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We present Stokes I Zeeman splitting measurements of sunspots using the highly sensitive (g = 3) Fe i line at = 1.5649 m. The splittings are compared with simultaneous intensity measurements in the adjacent continuum. The relation between magnetic field strength and temperature has a characteristic, nonlinear shape in all the spots studied. In the umbra, there is an approximately linear relation between B 2 and T b, consistent with magnetohydrostatic equilibrium in a nearly vertical field. A distinct flattening of the B 2 vs T brelationship in the inner penumbra may be due to changes in the lateral pressure balance as the magnetic field becomes more horizontal; spatially unresolved intensity inhomogeneities may also influence the observed relation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Based on the light curves at 22 and 37 GHz from the Metsahovi monitoring pro-gram, we investigate the time lags between the two radio bands for 48 radio-loud AGNs. DCF and ZDCF analyses are applied to the data. Our results show that there is a strong correlation between the two radio frequencies for all the sources, with the variations in the light curvesat 37 GHz leading the ones at 22 GHz in general. There is no obvious differences between different sub-class AGNs as regards the time lag. In two sources, it was found that the bursts at the lower frequency lead the ones at the higher frequency. One possible explanation is that electron acceleration dominates the light curve until the radiation reaches the maximum. Some sources, such as 3C 273, 3C 279, 3C 345 and 3C 454.3, have good enough data, so we can calculate their lags burst-by-burst. Our calculations show that different outbursts have dif- ferent lags. Some bursts have positive lags, most of bursts have no clear lags, and a few have negative lags. This result means that different bursts are triggered by different mechanisms, and the interpretation for the result involves both an intrinsic and a geometric mechanism. The positive lags are well consistent with the shock model, and we use these lags to calculate the typical magnetic field strength of the radiating region.  相似文献   

Balthasar  H. 《Solar physics》1999,187(2):389-403

The magnetic field strength in sunspots was derived from time series of two-dimensional spectra taken with the Göttingen 2D-spectrometer at the Vacuum Tower Telescope on Tenerife in August 1997. For the present measurements the magnetically sensitive line Fe?i 684.3 nm was selected. The main spot of the investigated sunspot group has a maximum magnetic field strength of 2270 G. Enhanced power of the magnetic field variations was found at the boundary between umbra and penumbra for all frequency ranges. These fluctuations are not well correlated with those of intensity variations or line shifts. Other spatial power peaks occur in a dark patch inside the centreside penumbra and at the centres of some accompanying small spots. Since no clear peaks at certain frequencies are found, the variations are not harmonic oscillations. A possible relation to Hα flares is investigated. There are several cases of published observations of magnetic field variations where flares occurred soon after the measurements, but very little before. Therefore it is not very probable that flares act as exciters of magnetic field variations.


Schultz  R. B.  White  O. R. 《Solar physics》1974,35(2):309-316
We obtained simultaneous spectra with a spatial resolution of 1/2 and a temporal resolution of 15 s in H, Ca ii-K, Caii 8542 Å, and three Fei lines of the sunspot group responsible for the large flares of August, 1972 (McMath No. 11976). A time series taken 1972, August 3 in the Fei 6173 Å Zeeman sensitive line was analyzed for oscillations of field strength and the angle between the field and the line of sight, and for changes of the field associated with the Ca ii-K umbral flashes discovered by Beckers and Tallant (1969). The power spectra show no significant peaks, conflicting with the results of Mogilevskii et al. (1972) who reported oscillations in the longitudinal component of the field strength with periods of 56, 90, and 150 s. Changes in the field were not observed to be correlated with the occurrence of umbral flashes. These results place restrictions on magnetic modes of energy transport between the photospheric layers and the chromospheric layers where the umbral flashes are observed.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Primary gamma rays emitted from extragalactic very-high-energy(VHE)sources,such as blazars,will generate cascade radiation in intergalactic space with a scale of~100 Mpc,for z~0.1 and E_γ~1 TeV.These cascades proceed through electron-positron pair production and inverse Compton(IC) scattering in the cosmic background radiation fields,mainly cosmic microwave background(CMB) radiation and extragalactic background light in the voids of the universe.The existence of an intergalactic magnetic field(IGMF) would deflect paths of electron-positron pairs that scatter CMB photons,causing some observable effects,such as time delay,an extended halo,and a spectral change.Here we reanalyze the diffusion of an electron jet deflected by IGMF and propose a unified semi-analytical model.By using publicly available data from the Fermi/LAT detector and contemporaneous TeV observations,we find that the cascade photon flux is not significantly affected by the IGMF strength for non-variable blazars when the IGMF is weaker than~10~(-16) G.This result is clearly different from previous works that analyzed the extended halo and time delay separately for non-variable blazars and flaring blazars.By applying our model to two extreme blazars(1ES 0229+200 and 1ES 1218+304),we obtain the IGMF lower limit of order≥10~(-13)~10~(-14)G in the non-variable case,which is a stronger constraint on the IGMF strength than previous works(≥10~(-16)~10~(-18)G),and≥10~(-18)~10~(-19) G in the case of flaring blazars.Furthermore,we study the light curves and extended halo of the cascade photons by considering the effects of the IGMF.  相似文献   

In this paper, the slow MHD mode oscillations of the coronal plasma are studied. The aim is to identify the effect of structuring (such as magnetic field, temperature, density, and pressure) on the frequencies of oscillations. We modelled the coronal medium as a low-β plasma with longitudinally density and pressure stratifications and a weakly inhomogeneous magnetic field varied slowly with height and radial directions. The linearized ideal MHD equations reduced to a single Klein–Gordon differential equation for square of oscillatory frequencies. The eigenfunctions and analytical dispersion relations are derived. The dispersion relations were solved numerically. In the case of uniform magnetic field, the previous studies verified. Our numerical results show that, the frequencies and their ratios are very sensitive functions of pressure scale height, and slightly varying functions of inhomogeneity parameter of magnetic field. By changing the magnetic field strength between the apex and footpoints of the loop about 50%, the frequencies ratio are changed about 5%. We concluded that, the pressure scale height and temperature gradient are first order effects and inhomogeneity of magnetic field is a second order effect on the slow mode oscillations.  相似文献   

Using observational data on 14 sunspots from the Sayan Observatory vector magnetograph, a study was made of the relationship between the sunspot magnetic field and the Evershed motions. It is shown that the central area of the solar disk is dominated by an anti-correlation of the longitudinal magnetic field B and the line-of-sight velocity V when a maximum of V corresponds to the neutral line of the longitudinal field. Near the limb there usually is a coincidence of the field and velocity neutral lines. There is evidence for the possible asymmetric character of the effect with respect to the central meridian.  相似文献   

One of the possible magnetic field effects on the stellar pulsations is known to be a splitting in the observed frequencies. Using this knowledge in the solar convection zone, there are two aims in this work Considering the Sun as an incompressible fluid, our first objective was to investigate the variation of the physical parameters in the 30% outermost convective solar layer, during a pulsation period. The second purpose was to calculate, by means of the spherical harmonics, the shifts on the low-l p-mode frequencies which could be caused by the presence of the magnetic field in the Sun. The first order perturbation approximation was used in order to calculate analytically the resulting frequency shifts and the small perturbations on the magnetic field, as well as the physical parameters, such as density, pressure and temperature, of a Standard Solar Model excluding both rotation and magnetic field (Christensen-Dalsgaard et al., 1996) in the unperturbed equilibrium case.  相似文献   

Frequencies of non-radial oscillation of polytropic models of stars, belonging to spherical harmonics of ordersl=1, 2 and 3, are evaluated, in a second approximation, by a variational method. Equilibrium configurations in the presence of toroidal magnetic fields are obtained numerically without any restriction on the field strength. The value of the ratio of the specific heats, , is assumed to be equal to 5/3 and only two polytropic indeces,n=1.5 and 3.0, are considered. It is found that a polytropic star stays stable for magnetic fields considerably stronger than expected from the results obtained by the weak field perturbation methods.  相似文献   

On the basis of an analytical solution of the diffusion-type kinetic equation for electrons, electron distributions and radiation spectra have been found which result from a hard injection of particles in sources of the core halo type, characterized by spatially nonuniform magnetic fields and diffusion parameters. Such radio sources are shown to possess nonlinear radiation spectra containing universal (=0.5) and diffusion-controlled power-law sections shaped by synchrotron losses, spatial diffusion and radiation conditions of the electrons. The diffusion-controlled sections can be described by spectral indices 0.5<1, if the magnetic field decreases towards the source edge, and by <0.5 where the magnetic field increases.  相似文献   

From investigating spectrograms of penumbrae of some sunspots it is concluded that the maximum magnetic field strength occurs in dark filaments and amounts to 1800–1900 G; the intensity of the magnetic field in dark filaments is 100–400 G larger than in the neighbouring bright filaments; the bright filaments seen in the space between the dark features cannot be attributed to the ordinary undisturbed photosphere.  相似文献   

In the solar convective layer, there is a strong toroidal field and a vertical gradient in the turbulent magnetic diffusivity. As a fluid blob rises through magnetic buoyancy, a steep gradient in the turbulent magnetic diffusivity across the surface of the blob is generated. This will perturb the toroidal field, resulting in the formation of a magnetic ring around the blob. An attempt is made to account for the concentration of the bipolar sunspot field in terms of this ring.  相似文献   

The effect of a weak magnetic field on the adiabatic radial and non-radial oscillations of a stellar configuration is studied by means of a perturbation method. Special attention is devoted to the perturbation of the oscillation frequencies resulting from the change of the boundary conditions caused by the magnetic field. This change is related to the fact that the introduction of a magnetic field removes the singularity at the surface of the equilibrium configuration. The perturbation method is applied to Ferraro's model and the influence of a magnetic field on the frequencies of the different types of oscillation modes is discussed.  相似文献   

There is a general consensus that the frequencies of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries are directly linked to the spin of the neutron star. The root of this idea is the apparent clustering of the ratio of the frequency difference of the kHz QPOs, and the neutron-star spin frequency,  Δν/νs  , at around 0.5 and 1 in 10 systems for which these two quantities have been measured. Here, we re-examine all available data of sources for which there exist measurements of two simultaneous kHz QPOs and spin frequencies, and we advance the possibility that Δν and  νs  are not related to each other. We discuss ways in which this possibility could be tested with current and future observations.  相似文献   

In order to study the three-dimensional structure of sunspot magnetic fields it is necessary to determine whether the field lines are twisted, i.e., if the azimuthal angle of transverse field changes with depth. For this purpose we propose the following method. At a fixed point in a spot, and in a certain wavelength interval of a magnetic-sensitive spectral line, one may measure the two Stokes parameters Q and U and then calculate the azimuthal angle of the polarization plane. If the wavelength interval of observation is moved successively from the line center to a wing, one may draw the azimuth diagram by the method proposed by Makita (1986) and refined by us (Ye Shi-hui and Jin Jie-hai, 1987). According to our theoretical calculations, described in this paper, if sunspot field lines are sufficiently strongly twisted, the curve on this diagram contains loop structures. If the twist is rather weak, the curve is approximately semi-circular. From the direction in which the curve winds (clockwise or counterclockwise) one may infer whether the magnetic field is twisting in one direction or in the opposite. In the case of no twist at all, the curve is comparatively simple and similar to a parabola.When the sensitivity of observational data is high enough, our method can also be applied to regions of weak magnetic fields outside sunspots.This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 9187006-01.  相似文献   

An empirical relation between the observable properties radio surface brightness and radio index on the one hand, and the intrinsic properties linear diameter of the radio source, radio luminosity, and optical luminosity on the other hand is found and shown in a diagram. The relation is strong enough to yield useful distance estimates. In this manner, distances of 8 quasars and 17 unidentified radio sources are obtained.  相似文献   

9C: a survey of radio sources at 15 GHz with the Ryle Telescope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fields chosen for the first observations of the cosmic microwave background with the Very Small Array have been surveyed with the Ryle Telescope at 15 GHz. We have covered three regions around RA  00h 20m Dec. +30°  , RA  09h 40m Dec. +32°  and RA  15h 40m Dec. +43° (J2000.0)  , an area of  520 deg2  . There are 465 sources above the current completeness limit of  ≈25 mJy  , although a total of  ≈760  sources have been detected, some as faint as 10 mJy. This paper describes our techniques for observation and data analysis; it also includes source counts and some discussion of spectra and variability. Preliminary source lists are presented.  相似文献   

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