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With the opening of ancient Tibetan structures to visitors worldwide, human load has become the principal live load on these structures. This project studies the properties of the floor structure of an ancient Tibetan building and its behavior under human-induced load effects. Tests were conducted with static and dynamic crowd load, including stepping and jogging by people at a fixed position. The tests show that the floor structure does not behave as a continuous slab. It takes the load from local areas with minimal load transference properties. The acceleration response shows significant peaks when the footstep frequency is close to the natural frequency of the structure, but the human jogging excitation frequency does not have any obvious effect on the structural response. The elastic modulus of the Agatu material is estimated to be close to zero from the measured natural frequency of the slab. The Agatu material is concluded to be a discrete compacted material with insignificant contribution to the structural rigidity of the floor slab.  相似文献   

基于结构振动信息的损伤识别研究综述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
随着传感技术、信号采集与处理和系统建模等技术的发展,基于结构振动信息的损伤识别已经成为土木工程结构健康监测与损伤检测领域的研究热点。本文系统地综述了近20年来国内外基于振动信息的结构损伤识别的研究和应用现状,评述了各类方法的优缺点,并针对土木工程结构损伤识别的特点,对有待于进一步研究的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

<正>This paper focuses on developing an online structural condition assessment technique using long-term monitoring data measured by a structural health monitoring system.The seasonal correlations of frequency-temperature and beam-end displacement-temperature for the Runyang Suspension Bridge are performed,first.Then,a statistical modeling technique using a six-order polynomial is further applied to formulate the correlations of frequency-temperature and displacement-temperature,from which abnormal changes of measured frequencies and displacements are detected using the mean value control chart.Analysis results show that modal frequencies of higher vibration modes and displacements have remarkable seasonal correlations with the environmental temperature and the proposed method exhibits a good capability for detecting the micro damage-induced changes of modal frequencies and displacements.The results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively eliminate temperature complications from frequency and displacement time series and is well suited for online condition monitoring of long-span suspension bridges.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach to structural damage localization is presented using as damage feature the interpolation error related to the use of a spline function in modeling the operational deformed shapes of the structure. Statistically significant variations of the interpolation error between the undamaged and the inspection phase indicate the onset of damage. A threshold value of the damage feature is defined in terms of the tolerable probability of false alarm to select variations of the interpolation error because of damage from those due to random sources. The method is successfully applied to a calibrated model of the factor building a real densely instrumented building at the University of California, Los Angeles. Results show that the method is effective for damage localization for both single and multiple locations of damage also in case of responses corrupted by noise. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为满足结构健康监测系统实际应用的需要,本文设计了一套基于NEESit的结构健康监测系统软件框架.在实际健康监测系统设计和实现的基础上研究了系统的集成技术,结合软件框架开发技术给出了本软件框架的设计和实现的方法,同时介绍了NEESit的组成和运行机制,并提出采用NEESit的相应功能模块来实现本软件框架.本软件框架具有良好的通用性,不仅可以用于各种健康监测系统的开发,同时还可以使实际结构与NEES进行数据共享、互相访问以及协同实验.  相似文献   

古建筑震害特性分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
中国古建筑在世界建筑史中占据着重要的地位。根据古建筑在历次地震中的表现,研究了在不同强度的地震作用下古建筑的震害特性,从古建筑的构造形式和建筑施工技术的特点出发,对古建筑的抗震性能进行了分析,提出了提高其抗震能力的参考建议。  相似文献   

Results of long-term studies of crude oil transformations in water and bottom sediments of river ecosystems polluted as a result of oil spills are presented. Regularities in changes in the concentration ratio of hydrocarbon and resinous components of oil in water and bottom sediments under the effect of natural selfpurification processes of aquatic ecosystems are found out.  相似文献   

The 1995 Kobe earthquake caused unprecedented damage to buildings and civil infrastructures in the city of Kobe and its surrounding areas. In order to evaluate the structural damage in this area due to the earthquake, it is important to estimate the distribution of earthquake ground motion. However, since the number of strong ground motion records is not enough in the heavily damaged areas, it is necessary to estimate the distribution using other data sources. In this paper, the fragility curves for low‐rise residential buildings were constructed using the recorded motions and the building damage data from the intensive field survey by the AIJ and CPIJ group. The fragility curves obtained were then employed to estimate the strong motion distribution in the district level for Kobe and the surrounding areas during the earthquake. The results may be useful to investigate the various damages caused by the earthquake. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

油气田井况地表复杂,为准确推断水力压裂裂缝方位,提出一种基于BP神经网络的压裂裂缝监测数据校正方法.本文将复杂地表条件下测点布置不均匀时的电位梯度响应,分解为正常场响应和畸变场响应.利用神经网络估算因测点布置不均匀引起的畸变场响应,通过剔除电位梯度响应中的畸变场量,获得测点布置均匀条件下的电位梯度响应,即正常场响应.采用井地电阻率法三维正演模拟裂缝推断过程,结果表明神经网络可有效估计畸变场响应,提高了利用电位梯度响应推断裂缝方位的准确度,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

为了能在震后更好地利用测得的结构动力响应参数快速对结构损伤程度进行评估,文中挑选了最大层间位移角、自振频率相对改变量和顶层加速度放大系数3个参数,分析结构损伤指数与3个参数之间的相关性,并且提出了一种组合结构体系参数.结果表明,结构损伤指数与最大层间位移角的相关性为高度相关,与自振频率相对改变量和顶层加速度放大系数的相...  相似文献   

中国古代大木作结构振动台试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依照宋代《营造法式》中的规定方法建造了木构实体模型进行模拟地震振动台试验。采用多测点多指标同步测量,按结构自然分层对柱根滑移、榫卯变形、斗拱的变形、复位、耗能等进行了定量测试。结果表明中国古代“抬梁式”木构架地震反应较小,结构具有良好的减振消能能力。论文概要地分析了古代木构建筑巧妙独特的抗震方法,以试验数据揭示了一个古老而全新的抗震结构体系。  相似文献   

Kamchatka is one of the most active volcanic regions on the planet. Large explosive volcanic eruptions, in which the ash elevates up to 8?C15 km above sea level, occur here every 1.5 years. Study of eruptions precursors in order to reduce a volcanic risk for the population is an urgent problem of Volcanology. The available precursor of strong explosive eruptions of volcanoes, identified from satellite data (thermal anomaly), as well as examples of successful prediction of eruptions using this precursor, are represented in this paper.  相似文献   

Due to the large scale and complexity of civil infrastructures, structural health monitoring typically requires a substantial number of sensors, which consequently generate huge volumes of sensor data. Innovative sensor data compression techniques are highly desired to facilitate efficient data storage and remote retrieval of sensor data. This paper presents a vibration sensor data compression algorithm based on the Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) method and the consideration of effects of signal distortion due to lossy data compression on structural system identification. The DPCM system concerned consists of two primary components: linear predictor and quantizer. For the DPCM system considered in this study, the Least Square method is used to derive the linear predictor coefficients and Jayant quantizer is used for scalar quantization. A 5-DOF model structure is used as the prototype structure in numerical study. Numerical simulation was carried out to study the performance of the proposed DPCM-based data compression algorithm as well as its effect on the accuracy of structural identification including modal parameters and second order structural parameters such as stiffness and damping coefficients. It is found that the DPCM-based sensor data compression method is capable of reducing the raw sensor data size to a significant extent while having a minor effect on the modal parameters as well as second order structural parameters identified from reconstructed sensor data.  相似文献   

Traditional zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical methods based on morphological identification of the excavated faunal and floral remains have been broadly used in reconstructing ancient subsistence economies. However, the accuracy and reliability of these methods rely heavily on the preservation state of the remains. By sequencing the ancient DNA of plants,animals, and microorganisms preserved in sediment, sedimentary ancient DNA(sedaDNA) now offers a novel approach for reconstructing the tax...  相似文献   

A service is described that makes possible the effective construction of a three-dimensional ionospheric model based on the data of ground receivers of signals from global navigation satellite positioning systems (GNSS). The obtained image has a high resolution, mainly because data from the IPG GNSS network of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgidromet) are used. A specially developed format and its implementation in the form of SQL structures are used to collect, transmit, and store data. The method of high-altitude radio tomography is used to construct the three-dimensional model. The operation of all system components (from registration point organization to the procedure for constructing the electron density three-dimensional distribution and publication of the total electron content map on the Internet) has been described in detail. The three-dimensional image of the ionosphere, obtained automatically, is compared with the ionosonde measurements, calculated using the two-dimensional low-altitude tomography method and averaged by the ionospheric model.  相似文献   

We hereby present a new Bouguer gravity map of the La Gomera island (Canarian Archipelago), which is analysed and interpreted by means of a 3-dimensional inversion, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the structural setting of this volcanic island and its evolutionary history. A land gravity data set covering the whole island of La Gomera is used in combination with offshore measurements to achieve a better determination of the gravity field in areas near the coasts.The study of this map let us to shed some light on the hypothesis established about the volcanism of this island. Moreover, it shows the information that is hidden from a geological surface exploration, modelling deep sections of the crust in La Gomera, which have been unknown until now.A first interpretation of the Bouguer gravity anomaly is achieved from 1) the residual gravity map calculated by removing a regional component and 2) the total horizontal gradient of the gravity. These residual and derivative maps allow us to identify the horizontal location and borders of the shallowest gravity sources. This provides a useful tool to study the structures associated to the latest periods of the volcanism in the area. Moreover, the information so obtained supports the hypothesis about the migration of volcanic activity towards the south of the island.Subsequently, an inversion process is carried out looking for the 3D-modelisation of the sources of the observed gravity field, which provides a comprehensive view of the structures in volcanic environments. The inversion technique used is based on a genetic algorithm (GA) applied upon a prismatic partition of the subsoil volume, and adopting a priori values of density contrast (positive and negative). The main advantage of this method is that let us to model deep and shallow bodies which exhibit very different geometries and density contrasts. So, results indicate that this inversion strategy can be very effective for characterization of volcanic structures, improving the information from previous geologic and volcanologic studies. The inversion model obtained shows correlation between several sources of the gravity field and the volcanic units associated with the growth of La Gomera Island. The main gravity source of this model is associated with the oldest unit, called the Basal Complex. This unit corresponds to the first submarine growth stage and it is modelled as the most important and deepest high density structure. According to previous geological studies, the following edifice (Old Edifice) was also submarine in its initial phases, later being represented by a wide basaltic shield volcano. The original location and morphology of this Old Edifice is deduced from the distribution of positive density contrasts that appears in the model. Moreover, other gravity field sources are identified and associated to several feeding systems of this stage of the volcanism in La Gomera. The shallowest sections of the model let us recognise the distribution of light material inside the Vallehermoso caldera, surrounded by high density structures. This gives us some insight into the internal structure and morphology of the caldera, pointing to a vertical collapse origin followed by erosion and other destructive processes. Finally, other conclusions are obtained from the correlation found between the sources of the gravity field and the migration of the volcanic activity towards the southern area of the island.  相似文献   

高台基古建筑木结构动力特性及地震反应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析高台基古建筑木结构的抗震性能,以西安鼓楼为例,分别建立鼓楼的高台基、上部木结构、整体结构的三维有限元模型.通过模态分析,分别获取了它们的主要频率和振型;通过对上部木结构和整体结构模型输入El Centro波、Taft波、兰州波三种地震激励,分析了柱顶节点的地震响应;并对这些有限元分析结果进行了对比.结果表明:高...  相似文献   

This work presents a novel procedure for identifying the dynamic characteristics of a building and diagnosing whether the building has been damaged by earthquakes, using a back‐propagation neural network approach. The dynamic characteristics are directly evaluated from the weighting matrices of the neural network trained by observed acceleration responses and input base excitations. Whether the building is damaged under a large earthquake is assessed by comparing the modal parameters and responses for this large earthquake with those for a small earthquake that has not caused this building any damage. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated through processing the dynamic responses of a five‐storey steel frame, subjected to different strengths of the Kobe earthquake, in shaking table tests. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周帅  黄大年  焦健 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3847-3858
地质体构造边界位置的确定是位场数据解释中的一项重要工作,现有很多基于位场梯度张量数据的边界检测滤波器,但存在识别边界位置模糊且无法均衡深浅地质体异常的缺点.本文定义了位场数据的三维构造张量,并提出基于位场构造张量的边界滤波器.为了同时显示不同振幅异常的边界位置,对新定义的滤波器进行归一化处理.在高阶均衡滤波器的计算中需要计算位场的垂向高阶导数,本文引入一种计算的稳定算法,基于拉普拉斯方程利用位场水平导数求解垂向导数,可减小垂向导数计算中产生的误差.将定义的滤波器应用到合成的重磁数据中证明了新方法相比传统的滤波器能更加清晰、准确地圈定边界位置,而且针对同时含有正负异常的地质情况,可避免产生额外的错误边界.最后将新的滤波器应用到实测的重磁数据的解释中,结果显示基于构造张量的滤波器可更准确清晰地划分出断裂的边界位置,发现更多的构造细节.  相似文献   

A structure's health or level of damage can be monitored by identifying changes in structural or modal parameters. However, the fundamental modal frequencies can sometimes be less sensitive to (localized) damage in large civil structures, although there are developing algorithms that seek to reduce this difficulty. This research directly identifies changes in structural stiffness due to modeling error or damage using a structural health monitoring method based on adaptive least mean square (LMS) filtering theory. The focus is on computational simplicity to enable real‐time implementation. Several adaptive LMS filtering based approaches are used to analyze the data from the IASC–ASCE Structural Health Monitoring Task Group Benchmark problem. Results are compared with those from the task group and other published results. The proposed methods are shown to be very effective, accurately identifying damage to within 1%, with convergence times of 0.4–13.0 s for the twelve different 4 and 12 degree of freedom benchmark problems. The resulting modal parameters match to within 1% those from the benchmark problem definition. Finally, the methods developed require 1.4–14.0 Mcycles of computation and therefore could easily be implemented in real time. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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