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针对目前关于OSM数据质量的研究现状,本文以美国地质勘查局数据为参考数据,根据OSM路网数据与参考数据的特点,完成OSM路网数据的转换及其与参考数据的匹配。同时依据匹配结果,给出OSM路网的距离、角度这两种几何精度的评价结果,并通过计算机编程,将最终的评价结果可视化,开发实现了众源数据质量评价原型系统。  相似文献   

This paper develops a method and tool for automatically evaluating road generalization quality when one goes from a scale of 1:25,000 to 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. The automation process forms part of the objective because it improves evaluation productivity. In order to perform that process, two conditions are necessary: (a) expert knowledge, which guarantees evaluation reliability; and (b) a tool that formalizes that knowledge. We obtained these objectives by (a) asking a group of 25 international experts to assess the quality of a representative sample of lines, and (b) implementing an artificial neural network (ANN) as a tool for automated selection of the best-generalized line. After calibrating two ANNs by training, the agreement with expert scores was over 73% and 80% at scales of 1:100,000 and 1:200,000, respectively.  相似文献   

道路数据拓扑化是进行道路自动综合和其他分析、操作的基础.总结了6种实用的线与线之间的空间关系,阐述了道路数据拓扑化的必要性,提出了一种道路数据拓扑化描述的方法,介绍了这种适用于道路网综合的拓扑化处理的基本步骤,并对其中的自动断链技术、结点匹配技术和构建多边形技术进行了详细说明,最后通过实验系统对该方法进行实现,通过实验验证了该方法在理论上是正确的,在实践上是可行的.  相似文献   

道路数据拓扑化是进行道路自动综合和其他分析、操作的基础。总结了6种实用的线与线之间的空间关系,阐述了道路数据拓扑化的必要性,提出了一种道路数据拓扑化描述的方法,介绍了这种适用于道路网综合的拓扑化处理的基本步骤,并对其中的自动断链技术、结点匹配技术和构建多边形技术进行了详细说明,最后通过实验系统对该方法进行实现,通过实验验证了该方法在理论上是正确的,在实践上是可行的。  相似文献   

基于强度信息聚类的机载LiDAR点云道路提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种利用强度信息聚类提取机载LiDAR点云道路的方法,并综合利用回波次数信息与高程信息对分类结果进行进一步精化。采用北京凤凰岭地区某块机载LiDAR数据进行试验,试验结果表明,通过强度信息聚类从LiDAR点云巾提取道路能取得一定效果,但误差较大;经过回波次数和高程信息筛选精化后,试验效果得到明显提升,大最的误分点被...  相似文献   

We developed an ATL software component that calculates point-to-point distance with geographic latitude, longitude, and elevation. GEODIST3D was also developed with the ATL component to handle the PolylineZ shapefile format. GEODIST3D was applied to the Amazon and Nile rivers, as well as to the Seoul road network. Distance calculation results showed about a 4% increases in the Amazon and Nile rivers compared with ellipsoidal geodesic distances. Roughly a 0.2% increase was also found in the total length of the major roads in Seoul, South Korea. Survey professionals and GIS analysts will benefit from using the ATL component and GEODIST3D by calculating distance more accurately with digital geospatial features.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel open source toolbox for street network comparison based on the Sextante geoprocessing framework for the open source Geographic Information System Quantum GIS (QGIS). In the spirit of open science, the toolbox enables researchers worldwide to assess the quality of street networks such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) by calculating key performance indicators commonly used in street network comparison studies. Additionally, we suggest two new performance indicators for turn restriction and one‐way street comparisons specifically aimed at testing street network quality for routing. We demonstrate the use of this toolbox by comparing OSM and the official Austrian reference graph “Graph Integration Platform” (GIP) in the greater Vienna region.  相似文献   

为了测评导航电子地图道路质量的需要,提出了一种自动对比分析多源导航电子地图道路的方法。该方法首先提取导航电子地图的道路网,然后通过基于缓冲区分析的算法自动检测不同数据源道路网之间的差异,最后采用基于Shi-Tomasi算子提取道路交叉点并统计道路段数,实现了定量对比分析多源导航电子地图道路。试验表明本文方法能够有效自动对比分析多源导航电子地图道路。  相似文献   

主要分析比较了GPS-RTK与全站仪的测量结果,对道路工程测量实际生产具有指导意义。  相似文献   

重叠街区结构是道路网络重要的拓扑特征之一,有助于分析及理解道路之间的相互作用和交通功能的差异。提出一种结合道路网络层次结构,以路网非重叠街区结构为起点,划分路网重叠街区的方法。把路划作为道路基本单元,把对偶图作为路网的网络模型,先采用蚁群游走和局部优化算法挖掘道路网中的非重叠街区结构;再结合道路网络的层次结构进一步对道路网络的重叠街区进行划分。通过4种典型模式的道路网络实验,并根据目视、扩展模块度指标、连通效率指标对实验结果进行分析评价,本方法适用于挖掘不同模式下道路网络的重叠街区结构。  相似文献   

Although there is a vast literature available on interoperability models, and their respective interoperability levels, limited research has been carried out on the development of interoperability models for the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures. This article demonstrates the important role of metadata elements in the formalisation of interoperability models for the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures. It describes an approach for designing an integrated interoperability model based on the definition of a common template that integrates seven interoperability levels. They are: technical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, dynamic, conceptual and organisational levels. A non-hierarchical structure is proposed to ensure the relationship among these interoperability levels.  相似文献   

深度学习技术促使诸多领域研究取得突破性进展, 基于深度神经网络的地图综合研究备受期待。将建筑物综合过程抽象解释为编解码过程, 系统地研究基于编解码结构的深度神经网络在建筑物综合中的应用。首先, 利用空间划分与矢量-栅格数据转换相结合的方式构建样本和样本集; 然后, 利用样本集训练基于编解码结构的深度神经网络, 实现建筑物综合学习泛化并测试、评估其效果; 最后, 搭建5种代表性的基于编解码结构的深度神经网络, 分析比较各模型在建筑物综合中的应用效果。实验结果表明, 基于编解码结构的深度神经网络能够从建筑物综合样本中学习或推理出部分建筑物综合知识和综合操作, 且5种模型中Pix2Pix更适用于建筑物综合的学习模拟。  相似文献   

New, free and fast growing spatial data sources have appeared online, based on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). OpenStreetMap (OSM) is one of the most representative projects of this trend. Its increasing popularity and density makes the study of its data quality an imperative. A common approach is to compare OSM with a reference dataset. In such cases, data matching is necessary for the comparison to be meaningful, and is usually performed manually at the data preparation stage. This article proposes an automated feature‐based matching method specifically designed for VGI, based on a multi‐stage approach that combines geometric and attribute constraints. It is applied to the OSM dataset using the official data from Ordnance Survey as the reference dataset. The results are then used to evaluate data completeness of OSM in several case studies in the UK.  相似文献   

African highland agro-ecosystems are dominated by small-scale agricultural fields that often contain a mix of annual and perennial crops. This makes such systems difficult to map by remote sensing. We developed an expert Bayesian network model to extract the small-scale coffee fields of Rwanda from very high resolution data. The model was subsequently applied to aerial orthophotos covering more than 99% of Rwanda and on one QuickBird image for the remaining part. The method consists of a stepwise adjustment of pixel probabilities, which incorporates expert knowledge on size of coffee trees and fields, and on their location. The initial naive Bayesian network, which is a spectral-based classification, yielded a coffee map with an overall accuracy of around 50%. This confirms that standard spectral variables alone cannot accurately identify coffee fields from high resolution images. The combination of spectral and ancillary data (DEM and a forest map) allowed mapping of coffee fields and associated uncertainties with an overall accuracy of 87%. Aggregated to district units, the mapped coffee areas demonstrated a high correlation with the coffee areas reported in the detailed national coffee census of 2009 (R2 = 0.92). Unlike the census data our map provides high spatial resolution of coffee area patterns of Rwanda. The proposed method has potential for mapping other perennial small scale cropping systems in the East African Highlands and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Road objects in a network data model are categorised into a hierarchical structure in accordance with their functions and capacities. In this study; five road attributes derived from semantic, geometric and topological properties of network data set (i.e. road class, road length and centralities of degree, closeness and betweenness) are utilised for the creation of road network hierarchy. The relationships with each attributes except road class and their effects on the determination of road importance are analysed by using a distribution graph and the equation of Pearson correlation coefficient. For creating road network hierarchy, integration process is achieved through the application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process assuming attributes as the fuzzy criteria. The integration process is followed by the calculation of new priority attribute that indicates the importance of road objects. At the end of the process, road class, which is the most important attribute, is also used for the validation of proposed methodology. The results show that the new priority value of a road is superior to its each attribute value in hierarchical organisation.  相似文献   

为了高效获取高质量公路线形参数信息,采用车载定姿定位系统(position orientation system,POS)获取的离散坐标、姿态等信息,通过后处理的方式反演公路线形参数及特征。包括利用均值加速中值滤波平滑的姿态信息分析曲率分布特征,并进行线形特征初步识别、直线和圆曲线线形窗口准确识别与参数计算,利用平差后的直线和圆曲线参数计算缓和曲线参数,最终获得全路段最优化轨迹及线形特征信息。利用该方法处理某公路路段(全程20 km)的车载POS数据,处理结果证明该方法简单高效,具有可行性。  相似文献   

应用车载DGPS数据计算道路线形参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为满足当前利用车载DGPS创建或更新道路信息的实际需求,研制了道路线形参数的计算方法.在此,鉴于车辆行驶线与道路中线之间存在着偏离,从理论上导出了不同道路线形下GPS数据的误差方程式以及连接各种线形的条件方程式.针对误差方程式中未知参数互不独立的情况,采取联合直线段与曲线段一并平差解算法.据此即可求出各段的线形参数并进行精度评定,最后通过算例验证了此方法的有效性与实用性.  相似文献   

为满足当前利用车载DGPS创建或更新道路信息的实际需求,研制了道路线形参数的计算方法。在此,鉴于车辆行驶线与道路中线之间存在着偏离,从理论上导出了不同道路线形下GPS数据的误差方程式以及连接各种线形的条件方程式。针对误差方程式中未知参数互不独立的情况,采取联合直线段与曲线段一并平差解算法。据此即可求出各段的线形参数并进行精度评定,最后通过算例验证了此方法的有效性与实用性。  相似文献   

邓富亮  唐娉  刘源  杨崇俊 《遥感学报》2013,17(6):1492-1507
针对当前高分辨率遥感影像多层次分割尺度参数设置缺少理论框架支持、人为因素影响较多等缺点,提出一种引入松弛因子的高分辨率遥感影像自动多层次分割方法。该方法利用1个松弛因子调节引导区域对象合并的异质性值大小,通过控制每次递归合并区域的对象个数,提高了整体分割的速度;以区域对象间异质性平均值作为基数,引入另一个松弛因子控制分割过程中层次输出的尺度参数,使整个分割过程自动得到不同尺度的多层次分割结果。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的分割质量,能够满足遥感影像分析及地物提取的精度要求,并且减少了人为因素影响,提高了自动化程度。但是,对于复杂图像内容的地物目标边界处理和减少狭长区域对象的出现还需要进一步深入研究和实践。  相似文献   

The exploitation of resources, if not properly managed, can lead to spoiling natural habitats as well as to threatening people’s health, livelihoods and security. The paper discusses a multi-scale Earth observation-based approach to provide independent information related to exploitation activities of natural resources for countries which are experiencing armed conflict. The analyses are based on medium to very high spatial resolution optical satellite data. Object-based image analysis is used for information extraction at these different scales. On a subnational level, conflict-related land cover changes as an indication of potential hot spots for exploitation activities are classified. The regional assessment provides information about potential activity areas of resource exploitation, whereas on a local scale, a site-specific assessment of exploitation areas is performed. The study demonstrates the potential of remote sensing for supporting the monitoring and documentation of natural resource exploitation in conflict regions.  相似文献   

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