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It is expected that an average protostar will undergo at least one impulsive interaction with a neighbouring protostar whilst a large fraction of its mass is still in a massive, extended disc. If protostars are formed individually within a cluster before falling together and interacting, there should be no preferred orientation for such interactions. As star formation within clusters is believed to be coeval, it is probable that, during interactions, both protostars possess massive, extended discs.   We have used an SPH code to carry out a series of simulations of non-coplanar disc–disc interactions. We find that non-coplanar interactions trigger gravitational instabilities in the discs, which may then fragment to form new companions to the existing stars. (This is different from coplanar interactions, in which most of the new companion stars form after material in the discs has been swept up into a shock layer, and this then fragments.) The original stars may also capture each other, leading to the formation of a small- N cluster. If every star undergoes a randomly oriented disc–disc interaction, then the outcome will be the birth of many new stars and substellar objects. Approximately two-thirds of the stars will end up in multiple systems.  相似文献   

It appears that most stars are born in clusters, and that at birth most stars have circumstellar discs which are comparable in size to the separations between the stars. Interactions between neighbouring stars and discs are therefore likely to play a key role in determining disc lifetimes, stellar masses, and the separations and eccentricities of binary orbits. Such interactions may also cause fragmentation of the discs, thereby triggering the formation of additional stars.   We have carried out a series of simulations of star–disc interactions using an SPH code which treats self-gravity, hydrodynamic and viscous forces. We find that interactions between discs and stars provide a mechanism for removing energy from, or adding energy to, the orbits of the stars, and for truncating the discs. However, capture during such encounters is unlikely to be an important binary formation mechanism.   A more significant consequence of such encounters is that they can trigger fragmentation of the disc, via tidally and compressionally induced gravitational instabilities, leading to the formation of additional stars and substellar objects. When the disc spins and stellar orbits are randomly oriented, encounters lead to the formation of new companions to the original star in 20 per cent of encounters. If most encounters are prograde and coplanar, as suggested by simulations of dynamically triggered star formation, then new companions are formed in approximately 50 per cent of encounters.  相似文献   

We study protoplanetary disc evolution assuming that angular momentum transport is driven by gravitational instability at large radii, and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the hot inner regions. At radii of the order of 1 au such discs develop a magnetically layered structure, with accretion occurring in an ionized surface layer overlying quiescent gas that is too cool to sustain MHD turbulence. We show that layered discs are subject to a limit cycle instability, in which accretion on to the protostar occurs in ∼104-yr bursts with ̇ ∼10−5 M yr−1, separated by quiescent intervals lasting ∼105 yr where ̇ ≈10−8 M yr−1. Such bursts could lead to repeated episodes of strong mass outflow in young stellar objects. The transition to this episodic mode of accretion occurs at an early epoch ( t ≪1 Myr), and the model therefore predicts that many young pre-main-sequence stars should have low rates of accretion through the inner disc. At ages of a few Myr, the discs are up to an order of magnitude more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula, with most of the mass locked up in the quiescent layer of the disc at r ∼1 au. The predicted rate of low-mass planetary migration is reduced at the outer edge of the layered disc, which could lead to an enhanced probability of giant planet formation at radii of 1–3 au.  相似文献   

Young massive stars in the central parsec of our Galaxy are best explained by star formation within at least one, and possibly two, massive self-gravitating gaseous discs. With help of numerical simulations, we here consider whether the observed population of young stars could have originated from a large angle collision of two massive gaseous clouds at   R ≃ 1 pc  from Sgr A*. In all the simulations performed, the post-collision gas flow forms an inner, nearly circular gaseous disc and one or two eccentric outer filaments, consistent with the observations. Furthermore, the radial stellar mass distribution is always very steep,  Σ*∝ R −2  , again consistent with the observations. All of our simulations produce discs that are warped by between 30° and 60°, in accordance with the most recent observations. The three-dimensional velocity structure of the stellar distribution is sensitive to initial conditions (e.g. the impact parameter of the clouds) and gas cooling details. For example, the runs in which the inner disc is fed intermittently with material possessing fluctuating angular momentum result in multiple stellar discs with different orbital orientations, contradicting the observed data. In all the cases the amount of gas accreted by our inner boundary condition is large, enough to allow Sgr A* to radiate near its Eddington limit over ∼105 yr. This suggests that a refined model would have physically larger clouds (or a cloud and a disc such as the circumnuclear disc) colliding at a distance of a few parsecs rather than 1 pc as in our simulations.  相似文献   

We study close encounters involving massive main-sequence stars and the evolution of the exotic products of these encounters as common-envelope systems or possible hypernova progenitors. We show that parabolic encounters between low- and high-mass stars and between two high-mass stars with small periastrons result in mergers on time-scales of a few tens of stellar free-fall times (a few tens of hours). We show that such mergers of unevolved low-mass stars with evolved high-mass stars result in little mass-loss  (∼0.01 M)  and can deliver sufficient fresh hydrogen to the core of the collision product to allow the collision product to burn for several million years. We find that grazing encounters enter a common-envelope phase which may expel the envelope of the merger product. The deposition of energy in the envelopes of our merger products causes them to swell by factors of ∼100. If these remnants exist in very densely populated environments  ( n ≳ 107 pc−3)  , they will suffer further collisions which may drive off their envelopes, leaving behind hard binaries. We show that the products of collisions have cores rotating sufficiently rapidly to make them candidate hypernova/gamma-ray burst progenitors and that ∼0.1 per cent of massive stars may suffer collisions, sufficient for such events to contribute significantly to the observed rates of hypernovae and gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

We present models in which the photoevaporation of discs around young stars by an external ultraviolet source (as computed by Adams et al.) is coupled with the internal viscous evolution of the discs. These models are applied to the case of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), where the presence of a strong ultraviolet field from the central OB stars, together with a detailed census of circumstellar discs and photoevaporative flows, is well established. In particular we investigate the constraints that are placed on the initial disc properties in the ONC by the twin requirement that most stars possess a disc on a scale of a few astronomical unit (au), but that only a minority (<20 per cent) are resolved by Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) at a scale of 50 au. We find that these requirements place very weak constraints on the initial radius distribution of circumstellar discs: the resulting size distribution readily forgets the initial radius distribution, owing to the strong positive dependence of the photoevaporation rate on disc radius. Instead, the scarcity of large discs reflects the relative scarcity of initially massive discs (with mass  >0.1 M  ). The ubiquity of discs on a small scale, on the other hand, mainly constrains the time-span over which the discs have been exposed to the ultraviolet field (<2 Myr). We argue that the discs that are resolved by HST represent a population of discs in which self-gravity was important at the time that the dominant central OB star switched on, but that, according to our models, self-gravity is unlikely to be important in these discs at the present time. We discuss the implications of our results for the so-called proplyd lifetime problem.  相似文献   

The irradiation of protoplanetary discs by central stars is the main heating mechanism for discs, resulting in their flared geometric structure. In a series of papers, we investigate the deep links between two-dimensional self-consistent disc structure and planetary migration in irradiated discs, focusing particularly on those around M stars. In this first paper, we analyse the thermal structure of discs that are irradiated by an M star by solving the radiative transfer equation by means of a Monte Carlo code. Our simulations of irradiated hydrostatic discs are realistic and self-consistent in that they include dust settling with multiple grain sizes  ( N = 15)  , the gravitational force of an embedded planet on the disc and the presence of a dead zone (a region with very low levels of turbulence) within it. We show that dust settling drives the temperature of the mid-plane from an   r −3/5  distribution (well mixed dust models) towards an   r −3/4  . The dead zone, meanwhile, leaves a dusty wall at its outer edge because dust settling in this region is enhanced compared to the active turbulent disc at larger disc radii. The disc heating produced by this irradiated wall provides a positive gradient region of the temperature in the dead zone in front of the wall. This is crucially important for slowing planetary migration because Lindblad torques are inversely proportional to the disc temperature. Furthermore, we show that low turbulence of the dead zone is self-consistently induced by dust settling, resulting in the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI). We show that the strength of turbulence arising from the KHI in the dead zone is  α= 10−5  .  相似文献   

An important and widely neglected aspect of the interaction between an accretion disc and a massive companion with a coplanar orbit is the vertical component of the tidal force. As shown by Lubow, the response of the disc to vertical forcing is resonant at certain radii, at which a localized torque is exerted, and from which a compressive wave (p mode) may be emitted. Although these vertical resonances are weaker than the corresponding Lindblad resonances, the   m =2  inner vertical resonance in a binary star is typically located within the tidal truncation radius of a circumstellar disc.
In this paper I develop a general theory of vertical resonances, allowing for non-linearity of the response, and dissipation by radiative damping and turbulent viscosity. The problem is reduced to a universal, non-linear ordinary differential equation with two real parameters. Solutions of the complex non-linear Airy equation are presented to illustrate the non-linear saturation of the resonance and the effects of dissipation. It is argued that the   m =2  inner vertical resonance is unlikely to truncate the disc in cataclysmic variable stars, but contributes to angular momentum transport and produces a potentially observable non-axisymmetric structure.  相似文献   

Self-gravitating protostellar discs are unstable to fragmentation if the gas can cool on a time-scale that is short compared with the orbital period. We use a combination of hydrodynamic simulations and N -body orbit integrations to study the long-term evolution of a fragmenting disc with an initial mass ratio to the star of   M disc/ M *= 0.1  . For a disc that is initially unstable across a range of radii, a combination of collapse and subsequent accretion yields substellar objects with a spectrum of masses extending (for a Solar-mass star) up to  ≈0.01 M  . Subsequent gravitational evolution ejects most of the lower mass objects within a few million years, leaving a small number of very massive planets or brown dwarfs in eccentric orbits at moderately small radii. Based on these results, systems such as HD 168443 – in which the companions are close to or beyond the deuterium burning limit – appear to be the best candidates to have formed via gravitational instability. If massive substellar companions originate from disc fragmentation, while lower-mass planetary companions originate from core accretion, the metallicity distribution of stars which host massive substellar companions at radii of ∼1 au should differ from that of stars with lower mass planetary companions.  相似文献   

We study, analytically and numerically, the energy input into dark matter mini-haloes by interactions with stars. We find that the fractional energy input in simulations of Plummer spheres agrees well with the impulse approximation for small and large impact parameters, with a rapid transition between these two regimes. Using the impulse approximation, the fractional energy input at large impact parameters is fairly independent of the mass and density profiles of the mini-halo; however, low-mass mini-haloes experience a greater fractional energy input in close encounters. We formulate a fitting function which encodes these results and use it to estimate the disruption time-scales of mini-haloes, taking into account the stellar velocity dispersion and mass distribution. For mini-haloes with mass     on typical orbits which pass through the disc, we find that the estimated disruption time-scales are independent of mini-halo mass, and are of the order of the age of the Milky Way. For more massive mini-haloes, the estimated disruption time-scales increase rapidly with increasing mass.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution spectro-astrometry of a sample of 28 Herbig Ae/Be and three F-type pre-main-sequence stars. The spectro-astrometry, which is essentially the study of unresolved features in long-slit spectra, is shown from both empirical and simulated data to be capable of detecting binary companions that are fainter by up to 6 mag at separations larger than ∼0.1 arcsec. The nine targets that were previously known to be binary are all detected. In addition, we report the discovery of six new binaries and present five further possible binaries. The resulting binary fraction is 68 ± 11 per cent. This overall binary fraction is the largest reported for any observed sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars, presumably because of the exquisite sensitivity of spectro-astrometry for detecting binary systems. The data hint that the binary frequency of the Herbig Be stars is larger than that of the Herbig Ae stars. The Appendix presents model simulations to assess the capabilities of spectro-astrometry and reinforces the empirical findings. Most spectro-astrometric signatures in this sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars can be explained by the presence of a binary system. Two objects, HD 87643 and Z CMa, display evidence for asymmetric outflows. Finally, the position angles of the binary systems have been compared with available orientations of the circumprimary disc and these appear to be coplanar. The alignment between the circumprimary discs and the binary systems strongly suggests that the formation of binaries with intermediate-mass primaries is due to fragmentation as the alternative, stellar capture, does not naturally predict aligned discs. The alignment extends to the most massive B-type stars in our sample. This leads us to conclude that formation mechanisms that do result in massive stars, but predict random angles between the binaries and the circumprimary discs, such as stellar collisions, are also ruled out for the same reason.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of a numerical investigation of the dynamics and geometry of accretion discs in binary systems with mass ratios   q = M 2/ M 1 < 0.1  , applicable to ultracompact X-ray binaries, AM CVn stars and very short period cataclysmic variables. The steady-state geometry of the disc in the binary reference frame is found to be quite different from that expected at higher mass ratios. For   q ∼ 0.1  , the disc takes on the usual elliptical shape, with the major axis aligned perpendicular to the line of centres of the two stars. However, at smaller mass ratios the elliptical gaseous orbits in the outer regions of the disc are rotated in the binary plane. The angle of rotation increases with gas temperature, but is found to vary inversely with q . At   q = 0.01  , the major axis of these orbits is aligned almost parallel to the line of centres of the two stars. These effects may be responsible for the similar disc structure inferred from Doppler tomography of the AM CVn star GP Com, which has   q = 0.02  . The steady-state geometry at low mass ratios is not predicted by an inviscid, restricted three-body model of gaseous orbits; it is related to the effects of tidal-viscous truncation of the disc near the Roche lobe boundary. Since the disc geometry can be inferred observationally for some systems, it is proposed that this may offer a useful diagnostic for the determination of mass ratios in ultracompact binaries.  相似文献   

Observations of the Galactic Centre show evidence of disc-like structures of very young stars orbiting the central supermassive black hole within a distance of a few 0.1 pc. While it is widely accepted that about half of the stars form a relatively flat disc rotating clockwise on the sky, there is a substantial ongoing debate on whether there is a second, counter-clockwise disc of stars.
By means of N -body simulations using our bhint code, we show that two highly inclined stellar discs with the observed properties cannot be recognized as two flat circular discs after 5 Myr of mutual interaction. Instead, our calculations predict a significant warping of the two discs, which we show to be apparent among the structures observed in the Galactic Centre. While the high eccentricities of the observed counter-clockwise orbits suggest an eccentric origin of this system, we show the eccentricity distribution in the inner part of the more massive clockwise disc to be perfectly consistent with an initially circular disc in which stellar eccentricities increase due to both non-resonant and resonant relaxation.
We conclude that the relevant question to ask is therefore not whether there are two discs of young stars, but whether there were two such discs to begin with.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of a supernova (SN) explosion in a very massive binary that is expected to form in a portion of Population III stars with the mass higher than  100 M  . In a Population III binary system, a more massive star can result in the formation of a black hole (BH) and a surrounding accretion disc. Such BH accretion could be a significant source of the cosmic reionization in the early Universe. However, a less massive companion star evolves belatedly and eventually undergoes a SN explosion, so that the accretion disc around a BH might be blown off in a lifetime of companion star. In this paper, we explore the dynamical impact of a SN explosion on an accretion disc around a massive BH, and elucidate whether the BH accretion disc is totally demolished or not. For the purpose, we perform three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of a very massive binary system, where we assume a BH of  103 M  that results from a direct collapse of a very massive star and a companion star of  100 M  that undergoes a SN explosion. We calculate the remaining mass of a BH accretion disc as a function of time. As a result, it is found that a significant portion of gas disc can survive through three-dimensional geometrical effects even after the SN explosion of a companion star. Even if the SN explosion energy is higher by two orders of magnitude than the binding energy of gas disc, about a half of disc can be left over. The results imply that the Population III BH accretion disc can be a long-lived luminous source, and therefore could be an important ionizing source in the early Universe.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of circumplanetary discs formed in three-dimensional, self-gravitating radiation hydrodynamical models of gas accretion by protoplanets. We determine disc sizes, scaleheights, and density and temperature profiles for different protoplanet masses, in solar nebulae of differing grain opacities.
We find that the analytical prediction of circumplanetary disc radii in an evacuated gap  ( R Hill/3)  from Quillen & Trilling yields a good estimate for discs formed by high-mass protoplanets. The radial density profiles of the circumplanetary discs may be described by power laws between   r −2  and   r −3/2  . We find no evidence for the ring-like density enhancements that have been found in some previous models of circumplanetary discs. Temperature profiles follow a  ∼ r −7/10  power law regardless of protoplanet mass or nebula grain opacity. The discs invariably have large scaleheights  ( H / r > 0.2)  , making them thick in comparison with their encompassing circumstellar discs, and they show no flaring.  相似文献   

We investigate the migration of massive extrasolar planets caused by gravitational interaction with a viscous protoplanetary disc. We show that a model in which planets form at 5 au at a constant rate, before migrating, leads to a predicted distribution of planets that is a steeply rising function of log( a ), where a is the orbital radius. Between 1 and 3 au, the expected number of planets per logarithmic interval in a roughly doubles. We demonstrate that, once selection effects are accounted for, this is consistent with current data, and then extrapolate the observed planet fraction to masses and radii that are inaccessible to current observations. In total, approximately 15 per cent of stars targeted by existing radial velocity searches are predicted to possess planets with masses  0.3< M p sin( i )<10 M J  and radii  0.1< a <5 au  . A third of these planets (around 5 per cent of the target stars) lie at the radii most amenable to detection via microlensing. A further  5–10  per cent of stars could have planets at radii of  5< a <8 au  that have migrated outwards. We discuss the probability of forming a system (akin to the Solar system) in which significant radial migration of the most massive planet does not occur. Approximately  10–15  per cent of systems with a surviving massive planet are estimated to fall into this class. Finally, we note that a smaller fraction of low-mass planets than high-mass planets is expected to survive without being consumed by the star. The initial mass function for planets is thus predicted to rise more steeply towards small masses than the observed mass function.  相似文献   

We study the star formation history of normal spirals by using a large and homogeneous data sample of local galaxies. For our analysis we utilize detailed models of chemical and spectrophotometric galactic evolution, calibrated on the Milky Way disc. We find that star formation efficiency is independent of galactic mass, while massive discs have, on average, lower gas fractions and are redder than their low-mass counterparts; put together, these findings convincingly suggest that massive spirals are older than low-mass ones. We evaluate the effective ages of the galaxies of our sample and we find that massive spirals must be several Gyr older than low-mass ones. We also show that these galaxies (having rotational velocities in the 80–400 km s−1 range) cannot have suffered extensive mass losses, i.e. they cannot have lost during their lifetime an amount of mass much larger than their current content of gas+stars.  相似文献   

We present new high- and low-resolution spectroscopic and photometric data of nine members of the young association CMa R1. All the stars have circumstellar dust at some distance, as could be expected from their association with reflection nebulosity. Four stars (HD 52721, HD 53367, LkH α  220 and LkH α  218) show H α emission and we argue that they are Herbig Be stars with discs. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of these stars reveal new characteristics of their variability. We present first interpretations of the variability of HD 52721, HD 53367 and the two LkH α stars in terms of a partially eclipsing binary, a magnetic activity cycle and circumstellar dust variations, respectively. The remaining five stars show no clear indications of H α emission in their spectra, although their spectral types and ages are comparable with those of HD 52721 and HD 53367. This indicates that the presence of a disc around a star in CMa R1 may depend on the environment of the star. In particular we find that all H α emission stars are located at or outside the arc-shaped border of the H  ii region, which suggests that the stars inside the arc have lost their discs through evaporation by UV photons from nearby O stars, or from the nearby (<25 pc) supernova, about 1 Myr ago.  相似文献   

We investigate the launching of outflows from the disc–magnetosphere boundary of slowly and rapidly rotating magnetized stars using axisymmetric and exploratory 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We find long-lasting outflows in the following cases. (1) In the case of slowly rotating stars , a new type of outflow, a conical wind , is found and studied in simulations. The conical winds appear in cases where the magnetic flux of the star is bunched up by the disc into an X-type configuration. The winds have the shape of a thin conical shell with a half-opening angle  θ∼ 30°–40°  . About 10–30 per cent of the disc matter flows from the inner disc into the conical winds. The conical winds may be responsible for episodic as well as long-lasting outflows in different types of stars. There is also a low-density, higher velocity component (a jet) in the region inside the conical wind. (2) In the case of rapidly rotating stars (the 'propeller regime'), a two-component outflow is observed. One component is similar to the conical winds. A significant fraction of the disc matter may be ejected into the winds. The second component is a high-velocity, low-density magnetically dominated axial jet where matter flows along the opened polar field lines of the star. The jet has a mass flux of about 10 per cent of that of the conical wind, but its energy flux (dominantly magnetic) can be larger than the energy flux of the conical wind. The jet's angular momentum flux (also dominantly magnetic) causes the star to spin down rapidly. Propeller-driven outflows may be responsible for the jets in protostars and for their rapid spin-down. The jet is collimated by the magnetic force while the conical winds are only weakly collimated in the simulation region. Exploratory 3D simulations show that conical winds are axisymmetric about the rotational axis (of the star and the disc), even when the dipole field of the star is significantly misaligned.  相似文献   

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