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Grain-size class-Std(GSCStd) and Grain-size class-dD(GSCdD) methods are simple statistical approaches for classifying bulk grain-size distributions(GSDs) into grain-size fractions. Although these two methods were developed based on similar statistical principles, the classification difference between these two methods has not been analyzed. In this study, GSCStd and GSCdD methods are conducted in thirteen grain-size data sequences to examine the applicability for identifying grain size fractions. Results show that, application of the GSCStd method is equivalent to that of the GSCdD method in identifying finer grain-size fractions, and the difference between the two methods mainly comes from the identification of coarse grain-size fractions. Thus, finer grain-size fractions are recommended for use in research of surface aeolian and paleo-aeolian sediments. In addition, our results do not completely agree with previous studies, coarser grain-size fractions in our case suggest that the GSCdD method may not be more applicable than the GSCStd method.  相似文献   

为了探讨生物硅对沉积物粒度测量结果的影响, 本文采用两种不同前处理方法对普里兹湾重力柱状样品进行了粒度测试。结果表明, 生物硅对沉积物的平均粒径以及黏土、粉砂、砂组分的影响较小, 而对沉积物的分选、偏态、峰态以及粒度频率分布的影响较显著。结合两组粒度组分相关性分析以及各粒级含量累积减小值, 认为生物硅对沉积物中砂、粉砂、黏土级组分含量的影响逐渐减小, 这也造成未去除生物硅的沉积物粒度测量结果偏粗。另外, 通过对比发现普里兹湾沉积物中生物硅粒径主要分布在<3Φ、5.25Φ—7.25Φ、8.75Φ—9.75Φ的粒径范围。极地研究中, 沉积物粒度结果为重建古环境变化提供重要参考, 本文研究认为在普里兹湾海域沉积物粒度研究中去除生物硅对研究结果有积极作用。  相似文献   

库姆塔格沙漠沉积物粒度端元特征及其物源启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
关于沙漠沉积物粒度的研究已经开展得十分广泛,但是从粒度资料中提取沙漠沉积物的搬运和物源信息的工作仍较薄弱。为此,将端元模型分析技术应用到沙漠沉积物物源判断研究中,对库姆塔格沙漠的沉积物(包括沙丘和丘间地)进行粒度端元提取,并结合各端元的沉积动力特征、空间分布格局及与潜在物源的对比,对沙漠的物质来源进行了判断。结果表明:端元1(66.90~309.52 μm)为由三垄沙、雅丹和阿尔金山冲洪积物共同组成的细粒跃移质;端元2(163.48~586.00 μm)为全由三垄沙和雅丹贡献的较粗跃移质;端元3(309.52~2 711.36 μm和66.90~143.90 μm)则为被后期改造了的阿尔金山冲洪积物。通过各端元的空间分布格局和与潜在物源沉积物端元的对比,我们认为三垄沙、雅丹和阿尔金山冲洪积物均为库姆塔格沙漠沙丘和丘间地提供了物源供应,但北部的三垄沙和雅丹对沙丘贡献较多,而南部的阿尔金山冲洪积物则对丘间地贡献较多。另外,通过对端元1的分析,我们更倾向于认为在库姆塔格沙漠沉积物的部分粒级和局部地区存在丘间地为沙丘提供物源这一过程。  相似文献   

Grain size trends in basin stratigraphy are thought to preserve a rich record of the climatic and tectonic controls on landscape evolution. Stratigraphic models assume that over geological timescales, the downstream profile of sediment deposition is in dynamic equilibrium with the spatial distribution of tectonic subsidence in the basin, sea level and the flux and calibre of sediment supplied from mountain catchments. Here, we demonstrate that this approach in modelling stratigraphic responses to environmental change is missing a key ingredient: the dynamic geomorphology of the sediment routing system. For three large alluvial fans in the Iglesia basin, Argentine Andes we measured the grain size of modern river sediment from fan apex to toe and characterise the spatial distribution of differential subsidence for each fan by constructing a 3D model of basin stratigraphy from seismic data. We find, using a self‐similar grain size fining model, that the profile of grain size fining on all three fans cannot be reproduced given the subsidence profile measured and for any sediment supply scenario. However, by adapting the self‐similar model, we demonstrate that the grain size trends on each fan can be effectively reproduced when sediment is not only sourced from a single catchment at the apex of the system, but also laterally, from tributary catchments and through fan surface recycling. Without constraint on the dynamic geomorphology of these large alluvial systems, signals of tectonic and climate forcing in grain size data are masked and would be indecipherable in the geological record. This has significant implications for our ability to make sensitive, quantitative reconstructions of external boundary conditions from the sedimentary record.  相似文献   

We present new sedimentological, petrographical, palaeontological and detrital zircon U–Pb data on late Oligocene–early Miocene sedimentary rocks of the thin-skinned thrust belt of East Carpathians. These data were acquired to reconstruct the sedimentary routing system for two compositionally different turbidite fans made of the regionally extensive Kliwa and Fusaru formations. On the eastern margin of the Moldavides foreland basin, large low-gradient river systems draining the East European Platform provided well-sorted quartz-rich sand forming deltas on wide shallow shelves and thick Kliwa submarine fans. Due to the westward subduction of a thinned continental plate, the western basin margin was characterized by short, steep-gradient routing systems where sediment transport to deep water was mainly through hyperpycnal flows. The Getic and Bucovinian nappes of the East Carpathians and the exhumed Cretaceous–Early Palaeogene orogenic wedge fed Fusaru fans with poorly sorted lithic sand. The Fusaru fans trend northwards in the foredeep basin having an elongate depocentre, interfingering and then overlapping on the distal part of the Kliwa depositional system due to the eastward advance of the Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt. A smaller sediment input is supplied by southern continental areas (i.e. Moesian Platform, North Dobrogea and potentially the Balkans). In general, the sandstone interfingering between distinct basin floor fan systems is less well documented because the facies would be similar and there are not many systems that have a distinct sediment provenance like Kliwa and Fusaru systems. This case study improves the understanding of regional palaeogeography and sedimentary routing systems and provides observations relevant here or elsewhere on the interfingering turbidite fan systems.  相似文献   

采用对数正态分布的统计方法对青藏高原东北缘西宁盘子山黄土剖面的粒度数据进行拟合,结果表明盘子山剖面的粒度分布呈现出5个对数正态分布粒度方式的组合,各地层单元的粒径大体可分为5组,粒度分别介于平均粒径为0.4、9、20、40、63μm的范围,各粒径区域占整体粒径分布的比例比较相近;并且粘粒、极细粉砂组分的分选程度较差。盘子山剖面的粒度分布方式与黄土高原地区的分布有一定差异,<4μm的组分在古土壤中占到11%~16%,在黄土中占到8%。无论在黄土堆积阶段,还是在古土壤发育阶段,盘子山地区相对于延长地区,20、40、63μm粒径组的比例都大,西宁盘子山地区黄土剖面的粗颗粒含量比较多。由于气候总体干旱、成土作用相对较弱,风化对黄土粒度组成的改变程度不会太明显,再加上青藏高原因冰川反复消融作用和磨蚀作用共同影响所产生的砂尘为黄土提供了可观的粗物质补给,因此盘子山剖面的黄土物源区呈现多样化特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, the significance and history of studying snow grain size is introduced. Based on the assumption that high reflectivity in the visible band and significant decreasing reflectivity of snow surface in the infrared band, the grain size of snow, spherical and non-spherical, is sensitive to changes in remote sensing retrieval foundation. Also, models and algorithms applied in current studies are reviewed, together with their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, in order to obtain retrieval accuracy, some factors that may affect grain size are also discussed, such as temperature, wavelength, and particle shape, as well as method authentication.  相似文献   

The duration and extent of sediment routing systems are intrinsically linked to crustal- to mantle-scale processes. Therefore, distinct changes in the geodynamic regime may be captured in the detrital record. This study attempts to reconstruct the sediment routing system of the Canning Basin (Western Australia) during the Early Cretaceous to decipher its depositional response to Mesozoic-Cenozoic supercontinent dispersal. Specifically, we reconstruct source-to-sink relationships for the Broome Sandstone (Dampier Peninsula) and proximal modern sediments through multi-proxy analysis of detrital zircon (U–Pb, Lu–Hf and trace elements) and detrital rutile (U–Pb and trace elements). Multi-proxy comparison of detrital signatures and potential sources reveals that the majority of the detrital zircon and rutile grains are ultimately sourced from crystalline basement in central Australia (Musgrave Province and Arunta region) and that proximal sediment supply (i.e., Kimberley region) is negligible. However, a significant proportion of detritus might be derived from intermediate sedimentary sources in central Australia (e.g., Amadeus Basin) rather than directly from erosion of crystalline basement. Broome Sandstone data are consistent with a large-scale drainage system with headwaters in central Australia. Contextualization with other broadly coeval drainage systems suggests that central Australia acted as a major drainage divide during the Early Cretaceous. Importantly, reorganization after supercontinent dispersal is characterized by the continuation of a sediment pathway remnant of an earlier transcontinental routing system originating in Antarctica that provided a template for Early Cretaceous drainage. Review of older Canning Basin strata implies a prolonged denudation history of central Australian lithologies. These observations are consistent with the long-lived intracontinental tectonic activity of central Australia governing punctuated sediment generation and dispersion more broadly across Australia and emphasize the impact of deep Earth processes on sediment routing systems.  相似文献   

哈罗铁路开通对沿线资源的开发具有重要意义,然而自开通以来饱受风沙危害.对铁路沿线及防沙体系内沉积物粒度特征参数进行了对比分析,以期为该线风沙危害的科学防治提供有益参考.结果表明:(1)铁路沿线沉积物组成以中细沙为主,灌丛沙地分选性中等至很差,偏度以近对称为主,峰度中等至很窄;戈壁区沉积物整体分选性较差,偏度以极正偏为主...  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠周边地区土壤养分和粒度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蒙  逯军峰  付鹏  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2022,42(5):232-244
选取巴丹吉林沙漠周边8个典型地貌区域,开展不同深度土壤养分和粒度组成特征及空间异质性研究。结果表明:(1)巴丹吉林沙漠周边区域土壤养分和粒度空间异质性较强,整体上土壤贫瘠,全钾含量中等;电导率变异性最大,pH的变异性较弱,其他因子属于中等变异。土壤整体上细沙含量最高,0—20 cm层黏土和极粗沙含量的变异系数较高;20—40 cm层黏土、粉沙和极粗沙含量的变异性强。(2)0—20 cm层全氮、全磷、速效磷、速效钾含量和电导率区域差异显著;20—40 cm层全氮和速效钾含量的区域差异显著。0—20 cm层各粒级含量均有显著的区域差异;20—40 cm层极细沙、中沙和粗沙含量的区域差异显著。(3)0—20 cm和20—40 cm层以细沙为界限,小于细沙颗粒的物质与养分含量普遍表现为正相关关系,而大于细沙颗粒的物质与养分的关系普遍呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

钟巍  王立国  李偲 《地理研究》2005,24(1):98-104
本文研究表明,塔里木盆地南缘湖沼相沉积物质量磁化率与碳酸盐δ13C呈正相关关系,与粒度参数中056~3557μm各组分呈显著负相关,其中同1783~3170μm部分负相关性最为显著;与5637~2244μm之间各组分显著正相关,其中与7096~200μm各组分正相关性最为显著。其气候环境背景与意义表现为:在寒冷期中,δ13C偏轻,相对湿度和植被盖度增加,地表侵蚀减弱,只有较细物质才能向湖泊沼泽搬运加积,地表氧化环境减弱,磁化率减小;而在温暖期中,则相反。在区域对比基础上,根据上述指标将近40ka以来此地区气候环境变化划分了8个阶段。本文的各种指标(特别是粒度指标)与GreenlandGISP2冰芯δ18O记录之间有很好的吻合,表明研究区近40ka以来的气候与环境变化可能具有全球背景。  相似文献   

The degree to which a group of fossils reflects the original community from which it was derived can be estimated by comparing living communities with locally accumulated dead remains. Such live–dead approaches (LA/DA) can provide important baseline information on the ecological structure of ancient freshwater systems. This study explored variations in composition, richness, evenness and rank-abundance in live and dead mollusk assemblages recovered from the Ibicuí River Basin, southern Brazil. LA/DA was related to topography, river size, and sediment grain size, separated respectively into plain (altitude 0–100 m) versus slope (100–500 m), small versus medium-large stream orders, and gravel versus sand substrate. Positive correlation between LA and DA species composition was significant only in large rivers. Slope areas showed LA/DA species compositions that were significantly different, whereas the communities from sand and gravel substrates were quite similar. Important factors that affected live/dead similarity in the study area included (1) destruction of thin, fragile shells of dead animals by acidic waters that are common in the region, (2) downstream drift of small spherical shells from species common in slope areas, such as Potamolithus sp., and (3) high abundances of invasive species in the local death assemblage, especially in large rivers. High fidelity in large rivers is caused by the presence of favorable habitats for bivalve communities. Coarse sediments are an important driver of macro invertebrate diversity, acting as shell traps that slow the downstream drift of bivalve remains and improve the preservation of fluvial mollusks. The preservation potential of dead assemblages of the Ibicuí River showed that fossil assemblages are useful tools for recognizing ancient riverscapes, such as flat areas with sandy substrates.  相似文献   

Abstract:    Marine dispersal provides a mechanism for introduced plants to invade coastal systems. Regular surveillance is essential for management of marine dispersed weeds. This paper outlines the biological, physical and management dimensions of this coastal issue in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Estimation of the influence of snow grain size and black carbon on albedo is essential in obtaining the accurate albedo. In this paper, field measurement data, including snow grain size, snow depth and...  相似文献   

The impact of pre-Columbian subsistence agriculture on soil nutrient cycling in the American tropics is poorly quantified. Paleolimnological research can address this deficit by documenting the temporal evolution of nutrient cycling in lake watersheds over different time scales. Here we describe our use of a chemical sequential extraction technique adapted from soil fertility research to discern geochemical fractions of phosphorus (P) in lake sediments that serve as proxies for landscape-scale soil nutrient status. These P fractions are mineral P (the original lithic source of bioavailable P), occluded P (mainly bound to soil oxides), and organic P (remains of organic matter production by plants). We applied the P fractionation technique to a lake sediment core from a small lake in southern Costa Rica, Laguna Zoncho. Prior analyses of microfossils and stable carbon isotopes in this core documented an approximately 3,000 year history of human occupation and agricultural activity in the Zoncho watershed, and shifts in diatom communities in the lake associated both with human impacts and with climate-driven changes in lake level. Our P analyses revealed relatively constant P geochemistry during the first approximately 2,500 years of the record, when other sedimentary proxies reveal forest clearance and maize agriculture of varying intensity. However, the period from approximately 500 to 100 years BP is marked by a drastic shift toward a P geochemistry dominated by occluded forms, with a concomitant decrease in the relative content of both the organic and mineral P forms. This interval coincides with post-Conquest depopulation and forest regeneration at the site, and with an apparent deepening of the lake caused by a shift toward a wetter climate. The dominance of the occluded P fraction during this interval is the opposite of the trend expected with such a climate shift, implicating human dynamics as the principal driver of the changes in soil nutrient status indicated by the P fractions in the Zoncho core. We propose that the entire P geochemical record is dominated by human-induced alteration of the soil nutrient cycles via agriculture and occupation, and that the only interval that reveals the “natural” nutrient status in the region is the short interval when the site is abandoned and surrounding forests regrow. These results for Laguna Zoncho reveal the close connection between even relatively low-technology human activities and soil nutrient status.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to arrive at a consistent interpretation of (1) the age model, (2) the grain size record, and (3) seismic reflection data from Lake Hovsgol (a.k.a Khubsugul or Hövsgöl), Mongolia, reported by Fedotov et al. (2007, earlier by Fedotov et al. 2002, 2004). In their most recent contribution, the grain size record of the KDP-01 drill core is interpreted as a climatic signal while little consideration is given to lake-level changes and hence to basin-wide changes in depositional setting evident from seismic profiles; also, a nearly linear age model is at odds with the seismic evidence for a major angular unconformity in the sediment strata. The lack of regional seismic stratigraphic analysis has thus led to an improbable interpretation of the Lake Hovsgol sediment grain size record and ultimately to an improbable scenario of Mongolian glaciation history. Using the available seismic profiles, here we show that the drill core penetrated several transgressive/regressive sedimentary sequences and a major angular unconformity. Therefore, the drilled sediment section cannot represent continuous sediment accumulation and the Brunhes age model across the unconformity cannot be nearly linear; the time interval representing a hiatus remains to be determined. The assumed nearly linear age/depth relationship in the upper 23 m above the angular unconformity is also an unlikely relationship, given the evidence of repeated changes in lake level, and hence in the depositional setting and sedimentation rates. We further propose a qualitative reference model for changes in the Lake Hovsgol depositional setting (presented as a step-by-step animation – see supplementary material) based on manually ‘backstripping and rebuilding’ the seismic pattern. We argue that this model provides a useful template of the likely sediment facies changes in the deep axial part of the Hovsgol basin: our crude model in fact captures the major depositional trends in the KDP-01 drill core section located some 10 km NW along the seismic line. We contend that changes in the depositional setting provide the first-order control on sediment grain size in the Hovsgol record. Our study provides important new constraints on the nature of sedimentary proxy records in Lake Hovsgol and on their interpretation as a record of Mongolian glaciation history.  相似文献   

通过对艾比湖典型断面土壤粒度特征分析,发现研究区粒径组成以中粉沙为主,质地以砂质壤土为主,土壤垂向粗骨化明显。土壤分选性较差,粒度分布多为正偏,峰态多为窄峰态,表明该区土壤母质来源丰富,搬运-沉积环境异质性显著,但流水作用突出。北断面的分维值高于南断面,这与南断面分选性好于北断面相吻合。不同地区的概率累计曲线类型各异,但都富含悬移组分,并且对环境敏感的粒度组分大都在60 μm上下,说明研究区土壤母质以水成沉积环境为主的基础上,叠加有风成碎屑。  相似文献   

The zooplankton community structure in lakes is highly influenced by size-selective predation by fish, with small zooplankton species dominating at high predation pressure. Remains of cladocerans are preserved in the sediment and may be used to trace historical changes in fish predation. We determined how contemporary data on planktivorous fish were related to the size of Daphnia ephippia (dorsal length) in the surface sediment (0-1 cm) of 52 mainly shallow lakes with contrasting densities of fish and nutrients (TP: 0.002-0.60 mg P l-1). Density of fish expressed as catch per unit effort, in terms of numbers in multiple mesh-sized gill nets (CPUEn), decreased significantly with increasing mean size of ephippia. The relationship was improved by adding TP as an independent variable, now explaining 90% of the variation in CPUEn on the full data set covering lakes in Denmark, Greenland and New Zealand, and 78% if only data on Danish lakes were used. CPUE by weight of planktivorous fish and mean weight of Daphnia in the pelagial during summer were also related to ephippial size. By including contemporary data on established relationships between the sizes of egg-bearing female Daphnia and ephippia, we inferred changes in the CPUEn, mean size of ephippia-bearing Daphnia and summer mean body weight of Daphnia from ephippial size in four lakes during the past 1-2 centuries. In a hypertrophic lake subject to periodic fish kills, Daphnia mean body weight was high and CPUEn was low compared with those in two eutrophic lakes, while CPUEn was low and Daphnia body weight was high in the least eutrophic, clearwater lake. Estimated CPUEn and Daphnia mean weight in the surface sediment of these four lakes corresponded well with contemporary data. Only small changes in ephippial size with time were observed in the clearwater lake and in one of the lakes that had suffered early eutrophication, while major changes occurred in the two other lakes that had been subjected to a major increase in nutrient input or fish kills. We conclude that Daphnia ephippia preserved in the surface sediments of lakes may be a useful and efficient method to quantify the present-day abundance of planktivorous fish and Daphnia mean size. The method is particularly valid in surveys aimed to give a general picture of the fish stock and the ecological state in a set of lakes in a region rather than a precise estimate for a single lake. Though some evidence is provided, more work is needed to evaluate whether the equations are valid for hind-casting in down-core palaeoecological studies.  相似文献   

河北昌黎黄金海岸横向沙脊表面的粒度分布模式   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
董玉祥  马骏  黄德全 《地理研究》2008,27(4):725-733
河北昌黎黄金海岸自然保护区内的横向沙脊规模高大、形态典型,对其表面采集的47个沙丘表面沉积物粒度样品的分析结果,该海岸横向沙脊表面粒度总体上是中砂、分选好、对称和中等峰态,但脊顶、坡部及坡脚的粒度分异明显,自沙脊两侧坡脚向脊顶粒径变细、分选变好,向陆背风坡的细化与分选优于向海迎风坡,脊顶粒径最细,向陆背风坡脚最粗,是一种新型的沙丘表面粒度分布模式。该粒度分布模式是该区域主风向与强风向交替变化及其风速差异、沙脊高大且两侧不对称等组合作用的结果。  相似文献   

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