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This paper deals with detailed analysis of the fiasco created by the Tehri High Dam in Uttarakhand, India, particularly in terms of resettlement and rehabilitation of the local inhabitants. Aspects pertaining to the environmental issues are also discussed. Currently, the river valleys in Uttarakhand state of India are the targets of increasing hydroelectric projects. Virtually all rivers are being exploited for generating environmental friendly power. Having being learned the hard lesson from Tehri Dam, it has been decided to opt for such schemes in which comparatively little submergence and tempering with the fragile eco-systems is involved.However, our observations suggest that even in such schemes if due care is not taken they may turn out to be a failure.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲高效生态经济区的建立,将迎来大规模的基础建设和资源的消耗,从而加剧经济发展—资源消耗—环境污染之间的矛盾。黄河三角洲地区成陆时间较短,地质资源环境比较脆弱,淡水资源相对贫乏,近海地区生态保护及堤防修复压力较大。确定该区地质资源(水资源、土地资源)环境所能承受的人类各种社会经济活动的能力,并预测今后该区大规模人类活动可能对资源环境造成的影响。  相似文献   

西北农牧交错带生态环境脆弱,区位特殊性和生态重要性使其在我国社会经济发展和生态环境保护方面具有重要战略意义。通过对该区域进行土地利用优化配置,使有限的土地资源支撑起生态环境保护和经济发展的重任是本文的出发点。多目标遗传算法和FLUS模型的应用可以从多方面(数量结构、空间布局、综合效益)完善土地利用优化配置,为土地利用优化配置提供更多的选择方案。本文选用多目标遗传算法和FLUS模型对该区域进行2025年的土地利用变化模拟,通过设置自然发展、生态保护优先、经济发展优先、生态-经济均衡4种情景,探讨了如何在兼顾生态环境保护与社会经济发展的情况下进行土地利用的优化配置。结果表明,基于生态-经济均衡情景下的优化方案,土地利用类型的数量结构和空间布局更为合理,其综合效益优于另外3种情景。该情景在合理限制经济发展速度的前提下,使生态建设获得稳定发展,其经济效益较生态保护优先情景下增长了8.96%,生态效益较经济发展优先情景下增长了0.77%,在生态保护与经济发展2种目标之间达到平衡,为西北农牧交错带的土地利用规划提供了决策辅助。  相似文献   

干热岩作为一种清洁的新能源,具有热能大、分布广、开发利用对环境影响小、不受季节等自然条件影响的优势。美国在20世纪70年代即进行了干热岩开发利用研究工作,而干热岩的勘查开发利用在我国尚处于起步阶段,因此对干热岩勘查、开发技术开展研究有着非常现实的意义。该文在简述国内外对干热岩研究现状的基础上,对利津县干热岩的地热地质条件、干热岩的热储特征及开发利用条件进行了分析,计算了资源量,并提出了干热岩开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游地区是我国西部干旱区生态环境问题比较突出的区域。本文主要从地表水(湖泊、河流和湿地)、地下水、地表植被覆盖的角度,基于多源遥感和长时间序列数据,监测和分析生态输水前后区域环境变化和生态响应。首先,采用基于知识迁移的专题图斑更新技术,实现了1990、1995、2000、2005、2010和2015年区域湿地遥感制图和植被覆盖度等生态因子指标提取;然后,以2000年为基准(生态输水起始年),结合地下水位观测数据,对比分析了人工生态输水前后区域生态环境动态变化过程。结果显示:① 生态输水前(1990-2000年),塔河下游的生态环境持续恶化,流域范围内一半以上的沼泽湿地消失、河道干涸,地下水位下降,区域植被覆盖大幅度下降;② 生态输水后(2000-2017年),区域生态环境明显好转,改变了下游河道长期断流状态,区域地下水位明显抬升,地表水域(湖泊和沼泽)面积呈现“V”型逆转增加,区域植被覆盖区和覆盖度均呈现显著增加趋势,曾经一度干涸的塔河尾闾台特玛湖水域面积2017年8月达到147.87 km2。以上研究结果综合表明人工生态输水工程对塔河下游生态环境拯救和治理发挥了重要作用,遏制了生态输水前塔河下游生态环境继续恶化局面,流域生态环境正在逐步恢复。  相似文献   

Todaysustainabledevelopmentiscurentlypromoted,butprohibitedbyfragileenvironment.Soinrecentyears,thestudyincludingformationre...  相似文献   

亚洲地下水资源与环境地质系列图及GIS系统结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“亚洲地下水资源及环境地质系列图件”(1∶800万)属于洲际尺度图件,包括亚洲水文地质图、亚洲地下水资源图、亚洲地热图和亚洲地下水环境背景图等.针对全球变化,能源危机、资源短缺、环境恶化地质灾害频发的状况,特别是水资源安全保障与地质环境优劣更是直接影响亚洲地区可持续发展,编制上述图件,意义十分重大.亚洲地下水资源及环境...  相似文献   

Miyun Reservoir was designated as the water source of Beijing City in 1982.Since that time ,so-cio-economic development in Miyun Area has been slowing due to the restriction of severe environmental standards.More and more attention from the public and government has been paid to the regional sustainable development.And an effect-tive planning for the local society management system is urgently desired.In this study,a regional sustainable develop-ment system dynamics model,named MiyunSD, is developed for supporting this planning task.MiyunSDconsists of dynamo-ic simulation models that explicitly consider information feedback that governs interactions in the system.Such models are capable of simulating the systemˊs behavior and predicting its developing situation of the future.For the study case,interact-tions among a number of system components within a time frame of fifteen years are examined dynamically.Three plan-ning altermatives are carefully considered.The base run is based on an assumption that the existing pattern of human active-ties will prevail in the entire planning horizon,and the other altermatives are based on previous and present planning stud-ies.The different alternatives will get different systemˊs environmental and socio-economic results.Through analyzing these dynamic results,local authorities may find an optimal way to realize the objectives that the regional environment will be well protected and at the same time the economy will be rapidly developed.  相似文献   

土地整治环境影响评价是土地整治规划编制过程中的一个重要环节,目前的土地整治环境影响评价多是从某方面评价土地整治规划对环境的影响。在城乡一体化发展的背景下,按照"全域规划、全域整治"的要求,通过识别土地整治规划对经济、社会和环境影响,建立评价指标体系,以山东省诸城市为例,对土地整治规划环境影响进行综合评价。  相似文献   

Poverty reduction and environmental protection are two global tasks for sustainable development.The study perspective has changed over time,from narrowly focusing on poverty reduction to comprehensively strengthening human-welfare.We reviewed key references targeting the theoretical content and practical approach relying on poverty,environment protection and ecosystem services.We discussed the contradicting views on the relationship of poverty and environmental degradation,and then illustrated the study progress of a cutting-age topic-ecosystem services which pave a way to address poverty reduction and environmental protection together.At last,we investigated essential factors that affect the development and environmental protection.Considering the evolution of the concept of poverty,we found that the environment has occupied an increasing proportion in the cognizance of poverty.The relationship between poverty and environmental degradation is regional uniqueness.In practical aspect,projects based on the management and valuation assessment of ecosystem services draw researchers′attention all over the world.The appropriate scale,essential economic incentives,morality,law and social equality are key factors affecting individuals′decisions which directly relate to the sustainable development.  相似文献   

Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) forms an important component of global environmental change. Therefore, it is important to study land use/cover and its change at local, regional and global scales. In this paper we conducted the study of land use change in Northeast China, one of the most important agricultural zones of the nation. From 1986 to 2000, according to the study results obtained from Landsat images, widespread changes in land use/cover took place in the study area. Grassland, marsh, water body and woodland decreased by 9864, 3973, 1367 and 10,052km2, respectively. By comparison, paddy field, dry farmland, and built-up land expanded by 7339, 17193 and 700km2, respectively. Those changes bore an interactive relationship with the environment, especially climate change. On the one hand, climate warming created a potential environment for grassland and marsh to be changed to farmland as more crops could thrive in the warmer climate, and for dry farmland to paddy field. On the other hand, the changed surface cover modified the local climate. Those changes, in turn, have adversely influenced the local environment by accelerating land degradation. In terms of socio-economic driving forces, population augment, regional economic development, and national and provincial policies were confirmed as main driving factors for land use change. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-341), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40871187, 40801208)  相似文献   

森林碳蓄积量估算方法及其应用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近些年来,森林锐减、土地退化、环境污染、生物多样性丧失,特别是人类活动产生的C02浓度急剧上升和由此导致的温室效应等是目前人类面临最严峻的全球环境变化问题,所以全球碳循环问题日益成为全球变化与地球科学研究领域的前沿与热点问题,其中陆地生态系统碳循环又是全球碳循环中最复杂、受人类活动影响最大的部分。而森林生物量占整个陆地生态系统生物量的90%,因此,为了正确评估森林在全球碳平衡中的作用,了解森林生态系统在碳循环中的作用,森林的碳动态研究正日益成为人们关注的重点。本文总结了估算森林固碳量的几种方法--样地清查法、模型模拟法和遥感估算法,分析了它们的特点及应用等有关问题。  相似文献   

荆泉水源地是滕州市城区的重要供水水源地,近年来随着国民经济的发展,水源地及其上游补给区人类活动的增多,其地下水质有逐渐变差的趋势,查明水源地水文地质条件、评价其防污性能,对开展水源地地下水环境保护、保障滕州市城区供水安全具有重要的意义。本文在充分分析水源地及其所在的水文地质单元——滕县东部丘陵谷地水文地质条件的基础上,分析了水源地水文地质条件的多年变化特征,采用COP法对荆泉水源地进行了防污性能评价并进行了防污性能分区,为水源地地下水的保护和动态监测提供依据。地下水防污性能高的区域位于水文地质单元北部岩浆岩变质岩山区,防污性能中等地区主要分布于水文地质单元的南部山区冲洪积平原,防污性能低区位于水文地质单元的东南部碳酸盐岩山区及其山麓一带。  相似文献   

Over the last decades and centuries,European mountain landscapes have experienced substantial transformations.Natural and anthropogenic LULC changes(land use and land cover changes), especially agro-pastoral activities,have directly influenced the spatial organization and composition of European mountain landscapes.For the past sixty years, natural reforestation has been occurring due to a decline in both agricultural production activities and rural population.Stakeholders, to better anticipate future changes,need spatially and temporally explicit models to identify areas at risk of land change and possible abandonment.This paper presents an integrated approach combining forecasting scenarios and a LULC changes simulation model to assess where LULC changes may occur in the Pyrenees Mountains,based on historical LULC trends and a range of future socio-economic drivers.The proposed methodologyconsiders local specificities of the Pyrenean valleys,sub-regional climate and topographical properties,and regional economic policies.Results indicate that some regions are projected to face strong abandonment, regardless of the scenario conditions.Overall, high rates of change are associated with administrative regions where land productivity is highly dependent on socio-economic drivers and climatic and environmental conditions limit intensive(agricultural and/or pastoral) production and profitability.The combination of the results for the four scenarios allows assessments of where encroachment(e.g.colonization by shrublands) and reforestation are the most probable.This assessment intends to provide insight into the potential future development of the Pyrenees to help identify areas that are the most sensitive to change and to guide decision makers to help their management decisions.  相似文献   

该文以济宁市环境承载力为研究对象,运用主成分分析法,从影响环境污染状况、环境治理状况、人口状况、经济发展状况、自然资源状况、物耗能耗状况等19个指标中,提取出影响环境承载力动态变化的3个主成分,对济宁市环境承载力年际变化进行了综合评价。结果表明:2006—2010年,济宁市环境承载力呈现逐年上升的趋势。该研究评价结果较好,可以为该地区的可持续开发规划提供理论参考。  相似文献   

胶东半岛地下水库水资源调蓄研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶东半岛是山东省的缺水地区,建设地下水库是提高该区水资源供应能力和改善生态环境的有效措施。该文系统分析了在胶东半岛建设地下水库的可行性及其水资源和生态环境意义,认为该区建设地下水库可大幅度提高水资源调蓄能力,解除海水入侵之患,生态环境得以逐步改善,其水资源效益、环境效益十分明显。  相似文献   

福建省海岸带脆弱生态环境信息图谱研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海岸带是陆地和海洋的交接地带,随着沿海经济的发展和对外开放,对海岸带的各种开发活动,一方面促进了沿海地区的经济发展,另一方面也使海岸带面临的压力越来越大,如人口增多、资源消耗、环境污染严重等。此外,海岸带的自然灾害频繁,常见的有台风、干旱和地震,海岸带生态环境呈现出典型脆弱性的特征。以地学信息图谱的方法论对海岸带脆弱生态环境进行研究:首先,它依托由对地观测技术、实地调查及社会经济统计而建立起的时空数据库,通过数据挖掘与知识发现,产生征兆图谱;然后,结合评价和时空分析模型及G IS提取诊断图谱;最后,在预测模型的支持下产生实施图谱,从而形成决策方案。实践证明,通过信息图谱能够更直观地反映海岸带脆弱生态环境,包括其现状、驱动因素,以及未来变化趋势,为海岸带的可持续发展规划决策、环境管理,以及防灾减灾对策的制定提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau area was subjected to twice uplift and planation in the Tertiary. Intense uplifting of the plateau area has given rise to drastic changes and differentiation of physical environment on the plateau and the surrounding area since 3.4 Ma B.P. Significant environmental changes with dry tendency in interior of the plateau had occurred during the last 150 ka B.P. By comparative study on several mountains of the plateau, two systems of the structure-type of the altitudinal belt are identified and nine groups are subdivided. A distribution model with close relevance to highland uplift effect has been generalized. A number of striking geo-ecological phenomen and their spatial pattern such as moisture corridor, dry valleys, high-cold meadow zone, and high-cold arid core area are investigated and discussed. Based on the thermal conditions, moisture regimes and variation in landforms of the plateau is sequentially demarcated. A tentative scheme of 2 temperature belts, 10 natural zones and 28 physical districts has been proposed not including southern slopes of the East Himalayas. The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is sensitive to “green house effect”, showing close relation with global change. Characteristics of temperature and precipitation on the plateau during the last 2000 years, and response of glaciers, snow deposit and permafrost on the plateau to global change are dealt with in the present paper. Under the auspices of Chinese National Key Project for Basic Research (G1998040800) and CAS project on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (KZ951 - A1 - 204, KZ95T - 06)  相似文献   

In common property studies, increasing number of users has been considered as a major threat for the long-term sustainability of natural resources. This perception has been true in a few cases. However, the 40-years empirical research conducted in a variety of environmental settings, reveals that population pressure is not the only factor responsible for the degradation of natural resources. In remote areas, where the local inhabitants highly depend on available natural resources for subsistence livelihood, the economically important resources are kept under different ownership regimes. The local inhabitants have established autochthonous institutions, and formulated rules and regulations for proper management of these resources. In this paper an attempt has been made to explore the response of a small fodder user community to the increasing population. For this purpose a micro-level study has been conducted in a remote mountain environment in the eastern Hindu Kush. For this research, data has been collected through fieldwork and focus group discussion. The results of this study reveal that fodder user communities have responded very well to the problem of population pressure. To maintain equity and long-term sustainability they have adopted a number of strategies including changing the ownership, and a resource kept under private ownership at the time of low population has been changed to a common property with increase in population. Based on this study it can be concluded that in mountainous areas and fragile environment the local inhabitant have both the capacity and capability to change their behaviour with regard to changing resource productivity as well as increasing number of users, and this situation does not always lead to the tragedy of commons.  相似文献   

归来庄金矿是平邑县矿业经济的龙头企业,在矿产资源开发利用和地质环境保护等方面做出了突出成绩。该文介绍归来庄金矿因地制宜对矿山环境保护和生态恢复进行的科学合理的总体规划和远景设计,使该金矿成为山东省唯一的国家级工业旅游示范点。  相似文献   

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