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The best known model for numerically simulating the hysteretic behavior of various structural components is the bilinear hysteretic system. There are two possible mechanical formulations that correspond to the same bilinear model from a mathematical viewpoint. The first one consists of a linear elastic spring connected in series with a parallel system comprising a plastic slider and a linear elastic spring, while the second one comprises a linear elastic spring connected in parallel with an elastic-perfectly plastic system. However, the bilinear hysteretic model is unable to describe either softening or hardening effects in these components. In order to account for this, the bilinear model is extended to a trilinear one. Thus, two trilinear hysteretic models are developed and numerically tested, and the analysis shows that both exhibit three plastic phases. More specifically, the first system exhibits one elastic phase, while the second one exhibits two elastic phases according to the level of strain amplitude. Next, the change of slope between the plastic phases in unloading does not occur at the same displacement level in the two models. Furthermore, the dissipated energy per cycle in the first trilinear model, as proven mathematically and explained physically, decreases in the case of hardening and increases in the case of softening, while in the second trilinear model the dissipated energy per cycle remains unchanged, as is the case with the bilinear model. Numerical examples are presented to quantify the aforementioned observations made in reference to the mechanical behavior of the two trilinear hysteretic models. Finally, a set of cyclic shear tests over a wide range of strain amplitudes on a high damping rubber bearing is used in the parameter identification of the two different systems, namely (a) trilinear hysteretic models of the first type connected in parallel, and (b) trilinear hysteretic models of the second type also connected in parallel. The results show that the complex nonlinear shear behavior of high damping rubber bearings can be correctly simulated by a parallel system which consists of only one component, namely the trilinear hysteretic system of the first type. The second parallel system was not able to describe the enlargement of the dissipated hysteresis area for large strain amplitudes.  相似文献   

Empirical characteristics of snowmelt runoff are derived from observations made during snowmelt in a six‐year period from 1980 to 1985 on three experimental plots and three plates located on the campus of the Lulea University of Technology in Lulea, Sweden. The plots had asphalt, gravel and grass surfaces. The plates were of different designs with one having the bottom cut out so that it was more like a frame. With the assumption that the asphalt surface of the plots was impervious, infiltration of meltwater into gravel and grass surfaces was deduced. Unlike rainfall infiltration, the graph of snowmelt infiltration rate resembled a flow hydrograph, with a distinct rise, a peak and a distinct recession. A strong linear relationship between the snowmelt runoff hydrograph peak and the snowmelt amount was found, which explained more than 90% of the variability in the snowmelt peak. This is in contrast with rainfall runoff where the relationship between runoff peak and volume is decidedly non‐linear. Hourly snowmelt runoff peak and daily snowmelt amount were found to exhibit nearly constant skew and follow approximately a Gumbel frequency distribution. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A visual basic spreadsheet macro for recession curve analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Posavec K  Bacani A  Nakić Z 《Ground water》2006,44(5):764-767
A Visual Basic program for an Excel spreadsheet was written to construct a master recession curve (MRC), using the adapted matching strip method, for recession analysis of ground water level time series. The program uses five different linear/nonlinear regression models to adjust individual recession segments to their proper positions in the MRC. The program can also be used to analyze the recession segments of other time series, such as daily stream discharge or stage. Some examples of field data from Croatia are used to illustrate the usefulness of its application.  相似文献   

A visual basic spreadsheet macro for geochemical background analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nakić Z  Posavec K  Bacani A 《Ground water》2007,45(5):642-647
A Visual Basic macro entitled BACKGROUND calculates geochemical background values of chemical parameters and estimates threshold values separating background data from anomalies. The macro uses two statistical methods, the iterative 2-sigma technique and the calculated distribution function, and integrates these model-based objective methods into a widely accessible platform (i.e., MS Excel). The macro offers the possibility for automated processing of geochemical data and enables an automated generation of background range and threshold values for chemical parameters.  相似文献   

We study transport through heterogeneous media. We derive the exact large scale transport equation. The macro dispersion coefficients are determined by additional partial differential equations. In the case of infinite Peclet numbers, we present explicit results for the transverse macro dispersion coefficients. In two spatial dimensions, we demonstrate that the transverse macro dispersion coefficient is zero. The result is not limited on lowest order perturbation theory approximations but is an exact result. However, the situation in three spatial dimensions is very different: The transverse macro dispersion coefficients are finite – a result which is confirmed by numerical simulations we performed.  相似文献   

Keith Beven 《水文研究》2021,35(6):e14203
This paper provides a historical review and critique of stochastic generating models for hydrological observables, from early generation of monthly discharge series, through flood frequency estimation by continuous simulation, to current weather generators. There are a number of issues that arise in such models, from uncertainties in the observational data on which such models must be based, to the potential persistence effects in hydroclimatic systems, the proper representation of tail behaviour in the underlying distributions, and the interpretation of future scenarios.  相似文献   

各种定位程序要求的基本输入文件一般为纯文本格式,数据格式整理相当烦琐,通过Excel可以实现数据格式正确快速的转换,以简化工作量,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

A simplified method for generating slope deformation hazard curve that takes into account the variations of input parameters is presented in this paper. The main assumption in the new approach is that the occurrence of peak slope deformation is Poisson׳s process. The procedure is based on logic tree analysis, commercial software and routines programmed by the authors for generating sets of input files, and forming slope performance curve. The methodology was applied to a real landslide in order to demonstrate the advantages and limitations of the proposed approach. The results of the analysis showed the influence of the certain input factors on sliding displacement as well as the advantages of employing continuum mechanics approach.  相似文献   

How to restore the residual organic carbon and residual hydrocarbon-generating potential is discussed based on the hydrocarbon degradability of source rock. The results indicate there is linear function relationship between the restoring coefficient of residual organic carbon (Kc) and the vitrinite reflectance (R o%) of various kinds of source rock, but the relationship is secondary functional between the restoring coefficient of residual hydrocarbon-generating potential (Ks) and the vitrinite reflectance (R o%). It is pointed out thatKc = (1 -Dresidual)/(1 -D primary),Ks= Kc (D primary/D residual). The restoration of residual organic carbon and hydrocarbon-generating potential of the Cambrian and Ordovician highly mature marine carbonate in the Tarim Basin and North China region shows that the lower limit value of hydrocarbon generating potential and the organic matter abundance of carbonate source rock are basically the same as that of clastic rock. The technical difficulty in hydrocarbon generating evaluation of highly mature and overmature carbonate is solved.  相似文献   

Theoptimumsource-timefunctionforgeneratingfinite-differencesyntheticseismogramsAbdolrahimJAVAHERIAN(InstituteofGeophysics,the...  相似文献   

A hydrochemical facies evolution diagram (HFE‐D) is a multirectangular diagram, which is a useful tool in the interpretation of sea water intrusion processes. This method note describes a simple method for generating an HFE‐D plot using the spreadsheet software package, Microsoft Excel. The code was applied to groundwater from the alluvial coastal plain of Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy), which is characterized by a complex salinization process in which sea water mixes with sulfate or bicarbonate recharge water.  相似文献   

Better understanding of which processes generate floods in a catchment can improve flood frequency analysis and potentially climate change impacts assessment. However, current flood classification methods are either not transferable across locations or do not provide event-based information. We therefore developed a location-independent, event-based flood classification methodology that is applicable in different climates and returns a classification of all flood events, including extreme ones. We use precipitation time series and very simply modelled soil moisture and snowmelt as inputs for a decision tree. A total of 113,635 events in 4155 catchments worldwide were classified into one of five hydro-climatological flood generating processes: short rain, long rain, excess rainfall, snowmelt and a combination of rain and snow. The new classification was tested for its robustness and evaluated with available information; these two tests are often lacking in current flood classification approaches. According to the evaluation, the classification is mostly successful and indicates excess rainfall as the most common dominant process. However, the dominant process is not very informative in most catchments, as there is a high at-site variability in flood generating processes. This is particularly relevant for the estimation of extreme floods which diverge from their usual flood generation pattern, especially in the United Kingdom, Northern France, Southeastern United States, and India.  相似文献   

生成GoogleMap地震震中分布图的一种方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用程序读取EQT格式的地震目录,生成一个GoogleMap格式的地震震中分布图,该图不需要联网即可在局域网应用,适合在地震会商、地震应急指挥中使用.  相似文献   

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - Understanding influent water quality variability is essential for the long-term planning of potable water systems. To quantify variability...  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to establish methodology for realistic laboratory-based test exposures of organisms to oil dispersions, specifically designed to generate parameterized toxicity data. Such data are needed to improve the value of numerical models used to predict fate and effects of oil spills and different oil spill responses. A method for continuous and predictable in-line production of oil dispersions with defined size distribution of different oil qualities was successfully established. The system enables simultaneous comparison between the effects of different concentrations of dispersion and their corresponding equilibrium water soluble fractions. Thus, net effects of the oil droplet fraction may be estimated. The method provides data for comparing the toxicity of oil dispersions generated both mechanically and with the use of chemical dispersions, incorporating the toxicity of both dissolved oil and droplets of oil.  相似文献   

Earthquake ground motion spatial variability can influence significantly the response of certain structures. In order to accurately evaluate probabilistic characteristics of the seismic response of structures, the Monte Carlo simulation technique is still the only universal method of analysis when strong nonlinearities and input uncertainties are involved. Consequently, realizations of ground motion time histories taking into account both time and spatial variability need to be generated. Furthermore, for some design applications, the generated time histories must also satisfy the provision imposed by certain seismic codes stating that they have to be also response-spectrum-compatible. For these purposes, a spectral-representation-based methodology for generating fully non-stationary and spectrum-compatible ground motion vector processes at a number of locations on the ground surface is proposed in this paper. The simulated time histories do not require any iterations on the individual generated sample functions so that Gaussianity and prescribed coherence are suitably preserved. The methodology has also the advantage of providing the fully non-stationary and spectrum-compatible cross-spectral density matrix of the ground motion time-histories that can be used for reliability studies in an analytic stochastic fashion.  相似文献   

核电站用机电设备抗震性能试验鉴定若干问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文了核电站用机电设备抗震性能试验鉴定若干问题,其中包括“激励输入地选取;利用给定场地响应谱确定激励信号过程;  相似文献   

A new method was developed and implemented into an Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBAs) algorithm utilizing trigonometry laws in an innovative way to overlap recession segments of time series and create master recession curves (MRCs). Based on a trigonometry approach, the algorithm horizontally translates succeeding recession segments of time series, placing their vertex, that is, the highest recorded value of each recession segment, directly onto the appropriate connection line defined by measurement points of a preceding recession segment. The new method and algorithm continues the development of methods and algorithms for the generation of MRC, where the first published method was based on a multiple linear/nonlinear regression model approach (Posavec et al. 2006). The newly developed trigonometry‐based method was tested on real case study examples and compared with the previously published multiple linear/nonlinear regression model‐based method. The results show that in some cases, that is, for some time series, the trigonometry‐based method creates narrower overlaps of the recession segments, resulting in higher coefficients of determination R2, while in other cases the multiple linear/nonlinear regression model‐based method remains superior. The Excel VBA algorithm for modeling MRC using the trigonometry approach is implemented into a spreadsheet tool (MRCTools v3.0 written by and available from Kristijan Posavec, Zagreb, Croatia) containing the previously published VBA algorithms for MRC generation and separation. All algorithms within the MRCTools v3.0 are open access and available free of charge, supporting the idea of running science on available, open, and free of charge software.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique for detecting the pixels of colored macro plastic debris (plastic pixels) using photographs taken by a webcam installed on Sodenohama beach, Tobishima Island, Japan. The technique involves generating color references using a uniform color space (CIELUV) to detect plastic pixels and removing misdetected pixels by applying a composite image method. This technique demonstrated superior performance in terms of detecting plastic pixels of various colors compared to the previous method which used the lightness values in the CIELUV color space. We also obtained a 10-month time series of the quantity of plastic debris by combining a projective transformation with this technique. By sequential monitoring of plastic debris quantity using webcams, it is possible to clean up beaches systematically, to clarify the transportation processes of plastic debris in oceans and coastal seas and to estimate accumulation rates on beaches.  相似文献   

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