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中国沿海戈芬星虫属(星虫动物门)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周红  王玮 《黄渤海海洋》1993,11(2):47-54

戈芬星虫属隶属于方格星虫纲、戈芬星虫目、戈芬星虫科,世界共报道10种,其中2个种各有2个亚种。本文报道我国沿海戈芬星虫属共计3种,即:珠光戈芬星虫、长戈芬星虫和普通戈芬星虫。  相似文献   

中国沿海星虫动物门名录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
取1980~1989年间在我国沿海进行星虫动物区系调查的标本和有关资料做了整理、鉴定,共39种,分隶于2纲,4目,6科,12属。其中1种在我国为首次记录。  相似文献   

我国在海洋动物发育与繁殖生 物学方面的研究是随着国民经济的迅速发展而起步的,并且在某些方面已取得了举世瞩目的 成就。作者着重对我国近50年来,海洋经济动物的发育和繁殖生物学研究作一综述。  相似文献   

中国沿海方格星虫属(星虫动物门)的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文报道作者采自我国沿海的方格星虫属共计5种,分隶于2亚属。反孔亚属印度方格星虫和方格亚属裸体方格星虫、挪威方格星虫、强壮方格星虫、拟安氏方格星虫。  相似文献   

方格星虫属动物的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方格星虫纲(Sipunculidea Hasehek,1883)方格星虫目(Sipunculiformes Cutler et Gibbs,1985)方格星虫科(Sipunculidae Quatrefages,1865)方格星虫属(Sipunculus Linnaeus,1766)动物广泛分布于大西洋、太平洋、印度洋、地中海、红海和加勒比海等海域。全世界11种,我国5种,主要分布于东南沿海。  相似文献   

西沙群岛星虫类研究Ⅱ——管体星虫属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper is the second part of a series of studies on the Sipunculoids of the Xisha Islands,South China Sea. In 1982, nine species including Siphonosoma cumanense (Keferstein) (Sato, 1939 locality is Taiwan) is identified belonging to six genera and recorded by the author.In this paper, regarded as a new species, the Siphonosoma nanhaiensis is descibed with a morphologically comparison with other 5 species of the very genus found in Indo-Pacific region.  相似文献   

虾蛄(Squillidae)是重要的水产增养殖品种。目前针对虾蛄类的研究主要集中在其基础生物学和繁殖生物学方面,其中在虾蛄的纳精结构、性腺发育和幼体发育等研究方面还存在诸多分歧。作者综述了几种虾蛄类,如口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)、黑斑口虾蛄(O. kempi)、猛虾蛄(Harpiosquilla harpax)和棘突猛虾蛄(H. raphidea)的资源分布、生活习性、亲本、性腺和幼体发育等研究成果,以期为虾蛄繁殖生物学和人工育苗的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

多倍体贝类的繁殖生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了国内外多倍体贝类繁殖生物学的研究现状。主要是从多倍体贝类的性腺发育、生殖细胞、减数分裂、繁殖力以及其性成熟年龄和性比等方面进行了论述。三倍体贝类的性腺虽然有一定程度的发育,但总体表现出高度的不育,而四倍体贝类的性腺发育正常;三倍体、四倍体贝类的生殖细胞明显大于同龄的二倍体的生殖细胞;多出的几套染色体使多倍体贝类减数分裂时染色体的分离形式复杂化;多倍体贝类的性成熟年龄与二倍体基本一致,三倍体贝类雌雄比例与二倍体有所不同,雌雄同体的比例增大。  相似文献   

虾蛄的繁殖生物学及人工繁殖概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾蛄 (Squilla)俗名虾爬子 ,螳螂虾等 ,隶属于节肢动物门 ,甲壳纲 ,口足目 ,虾蛄科。虾蛄分布很广 ,从俄罗斯的大彼得海湾到日本及中国沿海 ,菲律宾 ,马来半岛 ,夏威夷群岛都有分布 [1]。虾蛄因其肉味鲜美 ,营养丰富而倍受青睐。近年来因海洋开发其资源日益减少 ,因此对其开展人工育苗已势在必行。目前国内已作过育苗研究的黑斑口虾蛄 (Oratosquillakempi)和口虾蛄 (Oratosquillaoratoria)均隶属于虾蛄科 ,口虾蛄属。现将它们的繁殖生物学及人工繁殖技术要点作一概括。1繁殖生物学虾蛄雌雄…  相似文献   

银鲳繁育生物学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赵峰  施兆鸿  庄平 《海洋科学》2010,34(1):90-96
银鲳(Pampus argenteus)隶属于鲈形目(Perciformes)、鲳科(Stromateidae)、鲳属(Pampus),广泛分布于印度-西太平洋,南起波斯湾至印度尼西亚,北至日本北海道[1].银鲳在中国诸海域均有分布,其资源量以东海北部近海最高,其次是南部近海和北部外海,南部外海和台湾海峡较低[2].历史上银鲳为兼捕对象,产量不高.1960年以后,由于大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)、小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)野生资源相继衰退,银鲳资源得到进一步开发利用,逐渐成为专业捕捞对象.近20 a来,中国银鲳的年捕捞产量呈连续上升趋势,但其资源状况却不容乐观,李长松等[2]调查发现中国东海区银鲳的年龄、长度组成、性成熟等生物学指标均逐渐趋小.  相似文献   

洋中脊体系是地球表面最长的、连续的地形特征,也是地表最大的岩浆作用带。全球洋中脊系统总长约60 000 km,平均高2 000 m,宽2 000 m,占洋底总面积的33%。Macdonald 1982年将之分为3种类型:(1)慢速扩张脊(1~5 cm/a),如MAR;(2)中速扩张脊(5~9 cm/a),如EPR 21°N;(3)快速扩张脊  相似文献   

大竹蛏的繁殖生物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年1月至2007年12月,采用组织学和实验生态学方法对大竹蛏(Solen grandis Dunker)的性腺发育、生殖周期、肥满度、胚胎发育、幼虫发育及变态等进行了研究.结果表明,大竹蛏性腺发育过程分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期5个阶段;在浙南沿海大竹蛏繁殖期为4月下旬至5月中旬(水温21~24℃);肥满度最高出现在5月份,为31.2%;最低出现在2月份,为21.2%.大竹蛏卵径为85~95 μm;受精卵在水温22℃,经20~24 h孵化成D形幼虫;初孵D形幼虫平均大小为125 μm,浮游幼虫经5~6 d培养进入附着变态期,壳长为250 μm,发育变态为稚贝.  相似文献   

海洋微生物毒素研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
浩瀚的海洋世界具有高盐、高压、低温、寡营养等诸多特点。海洋中生存着丰富多样的海洋微生物,它们产生了多种多样的生物活性物质,如生物信息物质、药用活性物质、海洋生物毒素和生物功能材料等。其中海洋生物毒素是当前研究中的一个热点,它具有化学结构多样、分子量小、生物活性高及作用机理独特等诸多特点。几乎所有的海洋生物种类都有产毒的个体,近年来的研究表明,作为一个庞大的类群,海洋微生物产毒种类繁多,如细菌、真菌、放线菌以及微藻等。与此同时人们还发现海洋微生物与其它的一些生物毒素之间存在着复杂的关系,研究较多的河豚毒素源于微生物的的观点已逐渐为人们所接受。和其它的毒素一样,微生物毒素既有对人类有害的一面,也有造福人类的一面,而微生物毒素在进一步研究利用中的优势地位也使人们对其投注了更多的目光。作者拟就海洋微生物毒素的产毒种类、毒素特点、检测方法以及资源化利用等方面作一简要综述。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments were determined from the gut sediments of five species of bathyal holothurian in the NE Atlantic, sampled shortly after the spring/summer phytoplankton bloom in 2001 and prior to the spring bloom in 2002. Three species, Laetmogone violacea, Paroriza pallens and Bathyplotes natans, sampled within a similar depth range (900–1100 m) in the summer of 2001 showed significant differences in their chlorophyll and carotenoid pigment concentrations. This suggests they may select for slightly different components from the available food resource. Four species sampled in early spring 2002, Laetmogone violacea, Paroriza pallens, Benthogone rosea and Benthothuria funebris, also had significant differences in their pigment concentrations. These species were sampled over a wider depth range (1000–3100 m) showing a bathymetric trend in pigment concentrations. There was a distinct seasonal change in the composition and concentration of the pigments, linked to a reduction in the availability of fresh organic material during autumn and winter periods.Ovarian tissue was also examined. The carotenoid pigments found in the ovary also occurred in the OM ingested by the holothurians. The dominant gonadal carotenoid pigments were β-carotene, echinenone and zeaxanthin. The potential for using these carotenoids to gain a competitive advantage through selectivity of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigment biomarkers are discussed in relation to competition for food resources by deposit-feeders. The results were also compared with selectivity in abyssal species.  相似文献   

南海现代海平面变化研究的进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄镇国  张伟强 《台湾海峡》2004,23(4):530-535
本文根据笔者近年对广东海平面变化的研究,并参考前人的研究结果,对南海现代海平面研究的进展进行了较系统的评述.认为数十年来南海相对海平面总体上呈上升趋势,上升速率一般小于2.5mm/a.1.8mm/a或1.9mm/a可以近似地作为绝对海平面上升速率.预测2030年或2025年相对海平面上升幅度为20~25cm.  相似文献   

根据2012年9~12月所罗门群岛海域采集的353尾黄鳍金枪鱼Thunnus albacares样本,分析渔获物个体组成、性别比例、性成熟率和性腺指数等繁殖生物学参数。结果表明,捕获个体中包含大小两个群体;雌性群体个体规格明显小于雄性(p0.001)。春夏季9~12月雌、雄总体性别比为0.67︰1,显著偏离1︰1(p0.01);但性别比例与调查月份和个体大小密切相关,从9月到12月逐渐接近,至12月达到1︰1(p0.05)。性别比例随叉长增长逐步降低,叉长大于110cm个体中以雄性为主(p0.05),雌性比例与叉长呈现线性负相关关系,相关系数为-0.90,(p0.01)。雌、雄个体性成熟率和性腺指数在春末夏初间逐步增长,至11~12月达到最高;Ⅴ~Ⅵ期产卵个体比例增加,这表明所罗门群岛海域黄鳍金枪鱼春夏季存在产卵群体,从10月开始出现产卵个体,调查期间12月产卵个体比例达到相对最高,并且性腺指数与叉长呈现正相关关系;更一步的分析表明,雌、雄个体初次性成熟叉长分别为97.4cm和103.7cm。对该海域黄鳍金枪鱼繁殖生物学的研究有助于了解该种群资源状况,对渔业资源评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We tested the effects of marine reserve status on the reproductive biology and recruitment rates of two commonly exploited (Helcion concolor, Scutellastra longicosta) and two rarely exploited (Cellana capensis, Scutellastra granularis) limpet species using two reserve and two non-reserve sites on the south coast of South Africa. Because densities of commonly exploited species are lower outside reserves, we hypothesised that limpets outside reserves will: (i) mature earlier; and (ii) show higher individual reproductive output. Rarely exploited species should show no such effects. For recruitment, we hypothesised that if recruits are attracted to adults or survive better where there are more adults, then commonly exploited (but not rarely exploited) species should show higher recruitment inside reserves. Analyses of gonadosomatic indices produced significant Month × Reserve interactions for all species (ANCOVA, p < 0.05), indicating inconsistent reserve effects even for exploited species, although months with significant differences occurred more often in the commonly exploited species, giving weak support to the hypothesis regarding reproductive output. Reserve status had no significant effect on sex ratios or size at sexual maturity for either sex of any species. Accordingly, reserves had only a minor influence on reproduction in these species, which might reflect an indirect effect of poor policing. The timing of major recruitment events differed among species, with two broad patterns: recruitment was sporadic for C. capensis and S. longicosta and protracted for H. concolor and S. granularis. Recruit densities showed strong site effects. Highest recruitment occurred at the exploited site, Xhora, with no reserve effects, except in a single month for C. capensis, indicating that recruitment is independent of whether the site is protected or not. Therefore, reserves do not enhance recruitment directly, but because these populations appear to be open on scales of tens of kilometres, generally higher densities of limpets within reserves could enhance overall recruitment, because of greater gamete output by the population. Accordingly, reserves might have an indirect ‘spillover’ effect on recruitment, if not a direct one.  相似文献   

Basic biological investigations on the intertidal amphipod Parhyale basrensis are made. The incubation period is 1–2 weeks. The generation time is 5–6 weeks. Females produce at least 4 broods before they die. The number of eggs carried by the female is a linear function of size of the female. Egg numbers varies from 4–37. Maturity occurs at a size of 4 mm for the female and 4·5 mm for the male. The breeding season is extending from late February to late November or December. Recruitment starts at the beginning of May. Successive broods may have different life spans. The maximum life span of the population is 13–15 months and the minimum life span is 6–7 months.  相似文献   

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