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为了研究白令海(海盆及陆架)至楚科奇海陆架表层沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)降解菌的多样性,并获得新的PAHs降解菌资源。在GC-MS分析沉积物中PAHs种类和含量的基础上,以萘、菲和芘的混合物为唯一碳源和能源对表层沉积物样品进行富集,通过平板分离鉴定可培养菌株,并验证其降解能力;同时利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和Illumina高通量测序技术分析降解菌群结构。GC-MS测定结果表明,14个表层沉积物中PAHs总干质量介于32.99~276.97ng/g。富集菌群中共分离获得51株可培养细菌,平板纯培养、PCR-DGGE及Illumina测序结果均表明,菌群中优势的降解菌是γ-proteobacteria的Marinobacter,Pseudoalteromonas,Pseudomonas和Actinobacteria门的Dietzia菌。此外,Illumina测序结果还表明14个降解菌群在菌群结构组成上,可分为海盆区和陆架区两种类群;同时检测到一些低丰度的海洋专属PAHs降解菌,如Cycloclasticus,Alteromonas和Neptunomonas等。本文结果将加深对白令海及楚科奇海表层沉积物中PAHs降解菌资源与生物多样性的认识。  相似文献   

日本海、鄂霍次克海和白令海的古海洋学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
边缘海的存在使大陆和大洋之间的物质和能量交换变得相当复杂。在构造运动和海平面升降的控制下,边缘海和大洋之间时而连通时而隔绝,各种古气候变化信号都在一定程度上被放大。基于近期有关西北太平洋边缘海的古海洋学研究成果,简要概述了日本海、鄂霍次克海、白令海以及北太平洋地区自中新世以来的古气候和古海洋环境演化特征,并认为它们与全球其它地区一样也受控于因地球轨道参数变化引起的太阳辐射率的变化,大尺度的气候变化具有与地球轨道偏心率周期相对应的100ka周期,而41ka的小尺度周期则受地球自转轴斜率变化的控制。一些突发性的气候变化则是由气候不稳定性、海峡的关闭与开启和其它一些地球气候系统的非线性活动所驱动。但同时作为中高纬度边缘海,它们的古海平面、古海水温度、古洋流等古海洋环境因子的变化特征还受到冰盖扩张和退缩、构造运动、冰川性地壳均衡补偿、东亚季风等因素的影响,具有一定的区域特点。  相似文献   

The Red Sea is an unusual example of a rift basin that transitioned from its evaporitic stage to fully open-ocean conditions at the end of the Miocene (∼5.3 Ma), much more recently than older Mesozoic margins around the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The patterns of halokinetic deformation occurring in the Red Sea are potentially of interest for understanding more generally how evaporite deposits deform during this early stage. Relevant to this issue, a line of reconnaissance sidescan sonar data (GLORIA) collected along the Red Sea in 1979 is re-evaluated here. We first interpret the data with the aid of newly compiled bathymetry from multibeam sonars in the central and southern Red Sea. Features in the acoustic backscatter data are associated with ridges, valleys and rounded flow fronts produced by halokinetic deformation. Some areas of higher acoustic backscattering from the evaporites are suggested to relate to roughness produced by deformation of the evaporite surface. Within the volcanic (oceanic) axial valleys, areas of differing high and low backscattering suggest varied sediment cover and/or carbonate encrustations. With the benefit of the above experience, we then interpreted data from the northern Red Sea, where there are fewer multibeam data available. Rounded fronts of halokinetic deformation are present in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, a broad, shallow valley crossing the Red Sea obliquely. The presence of halokinetic deformation here is evidence that subsidence has occurred along the fracture zone. Elsewhere in the northern Red Sea, the GLORIA data reveal folds in the evaporite surface, suggesting local areas of convergence, like those implied by multibeam data from inter-trough zones further south. Some linear features are observed, many of which are likely to be ridges overlying salt walls. Interestingly, several such features are oriented along an accommodation zone that is oriented parallel to the plate spreading direction. Several rounded, corrugated features are interpreted as possible evaporite flow fronts. Overall, the impression from the data is of a strongly mobile seabed in the Red Sea because of halokinetic deformation, involving both vertical and horizontal movements. However, salt walls appear more common than in the central and southern axial Red Sea, where horizontal movements instead tend to dominate.  相似文献   

对白令海表层沉积物样品进行硅藻分析,共鉴定硅藻30属56种(含变种),并确定17种硅藻新记录,其中包括Kisseieviella carina等3种化石种。白令海表层沉积物中的硅藻优势种为Neodenticula seminae,Fragilariopsis cylindrusFragilariopsis oceanica,在白令海北部陆坡深水区附近以Neodenticula seminae为主,而在白令海北部陆架以Fragilariopsis cylindrusFragilariopsis oceanica为主。对硅藻结果进行聚类分析,可以划分出3个硅藻组合,硅藻组合Ⅰ代表海冰种硅藻组合,组合Ⅱ代表受阿拉斯加流影响的大洋浮游硅藻组合,组合Ⅲ代表上述两个硅藻组合之间的过渡组合。Fossula arctica是17种硅藻新记录之一,首次记录于白令海表层沉积物中,其百分含量分布趋势与Fragilariopsis cylindrusFragilariopsis oceanica的相近,在白令海北部陆架为11.7%~17.1%,而在陆坡深水区附近明显减少,是继Fragilariopsis cylindrusFragilariopsis oceanica之后白令海又一海冰指示种,并有望成为一种有效的海冰变化替代物运用于晚第四纪以来白令海海冰进退历史研究。  相似文献   

The Bering Sea shelf and Chukchi Sea shelf are believed to hold enormous oil and gas reserves which have attracted a lot of geophysical surveys. For the interpretation of acoustic geophysical survey results, sediment sound velocity is one of the main parameters. On seven sediment cores collected from the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea during the 5th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, sound velocity measurements were made at 35, 50, 100, 135, 150, 174, 200, and 250 k Hz using eight separate pairs of ultrasonic transducers. The measured sound velocities range from 1 425.1 m/s to 1 606.4 m/s and are dispersive with the degrees of dispersion from 2.2% to 4.0% over a frequency range of 35–250 k Hz. After the sound velocity measurements, the measurements of selected geotechnical properties and the Scanning Electron Microscopic observation of microstructure were also made on the sediment cores. The results show that the seafloor sediments are composed of silty sand, sandy silt, coarse silt, clayey silt, sand-silt-clay and silty clay. Aggregate and diatom debris is found in the seafloor sediments. Through comparative analysis of microphotographs and geotechnical properties, it is assumed that the large pore spaces between aggregates and the intraparticulate porosity of diatom debris increase the porosity of the seafloor sediments, and affect other geotechnical properties. The correlation analysis of sound velocity and geotechnical properties shows that the correlation of sound velocity with porosity and wet bulk density is extreme significant, while the correlation of sound velocity with clay content, mean grain size and organic content is not significant. The regression equations between porosity, wet bulk density and sound velocity based on best-fit polynomial are given.  相似文献   

Fine-scale lava morphology has been classified on the ridge crest of the East Pacific Rise between 9°15′N and 10°02′N using an expert system classification method. This method establishes the means to classify complicated seafloor environments by integrating textural and geometric feature attributes from a high-resolution side-scan sonar dataset where ground-reference data are available from near-bottom visual observations. The classification in this study focuses upon mapping the lava morphology distribution of sheet, lobate, and pillow flows along the East Pacific Rise. The reliability of the classification has been evaluated using an accuracy assessment. The study region yields a coverage area of 37,814 m2 (44%) for lobate flows; 10,421 m2 (12%) for pillow flows; 15,096 m2 (18%) for sheet flows; 19,679 m2 (23%) for fissured areas; and 2,967 m2 (3%) for shadows or no data. The systematic distribution of lava morphology along the ridge found in this study supports the idea of using the regional distribution of surface morphology as an indicator of emplacement dynamics and supports an organization of the volcanic plumbing system at a third order segmentation scale beneath mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

理解增暖背景下海洋环境的演化过程是海洋学和气候学一项重要的研究内容。在地质时期,地球经历了多次增暖时段(包括早全新世),这为认识海洋环境演化过程提供了重要参考。早全新世全球气候经历了快速增暖,并伴随着冰原融化和海平面快速上升,对包括白令海在内的高纬边缘海的沉积过程和海洋环境产生显著影响。白令海发育宽阔的大陆架,毗邻北美大陆,接受来自育空河、阿纳德尔河和库斯科维姆河物质的供给。目前我们对白令海如何响应早全新世气候的认识还存在明显不足。本研究对位于白令海北部陆坡LV63-19-3岩心沉积物中陆源碎屑组份进行了高分辨率调查,结合沉积年龄模型,研究了早中全新世(距今11.7~5.5 ka)白令海北部陆坡陆源沉积演化过程。研究结果显示,在距今11.5~11 ka,白令海北部陆坡沉积速率高达392.9 cm/ka,在距今约9.7 ka以后降至17.2 cm/ka。在距今11~10.7 ka,发现一层厚约40 cm的暗色纹层状沉积层。在高沉积速率时段,沉积物平均粒径较细,距今9 ka以来平均粒径逐渐增大。主微量元素分析结果表明,陆源碎屑沉积物母岩性质以长英质沉积物为主,并存在少量火山碎屑源贡献。白令海北部陆坡高沉积速率事件对应于冰原融水脉冲(MWP)-1B事件(距今11.4~11.1 ka),并导致白令海陆坡硅质生产力勃发。在距今11~10.7 ka研究区春夏季海冰覆盖增加抑制表层水体氧供给,夏、秋季持续冰川融水和高表层生产力进一步加剧了水体层化和海洋内部消耗,共同促进了纹层状沉积层的形成。距今9 ka以来白令海季节性海冰活动增强,但是陆源碎屑物质质量累积速率则逐渐减小,表明随着海平面上升,供给到研究区的陆源物质减少。我们认为早全新世白令海北部陆坡沉积环境快速变化是海平面、冰融水脉冲事件和季节性海冰活动共同作用的结果,实际上受高纬日射量、北美大陆冰原融化和全球气候变化控制。  相似文献   

通过对比白令海BR07孔与B5-4孔硅藻百分含量、颜色反射率等参数结果,综合建立了BR07孔年龄框架。根据该重建年龄结果,BR07孔年龄约为11.3~1.9 ka,平均沉积速率约为28.5 cm/ka,略低于B5-4孔。基于圆柱拟脆杆藻与塞米新细齿藻比值Fragilariopsis cylindrus含量/(Fragilariopsis cylindrus含量+Neodenticula seminae含量)重建的近万年来白令海海冰变化历史,记录到该区域末次冰消期以来包括新仙女木事件在内的3次冷事件以及1次暖事件,其中新仙女木事件约发生于距今11.3~10.7 ka,与格陵兰冰心记录对应值距今12.9~11.6 ka基本相近,这进一步佐证了该重建年龄比原始的全样有机碳AMS 14C测年结果更可信。  相似文献   

本文对白令海北部陆坡B2-9站位沉积物岩芯开展了高分辨率的生物标志物分析,获得了研究区近一万年来陆源长链正构烷烃(简写为烷烃)的输入及其源区植被结构的变化等相关记录。结果表明,nC27是烷烃中最高的主碳峰,对烷烃总量的贡献也最大,这可能与源区木本植物的丰度及其分布有关;nC23的含量也较高,可能主要是来源于北半球沿海地区广泛分布的一类沉水植物。全新世期间,烷烃总量分别在7.8 ka B.P.,6.7 ka B.P.和5.4 ka B.P.经历了三次阶梯状的下降过程,呈现出四个相对稳定的阶段,可能主要受控于早全新世海平面上升以及源区气候环境和植被分布的变化。烷烃的分子组合特征各参数(如CPI、ACL以及nC31/nC27等)的变化则表明,烷烃主要来自陆生高等植物,且全新世期间植被结构较为稳定,木本植物占据优势。此外,在几个较短的时期内,烷烃总量及其分子组合特征等参数的变化具有同步性,表明在这些时期特殊的气候条件下,源区木本植物烷烃对烷烃总量的贡献率的增加可能低于草本植物烷烃和化石烷烃。  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the automatic characterisation and classification of the sea-bed for side-scan sonar trace power-spectra.A parametric model of side-scan sonar trace power-spectra is developed from the equation for the magnitude frequency response of a Butterworth filter. The model's parameters are optimised to give a least squares fit with observed spectra. Three of the optimised parameters are used to define features.  相似文献   

对中国第四次北极科学考察期间在白令海北部获取的海水样品进行悬浮体含量及其颗粒组分特征的分析。结果表明,白令海陆架海区悬浮体含量大体呈现出表层浓度低而底层浓度高的特点。表层海水悬浮体含量在白令海峡西侧和陆架东侧靠近阿拉斯加沿岸含量较高,而底层海水中悬浮体含量则在白令海峡西侧,以及白令海陆架西南部的圣马修岛西北侧较高。陆架流系对底床物质的再悬浮作用致使白令海悬浮颗粒物浓度的高值区多位于近底层海水中。受白令陆坡流沿陆架坡折带输运作用,研究区西南部悬浮体浓度较高。白令海陆架水以及阿纳德尔流携带悬浮颗粒向北输运,使得底层悬浮体浓度呈现出自南向北逐渐减弱的模式。圣劳仑斯岛以北靠近楚科奇半岛一侧海域,受高营养盐的阿纳德尔流的影响,悬浮颗粒物以藻类为主;东侧阿拉斯加沿岸流区悬浮颗粒则以陆源的碎屑矿物为主。  相似文献   

为了准确解释环境磁学参数记录的极地古气候环境变化信息,本研究对白令海和西北冰洋61个站位的表层沉积物进行了高、低频质量磁化率(χ)、非磁滞磁化率(χARM)和磁化率-温度(k-T)分析,以探明该区沉积物中磁性矿物的种类、来源与搬运路径。结果显示,样品的χ具有明显的地域分布特征。白令海的χ值整体高于楚科奇海,并在育空河口外侧和圣劳伦斯岛南侧较高,向北和向西南方向逐渐减小。楚科奇海中东部陆架上表层沉积χ值高于阿拉斯加沿岸,而西北冰洋深海平原和洋脊区的χ值最低。χARM的变化趋势与质量磁化率相似,但频率磁化率的变化趋势与质量磁化率正好相反。k-T分析结果显示阿留申海盆沉积物中的铁磁性矿物以磁赤铁矿占主导,白令海陆架育空河口外侧和圣劳伦斯岛南北两侧为磁铁矿,白令海陆架西部和楚科奇海陆架中东部为磁赤铁矿和磁铁矿,楚科奇海阿拉斯加沿岸为黄铁矿,而西北冰洋陆坡、深海平原和洋脊区为胶黄铁矿和黄铁矿,但高纬度区沉积物中的胶黄铁矿含量更高。沉积物中磁性矿物的区域性分布受沉积物来源、洋流和底质环境等因素的控制。白令海和楚科奇海陆架磁赤铁矿来源于亚洲大陆,白令海陆架东部的磁铁矿来自育空河流域,阿拉斯加沿岸沉积物中的黄铁矿,应为阿拉斯加西北部陆源侵蚀来源的或早期成岩作用形成的,西北冰洋深海盆区的胶黄铁矿,为自生成因的。  相似文献   

白令海夏季浮游细菌和原生动物生物量及分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1999年7月21日至8月1日在我国首次北极科学考察期间,考察了白令海中部的浮游细菌和原生动物,分析了其丰度、分布、生物量及其生态作用,结果显示,浮游细菌表层生物量为1.5~20.2μg/dm3,平均为浮游植物生物量的30%,100m以上水柱柱总生物量(720~3123mg/m2)平均为浮游植物柱总生物量的67%,因而是白令海夏季与浮游植物处同等量级的优势类群;原生动物表层生物量为1.2~27.4μg/dm3,100m以上水柱柱总生物量为189~1698mg/m2,平均为浮游植物柱总生物量的21%,其中粒径小于5,5~20μm和大于20μm的原生动物分别占其柱总生物量的13%,47%和40%;作为主要类群的异养腰鞭毛虫占原生动物柱总生物量的39%.浮游细菌和原生动物生物量的总体分布趋势从西部向东北和东部递减、从表层向深层衰减,20~25m水层温跃层和表层海流的存在对这一分布特性可能有较大的影响.原生动物受潜在的大、中型浮游动物捕食压力的制约,维持了一个相对较低的生物量水平,在一定程度上限制了微食物环(microbial food loop)在该海域夏季生态系统营养中的作用.  相似文献   

1Introduction TheBeringStraitactsasashallowchannelbe- tweenthePacificandtheArcticOcean(seeFig.1). TheBeringStraitislessthan60mdeepandconnects theChukchiSeatothenorthandtheBeringSeatothe south.TheChukchiSeaisamarginalseaoftheArctic Oceanwithsome50mdeep(Woodgateetal.,2004). TheBeringStraitthroughflowplaysanimportantrole inthestratificationoftheArcticOcean,especiallyin theprimarywaterpropertiesoftheChukchiSea. Aagaardetal.(1985)arguedthatbecauseofthe coastalgeometry,therewerewind-driven…  相似文献   

利用2008年夏季我国第3次北极科学考察资料,基于流式细胞技术,对白令海北部陆架区的微微型浮游植物丰度、细胞大小(碳含量)、色素浓度的分布特征进行了分析,并对该类群的环境适应性进行了研究.结果表明,微微型浮游植物中仅含聚球藻和真核藻,其丰度范围分别为0.14×106~2.69×106和0.23×106-12.49×10...  相似文献   

The Bering Sea is an area of high biological productivity, with large populations of sea-birds, demersal and pelagic fishes, so it seemed desirable to assess the bioaccumulation of trace metals in the ...  相似文献   

The temperature minimum layer, called “dichothermal water”, is a characteristic feature of the North Pacific subarctic gyre. In particular, dichothermal water having a density of approximately 26.6 sigma-theta (σθ), which corresponds to the densest water outcropping in winter in the North Pacific, is seen in the Bering Sea. In order to clarify the water properties, and the area in which and the process by which the dichothermal water is formed, a new seasonal mean gridded climatological dataset with a fine resolution for the Bering Sea and adjacent seas has been prepared using historically accumulated hydrographic data. Although the waters of the Alaskan Stream have temperature minimum layers, their temperature inversions are very weak in climatologies and the core densities of the temperature minimum layers are much lighter than 26.6σθ. On the other hand, in the Bering Sea one can see the robust structure of temperature minimum layers, the core density of the dichothermal water being around 26.6σθ. In addition, it has been found that the properties of the dichothermal water observed in the warming season are almost the same as those in the winter mixed layer. That is, the dichothermal waters are formed in the winter mixed layer in the Bering Sea. Since these waters are found in the Kamchatka Strait, i.e., the main exit of the Bering Sea waters, it can be supposed that the dichothermal waters are exported from the Bering Sea to the Pacific Ocean by the Kamchatka Current. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2008年夏季白令海营养盐的分布及其结构状况   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
中国第3次北极考察对白令海营养盐的分布及结构状况进行了观测分析,结果表明,白令海营养盐分布和结构状况区域性特征明显。海盆区表层DIN、磷酸盐和硅酸盐平均浓度分别为9.73,0.94,11.06 μmol/dm3;陆架区表层DIN,磷酸盐和硅酸盐平均浓度分别为0.60, 0.43, 3.74 μmol/dm3。营养盐高值主要出现在白令海西南部的海盆区和海峡口西南侧水域,低值出现于陆架边缘的陆坡区和陆架东部水域。白令海盆区真光层DIN,磷酸盐、硅酸盐浓度普遍较高,叶绿素浓度则较低,具有典型的高营养盐、低叶绿素(HNLC)特征。海盆区生物作用不是营养盐空间分布的主要调控因子,而陆架区营养盐的分布变化不仅受控于物理海洋输运过程的变化,同时也受夏季浮游生物生长、营养盐吸收消耗所影响。陆架和陆坡区表层海水N/P,Si/P比值平均分别为1.8, 9.9和3.2, 2.2,呈明显的低N/P,Si/P比值结构特征,陆坡区缺硅明显,陆架区缺氮显著。在白令海水域磷酸盐浓度普遍较高,它不可能成为浮游植物光合作用限制因子。受硅限制水域主要限于陆坡区硅藻大量繁殖时期,属偶然性限制,在白令海陆架区绝大部分水域主要表现为氮限制。  相似文献   

2008年夏季白令海粒度分级叶绿素a和初级生产力   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
2008年7月我国第三次北极科学考察中在白令海不同区域设立BR断面、NB断面和BS断面,对200 m以浅海水进行叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的现场观测,对部分观测站进行微型、微微型光合浮游生物的粒级结构分析,结果表明,在白令海叶绿素a和初级生产力区域性特征明显,深海海盆中BR断面表层叶绿素a浓度为0.190~0.976μg...  相似文献   

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