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-By using the sea surface temperature (SST) index of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean provided by Climate Analysis Center of U. S. A. , the numerical criteria of El Nino and La Nina events and their quantitative characteristics were calculated. Results show that the El Nino event was characterized with strong intensity, shorter life cycle and significant mature phase; however, the La Nina event has longer live cycle, weak intensity, insignificant mature phase. Through teleconnection analysis, it is found that the intensity index of SST over the Equatorial Pacific Ocean leads the intensity index of subtropical high by six months or so. During the El Nino years, the tropical cyclone over the northwestern Pacific is fewer than normal but stronger, and its genesis area shifts southeastward apparently; while in the La Nina years the number of tropical cyclones are larger.  相似文献   

根据1986年11月~1997年间月期间在114°~130°E,沿22°~18°N航线各航次所测量的大气和表层汽水中的CO2分压和总CO2浓度的变化,分析海气分压差(△PCO2)和溶解的总CO2浓度(TCO2)在不同季节对海气异常事件的响应。结果表明,无论春、夏、秋、冬,在ENSO暴发期和成熟期TCO2为高值,△PCO2为正值;在LaNina时TCO2为低值,△PCO2为负值;在ENSO暴发前、后,海-气C02分压呈近平衡状态;PCO2(air)和PCO2(sw)在各季节对ENSO的响应一致。在ENSO成熟期为高值,在ENSO暴发前和暴发期为低值;海气分压差与PCO2(SW)一致变化,在ENSO期间达最大值。海气CO2输送通量(Flux)以秋季ENSO期间达最大,而在LaNina时减小,在ENSO暴发前和结束后成为相反向,即从大气到海洋的CO2弱输送。本文根据1986年~93年七个航次的平均值讨论了各季节TCO2的距平对ENSO和LaNina的响应特征及最显著变化区段,并依此推断出:1995年10月,显示1991~95年ENSO结束,1996年5月出现ENSO暴发前的信号,在1997年7月是夏季ENSO暴发期特征,在1997年12月呈现强烈的ENSO特征。  相似文献   

-In this paper the variations of the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific are analysed. The results show that there are two peaks in the spectrum. One is the low frequency oscillation with a period of 3 - 5 years, and the other is the quasi-biennial oscillation. The former shows a westward migration in the warm episode of SSTA and the latter has the opposite trend. The El Nino events will be formed while the two frquency bands are in phase in the warming stage of SSTA in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific  相似文献   

The long-term time series analysis of the SST (sea surface temperature) in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean and the monthly MSL (mean sea level) in the tropical Pacific Ocean is conducted. Their quasiperiodic and low-frequency oscillation features are revealed. The significant periods of low-frequency fluctuations for monthly MSL in the area of 20°N-20° S are between 43. 5 months and 50. 0 months, approximating closely to 47. 6 months which is the significant period of SST in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. From the results of space-spectral analysis, the low-frequency fluctations of monthly MSL in the tropical Pacific Ocean appear to have a anticlockwise circularly-propagating pattern, which is, the Eastern Pacific Ocean (off-shore of Mexico) →the area of NEC (North Equatorial Current) →the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean→the area of NECC (North Equatorial Counter-Current)→the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The phases of the pattern correspond to those of El Nino cycle. On the basis  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIthasbeenknownthattheElNi oeventsareassociatedwiththevariationsofseasurfacetemperature (SST) ,upwellingofseawaterandbiologicalactivesinthetropicalPacific (Cane ,1 983,BarberandChavez ,1 983) .Thesechangescancausethevariationsofthetotaldissolvedconcent…  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations of turbulent diapycnal mixing along 18°N in the South China Sea(SCS) are estimated by a fine-scale parameterization method based on strain, which is obtained from CTD measurements in yearly September from 2004 to 2010. The section mean diffusivity can reach ~10~(–4)m~2/s, which is an order of magnitude larger than the value in the open ocean. Both internal tides and wind-generated near-inertial internal waves play an important role in furnishing the diapycnal mixing here. The former dominates the diapycnal mixing in the deep ocean and makes nonnegligible contribution in the upper ocean, leading to enhanced diapycnal mixing throughout the water column over rough topography. In contrast, the influence of the wind-induced nearinertial internal wave is mainly confined to the upper ocean. Over both flat and rough bathymetries, the diapycnal diffusivity has a growth trend from 2005 to 2010 in the upper 700 m, which results from the increase of wind work on the near-inertial motions.  相似文献   

The third in a series of cruises designed to establish the present-day concentrations of trace elements and synthetic organic compounds in major water masses of the ocean, the 1996 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Contaminant Baseline Survey occupied six vertical profile stations in the subtropical and tropical Atlantic. Underway surface samples also were acquired in the transects between these stations. This paper uses the temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrient, and chlorophyll results from the cruise to set the hydrographic background for the other papers in this special volume. Major features sampled during the surface transect include the Brazil Current, the South Equatorial Current, and the offshore Amazon Plume. Utilizing the above parameters to identify water masses, we observed Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) that ranged from a relatively undiluted form at 33°S (Station 10) to a highly attenuated form at 8°N (Station 6). Similarly, North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) was obtained in various mixing stages along its flow path, and samples of NADW and AABW exchanging through the Romanche Fracture Zone to the eastern Atlantic basins were also taken. In addition to these deep water masses, representative samples of Antarctic Intermediate Water and Circumpolar Deep Water were acquired. Besides standard hydrography, these data also were used to verify the sampling integrity of the trace metal-clean, Go Flo bottles deployed on a Kevlar hydrographic cable.  相似文献   

脂肪酸去饱和酶(fattyaciddesaturase)是不饱和脂肪酸合成途径的关键酶,催化脂肪酸链的特定位置脱氢形成双键,其通过引入双键调节脂肪酸不饱和度,以适应周围环境的变化。菜茵衣藻(Chlamydomonasreinhardtii)质体酰基一酰基载体蛋白去饱和酶(plastidacyl—ACPdesaturase,FAB2)在△9位脱氢,催化脂肪酸中第1个双键的形成。本文首先在大肠杆菌中异源表达了FAB2,另外将其氨基酸序列与其他高等植物、微藻、真菌等进行了多序列比对以及系统进化分析,推测其与高等植物亲缘关系更近。利用定量RT-PCR技术研究了衣藻FAB2基因不同胁迫条件下的表达模式,结果表明4℃+0%NaCl,25℃+1%NaCl胁迫条件下FAB2基因表达量都有一定程度升高。  相似文献   

Partial pressure of CO2 in surface sea water (pCO2) was measured continuously off Sanriku in May, 1997 by a new pCO2 measurement system. We have examined the relation of pCO2 to physical factors such as temperature, salinity and density, chemical and biological factors such as nutrients and carbonate system and chlorophylla. In the Kuroshio region pCO2 was not correlated to physical, chemical and biological factors in the range of 260 to 290 μatom. In transition water (Tr1) between Kuroshio and the Oyashio second branch, pCO2 was weakly correlated to physical factors and strongly correlated to nutrients. In transition water (Tr2) between the Oyashio first and second branches, pCO2 was highly correlated to temperature (SD: 10.9 μatom) and salinity (SD: 8.6 μatom) and also to nutrients. In transition water (Tr1+Tr2), pCO2 was highly multivariately correlated to temperature (T), salinity (S), chlorophylla (CH) (or nitrate+nitrite (N)) as follows, pCO2(μatom)= 10.8×T(°C)+27.7×S+2.57CH(μg/1) −769, R2= 0.86, SD = 20.9, or pCO2(μatom)= 3.9×T(°C)+25.5×S+16.0NO3(μM) −686, R2= 0.99, SD = 6.4. Moreover, pCO2 was predicted by only two factors, one physical (S) and the other chemical/biological (N) as follows: pCO2 (μatom)=32.8×S+19.4N−908, R2=0.97, SD=8.4. The pH measured at 25°C was well correlated with normalized pCO2 at a fixed temperature. In the Oyashio region pCO2 was decreased to 160 μatom, probably because of spring bloom, but was not correlated linearly to chlorophylla. The results obtained showed the possibility of estimating pCO2 of the Oyashio and transition regions in May by satellite remote sensing of SST, but the problem of estimation of pCO2 in Kuroshio water remains to be solved.  相似文献   

Zooplankton communities, studied in the surface mixed layer on a 1600 m transect across the Arabian Sea, were found to differ in their temporal and spatial response to seasonal forcing. The transect studied, spanned seasonally eutrophic upwelling, mesotrophic downwelling and aseasonal oligotrophic waters. The nano- and microzooplankton communities constituted a relatively constant compartment in the tropical monsoon ecosystem, whilst the mesozooplankton showed a clear response to both upwelling and season. The heterotrophic nanoflagellates were concentrated in the surface mixed layer, except in the eutrophic upwelling waters of the SW monsoon. They reached maximum cell concentrations of 855 ml-1 during the SW monsoon and a maximum biomass of 8.4 mg C m-3 during the intermonsoon. Nanozooplankton standing stocks, in the surface mixed layer, ranged between 7 and 333 mg C m-2, with highest stocks found during the intermonsoon. The microzooplankton community was dominated by Protozoa, particularly aloricate ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which accounted for up to 99% in terms of numbers and up to 71% of the biomass. Sarcodines and metazoan nauplii were recorded in lower numbers (<400 l-1). The microzooplankton were also concentrated in the surface mixed layer during both periods, except in the eutrophic coastal waters during the SW monsoon, when relatively high biomass values were found below the mixed layer depth. Their standing stocks, in the surface mixed layer, ranged between 50 and 182 mg C m-2, with the highest concentration found in the mesotrophic offshore waters during the late monsoon period. Total mesozooplankton standing stocks, in the surface 100 m, decreased with distance from the coastal to offshore waters and between seasons, decreasing from 1248 to 238 mg C m-2 during the late SW monsoon and 656–89 mg C m-2 during the following intermonsoon. The largest size class, of 1000–2000 μm sized organisms, dominated throughout except at the oligotrophic station during the intermonsoon period, when the smallest class, of 200–500 μm, were more important. The shift in size structure from large to small zooplankton occurred in response to a shift in dominance from large to small phytoplankton cells both spatially, along a eutrophic–oligotrophic gradient, and seasonally. These responses are a result of the physical forcing associated with the monsoon seasons in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

During storm events wave setup in shallow regions can contribute significantly to the total water elevation, and radiation stress can also generate alongshore drift influencing sediment transport. In low lying coastal regions this generates the potential for flood inundation and morphological change. A coupled tide–surge–wave modelling system is therefore required for accurate forecasting. Liverpool Bay, UK, is taken as a case study because it has a resource of observations and incorporates three estuaries, thus providing conditions to assess the model performance both at the open coast and within estuarine environments. The model covers a region encompassing depths from about 50 m below the mean tidal level to shallow wetting and drying regions, and has previously given good wave and surge hindcasts both for individual storm events and multi-year studies.The present study builds on an already accepted model, to include and assess the spatial influence of 2D radiation stress when implemented in a 3D circulation model. The results show that the method is computationally efficient, so relevant for operational use, and also provides a plausible solution. The varied influence of radiation stress across a coastal domain is demonstrated, with larger impact at an estuary mouth and along the open coast, while having lesser impact within an estuary and further offshore.  相似文献   

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