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以事件为核心的面向对象时空数据模型   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
GIS中时态问题的解决不仅要在数学上寻求方法的支持,更应该在现实世界的时空现象中去探求其内在的变化规律。事件是驱动时空数据发生变化的根本原因,但每一次事件对数据对象的影响总是局限于一定的范围,这内在地表现为对象的属性之间的时空内聚性并决定了时态数据管理的对象粒度。时空数据模型的设计必须参照这一规律才能在冗余与效率之间取得平衡。在简要分析现有的几种典型时空数据模型的基础上,根据上述观点设计了一种以事件为核心的面向对象时空数据模型。房产信息系统的设计与实现证明,该模型对于时空数据管理效果较好,为进一步抽取变化的模式和预测决策奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The global geospatial community is investing substantial effort in providing tools for geospatial data-quality information analysis and systematizing the criteria for geospatial data quality. The importance of these activities is increasing, especially in the last decade, which has witnessed an enormous expansion of geospatial data use in general and especially among mass users. Although geospatial data producers are striving to define and present data-quality standards to users and users increasingly need to assess the fitness for use of the data, the success of these activities is still far from what is expected or required. As a consequence, neglect or misunderstanding of data quality among users results in misuse or risks. This paper presents an aid in spatio-temporal quality evaluation through the use of spatio-temporal evaluation matrices (STEM) and the index of spatio-temporal anticipations (INSTANT) matrices. With the help of these two simple tools, geospatial data producers can systematically categorize and visualize the granularity of their spatio-temporal data, and users can present their requirements in the same way using business intelligence principles and a Web 2.0 approach. The basic principles and some examples are presented in the paper, and potential further applied research activities are briefly described.  相似文献   

利用电子地图中透明度视觉变量产生的虚实感,在对当前焦点时刻时空内容进行完全表达的同时,以不同透明度图形对时间上下文中的内容进行辅助表达,实现兼顾焦点时刻和时间上下文的时空可视化。该方法能够从时间全局上描绘时空对象的时间分布和时态关系,帮助把握时空发展的趋势和规律,同时更加高效地利用地图幅面,时空信息量更加丰富。  相似文献   

针对北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)时空数据组织管理过程中数据存储与分析困难的问题,本文面向BDS时空数据,通过分析其数据特征,引入时空粒化思想,从空间粒度、时间粒度、时空粒度三个粒度对BDS时空对象进行多粒度表达.参考面向对象和基态修正模型的方法,建立BDS多粒度时空数据模型的概念模型,提出一种BDS时空对象多粒度表达方法,并实例证明该方法可以实现BDS时空数据的组织与存储.   相似文献   

Vehicle tracking is a spatio‐temporal source of high‐granularity travel time information that can be used for transportation planning. However, it is still a challenge to combine data from heterogeneous sources into a dynamic transport network, while allowing for network modifications over time. This article uses conceptual modeling to develop multi‐temporal transport networks in geographic information systems (GIS) for accessibility studies. The proposed multi‐temporal network enables accessibility studies with different temporal granularities and from any location inside the city, resulting in a flexible tool for transport and urban planning. The implemented network is tested in two case studies that focus on socially excluded people in a large global city, São Paulo, Brazil, including accessibility analyses from slum areas. It explores variations within a day and differences between transport modes across time. Case study results indicate how the accessibility is heterogeneous in low‐income regions.  相似文献   

陈云海  江南  訾璐 《测绘通报》2020,(2):147-150
湿地作为一种活的空间实体,其时空行为错综复杂,认知和表达一直是该领域研究的重点和难点。全空间信息系统以多粒度时空对象直接对现实世界进行抽象和描述,比传统GIS更符合人的认知特点。因此,本文基于多粒度时空对象建模思想,分别对湿地数据组织、时空行为认知和表达进行了初探。结果表明:湿地时空行为可按对象粒度、数量和特征属性进行分类,且行为表达可通过动态展示,分析建模和模型预测层层递进,较以往表征方式具有动态关联近实时等优势,可为湿地资源的动态监测提供一种新的研究思路。  相似文献   

不同类型的地理信息大数据蕴含了丰富的时空关系,反映个体或者群体时空事件之间的变化模式,在资源、环境、交通等领域的智慧应用中起到关键性作用。然而,地理信息大数据拥有的多尺度和多语义特性,在挖掘地理信息大数据的时空关系时会存在许多困难。如何有效地构建多尺度多语义时空关系,并直观地表达这些时空关系是一个重大挑战。本文设计了一种时空事件关系可视化分析框架,通过定义事件间时空关系的描述,设计了一种多视图协同的可视化分析方法,结合时空关系的可视化协同交互,实现地理信息大数据时空事件可视分析。基于时空轨迹数据,通过试验说明该方法可以探寻时空事件及背景间的时空关系,实现时空事件的交互可视分析。  相似文献   

土地利用动态监测中的时空数据模型研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
针对传统GIS数据模型存在的问题,开展了基于特征的时空数据模型研究.结合我国土地利用动态监测,提出了一个新的时空数据模型-基于变化特征状态的时空数据模型(SCFSTDM),该模型保持了地理现象的完整性,地理信息的完备性以及时空专题信息的有机集成,模型有利于面向目标定向分析方法的应用和时空分析与推理的实现,有利于地理数据的共享,设计和开发了基于SCFSTDM的时态土地利用信息系统,实现了基于特征实例的时空复合查询,时空推理以及动态播放等功能.  相似文献   

当前时空数据模型多以描述空间实体的离散变化为主,在对空间运动对象分析的基础上,提出了支持空间对象连续运动的表示方法,该方法同时也能表示空间实体的离散变化,为建立连续运动空间对象的时空数据模型打下了基础。  相似文献   

基于特征的时空数据模型用于地籍变更的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
传统的基于专题地理分层的GIS数据模型在数据组织 ,数据共享及复杂的空间分析方面存在明显的不足 ,认为发展新一代的基于特征的时空模型成为必然。本文结合实践中地籍变更的特点 ,提出了基于特征变化状态的时空数据模型。该模型保持了地理现象的完整性 ,实现了时空专题信息的有机集成 ,有利于发展复杂的面向目标的定向分析。  相似文献   

本文以空间数据多边形的平均等面积圆直径作为粒度特征尺度,将城市地理空间数据分成六个关键空间层次,并对各空间层次数据进行了粒度分析,建立了空间粒度与空间层次的数学模型。基于本研究确立的关键空间层次,以城市问题的研究精度作为选择条件,讨论了按粒度等级选择适当空间层次的方法。同时详细描述了利用GIS软件提取、制作各空间层次数据的具体技术步骤和方法。  相似文献   

针对地理实体之间的时空拓扑关系,阐述了当前被普遍接受的空间和时态拓扑关系模型、基于点集和逻辑谓词集的描述方法。基于8种时态和空间拓扑关系逻辑谓词,提出时空数据库中时空拓扑关系集成表达(或称联合表达)的64种情况,分别利用英文缩写字母和关系图2种形式对其进行了描述。最后,通过示例的应用说明时空拓扑关系集成表达的具体情形。  相似文献   

为了检测时空数据之间的发展变化关系,本文研究时空数据的动态关联技术,提出了一种动态关联算法和一种基本的时空变化类型。该算法用几何特征和属性特征相结合的方法进行匹配和变化检测,可以匹配时空对象并自动提取变化情况,能够解决一对一、一对多、多对一和多对多的变化关系,并且可以检测出时空对象的移动变化情况。  相似文献   

Data representing the trajectories of moving point objects are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in GIScience, and are the focus of much methodological research aimed at extracting patterns and meaning describing the underlying phenomena. However, current research within GIScience in this area has largely ignored issues related to scale and granularity – in other words how much are the patterns that we see a function of the size of the looking glass that we apply? In this article we investigate the implications of varying the temporal scale at which three movement parameters, speed, sinuosity and turning angle are derived, and explore the relationship between this temporal scale and uncertainty in the individual data points making up a trajectory. A very rich dataset, representing the movement of 10 cows over some two days every 0.25 s is investigated. Our cross‐scale analysis shows firstly, that movement parameters for all 10 cows are broadly similar over a range of scales when the data are segmented to remove quasi‐static subtrajectories. However, by exploring realistic values of GPS uncertainty using Monte Carlo Simulation, it becomes apparent that fine scale measurement of all movement parameters is masked by uncertainties, and that we can only make meaningful statements about movement when we take these uncertainties into account.  相似文献   

Consistency among parts and aggregates: A computational model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Heterogeneous geographic databases contain multiple views of the same geographic objects at different levels of spatial resolution. When users perceive geographic objects as one spatial unit, although they are physically separated into multiple parts, appropriate methods are needed to assess the consistency among the aggregate and the parts. The critical aspect is that the overall spatial relationships with respect to other geographic objects must be preserved throughout the aggregation process. We developed a systematic model for the constraints that must hold with respect to other spatial objects when two parts of an object are aggregated. We found three sets of configurations that require increasingly more information in order to make a precise statement about their consistency: (1) configurations that are satisfied by the topological relations between the two parts and the object of interest; (2) configurations that need further information about the topological relation between the object of concern and the connector in order to be resolved unambiguously; and (3) configurations that require additional information about the topological relation between the aggregate's boundary and the boundary or interior of the object of interest to be uniquely described. The formalism extends immediately to relations between two regions with disconnected parts as well as to relations between a region and an arbitrary number of separations.  相似文献   

在全面研究时空数据模型理论及构建方法的基础上,本文采用面向特征的数据模型构建方法结合时空语义思想,并引入无缝时空理念,探讨了一种基于特征的无缝时空数据模型构建方法。该模型将地理时空过程特征抽象为特征对象、特征事件、特征过程,不仅能够实现地理实体的空间数据组织及复杂拓扑分析,而且,通过描述特征事件、特征过程及其相互关系实现时空语义表达,进而实现海量信息存储以及高层次时空分析,也为通用性时空数据模型的构建提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Providing land cover spatio-temporal information and geo-computing through web service is a new challenge for supporting global change research, earth system simulation and many other societal benefit areas. This requires an integrated knowledge representation and web implementation of static land cover and change information, as well as the related operations for geo-computing. The temporal logic relations among land cover snapshots and increments were examined with a matrix-based three-step analysis. Twelve temporal logic relations were identified and five basic spatial operations were formalized with set operators, which were all used to develop algorithms for deriving implicit change information. A knowledge representation for land cover change information was then developed based on these temporal logic and operation relations. A prototype web-service system was further implemented based on OWL-DL. Both online access and conversion of land cover spatio-temporal information can be facilitated with such a web service system.  相似文献   

Development of a temporal geographic information system (GIS) and spatio-temporal data modeling are key to incorporating time into geographic information science. This paper describes how to design and develop temporal GIS that will work with spatio-temporal data represented in various data models, and it introduces a prototype temporal GIS with a case study. In temporal GIS, the integration of multiple spatio-temporal representations is based on common spatial and temporal reference systems. In other words, a map window of temporal GIS visualizes spatio-temporal data valid at the same time within one spatial area. To achieve such visualization, separate data editing and query modules are required for each spatio-temporal data model (STDM). In the temporal query interface, after a user specifies a time, the system automatically hires correspondent modules to retrieve spatio-temporal data valid at that time. Besides temporal queries common to all STDMs, each module may provide additional temporal query capabilities specific to that STDM. In the case study, I implement a prototype temporal GIS for three STDMs. The examples of query and visualization, which use three datasets (census data, land use/land cover, and elevation data) demonstrate the prototype temporal GIS can integrate multiple temporal representations.  相似文献   

The expansion of satellite technologies makes remote sensing data abundantly available. While the access to such data is no longer an issue, the analysis of this kind of data is still challenging and time consuming. In this paper, we present an object-oriented methodology designed to handle multi-annual Satellite Image Time Series (SITS). This method has the objective to automatically analyse a SITS to depict and characterize the dynamic of the areas (the way that the land cover of the areas evolve over time). First, it identifies the spatio-temporal entities (reference objects) to be tracked. Second, the evolution of such entities is described by means of a graph structure and finally it groups together spatio-temporal entities that evolve similarly. The analysis were performed on three study areas to highlight inter (among the study areas) and intra (inside a study area) similarity by following the evolution of the underlying phenomena. The analysis demonstrate the benefits of our methodology. Moreover, we also stress how an expert can exploit the extracted knowledge to pinpoint relevant landscape evolutions in the multi-annual time series and how to make connections among different study areas.  相似文献   

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