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针对高光谱影像分类问题,提出了一种显著性特征提取方法。首先,利用超像素分割算法将高光谱影像3个相邻波段分割为若干个小区域。然后,基于分割得到的小区域计算反映不同区域的显著性特征。最后,沿着光谱方向采用大小为3、步长为1的滑窗法获得所有波段的显著性特征。进一步将提取的显著性特征与光谱特征进行结合,并将结合后的特征输入到支持向量机中进行分类。利用Pavia大学、Indian Pines和Salinas 3组高光谱影像数据进行分类试验。试验结果表明,与传统的空间特征提取方法和基于卷积神经网络的高光谱影像分类方法相比,提取的显著性特征能够获得更高的高光谱影像分类精度,且结合光谱特征能够进一步提高分类精度。  相似文献   

改进的自适应SUSAN角点特征提取方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈洪  李进强 《测绘科学》2017,(12):118-121,126
针对目前大多数的角点特征提取算法存在算法结构过于复杂、运行效率偏低及可推广性偏差等方面的局限性,该文通过改进SUSAN算法中灰度差阈值的获取方法,提出一种自适应的角点特征提取方法。该方法首先采用高斯滤波对原始影像做预处理,然后利用Ly算子初步探测概略角点特征集合,最后利用改进的SUSAN角点检测算法从概略角点特征精确确定角点特征。实验结果表明,该方法提高了角点检测的精度,缩短了角点特征提取时间,具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于改进模糊统计分析模型的概念层次分类规则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数据挖掘和知识发现的研究过程中,往往需要对大量的数据进行概念层次分类处理,现广泛使用的方法是通过经验知识或主观判断进行处理,由于知识背景和经验层次的不同,导致不同的人对同一批数据同一问题提出不同的规则知识,加大了对规则知识进行合理性评估的难度。基于此问题,对传统的基于模糊统计分析模型的概念层次分类方法进行改进,首先,通过专家系统获取各模糊样本集,根据离散化的样本属性值及其相对隶属频率值对,进行RBF神经网络训练;然后,利用训练好的神经网络求取各模糊集的最模糊点;最后根据最模糊点获得各模糊集的区域划分,从而实现概念层次的分类处理,避免了传统方法处理过程的复杂性和主观性。  相似文献   

李志建  郑新奇  赵璐  杨鑫 《测绘科学》2010,35(1):121-123
地理信息分类的传统线性算法具有正向直接判定的快速优势,但局限于对已知数据进行线性的判别划分,而非线性未知信息的分类预测同样是GIS技术的重要内容。人工神经网络算法为一些非线性知识的发现提供了可能。本文在通用的GIS格式数据基础上,采用L-M算法进行分类,通过分类结果来预测未知信息。开发出可视化的GIS数据神经网络分类预测软件模块。并以美国各镇人口为样例数据进行测试,分类预测结果显示该算法具有可行性及系统具有实用性。  相似文献   

针对高分辨率卫星影像,提出一种特征分量构建与面向对象结合的阴影提取方法。分析遥感阴影光谱特性,构建彩色不变特征C3、亮度特征I、主成分第一特征量PC1以及蓝色波段和近红外波段归一化比率特征RATIOb_nir,增强阴影信息。采用线性变换将几个特征分量Digital Number(DN)值归一化到相同范围,对这几个分量进行综合分析。以I和PC1分量为输入对影像进行多尺度分割,建立包括波段均值、标准差、最大差异等特征的规则集,实现面向对象的阴影信息提取。选取20幅QuickBird影像为例进行阴影提取实验,平均总体精度为97%,平均用户精度为96%,平均Kappa系数为0.94。实验结果表明,相对传统基于像素信息提取方法,本文方法提取阴影斑块完整,无破碎图斑;相对基于原始光谱的面向对象方法,本文方法提取精度更高。  相似文献   

朱蕊  肖强  胡英男  徐青 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):175-176,105
基础地理信息产品的现势性直接影响着其使用情况,如何快速获取现势信息,并应用于基础地理信息数据的生产是一项非常迫切和长期的工作.本文介绍了一种基于中、小比例尺地图数据补充生产大比例尺地碰要素的作业方法,详细描述了该作业方法的设计思路和作业流程,并讨论了作业流程中遇到的一系列技术问题,同时给出了相应的解决方法.经过实践检验...  相似文献   

高分辨率遥感图像场景分类方法主要涉及两个环节:特征提取以及特征分类,分类器的设计已经相对成熟,当前工作的重点是特征提取策略的研究。为了进一步推动特征提取策略的研究,将特征提取策略对高分辨率遥感图像场景分类性能的影响进行了定性和定量评估。首先,回顾了高分辨率遥感图像场景分类的发展历程;然后,对现有高分辨率遥感图像场景分类方法的特征提取策略进行分类总结,并从理论上将各类特征提取策略对场景分类性能的影响进行定性评估;最后,在3个规模较大的数据集上对多种特征提取策略进行实验对比,将不同特征提取策略对场景分类性能的影响和各数据集的复杂度进行定量评估。  相似文献   

Several remote sensing studies have adopted the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method for image classification. Although the original formulation of the SVM method does not incorporate contextual information, there are different proposals to incorporate this type of information into it. Usually, these proposals modify the SVM training phase or make an integration of SVM classifications using stochastic models. This study presents a new perspective on the development of contextual SVMs. The main concept of this proposed method is to use the contextual information to displace the separation hyperplane, initially defined by the traditional SVM. This displaced hyperplane could cause a change of the class initially assigned to the pixel. To evaluate the classification effectiveness of the proposed method a case study is presented comparing the results with the standard SVM and the SVM post-processed by the mode (majority) filter. An ALOS/PALSAR image, PLR mode, acquired over an Amazon area was used in the experiment. Considering the inner area of test sites, the accuracy results obtained by the proposed method is better than SVM and similar to SVM post-processed by the mode filter. The proposed method, however, produces better results than mode post-processed SVM when considering the classification near the edges between regions. One drawback of the method is the computational cost of the proposed method is significantly greater than the compared methods.  相似文献   

LiDAR点云的分类提取是点云数据处理中的首要步骤。为了提高复杂场景中点云数据分类提取方法的适用性,文中根据三维数学形态学思想,提出一种基于地物空间形状特征的点云提取方法。方法首先建立网格索引,划分网格空间,进行点云数据组织,然后根据地物在网格空间中的形状特征设计出四种参数可控的空间网格算子,最后结合点云反射强度信息自动提取特定地物点云。通过对复杂场景中的铁路地物要素LiDAR点云中建筑、电力杆线、铁路轨道的提取和郊区机载LiDAR点云中的地面与建筑屋顶的提取,验证提取算法的适用性,为点云分类提取功能模块的程序设计提供便捷方法。  相似文献   

An elliptical basis function (EBF) network is employed in this study for the classification of remotely sensed images. Though similar in structure, the EBF network differs from the well-known radial basis function (RBF) network by incorporating full covariance matrices and employing the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the basis functions. Since remotely sensed data often take on mixture-density distributions in the feature space, the network not only possesses the advantage of the RBF mechanism, but also utilizes the EM algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimates of the mean vectors and covariance matrices of a Gaussian mixture distribution in the training phase. Experimental results show that the EM-based EBF network is more effective in training and simpler in structure than an RBF network constructed for the same task.The research was supported by grant 40101021 from the Natural Science Foundation of China, and grant 2002AA135230 from Hi-Tech research and development program of China. The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments.  相似文献   

Forest data acquisition, which is of crucial importance for modeling global biogeochemical cycles and climate, makes a contribution to building the ecological Digital Earth (DE). Due to the complex calculations and large volumes of data associated with high-resolution images of large areas, accurate and effective extraction of individual tree crowns remains challenging. In this study, two GeoEye-1 panchromatic images of Beihai and Ningbo in China with areas of 5 and 25 km2, respectively, were used as experimental data to establish a novel method for the automatic extraction of individual tree crowns based on a self-adaptive mutual information (SMI) algorithm and tile computing technology (SMI-TCT). To evaluate the performance of the algorithm, four commonly used algorithms were also applied to extract the individual tree crowns. The overall accuracy of the proposed method for the two experimental areas was superior to that of the four other algorithms, with maximum extraction accuracies of 85.7% and 63.8%. Moreover, the results also indicated that the novel method was suitable for individual tree crowns extraction in sizeable areas because of the multithread parallel computing technology.  相似文献   

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