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Two adaptive algorithms for multipath time delay estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of time delay estimation (TDE) with multipath transmissions arises often in many sonar and radar systems. Two adaptive algorithms based on a parameter estimation approach are proposed to estimate the difference in arrival times of a signal at two separated sensors in the presence of multipath propagation. The first method uses an adaptive IIR filter to eliminate the multipath signal in each transmission channel prior to applying a constrained delay estimation algorithm to extract the time difference between the two received outputs. The second employs two constrained adaptive FIR filters to perform equalization of the multipath arrivals, and time delay is then derived using a constrained delay estimator similar to that in the first method. Computer simulations are presented to compare and contrast the tracing capability and convergence behavior of these multipath TDE methods  相似文献   

李谊纯 《海洋工程》2015,33(1):66-72
通过理想模型的解析解对河口悬移质泥沙输沙中恢复饱和过程与潮流不对称耦合作用下的长期净输运机制进行了研究,并给出了二者耦合作用下的悬沙长期净输运的定量表达及悬沙净输运方向与分潮相对位相的关系。研究认为,悬沙的长期净输运与泥沙的恢复饱和过程及潮流不对称存在密切关系。对于仅单频潮波作用的情况,恢复饱和过程不会导致悬沙净输运的产生;分潮与余流的相互作用将产生与余流方向一致的净输运;悬沙的净输运方向与潮流不对称的方向并不完全一致;对于频率满足一定条件的分潮的组合,不论该分潮组合是否导致潮流不对称,均会产生悬沙的净输运;净输运量是分潮组合中各分潮流速的振幅、相对位相及相对恢复饱和时间的函数。对于某一分潮组合,悬沙净输运与潮流不对称方向改变时,二者的相对位相阈值之间的偏差随恢复饱和时间的增大而增大。  相似文献   

Continuous acoustic transmission (133 Hz, 60-ms resolution) between a bottom-mounted source near Oahu, Hawaii, and a bottom-mounted receiver at 4000-km range near the coast of northern California was recorded to learn how to measure precisely the travel time so that basin-scale fluctuations in the Pacific can be detected. Daily incoherent averages of some of the multipaths exhibited stability during this period. The standard deviation of the travel time of the resolved peaks in the daily incoherent averages is about 30 ms. An acoustic method, based on cross-correlation, is derived to estimate the change in the average acoustic phase (travel time) to a precision of about 0.018 cycles (135 μs) every 2 min. Travel-time estimates based on the cross-correlator reduce the aberrations due to internal waves by about 19 dB in comparison with CW transmissions. The new travel-time estimator is applied to the measurements to examine some of the fluctuations of the Pacific  相似文献   

How well do existing ocean observation programs monitor the oceans through space and time? A meta-analysis of ocean observation programs in the Pacific Ocean was carried out to determine where and how key parameters defining the physics, chemistry, and biology of the oceans were measured. The analysis indicates that although the chemistry and physics of the Pacific Ocean are reasonably well monitored, ecological monitoring remains largely ad hoc, patchy, unsystematic, and inconsistent. The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI), for example, is the only Pacific Ocean program in which the zooplankton and micronekton are resolved to species with consistent time series of greater than 20 years duration. Several studies now indicate massive changes to nearshore, mesopelagic and other fish communities of the southern California Current but available time series do not allow these potential changes to be examined more widely. Firm commitment from the global community to sustained, representative, quantitative marine observations at the species level is required to adequately assess the ecological status of the oceans.  相似文献   

A discrete wave displacement time-series record is usually analyzed by a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which represents the record as the sum of a finite number of harmonic sinusoids. When the dominant sinusoid of the record is not one of these harmonics, DFT “leakage” produces a distorted picture of the dominant wave, particularly for records not much longer than the largest period in the record. This paper proposes a non-Fourier method for determining the dominant wave period that is applicable even when the record is short relative to the largest period present in the record.  相似文献   

何秋银  王世练  张炜  许涛 《海洋工程》2018,36(1):138-144
水声信道的多径时延扩展和时变特性对信道估计和均衡技术的研究带来了很大的挑战,同时也决定了水声信道是一种时频双扩展信道,提出一种水声OFDM通信系统中基于软信息的迭代信道估计技术,利用基于复指数基扩展模型(CE-BEM)进行信道估计。OFDM系统本身可以消除由于多径引起的符号间干扰(ISI)。基于导频的BEM信道估计,可以实现对时变信道的估计,结合基于软信息迭代的迭代均衡模块,将每次迭代生成的符号软判决信息作为辅助导频用于信道估计。同时,为了防止由于信道时变引起的信道子载波间干扰(ICI)对导频符号的影响,采用基于保护间隔的导频插入法插入导频。仿真结果显示基于BEM的软信息迭代信道估计性能较非迭代信道估计时明显提升。  相似文献   

A new control scheme for robust trajectory control based on direct estimation of system dynamics is proposed for underwater vehicles. The proposed controller can work satisfactorily under heavy uncertainty that is commonly encountered in the case of underwater vehicle control. The dynamics of the plant are approximately canceled through the feedback of delayed accelerations and control inputs. Knowledge of the bounds on uncertain terms is not required. It is shown that only the rigid body inertia matrix is sufficient to design the controller. The control law is conceptually simple and computationally easy to implement. The effectiveness of the controller is demonstrated through simulations and implementation issues are discussed.  相似文献   

随机波浪作用下海洋平台主动控制的时滞补偿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵇春艳  李华军 《海洋工程》2004,22(4):95-101
基于预测控制理论,研究了适用于海洋平台的时滞补偿控制算法。该方法借助于随机波浪力的近似公式和卡尔曼滤波原理,推导出了随机波浪力向前一步预测公式,同时采用卡尔曼滤波方程,实现了对状态向量向前一步预测。利用随机波浪力及状态向量的实时在线预测公式,推导出最优控制力向前一步预测的表达式。在此基础上,发展了不仅适用于反馈控制系统而且适用于前馈-反馈控制系统的时滞补偿算法。采用一典型海洋平台为数值算例,计算结果表明,该方法在一定时滞范围内对海洋平台主动控制中时滞的补偿效果是显著的。  相似文献   

The holes of the DSDP-IPOD program in the South Atlantic Ocean document two major anoxic events during Oxfordian to middle Albian times and secondly from late Cenomanian to Santonian times. The black shales formed during these two anoxic events differ in their rhythmicity and origin.During Lower Cretaceous time, the anoxic conditions resulted from the confined, euxinic nature of the basins. The rhythmicity of these black shales probably does not result from a global phenomenon (climatic or tectono-eustatic), but from local conditions resulting from the slender dimensions of the young ocean basin(s). The diversity and the diachroneity of the deposits from the south to the north precisely reflect the dynamics of the oceanic spreading.During Upper Cretaceous time, the anoxic conditions fluctuated in relation to a mid-water oxygen-minimum zone. The rhythmicity of black shale deposition seems to result from a global phenomenon, because of the widespread occurrence of the event. In the South Atlantic ocean, the cyclic fluctuations of anoxia were due to cyclic variations in the depth of the mid-water oxygen-minimum zone. There is no simple process to explain such rhythmicity. It probably results from the interplay of the three main variables which characterize the oceans at the time of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary: the increased rate of sea floor spreading, high sea-levels and low water-circulation.  相似文献   

Using climatological atlas data and historical hydrographic data, the relationship between dynamic height anomaly D and acoustic round-trip travel time in the Pacific Ocean is investigated. A tight, linear relation is found in a region centered on the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension. In this region, the slopem of the relation is approximately –50 dyn m s–1, about equal to the value expected for first-baroclinicmode response and twice as large as the value form in the Gulf Stream region of the Atlantic Ocean. The value ofm in the Pacific generally increases in magnitude towards the south and with increasing depth to which the integrals for D and are carried. It is changed only slightly by correcting for the temperature and salinity march of the seasons in the surface layer. The Kuroshio region is established as one in which the record of from an inverted echo sounder can be interpreted reliably in terms of D. An inverted echo sounder can also be used in this way in a number of other regions of the Pacific, although the available hydrographic data sets are too sparse to establish their boundaries clearly.  相似文献   

Real time estimation of ship motions using Kalman filtering techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The estimation of the heave, pitch, roll, sway, and yaw motions of a DD-963 destroyer is studied, using Kalman filtering techniques, for application in VTOL aircraft landing. The governing equations are obtained from hydrodynamic considerations in the form of linear differential equations with frequency dependent coefficients. In addition, nonminimum phase characteristics are obtained due to the spatial integration of the water wave forces. The resulting transfer matrix function is irrational and nonminimum phase. The conditions for a finite-dimensional approximation are considered and the impact of the various parameters is assessed. A detailed numerical application for a DD-963 destroyer is presented and simulations of the estimations obtained from Kalman filters are discussed.  相似文献   

Three practical methods for computing the expected maxima of Gaussian time series for ocean system analysis are developed. These methods utilize Pierce's sample scaling concept to overcome the maxima counting and correlation difficulties, but minimize the associated complexity and uncertainties. The first (Direct) method removes the dependence on the envelope for maxima estimation of the time series by directly operating on the time series itself. The second (Poisson clumping) employs the notion of sample scaling factor, but requires neither computing the envelope nor segmenting. The third (Log-fit) is a simple logarithm curve fitting, using the slowly varying, logarithmic growth property of the expected maximum. The accuracy and computational efficiency of these methods are examined. The Direct method and the Poisson clumping method are found to have comparable accuracy. Employment of the envelope does not improve the accuracy of the estimate in practice. Hence, the Direct method and the Poisson clumping method should be preferred. The Poisson clumping method is more efficient than both the Direct method and Pierce's method because of its straightforwardness in implementation. The Log-fit method is the simplest to implement, and computationally the most efficient. Its accuracy is acceptable for many engineering preliminary designs.  相似文献   

Optical buffers are critical for optical signal processing in future optical packet-switched networks. In this paper, a theoretical study as well as an experimental demonstration on a new optical buffer with large dynamical delay time is carried out based on cascaded double loop optical buffers (DLOBs). It is found that pulse distortion can be restrained by a negative optical control mode when the optical packet is in the loop. Noise analysis indicates that it is feasible to realise a large variable delay range by cascaded DLOBs. These conclusions are validated by the experiment system with 4-stage cascaded DLOBs. Both the theoretical simulations and the experimental results indicate that a large delay range of 1--9999 times the basic delay unit and a fine granularity of 25 ns can be achieved by the cascaded DLOBs. The performance of the cascaded DLOBs is suitable for the all optical networks.  相似文献   

海洋激光荧光雷达海面油膜种类鉴别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋激光雷达在探测海面油荧光方面的应用 ,受到广泛重视。海洋激光荧光雷达是以物质荧光谱理论为基础 ,将荧光技术应用于海面油膜检测领域。本文介绍了激光荧光原理 ,青岛海洋大学海洋激光雷达的基本结构和工作过程 ,以及该套系统进行海面油膜种类鉴别的使用方法和适用范围。通过实验证明 ,该套系统性能可靠 ,测量值稳定 ,能够进行一定程度上的油荧光测量。提出采用荧光强度 4 35 / 380 ,4 35 / 5 0 0 ,4 35 / 5 5 0 ,3个比值作为油样荧光特性的描述值进行油种鉴别。相对其他的鉴别方法 ,三比值法无须配置溶液 ,适于现场测量。根据系统响应情况提取的特征值不但更有针对性 ,而且由于特征值数量多 ,对荧光谱分布曲线的描述更加准确。  相似文献   

HY-2卫星雷达高度计时标偏差估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星雷达高度计是海洋遥感监测的重要传感器之一,测高系统和定轨系统是高度计重要的组成部分。若两系统使用不同的系统时钟,则获得的轨道高度和卫星测距值之间可能会存在一个时标偏差,该时标偏差会降低卫星雷达高度计的海面高度测量精度。针对HY-2卫星雷达高度计的时标偏差问题,本文分析了时标偏差对测高精度的影响,介绍了一种使用自交叉点数据估算时标偏差值的方法,并基于HY-2卫星雷达高度计第21个周期数据开展了时标偏差修正实验。时标偏差修正后HY-2自交叉点的海面高度差值(也称"不符值")分布收敛程度有了明显的提高,其RMS均方根值从24.7 cm减小到了7.0 cm,HY-2与Jason-2互交叉点的不符值的RMS也从16.6 cm减小到了7.3 cm。这表明本文介绍的时标偏差修正方法可有效地提高HY-2卫星雷达高度计的测高精度。  相似文献   

海浪对海洋上层的动量与混合作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了波浪影响海洋环流的3种机制,给出了波浪对海流的雷诺应力表示、搅拌混合系数表示以及对温盐扩散的搅拌混合系数表示;计算了东中国海区域的波浪动量作用、搅拌混合系数空间分布和时间演化,进而定量分析了波浪对表层海流的动量输送及对海洋上混合层与跃层形成的作用。  相似文献   

海浪的视景仿真有重要的应用背景与军事意义。文中围绕如何解决海浪的实时视景仿真问题,讨论了基于海浪谱的不同浪级波面的仿真模型,并讨论了海浪的实时视景仿真实现技术。这些模型与技术对于提高海浪仿真实时性与真实性有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

We assessed whether short-term photoacclimation responses of natural phytoplankton populations in the Drake Passage (Southern Ocean) were affecting protection from photodamage as cells are mixed up to the surface from depth. To this end, we measured phytoplankton fluorescence characteristics and their ratio of xanthophyll cycle pigment to photosynthetic pigments within the upper mixed layer (UML) and in short-term deck incubation experiments. Phytoplankton within the UML photoacclimated by increasing their ratio of xanthophyll cycle (diadinoxanthin [dd] and diatoxanthin [dt]) pigments to chlorophyll a. The photoacclimation processes observed within the UML did, however, not influence the protection of phytoplankton from photodamage during short-term near-surface irradiance experiments. Exposure to near-surface irradiance resulted in photodamage in all experiments, regardless of the phytoplankton community composition and irradiance levels. Incubating phytoplankton for six hours at either 2% or 50% of surface irradiance prior to exposure to near-surface irradiance did not alter the photodamage characteristics. This suggests that short-term photoacclimation processes within the UML are not adequate to protect phytoplankton from photodamage when cells are mixed up to the surface from depth, and that repair of damaged photosystems is crucial for maintaining photosynthesis under fluctuating irradiance conditions, even at very low mean irradiance levels. Likely, continuously operating photoacclimation processes offset to some extent the negative effects of photodamage on photosynthetic performance, albeit with increased metabolic costs.  相似文献   

《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(3-4):353-361
The aim of this study is to determine the effects of ocean depth on tsunami amplitudes used in source models for use in linear shallow-water wave theory. To determine the effects, 19 ocean depths ranging from 200–2000 m are studied. The results show that it is possible to establish a series-type exploration function to define the depth-amplitude effects. This function with the unknown coefficients related to ruptures of the ocean floor involves the normalized maximum tsunami amplitude. Results obtained from this series-function give good approximations for four or more terms in the series. Two basic source models are considered. Numerical examples are presented.  相似文献   

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