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The Patagonian Magallanes retroarc foreland basin affords an excellent case study of sediment burial recycling within a thrust belt setting. We report combined detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and (U–Th)/He thermochronology data and thermal modelling results that confirm delivery of both rapidly cooled, first‐cycle volcanogenic sediments from the Patagonian magmatic arc and recycled sediment from deeply buried and exhumed Cretaceous foredeep strata to the Cenozoic depocentre of the Patagonian Magallanes basin. We have quantified the magnitude of Eocene heating with thermal models that simultaneously forward model detrital zircon (U–Th)/He dates for best‐fit thermal histories. Our results indicate that 54–45 Ma burial of the Maastrichtian Dorotea Formation produced 164–180 °C conditions and heating to within the zircon He partial retention zone. Such deep burial is unusual for Andean foreland basins and may have resulted from combined effects of high basal heat flow and high sediment accumulation within a rapidly subsiding foredeep that was floored by basement weakened by previous Late Jurassic rifting. In this interpretation, Cenozoic thrust‐related deformation deeply eroded the Dorotea Formation from ca. 5 km burial depths and may be responsible for the development of a basin‐wide Palaeogene unconformity. Results from the Cenozoic Río Turbio and Santa Cruz formations confirm that they contain both Cenozoic first‐cycle zircon from the Patagonian magmatic arc and highly outgassed zircon recycled from older basin strata that experienced burial histories similar to those of the Dorotea Formation.  相似文献   

Most authors suggest that the main contraction phases in the southern Central Andes started in the Late Miocene. Along the flat‐slab segment, deformation has progressively involved basement and a broken foreland has developed. Recent work suggests that construction of the Andes by late Neogene shortening may have been controlled by lithospheric thinning and crustal structure generated during mid‐Tertiary times in the Southern and Central Andes. Exposures at the eastern border of the Famatina Ranges in western Argentina in the flat‐slab segment document basement involved extension of approximately this age. The Del Abra Formation, the lower unit of a major Andean synorogenic cycle (Angulos Group), reveals a distinct and previously unrecognized early Middle Miocene tectonic event. This is suggested by a 505‐m‐thick thinning‐ and fining‐upward megasequence. Dominantly conglomeratic facies record a continuous progression from fault‐scarp‐related high‐gradient colluvium to relatively distal terminal‐fan facies. The fining–thinning upward megasequence characterizes progressive scarp backstepping and decreasing relief after active extension. Interpretation of the stratigraphic fill and the associated structure (high‐angle hinterland‐dipping fault) favours tectonic inversion of an originally normal fault. This allows reappraisal and new understanding of the early‐stage architecture of the Central Andean foreland. Early Middle Miocene extension may have had an important bearing on the later evolution of the broken foreland.  相似文献   

Summary. Anisotropy of seismic waves in the uppermost mantle has not only been observed in the oceanic but recently also in the continental lithosphere. Laboratory experiments on the formation of preferred orientation of olivine crystals suggest plastic flow às the most likely mechanism for the genesis of anisotropy in the upper mantle. Since the direction of maximum velocity correlates in the ocean and on the continent with a number of tectonic features, a causal connection between anisotropy and dynamical processes related to plate motions must be suspected.  相似文献   

About 50 000 P and S arrival times and 25 000 values of t * recorded at seismic arrays operated in the Central Andes between 20°S and 25°S in the time period from 1994 to 1997 have been used for locating more than 1500 deep and crustal earthquakes and creating 3-D P , S velocity and Qp models. The study volume in the reference model is subdivided into three domains: slab, continental crust and mantle wedge. A starting velocity distribution in each domain is set from a priori information: in the crust it is based on the controlled sources seismic studies; in slab and mantle wedge it is defined using relations between P and S velocities, temperature and composition given by mineral physics. Each iteration of tomographic inversion consists of the following steps: (1) absolute location of sources in 3-D velocity model using P and S arrival times; (2) double-difference relocation of the sources and (3) simultaneous determination of P and S velocity anomalies, P and S station corrections and source parameters by inverting one matrix. Velocity parameters are computed in a mesh with the density of nodes proportional to the ray density with double-sided nodes at the domain boundaries. The next iteration is repeated with the updated velocity model and source parameters obtained at the previous step. Different tests aimed at checking the reliability of the obtained velocity models are presented. In addition, we present the results of inversion for Vp and Vp/Vs parameters, which appear to be practically equivalent to Vp and Vs inversion. A separate inversion for Qp has been performed using the ray paths and source locations in the final velocity model. The resulting Vp , Vs and Qp distributions show complicated, essentially 3-D structure in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. P and S velocities appear to be well correlated, suggesting the important role of variations of composition, temperature, water content and degree of partial melting.  相似文献   

In arid environments, soil fertility exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity, which results from high climatic variability seasonally and heterogeneous plant distribution. However, because most desert areas have been altered by human activities, heterogeneous fertility would originate from grazing or logging activities. We evaluated spatial and temporal heterogeneity of soil fertility in cattle-excluded sites under and outside woody plant cover (Prosopis flexuosa and Larrea divaricata), and in sites disturbed by tree removal during wet and dry season in Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve (Central Monte desert of Argentina). Soil organic matter, fulvic acids, bioavailable organic matter, and nitrate were lower outside plant canopy (8.9 mg g?1, 0.03 mg g?1, 8.2 mg g?1, and 4.17 mg kg?1, respectively). Total N, humic acids, and abundance of microbial functional groups did not show differences among sites. Most parameters differed between seasons, tending to be higher in the wet season. Overall soils of Ñacuñán Reserve are characterized by: a) more homogenous spatial pattern than expected from woody plant presence; b) very heterogeneous temporal pattern; and c) after two years, tree removal does not seem to induce infertile soil formation.  相似文献   

We use data from the Chile Argentina Geophysical Experiment (CHARGE) broad-band seismic deployment to refine past observations of the geometry and deformation within the subducting slab in the South American subduction zone between 30°S and 36°S. This region contains a zone of flat slab subduction where the subducting Nazca Plate flattens at a depth of ∼100 km and extends ∼300 km eastward before continuing its descent into the mantle. We use a grid-search multiple-event earthquake relocation technique to relocate 1098 events within the subducting slab and generate contours of the Wadati-Benioff zone. These contours reflect slab geometries from previous studies of intermediate-depth seismicity in this region with some small but important deviations. Our hypocentres indicate that the shallowest portion of the flat slab is associated with the inferred location of the subducting Juan Fernández Ridge at 31°S and that the slab deepens both to the south and the north of this region. We have also determined first motion focal mechanisms for ∼180 of the slab earthquakes. The subhorizontal T -axis solutions for these events are almost entirely consistent with a slab pull interpretation, especially when compared to our newly inferred slab geometry. Deviations of T -axes from the direction of slab dip may be explained with a gap within the subducting slab below 150 km in the vicinity of the transition from flat to normal subducting geometry around 33°S.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between sedimentation, tectonics and magmatism is crucial to defining the evolution of orogens and convergent plate boundaries. Here, we consider the lithostratigraphy, clastic provenance, syndepositional deformation and volcanism of the Almagro‐El Toro basin of NW Argentina (24°30′ S, 65°50′ W), which experienced eruptive and depositional episodes between 14.3 and 6.4 Ma. Our aims were to elucidate the spatial and temporal record of the onset and style of the shortening and exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera in the frame of the Miocene evolution of the Central Andes foreland basin. The volcano‐sedimentary sequence of the Almagro‐El Toro basin consists of lower red floodplain sandstones and siltstones, medial non‐volcanogenic conglomerates with localised volcanic centres and upper volcanogenic coarse conglomerates and breccia. Coarse, gravity flow‐dominated (debris‐flow and sheet‐flow) alluvial fan systems developed proximal to the source area in the upper and medial sequence. Growing frontal and intrabasinal structures suggest that the Almagro‐El Toro portion of the foreland basin accumulated on top of the eastward‐propagating active thrust front of the Eastern Cordillera. Synorogenic deposits indicate that the shortening of the foreland deposits was occurring by 11.1 Ma, but conglomerates derived from the erosion of western sources suggest that the uplift and erosion of this portion of the Eastern Cordillera has occurred since ca.12.5 Ma. An unroofing reconstruction suggests that 6.5 km of rocks were exhumed. A tectono‐sedimentary model of an episodically evolving thick‐skinned foreland basin is proposed. In this frame, the NW‐trending, transtensive Calama–Olacapato–El Toro (COT) structures interacted with the orogen, influencing the deposition and deformation of synorogenic conglomerates, the location of volcanic centres and the differential tilt and exhumation of the foreland.  相似文献   

The snow-cover days over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MLRYR) in the winter of 1670 were extracted from Chinese historical documents. By these records, the winter temperature anomalies (compared to the mean of 1961-1990) recorded at seven meteorological stations and the regional mean winter temperature were estimated. The results show that: (1) There was an average of about 30 snow-cover days over the MLRYR region in 1670, ranging from 11-20 days in Shanghai and eastern Zhejiang to 5140 days in eastern Hunan Province. The snow-cover days averaged about 40 days in Anqing and Nan- cheng, and ranged from 30 to 40 days in Quzhou, Jingdezhen, and Nanchang; and (2) the regional mean winter temperature in 1670 was estimated to be approximately 4.0 ℃ lower than that of 1961-1990. The maximum negative anomaly of 5.6℃ occurred in Nanchang and the minimum anomaly of-2.8 ℃ was detected in Quzhou. Both of these were lower than that of the coldest winter during the instrumental observation period of 1951-2010. This research could not only provide a method to es- timate historical climate extremes, but also provide a background to understand the recent instrumentally climate extremes.  相似文献   

The dynamical flattening of the Earth, as observed by geodetic techniques, is different by about 1 per cent from the value associated with the PREM density profile with hydrostatic equilibrium. In this paper, we compute a new dynamical flattening H induced by PREM mean density with hydrostatic equilibrium, to which we add lateral heterogeneities associated with (1) seismic velocity variations observed by tomography and (2) internal boundary topographies. First, we compute mantle circulation associated with the density anomalies derived from a tomography model. The flow-induced boundary deformations are then converted into additional mass anomalies which are added to the tomography model for computing the associated perturbation to the Earth's inertia tensor. Finally, we show that it is possible to obtain a dynamical flattening from the total inertia tensor (i.e. the sum of the PREM inertia tensor and of the perturbation) in agreement with that observed.  相似文献   

Plates are an integral part of the convection system in the fluid mantle, but plate boundaries are the product of brittle faulting and plate motions are strongly influenced by the existence of such faults. The conditions for plate tectonics are studied by considering brittle behaviour, using Byerlee's law to limit the maximum stress in the lithosphere, in a mantle convection model with temperature-dependent viscosity.
When the yield stress is high, convection is confined below a thick, stagnant lithosphere. At low yield stress, brittle deformation mobilizes the lithosphere which becomes a part of the overall circulation; surface deformation occurs in localized regions close to upwellings and downwellings in the system. At intermediate levels of the yield stress, there is a cycling between these two states: thick lithosphere episodically mobilizes and collapses into the interior before reforming.
The mobile-lid regime resembles convection of a fluid with temperature-dependent viscosity and the boundary-layer scalings are found to be analogous. This regime has a well defined Nusselt number–Rayleigh number relationship which is in good agreement with scaling theory. The surface velocity is nearly independent of the yield stress, indicating that the 'plate' motion is resisted by viscous stresses in the mantle.
Analysis suggests that mobilization of the Earth's lithosphere can occur if the friction coefficient in the lithosphere is less than 0.03–0.13—lower than laboratory values but consistent with seismic field studies. On Venus, the friction coefficient may be high as a result of the dry conditions, and brittle mobilization of the lithosphere would then be episodic and catastrophic.  相似文献   

Stable isotopic compositions and concentrations of total sedimentary sulphur (S) were determined in cores from 6 lakes in the acid-sensitive Muskoka-Haliburton region of south-central Ontario. The isotopic composition of S in deep sediment (> ~ 20 cm) was approximately constant in all lakes, and indicated a pre-industrial δ 34S value between +4.0 and +5.3‰, which is similar to current bulk deposition. Similarly, total S concentrations in deep sediment were relatively low (1.9–5 mg S g−1 dwt) and approximately constant with depth within cores. All lakes exhibited up-core increases in total S and decreases in δ 34S at a depth corresponding to the beginning of industrialization in the Great Lakes region ( ~ 1900), resulting in a generally reciprocal depth pattern between total S concentration and δ 34S ratios. While initial shifts in total S and δ 34S were likely due to enhanced SO4 reduction of newly available anthropogenic SO4, both the magnitude and pattern of up-core S enrichment and shifts in δ 34S varied greatly among lakes, and did not match changes in S deposition post 1900. Differences between lakes in total S and δ 34S were not related to any single hydrologic (e.g., residence time) or physical (e.g., catchment-area-to-lake area ratio) lake characteristic. This work indicates that sediment cores do not provide consistent records of changes in post-industrial S deposition in this region, likely due to redox-related mobility of S in upper sediment.  相似文献   

利用华北平原中部衡水水文地质科研深孔的岩芯,对平原区古土壤钙结核层碳氧同位素组分的古气候环境意义及相关气候指标的定量转换进行探讨,发现碳氧同位素对古气候变化具有较好的响应关系:3.5MaB.P.以来华北平原古气候逐渐由湿润转向干旱,早更新世由多个干湿冷暖旋回组成,晚期气候由暖迅速转凉;中更新世气候略温和,由3个冷干-暖湿旋回组成;晚更新世气候变化趋势为湿润-干燥-湿润,总体上呈现增温趋势。进入全新世后,δ13C平均值(-5)较低,属于相对湿润期;δ18 O平均值(-9.5)较低,属于相对寒冷期。应用相关公式可以定量恢复古温度变化,但平原区古土壤层受后期地下水作用的影响较大,如何消除这一影响还需更多数据支持。  相似文献   

Fabrizio Galadini   《Geomorphology》2006,82(3-4):201-228
Eight cases of large-scale gravitational movements (with evidence of rock-slide type displacements) evolving close to Quaternary faults have been analysed in the Central Apennines. Geomorphological and structural surveys have defined the relationship between the gravitational displacements and the tectonically-controlled modifications of the landscape. The evolution of all the investigated cases has been conditioned by the presence of fault planes located along the mountain slopes. In most cases (Mt. Cefalone, Cima della Fossa, Villavallelonga, Casali d'Aschi, Gioia dei Marsi), the faults played or are playing a primary role in increasing the local relief and their activity represents the main geomorphic factor conditioning the gravitational movements. This kind of relationship has been observed along mountain slopes bordering depressions which have not been drained for most of their geomorphic history or have been characterised by an evolution of the hydrographic network that has been conditioned only by the local tectonic subsidence. In such cases, the gravitational movements develop in the footwalls of the faults. In other cases (Fiamignano, Pescasseroli) the faults have played a passive role, since they only bound the sliding masses and coincide with the surficial expressions of the sliding planes. Therefore, the gravitational displacements develop in the hangingwall of the faults. The evolution is conditioned by the incision of the hydrographic network in response to regional Quaternary uplift. The illustrated case studies provide a wide range of examples of the gravitational response of slopes to the modifications of the landscape due to linear and areal tectonics. The identification of the geomorphic traces of the large-scale gravitational movements along fault-controlled mountain fronts has implications for hazard, particularly for the evolution of the displacement. The quantitative analysis of the vertical displacements and data on the characteristics of the surface breaking during historical earthquakes demonstrate that along-fault offsets strongly increases where the unstable large-scale rock masses are located. Therefore, the large coseismic vertical offset may represent a major problem for the displacement of utilities and may represent a potential cause for the sudden and catastrophic evolution of the gravitational movement.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(3):564-585
Studies in both modern and ancient Cordilleran‐type orogenic systems suggest that processes associated with flat‐slab subduction control the geological and thermal history of the upper plate; however, these effects prove difficult to deconvolve from processes associated with normal subduction in an active orogenic system. We present new geochronological and thermochronological data from four depositional areas in the western Sierras Pampeanas above the Central Andean flat‐slab subduction zone between 27° S and 30° S evaluating the spatial and temporal thermal conditions of the Miocene–Pliocene foreland basin. Our results show that a relatively high late Miocene–early Pliocene geothermal gradient of 25–35 °C km−1 was typical of this region. The absence of along‐strike geothermal heterogeneities, as would be expected in the case of migrating flat‐slab subduction, suggests that either the response of the upper plate to refrigeration may be delayed by several millions of years or that subduction occurred normally throughout this region through the late Miocene. Exhumation of the foreland basin occurred nearly synchronously along strike from 27 to 30° S between ca. 7 Ma and 4 Ma. We propose that coincident flat‐slab subduction facilitated this wide‐spread exhumation event. Flexural modelling coupled with geohistory analysis show that dynamic subsidence and/or uplift associated with flat‐slab subduction is not required to explain the unique deep and narrow geometry of the foreland basin in the region implying that dynamic processes were a minor component in the creation of accommodation space during Miocene–Pliocene deposition.  相似文献   

Overgrazing by livestock has caused desertification in the Monte, where ctenomyids and livestock share grasses as main food items. The diet of Ctenomys eremophilus, above-ground food availability and changes related to cattle grazing are analyzed in the arid plain of Mendoza, Argentina. The most available categories were grasses, followed by low shrubs and tall shrubs. Tuco-tucos showed dietary generalism, ate mainly above-ground plant parts, preferred grasses and avoided shrubs at both grazed and ungrazed sites. Plant cover, grass diversity and availability decreased under livestock grazing, which was reflected in the diet by a lower percentage of grasses, a shift toward low shrubs and higher number of frequently used resources. Tuco-tucos in the grazed paddock compensated for lower consumption of vegetative plant parts by increasing the use of Prosopis flexuosa pods stored inside burrows. Moreover, greater dietary variation among individuals suggests foraging restricted to the items closest to burrow holes. These feeding tactics would allow them to reduce above-ground foraging as a response to high raptor predation risk due to increased bare soil. The plant recovery detected during the rest period, favoured by moderate stocking rate and rotational grazing system, would allow coexistence of tuco-tucos and cattle.  相似文献   

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