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During the inbound segment of the Ulysses flyby of Jupiter, there were multiple incursions into the dawnside low-latitude boundary layer, as identified by Bame et al. (Science257, 1539–1542, 1992) using plasma electron data. In the present study, ion composition and spectral measurements provide independent collaborative evidence for the existence of distinct boundary layer regions. Measurements are taken in the energy-per-charge range of 0.6–60 keV/e and involve mass as well as mass-per-charge identification by the Ulysses/SWICS experiment. Ion species of Jovian magnetospheric origin (including O+, O2+, S2+, S3+) and sheath origin (including He2+ and high charge state CNO) have been directly identified for the first time in the Jovian magnetospheric boundary layer. Protons of probably mixed origin and He+ of possibly sheath (ultimately interstellar pickup) origin were also observed in the boundary layer. Sheath-like ions are observed throughout the boundary layer; however, the Jovian ions are depleted or absent for portions of two boundary layer cases studied. Ions of solar wind origin are observed within the outer magnetosphere. and ions of magnetospheric origin are found within the sheath, indicating that transport across the magnetopause boundary can work both ways, at least under some conditions. Although their source cannot be uniquely identified, the proton energy spectrum in the boundary layer suggests a sheath origin for the lower energy protons.  相似文献   

The repeated samplings of the Jovian magnetosheath during the Ulysses encounter with Jupiter provided an opportunity to probe the planetary depletion layer. Of the 10 complete crossings of the Jovian magnetopause, only three contained clear signatures of an overlying depletion layer. All of these occurred on the flanks of the magnetosphere near the dusk terminator; crossings on the dayside were ambiguous or clearly lacked a depletion layer signature. In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the observations by the Ulysses solar wind plasma and magnetometer experiments and discuss conditions favorable and unfavorable for depletion layer observation.  相似文献   

Ulysses plasma electron observations of bidirectional and enhanced unidirectional electron heat fluxes within 4500 RJ (0.8 a.u. or 3 months on either side of closest approach) of Jupiter are presented as evidence for the magnetic connection of the spacecraft to the Jovian bow shock. These bursts of suprathermal electrons (> 30 eV) are observed when the interplanetary magnetic field points roughly parallel or antiparallel to the Jupiter-spacecraft line. Ninety-eight possible connection events were found over the 6 month period centered on the closest approach to Jupiter. The frequency of occurrence peaked with proximity to the bow shock, with most events occurring post-encounter. These are the first observations of backstreaming suprathermal electrons made in the vicinity of the Jovian bow shock.  相似文献   

Ground observations of Pi 2 geomagnetic pulsations are correlated with satellite measurements of plasma density for three time intervals. The pulsations were recorded using the IGS network of magnetometer stations and the plasma density measurements were made on board GEOS-1 and ISEE-1. Using the technique of complex demodulation, the amplitude, phase and polarisation characteristics of the Pi 2 pulsations are observed along two meridional profiles; one from Eidar, Iceland (L = 6.7) to Cambridge, U.K. (L = 2.5) and the other from Tromso, Norway (tL = 6.2) to Nurmijarvi, Finland (L = 3.3). The observed characteristics of the Pi 2 pulsations are then compared with the plasma density measurements. Close relationships between the plasmapause position and the position of an ellipticity reversal and a variation in H component phase are observed. A small, secondary amplitude maximum is observed on the U.K./Iceland meridian well inside the position of the projection of the equatorial plasmapause. The primary maxima on the two meridians, in general occur close to the estimated position of the equatorward edge of a westward electrojet. Using the plasma density measurements, the periods of surface waves at the plasmapause for two intervals are estimated and found to be in good agreement with the dominant spectral peaks observed at the ground stations near the plasmapause latitude and within the plasmasphere. The polarisation reversal, together with phase characteristics, spectral evidence and the agreement between the theoretical and observed periods leads to the suggestion that on occasions a surface wave is excited on the plasmapause as an intermediate stage in the propagation of Pi 2 pulsations from the auroral zone to lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Analysis of experimental data on the variations in the intensities of 2–12 MeV electrons and cosmic rays and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) magnitude has revealed “responses” to the influence of Jupiter in these parameters. Their amplitudes, in instrumental count units, are the following: 0.15 (71%) in the electron intensity, 48 (0.8%) in the cosmic-ray intensity, and 0.19 (2.8%) in the IMF magnitude. The maximum of the response in the electron intensity and the minimum of the response in the IMF magnitude coincide and lie near the magnetic field line that runs along the Sun-Earth-Jupiter axis. The minimum of the response in the cosmic-ray intensity is shifted against the solar rotation by 75 days from the magnetic field line connecting Jupiter and the Earth. Jupiter has the strongest influence on the intensity of high-energy electrons (71% of their total intensity).  相似文献   

The overall multi-layer structure of the magnetic field profile observed by Ulysses across a broad solar wind tangential discontinuity can be reproduced fairly well by means of a kinetic model. Such a simulation provides complementary information about the velocity distribution functions, which are not always available from the plasma experiment due to the low time resolution inherent in plasma measurements. The success of such a simulation proves that the kinetic model can be used as a realistic basis for further studies of the structure and stability of solar wind tangential discontinuities.  相似文献   

The Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) is an imaging spectrometer covering the wavelength range 0.3-5.2 μm in 352 spectral channels, with a nominal instantaneous field of view of 0.5 mrad. The Cassini flyby of Jupiter represented a unique opportunity to accomplish two important goals: scientific observations of the jovian system and functional tests of the VIMS instrument under conditions similar to those expected to obtain during Cassini's 4-year tour of the saturnian system. Results acquired over a complete range of visual to near-infrared wavelengths from 0.3 to 5.2 μm are presented. First detections include methane fluorescence on Jupiter, a surprisingly high opposition surge on Europa, the first visual-near-IR spectra of Himalia and Jupiter's optically-thin ring system, and the first near-infrared observations of the rings over an extensive range of phase angles (0-120°). Similarities in the center-to-limb profiles of H+3 and CH4 emissions indicate that the H+3 ionospheric density is solar-controlled outside of the auroral regions. The existence of jovian NH3 absorption at 0.93 μm is confirmed. Himalia has a slightly reddish spectrum, an apparent absorption near 3 μm, and a geometric albedo of 0.06±0.01 at 2.2 μm (assuming an 85-km radius). If the 3-μm feature in Himalia's spectrum is eventually confirmed, it would be suggestive of the presence of water in some form, either free, bound, or incorporated in layer-lattice silicates. Finally, a mean ring-particle radius of 10 μm is found to be consistent with Mie-scattering models fit to VIMS near-infrared observations acquired over 0-120° phase angle.  相似文献   

We developed a simple model for a flare loop, which was used to fit the emission in the microwave (17 GHz) and millimetre-wave (80 GHz) ranges for the giant flare of 1991 June 4. The simplicity of the model enabled the exploration of a wide range of parameters in a reasonable time. It was possible, using the simple model, to derive from the 17- and 80-GHz data the magnetic field and the number density for every measurement point in the time range we chose to fit.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations in the spectral region 6000–6600 » of major belts and zones of Jupiter have been carried out at Calar Alto Observatory (Spain) during the 1987 opposition, in support to the International Jupiter Watch Program. More than a hundred long-slit, medium resolution spectra have been taken at the coudé focus of the 1.52 m telescope. The longitudinal and latitudinal distribution of the equivalent widths of the methane and ammonia absorption bands at 6190 » and 6450 » have been investigated. Unlike the CH4-6190 » band, the longitudinal distribution in the NH3-6450 » band shows asymmetries in some of the Jovian regions analyzed, being the absorption greater at West than at East limbs. These results are interpreted in terms of inhomogeneous scattering models by the simultaneous variation of the NH3 cloud optical thickness and its altitude level. The north-south scans show little latitudinal dependence on absorption in both methane and ammonia bands, although some relationship could be established between the absorption and relative continuum reflectivity variation.
Resumen Se presentan los resultados obtenidos de las observaciones espectroscópicas de las principales zonas y cinturones de Júpiter realizadas durante la oposición de 1987 como una contribución al International Jupiter Watch Program. Las observaciones fueron llevadas a cabo haciendo uso del foco coudé del telescopio de 1.52 m del observatorio hispanoalemán de Calar Alto (España), habiéndose obtenido algo más de cien espectros, de resolución media, en la región espectral de 6000–6600 ». Se exponen los resultados de las anchuras equivalentes de las bandas de absorción del metano en 6190 » y del amoniaco en 6450 », estudiándose, al mismo tiempo, la distribución tanto longitudinal como latitudinal de las mismas. Mientras que los resultados para la banda del metano presentan un comportamiento simétrico en todas las regiones analizadas, las anchuras equivalentes para la banda NH3-6450 » presentan un comportamiento asimétrico en algunas regiones del planeta, con una mayor absorción hacia el limbo del oeste que hacia el del este. Los resultados son interpretados en base a un modelo de scattering no homogéneo, variando, simultáneamente, el espesor óptico y la altitud de la nube de amoniaco. Los espectros tomados en la dirección norte-sur, aunque presentan una dependencia latitudinal pequeña en la absorción de las bandas mencionadas, sugieren una relación entre la absorción y las variaciones de reflectividad en el continuo.

Also at Departamento de Física Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Campus Universitario Fuentenueva, Granada, Spain.  相似文献   

We analyze FUV spatially-resolved dayglow spectra obtained at 0.37 nm resolution by the UVIS instrument during the Cassini flyby of Venus. We use a least-squares fit method to determine the brightness of the OI emissions at 130.4 and OI 135.6 nm, and of the bands of the CO fourth positive system which are dominated by fluorescence scattering. We compare the brightness observed along the UVIS foot track of the two OI multiplets with that deduced from a model of the excitation of these emissions by photoelectron impact on O atoms and resonance scattering of the solar 130.4 nm emission. The large optical thickness 130.4 nm emission is accounted for using a radiative transfer model. The airglow intensities are calculated along the foot track and found to agree with the observed 130.4 nm brightness within ∼10%. The modeled OI 135.6 nm brightness is also well reproduced by the model. The oxygen density profile of the VTS3 model is found to be consistent with the observations. We find that self-absorption of the (0, v″) bands of the fourth positive emission of CO is important and we derive a CO vertical column of about 6.4 × 1015 cm−2 in close agreement with the value provided by the VTS3 empirical atmospheric model.  相似文献   

Pioneer VI was launched into a circumsolar orbit on December 16, 1965, and was occulted by the sun in the latter half of November, 1968. During the occultation period, the 2292-MHz S-band telemetry carrier underwent Faraday rotation due to the interaction of this signal with the plasma and magnetic field in the solar corona. The NASA/JPL 210-ft diameter antenna of the Deep Space Network near Barstow, California, was used for the measurement. The antenna feed was modified for automatic polarization tracking for this experiment. The measurement results are interpreted with a theoretical model of the solar corona. This model consists of a modified Allen-Baumbach electron density and a coronal magnetic field calculated both from Mount Wilson magnetograph observations using a source surface model and field extrapolations from the Explorer 33 satellite magnetometer. The observations and the calculated rotation show general agreement with respect to magnitude, sense, and timing, suggesting the source-surface model and field extrapolations from 1 AU are a valid technique to obtain the magnetic field in the corona from 4 to 12 solar radii. Variations present can easily be ascribed to density enhancements known to be present in the corona. Longitudinal variations of the density in the corona cannot be obtained from coronagraph observations, and thus a purely radial variation was assumed. An improved fit to the Faraday rotation data is obtained with an equatorial electron density $$N = 10^8 \left( {\frac{{6000}}{{R^{10} }} + \frac{{0.002}}{{R^2 }}} \right)...{\text{ cm}}^{{\text{ - 3}}} {\text{ (4 < }}R < 12){\text{ }}...$$ where R is in solar radii. The work of W. V. T. Rusch and J. E. Ohlson was supported in part by research sponsored by the Joint Services Electronics Program through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant AF-AFOSR 69-1622A at the University of Southern California. The work done by K. H. Schatten was in part supported by the National Academy of Science on a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship. The work of J. M. Wilcox was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr 3656(26), by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant NGR 05-003-230, and by the National Science Foundation under Grant GA-1319 at the University of California at Berkeley.  相似文献   

Although the stellar initial mass function (IMF) has only been directly determined in star clusters, it has been manifoldly applied on galaxy-wide scales. But taking the clustered nature of star formation into account the galaxy-wide IMF is constructed by adding all IMFs of all young star clusters leading to an integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF). The IGIMF is top-light compared to the canonical IMF in star clusters and steepens with decreasing total star formation rate (SFR). This discrepancy is marginal for large disc galaxies but becomes significant for Small Magellanic Cloud type galaxies and less massive ones. We here construct IGIMF-based relations between the total far- and near-ultraviolet luminosities of galaxies and the underlying SFR. We make the prediction that the Hα luminosity of star-forming dwarf galaxies decreases faster with decreasing SFR than the ultraviolet (UV) luminosity. This turn-down of the Hα/UV-flux ratio should be evident below total SFRs of  10−2 M yr−1  .  相似文献   

Presented here are analyses of the photometric measurements acquired by the imaging system on the MESSENGER spacecraft during its three flybys of Mercury, in particular the dedicated sequence of photometric measurements obtained during the third flyby. A concise, analytical approach is adopted for characterizing the effects of scattered light on the images. This approach works well for wavelengths shorter than 700 nm but breaks down at the longer wavelengths where the scattering behavior of the imaging system is more complex. Broadband spectral properties are commensurate with ground-based observations for spectra acquired at phase angles less than 110°; photometric corrections to a common illumination and viewing geometry provide consistent results for those phase angles. No phase reddening is apparent in the image-derived spectra. A bolometric albedo of 0.081 is derived over the wavelength range of the imaging system.  相似文献   

A magnetospheric field model is presented in which the usually assumed toroidal ring current is replaced by a circular disk current of finite thickness that extends from the tail to geocentric distances less than 3R E. The drastic departure of this model from the concept of the conventional ring current lies in that the current is continuous from the tail to the inner magnetosphere. This conceptual change was required to account for the recent results of analysis of the OGO 3 and 5 magnetic field observations. In the present model the cross-tail current flows along circular arcs concentric with the Earth and completes circuit via surface currents on the magnetopause. Apart from these return currents in the tail magnetopause, Mead's (1964) model is used for the field from the magnetopause current. The difference scalar field, ΔB, defined as the difference between the scalar field calculated from the present model and the magnitude of the dipole field is found to be in gross agreement with the observed ΔB (i.e. the observed scalar field minus a scalar reference geomagnetic field). An updated version of the ΔB contours from the OGO 3 and 5 observations, which is used for the comparison, is presented in this paper. Significant differences in details exist, however, between the model and the observed results. These differences will provide a guide for making modifications in the equatorial current system in future models.  相似文献   

Plasma velocities determined from the anisotropies of energetic ions via the Compton-Getting effect have been important in studies of magnetospheric flows, particularly with regard to the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. In this paper we consider a range of issues concerned with the practical limitations of such measurements, and their effect on the velocities deduced. First, however, we consider the differing approaches to ion data analysis which have been employed, via fitting to a spherical harmonic expansion or directly to a model distribution function. We show that these approaches are formally identical when corresponding terms are included. The other issues considered are (a) the effect of flow and gradient contributions to the anisotropy and how and when they can be separately determined; (b) finite detector energy channel widths, telescope opening cones, and azimuthal sweep on spinning spacecraft; (c) lack of complete coverage of the unit sphere; (d) misidentification of the ion species detected; (e) telescope cross-calibration errors; and (f) contamination by energetic electron counts. The effect of these data limitations are systematically examined and quantified. The discussion is illustrated by consideration of the characteristics of energetic ion instruments carried by the Ulysses spacecraft, and an analysis of data obtained by the Anisotropy Telescopes instrument during the inbound pass of the spacecraft through the outer Jovian magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the possibility of detecting, for the first time, the surface magnetic field of Jupiter (∼1 bar level) by observing the change of linear polarization induced by the Hanle effect on the H Lyman-alpha (Lyα) emission line of the planet. We find that, indeed, the Hanle effect, which results from the interaction between a local magnetic field and the atomic polarization induced by absorption of anisotropic radiation, is sensitive to relatively weak values of the strength of the magnetic fields expected on planets. First, we show that for the Lyα emission backscattered by atomic H in the presence of a magnetic field, the Hanle effect is polarizing. This new result is in total contrast to the depolarizing effect predicted and observed for emission lines scattered at right angles in solar prominences. Additionally, to estimate the polarization rate for the case of Jupiter, we have considered three magnetic field models: a dipole field for reference, an O4 based model [Connerney, J.E.P., 1981. The magnetic field of Jupiter—A generalized inverse approach. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 7679-7693], and finally, an O6 based model [Khurana, K.K., 1997. Euler potential models of Jupiter's magnetospheric field. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 11295-11306]. In all models, we show that for the jovian backscattered Lyα line, the Hanle effect does enhance the Lyα linear polarization; the polarization rate may exceed 2% at specific regions of the jovian disc, making detection possible either remotely or from an orbiter around Jupiter. In general, depending on the instrumental sensitivity and the observing strategy used, we show that accurate mapping of the linear polarization rate at the planetary surface (thermosphere) or off-disc (corona) may provide a rather accurate estimate of the jovian total magnetic field strength on large area scales.  相似文献   

Although there is no intrinsic magnetic field at Venus, the convected interplanetary magnetic field piles up to form a magnetic barrier in the dayside inner magnetosheath. In analogy to the Earth's magnetosphere, the magnetic barrier acts as an induced magnetosphere on the dayside and hence as the obstacle to the solar wind. It consists of regions near the planet and its wake for which the magnetic pressure dominates all other pressure contributions. The initial survey performed with the Venus Express magnetic field data indicates a well-defined boundary at the top of the magnetic barrier region. It is clearly identified by a sudden drop in magnetosheath wave activity, and an abrupt and pronounced field draping. It marks the outer boundary of the induced magnetosphere at Venus, and we adopt the name “magnetopause” to address it. The magnitude of the draped field in the inner magnetosheath gradually increases and the magnetopause appears to show no signature in the field strength. This is consistent with PVO observations at solar maximum. A preliminary survey of the 2006 magnetic field data confirms the early PVO radio occultation observations that the ionopause stands at ∼250 km altitude across the entire dayside at solar minimum. The altitude of the magnetopause is much lower than at solar maximum, due to the reduced altitude of the ionopause at large solar zenith angles and the magnetization of the ionosphere. The position of the magnetopause at solar minimum is coincident with the ionopause in the subsolar region. This indicates a sinking of the magnetic barrier into the ionosphere. Nevertheless, it appears that the thickness of the magnetic barrier remains the same at both solar minimum and maximum. We have found that the ionosphere is magnetized ∼95% of the time at solar minimum, compared with 15% at solar maximum. For the 5% when the ionosphere is un-magnetized at solar minimum, the ionopause occurs at a higher location typically only seen during solar maximum conditions. These have all occurred during extreme solar conditions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis considering the Jupiter-Sun system as a limiting case of a close binary star implies the initial relative ice abundances in all the Galilean satellites to be essentially equal. The satellites move in the Jovian magnetosphere; thus the unipolar current flowing through their bodies subjected their ices to volumetric electrolysis. Explosions of the electrolysis products resulted in a loss of ices. While Callisto did not explode at all, Ganymede exploded once, Europa twice, and Io two or three times. An analysis of the magnetic field changes needed to create the modern ice abundances in the satellite shows:
  1. the initial field of Jupiter was ~102 times stronger when compared with the present-day field, and
  2. the field had to decrease exponentially with τ2| ≈ (0.6?1), which means its relic nature.

We present properties of intensity oscillations of a sunspot in the photosphere and chromosphere using G band and Ca II H filtergrams from Hinode. Intensity power maps as function of magnetic field strength and frequency reveal reduction of power in the G band with an increase in photospheric magnetic field strength at all frequencies. In Ca II H, however, stronger fields exhibit more power at high frequencies, particularly in the 4.5–8.0 mHz band. Power distributions in different locations of the active region show that the oscillations in Ca II H exhibit more power compared to that of the G band. We also relate the power in intensity oscillations with different components of the photospheric vector magnetic field using near simultaneous spectro-polarimetric observations of the sunspot from the Hinode spectropolarimeter. The photospheric umbral power is strongly anti-correlated with the magnetic field strength and its line-of-sight component but there is a good correlation with the transverse component. A reversal of this trend is observed in the chromosphere except at low frequencies(ν≤ 1.5 mHz). The power in sunspot penumbrae is anti-correlated with the magnetic field parameters at all frequencies(1.0 ≤ν≤ 8.0 mHz) in both the photosphere and chromosphere, except that the chromospheric power shows a strong correlation in the frequency range 3–3.5 mHz.  相似文献   

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