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The northern margin of the South China Sea, as a typical extensional continental margin, has relatively strong intraplate seismicity. Compared with the active zones of Nanao Island, Yangjiang, and Heyuan, seismicity in the Pearl River Estuary is relatively low. However, a ML4.0 earthquake in 2006 occurred near Dangan Island(DI) offshore Hong Kong, and this site was adjacent to the source of the historical M5.8 earthquake in 1874. To reveal the seismogenic mechanism of intraplate earthquakes in DI, we systematically analyzed the structural characteristics in the source area of the 2006 DI earthquake using integrated 24-channel seismic profiles, onshore–offshore wide-angle seismic tomography, and natural earthquake parameters. We ascertained the locations of NW-and NE-trending faults in the DI sea and found that the NE-trending DI fault mainly dipped southeast at a high angle and cut through the crust with an obvious low-velocity anomaly. The NW-trending fault dipped southwest with a similar high angle. The 2006 DI earthquake was adjacent to the intersection of the NE-and NW-trending faults, which suggested that the intersection of the two faults with different strikes could provide a favorable condition for the generation and triggering of intraplate earthquakes. Crustal velocity model showed that the high-velocity anomaly was imaged in the west of DI, but a distinct entity with low-velocity anomaly in the upper crust and high-velocity anomaly in the lower crust was found in the south of DI. Both the 1874 and 2006 DI earthquakes occurred along the edge of the distinct entity. Two vertical cross-sections nearly perpendicular to the strikes of the intersecting faults revealed good spatial correlations between the 2006 DI earthquake and the low to high speed transition in the distinct entity. This result indicated that the transitional zone might be a weakly structural body that can store strain energy and release it as a brittle failure, resulting in an earthquake-prone area.  相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, a Ms 7.0 earthquake occurred 5 km to the west of Jiuzhaigou National Park, causing 25 deaths and injuring 525. The objective of this study was to explore the seismogenic fault of the earthquake and tectonic dynamics of the source rupture. Field investigations, radon activity tests, remote sensing interpretations, and geophysical data analyses were carried out immediately after the earthquake. The Jiuzhaigou earthquake occurred at the intersection of the northern margin of the Minshan uplift belt and the south part of the Wenxian–Maqin fault in the south margin of the West Qinling geosyncline. There are two surface rupture zones trending northwest (NW), which are ground coseismic ruptures caused by concealed earthquake faults. The rupture on the southwest is the structure triggering the earthquake, along the Jiuzhaitiantang–Epicenter–Wuhuahai. The other one on the northeast (Shangsizhai–Zhongcha–Bimang) is a reactivation and extension of the secondary fault trending NW. The source rupture of this earthquake is a strike-slip shear fracture associated with the fault plane trending NW 331° and steeply dipping 75°, which is continuously expanding at both ends. The tectonic dynamics process of the source rupture is that the “Jiuzhaigou protrusion” is left-lateral sheared along the seismogenic fault in the NW direction. Finally, the Maqin fault and the arc fault system at the top of the “Wenxian protrusion” will be gradually broken through sometime in far future, as well as earthquaketriggered landslides will be further occurred along the narrow corridor between the seismogenic faults. The research results revealed the basic geological data and tectonic dynamic mechanism in this earthquake.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional tidal open boundary conditions of the M2 constituent in the Bohai and Yellow Seas(BYS) have been estimated by assimilating T/P altimeter data.During inversion,independent point(IP) strategy was used,in which several IPs on the open boundary is assumed,values at these IPs can be optimized with an adjoint method,and those at other grid points are determined by linearly interpolating the values at IPs.The reasonability and feasibility of the model are tested by ideal twin experiments.In the practical experiment(PE) after assimilation,the cost function may reach 1% or less of its initial value.Mean absolute errors in amplitude and phase can be less than 5 cm and 5°,respectively,and the obtained co-chart can show the character of the M2 constituent in the BYS.The results of the PE indicate that using only two IPs on the open boundary can yield better simulated results.  相似文献   

The distributions and relationships of O2, CO2, and dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary and its adjacent waters were investigated in June 2014. In surface water, mean O2 saturation level, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), and DMS concentrations (and ranges) were 110% (89%–167%), 374 μatm (91–640 μatm), and 8.53 nmol L?1 (1.10–27.50 nmol L?1), respectively. The sea-to-air fluxes (and ranges) of DMS and CO2 were 8.24 μmol m?2 d?1 (0.26–62.77 μmol m?2 d?1), and ?4.7 mmol m?2 d?1 (?110.8-31.7 mmol m?2 d?1), respectively. Dissolved O2 was oversaturated, DMS concentrations were relatively high, and this region served as a sink of atmospheric CO2. The pCO2 was significantly and negatively correlated with the O2 saturation level, while the DMS concentration showed different positive relationships with the O2 saturation level in different water masses. In vertical profiles, a hypoxic zone existed below 20 m at a longitude of 123°E. The stratification of temperature and salinity caused by the Taiwan Warm Current suppressed seawater exchange between upper and lower layers, resulting in the formation of a hypoxic zone. Oxidative decomposition of organic detritus carried by the Changjiang River Diluted Water (CRDW) consumed abundant O2 and produced additional CO2. The DMS concentrations decreased because of low phytoplankton biomass in the hypoxic zone. Strong correlations appeared between the O2 saturation level, pCO2 and DMS concentrations in vertical profiles. Our results strongly suggested that CRDW played an important role in the distributions and relationships of O2, CO2, and DMS.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples of PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10μm) and TSP (total suspended particles) were simultaneously collected from April 2001 to March 2002 at the top of Mount Baguan on the downtown campus of Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China. The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb and Zn were determined by means of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The monthly variability of the mass concentrations of aerosol particles and the concentrations of trace metals are presented and discussed. The distribution pattern of these metals in PM10 and TSP is also discussed. During the observation period, the mass concentration of PM10 at this site ranged from 13.80 to 306.42 μgm−3, while that of TSP ranged from 31.02 to 568.82μgm−3. Both PM10 and TSP reached their highest concentrations in springtime, while the lowest values occurred in summertime. The concentrations of crustal metals followed the same variation pattern, while those of anthropogenic metals did not. A closer examination led to the conclusion that anthropogenic metals are mainly from local sources. The average concentration ratios of anthropogenic metals in PM10 to TSP were higher than the average mass ratio of PM10 to TSP, suggesting that there was a higher proportion of anthropogenic metals on smaller particles although there were a few exceptions. For crustal metals, however, the metal concentration ratios were close to the particle mass ratio, indicating that the distribution of crustal metals was much more homogeneous on aerosol particles with different sizes. The correlation analysis indicated that Al, Fe and Mn were originated from similar sources and were mainly controlled by the particle mass, while Cu, Pb and Zn were predominated by local anthropogenic sources, with Pb and Zn having similar origins.  相似文献   

The venerid clam (Mactra veneriformis Reeve 1854) is one of the main cultured bivalve species in intertidal and shallow subtidal ecosystems along the west coast of Korea. To understand the effects of ocean acidification on the early life stages of Korean clams, we investigated shell growth and abnormality rates and types in the D-shaped, umbonate veliger, and pediveliger stages of the venerid clam M. veneriformis during exposure to elevated seawater pCO2. In particular, we examined abnormal types of larval shell morphology categorized as shell deformations, shell distortions, and shell fissures. Specimens were incubated in seawater equilibrated with bubbled CO2-enriched air at (400±25)×10-6 (ambient control), (800±25)×10-6 (high pCO2), or (1 200±28)×10-6 (extremely high pCO2), the atmospheric CO2 concentrations predicted for the years 2014, 2084, and 2154 (70-year intervals; two human generations), respectively, in the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 scenario. The mean shell lengths of larvae were significantly decreased in the high and extremely high pCO2 groups compared with the ambient control groups. Furthermore, under high and extremely high pCO2 conditions, the cultures exhibited significantly increased abundances of abnormal larvae and increased severity of abnormalities compared with the ambient control. In the umbonate veliger stage of the experimental larvae, the most common abnormalities were shell deformations, distortions, and fissures; on the other hand, convex hinges and mantle protuberances were absent. These results suggest that elevated CO2 exerts an additional burden on the health of M. veneriformis larvae by impairing early development.  相似文献   

Emissions of biogenic sulfur gases (hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbonyl sulfide (COS)) from Phragmites australis coastal marsh in the Yellow River estuary of China were determined during April to December in 2014 using static chamber-gas chromatography technique with monthly sampling. The results showed that the fluxes of H2S and COS both had distinct seasonal and diurnal variations. The H2S fluxes ranged from 0.09 μg/(m2·h) to 7.65 μg/(m2·h), and the COS fluxes ranged from–1.10 μg/(m2·h) to 3.32 μg/(m2·h). The mean fluxes of H2S and COS from the P. australis coastal marsh were 2.28 μg/(m2·h), and 1.05 μg/(m2·h), respectively. The P. australis coastal marsh was the emission source of both H2S and COS over the whole year. Fluxes of H2S and COS were both higher in plant growing season than in the non-growing season. Temperature had a dramatic effect on the H2S emission flux, while the correlations between COS flux and the environmental factors were not found during sampling periods. More in-depth and comprehensive research on other related factors, such as vegetation, sediment substrates, and tidal action is needed to discover and further understand the key factors and the release mechanism of sulfur gases.  相似文献   

海洋经济在粤、港、澳经济中具有十分重要的地位,港、澳回归以后,三地海洋事业合作的内在需求得到充分表达。CEPA破除地方贸易保护和改进贸易合作创造了新机遇。建议以8个重点领域的海洋合作作为CEPA扩展的内容。  相似文献   

We present a GIS-based habitat suitability index (HSI) model to identify suitable areas for Zostera marina L. restoration in the subtidal zone of Xiaoheishan Island. The controlling factors in the model, in order of importance, are Secchi depth, sediment composition, water temperature, salinity, current velocity, water depth and nutrient quality. Specific factor piecewise functions have been used to transform parameter values into normalized quality indexes. The weight of each factor was defined using expert knowledge and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. All of the data thus obtained were interpolated using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method to create maps for the entire region. In this study, the analysis of habitat suitability in the subtidal zone of Xiaoheishan Island was conducted for four seasons. According to the GIS-based HSI model, the optimal habitat of Zostera marina L. appears in spring, although habitat remains suitable all year round. On the whole, the optimum site for eelgrass restoration is located in the eastern region, followed by the western and southern regions. We believe that the GIS-based HSI model could be a promising tool to select sites for Zostera marina L. restoration and could also be applicable in other types of habitat evaluation.  相似文献   

The ion-transport enzyme activities were studied in the nauplii 1–2, zoea 1–3, mysis 1–3, and postlarva 1–7 of the shrimps Marsupenaeus japonicus and Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The results showed that total ATPase, Na+-K+-ATPase, and V-ATPase (V-type H+-ATPase) activities increased during the early development for both the species, from zero in nauplii to stable levels after zoea stage. The enzyme activities of the latter species were significantly higher than those of the former species after zoea stage (F>F 0.05). The contributions of Na+-K+-ATPase, V-ATPase and HCO3 -ATPase to the total ATPase activity of the two species varied in different developmental stages and accounted for 40%–70%, 22%–46% and 2%–13% in M. japonicus from zoea to postlarva stage, whilst the shares of them were 42%–69%, 28%–44% and 2.5%–22%, respectively in F.chinensis. These findings suggest the possible culture of the two species with varying water quality, especially the salinity and pH.  相似文献   

The bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum is not only one of the main mollusc species in the west Pacific Ocean, but also one of the main species for aquaculture in China. Knowledge of growth of the R. philippinarum shell will improve our understanding of the shell as an environmental archive. It is also useful for the aquaculture of R. philippinarum. In this research, a hanging box culture method was introduced in the culture of R. philippinarum. The bivalves were cultured for 126 days, from March 31 to August 3, 2002. The average growth rates of shell width, height, and thickness were 0.069, 0.046, and 0.032 mm/d, respectively. The mean increase of average individual wet mass was 0.028 g/d. The largest growth rates of both shell and average individual wet mass occurred in June, indicating that water temperature and bivalve reproduction were 2 important factors. The shell morphology underwent significant changes with shell growth. The ratio of height to thickness (value of B/C) shifted 1.58 in the first 60 days to 1.54 in the last 30 days, which was resulted from the change in major shell growth direction. Periodic changes in the B/C ratio led to corrugated shell form, which could be used to determine the age of the shell.  相似文献   

Variations in leaf functional traits of Abies georgei var. smithii at 3700, 3900, 4100, 4300, and 4390 m altitude were investigated in 15 typical plots in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. In each plot, three seedlings were selected, of which functional leaves in current-year sunny branches were chosen for the measurement of morphological, photosynthetic, and physiological and biochemical characteristics, and their variations were analyzed. Results showed that significant variations existed among the leaf functional traits of A. georgei var. smithii along the altitudinal gradient, as well as their physiological adaption indicators. Leaf area decreased, while the mass per area and thickness of leaf increased at an altitude above 4,100 m. The maxima of pigment, total nitrogen concentration, net photosynthesis rate during light-saturated, and when water use efficiency appeared at 4100 m altitude. In addition, A. georgei var. smithii seedlings regulated the activities of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase to resist abiotic stress under 4100 m altitude. Meanwhile, malondialdehyde concentration and the dark respiration rate rapidly increased, which indicates that A. georgei var. smithii seedlings suffered from heavy abiotic stress from 4100 m to 4390 m altitude. Basing on variations in leaf functional traits along the altitude gradient, we inferred that 4100 m altitude was the suitable region for A. georgei var. smithii growth in the Sygera Mountain. Moreover, the harsh environment was the main limiting factor for A. georgei var. smithii population expansion to high altitude.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and differentiation of the oyster Crassostrea plicatula populations from China’s coast were studied based on seven microsatellite loci. All loci showed high polymorphism for all five C. plicatula populations, with an average number of allele per locus of 19.3–27.9 and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.889–0.952. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and deficits of heterozygotes were observed over most populations at each locus, which were fully explained by null alleles. Microsatellite analysis revealed significant subdivision in the C. plicatula populations. According to the neighbor-joining tree constructed on the basis of the D A distance, the five populations fell into three regional groups, showing a relatively homogeneous genetic structure in geographically close populations. Assignation tests correctly assigned high percentages of individuals to their original populations and groups, and also confirmed the existence of genetic differentiation among C. plicatula populations. The results obtained in this study will facilitate the formulation of appropriate fisheries management programs, stock identification and conservation of biodiversity for the species.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine isozymes in four tissues (mantle muscle, buccal bulb muscle, eye and liver) of Sepia esculenta were screened for enzymatic analysis using starch gel electrophoretic technique. Eighteen enzymes (G3PDH, LDH, MDH, MEP, IDHP, PGDH, GRS, NP, AAT, CK, AK, EST, ALP, ACP, FBP, MPI, GPI and PGM) show strong activities and good convergence in zymogram. They are proved to be suitable genetic markers in Sepia esculenta. Among the tissues used, mantle muscle is the best for electrophoretic analysis of isozymes. Eye and liver are fairly good for some special enzymes, such as LDH, EST, MPI, etc. Twenty-six loci are detected. The proportion of polymorphic loci is 0.115 in the Qingdao sample and 0.153 in the Rizhao sample (P<0.99). The mean values of the observed and expected heterozygosity per locus of Qingdao sample are 0.016 and 0.017, while those of the Rizhao sample are 0.023 and 0.025 respectively.  相似文献   

Expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the developing eye of zebrafish was studied by NADPH-diaphorase staining technique. NOS activity was frst observed in the optic primordium and the lens placode at 5-somite stage, and remained basically unchanged up to the prim-5 stage. Upon hatching, NOS activity was nearly equally detected in the gangalion cell layer and the photoreceptor layer in the developing retina. However, it began declining in the inner plexiform layer and the inner nuclear layer at this stage. NOS activity disappeared in the lens although the anterior lens epithelium was strongly stained. Two days after hatching, NOS activity was still strong in the photoreceptor layer, but decreased markedly in the gangalion cell layer, the inner plexiform layer and the inner nuclear layer with the retinal patterning. These suggested that nitric oxide (NO), the product of NOS, is not only involved in the modulation of patterning and differentiation of the retinal cells but also in the regulation of proliferation, and differentiation of the lens fibrocytes.  相似文献   

Drag forces acting on Schlegel‘s black rockfish Sebastes schlegeli were studied. A new drag force transducer was designed and used to measure the water drag on Schlegel‘s black rockfish in a vertical recirculating flume tank. Fourteen individuals were investigated, yielding two mean drag coefficients referred to the cross-sectional area and volume^2/3 respectively at water velocities ranging from 0.3 to 1.0 ms^-1 The drag coefficients can be used for estimating the drag forces acting on Sebastes schlegeli in water.  相似文献   

The effects of Bacillus subtilis 2-1 from the intestine of healthy sea cucumber on the growth, digestive enzyme activities and intestinal microbiota of juvenile sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) were determined in the present study. Sea cucumber was fed with Sargassum thunbergii powder supplemented with B. subtilis 2-1 at different concentrations varying among 0 (control), 105, 107, and 109 CFU g?1 for 8 weeks. Results showed that the growth performance and intestinal amylase and trypsin activities were significantly increased by dietary B. subtilis 2-1 at 109 CFU g?1 (P < 0.05). However, dietary B. subtilis 2-1 had no significant influence on the lipase activity in sea cucumber (P > 0.05). The polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis indicated that dietary B. subtilis 2-1 at 105 and 107 CFU g?1 inhibited most of the Proteobacteria including those in genus Vibrio. Dietary B. subtilis 2-1 at 109 CFU g?1 not only decreased the abundance and species of genus Vibrio, but also increased the intensity of genera Psychrobacter and Bacillus. A specific dosage of dietary B. subtilis 2-1 could increase the growth and modulate the intestinal microbiota of sea cucumber; thus it might be a novel probiotic for keeping the health of sea cucumber.  相似文献   

Dam construction alters natural flow regimes which, in turn, cause significant changes in fish communities during and after impoundment. The construction of the Three Gorges Reservoir, from impoundment of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China, may have affected native fish species. Thus, the status of two lotic freshwater fish species, Coreius heterodon and C. guichenoti, were monitored in the Three Gorges Reservoir, including fish abundance, individual composition, growth, condition, and mortality. Data on both species were gathered from upstream, midstream and downstream areas of the reservoir and, where available, from studies published before and after dam construction. Lower abundance, slower growth, a less diversified age structure, poorer fish condition (indicated by hepatosomatic index) and higher mortalities were recorded in sites nearest the dam compared with upstream areas. Furthermore, after final impoundment, individual Coreius species inhabiting the area changed, with young individuals becoming more abundant, while upstream of the reservoir the two Coreius species became smaller at a given age. The results show that the status of the two Coreius species was subject to dramatic changes after impoundment.  相似文献   

We present a taxonomic study of taxa of the red algae genus Herposiphonia (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae), collected from the coast of eastern Guangdong, China. We made detailed morphological studies and considered recent taxonomic criteria for species delimitation, and are making the first report of five different species on the coast of Guangdong, including a new species. The species identified were H. caespitosa Tseng, H. hollenbergii Dawson, H. pecten - veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg, H. subdisticha Okamura and H. pinnata Ding and Tan sp. nov. H. pinnata sp. nov. is characterized by bright green thalli; most parts of the feathery thalli are free of the substratum; determinate branches and indeterminate branches are arranged in a chaotic sequence; the primary axis has bare segments; the determinate branch has 9–11 periaxial cells per segment; vegetative trichoblasts are abundant; and tetrasporangia are formed on the middle of the determinate branch with 1–8 successive segments in a single rectilinear series. This paper is also the first record of sporophyte plants of H. pecten-veneris.  相似文献   

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