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Deepwater sediments are prone to loss circulation in drilling due to a low overburden gradient. How to predict the magnitude of leak-off pressure more accurately is an important issue in the protection of drilling safety and the reduction of drilling cost in deep water. Starting from the mechanical properties of a shallow formation and based on the basic theory of rock-soil mechanics, the stress distribution around a borehole was analyzed. It was found that the rock or soil on a borehole is in the plastic yield state before the effective tensile stress is generated, and the effective tangential and vertical stresses increase as the drilling fluid density increases; thus, tensile failure will not occur on the borehole wall. Based on the results of stress calculation, two mechanisms and leak-off pressure prediction models for shallow sediments in deepwater drilling were put forward, and the calculated values of these models were compared with the measured value of shallow leak-off pressure in actual drilling. The results show that the MHPS (minimum horizontal principle stress) model and the FIF (fracturing in formation) model can predict the lower and upper limits of leak-off pressure. The PLC (permeable lost circulation) model can comprehensively analyze the factors influencing permeable leakage and provide a theoretical basis for leak-off prevention and plugging in deepwater drilling.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied a two-phase flow model to simulate water and sand blowout processes when penetrating shallow water flow(SWF) formations during deepwater drilling. We define ‘sand' as a pseudo-component with high density and viscosity, which can begin to flow with water when a critical pressure difference is attained. We calculated the water and sand blowout rates and analyzed the influencing factors from them, including overpressure of the SWF formation, as well as its zone size, porosity and permeability, and drilling speed(penetration rate). The obtained data can be used for the quantitative assessment of the potential severity of SWF hazards. The results indicate that overpressure of the SWF formation and its zone size have significant effects on SWF blowout. A 10% increase in the SWF formation overpressure can result in a more than 90% increase in the cumulative water blowout and a 150% increase in the sand blowout when a typical SWF sediment is drilled. Along with the conventional methods of well flow and pressure control, chemical plugging, and the application of multi-layer casing, water and sand blowouts can be effectively reduced by increasing the penetration rate. As such, increasing the penetration rate can be a useful measure for controlling SWF hazards during deepwater drilling.  相似文献   

Air entrapment is an important consideration in environments with shallow water tables and sandy soil, like the condition of highly conductive sandy soils and flat topography in Florida, USA. It causes water table rises in soils, which are significantly faster and higher than those in soils without air entrapment. Two numerical models, Integrated Hydrologic Model (IHM) and HYDRUS-1D (a single-phase, one-dimensional Richards′ equation model) were tested at an area of west central Florida to help further understanding the shallow water table behavior during a long term air entrapment. This investigation employed field data with two modeling approaches to quantify the variation of air pressurization values. It was found that the air pressurization effect was responsible at time up to 40 cm of water table rise being recorded by the observation well for these two models. The values of air pressurization calculated from IHM and HYDRUS-1D match the previously published values. Results also indicated that the two numerical models did not consider air entrapment effect (as the predictive parameters remain uncertain) and thus results of depth to water table from these models did not compare to the observations for these selected periods. Incorporating air entrapment in prediction models is critical to reproduce shallow water table observations.  相似文献   

化学驱数值模拟技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着化学驱技术在油田矿场的推广应用,现有软件的化学驱模拟功能越来越难以满足油田实际需求.通过调研化学驱数值模拟技术,阐述油藏数值模拟技术的发展现状,并将CMG、ECLIPSE、UTCHEM等8种软件分为综合型软件化学驱模块和单一化学驱软件两类,分析各软件的优缺点,对比各软件的综合性能及化学驱功能,指出化学驱数值模拟软件技术存在的主要问题及发展方向.现有软件在增强前后处理功能的同时,还需进行核心的完善.化学驱软件考虑众多物理化学因素,导致求解困难,需要在数值模拟的稳定性和机理描述的合理性之间进行适当取舍.虽然国产数值模拟软件在整体性能上弱于国外商业化软件,但是在化学驱数学模型和机理描述上具备较大优势.  相似文献   

The study of the interaction of mud-flows with obstacles is important to define inundation zones in urban areas and to design the possible structural countermeasures. The paper numerically investigates the impact of a mud-flow on rigid obstacles to evaluate the force acting on them using two different depth-integrated theoretical models, Single-Phase Model(SPM) and Two-Phase Model(TPM), to compare their performance and limits. In the first one the water-sediment mixture is represented as a homogeneous continuum described by a shearthinning power-law rheology. Alternatively, the twophase model proposed by Di Cristo et al in 2016 is used, which separately accounts for the liquid and solid phases. The considered test cases are represented by a 1D landslide flowing on a steep slope impacting on a rigid wall and a 2D mud dam-break flowing on a horizontal bottom in presence of single and multiple rigid obstacles. In the 1D test case, characterized by a very steep slope, the Two-Phase Model predicts the separation between the two phases with a significant longitudinal variation of the solid concentration. In this case the results indicate appreciable differences between the two models in the estimation of both the wave celerity and the magnitude of the impact, with an overestimation of the peak force when using the Single-Phase Model. In the 2D test-cases, where the liquid and solid phases remain mixed, even if the flow fields predicted by the two models present some differences, the essential features of the interaction with the obstacles, along with the maximum impact force, are comparable.  相似文献   

地形对台风影响的数值模拟研究——以台风“泰利”为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究台湾岛地形对台风移动路径及结构的影响,利用高分辨率中尺度MM5V3模式,设计3组敏感性试验,对“0513”号台风“泰利”在2005年8月31日00:06到9月1日18:00(世界时)影响台湾岛的过程进行数值模拟研究。主要就台湾岛地形对台风移动路径、气压场、散度场、涡度场和降水场进行分析。试验结果表明:台湾岛地形对台风“泰利”的移动路径和中心气压的影响不显著;地形的强迫作用对台风涡度场的中心强度和非对称结构有明显的影响;台湾岛地形是形成迎风坡诱生低压和背风坡诱生高压的主要因子;地形是台风外围降水加强的主要原因。  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of 3-D wave crests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Anefficientwaytostudywaveforceonoffshorestructuresisthroughphysicalandnumericalwavesim ulation .Althoughmanysimulationsof 2 Dregularorirregularwaveshavesuccessfullybeencarriedoutinlaboratorythroughwindandwavegenerator ,itisstillratherdifficulttosimulate 3 Drandomwavesinlabo ratory .Therefore ,numericalsimulationiswidelyusedinsuchstudies (Baietal.,2 0 0 0 ;Zhuetal.,1999) .Tobuildlargeoffshorestructureslikemarineairports ,itisofinteresttostudytheeffectof 3 Dwaves .Goda(1994 …  相似文献   

Overpressure in deepwater basins not only causes serious soft sediment deformation, but also significantly affects the safety of drilling operations. Therefore, prediction of overpressure in sediments has become an important task in deepwater oil exploration and development. In this study, we analyze the drilling data from ODP Leg 184 Sites 1144, 1146, and 1148, and IODP Leg 349 Sites U1431, U1432, U1433, and U1435 to study the sediment compaction and controls in the northern South China Sea. Sedimentation rate, sediment content, distribution area, and buried depth are the factors that influence sediment compaction in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea. Among these factors, the sediment content is the most important. The fitted normal compacted coefficients and mudline porosity for an interval of 50 m shows disciplinary variation versus depth. The pore pressure predicted from different fitted results shows varying overpressure situations. The normal compaction trend from Site 1144 reflects the porosity variation trend in stable deposition basins in the northern South China Sea. The predicted pore pressure shows overpressure at Site 1144, which is attributed to compaction disequilibrium. Nevertheless, the mixed lithology column may influence the predicted over-pressure at Site 1148, which is responsible for the confusing result. Above all, we find that sediment compaction should serve as a proxy for pore pressure in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The excavation for the municipal tunnel will disturb the soil around the tunnel, and the deformation and subsidence of the earth surface always take place, which may lead to instability and even collapse for the building above the tunnel. At the same time the deformation and subsidence of the earth surface affect the normal use of underground municipal pipelines, and may cause the road sudden collapse, leading to significantly traffic accidents. The authors did a research by simulating for the excavation of municipal tunnel and designed the related supporting plan, and put forward some suggestions and measures for the design and construction of urban tunnel.  相似文献   

Snowfall in the Tianshan Mountains in China is frequent during winter;thus,avalanches have become a severe issue in snow-covered areas.Accumulation and metamorphosis,as well as hydrothermal exchanges with the environment,considerably affect the stability of snow on slopes.Therefore,a hydrothermal model of snow cover and its underlying surfaces must be developed on the basis of meteorological data to predict and help manage avalanches.This study adopted the conceptual model of snow as a porous medium and quantitatively analysed its internal physical processes on the basis of the thermal exchanges amongst its components.The effects of local meteorological factors on snow structure and the redistribution of energy and mass inside the snow cover in the Tianshan Mountains were simulated.Simulation results showed that deformation as a result of overlying snow and sublimation of snow cover at the bottom is the main cause of density variation in the vertical profile of snow cover.Temperature drives water movement in snow.The low-density area of the bottom snow is the result of temperature gradient.The simulation results of the long-term snow internal mass distribution obtained by the method established in this study are highly consistent with the actual observed trend of variation.Such consistency indicates an accurate simulation of the physical characteristics of snow cover in small and microscale metamorphism in the Tianshan Mountains during the stable period.  相似文献   

注入流体诱导应力场模拟计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对油气井压裂改造时,向井眼内注入大量流体,井筒周围应力场重新分布,主要通过积分形式求解,过程繁杂,且对应力场的影响因素分析较少.利用拉氏变换,以流固耦合控制方程和应力平衡方程等为基础,结合注入流体诱导应力场的积分形式解,在定压条件下推导内、外边界拉氏变换解;利用Stephfest拉氏数值反演方法对变换解进行数值求解.数值模拟结果表明,切向应力场在最小水平主应力方向上变化较大,距离井壁越近,注入流体诱导的切向应力场值越大,随着距离增加,其值变小;在一定条件下(如地应力差较小),切向应力场发生反转,使得压裂裂缝转向.切向应力场与注入时间、流体黏度和地层渗透率等因素有关:延长注入时间、增加注入体积、较低的液体黏度和较高地层渗透率有利于使切向应力场增加,诱导切向应力场发生反转,有利于人工裂缝转向.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model is proposed to simulate the thermal discharge from a power plant in Jiangsu Province. The equations in the model consist of two-dimensional non-steady shallow water equations and thermal waste transport equations. Finite volume method (FVM) is used to discretize the shallow water equations, and flux difference splitting (FDS) scheme is applied. The calculated area with the same temperature increment shows the effect of thermal discharge on sea water. A comparison between simulated results and the experimental data shows good agreement. It indicates that this method can give high precision in the heat transfer simulation in coastal areas.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model and an aquatic ecology model of Dianshan Lake,Shanghai,were built using a hydrodynamic simulation module and the water quality simulation module of Delft3D,which is an integrated modelling suite offered by Deltares. The simulated water elevation,current velocity,and direction were validated with observed data to ensure the reliability of hydrodynamic model. The seasonal growth of different algae was analyzed with consideration of observed and historical data,as well as simulated results. In 2008,the dominant algae in Dianshan Lake was Bacillariophyta from February to March,while it was Chlorophyta from April to May,and Cyanophyta from July to August. In summer,the biomass of Cyanophyta grew quickly,reaching levels much higher than the peaks of Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta. Algae blooms primarily occurred in the stagnation regions. This phenomenon indicates that water residence time can influence algal growth significantly. A longer water residence time was associated with higher algal growth. Two conclusions were drawn from several simulations: reducing the nutrients inflow had little effect on algal blooms in Dianshan Lake; however,increasing the discharge into Dianshan Lake could change the flow field characteristic and narrow the range of stagnation regions,resulting in inhibition of algal aggregation and propagation and a subsequent reduction in areas of high concentration algae.  相似文献   

Multi-electrodes Resistivity Imaging Survey (MRIS) is an array method of electrical survey. In practice how to choose a reasonable array is the key to get reliable survey results. Based on four methods of MRIS such as Wenner, Schlumberger, Pole-pole and Dipole-dipole the authors established the model, by studying the result of the forward numerical simulation modeling and inverse modeling, and analyzed the differences among the different forms of detection devices.  相似文献   

Multi-electrodes Resistivity Imaging Survey (MRIS) is an array method of electrical survey. In practice how to choose a reasonable array is the key to get reliable survey results. Based on four methods of MRIS such as Wenner, Schlumberger, Pole-pole and Dipole-dipole the authors established the model, by studying the result of the forward numerical simulation modeling and inverse modeling, and analyzed the differences among the different forms of detection devices.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAnimportantachievementofoceanographysincethe 1960swasthediscoveryofmesoscaleed dieswithspatialscaleofhundredsofmeters,andtimescaleofhours;andaverageflowvelocityofabout 10cm s.Theenormousenergyofthemesoscaleeddyiscomparabletothatofacycloneoran ticycloneintheatmosphere .Themesoscaleeddyisoneoftheimportantfactorsthatdecidethechangeoftheocean .Intherecentdecades,ChineseandforeignscientistshavedonelotsofworkontheEastChinaSeasmesoscaleeddies,theformationmechanismofwhicharethefocuso…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheKuroshioisthewesternboundarycurrentintheNorthPacificandisthecounterpartoftheGulfStreamintheNorthAtlantic.TheoriginoftheKuroshioisthenorthwardflowingbranchoftheNorthEquatorialCurrentwhichisdividedintotwocurrentsonapproachingthewesternbo…  相似文献   

To study the bubble plume’s seismic response characteristics, the model of a plume water body has been built in this article using the bubble-contained medium acoustic velocity model and the stochastic medium theory based on an analysis of both the acoustic characteristics of a bubble-contained water body and the actual features of a plume. The finite difference method is used for forward modelling, and the single-shot seismic record exhibits the characteristics of a scattered wave field generated by a plume. A meaningful conclusion is obtained by extracting seismic attributes from the pre-stack shot gather record of a plume. The values of the amplitude-related seismic attributes increase greatly as the bubble content goes up, and changes in bubble radius will not cause seismic attributes to change, which is primarily observed because the bubble content has a strong impact on the plume’s acoustic velocity, while the bubble radius has a weak impact on the acoustic velocity. The above conclusion provides a theoretical reference for identifying hydrate plumes using seismic methods and contributes to further study on hydrate decomposition and migration, as well as on distribution of the methane bubble in seawater.  相似文献   

Results of numerical simulation of currents in the western North Tropical Pacific Ocean by using a barotropic primitive equation model with fine horizontal resolution agreed well with observations and showed that the Mindanao Cyclonic Eddy located north of the equator and east of Mindanao Island exists during most of the year with monthly (and large seasonal) variations in scope . strength and central location . In June , an anticyclonic eddy occurs northeast of Halmahera Island, strengthens to maximum in August , exists until October and then disappears . The observed large-scale circulation systems such as the North Equatorial Current . the Mindanao Current and the North Equatorial Countercurrent are all very well reproduced in the simulations.  相似文献   

为研究能源群桩工作特性,基于Abaqus有限元模拟,将换热稳定阶段的平均温度赋予桩体进行稳态热-力耦合计算,提出了能源群桩承载特性的简化分析方法,并通过与现场数据的对比分析,验证了该研究方法的可行性。结合算例,进一步利用该方法对纯力学荷载和热-力耦合作用下的能源群桩的承载特性进行了分析。结果表明:①群桩基础中能源桩分散对称分布的不均匀沉降要明显小于集中分布,而且分布形式对桩基结构响应特征影响较大;②桩基等刚度下,增大桩径和减小桩间距,群桩倾斜控制效果较好。研究成果可以为能源群桩的工程应用提供一定的参考。   相似文献   

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