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We present the results of a combined observational and numerical study to investigate cool plumes of nutrient-rich upwelled water that emanate near the Kahurangi Shoals and extend into Greater Cook Strait. Surface temperature and chlorophyll are mapped using satellite observations to produce surface climatologies, to validate a numerical simulation and to show the utility of using spatial temperature differences as a measure of upwelling. We find upwelling near the Kahurangi Shoals is strongly wind-driven in the weather band. Upwelling occurs at all times of the year, but its surface signature is only visible in summer months. The upwelled nutrient-rich water supports increased primary production compared to surrounding waters, particularly in summer when the water column is more stratified and surrounding surface waters are presumably nutrient depleted.  相似文献   

I reviewed my research on analysis of temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton by physical-biological models. This paper was prepared for a lecture of the member awarded the Okada Prize for 1991 from the Oceanographical Society of Japan.Temporal change of phytoplankton in a local upwelling was studied by simulated upwelling experiments conducted with natural phytoplankton communities under natural surface light conditions. Results of the culture experiments was explained by a simple model. This model allows to predict the chlorophyll and nutrient concentration changes in a given upwelled water mass.Above model was verified by a local upwelling observed off Izu, Japan, on May, 1982. Phytoplankton growth and nutrient decrease in surface water of the local upwelling were observed within two days followed by decrease of phytoplankton concentration under depleted nutrient environment. The phytoplankton growth and nutrient decrease could explained by the model with phytoplankton removal rate of about half of the growth rate. Centric diatom was the dominant phytoplankton group and pennate diatom showed less abundance in the upwelled water. Pennate diatom showed fast growth rate when nutrient was abundant and fast decreasing rate after nutrient depleted. On the other hand, flagellate and monads showed relatively slow change of biomass under the change of nutrient concentrations. Furthermore, resting spore formation of centric diatom,Leptocylindrus danicus, was observed in a response to nutrient depletion.Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton in the southeastern U.S. continental shelf ecosystem was studied by physical-biological models. First, differences of the biological responses to frontal eddy upwelling during spring and to intrusion during summer was considered by Lagrangian particle tracing experiments with optimally-interpolated flow fields. In spring, particles showed residence time of a few days; however, particles in summer intrusion stayed on the shelf nearly 30 days. It was concluded that difference of particle residence time of upwelled water make the difference of plankton communities. Similar flow fields and particle tracing experiments were used to trace the features in chlorophyll distributions during spring of 1980 derived by Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Phytoplankton patchness were created and deformed by frontal eddy events. Eularian physical-biological model was constructed to understand the CZCS-chlorophyll distributions. Statistical comparisons with series of numerical experiments indicate that horizontal advection is an important process for the chlorophyll distributions and that upwelling and associated phytoplankton growth are responsible for the across-shelf gradients and maintenance of concentrations. Furthermore, the CZCS data were assimilated to the model to improve the phytoplankton concentrations, and phytoplankton carbon flux across shelf was estimated. Processes causing the time changes of chlorophyll concentrations were estimated with the model and satellite data further indicated that the both physical and biological forcing is important for the time chages. Several other studies conducted presently were mentioned.  相似文献   

长江口上升流海区的生态环境特征   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36  
根据 1 985年 8月的调查资料 ,讨论了长江口上升流海区的生态环境特征。研究表明 ,在长江口外 ,大约在 1 2 2°2 0′— 1 2 3°1 0′E、31°0 0′— 32°0 0′N海区存在着明显的下层高盐冷水的抬升现象 ;伴随这种上升运动 ,于 5— 1 0m层 ,在上述高盐冷水区明显地存在一个低溶解氧、高营养盐区。资料表明 ,该低氧、高营养盐海水不是直接来自表层的长江冲淡水 ,而是来自深底层的变性后的台湾暖流水。分析表明 ,长江口外的浮游植物高值区的分布位置与上升流区基本一致 ,两者比较浮游植物高值区略向东南方向偏移约 1 5— 2 0km。作者认为形成这种偏离现象的原因可能与上升流中心区水温偏低有关  相似文献   

A theoretical framework for the time-dependent processes leading to the high rates of new production in eastern boundary upwelling systems has been assembled from a series of past upwelling studies. As part of the CoOP WEST (Wind Events and Shelf Transport) study, new production in the Bodega Bay upwelling area and it's control by ambient nitrate and ammonium concentrations and the advective wind regime are described. Data and analyses are focused primarily on the WEST 2001 cruise (May–June 2001) when the two legs differed greatly in wind regimes but not nutrient concentrations. Elevated concentrations of ammonium in upwelled water with high nitrate were observed in both legs. Nitrate uptake by phytoplankton as a function of nitrate concentration was linear rather than Michaelis–Menten-like, modulated by inhibitory levels of ammonium, yielding coefficients that enable the specific nitrate uptake element of new production to be estimated from nutrient concentrations. The range of specific nitrate uptake rates for the two legs of WEST 2001 were similar, essentially a physiological response to nutrient conditions. However, the low “realization” of new production i.e. incorporation of biomass as particulate nitrogen that occurred in this system compared to the theoretical maximum possible was determined by the strong advective and turbulent conditions that dominated the second leg of the WEST 2001 study. These data are compared with other upwelling areas using a physiological shift-up model [Dugdale, R.C., Wilkerson, F.P., Morel, A. 1990. Realization of new production in coastal upwelling areas: a means to compare relative performance. Limnology and Oceanography 35, 822–829].  相似文献   

This study describes the main seasonal stages in oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton off La Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain), during 1991 and 1992, based mainly on monthly cruises near the coast. Upwelling conditions were studied using an upwelling index calculated from local winds. The Galician coast is affected by a long upwelling season for most of the year. The upwelling pulses interact with the thermal stratification-mixing cycle of surface waters, primarily affecting the dynamics of phytoplankton. In addition, the presence of water masses of different salinity in the subsurface layers changes the stratification of the water column. The less-saline North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) was normally associated with upwelling events during summer. However, on several occasions during the study, the presence of Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW) of subtropical origin was observed with salinities up to 36·22 and temperatures between 13 and 14 °C.Observations were grouped into five main stages related to the degree of surface stratification and characteristics of phytoplankton communities. These stages were recognized in both annual cycles, and were termed: winter mixing, spring and autumn blooms, summer upwelling, thermal stratification and special events (red tides and downwelling). A homogeneous water column was the main characteristic of the winter stage, with high nutrient concentrations and low phytoplankton biomass. Eastern North Atlantic Water appeared at the end of this stage, which lasted from November to February. The spring and autumn blooms occurred along with weak thermohaline gradients at the surface, producing high phytoplankton concentrations. Favourable upwelling conditions and the presence of ENAW in a subsurface layer were the factors that most likely induced earlier blooms, while thermal gradients developed at the surface could have been more important for later blooms. Upwelling events during summer were related to a reduction in the depth of the surface mixed layer as the pycnocline moved upwards, and can produce significant phytoplankton accumulations. These summer blooms interrupted the thermal stratification stage, characterized by low nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations at the surface. The dominant phytoplankton in the study was composed mainly of diatoms, especially during blooms. However, a proliferation of red-tide dinoflagellates was observed along with weak upwelling conditions in late summer. Also in late summer, strong downwelling conditions caused the accumulation of warmer shelf waters inshore, inducing the sinking of particulate matter produced at the surface.  相似文献   

For the optimal use in palaeoceanographic studies of the stable oxygen isotopic signal and elemental composition of the calcareous photosynthetic dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii, it is essential to gain detailed information about its calcification depth and spatial distribution. We therefore studied the vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of T. heimii in the upper water column (0–200 m) along three transects: an inshore–offshore gradient off Cape Blanc (CB), a south–north transect from CB to the Portuguese coast and a north–south transect off Tanzania. We compared concentrations of living cysts (cells with cell content) with chlorophyll-a, salinity and temperature measurements at the sampling depth. In order to explore the seasonal variability in cyst production, three transect off CB were sampled at three different times of the year.Living T. heimii cysts were found in the upper 160 m of the water column with highest concentrations in the photic zone indicating that the calcification of T. heimii occurs in the upper part of the water column. Maximal abundances of living cysts were found relatively often in or just above the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), the depth of which varies regionally from about 20–40 m off CB to about 80 m off Tanzania and along the transect from CB to the Portuguese Coast. However, there was no significant correlation at the 95% confidence level between the cyst concentrations and temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a concentrations at the sampling depths observed.In both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the highest abundances of T. heimii were observed in regions where the upper water masses contained relatively low nutrient concentrations that are influenced only sporadically, or not at all, by enhanced photic zone mixing related to the presence of upwelling cells or river outflow plumes at or close to the sampling sites. The seasonal production of cysts by T. heimii appears to be negatively related to the presence of upwelling filaments across the sampling sites. Our study suggests that turbulence of the upper water masses is a major environmental factor influencing T. heimii production.  相似文献   

In July 2007, phosphorus input by an upwelling event along the east coast of Gotland Island and the response of filamentous cyanobacteria were studied to determine whether introduced phosphorus can intensify cyanobacterial bloom formation in the eastern Gotland Basin. Surface temperature, nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biomass and its stoichiometry, as well as phosphate uptake rates were determined in two transects between the coasts of Gotland and Latvia and in a short grid offshore of Gotland. In the upwelling area, surface temperatures of 11–12 °C and average dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations of 0.26 μM were measured. Outside the upwelling, surface temperatures were higher (15.5–16.6 °C) and DIP supplies in the upper 10 m layer were exhausted. Nitrite and nitrate concentrations (0.01–0.22 μM) were very low within and outside the upwelling region. Abundances of filamentous cyanobacteria were highly reduced in the upwelling area, accounting for only 1.4–6.0% of the total phytoplankton biomass, in contrast to 18–20% outside the upwelling. The C:P ratio of filamentous cyanobacteria varied between 32.8 and 310 in the upwelling region, most likely due to the introduction of phosphorus-depleted organisms into the upwelling water. These organisms accumulate DIP in upwelling water and have lower C:P ratios as long as they remain in DIP-rich water. Thus, diazotrophic cyanobacteria benefit from phosphorus input directly in the upwelling region. Outside the upwelling region, the C:P ratios of filamentous cyanobacteria varied widely, between 240 and 463, whereas those of particulate material in the water ranged only between 96 and 224. To reduce their C:P ratio from 300 to 35, cyanobacteria in the upwelling region had to take up 0.05 mmol m−3 DIP, which is about 20% of the available DIP. Thus, a larger biomass of filamentous cyanobacteria may be able to benefit from a given DIP input. As determined from the DIP uptake rates measured in upwelling cells, the time needed to reduce the C:P ratio from 300 to 35 was too long to explain the huge bloom formations that typically occur in summer. However, phosphorus uptake rates increased significantly with increasing C:P ratios, allowing phosphorus accumulation within 4–5 days, a span of time suitable for bloom formation in July and August.  相似文献   

New in situ time-series data were acquired by two ADCP moorings placed on the shelf off Richards Bay on the east coast of South Africa at depths of 25 m and 582 m between October 2009 and August 2010. The 11-month inshore bottom-temperature record revealed five substantial upwelling events lasting 5–10 days each where temperatures decreased by about 7 °C to 17–18 °C. Satellite sea surface temperature data showed these events to coincide with cold-water plumes occupying the northern wedge of the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight. Numerous shorter duration (1–2 days) upwelling events with less vivid surface expressions were also observed throughout the entire record where bottom temperature dropped by 2–3 °C. The last four months of the record were characterised by a protracted cool period lacking a seasonal trend but punctuated with oscillations of warm and cooler bottom water. In contrast to earlier studies that suggested upwelling was topographically and dynamically driven by the juxtaposition of the Cape St Lucia offset and the Agulhas Current (a solitary mechanism), our analysis showed almost all major and minor cold-water intrusions to coincide with upwelling-favourable north-easterly winds that simultaneously force a south-westerly coastal current. Ekman veering in the bottom boundary layer of the Agulhas Current, and the concomitant movement of cold water up the slope, was found to coexist at times with coastal upwelling, but its absence did not impede inshore cold-water intrusions, calling into question its role as a primary driver of upwelling. Both major and minor upwelling events were observed to promote phytoplankton blooms in the northern KZN Bight which commonly extended to the Thukela River. Wind-driven upwelling was also observed in the inner bight between Richards Bay and Port Durnford, explaining the ribbon of coastal chlorophyll continuously observed on ocean colour images between Cape St Lucia and the Thukela River. Similarities in upwelling character and mechanisms are observed between the northern KZN Bight and the Florida Current shelf systems.  相似文献   

A distinct, coastal upwelling cell inshore of the southern limb of the East Madagascar Current is described. The upwelling cell has cold surface water, with high concentrations of chlorophyll-a. It is located where this current moves from a bathymetry characterised by a narrow continental shelf and a steep slope to one characterised by a wider shelf and a less steep slope. There seems to be no correlation between the local winds and the presence of upwelled water, suggesting current-induced upwelling. Advection of upwelling filaments is consistent with the concept of an East Madagascar retroflection.  相似文献   

1987年12月—1988年11月对闽南-台湾浅滩渔场上升流生态系进行了调查研究。研究结果表明,本研究海区的海水N/P比值的空间分布与水团的分布具有密切的关系。各水团的N/P比值不遵守Redfield常数15:1,并且在水团间存在一定的差别。在研究水团的分布及划分中,N/P比值可作一较好的参考值。闽浙沿岸水、次表层水和中深层水的N/P比值大于15;海峡南部混合水、海峡暖水、夏季近岸涌升水和浅滩南部涌升水的N/P比值小于15。前者主要是入海径流及有机体的充分分解所致,后者则为浮游植物对NO3-N和PO4-P的大量吸收及NO3-N和PO4-P再生速率上差异的结果。本文还讨论了水团的分布对营养盐和叶绿素分布的影响。  相似文献   

The transport of nutrient-rich, deep sea water from an artificial upwelling pipe has been simulated. A numerical model has been built within a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package. The model considers the flow of the deep sea water after it is ejected from the pipe outlet in a negatively buoyant plume (densimetric Froude number = −2.6), within a stably stratified ocean environment subject to strong ocean current cross flow. Two cross-flow profiles were tested with momentum flux ratios equal to 0.92 and 3.7. The standard k-ε turbulence model has been employed and a range of turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers tested. In all cases the results show that the rapid diffusion of heat and salinity at the pipe outlet causes the plume to attain neutral buoyancy very rapidly, preventing strong fountain-like behavior. At the higher momentum flux ratio fountain-like behavior is more pronounced close to the pipe outlet. The strong cross-current makes horizontal advection the dominant transport process downstream. The nutrient plume trajectory remains largely within one relatively thin stratified layer, making any ocean cross-flow profile less important. Very little unsteady behavior was observed. The results show that the nutrient is reduced to less than 2% of its inlet concentration 10 meters downstream of the inlet and this result is largely independent of turbulent Prandtl or Schmidt number. Initial results would suggest that if such an artificial upwelling were to be viable for an ocean farming project, a large number of upwelling pipes would be necessary. Further work will have to determine the minimum nutrient concentration required to sustain a viable phytoplankton population and the required spacing between upwelling pipes.  相似文献   

2014年与2015年夏季琼东上升流的年际变化及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过2014年与2015年7月琼东海域的现场调查资料,结合卫星遥感数据,对ENSO影响下琼东上升流的变化进行研究分析,结果表明:2015年为强厄尔尼诺年,2015年7月低温高盐水总体上离表层较深,大约为20~30 m(24.5℃等温线和34等盐线),但在近岸处(离岸20 km以内)却相对较浅,24.5℃等温线和34等盐线在整个断面抬升15~25 m,上升流的爬升现象更为明显;受西南季风影响,表层海水离岸运动,低温高盐水沿地形爬升进行补充,是典型的风生上升流。2014年为正常年份,2014年7月,整个断面低温高盐水更接近表层(近岸例外),大约为10~20 m,同等深度低温高盐现象比2015年明显,但上升流爬升现象不明显,24.5℃等温线和34等盐线在整个断面抬升不到10 m;盛行风为东南风、向岸风,对上升流的形成起抑制作用,低温高盐水使整个断面的抬升,不符合风生上升流的特征规律,表明该年琼东上升流的形成可能与外海环流变化导致的温跃层抬升有关。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional ocean biogeochemical model of the tropical Atlantic Ocean was run for more than half a century (1949–2000) in order to characterize the ocean biogeochemical response to variable forcing over this period. The seasonal cycle in the equatorial upwelling zone agrees reasonably well with observations and other published simulations but underestimates phytoplankton biomass under strong upwelling conditions. Away from the equator, modelled nutrient flux and biological production are maximal in each hemisphere's winter season, and appear to be proximately forced by evaporative cooling and wind stirring rather than by Ekman upwelling. The fraction of the total variance associated with the seasonal cycle is considerably smaller for modelled biogeochemical fields than for sea-surface temperature over this long simulation, and much of the biogeochemical variance is associated with interdecadal changes. The model results suggest that the tropical Atlantic became more productive following the Pacific climate shift of 1976 and remained so until about 1989. Summer surface nitrate concentrations during the 1990s were lower than those in the 1980s. The relationship between the equatorial and off-equatorial regimes may have changed following the 1976 event, with equatorial variability dominating the basin-wide variance patterns after 1976.  相似文献   

The studied area is a shallow water area that belongs to the East China Sea continent shelf. The distribution of zooplankton biomass is higher inshore than offshore. The maximum abundance is in the inshore edge of the centre of upwelling, which is the superposed area of the salinity front and temperature front, due to the fact that the mixture of three different waters has brought about a concentration of nutrients. The herbivorous Euphausia, Copepoda and Tunicata are the major groups of the abundant area. Tunicata possess the possibility to compete against other kinds of herbivorous zooplankton. This means that there is negative correlation between the distribution of Tunicata and that of Copepoda and Euphausia. The positions of maximum areas of zooplankton biomass, phytoplankton individual and the concentration of phosphates and chlorophyll-a overlap one another. In the centre of upwelling, zooplankton can not adapt itself to the environment of lower temperature and less oxygen even with rich nutrient  相似文献   

A winter shelf-water upwelling evidence (February 2008) is described by first time in the Northern Galician Rias (NW Iberian Peninsula). On February 20, after 9 consecutive days of upwelling favorable conditions, inside the O Barqueiro Ria was observed the presence of seawater below 10 m depth which replaced the less saline water previously observed in January. This situation was in agreement with the analyzed Ekman transport close to the northern Galician coast. Salinity and temperature distribution revealed that the upwelled water inside the rias corresponds to shelf bottom seawater which is not associated with Eastern North Atlantic Central Water or the Iberian Poleward Current. In addition, TS diagram indicated a higher influence of upwelling eastward (Viveiro–Barqueiro–Ortigueira). Nutrient salts' concentrations also suggested the presence of seawater from subsurface origin with a small variation with regard to the winter mixing in this marine area. Plankton showed the existence of spring conditions related to solar radiation increase associated to upwelling favorable winds. Some species also corroborated the intrusion of shelf-water inside the ria. Results from the analysis of Ekman transport data from 1967 to 2007 revealed that this event cannot be considered an isolated episode. In fact, the number of days per month under upwelling favorable conditions in winter (January–March) was not negligible (8–10 days) showing that upwelling events along the northern Galician coast are also possible during winter.  相似文献   

The Santa Clara River delivers nutrient rich runoff to the eastern Santa Barbara Channel during brief (1–3 day) episodic events. Using both river and oceanographic measurements, we evaluate river loading and dispersal of dissolved macronutrients (silicate, inorganic N and P) and comment on the biological implications of these nutrient contributions. Both river and ocean observations suggest that river nutrient concentrations are inversely related to river flow rates. Land use is suggested to influence these concentrations, since runoff from a subwatershed with substantial agriculture and urban areas had much higher nitrate than runoff from a wooded subwatershed. During runoff events, river nutrients were observed to conservatively mix into the buoyant, surface plume immediately seaward of the Santa Clara River mouth. Dispersal of these river nutrients extended 10s of km into the channel. Growth of phytoplankton and nutrient uptake was low during our observations (1–3 days following runoff), presumably due to the very low light levels resulting from high turbidity. However, nutrient quality of runoff (Si:N:P = 16:5:1) was found to be significantly different than upwelling inputs (13:10:1), which may influence different algal responses once sediments settle. Evaluation of total river nitrate loads suggests that most of the annual river nutrient fluxes to the ocean occur during the brief winter flooding events. Wet winters (such as El Niño) contribute nutrients at rates approximately an order-of-magnitude greater than “average” winters. Although total river nitrate delivery is considerably less than that supplied by upwelling, the timing and location of these types of events are very different, with river discharge (upwelling) occurring predominantly in the winter (summer) and in the eastern (western) channel.  相似文献   

MultiBeam echosounder data were collected during a surface-ship survey of the 22/4b well site in the North Sea in September 2011 using a Teledyne-Reson 7125. Modern multibeam echosounders are instrumental in providing detection and accurate localization of weak to strong bubble plumes. Two survey profiles effectively insonified the bubble plumes rising from the main crater at the well site, providing snapshot data of bubble plume processes. Additionally, three profiles insonified bubble plumes rising from, in, and to the south of a secondary crater, 1.2 km southeast of the main crater. Data processing included a simple algorithm that muted mislocated echoes from incomplete sidelobe suppression. The data processing produced a Cartesian volume of echo intensity from the water column and seabed.Plume geometry was analyzed to investigate a number of important large-scale plume processes, including plume bubble detrainment due to currents and stratification, downwelling flows, sea surface interaction, plume heterogeneity, and other fluid transport processes. The data showed strong upwelling flows, with bubble vertical motions generally much faster than currents. One important finding was that megaplumes create intrusions above the general thermocline, in part because their extensive upwelling flow lifts the thermocline locally. As a result, the intrusion layer deposits dissolved gases in the upper wave-mixed layer of the water column where it is not isolated from the atmosphere, unlike dissolved gases in the lower water column.The analysis shows that high fidelity multibeam echosounder data can provide a wealth of remote sensing information on bubble plume characteristics and processes, with important applications, including blowout monitoring and response, better understanding of megaplumes such as used in lake destratification, and improved characterization of natural seep emission processes.  相似文献   

Case 1 waters with high chlorophyll content can be encountered as soon as the nutrient availability is high enough and the terrestrial influence by land drainage is negligible. Offshore oceanic blooms and upwelling zones along arid coasts are instances of such waters. Their bio-optical properties are less documented compared to those of mesotrophic or oligotrophic waters. A coherent set of measurements of bio-geochemical properties (algal pigments, suspended particulate matter), inherent optical properties (absorption and scattering by water bodies and by particulate material), and apparent optical properties (hyperspectral reflectance and diffuse attenuation coefficients) was obtained within the Benguela Current, i.e. in an upwelling area with arid climate and no runoff. These data allow the bio-optical relationships in eutrophic Case 1 waters to be analyzed, and their natural variability to be compared with that previously observed in less productive waters. In addition, a comparison between eutrophic Case 1 waters and yellow substance dominated Case 2 waters can be made, since such waters are also present in the area under investigation. The coherence between the inherent and apparent optical properties is also analyzed via inversion. Despite some deficiencies in their parameterization, the existing bio-optical models for Case 1 waters were proven to be valid such that they can be extended without significant discontinuities toward the domain of high concentration (up to 30 mg m−3). In particular, those models in use for the interpretation of remotely sensed ocean color continue to apply, even if the sensitivity of current algorithms for the chlorophyll retrieval weakens owing to inescapable physical limitations in the case of high concentrations.  相似文献   

Mesoscale circulation features have been shown to play an important role in the cross-frontal mixing of upwelling cells, their frontal morphology and in their interaction with oceanic water masses. With three years of detailed thermal infra-red satellite information on the South-East Atlantic upwelling system available, it proved possible to present a preliminary study of four prevalent frontal features intrinsic to the short-term behaviour of upwelling in this area. Upwelling filaments are shown to extend between 50 and 600 km seawards of the main front and are found, as are upwelling plumes, predominantly off the recognized major upwelling cells. Frontal eddies have a range of diameters and are found distributed over the full area of upwelling and on both sides of the main upwelling front. Warm filaments of Agulhas Current origin are advected preferentially along the western border of the Agulhas Bank and follow closely the front of the southernmost upwelling cells, where they may play a catalytic role in the creation of frontal turbulence.  相似文献   

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