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河相地层是寻找非构造油气藏的重要目标。笔者对陆区基准面、陆上可容空间、河流随基准面变化的沉积响应以及河流相地层模式进行了详细的研究。认为采用高分辨率层序地层学得到基准面原理和方法能提高河流相储层预测的精度  相似文献   

A Pre-Cambrian horizontal schistosity was formed in regionally metamorphosed rocks around Lannilis, Finistére, during repeated fold movements. Only horizontal movement occurred since the superimposed load due to deep burial was great. Biotite crystallisation along horizontal planes resulted in a schistosity except in the principal thrust zones where decussate biotite textures and large garnets developed. During the early movements, ‘ac’ girdles of quartz axes were formed but these girdles were rotated during the later movements along the schistosity. The degree of rotation and the form of the associated structures cannot be interpreted easily either by ‘Sow’ on planes perpendicular to a compression axis or by ‘slip’ along the schistosity.  相似文献   

陆相岩石地层清理不应与海相相同,而应区分陆相盆地的类型。同一类型的盆地才能进行岩石地层的统一。高分辨率地层学的基本特征是优化地质学研究的时间坐标,因而在陆相岩石地层清理中具重要作用,  相似文献   

Svalbard has exceptional geological diversity within a relatively small area. The islands are situated between 76°N and 81°N, longitude 10°E and 35°E, with a total land area of some 63 000 km2, about twice the size of Belgium. Around 60 per cent is covered by glaciers. It is one of the few places in the world where stratigraphical sections representing much of the Earth's history are relatively easily accessible for study.  相似文献   

The relationship between petrogenesis and ore formation during the development of ultrabasics is discussed. It is emphasized that it is different for deep-seated pyrope peridotite and shallower spinel-enstatite peridotite facies. The influence of depth (pressure) on the composition of fluids which accompany ultrabasic magmatism is considered. It is inferred that the pressure is responsible for H2O and CO2 prevailing in fluid inclusions in diamonds. Regular compositional correlations are established for chrome-spinellids (chromites) and rock-forming chrome-spinellids, as well as general correlations between the compositions of chromite and sulphide mineralization and surrounding ultrabasics. These correlations indicate that liquid immiscibility was responsible for the separation of ore-forming magmas from ultramafic silicate melts of various compositions. The general specificity of orecontent in ultramafic complexes is explained by means of the hypothesis on basic-ultrabasic immiscibility in magmas under the influence of fluid components, with hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide playing an important role. Rhythmic layering in massifs is explained by repeated separation of the developed magmatic layers as well as by differentiation crystallization proceeding under the effect of temperature and magmatic composition gradients. Rhythmic layering reflects the departure of the magmatic systems from equilibrium on fast cooling, much in the same way as zoning in crystals.  相似文献   

Despite its important practical value the problem of artificial thawing of frozen soils by the vertical, cylindrical defreezer-pipe method has been studied only comparatively recently.

To facilitate excavation and/or foundation work in frozen soil in seasonally freezing and/or permafrost regions, the frozen soil can be loosened up, among other methods, by artificial thawing. For this purpose it is necessary to evaluate the amount of thermal energy needed to bring about the desired thawing. Such an evaluation involves consideration of the relationships between the frozen and thawed soil properties; temperature of the defrosting agent; the size and spacing of the defreezer pipes; and the time required to thaw a certain amount of frozen soil. Although in practice several methods are used for artificial thawing, in this paper, discussion on and calculations for defrosting of frozen soil are presented relative only to thawing by means of vertically installed defreezer pipes.  相似文献   

The main structures of a subduction zone are as follows.

1. (1) On the outer wall: faults, formed either by reactivation of the structural grain of the oceanic plate, when the latter is slightly oblique to the trench, or by a new fault network parallel to the trench, or both. The width of the faulted zone is about 50 miles.

2. (2) On the inner wall: either an accretionary prism or an extensional fault network, or both; collapsed structures and slumps are often associated, sometimes creating confusion with the accretionary structures.

3. (3) The overall structure of the trench itself is determined by the shape of the edge of the continental crust or of the island arc. Its detailed structure, however, is related to the oceanic plate, namely when the structural grain of the latter is slightly oblique to the trench, which then takes an “en echelon” form. Collapsed units can fill up the trench which is, in that case, restricted to an irregular narrow depression; the tectonic framework of the trench can be buried under a sedimentary blanket when the sedimentation rate is high and the trench bottom is a large, flat area.

Two extreme types of active margins can be distinguished: convergent compressive margins, when the accretionary mechanism is strongly active; and convergent extensional margins where the accretionary mechanism is absent or only weakly active.

The status of a given margin between these two extreme types is related to the convergence rate of the plates, the dip of the subduction zone, the sedimentation activity and the presence of a continental obstacle, because oceanic seamounts and aseismic ridges are easily subducted.

Examples are taken from the Barbados, Middle America, Peru, Kuril, Japan, Nankai, Marianna, Manila, New Hebredes and Tonga trenches.  相似文献   

The applications of the isotopes of the abundant element silicon as a tracer in the study of the earth sciences are discussed. The relatively long-lived radionuclide of silicon, 32Si, finds important applications as a tracer for studying aqueous geochemistry, biogeochemical cycles of silicon in the oceans, and the chronology of glaciers and biogenic silica-rich sediments in lacustrine and marine environments.It is pointed out that a simultaneous study of 16O and 30Si in exotic phases frequently found in carbonaceous chondrites should be useful for delineating nucleosynthetic effects distinctly from isotopic effects due to chemical fractionation.  相似文献   

The thermodynamical and microphysical characteristics of monsoon clouds in the Poona, Bombay and Rihand regions were investigated using extensive aircraft in-cloud observations. The number of clouds sampled at Poona, Bombay and Rihand is 2199, 169 and 104 respectively. The temperatures inside the cloud are colder than its environment at Poona and Rihand. The maximum difference is about 3°C at the cloud base level and the difference decreased with height. At Bombay the difference is less than 1°C and at some levels the temperatures inside the cloud are warmer than its environment. The lapse rates of temperatures inside the cloud are slightly less than those in the immediate environment of the cloud. The environmental lapse rates are nearly equal to the saturated adiabatic value. The positive increments in liquid water content (LWC) are associated with the increments in temperature inside the cloud. Similarly positive increments in temperatures inside the cloud are associated with the increments in temperature of its immediate environment at the same level or the layer immediately above. The maximum cloud lengths observed at Poona and Bombay respectively are 14 and 3 km. The horizontal cross-section of LWC showed a maximum number of 13 peaks in clouds at Poona while only 7 peaks were observed at Bombay. The location of maximum LWC in the horizontal cross-section is more or less at the centre of the cloud. The LWC profile showed an increase with height from the base of the cloud at Poona and Bombay. There is no marked variation of LWC with height at Rihand. The total droplet concentration at different altitudes at Poona and Bombay is in the range 28–82 cm?3. The size distribution of cloud droplets experienced a broadening effect with increase in height from the cloud base at Poona. The broadening effect at Bombay is not as marked as that at Poona.  相似文献   

A theoretical consideration of two dimensional underflows and surge-type turbidity currents results in a general momentum equation. A number of formulae in current use are special cases of this equation, among which are the modified Chézy equation and Bagnold's criterion for autosuspension. Five dimensionless parameters are included: the Richardson number Ri (defined as the inverse square of the Froude number), the friction coefficient cf, the slope β, the dimensionless settling velocity of the sediment Vs/u and the changes in flow height with distance dD/dx. The latter is mainly a measure of the dilution by entrainment of ambient water. For chalk powder experiments on surge type turbidity currents and on the initial front of continuous underflows the momentum equation is shown to be correct. Values for Ri range from about 1.5 at 0° slope to about 0.75 at 5° and are slightly to substantially lower than values from earlier authors. The two types of turbidity currents investigated show close similarity. A surprising attribute is their strong dilution even at very low-angle slopes. Pelitic sedimentation is possible from the upper, dilute part of the currents, graded intervals found at the base of turbidites can be explained as bedload deposits from the lowermost, concentrated layer of the current; hydraulic jumps are expected to be rare in surge-type turbidity currents and fronts of incipient underflows.  相似文献   

铌与钽的某些地球化学问题   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
针对地球圈层之间Nb、Ta质量不平衡的难题,较系统收集分析了我国基性岩墙(脉)群、太古宙基性火山岩、碱性岩、大火成岩省火山岩,俯冲带中富Nb玄武岩、高压变质岩、花岗岩类的Nb、Ta含量、比值、相关同位素组成以及Nb、Ta实验地球化学资料.这些资料表明,Nb、Ta在这些岩类中的分布呈现非常不均匀变化,除花岗岩外,上述岩石的Nb/Ta比值均高于或近于球粒陨石值17.5.花岗岩中的幔源斜长花岗岩及与裂谷、热点环境有关的碱性花岗岩Nb/Ta比值近于地球平均值,而普通S型及I型花岗岩,特别是高演化花岗岩,Nb/Ta比值均明显低于球粒陨石(<10),甚至呈现Nb/Ta≤1.这些资料表明,在不均匀的地幔中可能存在呈布丁状分布的Nb/Ta比值高于球粒陨石的储源.金红石的稳定性及Nb、Ta分配系数实验资料不支持地球深部存在高Nb/Ta比值的含金红石榴辉岩.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the thermal evolution of the earth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Empirical data relating to the thermal history of the earth are examined. Recent astronomic and geochemical evidence strongly suggests that the earth formed by accretion from an initially low-temperature gas-dust cloud of solar composition. The distribution of U, Pb, Th and K within the earth imply that it passed through a melting or partial melting process about 4.5 × 109 years ago. This conclusion is confirmed if the core is assumed to consist dominantly of iron-nickel. Formation of the core, which likewise occurred about 4.5 × 109 years ago would liberate sufficient gravitational energy to cause melting. Evidence in favour of melting is also provided by analogy with meteorites.

An examination is made of possible causes of this early melting stage and it is concluded that gravitational energy is chiefly responsible. Radioactive heating does not appear to be important. A critical factor in the early heating and chemical evolution is the interaction of accreting dust falling with high velocity into the primitive reducing atmosphere surrounding the earth. Because of this interaction, a metallic phase is produced by reduction.

The distribution of temperature within the earth 4.5 × 109 years ago will be given by the melting-point gradient. Recent data on the electrical conductivity of the mantle and the melting point of metals under high pressures suggest that the present temperature distribution is much less than the melting point gradient. This implies that the earth has cooled considerably.

The inferred cooling is consistent with present data on the abundance of radioactive elements in meteorites and in the earth, and also with possible modes of internal heat transfer—particularly convection and radiation.  相似文献   

The finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) are two well established numerical methods used for the analysis of underground openings. The advantages of both the methods are utilized by adopting FEBEM in which finite elements are coupled with boundary elements. A coupling procedure is presented in this paper. In using FEBEM, the effect of the location of interface boundary between finite element and boundary element regions, effect of Poisson's ratio and effect of stress ratio are discussed. It is shown that Poisson's ratio and stress ratio have significant effect on the accuracy of the results. Different discretization schemes are discussed to study their effect on accuracy and computation time. The use of different material properties in the FE region is presented. A comparative study is made with FEM for all the cases. It is shown that use of FEBEM is more advantageous than FEM.  相似文献   

Summary A proposal is under consideration to construct a dam on an experimental basis by a cast (or directional) blasting technique, DBT. The dam site is located at Bharari Khad, a tributary of the Sutlaz river in Himachal Pradesh. Site investigations have been completed and a large scale blast has been designed for construction of the experimental dam.The paper describes the basic design concept of DBT and application of throw and caving methods for construction of dams. The preliminary tests required to design the blasting pattern are detailed. The technique has a great potential because it reduces construction cost and time particularly in inaccessible mountain regions.  相似文献   

太古宙地层研究中应注意的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
沈其韩 《中国地质》2002,29(2):113-116
太古宙地层与显生宙地层相比,具有很大的复杂性,研究难度大。研究太古宙地层,在学术思路上应以岩石、地层、构造和地质事件综合研究为基础,配合多种新技术新方法特别是同位素年代学定年为依托。另外,要注意解决好如下6个方面的问题:(1)在“单斜”地层中注意研究有无复杂同斜褶皱;(2)正确判定岩石类型及其属性;(3)多次变形叠加如何与区域变质作用相联系的问题;(4)地层定年中应该注意的问题;(5)特殊岩石单位的定名问题;(6)正确区分变质火山-沉积地层层序和构造接触问题。  相似文献   

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