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We present a detailed microstructural and geochemical study of reactive liquid flow in Unit 9 of the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion, Scotland. Unit 9 comprises an underlying lens-like body of peridotite overlain by a sequence of troctolite and gabbro (termed allivalite), with some local and minor anorthosite. The troctolite is separated from the overlying gabbro by a distinct, sub-horizontal, undulose horizon (the ‘major wavy horizon’). Higher in the stratigraphy is another, similar, horizon (the ‘minor wavy horizon’) that separates relatively clinopyroxene-poor gabbro from an overlying gabbro. To the north of the peridotite lens, both troctolite and gabbro grade into poikilitic gabbro. Clinopyroxene habit in the allivalite varies from thin rims around olivine in troctolite to equigranular crystals in gabbro and to oikocrysts in poikilitic gabbro. The poikilitic gabbros contain multiple generations of clinopyroxene, with Cr-rich (~1.1 wt% Cr2O3) anhedral cores with moderate REE concentrations (core1) overgrown by an anhedral REE-depleted second generation with moderate Cr (~0.7 wt% Cr2O3) (core2). These composite cores are rimmed by Cr-poor (~0.2 wt% Cr2O3) and REE-poor to -moderate clinopyroxene. We interpret these microstructures as a consequence of two separate episodes of partial melting triggered by the intrusion of hot olivine-phyric picrite to form the discontinuous lenses that comprise the Unit 9 peridotite. Loss of clinopyroxene-saturated partial melt from the lower part of the allivalite immediately following the early stages of sill intrusion resulted in the formation of clinopyroxene-poor gabbro. The spatial extent of clinopyroxene loss is marked by the minor wavy horizon. A second partial melting event stripped out almost all clinopyroxene from the lowest allivalite to form a troctolite, with the major wavy horizon marking the extent of melting during this episode. The poikilitic gabbro formed from clinopyroxene-saturated melt moving upwards and laterally through the remobilized cumulate pile and precipitating clinopyroxene en route. This process, called reactive liquid flow, is potentially important in open magma chambers.  相似文献   

HOLNESS  M. B. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(8):1585-1601
The Eastern Layered Series of the Rum Layered Suite is formedof 16 macro-units each comprising a lower peridotite and anoverlying feldspar-rich layer (the local term is allivalite).The origin of the peridotite layers is unresolved, with twocontrasting models. The earlier of the two is based on repeatedreplenishment of an open-system magma chamber with depositionof fractionated material on the chamber floor. The second isbased on the early formation of a troctolitic complex, whichis then repeatedly intruded by sills of replenishing picriticmagma to form the peridotite horizons. The lack of resolutionof this fundamental problem is a consequence of the relianceof previously published studies on field observations. I presentevidence to show that the clinopyroxene in the allivalites preservesinformation about the distribution of the last melt to solidify,permitting determination of not only the extent of super-solidustextural equilibration but also the sub-solidus history of theallivalite horizons. Comparison of profiles of clinopyroxene–plagioclase–plagioclasemedian dihedral angle across allivalite units demonstrates thatit is possible to distinguish between those that were intrudedby later picrite sills and those adjacent to peridotite horizonsformed by replenishment and subsequent deposition of fractionatedcrystals above the pre-existing pile. In the region studied,only the main peridotite body of Unit 9 was intruded into apre-existing allivalitic mush. KEY WORDS: Rum Layered Intrusion; chamber replenishment; dihedral angles; cumulates  相似文献   

Abundant and diverse platinum-group minerals (PGM) occur throughout the Tertiary layered intrusion on Rum, Scotland. In this paper we document the distribution of PGM within the Eastern Layered Series (ELS) on Rum, which comprises 16 alternating units of olivine-dominant feldspathic peridotite grading to plagioclase-dominant allivalite. The PGM occur in six main chrome-spinel layers in the Eastern Layered Series and are clearly associated with minor concentrations of interstitial sulphides. Common PGM phases include: Pd–Cu alloys, Pt–Fe alloys, native Pt, laurite, moncheite, sperrylite, isomertiete, cooperite and braggite along with a large number of other less common arsenide, bismuthotelluride and sulphide phases. Analyses of the discrete chromitite layers yield up to ΣPGE + Au 2618 ppb. Although present throughout the 750-m-thick ELS, there are clear stratigraphical changes in the PGM assemblage. The presence of PGM in the ELS on Rum are interpreted as being caused by mantle melting associated with the proto-Icelandic `hot spot', followed by localised concentration because of the combined effects of magma mixing, sulphide-silicate liquid immiscibility and fractional crystallisation. Most of the PGM are magmatic in origin but some grains show evidence of hydrothermal alteration. Received: 27 November 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 2000  相似文献   

The current debate on the origin of platinum-group element (PGE) reefs in layered intrusions centres mostly on gravity settling of sulphide liquid from overlying magma versus its introduction with interstitial melt/fluids migrating upward from the underlying cumulate pile. Here, we show that PGE-rich chromitite seams of the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion provide evidence for an alternative origin of such deposits in layered intrusions. These laterally extensive 2-mm-thick chromitite seams occur at the bases of several cyclic mafic–ultramafic units and show lithological and textural relationships suggesting in situ growth directly at a crystal–liquid interface. This follows from chromitite development along the edges of steeply inclined culminations and depressions at unit boundaries, even where these are vertically oriented or overhanging. High concentrations of PGE (up to 2–3 ppm Pd + Pt) are controlled by fine-grained base-metal sulphides, which are closely associated with chromitite seams. The following sequence of events explains the origin of the PGE-rich chromitite seams: (a) emplacement of picritic magma that caused thermal and mechanical erosion of underlying cumulate, followed by in situ growth of chromite against the base, (b) precipitation of sulphide droplets on chromite grains acting as favourable substrate or catalyst for sulphide nucleation, (c) the scavenging of PGE by sulphide droplets from fresh magma continuously brought towards the base by convection. Since the rate of magma convection is 105–107 times higher than that of the solidification (km/year to km/day versus 0.5–1.0 cm/year), the in situ formed sulphide droplets can equilibrate with picritic magma of thousands to million times their own volume. As a result, the sulphide-bearing rocks are able to reach economic concentrations of PGE (several ppm). We tentatively suggest that the basic principles of our model may be used to explain the origin of PGE-rich chromitites and classical PGE reefs in other layered mafic–ultramafic intrusions.  相似文献   

Thirteen Cr-bearing spinels from major horizons of magma replenishment in the open-system Rum Layered Suite have been analysed by X-ray single crystal diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. On the basis of the structural parameters and the chemistry of these spinels the so-called Rum trend, in which Al-content increases at the expense of Cr and Fe3+, has been easily recognised. In addition, natural spinels with Fe3+ content similar to synthetic spinels on the MgCr2O4?CMgFe2O4 join have been analysed for the first time. Layers of chromitite, anorthosite and peridotite situated within several cm of one another have yielded different intracrystalline exchange temperatures using an intercrystalline spinel-olivine thermometer. The Rum anorthosite Cr-spinels are interpreted as having crystallised within the cumulus pile following rejuvenation of the crystal mush. Their low Al-content is a function of simultaneous plagioclase crystallisation, reducing the amount of Al3+ present for the Cr-spinel. By contrast, Cr-spinels in well-known Archean anorthosites (e.g. Ujaragssuit nunat and Fisken?sset, western Greenland) and Sittampundi (southern India) are very aluminous in composition, attributed to crystallisation of Cr-spinel from high-alumina basalts in lower crustal magma chambers and linked to the control exerted by plagioclase crystallisation on Al content of the melt, in the absence of clinopyroxene crystallisation. The compositional differences between the Rum anorthosite Cr-spinels and the Fisken?sset and Sittampundi Cr-spinels suggest that postcumulus reaction of Cr-spinel and melt to low (800?C900°C) temperatures, as invoked for the Rum crystals, may not have been as important a process in the Archean anorthosites.  相似文献   

The Eastern Layered Series of the Rum Layered Suite, NW Scotland, comprises a sequence of sixteen (30–150 m thick) cyclic units. The upper troctolite–olivine gabbro parts of each of these units exhibit small-scale modal layering and a pervasive, layer-parallel mineral lamination that is often associated with ‘soft-sediment’ deformation structures. A sporadic, macroscopic magmatic lineation measurable on mineral lamination surfaces is also observed in places. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics were studied in three of these cyclic units, (8, 9, and 10) in the northern part of the Eastern Layered Series. Magnetic fabrics measured in the troctolites and gabbros yield one dominant trend in which magnetic foliations parallel magmatic layering and magnetic lineations trend NW–SE and plunge gently. Magnetic fabrics measured for two detailed traverses through Unit 10 on the northern side of Hallival also yield one dominant trend, similar to that measured elsewhere in the Eastern Layered Series. However, toward the centre of Unit 10 in each traverse, magnetic lineations sometimes plunge approximately downdip (SW) on the magnetic foliation planes. The implications of these results are discussed with reference to previous textural and fabric observations on Rum. A model is suggested in which weak linear arrangements of cumulus olivine and plagioclase crystals are developed due to slumping and soft-sediment deformation of unconsolidated crystal mushes during central sagging of the Rum Layered Suite.  相似文献   

For the first time occurrence of Ti rich Al depleted ultramafic cumulates having komatiitic signature in the northwestern fringe of Chotanagpur Gneissic Complex is presented. These rocks exhibit intrusive relationship with metasedimentary rocks and metaultramafites. Geochemically they are characterized by Mg# 79.1–91.60, high TiO2 (1.29–1.54 wt%), significantly low Al2O3/TiO2 and (Gd/Yb)n >1. Major oxides, trace and REE content suggest low degree of fractional crystallization and lesser degree of partial melting. These Al depleted komatiites are characterized by high concentration of incompatible elements than most suites of Barberton type komatiites. High Ti content suggests less degree of majorite garnet melting, leaving behind garnet in the restite. The rock shows higher Ti/Sc (190),Ti/V (22), Zr/Y (3), Zr/Sc (4), V/Sc (8), Zr/Sm (28) and Zr/Hf (47) ratios than primitive mantle and REE distribution pattern shows gentle slope from LREE to HREE in most samples pointing towards mantle metasomatism and crustal contamination during emplacement. The observed chemical characteristics indicate derivation of komatiite from an enriched mantle source and represent plume activity in an extensional tectonic regime of intracratonic setting.  相似文献   

Sr isotopic zoning within single plagioclase crystals from rocks from Unit 9 of the Rum layered intrusion is used to infer events during crystal growth in a magma undergoing contamination. The 87Sr/86Sr diversity among minerals and between cores and rims of plagioclase crystals increases as the boundary between unit 9 and the overlying Unit 10 peridotite is approached. Models of near-solidus interaction of the cumulate with a fluid or melt, or large scale textural re-equilibration, cannot easily account for the systematic differences in 87Sr/86Sr between small crystals and the rims of larger crystals.We propose a simple interpretation in which crystal growth is concentrated along the cool margins of the reservoir. Crystals are subsequently advected to a site of accumulation at the base of the reservoir, probably by episodic plume-like dense downwellings allowing mixing of isotopically zoned and unzoned crystals.If the core-rim isotope variations are inherited from primary magmatic growth, then the small distances over which they are now preserved (1–2 mm) place constraints on the minimum cooling rate of the intrusion. Although the length scale of diffusive equilibration is influenced by a number of poorly-constrained variables (starting temperature, feldspar composition, temperature-time path) cooling was clearly very rapid with cooling to effective closure (~1,000 °C) within a few thousand years.Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   

Dendritic crystal morphologies occur in a number of igneousrocks and are thought to originate from the rapid growth ofcrystals, yet many examples of dendritic morphologies are foundin plutonic igneous rocks where cooling rates should be low.Results from crystal size distribution (CSD) measurements onharrisitic olivines from Rum, Scotland, combined with estimatedolivine growth rates, suggest that the characteristic skeletalhopper and branching olivines of harrisitic cumulates that areup to centimetres long, may have exceptionally short crystalgrowth times (several hours to several hundreds of days). This,together with very low calculated nucleation densities for harrisiticolivine, supports the interpretation of harrisite being a disequilibriumtexture, developed in response to supersaturation of the magmain olivine. We propose that this supersaturation arose throughundercooling of thin picrite sheets emplaced along the Rum magmachamber floor, beneath cooler resident magma. It is envisagedthat the picrite sheets were largely free of suspended olivinecrystals. Coupled with the olivine-enriched composition of themelt and the increasing cooling rate, this allowed homogeneousnucleation of olivine to set in at deeper undercooling and greaterolivine supersaturation than if there had been plentiful suspendedolivines to act as heterogeneous nuclei. The enhanced supersaturationcaused rapid growth of olivine once nucleation began, with skeletaland dendritic shapes. It is suggested that the observed, interlayeredsequences of harrisite and cumulus peridotite found throughoutthe Rum Layered Suite are a result of multiple episodes of harrisitecrystallization resulting from picrite emplacement that alternatedwith periods of crystal growth and accumulation in the mainbody of magma at lesser degrees of undercooling. KEY WORDS: crystal size distribution; harrisite; crystal growth rates; Rum Layered Suite  相似文献   

The appearance in 1997 of the British Geological Survey's memoir on Rum was followed by a period of intense research, leading to upwards of 35 papers, books and other articles. The scope of these publications, and the research progress over the last 15 years since publication of the memoir, is reviewed here. Igneous activity on Rum was short lived, possibly only ca. 500 ka, and, at about 60.5 Ma. The Rum central complex thus pre‐dates the nearby Skye central complex. The earliest, acidic and mixed acidic/basic magmatism on Rum involved both shallow intrusions and ignimbrite eruptions into a collapsing caldera bound by the Main Ring Fault, a structure which probably also exercised a structural influence on subsequent mafic and ultrabasic magmatism. Subsequent emplacement of gabbros and ultrabasic rocks caused only limited thermal metamorphism of the surrounding Torridonian sandstones, contrasting markedly with the intense alteration of uplifted masses of Lewisian gneiss within the ring fault. Detailed textural studies on the gabbroic and ultrabasic rocks allow distinction between intrusive peridotites and peridotite that formed as part of the classic layered units of Rum and, furthermore, this work and that on the chromite seams and veins in these rocks shows that movements of trapped magma and magma derived from later intrusions, may produce textures and structures hitherto regarded as primary features of cumulate rocks. Rare picritic dykes provide an indication of likely parent magma for the mafic and ultrabasic rocks, but these and other magmatic rocks on Rum have all undergone varying degrees of crustal contamination, involving both Lewisian granulite and amphibolite crust but, notably, not Moine rocks as at Ardnamurchan. Sulphides in the chromite seams and ultrabasic rocks show possible influences from assimilated Jurassic sediments. From recent apatite fission track studies it seems likely that Rum, in common with other Palaeogene centres, underwent a brief, but significantly younger (Mesozoic) heating event.  相似文献   

The Rum Layered Suite (NW Scotland) is generally regarded as one of a handful of classic examples of open‐system layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions, or ‘fossilized’ basaltic magma chambers, world‐wide. The eastern portion of the Rum intrusion is constructed of sixteen repeated, coupled, peridotite–troctolite units. Each major cyclic unit has been linked to a major magma replenishment event, with repeated settling out of ‘crops’ of olivine and plagioclase crystals to form the cumulate rocks. However, there are variations in the lithological succession that complicate this oversimplified model, including the presence of chromitite (>60 vol. percent Cr‐spinel) seams. The ~2 mm thick chromitite seams host significant platinum‐group element (PGE) enrichment (e.g. ~2 ppm Pt) and likely formed in situ, i.e. at the crystal mush–magma interface. Given that the bulk of the world's exploited PGE come from a layered intrusion that bears remarkable structural and lithological similarities to Rum, the Bushveld Complex (South Africa), comparisons between these intrusions raise intriguing implications for precious metal mineralization in layered intrusions.  相似文献   

Abstract Blueschists occurring as layers in calcite marbles of the Meliata unit occur along the so-called Roznava tectonic line situated in the southern part of the Gemericum, Slovakia. Mineral assemblages and compositions from seven blueschists localities and one occurrence of amphibolite facies rocks overprinted by blueschist metamorphism were investigated. The most common minerals in the blueschists are blue amphibole, epidote and albite. Some Fe2+- and Al-rich rocks also contain garnet and chloritoid, respectively. Na-pyroxene with a maximum 50% jadeite component was also found. The blue amphiboles correspond mostly to crossite and also to glaucophane and ferroglaucophane in some samples. Almandine- and spessartine-rich garnet has very low MgO content (<3 wt%). The Si content in phengite ranges between 3.3 and 3.5 pfu calculated on the basis of 11 oxygens. The zoning patterns of blue amphibole, garnet and chloritoid suggest their formation during a prograde stage of metamorphism. The P-T conditions of metamorphism are estimated to be about 380–460° C and 10–13 kbar. Pressures of 7.5–8.5 kbar and temperatures of 350–370° C were obtained for some actinolite- and aegirine-rich rocks. Apart from chlorite, other mafic minerals formed during retrograde metamorphism are biotite and occasionally also actinolite.  相似文献   

Experimental study of natural alkalic lava compositions at low pressures (pO2QFM) reveals that crystallization of primitive lavas often occurs in the sequence olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, nepheline without obvious reaction relation. Pseudoternary liquidus projections of multiply saturated liquids coexisting with plagioclase (±olivine±clinopyroxene±nepheline) have been prepared to facilitate graphical analysis of the evolution of lava compositions during hypabyssal cooling. Use of (TiAl2)(MgSi2)–1 and Fe3+ (Al)–1 exchange components is a key aspect of the projection procedure which is succesful in reducing a wide range of compositions to a systematic graphical representation. These projections, and the experiments on which they are based, show that low pressure fractionation plays a significant role in the petrogenesis of many alkalic lava suites from both continental and oceanic settings. However, the role of polybaric fractionation is more evident in the major element chemistry of these lava suites than in many tholeiitic suites of comparable extent. For example, the lavas of Karisimbi, East Africa, show a range of compositions reflecting a polybaric petrogenesis from primitive picrites at 1360° C/18 kb and leading to advanced low pressure differentiates. Evolved leucite-bearing potassic members of this and other suites may be treated in a nepheline-diopside-kspar (+olivine+leucite) projection. Compositional curvature on the plagioclase+clinopyroxene+olivine+leucite cotectic offers a mechanism to explain resorption of plagioclase in alkalic groundmass assemblages and the incompatibility of albite and leucite. This projection is useful for evaluating the extent of assimilation of the alkalic portions of crustal granulites. Assimilation appears to have played some role in the advanced differentiates from Karisimbi.  相似文献   

Quartz diorites represent the earliest (ca. 540 Ma) and most primitive plutonic rocks in the Pan African Damara belt and they pre-date the main phase of high-T regional metamorphism. Two suites of synorogenic quartz diorites are unusual among Damaran intrusive rocks in their elemental and isotopic features. Comparison of the diorite compositions with melts from amphibolite-dehydration melting experiments points to a garnet-bearing meta-tholeiite, probably enriched in K2O, as a likely source rock. Partial melting processes generated mafic (ca. 50 wt% SiO2) quartz diorites in the deep crust at temperatures of between 1,000 and 1,100 °C, based on comparison with experimental results and similar temperature estimates based on P2O5 solubility in mafic rocks. Subsequently, the quartz diorites evolved by multistage, polybaric differentiation processes including fractional crystallization of mainly hornblende and plagioclase and assimilation of felsic basement gneisses. Although their chemical characteristics (high LILE, low HFSE) resemble those of other quartz diorites with calc-alkaline affinities, they differ in their enriched Sr (initial 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70943-0.71285), Nd (initial ) Nd: -9.1 to -15.2 ) and O ('18O: 6.8-8.1‰) isotope compositions. Neodymium model ages (TDM) that range from 1.7 to 2.2 Ga and large variation in 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb indicates involvement of ancient crustal material. Lead (206Pb/204Pb: 17.08-17.23, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.53-15.62, 208Pb/204Pb: 37.71-38.16) isotope compositions are strongly retarded, indicating that the source underwent a pre-Pan-African U/Pb fractionation and U depletion. It is proposed that the quartz diorites originated by synorogenic high temperature melting of mafic lower crust. This contrasts with previous suggestions favouring an origin of these rocks by melting of an enriched mantle during Pan-African times with characteristics modified by subduction of oceanic crust and sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

The Eastern Layered Intrusion of the Rum Layered Suite comprisespaired peridotite and allivalite (troctolite and gabbro) layersforming 16 macro-rhythmic units. Whereas the majority of thesemacro-units are believed to have formed by a process of crystal–liquiddifferentiation involving successive accumulation of crystalsfrom multiple picritic replenishments of the chamber, the Unit9 peridotite is interpreted as a layer-parallel picrite intrusion.Closely correlated with this discontinuous peridotite body isa distinctive feature generally known as the Wavy Horizon, whichdivides the overlying allivalite into a lower troctolite andan upper gabbro along a well-defined undulating contact. Wepropose that the Wavy Horizon is a metasomatic feature formedconsequent to the removal of clinopyroxene from an originalgabbroic mush. Foundering of the mush into the picritic sillresulted in the replacement of the original interstitial liquidby one saturated only in olivine (± plagioclase). Progressivethrough-flow of this liquid resulted in the stripping out ofclinopyroxene from the lower parts of the allivalite. We interpretthe Wavy Horizon as a reaction front, representing the pointat which the invading liquid became saturated in clinopyroxene.The distinctive pyroxene-enriched zone immediately above theWavy Horizon could have formed when mixing of the interstitialliquids on either side of the reaction front formed a supercooledliquid oversaturated in pyroxene, as a result of the curvatureof the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene cotectic.The presence of many such approximately layer-parallel features,defined by differences in pyroxene content, in the Eastern LayeredIntrusion of Rum suggests that such an infiltration–reactionprocess was not unique to Unit 9. KEY WORDS: cumulate; infiltration metasomatism; Rum; Eastern Layered Intrusion  相似文献   

The magma forming the 20 m thick crinanitic/picrodoleritic Dun Raisburgh sill, part of the Little Minch Sill Complex of NW Scotland, comprised a mafic carrier liquid with a crystal cargo of plagioclase and olivine (1 vol%). The olivine component of the cargo settled on the floor of the intrusion while the more buoyant plagioclase component remained suspended during solidification, resulting in a relatively high plagioclase content in the centre of the sill. The settled olivine grains form a lower fining-upwards sequence overlain by a poorly sorted accumulation formed of grains that grew within the convecting magma. The accumulation of olivine on the sill floor occurred over 5–10 weeks, synchronous with the upwards-propagation of a solidification front comprising a porous (~?70 vol% interstitial liquid) plagioclase-rich crystal mush.  相似文献   

The Late-Proterozoic Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion (BKSK) consists of andesine anorthosite, leuconorite, troctolite, norite, gabbronorite, jotunite, mangerite, quartz mangerite and charnockite. The sequence of appearance of cumulus minerals and their compositions suggest a parent magma that was evolved, had plagioclase (±olivine) on the liquidus, was sufficiently TiO2-rich for hemo-ilmenite to crystallise early, and low in CaO and CaO/Al2O3compared to basalts as reflected by the sodic plagioclases and the delayed appearance of cumulus augite. Fine- to medium-grained jotunites found along the northern contact of the BKSK consist of plagioclase (An45–53), inverted pigeonite (Mg# = 55-50), sparse augite (Mg# = 69-59), Fe-Ti oxides, K-feldspar, quartz and apatite. They are basic to intermediate rocks with relatively high FeOtotal, high TiO2, low MgO/MgO + FeO, moderate Al2O3 and low CaO and normative diopside. The jotunites have compositions that are consistent with the parental magma for the lower part of the BKSK Layered Series, and are interpreted as being marginal chills. Similar, but slightly more differentiated, jotunite magmas were subsequently emplaced into the BKSK and the surrounding region as broad dykes and small plutons. Jotunite is a minor rock type in most massif-type anorthosite provinces but may have an important petrological significance.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The high-Mg mafic dykes from the Singhbhum Granitoid Complex in East India have geochemical characteristics [e.g., enrichment of the large ion lithophile elements and light rare...  相似文献   

来自大别-苏鲁地区晚中生代镁铁质岩石表现出类似于岛弧火山岩的富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、轻稀土元素(LREE)和相对亏损高场强元素(HFSE)的微量元素地球化学特征,和高度富集的放射成因Sr(ISr:0.7065~0.7090)和低放射成因Nd(εNd(t)=-19~-10)的同位素组成;同时它们显示出一定程度的Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf内部分馏特征,反映其地慢源区曾受到了相对富金红石和CO2的熔体交代作用。我们倾向认为深俯冲陆壳在俯冲或折返过程中发生部分熔融作用形成的熔体与地幔反应是形成大别-苏鲁地区造山带富集岩石圈地幔的重要机制。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the origin and character of late-Archean mantle beneath the Baltic Shield, we have analyzed mafic-ultramafic rocks from one of the best-preserved, least-metamorphosed regions of Karelia, Russia. Trace-element data for samples from the ultramafic and gabbronorite zones of the large (700 km2) Burakovsky layered intrusion (BLI) are presented. Samples from the ultramafic zone are LREE enriched, indicating that they formed from a LREE-enriched parental magma. Indeed, a calculated parental magma for the ultramafic zone has a (Ce/Yb)n ratio of 2.6, a (Nd/Sm)n ratio of 1.1, and a (Dy/Yb)n ratio of 1.6. The LREE enrichment in the parental magma suggests either that the source region was LREE enriched or that the melt was contaminated by crust en route to the BLI magma chamber. Samples from the gabbronorite zone also are LREE enriched and indicate two distinct parental magmas. Group-I magmas, from the lower part of the gabbronorite zone, have (Ce/Yb)n ratios of 6.9 to 13.9, whereas Group-II magmas, from the upper portion, have (Ce/Yb)n ratios of 15.8 to 27.3. Volcanic rocks in Karelia that are coeval to the Burakovsky layered intrusion, as well as volcanic rocks of a similar age in other parts of the Baltic Shield, also are LREE enriched. Furthermore, the BLI has an initial εNd value of ?2.0, and other layered intrusions in the Baltic Shield of similar age also have negative initial εNd values (e.g., ?1.8 to ?2.2). The consistency of these εNd values for layered intrusions throughout Karelia precludes contamination as a controlling factor in their isotopic compositions. All of these data are most consistent with the development of LREE-enriched mantle beneath the eastern Baltic Shield, prior to the earliest Proterozoic.  相似文献   

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