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Abundances of twenty four trace elements, including Y and fourteen rare earth elements (REE), are reported for eighty six geological reference materials and four proficiency testing samples. Analytical data were obtained by ICP-MS using solution nebulisation after mixed acid digestion (HF-HClO4) under pressure. Analysed samples cover a wide range of element concentrations and mineralogical compositions, including samples for which there are few previously published data. Precision for elemental determinations in nearly 90% of the samples analysed is better than 5%. Accuracy, estimated by comparison with data from compilations is better than 6% for well characterized reference materials. Results obtained for samples that are low in trace elements are often significantly lower than compiled reference values. A critical discussion of the compiled data sets, especially for Y and the REEs, indicates that some reference values seem to be erroneous.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry is well suited for the precise, accurate and rapid determination of rare earth elements in most geological samples. However, determination of rare earth elements in certain mantle-derived materials, without applying preconcentration techniques, remains problematical due to low natural concentrations (generally < 1 ng g−1). Consequently, USGS reference materials DTS-1 (a dunite) and PCC-1 (a partially serpentinized harzburgite) have only suggested rather than recommended values for the rare earth elements in reference material compilations. We compared results obtained using two ICP-MS instruments: a U-5000AT ultrasonic nebuliser coupled to a PQ2+ quadrupole ICP-MS and an ELEMENT sector field ICP-MS equipped with a MCN-6000 microconcentric desolvating nebuliser, with the suggested literature values for these two reference materials. Precision and accuracy of analytical methods employed by both instruments were demonstrated by excellent relative standard deviations (< 2%) and inter-laboratory agreement (< 5%) for numerous analyses of BHVO-1 and BIR-1, which are well established with rare earth elements contents at the μg g−1 level. Repeat analyses of DTS-1 and PCC-1 at each laboratory indicate that each method is generally precise to better than 5% at sub-g g−1 levels. Furthermore, values from both instruments generally agree to within 10%. Our DTS-1 and PCC-1 values agree reasonably well with selected data reported in the literature (except for Ce and Sm in DTS-1) but exhibit poorer agreement with reported compilation values. With the demonstrated level of precision and accuracy, we contend that these new values for DTS-1 and PCC-1, generated by two different instruments, are the best estimates of the true whole-rock composition of these samples reported to date.  相似文献   

We report silicon isotopic determinations for USGS rock reference materials BHVO-1 and BHVO-2 using a Nu Plasma multi-collector (MC)-ICP-MS, upgraded with a new adjustable entrance slit, to obtain medium resolution, as well as a stronger primary pump and newly designed sampler and skimmer cones ("B" cones). These settings, combined with the use of collector slits, allowed a resolution to be reached that was sufficient to overcome the 14N16O and 14N2 interferences overlying the 30Si and the 28Si peaks, respectively, in an earlier set-up. This enabled accurate measurement of both δ30Si and δ29Si. The δ value is expressed in per mil variation relative to the NBS 28 quartz reference material. Based on data acquired from numerous sessions spread over a period of six months, we propose a recommended average δ30Si of −0.33 ± 0.05‰ and −0.29 ± 0.11‰ (2se) for BHVO-1 and BHVO-2, respectively. Our BHVO grand mean silicon isotope composition (δ30Si =−0.31 ± 0.06‰) is significantly more negative than the only published value for BHVO-2, but is in very good agreement with the recently established average value of ocean island basalts (OIB), confirming the conclusion that the OIB reservoir has a distinct isotopic composition from the solar reservoir as sampled by chondrites.  相似文献   

建立了高分辨电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-MS)测定地球化学样品中钪、钇、镧、铈、镨、钕、钐、铕、钆、铽、镝、钬、铒、铥、镱和镥的分析方法。样品经氢氟酸-硝酸-硫酸-王水消解,试液直接用HR-ICP-MS测定钪、钇和14种稀土元素。用高分辨模式有效地避免了多原子离子及难熔氧化物离子对待测元素测定的干扰,为钪、钇和14种稀土元素选择了最佳的测定同位素和合适的分辨率;用地球化学标准物质制备的溶液优化仪器工作参数,确定了最佳的仪器测定条件。方法检出限(6σ)为0.003~0.013μg/g(稀释因子为1000),相对标准偏差(RSD,n=12)小于6%。方法经国家一级地球化学标准物质验证,测定值与标准值吻合。  相似文献   

摘要:珍珠岩是十分重要的非金属矿,被广泛应用于建筑、水处理、农业等领域。目前,国内外尚未有珍珠岩成分分析标准物质,为满足针对珍珠岩的研究需要,本文研制了河南商城的珍珠岩成分分析标准物质(GBW07137)。对Ag、As、B、Ba、Be、Bi、Cd、Co、Cr、Cs、Cu、Ga、Hf、Hg、In、Li、Mo、Nb、Ni、Pb、Rb、Sb、Sc、Sn、Sr、Ta、Th、U、V、W、Zn、Zr、SiO2、Al2O3、TFe2O3、FeO、MgO、CaO、Na2O、K2O、MnO、TiO2、P2O5、LOI、TC、稀土元素等15项60种成分进行均匀性和稳定性检验,绝大部分成分的RSD小于3%,方差检验的F值均小于临界值F0.05(29, 60)=1.65,表明该标准物质均匀性良好。在稳定性考察期内,60种成分的含量没有统计学意义的明显差异,表明该标准物质稳定性良好。通过9家协作实验室采用重量法、容量法、电感耦合等离子体质谱/发射光谱法等比较有针对性的定值方法来确保珍珠岩定值成分的准确性。按照《标准物质定值的通用原则及统计学原理》进行数据的统计处理,采用格拉布斯法、狄克逊法进行离群值检验。经统计,珍珠岩标准物质原始数据共2500项,剔除68个离群值数据,剔除率为2.7%。经过对定值测试数据的统计处理,确定了本次研制的珍珠岩成分分析标准物质的标准值和不确定度。最终定值成分63种,涵盖了主量、微量及全部稀土元素,其中三种主量成分MgO、CaO和TFe2O3的含量低于1%,可以与现有的硅酸盐标准物质含量形成梯度。该珍珠岩标准物质在岩石地球化学研究及质量监控中能发挥作用, 也可为珍珠岩的科学利用和研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)分析化探样品中的痕量银,通常在标准模式下用干扰校正法或动能歧视模式进行测定。银的两个稳定同位素均受锆和铌的氧化物或氢氧化物的质谱干扰,对于干扰元素锆、铌含量较高而银含量低的样品,测定误差较大,需要将干扰元素与银分离。本方法采用硝酸、氢氟酸、高氯酸消解样品,浓盐酸复溶提取,加入磷酸使大部分溶出的干扰元素锆、铌转化为难溶的磷酸盐化合物,通过沉淀与待测元素银分离。ICP-MS测定时以103Rh为内标,用90Zr16O+同质量数的同位素106Pd间接校正91Zr16O+、90Zr16O1H+对107Ag的质谱干扰。经国家一级标准物质验证,分析结果在标准值的允许误差范围内,相对标准偏(n=12)为4.3%~12.1%,方法检出限(3SD)为0.0072μg/g。本方法适合土壤、水系沉积物及岩石等化探样品中痕量银的分析。样品处理中引入的磷酸不影响其他常规元素,可用同一份消解液进行测定。  相似文献   

1986年至2007年期间,中国先后研制了适用于区域地球化学调查、矿产勘查与评价、采矿与选冶等不同工作需求的背景、异常、中等、高含量以及矿化、边界品位、精矿等不同品级的痕量金和矿石金系列标准物质。经过多年使用尤其是近年来使用量的递增,这些标准物质中多数样品已经或已近耗尽,急需研制替代的标准物质。2016—2018年,本文严格按照国家一级标准物质研制的相关规范,开展了7个痕量金(GBW07805、GBW07806、GBW07243~GBW07247)和3个矿石金[GBW(E)070012、GBW07807、GBW07299]地球化学标准物质的复制工作。在全国范围内选采了矿床和介质类型具有代表性的候选物,经粗碎、烘干、组合配置、细碎、过筛、混匀等步骤制备而成。经粒度检查,样品粒径达到0.74μm的累计含量达到99%以上,符合规范要求。本系列标准物质采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)、火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)及石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GFAAS)等经典可靠的分析方法测定金含量,每个样品随机抽取25瓶子样进行均匀性检验测试,相对标准偏差(RSD)均都小于10%,方差检验的F值均小于单尾临界值F_(0.05(24,25))=1.98,表明样品均匀性良好。在一年的考察期内,定值成分未发现统计学意义上的明显变化,证明样品的稳定性良好。由中国5家具有金测试经验、技术力量强的实验室,采用经典可靠的多种测试方法共提供了292组分析数据完成定值测试。原始数据经统计检验并剔除可疑值后符合正态分布,以算术平均值作为标准值,并按照最新规范详细评定了不确定度。复制的标准物质量值准确可靠,不确定度合理。与原批次相比,两个批次的认定值基本一致,定值数据的标准偏差呈缩小趋势,符合标准物质复制的要求。本系列金标准物质含量范围广,适用于不同含量级次的量值比对和分析监控,可以满足地质矿产研究、区域地球化学调查、金矿勘查与评价的需要。  相似文献   

This paper presents data on REE and Y, Nb, Zr, Hf, Ta, Th and U abundances for two candidate reference materials (RMs), spinel lherzolite LSHC-1 and amphibole Amf-1, being currently developed at the Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk. To determine the contents of these elements inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was applied with: (i) solution nebulisation (solution ICP-MS) and (ii) laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS) of fused glass disks. The precision of results obtained by both techniques was better than 6% RSD for most elements. Accuracy was assessed by using the geochemical RMs JB-2, JGb-1 (GSJ) and MAG-1 (USGS). The trace element results by solution ICP-MS for JGb-1 and JB-2 agree with reference values presented by Imai et al. (1995, this Journal) within 1–10%. Significant differences were found for Nb and Ta determinations. The accuracy of LA-ICP-MS results evaluated by RM MAG-1 was within 4%, except for Eu (about 10%). The analytical results obtained for LSHC-1 and Amf-1 by solution ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS were in good agreement with each other and with INAA and XRF data presented for the certification of these RMs. They can be considered as the indicative values for assigning certified values to the above-mentioned RMs.  相似文献   

Data are reported for rare earth elements (REE) in three geological glass reference materials (BIR-1G, BHVO-2G and BCR-2G) using a UV (266 nm) laser ablation ICP-MS system and the classical (HF-HClO4) acid decomposition method, followed by conventional nebulisation ICP-MS. External calibration of laser ablation analyses was performed using NIST SRM reference materials with internal standardisation using 29Si and 44Ca. Replicate analyses of reference basaltic glasses yielded an analytical precision of 1-5% (RSD) for all the elements by solution ICP-MS and 1-8% (RSD) by laser ablation ICP-MS. The relative differences between the REE concentrations measured by solution and laser ablation ICP-MS compared with the reference values were generally less than 11 % for most elements. The largest deviations occurred for La determined by solution ICP-MS in BIR-1G. The results of both solution and laser ablation ICP-MS agreed well, generally better than 7%, with the exception of La, Pr and Sm in BIR-1G. The measured REE laser ablation data for BIR-1G, BHVO-2G and BCR-2G agreed with the previously published data on these basaltic reference glasses, within a range of 0-10% for most elements. No significant influences were observed for the predicted spectral interferences on some REE isotopes in the analysis of basaltic glasses.  相似文献   




报道了三种玄武岩标准样品(BCR-2、BIR-1a和GBW 07105)的铁铜锌同位素数据。实验使用HNO3-HF混合酸消解玄武岩标准样品;AGMP-1阴离子交换树脂分离提纯样品中的铜铁锌,利用多接收等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICPMS)测定铁铜锌同位素比值,分析过程中使用样品-标准-样品交叉法校正仪器的质量分馏。实验得到BCR-2、BIR-1a和GBW 07105标准样品的高精度铁铜锌同位素组成(95%置信水平的不确定度)分别为:δ56FeBCR-2-IRMM014=0.070‰±0.018‰(2SD),δ65 CuBCR-2-SRM976=0.16‰±0.04‰(2SD),δ66 ZnBCR-2-IRMM3702=-0.072‰±0.020‰(2SD);δ56 FeBIR-1a-IRMM014=0.044‰±0.026‰(2SD),δ65CuBIR-1a-SRM976=0.027‰±0.019‰(2SD),δ66 ZnBIR-1a-IRMM3702=0.085‰±0.032‰(2SD);δ56FeGBW 07105-IRMM014=0.126‰±0.039‰(2SD),δ65 CuGBW 07105-SRM976=0.12‰±0.01‰(2SD),δ66ZnGBW 07105-IRMM3702=0.22‰±0.03‰(2SD)。这些数据在误差(不确定度)范围内与国际上已发表的数据是一致的。三个玄武岩标准样品的铁铜锌同位素组成数据的发表为铁铜锌同位素研究提供了统一的标准,使地质样品的铁铜锌同位素数据的质量监控成为可能。  相似文献   

等离子体质谱法直接测定地球化学样品中金铂钯   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
建立了王水分解地球化学样品报直接用等离子体质谱法测定Au、Pd和Pt的分析方法。方法测定下限为Au4,0ng/g,Pd3.6ng/g,Pt2.4ng/g,方法精密度(RSD,n=12)为Au14.2%,Pd3.6%-5.2%,Pt6.6%-10.8%,三个元素的线性范围都为0.02-300μg/L。采用文中制定的分析方法直接测定了国家一级地球化学标准物质中的Au、Pd、Pt,在测定下限以上的测定结果与标准值吻合。  相似文献   

江西赣南地区是典型的硒缺乏地理分布区,但近年来研究成果表明该地区稻谷富硒率高,土壤与稻谷富硒存在不一致的原因尚不明确,探讨土壤和稻谷硒含量特征和土壤硒的生物有效性,对赣南地区富硒土地资源利用和富硒农产品开发具有重要意义。本文以赣县清溪地区为研究对象,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱/发射光谱(ICP-MS/OES)等方法测定了研究区1734件表层土壤、57组稻谷及配套根系土硒等元素含量及硒形态地球化学指标;系统分析了区内土壤硒含量和分布特征、稻谷硒含量特征,探讨了根系土硒生物有效性的影响因素。结果表明:研究区表层土壤以足硒、富硒区为主,土壤硒含量与成土母岩关系密切,不同成土母岩区土壤硒含量规律为:古生代变质岩>中生代花岗岩>新元古代变质岩>中生代陆源碎屑岩>新生代第四系。根系土硒含量均未达到富硒土壤标准,稻谷富硒率为64.91%,稻谷对土壤硒的富集能力强(富集系数20.05%),当根系土硒含量≥0.25mg/kg时,水稻富硒率高达70.83%,能够稳定产出优质富硒水稻。硒的赋存形态是影响土壤硒生物有效性的主要因素,土壤总硒含量较低时,水溶态、离子可交换态、碳酸盐结合态硒的占比高,从而提升了硒的生物有效性;有机质含量低,对硒吸附能力弱,也是硒生物有效性高的重要原因。本研究认为,赣县清溪地区富硒、足硒土壤开发利用时,综合考虑土壤硒含量、土壤理化指标、硒形态对土壤硒生物有效性的影响,有利于科学指导天然富硒土地划定和富硒水稻产业开发。  相似文献   

A basaltic certified reference material BEM, prepared by Chengdu University of Technology, has recently been approved as a Primary Grade Reference Material (GBW07126) by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China. BEM was sampled from the Emeishan Basalts in China, which is one of the largest basalt provinces in the world. After successfully completing homogeneity and stability tests, collaborative analyses were carried out in seventeen Chinese institutes and laboratories and two American laboratories. More than ten reliable analytical methods based on different principles of measurement were adopted, of which ICP-MS, NAA and ICP-AES contributed 60.5% of all results. Fifty-four elements and oxide components were characterised as certified values, four elements as recommended values and nine elements as information values. A minimum sampling mass of 40 mg for most elements is recommended for use.  相似文献   

This review of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry includes research that employed quadrupole instruments, and single-collector and multicollector magnetic sector field instruments. The most important trend in 2004–2005 was the growing appreciation that small matrix effects in LA-(MC)-ICP-MS need to be addressed in order to produce highly precise and accurate data by the method. The issue is most acute for isotope ratio measurements that require standard-sample-standard bracketing but can also be important for certain elemental analysis. Matrix-dependent elemental and isotopic fractionations were studied from the standpoint of laser-sample interactions and the behaviour of laser-generated particles in the ablation cell, transfer tubing and ICP torch. Innovations in LA-(MC)-ICP-MS involved signal smoothing, in torch laser ablation, on-line isotope dilution and molecular oxide monitoring. Other important research was carried out on the calibration and homogeneity of various reference materials; and the exploration of mature ( in situ U-Pb geochronology) and emerging (apatite fission-track chronometry, U-Th/He thermochronology, boron/strontium/uranium-series isotopic microanalysis) applications in the Earth sciences.  相似文献   

杨榕  顾铁新  潘含江  刘妹  赵凯 《岩矿测试》2023,42(2):420-431
20世纪80年代至今,中国已研制了9种茶叶成分标准物质。中国地质调查局于2004年下达中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所研制的一套适用于覆盖区农业生态地球化学评价的生物地球化学系列标准物质,其中包括两种茶叶标准物质,定值组分60余项,包括植物营养元素、有毒、有害元素和重金属污染元素以及人们关心的一些微量营养元素等,满足了相关食品卫生安全及生物样品成分检验分析的需要,取得了显著的社会效益。随着农业生态地质调查工作全面部署和展开,对生物样品的分析测试任务加大,对相应地球化学标准物质的需求也随之增加。本文复制了GBW10016a和GBW10052a两种茶叶标准物质,候选物分别为福建武夷山乌龙茶和江西上饶市婺源绿茶。研制过程严格按照JJG 1006—1994、JJF 1343—2012和JJF1646—2017等相关规范要求,侯选物经粗碎、干燥、细碎、过筛、混匀等步骤制备而成,经统计学检验,样品均匀,稳定性良好,定值采用多家实验室合作定值的方式进行,优选国内技术实力较强、仪器设备先进、且有相关标准物质定值测试经验的11家实验室,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱/发射光谱法(ICP-MS/OES)、原子荧光光谱法(AFS)等准确可靠的方法共分析61项指标。GBW10016a最终给出认定值54项,参考值3项;GBW10052a定值57项,参考值3项。本次研制的茶叶标准物质定值成分多样、量值准确可靠,符合国家一级标准物质的要求。与原批次标准物质相比,GBW10016a定值指标增加了Ag和Sn,Ge和Tl由原批次的参考值升级为标准值;GBW10052a增加了Al、Ag、Cl、I、N、S、Sb、Sc、Si及Sn由原批次的参考值升级为标准值。本次复研制的标准物质,在同类型中占据重要地位,研制过程严格按照相关规范执行,测试方法经典可靠,定值结果准确度高,于2019年被审批为国家一级标准物质,能够有效支撑农业生态环境地球化学调查与评价、生物样品的分析及食品与农产品分析测试的需要。  相似文献   

A new natural zircon reference material SA01 is introduced for U‐Pb geochronology as well as O and Hf isotope geochemistry by microbeam techniques. The zircon megacryst is homogeneous with respect to U‐Pb, O and Hf isotopes based on a large number of measurements by laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Chemical abrasion isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (CA‐ID‐TIMS) U‐Pb isotopic analyses produced a mean 206Pb/238U age of 535.08 ± 0.32 Ma (2s, n = 10). Results of SIMS and LA‐ICP‐MS analyses on individual shards are consistent with the TIMS ages within uncertainty. The δ18O value determined by laser fluorination is 6.16 ± 0.26‰ (2s, n = 14), and the mean 176Hf/177Hf ratio determined by solution MC‐ICP‐MS is 0.282293 ± 0.000007 (2s, n = 30), which are in good agreement with the statistical mean of microbeam analyses. The megacryst is characterised by significant localised variations in Th/U ratio (0.328–4.269) and Li isotopic ratio (?5.5 to +7.9‰); the latter makes it unsuitable as a lithium isotope reference material.  相似文献   

建立了蒸馏分离-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定地球化学样品中痕量钌和锇的分析方法。进行了蒸馏温度和时间、氧化剂、吸收液等条件的选择,消除了等离子体质谱法测定钌和锇的干扰。样品用过氧化钠熔融,酸化后以高锰酸钾-过硫酸钾-氯化钠作为同时蒸馏钌和锇的氧化剂,采用20 mL 50 g/L水合肼溶液同时吸收从混合物中分离出来的痕量钌和锇,用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定。方法的检出限Ru为0.020 ng/g,Os为0.015 ng/g;方法加标回收率Ru为94.0%~102.7%,Os为96.0%~102.4%;精密度为4.72%~9.58%(n=12)。方法经国家一级标准物质验证,钌和锇的测定结果与标准值相符。  相似文献   

铝土矿中常伴有锂、镓、锆、稀土等有用组分,完全提取并准确测定其含量对于铝土矿资源综合评价和综合利用具有重要意义。然而铝土矿中常常含有少量刚玉,常规的四酸、五酸和封闭压力酸溶法对其分解不完全,导致测定结果偏低。本文采用氟化氢铵作熔剂,高温下在旋盖PFA小瓶中分解样品,通过在熔样过程中使用少量硫酸,对不同熔矿温度、消解时间及试剂用量等因素详细考察,确定了最佳熔矿条件[200℃,3h,试样比4∶1(称样量50mg)],建立了氟化氢铵分解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定含刚玉铝土矿中37种痕量元素的分析方法。本方法能快速、有效地分解含刚玉铝土矿,经三种铝土矿国家标准物质GBW07177、GBW07181和GBW07182验证,并与四酸、五酸和封闭压力酸溶法的测定结果对比,三种标准物质中Li、Ga、Sr、Zr、Pb等9种元素的回收率分别在95.0%~115.0%、90.0%~110.0%和90.0%~110.0%之间,测定值与认定值相符。同时,本方法实现了铝土矿(Al_2O_3含量在42.97%~90.36%之间)中Al、Ti、P等主量元素的精确分析,进一步验证了其用来测定铝土矿中痕量元素的准确性。方法检出限为0.002~0.43μg/g,与传统硝酸-氢氟酸密闭消解法的检出限(0.000~0.48μg/g)基本相当,精密度在1.14%~8.84%之间,能够满足铝土矿中痕量元素的分析要求。  相似文献   

碱熔-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定化探样品中硼和锡   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
样品采用氢氧化钠熔融,电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定化探样品中硼和锡。方法检出限分别为硼0.65μg/g和锡0.12μg/g。方法用于土壤、水系沉积物国家一级标准物质的测定,结果均在标准值的允许误差范围之内,12次测定的相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于10%。样品处理程序简单快速,污染小,线性范围宽,分析重现性好,适用于地质部门大批量化探样品的分析。  相似文献   

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