at the Cl-rich end of this trend. Some brines remain Na-dominated up to very high salinities and define a distinct low-Ca trend, Trend 2. These are associated with dissolution of halite beds and are interpreted to arise when the amount of Na in the pore fluid greatly exceeds the amount of Ca available in minerals. We refer to such brines as mass-limited; the sparsity of Ca in the rock-fluid system constrains XCa to a low value. Remarkably few brines lie between these trends. Finally, dilute formation waters show very large variations in XCa and may have bicarbonate as the dominant anion. They define a distinct low-Cl trend, Trend 3. We conclude that the behaviour of Na and Ca in most formation waters reflects equilibration with minerals, and concentrations of Ca in solution are sensitive to pH and PCO2 as well as to chloride concentration. For some brines however, the amount of salts in solution is sufficient to overwhelm the buffering capacity of the wallrocks.  相似文献   

Non volatile N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at room temperature is proposed as a new solvent for determining the chlorophylla in cultured and natural phytoplankton samples. Advantages of DMF compared to the solvents ordinarily used are (1) higher extraction efficiency, (2) rapid extraction time of 30 min, (3) simple extraction procedure requiring neither extra heating nor grinding, but soaking, and (4) a long stable life of chlorophylla (at least one month at 5°C in the dark).  相似文献   

Hydroacoustic methods are particularly suitable for investigations of the occurrence, cyclicity and amount of bubbles released at cold seeps without disturbing them. Experiments with a horizontally looking single beam transducer (40 and 300 kHz) directed towards artificially produced bubbles show that the backscattering strength of the bubbles increases with the gas flux rate independently of the bubble radii distribution. It is demonstrated that an acoustic system can be calibrated in such a way that gas flux rates of bubble-size spectra, as observed at natural seeps, can be directly related to the echo level of a known, acoustically insonified volume. No system-specific parameters have to be known except the beam width.  相似文献   

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