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丁巍  楚锡华  常江芳 《地震工程学报》2017,39(3):481-487,508
为分析横观各向同性岩土材料的应变局部化行为,推导对应于Lade横观各向同性屈服准则向前欧拉算法的迭代格式及本构矩阵,通过有限元软件ABAQUS的UMAT接口实现相应的程序代码。数值算例调查分析材料主方向对横观各向同性岩土结构的极限承载力和变形局部化模式的影响。结果表明该模型能较好地模拟横观各向同性岩土结构的应变局部化行为。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show the application of short-period surface waves recorded during deep seismic sounding experiment for constraining shallow velocity structure of the crust. Phase velocity of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves, observed along the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment profile CEL09, were obtained by a p-ω method and has been subsequently inverted for one-dimensional shear velocity models for the top 2 km. Multiple filter technique applied to one shot gather was used to carry out a joint inversion of phase and group velocity data and to provide γR data to be used for Qβ inversion. Validity of obtained VS and Qβ models was confirmed by the reflectivity method. Noticeably, no clear dispersive wawes were observed in the Tepla-Barrandian Unit. Quasi-2D model based on the individual 1D VS models is well correlated with the surface geology. Lower VS are observed in the Saxothuringian Zone in comparison to the Moldanubian Zone. In the vicinity of the Central Bohemian and Moldanubian Plutons, the near-surface VS values are relatively low, but below 1 km depth, they are higher than in surrounding areas. We interpret it as the result of the weathering and cracks within the granitoid rocks.  相似文献   

推导了二维TTI介质的相速度表达式,并且依据推导出来的相速度表达式,模拟并分析了二维TTI介质相速度的传播快照以及TI介质相速度的传播快照;对比并分析了TTI介质和TI介质模型的相速度理论计算值的X分量特征的差异。TTI介质的相速度研究具有较高的理论研究价值和实际应用价值.  相似文献   

从双相横向各向同性介质弹性波波动方程出发 ,利用边界上的 4个连续性条件 ,计算双相横向各向同性介质分界面上弹性波反射和透射系数 .计算表明 ,快纵波在双相横向各向同性介质分界面上 ,要产生反射快纵波、反射转换 qSV波、反射转换慢纵波和透射快纵波、透射转换qSV波、透射转换慢纵波 .反射转换慢纵波振幅和透射转换慢纵波振幅均较小 .频率、耗散和各向异性大小影响着快纵波反射系数的大小 .  相似文献   

Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method is a non-invasive geophysical technique that uses the dispersive characteristic of Rayleigh waves to estimate a vertical shear (S)-wave velocity profile. A pseudo-2D S-wave velocity section is constructed by aligning 1D S-wave velocity profiles at the midpoint of each receiver spread that are contoured using a spatial interpolation scheme. The horizontal resolution of the section is therefore most influenced by the receiver spread length and the source interval. Based on the assumption that a dipping-layer model can be regarded as stepped flat layers, high-resolution linear Radon transform (LRT) has been proposed to image Rayleigh-wave dispersive energy and separate modes of Rayleigh waves from a multichannel record. With the mode-separation technique, therefore, a dispersion curve that possesses satisfactory accuracy can be calculated using a pair of consecutive traces within a mode-separated shot gather. In this study, using synthetic models containing a dipping layer with a slope of 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 degrees and a real-world example, we assess the ability of using high-resolution LRT to image and separate fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves from raw surface-wave data and accuracy of dispersion curves generated by a pair of consecutive traces within a mode-separated shot gather. Results of synthetic and real-world examples demonstrate that a dipping interface with a slope smaller than 15 degrees can be successfully mapped by separated fundamental waves using high-resolution LRT.  相似文献   

The dispersion relation for Love waves in a layer on a half-space is modified by introducing the wave number and its square instead of the phase velocity. The implicit function theorem is then used to derive the analytical formulae for the group velocity and for the phase- and group-velocity partial derivatives with respect to the parameters of the medium. The formulae are compared with those obtained by Novotný (1971) where the traditional formulation of the dispersion relation was used.  相似文献   

Summary The phase velocity curve of Rayleigh-waves is determined for a profile crossing the area of GDR from south to north. Two different methods of seismogram processing are used which are discussed in detail. The phase velocities found are checked for compatibility. An inversion of a common phase velocity curve is done by using hedgehog procedure.Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, Mitteilung Nr. 579.  相似文献   

The standard free-surface boundary conditions for in-plane crack dynamics are shown to be identical to the conditions for crack dynamics on a liquefied crack. The surfaces of both the free and liquefied cracks do not separate during faulting and hence the static normal stress is not relaxed by the faulting. A crack with either free or liquid boundary conditions deforms in the transverse direction during slip. It follows that both the free and liquefied cracks may represent solutions to the heat-flow paradox. As an application of the proof, we derive a physical understanding of the properties of harmonic Rayleigh waves on a uniform elastic half-space without solving a cubic equation.  相似文献   

In the eigenvalue eigenvector decomposition used in inversion techniques, we can sometimes obtain eigenvalues close to zero. Related to these eigenvalues close to zero, a set of stratified earth models is generated. These are compatible with the theoretical observations according to a given model. The method is applied to ellipticities and phase velocities of Rayleigh waves, and supply proof of the advantage of working with both sets of data together.  相似文献   

瞬时偏振滤波技术压制X分量中的面波(英文)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
瑞雷面波与体波在偏振上的差异使得利用偏振特征分离这两种波场成为可能。为克服滑动时窗法在应用中存在的一些问题,本文将工程地震和天然地震信号分析中的复数道技术与瞬时偏振分析技术引进到能源领域多分量地震勘探转换波记录中的面波压制处理。理论模拟与野外实测数据的处理试验显示了较好的压制面波、保留有效信号的去噪效果,证明了该技术值得在多分量数据处理中推广应用。  相似文献   

The different characteristics of polarization of body and Rayleigh waves make it possible to separate these two types of waves by their characteristics and suppress the latter. The moving time-window analysis often is used in polarization filtering but it is difficult to determine a suitable time-window length, resulting in some problems, such as complex eigenvalues and non-convergence. For overcoming these disadvantages, in this paper, we introduce the concept of complex-trace analysis and conduct de-noise processing to suppress undesirable surface waves by instantaneous polarization analysis in the case of horizontal and vertical component seismic recordings from the Hauinan coal mine. The performance of the method is illustrated by examples with synthetic and field data and its effectiveness to remove surface waves from multi-component seismic data is demonstrated.  相似文献   

为了研究P波斜入射对沉管隧道地震响应的影响,以港珠澳大桥沉管隧道为工程背景,考虑上覆海水与海床、沉管隧道之间耦合作用,采用粘弹性边界和等效力的地震荷载输入方式,利用ADINA软件建立三维有限元模型进行地震响应分析。分析入射角为0°、20°、40°、50°、60°时P波对沉管隧道环向应力峰值(正应力峰值、剪应力峰值)和位移峰值的影响,结果表明:入射角为40°时,沉管隧道应力峰值最大;入射角为0°—40°时,隧道的应力峰值逐渐增大,入射角为40°—60°时,隧道的应力峰值逐渐减小;隧道截面4个转角处及隔墙与顶板、底板的连接处为隧道剪应力峰值最大处;隧道截面左侧剪应力峰值远大于右侧;隧道顶板正应力峰值最大,顶板的正应力峰值大约为底板的2倍;隧道截面左侧位移峰值远大于隧道截面右侧。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional ultrasonic modelling was used to study the Rayleigh waves reflected from a thin low velocity vertical layer and those transmitted through the same zone. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the Rayleigh waves have been calculated by an approximate method based on the Green function technique. Nonrigid contact boundary conditions were used for the low velocity layer modelling. A rather good correspondence between the theoretical and experimental absolute values of the reflection and the transmission coefficients was obtained. Some discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results, in particular with regard to phase shifts, may be explained by a certain inadequacy of the theoretical model to the low velocity layer investigated by the ultrasonic modelling.  相似文献   

We determined 2D group velocity distribution of Rayleigh waves at periods of 20-150 s in the Antarctic region using a tomographic inversion technique. The data are recorded by both permanent networks and temporary arrays. In East Antarctica the velocities are high at periods of 90-150 s, suggesting that the root of East Antarctica is very deep. The velocities in West Antarctica are low at all periods, which may be related to the volcanic activity and the West Antarctic Rift System. Low velocity anomalies appear at periods of 40-140 s along the Southeastern Indian Ridge and the western part of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge. The velocities are only slightly low around the Atlantic Indian Ridge, Southwestern Indian Ridge, and the eastern part of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge, where the spreading rates are small. Around two hotspots, the Mount Erebus and Balleny Islands, the velocity is low at periods of 50-150 s.  相似文献   

A cutoff defines the long-period termination of a Rayleigh-wave higher mode and, therefore is a key characteristic of higher mode energy relationship to several material properties of the subsurface. Cutoffs have been used to estimate the shear-wave velocity of an underlying half space of a layered earth model. In this study, we describe a method that replaces the multilayer earth model with a single surface layer overlying the half-space model, accomplished by harmonic averaging of velocities and arithmetic averaging of densities. Using numerical comparisons with theoretical models validates the single-layer approximation. Accuracy of this single-layer approximation is best defined by values of the calculated error in the frequency and phase velocity estimate at a cutoff. Our proposed method is intuitively explained using ray theory. Numerical results indicate that a cutoffs frequency is controlled by the averaged elastic properties within the passing depth of Rayleigh waves and the shear-wave velocity of the underlying half space.  相似文献   

Aki (1969) first modeled coda waves of a local earthquake as a superposition of scattered surface waves. This paper attempts to clarify the constituents of surface-wave coda at long periods at very long lapse times. For a large earthquake of magnitude 7 or larger, vertical component oscillation in periods from 90 to 180 s persists for more than 20 hours from the earthquake origin time. Although the early portion of the coda envelope is successfully modeled by assuming incoherent scattered Rayleigh waves by heterogeneities distributed all over the Earth, the later potion of the observed coda envelope (roughly later than 35,000 s) has systematically larger amplitude than theoretical prediction. To clarify the cause of this discrepancy, we studied the constituents of vertical-component seismograms of three large earthquakes recorded by the F-net in Japan using the f-k power spectral analysis. We found that the direct and scattered fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves of velocity about 3.7 km/s are dominant in the earlier part of each envelope. It justifies the use of a scattering model of the fundamental Rayleigh waves for synthesizing the envelope. At lapse times later than 20,000 s–35,000 s, higher modes with phase velocities around 20 km/s become dominant. The transition time to the dominance of higher modes is found to become earlier for a deeper focus earthquake. The small coda attenuation factor from (1.90±0.23) × 10−3 to (2.38±0.32) × 10−3 estimated from later coda envelopes recorded at IRIS stations distributed worldwide also agrees with the attenuation factor of spheroidal modes according to PREM. We may interpret that higher mode waves are uniformly distributed at large lapse time due to large velocity dispersion and/or scattering and they dominate over the fundamental mode waves because of smaller attenuation in the lower mantle. The coda attenuation measurement proposed by Aki is found to be useful even for long periods and at very large lapse times.  相似文献   

岩石应力状态的改变会使接收到的波形发生变化,这是利用弹性波检测介质性质和应力变化的基础.研究对应力敏感的弹性波参数及其分析方法对于发展介质应力监测技术具有重要意义.本文在实验室内以长方体花岗岩为样本,在不同的单轴压力下重复激发超声波且用三分量的传感器接收,利用记录的全波形信息研究了不同震相的到时、Rayleigh波偏振与岩石应力状态变化的关系.结果表明:①不同震相的波速对应力变化的敏感性为10-8/Pa数量级,且敏感程度从大到小依次为:Rayleigh波>S波>P波.②随着应力的增大,Rayleigh波偏振变强,但其敏感性随应力增大而变小,这反映出了介质性质的非线性变化特性.③应力较小时,Rayleigh波偏振对应力的敏感性比波速大数倍.  相似文献   

In viscoelastic media, the slowness vector p of plane waves is complex-valued, p = P + iA. The real-valued vectors P and A are usually called the propagation and the attenuation vector, repectively. For P and A nonparallel, the plane wave is called inhomogeneousThree basic approaches to the determination of the slowness vector of an inhomogeneous plane wave propagating in a homogeneous viscoelastic anisotropic medium are discussed. They differ in the specification of the mathematical form of the slowness vector p. We speak of directional specification, componental specification and mixed specification of the slowness vector. Individual specifications lead to the eigenvalue problems for 3 × 3 or 6 × 6 complex-valued matrices.In the directional specification of the slowness vector, the real-valued unit vectors N and M in the direction of P and A are assumed to be known. This has been the most common specification of the slowness vector used in the seismological literature. In the componental specification, the real-valued unit vectors N and M are not known in advance. Instead, the complex-valued vactorial component p of slowness vector p into an arbitrary plane with unit normal n is assumed to be known. Finally, the mixed specification is a special case of the componental specification with p purely imaginary. In the mixed specification, plane represents the plane of constant phase, so that N = ±n. Consequently, unit vector N is known, similarly as in the directional specification. Instead of unit vector M, however, the vectorial component d of the attenuation vector in the plane of constant phase is known.The simplest, most straightforward and transparent algorithms to determine the phase velocities and slowness vectors of inhomogeneous plane waves propagating in viscoelastic anisotropic media are obtained, if the mixed specification of the slowness vector is used. These algorithms are based on the solution of a conventional eigenvalue problem for 6 × 6 complex-valued matrices. The derived equations are quite general and universal. They can be used both for homogeneous and inhomogeneous plane waves, propagating in elastic or viscoelastic, isotropic or anisotropic media. Contrary to the mixed specififcation, the directional specification can hardly be used to determine the slowness vector of inhomogeneous plane waves propagating in viscoelastic anisotropic media. Although the procedure is based on 3 × 3 complex-valued matrices, it yields a cumbersome system of two coupled equations.  相似文献   

秦岭及周边地区瑞雷波方位各向异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李爽  冯梅  安美建  董树文 《地震学报》2014,36(4):531-545
除了使用前人提取的面波频散曲线外, 还从秦岭及周边地区布设的59个宽频流动地震台的数据和中国地震局及各省局台网的数据中筛选出的地震事件波形和台站间噪声互相关格林函数中提取瑞雷波群速度频散曲线. 利用二维面波层析成像反演获得了瑞雷波周期为10—50 s的各向同性群速度及方位各向异性分布. 结果显示: 周期为10 s的各向同性群速度和方位各向异性分布与各构造单元存在明显的对应关系; 周期为10—50 s的面波在四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地内的快波方向多为近NS向. 与前人研究结果不同的是, 本文得到的秦岭、 大巴山构造带周期为10—50 s的面波快波方向均与山脉走向近似平行, 且与SKS波分析得到的快波方向一致. 这表明秦岭和大巴山之下整个岩石圈的快波方向都与山脉走向平行, 预示着秦岭和大巴山整个地壳, 甚至岩石圈发生了类似的变形. 由于四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地面波快波方向与SKS波结果差别较大, 推测青藏高原隆升扩展对这两个盆地的地壳基本无影响, 但对其岩石圈上地幔却产生了重大影响.  相似文献   

The spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW) developed in the early eighties has opened the way to the use of surface waves for the definition of shear wave velocity profiles in soil deposits or pavement structures without the need of any borings or intrusion. The SASW testing procedure was designed to minimize the contribution of higher modes and thus assumes that the Rayleigh waves which propagate at the surface belong only to the fundamental mode. Several studies have however demonstrated that, in some conditions, higher Rayleigh modes can contribute significantly to the dispersion curve. Different tests configurations exist today to deal with Rayleigh mode problem by the use of an array of receivers. In spite of that, the SASW configuration remains attractive due to the limited number of receivers, as well as, the Rayleigh modes contributing in SASW records configuration can be identified by multiple-filter technique and isolated using time-variable filters. The proposed techniques are first validated by simulated records and then applied to SASW records obtained in the field. The study confirms that higher modes can participate and even dominate in SASW records. An important contribution of higher Rayleigh modes can also exist, even if the shear wave velocity increases regularly with depth. The higher Rayleigh modes can significantly affect the accuracy of the shear wave velocity profile if they are not properly identified and separated. A multi-mode inversion process is shown to be important to have an accurate soil characterization.  相似文献   

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