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The present study provides the first estimate of the daily ration for a goby species in the Mediterranean Sea, using a new approach to determine the mass of fish stomach contents through the sum of individual prey dry mass derived indirectly from prey size. Diel feeding activity and daily ration of the pelagic goby Aphia minuta were studied under natural conditions in the coastal waters off Comacchio (Northwestern Adriatic Sea) during the spring season. A total of 318 individuals of A. minuta, collected by 14 trawls carried out on 4 consecutive days, was examined for gut contents. The diel pattern of the vacuity index and the stomach fullness index indicated that A. minuta has nocturnal feeding behaviour. The daily ration, computed over a period of 16 h, was equivalent to 2.23% wet body mass.  相似文献   

Diel feeding pattern and food consumption of whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) were examined and related to seasonal variations in an estuarine environment. To determine diel feeding pattern whitemouth croaker were collected from the Patos Lagoon Estuary over 24 h (~3‐h intervals) and their stomach contents were examined. Food consumption of whitemouth croaker was determined from evacuation rates estimated experimentally and in the field. The results suggested that whitemouth croaker in the Patos Lagoon estuary feed all day long. However, whitemouth croaker showed higher feeding intensity and food consumption during daylight hours when the water transparency increased than in others when water transparency was low. Thus, whitemouth croaker seemed to intensify their feeding when they could see their prey. Daily food consumption was between 0.9 and 5.3% of body wet weight (these being the lowest and highest consumption rates during the winter and summer, respectively). The maximum predation impact of whitemouth croaker on their preferential prey, the tanaid Kalliapseudes schubartii, was 27indiv·m?2·day?1. The results suggested that the changes in water transparency seem to affect the diel feeding pattern and food consumption of whitemouth croaker. This could have important consequences for fish growth.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of the different life stages of Euphausia superba in the region of the South Shet- land Islands and southern Scotia Sea (Antarctica) were assessed based on scientific survey data collected in lanuary and February of 2010. Adults, eggs, nauplii, metanauplii, calyptopis I-Ill, and furcilia I-II were found in the investigation. The abundance of larvae averaged 1 172.8 ind./mz, with calyptopis I and II as the dominant stages. Habitat occupancy patterns varied among Euphausia superba at different stages, and three sub-regions were identified by cluster analysis. The degree of larval development increased from west to east. Larvae were not observed north of the South Shetland Islands. Calyptopis I was predominant in the water between Elephant Island and the South Orkney Islands, which featured no thermocline. Older stages, including calyptopis II and III and furcilia I and II, were common in north and northeast of the South Orkney Islands, which were characterized by high temperature and high chlorophyll concentration. Distri- bution and abundance of the early life stages of E. superba were associated with specific environmental con- ditions. According to Biota-Environment matching (BIOENV), the distributions of E. superba larvae were correlated with a combination of temperature at the surface and 200 m, and 0-100 m integrated chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

To understand the effects of the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water(YSCBW)on the diel vertical migration(DVM)of the copepod Calanus sinicus,we surveyed vertical distribution of C.sinicus at a fixed station in the Yellow Sea before(spring)and during(summer)formation of the YSCBW.Cold water(<10 C)was observed in the bottom layer when the water column was thermally stratified in summer,but the water column was thermally well-mixed in spring 2010.Samples were collected from five different layers at 3-h intervals using an opening-closing net.Adult females(1–155 ind./m3)showed a clear normal DVM pattern throughout the entire water column in spring,whereas adult males did not migrate.DVM of copepodite V(CV)individuals was not clear,but the maximum abundance of CI–CIV occurred consistently in the upper 10–20 m layer,where there was a high concentration of chlorophyll-a(Chl-a)(0.49–1.19μg/L).In summer,weak DVM was limited to cold waters beneath the thermocline for adult females(<30 ind./m3),but not for adult males.The maximum abundance of CI–CIV also occurred consistently in the subsurface layer(20–40 m)together with high concentrations of Chl-a(0.81–2.36μg/L).CV individuals(1–272 ind./m3)moved slightly upward nocturnally to the near-surface layer(10–20 m),where the average temperature was 25.74 C,but they were not found in the surface layer(0–10 m;28.31 C).These results indicate that the existence of the YSBCW affected food availability at depth and the vertical temperature distribution,leading to variation in the amplitude and shape of stage-specific vertical distributions(CI to adults)in C.sinicus before and during the formation of cold waters in the Yellow Sea during the study period.  相似文献   


The oceanic spawning migration of female Anguilla dieffenbachii eels was previously studied using pop-up satellite transmitting tags (PSAT). The swimming depths and experienced-temperature data of 3 eels released in May 2006 were re-examined in relation to water temperature data, and also lunar cycle and regional hydrography as these latter aspects were not considered in the original study. Eel 2 and Eel 3 initially experienced lower water temperature above 600?m, suggesting they remained south of the subtropical-convergence front longer than Eel 1. Their experienced nighttime minimum depths showed linear relationships with the lunar cycle, because they swam shallower during new moon than during full moon. The eels experienced narrow deep-day temperature ranges at a wide range of depths compared to experiencing narrow shallow-night depth ranges where temperatures varied more widely, indicating that several different factors determine their day and night depth ranges.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration (DVM) of medusae was investigated at a fixed station in the oligotrophic Southern Adriatic Sea at several depths during summer (July) 2003. We hypothesized that medusan DVM is considerably influenced by environmental variables such as hydrographic features, light intensities, and potential prey densities. We used short-term repetitive sampling as an approach to detail these relationships. Of the 26 species collected, the highest abundance was in the layer between the thermocline (15 m) and 100 m depth, where Rhopalonema velatum predominated, reaching the maximum count of 93 individuals per 10 m3. Seven species were observed over a wide depth range: Solmissus albescens (15–1200 m), R. velatum (0–800 m), Persa incolorata (50–1200 m), Octophialucium funerarium (200–1200 m), Arctapodema australis (200–1200 m), Amphinema rubra (100–800 m), and Rhabdoon singulare (15–600). According to the medusan weighted mean depth (WMD) calculations, the longest DVMs were noted for the deep-sea species S. albescens , O. funerarium , and A. australis . The shallowest species, Aglaura hemistoma , was primarily non-migratory. Certain medusan assemblages were associated consistently with a particular depth layer characterized by a particular light intensity. The interplay of environmental factors and trophic relationships explains some of the features of medusan migratory patterns. These findings thus contribute to understanding the variables that determine patterns of medusan vertical migratory behavior.  相似文献   

Torrentfish Cheimarrichthys fosteri Haast were collected at 4‐hour intervals over a full day in winter and summer, 1984–85, from the Ashley and Rakaia Rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand, to determine their diel feeding periodicity. Both populations fed, almost exclusively, from dusk to dawn in both seasons, with the quantity of food in their stomachs accumulating to peak levels by early morning. However, Ashley females had significantly less food in their stomachs than did males in summer, the season with a high incidence (91%) of females in spawning condition. Aquatic stages of Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophle‐biidae) and Chironomidae constituted from 85 to 98% by number and 63 to 80% by dry weight of all foods eaten. Chironomids (small prey) comprised up to 85% of the total foods eaten by number but only 17% by dry weight, while Deleatidium (large prey) comprised up to 69% of the prey by number and 63% by dry weight. Numerically, chironomids were an important component in the torrentfish diet in both seasons in the Rakaia (71 to 75%), but only so in winter in the Ashley (85%). The reported daily feeding cycle is consistent with observations in a simulated stream, that torrentfish largely remain inactive during the day and come out to feed at night.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) from the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, were followed between June 1998 and January 2000. Histological examination of the gonad confirms an annual cycle with a winter inactive period followed by rapid gonad development and a single short spawning period. The population gonad index correlated with seawater temperature and changes in tissue dry weight, condition index, and biochemical components. In winter, few individuals with early gametogenic stages were present and rapid development of primary oocytes (diam. 11 μm) occurred during spring (September‐November). The developmental rate and the diameter of mature oocytes (37 μm) was similar for the 1998 and 1999 seasons. For a standard 110‐mm‐length oyster, maximal tissue body weight and condition index were recorded in December. Rapid weight loss in January was length dependent and was attributed to spawning. Temperature was the environmental variable which best correlated with the timing of gametogenesis. Food availability (phytoplankton biomass) may have been responsible for inter‐annual variations. The biochemical composition (% glycogen, lipid, protein) of separated gonad and somatic tissues were variable seasonally and annually. Gametogenesis (oocyte diameter) was associated with increased gonad protein and glycogen and a decrease in lipid concentrations. These changes are similar to those in Pacific oyster populations from other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Data on the food consumption, feeding activity and periodicity of two burrowing fish, the congrid eel Gnathophis mystax (Delaroche, 1809) and the false moray Chlopsis bicolor Rafinesque, 1810 are presented. In all, 455 specimens were collected by bottom trawl in the central Mediterranean Sea at depths ranging from 140 to 160 m during four 24‐h day–night sampling cycles. The diet of G. mystax and C. bicolor was investigated by means of stomach content analysis. Diet varied significantly with length and maturity stage. During ontogenetic development G. mystax occupied different trophic levels: diet shifted from amphipods, predominantly in the smaller congrid eels [<25 cm total length (TL)] to fish in the larger individuals (>30 cm TL). Before the transition to the icthyophagous phase, the congrid eel showed a more generalistic foraging behaviour where decapods (Solenocera membranacea, Parapenaeus longirostris, Alpheus glaber), cephalopods (Sepiola spp. and Alloteuthis media), benthic (Gobiidae, Callionymus maculatus, Arnoglossus laterna) and benthopelagic fish (Argentina sphyraena) dominated the diet. Smaller C. bicolor (<25 cm TL) fed primarily on amphipods and cephalopods; bigger specimens fed also on decapods both natantian (A. glaber, Processa canaliculata) and reptantian (Medorippe lanata, Goneplax rhomboides). Daily ration values, computed from the Eggers method, ranged from 2.48% to 2.99% wet body weight for C. bicolor and G. mystax, respectively. Diel patterns in stomach fullness and the trophic niche overlap between the two species were also discussed.  相似文献   

The feeding biology and the vertical migration of Sagitta friderici were examined over 24 h at two stations in the southern Benguela during spring (October) 1987. Together with studies conducted during summer (February 1991) and winter (May 1984), they serve to allow valuable generalizations of the biology and ecology of this abundant chaetognath. Populations migrate vertically and feed nocturnally, although the timing and the extent of migration vary between studies. S. friderici exhibits ontogenetic layering and the cross-shelf distribution of maturity stages differs, suggesting that it is able to take advantage of cross-shelf water movement in order to maintain populations in the nearshore waters of the West Coast. S. friderici prey almost exclusively on copepods (cannibalism is rare), and there is a positive relationship between the lengths of predator and prey that is influenced by the size structure of the prey environment. This casts doubt on the validity of a chaetognath species-specific relationship between predator and prey size. S. friderici selects its prey on the basis of size, and not species. Daily ration is related linearly to prey density, so reflecting the low density of prey and providing support for theoretical predictions regarding ingestion rates under oceanic conditions. The impact of S. friderici predation on the copepod assemblage is generally less than 3% of the standing stock, although it could be much higher under conditions of low copepod biomass and poor secondary production.  相似文献   

Pseudunciola obliquua is the most abundant subtidal amphipod of the near-shore macrobenthos in the New York Bight south of Fire Island. It has an annual life-cycle. Breeding occurs in March and April, and a single brood of between 8 and 20 eggs per female is produced. Fecundity is linearly proportional to maternal length. The eggs take about two months to develop; the juveniles emerge in June and July. Initial recruitment in the study area was estimated to be 2980 and 5850 per m2 for the 1979–1980 and 1980–1981 year classes, respectively. Of the initial recruits only about 10% survive to form the reproductive stock of the following spring.Females and males grow at similar rates and are equally abundant as juveniles and initially as adults, until they reach sexual maturity. After breeding, the abundance of males decreases rapidly due to post-reproductive death. Females continue to live, carrying the developing eggs in their brood pouches. Mean female growth increases throughout the brooding period until the young are released, shortly after which adult females also die. The entire generation of reproductive adults has died by September.  相似文献   

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