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The peri-urban catchments are distinguished by discontinuous urban extensions. They extend between the margins of the city and the borders of the rural space forming a mid-urban, mid rural mosaic. They experience unprecedented expansion movement since the end of the 60 years. When hydrological models for urban and for rural catchments have been developed, it was until recently impossible to apply those principles in a concrete manner to peri-urban catchments. The representation of the hydrological functioning of these surfaces can be done by considering both urban processes and rural processes. In this paper, we present the simulation model named “Multi-Outlets model”. This model allows taking into account the mixed nature of peri-urban areas. The model was applied to Yzeron catchment located in Lyon, France.  相似文献   

基于统计理论方法的水文模型参数敏感性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
参数敏感性分析是模型不确定性量化的重要环节,有助于有效识别关键参数,减少参数的不确定性影响,进而提高参数优化效率。利用Morris筛选方法定性识别相对重要参数,耦合方差分解的Sobol方法和统计理论的响应曲面模型构建一种新的定量敏感性分析方法——RSMSobol方法。以长江支流沿渡河流域的日降雨径流过程模拟为例,系统分析4种不同目标函数响应条件下新安江模型的参数敏感性。结果表明Morris方法和RSMSobol方法的集成应用极大地提高了全局敏感性分析的效率,Morris定性筛选结果为定量评估减少了模型参数维数,采用代理模型技术的RSMSobol方法减少了模型的计算消耗。  相似文献   

Lin  Kairong  Zhou  Jiaqi  Liang  Ruhao  Hu  Xiaozhang  Lan  Tian  Liu  Meixian  Gao  Xin  Yan  Denghua 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(2):1427-1448
Natural Hazards - Flash flood disaster, with strong suddenness and tremendous destructiveness, is one of the most severe natural disasters in China that seriously threaten the lives and property...  相似文献   

基于非线性系统理论的分布式水文模型   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于水文系统理论的分布式水文模拟方法,它将集总的水文非线性系统模型通过GIS平台,结合单元水文模拟,拓展到分布式流域水文模拟。它既具有分布式水文概念性模拟的特征,同时又具有水文系统分析适应能力强的优点。实例分析表明:在黄河板桥流域,通过考虑时变增益因子G的空间变异性,该模型吸纳了局部高强度降水信息,对分布式空间降水输入能够产生积极的响应,获得了比集总模型更好的峰值模拟效果;在华北潮白河流域,通过分析不同森林覆盖率下的G值变化曲线,初步揭示了潮白河流域土地利用变化的水文响应趋势,即在相同的土壤湿度条件下,随着森林覆盖率的增加,G值呈减小趋势,地表产流能力降低。  相似文献   

针对现有深度学习水文模型未能充分刻画气象要素空间特征的问题,本文基于主成分分析(PCA)方法提取气象要素空间特征,利用长短时记忆神经网络(LSTM)学习长时序过程规律,构建融合气象要素时空特性的深度学习水文模型PCA-LSTM。以黄河源区为研究区域,利用LSTM模型和物理水文模型THREW作为比对模型,基于高斯噪音法系统评估PCA-LSTM模型的适用性和鲁棒性。结果显示:PCA-LSTM模型径流模拟纳什效率系数为0.92,高于比对模型LSTM和THREW,表明模型具有较高的精度。研究结果可为流域高精度水文模拟提供参考。  相似文献   

基于DEM的分布式流域水文模型及应用   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一个基于数字高程模型(DEM)的分布式流域水文模型,主要用来模拟湿润地区的蓄满产流机制。通过建立土壤蓄水能力和地貌指数的关系来描述蓄水能力的空间分布。坡面流流向采用多向流法来决定。应用结果表明,该模型模拟流量过程的精度较高,与三水源新安江模型、TOPMODEL基本相当;而且模拟的土壤蓄水量的空间分布也基本符合水文规律。  相似文献   

There is a growing belief that the complex dynamics of seismicity can be better understood by studying the collective behavior of numerous lithosphere instability sources rather than focusing on the details of each of them. Classical site-percolation is a simple and tractable model which exhibits such important general features of complex systems as criticality and phase transitions of second kind. It also illustrates the mechanism of hierarchical aggregation, which is very important for explaining collective phenomena in material fracture and earthquake nucleation processes. We study the dynamics of a 2D site percolation model on a square lattice using the hierarchical approach introduced by Gabrielov et al., Phys. Rev. E., 5293–5300, 1999. The key elements of the approach are the tree representation of clusters and the Horton–Strahler scheme for cluster ranking. Accordingly, the evolution of percolation model is considered as a hierarchical inverse cascade of cluster aggregation. We analyzed the growth of the percolation cluster and established the time-dependent rank distribution of its subclusters, as well as corresponding laws for its mass, rank, and their relationship. We report several phenomena premonitory to the onset of percolation that complement the traditional power-law increase of the model's observables. In addition, we have shown that the Tokunaga side-branching constraint uniquely determines the mass–rank relationship for a general aggregation process (not necessarily originated from the percolation model). The results can be used for development and improvement of earthquake prediction techniques.  相似文献   

冰川水文模型研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
定量评估冰川变化对干旱区流域/区域水资源管理、海平面上升以及冰川自然灾害预防等十分重要。从冰川产流(消融)和汇流两个水文物理过程出发,介绍了国内外冰川水文模型的研究进展,对目前应用最广的两类消融模型——基于气象因子的统计模型和基于物理机制的能量平衡模型进行了分析和讨论;从冰川表面、内部以及下部汇流3个方面阐述了冰川汇流模型所取得的成果。表明冰川产流(消融)模型已相对较为成熟,而冰川汇流过程目前仍处于探索阶段。构建适合不同规模和类型冰川的、包含冰川运动信息的分布式冰川水文物理模型是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

This study aims at providing a hybrid calibration framework to estimate Hertz-type contact parameters (particle-scale shear modulus and Poisson ratio) for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional discrete element modelling (DEM). On the basis of statistically isotropic granular packings, a set of analytical formulae between macroscopic material parameters (Young modulus and Poisson ratio) and particle-scale Hertz-type contact parameters for granular systems are derived under small-strain isotropic stress conditions. However, the derived analytical solutions are only estimated values for general models. By viewing each DEM modelling as an implicit mathematical function taking the particle-level parameters as independent variables and employing the derived analytical solutions as the initial input parameters, an automatic iterative scheme is proposed to obtain the calibrated parameters with higher accuracies. Considering highly nonlinear features and discontinuities of the macro-micro relationship in Hertz-based discrete element models, the adaptive moment estimation algorithm is adopted in this study because of its capacity of dealing with noise gradients of cost functions. The proposed method is validated with several numerical cases including randomly distributed monodisperse and polydisperse packings. Noticeable improvements in terms of calibration efficiency and accuracy have been made.  相似文献   

Modeling snowmelt is important for water resources management and the assessment of spring snowmelt flood risk. The objective of this study was to develop a physically based module for the WetSpa model to improve the simulation of snowmelt processes. The improved model is applied, calibrated, and verified on the Hornad watershed, upstream of Margecany, Western Carpathians, Slovakia, with 10 years of observed daily precipitation and air temperature, and estimated daily potential evaporation. Daily discharge data of the gauging station at Margecany is used for model calibration and verification. The model proves to predict accurately snow accumulation and snowmelt floods, although the parameters of the snow simulation module are preset and not adjusted by model calibration. In order to show the performance of the model, two particular snow accumulation and melt periods are discussed in detail. The relevant terms of the snowpack mass and energy balances as well as the related heat and mass transport processes are discussed. The study demonstrates that accurate snowmelt prediction based on a physically energy budget approach is possible with controlling parameters that do not need any calibration.  相似文献   

基于分布式水文模型的区域“四水”转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据天津市现状,利用中国水利水电科学研究院水资源研究所近期针对强人类活动地区,尤其是复杂的农田系统开发的分布式水文模型——MODCYCLE模型,构建了天津市MODCYCLE模型,并对天津市"四水"转化特征进行了定量分析。结果表明:天津市"四水"转化过程受社会侧支水循环的影响较大,有地表产流少、土壤补给大消耗量大、地下水超采以及入境水和外调水利用率高等特点。当地地表水已不能满足区域用水需求,现状条件下通过消耗上游来水量和外调水量保证区域用水,未来虽然还有南水北调工程补水,但仍需要执行严格的水资源管理制度才能逐步减少地下水超采,增加入海水量。  相似文献   

文章在RS与GIS支持下,建立地理空间信息库,提取流域土地利用、土壤类型和植被类型等地理信息及相应的水文空间参数,采用已有的水文概念性模型,建立了一个月分布式水文概念性模型.模型结构简单,所需参数较少,可操作性强.模型在雁栖河流域的应用结果显示,总体上能较好地模拟流域的月迳流量,可用于评估流域水资源量、气候变化以及土地利用变化对水资源的影响.  相似文献   

传统的概念性水文模型描述降雨径流过程时做了很多简化,因此在实际应用中也存在许多不足之处.张文华对传统的产汇流模型做出了一些改进:将霍顿下渗能力曲线与实际的下渗曲线的有机联系在一起,建立了考虑前期土壤含水量和变雨强的产流计算方法;地下汇流计算增加考虑了地下径流量在进入含水层前的填蓄过程;地表汇流计算将等流时线法与单位线法有机地结合起来,从而同时考虑了下垫面的调蓄和推移作用;河道汇流采用非线性化的槽蓄方程进行演算.本文将张文华提出的一系列产汇流计算方法进行耦合,组成了一种新的概念性水文模型.模型主要由公式推导所得,物理机制较强,在长江中游龙河流域应用时峰现时差为2.5小时,确定性系数为76.6%,结果表明模型比较可靠.  相似文献   

Earth Science community depends on the exploration, analysis and reprocessing of high volumes of data as well as the modeling and simulation of complex coupled systems on multiple scales. The main aim of this article is to introduce a new hydrological modeling service based on the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al. J American Water Resour Assoc 34(1), 73–89, 1998 ; Arnold and Fohrer Hydrol Process 19(3), 563–572, 2005) model using high efficiency, resource sharing and low cost cloud computing resources (Astsatryan et al. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 1(1), 1130–1133, 2014). Such a Desktop as a Service (DaaS) approach allowing users to work from anywhere, and gives centralized desktop management and great performance. Within the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and cloud platform, the DaaS service gives secure access to the model and a centralized data storage to get a SWAT model input. The article illustrates the analyses of the implementation of the SWAT model for the Sotk watershed of Lake Sevan in Armenia (Sargsyan 2007).  相似文献   

一个网格型松散结构分布式水文模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据流域降雨径流的基本过程,以蓄满产流理论为基础,建立了一个网格型松散结构的分布式流域水文模型。模型将流域离散为包含河道与不包含河道两种类型的单元格,以协克里金方法插值得到空间离散的降雨输入,考虑的产汇流物理过程包括降雨、植被截留及蒸散发、单元格产流、单元格汇流及河网汇流。模型结构简单,参数较少,在充分利用植被覆盖类型图及土地利用类型图的基础上,能够获得大部分参数的选用值。通过在长江三峡区间沿渡河流域的实际应用,模型计算成果令人满意。  相似文献   

A non-linear optimization technique based on the quasi-Newton approach is employed to back-calculate certain model parameters of a simple, bounding surface, soil plasticity model from in situ pressuremeter data. The theoretical response corresponding to a given set of parameters is generated by finite element analysis. A semi-analytical procedure is developed for the accurate and efficient evaluation of the gradient of objective function with respect to the model parameters of interest. The BFGS update is used to update the Hessian. Results of a series of numerical experimentation using artificial pressuremeter responses is first reported and discussed. A set of laboratory cavity expansion data is then used to calibrate the constitutive model.  相似文献   

干旱区平原绿洲散耗型水文模型——Ⅰ模型结构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
针对干旱地区平原绿洲水土资源利用的特点,建立了以农区土壤水为中心的干旱区平原绿洲散耗型水文模型。散耗型模型考虑了水在不同介质和不同形态之间的交换或转化,并重点考虑人类活动如引水灌溉、地下水的开采等对水平衡的影响。模型把研究区划分为河段、泉井、水库湖泊、农区和非农区五类水均衡模块,水均衡模块之间通过地表渠系、地下水侧渗进行水量交换。应用模型可以对研究区农区、非农区各自的蒸发量、农区向非农区地下水迁移量等干旱区主要水分散耗项进行分析。  相似文献   

干旱区平原绿洲散耗型水文模型——Ⅰ模型结构   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
针对干旱地区平原绿洲水土资源利用的特点,建立了以农区土壤水为中心的干旱区平原绿洲散耗型水文模型。散耗型模型考虑了水在不同介质和不同形态之间的交换或转化,并重点考虑人类活动如引水灌溉、地下水的开采等对水平衡的影响。模型把研究区划分为河段、泉井、水库湖泊、农区和非农区五类水均衡模块,水均衡模块之间通过地表渠系、地下水侧渗进行水量交换。应用模型可以对研究区农区、非农区各自的蒸发量、农区向非农区地下水迁移量等干旱区主要水分散耗项进行分析。  相似文献   

B. Sirangelo  G. Braca   《Engineering Geology》2004,73(3-4):267-276
Mathematical models for forecasting landslides and mudflow movements triggered by heavy rainfalls are useful tools to develop warning systems and hazard mitigation strategy for loss reduction.

In the present paper, an application of Forecasting of Landslides Induced by Rainfalls (FLaIR) hydrological model, correlating the rainfall amount and landslide or mudflow movement occurrences, will be performed. Model application presented here refers to the mudflows of Sarno, Southern Italy, and is based on hourly precipitation data available from a real-time rain gauge installed immediately after the catastrophic event that occurred on May 1998.

The application is extended from October 1998 to May 2002. The main objective is to perform a backanalysis in order to verify the reliability of the proposed scheme for use in a warning system.

Among the most interesting results of the application, the relatively few false alarms for populations given by the model may be highlighted.

The FLaIR model is more useful when it is integrated with a probabilistic model for forecasting precipitation depths during a storm event at an hourly scale. By stochastic modelling of hourly precipitation, it is possible to estimate the probability of reaching the alarm threshold before allowing civil protection actions.  相似文献   

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