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It is expected that an average protostar will undergo at least one impulsive interaction with a neighbouring protostar whilst a large fraction of its mass is still in a massive, extended disc. If protostars are formed individually within a cluster before falling together and interacting, there should be no preferred orientation for such interactions. As star formation within clusters is believed to be coeval, it is probable that, during interactions, both protostars possess massive, extended discs.   We have used an SPH code to carry out a series of simulations of non-coplanar disc–disc interactions. We find that non-coplanar interactions trigger gravitational instabilities in the discs, which may then fragment to form new companions to the existing stars. (This is different from coplanar interactions, in which most of the new companion stars form after material in the discs has been swept up into a shock layer, and this then fragments.) The original stars may also capture each other, leading to the formation of a small- N cluster. If every star undergoes a randomly oriented disc–disc interaction, then the outcome will be the birth of many new stars and substellar objects. Approximately two-thirds of the stars will end up in multiple systems.  相似文献   

It appears that most stars are born in clusters, and that at birth most stars have circumstellar discs which are comparable in size to the separations between the stars. Interactions between neighbouring stars and discs are therefore likely to play a key role in determining disc lifetimes, stellar masses, and the separations and eccentricities of binary orbits. Such interactions may also cause fragmentation of the discs, thereby triggering the formation of additional stars.   We have carried out a series of simulations of star–disc interactions using an SPH code which treats self-gravity, hydrodynamic and viscous forces. We find that interactions between discs and stars provide a mechanism for removing energy from, or adding energy to, the orbits of the stars, and for truncating the discs. However, capture during such encounters is unlikely to be an important binary formation mechanism.   A more significant consequence of such encounters is that they can trigger fragmentation of the disc, via tidally and compressionally induced gravitational instabilities, leading to the formation of additional stars and substellar objects. When the disc spins and stellar orbits are randomly oriented, encounters lead to the formation of new companions to the original star in 20 per cent of encounters. If most encounters are prograde and coplanar, as suggested by simulations of dynamically triggered star formation, then new companions are formed in approximately 50 per cent of encounters.  相似文献   

We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the phenomenology of star formation triggered by low-velocity collisions between low-mass molecular clumps. The simulations are performed using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code which satisfies the Jeans condition by invoking on-the-fly particle splitting.
Clumps are modelled as stable truncated (non-singular) isothermal, i.e. Bonnor–Ebert, spheres. Collisions are characterized by M 0 (clump mass), b (offset parameter, i.e. ratio of impact parameter to clump radius) and     (Mach number, i.e. ratio of collision velocity to effective post-shock sound speed). The gas subscribes to a barotropic equation of state, which is intended to capture (i) the scaling of pre-collision internal velocity dispersion with clump mass, (ii) post-shock radiative cooling and (iii) adiabatic heating in optically thick protostellar fragments.
The efficiency of star formation is found to vary between 10 and 30 per cent in the different collisions studied and it appears to increase with decreasing M 0, and/or decreasing b , and/or increasing     . For   b < 0.5  collisions produce shock-compressed layers which fragment into filaments. Protostellar objects then condense out of the filaments and accrete from them. The resulting accretion rates are high,     , for the first     . The densities in the filaments,     , are sufficient that they could be mapped in NH3 or CS line radiation, in nearby star formation regions.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of rapid, so-called type III migration for Jupiter-sized planets embedded in a protoplanetary disc. We limit ourselves to the case of inward migration, and study in detail its evolution and physics, concentrating on the structure of the corotation and circumplanetary regions, and processes for stopping migration. We also consider the dependence of the migration behaviour on several key parameters. We perform this study using the results of global, two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement. The initial conditions are chosen to satisfy the condition for rapid inward migration. We find that type III migration can be divided into two regimes, fast and slow. The structure of the co-orbital region, mass accumulation rate and migration behaviour differ between these two regimes. All our simulations show a transition from the fast to the slow regime, ending type III migration well before reaching the star. The stopping radius is found to be larger for more massive planets and less massive discs. A sharp density drop is also found to be an efficient stopping mechanism. In the fast migration regime the migration rate and induced eccentricity are lower for less massive discs, but almost do not depend on planet mass. Eccentricity is damped on the migration time-scale.  相似文献   

We present a numerical model for the evolution of a protostellar disc that has formed self-consistently from the collapse of a molecular cloud core. The global evolution of the disc is followed for several million years after its formation. The capture of a wide range of spatial and temporal scales is made possible by use of the thin-disc approximation. We focus on the role of gravitational torques in transporting mass inward and angular momentum outward during different evolutionary phases of a protostellar disc with disc-to-star mass ratio of order 0.1. In the early phase, when the infall of matter from the surrounding envelope is substantial, mass is transported inward by the gravitational torques from spiral arms that are a manifestation of the envelope-induced gravitational instability in the disc. In the late phase, when the gas reservoir of the envelope is depleted, the distinct spiral structure is replaced by ongoing irregular non-axisymmetric density perturbations. The amplitude of these density perturbations decreases with time, though this process is moderated by swing amplification aided by the existence of the disc's sharp outer edge. Our global modelling of the protostellar disc reveals that there is typically a residual non-zero gravitational torque from these density perturbations, i.e. their effects do not exactly cancel out in each region. In particular, the net gravitational torque in the inner disc tends to be negative during first several million years of the evolution, while the outer disc has a net positive gravitational torque. Our global model of a self-consistently formed disc shows that it is also self-regulated in the late phase, so that it is near the Toomre stability limit, with a near-uniform Toomre parameter Q ≈ 1.5–2.0. Since the disc also has near-Keplerian rotation, and comparatively weak temperature variation, it maintains a near-power-law surface density profile proportional to r −3/2.  相似文献   

We study numerically the interaction of the infalling gas stream and the rim of the accretion disc in cataclysmic variables. The simulations were performed with a smoothed particle hydrodynamics scheme with high spatial resolution. Parameters of the systems AM CVn, OY Car, DQ Her, U Gem and IP Peg were used for the simulations. The simulations cover a wide range of orbital periods, mass ratios and mass transfer rates, as well as different thermal states of the accretion disc. The main result of this study is that the accretion stream is not stopped at the impact region (the bright spot at the outer rim of the disc). In fact, after undergoing the shock interaction, most of the matter is deflected vertically and flows in a more or less diffuse stream to inner parts of the disc, hitting the disc surface close to the circularization radius at orbital phase 0.5. This is a common feature in all systems for all simulated parameters. This stream overflow can cause the X-ray absorption dips observed in cataclysmic variables (CVs) and low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) around orbital phase 0.7, if the inclination is at least 65°. Under certain circumstances, namely a sudden increase of the mass transfer rate from the secondary or a rather small disc, parts of the overflowing stream bounce off the disc surface after hitting it at orbital phase ≈0.5. Another absorption region can be expected around orbital phase 0.2.
In our simulations most of the infalling matter reaches the inner disc very quickly. This must alter the evolution of the quiescent disc and the outburst behaviour considerably compared with purely viscous transport of the material through the disc from the outer rim, and therefore should be taken into account in dwarf nova outburst cycle calculations. To our knowledge, the consequences of such a massive stream overflow for the dwarf nova outburst cycle have not been considered yet.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of rapid, so-called type III migration for Jupiter-sized planets embedded in a protoplanetary disc. We limit ourselves to the case of outward migration, and study in detail its evolution and physics, concentrating on the structure of the corotation and circumplanetary regions, and processes for stopping migration. We also consider the dependence of the migration behaviour on several key parameters. We perform this study using global, two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement. We find that the outward-directed type III migration can be started if the initial conditions support the initial average non-dimensional migration rate bigger than one. Unlike the inward-directed migration, in the outward migration the migration rate increases due to the growing of the volume of the co-orbital region. We find the migration to be strongly dependent on the rate of the mass accumulation in the circumplanetary disc, leading to two possible regimes of migration, fast and slow. The structure of the co-orbital region and the stopping mechanism differs between these two regimes.  相似文献   

We investigate the fast (type III) migration regime of high-mass protoplanets orbiting in protoplanetary discs. This type of migration is dominated by corotational torques. We study the details of flow structure in the planet's vicinity, the dependence of migration rate on the adopted disc model and the numerical convergence of models (independence of certain numerical parameters such as gravitational softening).
We use two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement, based on the flash code with improved time-stepping scheme. We perform global disc simulations with sufficient resolution close to the planet, which is allowed to freely move throughout the grid. We employ a new type of equation of state in which the gas temperature depends on both the distance to the star and planet, and a simplified correction for self-gravity of the circumplanetary gas.
We find that the migration rate in the type III migration regime depends strongly on the gas dynamics inside the Hill sphere (Roche lobe of the planet) which, in turn, is sensitive to the aspect ratio of the circumplanetary disc. Furthermore, corrections due to the gas self-gravity are necessary to reduce numerical artefacts that act against rapid planet migration. Reliable numerical studies of type III migration thus require consideration of both the thermal and the self-gravity corrections, as well as a sufficient spatial resolution and the calculation of disc–planet attraction both inside and outside the Hill sphere. With this proviso, we find type III migration to be a robust mode of migration, astrophysically promising because of a speed much faster than in the previously studied modes of migration.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamics of a protostellar disc in a binary system where the disc is misaligned with the orbital plane of the binary, with the aim of determining the observational consequences for such systems. The disc wobbles with a period approximately equal to half the orbital period of the binary and precesses on a longer time-scale. We determine the characteristic time-scale for realignment of the disc with the orbital plane as a result of dissipation. If the dissipation is determined by a simple isotropic viscosity then we find, in line with previous studies, that the alignment time-scale is of the order of the viscous evolution time-scale. However, for typical protostellar disc parameters, if the disc tilt exceeds the opening angle of the disc, then tidally induced shearing within the disc is transonic. In general, hydrodynamic instabilities associated with the internally driven shear result in extra dissipation that is expected to drastically reduce the alignment time-scale. For large disc tilts the alignment time-scale is then comparable with the precession time-scale, while for smaller tilt angles δ , the alignment time-scale varies as (sin δ )−1. We discuss the consequences of the wobbling, precession and rapid realignment for observations of protostellar jets and the implications for binary star formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

We compare analytical expressions of precession rates from apsidal (positive) superhumps in close binary systems with numerical disc simulation results and observed values. In the analytical expressions, we include both the dynamical effects on the precession of the disc and effects caused by pressure forces that have been theorized to provide a retrograde effect (i.e. slowing) on the prograde disc precession. We establish new limits on density wave pitch angle to a normalized disc sound speed 60≥Ωorb  d  tan  i / c >2.214 . Using average values for the density wave pitch angle i and speed of sound c , we find good correlation between numerical simulations and the analytical expression for the apsidal superhump period excess, which includes both the prograde and retrograde effects, for mass ratios of 0.025≤ q ≤0.33 . We also show good correlations with the four known eclipsing systems, OY Car, Z Cha, HT Cas, and WZ Sge. Our analytical expression for apsidal superhump period excess as a function of orbital period is consistent with the trend found in observed systems.  相似文献   

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