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江甘兴 《台湾海峡》1992,11(2):89-94
本文根据实测资料和潮汐学基本理论,分析了福建海区潮波结构和特征、潮汐和潮流主要特征值的分布规律。结果表明,泉州湾以北海区潮汐很强,为半日潮;港湾区因受地形影响潮流很强,性质为半日潮;外海区潮流很弱,性质多为混合潮。福建南部海区潮汐很弱,性质多数是混合潮;潮流很强,性质为半日潮。  相似文献   

Under-ice current measurements reveal a homogeneous flow of water along Fury and Hecla Strait; it had a westward direction during the passage, over Igloolik, of low pressure cells in the atmosphere and an eastward direction at other times. It is presumed that barometric pressure differences between the Gulf of Boothia and Foxe Basin control partly the direction of the flow. The diurnal and semidiurnal components of the tidal currents also have a simple structure across the section of measurements. The subtidal and tidal components of the current all have the same order of magnitude, namely some 15 cm/s. The vertical tide progresses eastward; the diurnal component diminshhes abruptly once it enters Foxe Basin while the semidiurnal component increases steadily, its mean amplitude rising from 48 to 68 cm between the two extremities of the channel. Convective and frictional effects are evident in the water level records, indicating marked non-linear effects in the tides and currents, an eastward decrease in the diurnal currents and an increase in the semidiurnal ones.  相似文献   

The development and propagation of the diurnal tidal currents along the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido is made clear using newly obtained data. the diurnal currents are generated at the Soya Strait by the difference of the tidal amplitude and phase between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Japan Sea, and propagate as the shelf waves trapped along the coast. As a result, the amplitude in the coast becomes small and the phase is advanced for 12 hours compared to those in the offshore area. For the semidiurnal tides, the influence of the difference of the tides between both seas is restricted near the strait because they are quickly dispersed as the Poincaré wave.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Six-day temperature records carried out at the three mooring levels revealed isotherm fluctuations in the Denmark Strait sill in July 2018 caused by...  相似文献   

乐清湾的潮位、潮流和余流特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2008年7月至2009年4月在乐清湾进行了代表春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的航次调查,设置了Y4、Y14、Y15和A共4个连续观测站位,共得到12组实测的海流流速和10组CTD数据。采用潮汐调和分析法分析了距江厦潮汐能试验电站3 km处的潮汐站位连续19个月的潮位资料,结合调查数据特性和乐清湾潮汐特点,引入M2与S2、O1与K1、M4与MS4、2MS6与M6分潮之间的差比关系,对连续观测站位的潮位和潮流进行准调和分析。潮位的统计和准调和分析结果显示:Y4、Y14、Y15站位和潮汐站位8个分潮振幅和的航次调查平均值为3.75,4.02,3.94和4.03 m,(HO1+HK1)/HM2的航次调查平均值为0.32,0.28,0.32和0.24。Y4、Y14、Y15和潮汐站位的M4、MS4、M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.20,0.31,0.35和0.25 m,M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.03,0.15,0.17和0.15 m。不同航次调查4个连续观测站位涨潮最大流速的平均值为81.5 cm/s,落潮最大流速的平均值为103.1 cm/s。Y4、Y14和Y15站位潮流的M2和S2分潮振幅百分比分别为86%,65%和68%,浅水分潮振幅百分比分别为11%,29%和25%。M4、MS4分潮振幅之和分别是M6、2MS6分潮振幅之和的2.1,1.2和1.7倍。由潮位和潮流的分析结果可知:从乐清湾湾口至湾顶,潮汐逐渐增强,半日潮比率逐渐增大,半日潮型的特性更为明显;浅水分潮强度逐渐增加,其中M6和2MS6分潮强度增强更为明显。位于湾口的Y4站位在秋季(2008年10月)航次调查时的日平均余流流向为西南偏南方向,冬季(2009年1月)和春季(2009年4月)航次调查时的余流流向为东南偏南方向。Y4站位余流受灵霓大坝影响,大坝建成后湾口余流改变方向,向南流出乐清湾。位于湾顶的Y14站位,余流流速变化不大,但方向变化明显,夏季(2008年7月)为西南方向,秋季为西南偏南方向,冬季为西南偏西方向,春季又为西南偏南方向。Y15站位余流流速较小,但方向变化明显。A站位两个航次调查时的余流流向均为东北方向。  相似文献   

利用COAWST数值模式就琼州海峡内潮流场对冬季风浪场的影响进行了研究。经实测数据验证,模型可较好的刻画海峡内的强潮流场。选定东、西向最大潮流时刻为典型案例分别就水位场及潮流场对波浪场的作用展开探讨。在琼州海峡东口处,西向最大潮流时刻下的正水位场增加了承载波浪运动的有效水深,有利于波浪能量的西向传播,进而使得当地有效波高增加。东、西向最大潮流均有利于琼州海峡东口处有效波高的增大,但前者主要通过流致辐聚效应实现,而后者主要经由流致波数位移生效。通过流致折射作用,东向(西向)最大潮流可在海峡中轴线以北的海区引起谱峰波向的逆时针(顺时针)旋转,而在以南的海区触发顺时针(逆时针)旋转。  相似文献   

本文使用吕宋海峡以东的潜标观测的长达1年的海流数据,重点对该海域海流的高频波动(潮流)的垂向分布及其时间变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:该海域次表层(100~160 m)的潮动能比中层(1 550 m)和深层(2 560 m)大1~2个数量级,近底层(4 040 m)的潮动能略大于中、深层;次表层为不正规半日潮流,中、深层为不正规全日潮流;各层次潮动能均在夏季(6?9月)和冬季(2?3月)增强,与M2分潮和K1分潮在夏季和冬季的增强相对应;各层次海流的高频波动以顺时针旋转为主,次表层海流近惯性周期接近当地理论惯性周期,中、深层略小于当地理论惯性周期。  相似文献   

建立二维潮波模式,模拟了台湾海峡及其邻近海域(18~30°N,110~130°E)八个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、P1、Q1、K2、N2),并利用中国大陆及环台湾岛20多个潮位站的实洲资料进行验证,计算结果与实测值吻合良好。此外,给出了八个主要分潮的同潮图,并逐个讨论了潮汐特征。结果艟示:(1)台湾海峡中的潮波运动是北部蜕化了的旋转潮波系统和南部的前进潮波系统共同作用的结果。(2)半日分潮南、北两支潮波在台湾海峡中部汇合,而今日分潮则在台湾海峡南部海域汇合后继续朝西南方向传播。(3)半日分潮振幅最高值发生在福建省湄洲湾-兴化湾一带,全日分湖最高值则出现在雷州半岛以东一带近岸海域。(4)N2、K2和O1、P1、Q1分湖的振幅、迟角分布分别同M2与K1分潮的整体分布趋势相似。  相似文献   

During 1999–2000, 13 bottom mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and 12 wave/tide gauges were deployed along two lines across the Korea/Tsushima Strait, providing long-term measurements of currents and bottom pressure. Tidally analyzed velocity and pressure data from the moorings are used in conjunction with other moored ADCPs, coastal tide gauge measurements, and altimeter measurements in a linear barotropic data assimilation model. The model fits the vertically averaged data to the linear shallow water equations in a least-squares sense by only adjusting the incoming gravity waves along the boundaries. Model predictions are made for the O1, P1, K1, μ2, N2, M2, S2, and K2 tides. An extensive analysis of the accuracy of the M2 surface-height predictions suggests that for broad regions near the mooring lines and in the Jeju Strait the amplitude prediction errors are less than 0.5 cm. Elsewhere, the analysis suggests that errors range from 1 to 4 cm with the exception of small regions where the tides are not well determined by the dataset. The errors in the model predictions are primarily caused by bias error in the model’s physics, numerics, and/or parameterization as opposed to random errors in the observational data. In the model predictions, the highest ranges in sea level height occur for tidal constituents M2, S2, K1, O1, and N2, with the highest magnitudes of tidal velocities occurring for M2, K1, S2, and O1. The tides exhibit a complex structure in which diurnal constituents have higher currents relative to their sea level height ranges than semi-diurnal constituents.  相似文献   

The effects of the coastal boundary geometries on the tidal currents and the tidal mixing are studied mainly on the basis of hydraulic model experiments. Mizushima-Nada Sea, which is located in the central part of Seto Inland Sea, and the whole Seto Inland Sea were chosen as the prototypes.Currents and eddies geometrically induced in the tidal currents and in the ocean currents have significant effects on the water exchange, from small scales to meso scales, in the bays and near-shore regions of the ocean.As to small scale phenomena near irregular coastal boundaries such as river mouths, headlands and harbors, tidal currents produce organized eddy currents of the width scale. They are important to the temporary flushing and the local redistribution of the river water or the waste water.As to phenomena of larger scales, the tidal currents produce rather steady residual circulations in each part of the Inland Sea, due to the non-linear effects of the oscillating component. They are controlled by the geometry of the sea as separated by a narrow strait. These horizontal circulations of about 20 km in scale become the main mechanism of the water exchange in the Inland Sea. The one-dimensional dispersion coefficient due to these circulations is proportional to the product of the diameter and the current velocity of the circulations. The proportional constant takes the value of 0.40.5.  相似文献   

本文在z坐标海洋数值模式HAMSOM中引入了内潮黏性项(Interhal-tide viscosity term),将之运用到吕宋海峡M2内潮的生成与传播过程的数值模拟研究.研究结果表明:(1)在250 m以浅,吕宋海峡产生的M2内潮振幅于温跃层处最大,岛坡附近的内潮明显强于别处,且最大振幅可达到40 m左右;(2)M2内潮的生成源主要集中在伊特巴亚岛西北、巴丹岛西南以及巴布延群岛西北的岛坡;(3)海峡产生的M2内潮向东西2个方向传播.巴丹岛以西的西向能量在吕宋海沟斜向下传播,在到达恒春海脊附近发生反射返回海面,到达海面后再次反射回海底,在此过程中,有高模态的内潮被激发,不同模态间有相消干涉的现象产生.西传的内潮能量分为2支进入南海,产生于巴布延群岛西北的能量分支直接向西南折转进入南海海盆,而产生于伊特巴亚岛和巴丹岛岛坡附近的主要能量则以束状向南海陆架传播,在到达118°E后部分能量折向西南的海盆,其余的能量则沿西北方向传入中国近岸,陆架陆坡地形起着重要的耗散作用.伊特巴亚岛西北有最大的能量产生,向东北传入太平洋.在122°E以东,能量主要以束状向东南传入太平洋.  相似文献   

本文在z坐标海洋数值模式HAMSOM中引入了内潮黏性项(Internal-tide viscosity term),将之运用到吕宋海峡M2内潮的生成与传播过程的数值模拟研究。研究结果表明:(1)在250 m以浅,吕宋海峡产生的M2内潮振幅于温跃层处最大,岛坡附近的内潮明显强于别处,且最大振幅可达到40 m左右;(2)M2内潮的生成源主要集中在伊特巴亚岛西北、巴丹岛西南以及巴布延群岛西北的岛坡;(3)海峡产生的M2内潮向东西2个方向传播。巴丹岛以西的西向能量在吕宋海沟斜向下传播,在到达恒春海脊附近发生反射返回海面,到达海面后再次反射回海底,在此过程中,有高模态的内潮被激发,不同模态间有相消干涉的现象产生。西传的内潮能量分为2支进入南海,产生于巴布延群岛西北的能量分支直接向西南折转进入南海海盆,而产生于伊特巴亚岛和巴丹岛岛坡附近的主要能量则以束状向南海陆架传播,在到达118°E后部分能量折向西南的海盆,其余的能量则沿西北方向传入中国近岸,陆架陆坡地形起着重要的耗散作用。伊特巴亚岛西北有最大的能量产生,向东北传入太平洋。在122°E以东,能量主要以束状向东南传入太平洋。  相似文献   

Coupled modeling of currents and wind waves in the Kerch Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a numerical model of the dynamics of the Kerch Strait allowing one to perform the coordinated analysis of the fields of currents and wind waves. The model includes the spectral wave module and the hydrodynamic block of currents. The influence of waves on the currents is taken into account in the hydrodynamic block both via the surface and bottom tangential stresses and via the radiation stresses. In order to take into account the inverse influence of currents upon the waves, we use the fields of currents and sea level from the hydrodynamic block in the wave module. The specific features of the structure of currents and wind waves in the strait are studied for the typical wave situations. The results of the coupled and separate simulation are compared and the importance of taking into account the mechanisms of interaction between waves and currents in the analysis of the dynamic processes in the strait is demonstrated. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 5, pp. 3–20, September–October, 2007.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of the surface currents in the Tsushima Strait were investigated by analyzing the monthly mean surface currents measured with HF radar. Several new features of the surface currents have been found. One notable feature is the large, complicated seasonal variation in the current structure in the eastern channel of the strait. For example, in the southeastern and northwestern regions of the channel, southwestward countercurrents are found in summer while southeastward acrossshore currents are found in autumn and winter. The wind-driven flow (Ekman flow) as well as surface geostrophic currents are responsible for these complicated variations of the surface currents. To quantify each variation of the flow and current, the wind-driven flow was calculated from the monthly wind (more precisely, the friction velocity) using the monthly speed factor and deflection angle estimated in our previous study, and the surface geostrophic currents were then estimated by subtracting the wind-driven flow from the measured surface currents. It was found that the acrossshore currents are the wind-driven flow, and that the surface geostrophic currents flow almost in the along-shore direction, indicating the validity of the decomposition of the surface velocity into the wind-driven flow and the geostrophic currents using the speed factor and deflection angle. A real-vector empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the surface geostrophic currents shows a pair of eddies in the lee of Tsushima and Iki Islands as the first mode, which indicates that the southwestward countercurrents in the eastern channel are formed primarily by the incoming Tsushima Warm Current.  相似文献   

Tidal currents derived from current meter measurements are compared with the output from a barotropic tidal model of the New Zealand region. For the semi‐diurnal constituents there was very good agreement for the M2 tide and good agreement for the S2 tide. For the diurnal constituents (Kl, Ol) it was found that as the amplitude of the constituents decreased so did both the model/observation agreement and the accuracy of the observed tidal ellipse parameters. Consequently it was not possible to decide whether differences arose through shortcomings in the model or in the data. However, the overall performance of the model as a prognostic tool for ocean tidal current simulation appears to be good.  相似文献   

基于非结构有限体积法海洋模型FVCOM(Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model), 建立了马六甲海峡及其毗邻海域高分辨率水动力数值模型, 研究了风和潮流作用下的余环流结构以及水体输运特征。结果表明, 马六甲海峡航道中央潮流运动以往复流为主, 边缘存在旋转流; 主要研究区域内落潮流速略大于涨潮流速, 东南窄道处流速最大; 因峡道束窄变浅, 在涨落潮过程中潮流发生汇聚与分离; 主要研究区域东南段存在3个显著的潮致余环流; 东北季风驱动时模型响应为海峡海流整体向西北方向流动, 西南季风时反之; 季风期间潮致表层余环流结构被破坏, 但底层余流仍存在水平环流结构, 且随着风速增加, 底层余环流的数目、大小、形状、位置均会产生变化; 季风过渡期余环流结构也会发生部分改变, 尤其是小潮期间风场影响效果显著。  相似文献   

A field experiment on the nature of rip currents was conducted on the Dutch coast, which differs from previous rip current study sites because it is a wind-sea dominated environment with mostly obliquely incident waves and tidally-driven longshore currents. During the experiment three distinct flow patterns, obtained with GPS tracked drifter instruments, were observed: (1) a locally governed circulation cell, (2) an offshore current that is deflected shore parallel outside the surf zone and (3) a meandering longshore current. The transition from rip currents (flow patterns 1 and 2) to meandering longshore currents (flow pattern 3) occurred gradually within the tidal cycle with longshore currents prevalent at mid to high tide. Rip currents at this site appeared at depressions in the surf zone bar and typically occurred when the water level fell below NAP (equivalent to MSL), even in the presence of obliquely incident waves and tidally driven longshore currents. Hindcast simulations of the drifter experiments were performed with the numerical model XBeach and showed good agreement with field observations. The model was subsequently used to investigate the influence of tidal water level fluctuations, longshore currents and obliquely incident waves on rip currents.Rip currents were initiated when the water level dropped below a specific threshold with the magnitude of the rip current associated with the water level. The strength of the tidal current and its orientation with respect to the incident waves governed the offshore extent and orientation of the rip current. In contrast to other studies that suggest that rip currents solely occur under shore normal (or slightly oblique waves), in this study both observations and numerical model simulations indicate that rip currents can exist under large angles of wave incidence, when the rip channel is sufficiently wide and the wave height is small.  相似文献   

Current measurements made with a Doppler Current Profiler were taken along cross sections in the Obatake Seto Strait, a small strait in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea.The energy loss between two cross sections of the strait was estimated using the control volume analysis of the stationary one-dimensional energy equation. The large energy loss observed in the strait cannot be explained in terms of general bottom friction in the coastal region. The loss is attributed to the form loss, which is accompanied by internal turbulence and vortices generated by the specific topography of the strait, in addition to the loss by friction. This is supported by the fact that the energy loss in the strait differs, depending upon the current direction.  相似文献   

海底沙体是海洋资源开发利用、环境保护、灾害防治和军事行动等必须密切关注的底质类型。台湾海峡沙体面积分布广泛,主要有台湾浅滩、台中浅滩及海峡内受中小型山溪性河流影响的沙体。近年来,台湾浅滩沙体空间分布、大型沙波与小型沙波形态特征及剖面结构研究等领域取得了许多新进展;台中浅滩不同区域的沙体演化对应了地貌发育的不同阶段;而海峡西侧陆架上残留的中小河流沙体地貌也获得了一些新发现。本文归纳了台湾海峡窄陆架上不同沙体的平面分布特征、剖面结构及成因。今后工作的重点应聚焦于进一步获取不同区域高分辨率的地层、地貌证据,并进行对比研究。这些工作能深化对末次盛冰期以来台湾海峡不同地区沙体成因、关联及演化的认识,并有助于了解人类海洋活动与海底沙体演化的响应关系,丰富海底沙体发育和演化理论。  相似文献   

The baroclinic instability of the Bosphorus currents is studied in terms of minor disturbances. The Bosphorus current and undercurrent depend on the seasonal variability of the strait’s dynamics manifesting itself in the intensification of flows and in the modification of their configuration. In the frame of the linear statement of the problem, the spatial and temporal characteristics of the disturbances have been obtained for different velocities, layer thicknesses, and interface depths, as well as for water stratifications. Some regularities in the development of instability in the Bosphorus Strait have been identified. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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