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本文对则木河断裂带上各种地震地表破裂现象作了调查和时代方面的研究,结果表明,1850年西昌地震在西昌北的李金堡至宁南的松新间形成了长达90km的地震形变带。地震位错的最大水平位移为7m,垂直位移一般为0.5~2m,对地震形变带中的各种变形遗迹和地震地表破裂特征的研究表明,则木河断裂是这次地震的发震构造,震中位于大箐梁子一带,震中烈度达Ⅹ~Ⅺ。地震破裂的力学性质为左旋扭张,与则木河断裂晚第四纪以来的活动一致。地震破裂具有向南突出发展的不对称特点 相似文献
汶川M_S8.0地震地表破裂带及其发震构造 总被引:145,自引:33,他引:145
徐锡伟 闻学泽 叶建青 马保起 陈杰 周荣军 何宏林 田勤俭 何玉林 王志才 孙昭民 冯希杰 于贵华 陈立春 陈桂华 于慎鄂 冉勇康 李细光 李陈侠 安艳芬 《地震地质》2008,30(3):597-629
震后应急野外考察表明,2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震在青藏高原东缘龙门山推覆构造带上同时使北川-映秀断裂和灌县-江油断裂两条倾向NW的叠瓦状逆断层发生地表破裂。其中,沿北川-映秀断裂展布的地表破裂带长约240km,以兼有右旋走滑分量的逆断层型破裂为主,最大垂直位移6.2m,最大右旋走滑位移4.9m;沿灌县-江油断裂连续展布的地表破裂带长约72km,最长可达90km,为典型的纯逆断层型地表破裂,最大垂直位移3.5m;另外,在上述两条地表破裂带西部还发育着1条NW向带有逆冲垂直分量、左旋走滑性质的小鱼洞地表破裂带,长约6km。这一地表破裂样式是近期发生的特大地震中结构最复杂的一次逆断层型地表破裂,地表破裂的长度也最长。利用已有的石油地震剖面,结合余震分布和地表破裂带特征等资料构建的三维发震构造模型表明,龙门山推覆构造带现今和第四纪时期以地壳缩短为主,斜滑逆冲型地震表明青藏高原中东部的水平运动在华南地块与巴颜喀拉地块之间的龙门山推覆构造带上转化为地壳的缩短和隆升 相似文献
对1918年南澳地震的记录史料及有关文章进行了比较研究,并根据现场地震地质考察中发现的山体滑塌和地表破坏现象及其它宏观资料,重新圈定了这次地震的X度极震区,其形状为一北西向的长椭圆形,其内的北西向断裂带,应是该次地震的发震断裂。 相似文献
主要从区域性的断块运动、深部构造特征及走滑断层的枢纽运动等方面对 1850年西昌地震孕育和发生的地质构造条件进行研究。 相似文献
主要从区域性的断块运动、深部构造特征及走滑断层的枢纽运动等方面对1850年西昌地震孕育和发生的地质构造条件进行研究。 相似文献
The 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake attacked the Jinggu area where few historical earthquakes had occurred and little study has been conducted on active tectonics. The lack of detailed field investigation on active faults and seismicity restricts the assessment of seismic risk of this area and leads to divergent view points with respect to the seismotectonics of this earthquake, so relevant research needs to be strengthened urgently. In particular, some studies suggest that this earthquake triggered the activity of the NE-trending faults which have not yet been studied. By the approaches of remote sensing image interpretation, structural geomorphology investigation and trench excavation, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the faults in the epicenter area, which are the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin and the Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault, and drew the conclusions as follows:
(1)The eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin originates around the Naguai village in the southeastern margin of Yongping Basin,extending northward across the Qiandong, Tianfang, and ending in the north of Tiantou. The fault is about 43km long, striking near SN. The linear characteristic of the fault is obvious in remote sensing images. Structural geomorphological phenomena, such as fault troughs, linear ridges and gully dislocations, have developed along the faults. There are several dextral-dislocated gullies near Naguai village, with displacements of 300m, 220m, 146m, 120m and 73m, respectively, indicating that the fault is a dextral strike-slip fault with long-term activity. In order to further study the activity of the fault, a trench was excavated in the fault trough, the Naguai trench. The trench reveals many faults, and the youngest strata offseted by the faults are Holocene, with 14C ages of(1 197±51)a and(1 900±35)a, respectively. All those suggest that it is a Holocene active fault.
(2)The Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault starts at the southeast of the Jinggu Basin, passes through Xiangyan, Yixiang, Chahe, and terminates at the Zhaojiacun. The total length of the fault is about 60km, and is a large-scale NE-trending fault in the Wuliangshan fault zone. Four gullies are synchronously sinistrally dislocated at Yixiang village, with the displacements of 340m, 260m, 240m and 240m, indicating that the fault is a long-term active sinistral strike-slip fault. A trench was excavated in a fault trough in Yixiang village. The trench reveals a small sag pond and a fault. The fault offsets several strata with clear dislocation and linear characteristic. The thickness of strata between the two walls of fault does not match, and the gravels are oriented along fault plane. The offset strata have the 14C age of(2 296±56)a, (3 009±51)a, and(4 924±45)a, respectively, and another two strata have the OSL age of(1.8±0.1)ka, (8.6±0.5)ka respectively, by which we constrained the latest paleoearthquake between(1.8±0.1)ka(OSL-Y01)and(378±48)a BP(CY-07). This again provides further evidence that the fault is a Holocene fault with long-term activity.
(3)Based on the distribution of aftershocks and the predecessor research results, the 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake and the M5.8, M5.9 strong aftershocks are regarded as being caused by the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin, which is part of the Wuliangshan fault zone. The seismogenic mechanism is that the stress has been locked, concentrated and accumulated to give rise to the quakes in the wedge-shaped area near the intersection of the SN and NE striking faults, which is similar to the seismogenic mechanism in the southwest of Yunnan Province. 相似文献
在芦山县龙门乡发现芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震地表破裂的迹象,这些迹象点呈NE-SW向线状分布,总体走向N40°~50°E,长2~ 3km.根据水泥路面变形推断水平缩短量为8cm,垂直抬升量1 ~ 2em.地表未见走滑分量,运动学特征表现为由NW向SE的推挤作用.在地震地表破裂的力学性质方面,有斜向剪切裂缝,也有挤压对冲逆断层性质,但更多地表现为张性裂缝,这与拱曲顶部的局部张性应力场有关.虽然这些地表破裂组合特征不同,性质也有差异,但均反映了龙门乡一带受到NW-SE向挤压作用以及逆断层发震构造沿线近地表常见的拱曲作用.与大川-双石断裂(前山断裂)、大邑-名山断裂(山前断裂)相比,芦山-龙门隐伏推测断裂更有可能是此次地震的发震断裂,这一推论也与此次地震序列的精定位结果以及地震烈度分布特征相符.有关芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震发震断裂的认识,对研究此次地震的发震构造特征以及评价未来山前地带地震危险性具有重要意义. 相似文献
丽江地震序列的震源机制,发震应力场和破裂特征 总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17
丽江7.0级地震震区位于我国西南地区现代构造应力场空间分布的复杂地区,区域应力场主压应力优势方位为南南东。震区位于可能受到多种构造动力源作用的特定构造运动环境中。获得了主震和22个ML≥4.0级余震的震源机制P波初动解,分析表明,主震发震应力场为北3°东,与震区区域应力场主压应力优势方位有一个小角度的偏差。主震的发震应力不仅有水平应力的作用,同时还有显的垂直应力的作用。在余震序列发展中震区呈现出 相似文献
对《地震地质》刊登的两篇文章中有关唐山断裂是高角度西倾的逆冲走滑断裂及唐山市东侧付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震的发震断裂的观点进行讨论。笔者认为,如果唐山地震断层是西倾的逆冲走滑活动,需要考虑唐山逆冲断裂的活动方式与唐山市西侧第四纪凹陷之间的关系;如果付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震震源构造的地表破裂,需要解释该西倾的倾滑断裂带与唐山市内走滑地裂缝带的成因联系。此外,还需要更有说服力的证据排除该地表破裂带是次生构造破裂的可能。建议对控制草泊第四纪凹陷的活动断裂开展调查 相似文献