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A detailed analysis of brittle deformations in the Saharian platform of southern Tunisia is based on studies of fault-slip data sets and joint sets. It allows reconstruction of the Mesozoic paleostress evolution. During the Permo-Triassic, N-S extensions occurred with high late Permian subsidence rates. During the Norian, strike-slip movements reactivated former normal faults. During the Jurassic and the Cretaceous a succession of extensional events was characterized by : (1) a N-S extension which dominated from late Triassic to early Aptian. We relate this extension to the Africa-Eurasia divergence; (2) a ENE-WSW extension during the Cenomanian. We relate this extension to the opening of «he African basins ; (3) a NE-SW Senonian extension that continued during the Cenozoic in the Jeffara and in the Gabes Gulf, during the further evolution of the northern African margin. The various compressional trends recorded in the platform are attributed to Cenozoic events.  相似文献   

Water in the fissured limestone and dolomite of the Turonian aquifer of Tunisia has been investigated using geochemical (major ions) and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 14C) data. To carry out a characterization of aquifer behaviour, 48 representative samples were collected at the end of the humid season. The evolution of chemical composition of groundwater from recharge areas to discharge areas is characterized by increasing sodium, chloride and sulphate contents as a result of leaching of evaporite rock. In the study, three distinct chemical trends in groundwater were identified. The major reactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in the investigated area fall into three categories: (1) calcite precipitation, (2) gypsum and halite dissolution, and (3) ion exchange. The stable isotope composition of water samples indicates large-scale interaction between the Continental Intercalaire and the Turonian aquifer and the presence of a young local component which probably enters the system via faults and/or fractures.  相似文献   

This work presents a recent grain size study characterizing superficial sediments of the whole sectors of the Gulf of Tunis which extends from Sidi Ali El Mekki to Sidi Daoued. In this study, a total of 112 samples were collected from different depths following 26 profiles perpendicular to the shore and from rivers. The determination of the proportions of coarse and fine fractions and the interpretation of the grain size results lead to dividing the Gulf of Tunis into two principal coasts: (1) the western coast situated between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Borj Cédria, which is characterized by three sedimentary facies: (a) a sandy facies along the coastline, (b) a mixed facies between Ghar El Melh and Raoued, near the Medjerda River, and between La Goulette and Ezzahra, near the Miliane River, and (c) a muddy facies between Ghar El Melh and Kalâat El Andalous and covered by fine to very fine sands, and (2) the eastern coast, which is characterized by a sandy facies and covered by medium to coarse sands. The dominant N–E and N–W waves generate longshore currents that provide sediment transport following the directions N–S, from Sidi Ali El Mekki to Kalâat El Andalous; SE–NW, from Gammarth to Raoued; NE–SW, from Sidi Bou Saïd to La Goulette and from Sidi Daoued to Bir El Jadi; SE–NW, from Hammam-Plage to Ezzahra; and SW–NE, from Port aux Princes to Rtiba.  相似文献   

<正>1研究目的(Objective)中国页岩气勘探已经在震旦系、寒武系、志留系等多个层系取得突破,而石炭系作为滇黔桂地区重要的泥页岩发育层位,分布广泛,厚度大,却仍未取得页岩气实质发现。黔南地区石炭系打屋坝组页岩具备典型的海相沉积特征,且页岩厚度大,有机质丰度高,热演化程度适中,具备形成页岩气的良好地质条件。然而,由于缺少针对石炭系的页岩  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1994,9(6):609-626
The Saint-Salvy vein-hosted Zn (+Ge) deposit occurs in an E–W fault system which flanks the southern margin of the late Variscan Sidobre granite, and cross-cuts Cambrian black shales of the Palaeozoic basement. Comprehensive mineralogical and geochemical studies of vein samples have revealed four mineralizing events (M1–M4) related to late and post-Variscan tectonic events. A further late-stage event may be related to weathering.M1 (=skarn deposits) and M2 (=patchily mineralized quartz veinlets) are associated with granite emplacement. Quartz contains low salinity, H2OCO2(NaCl)-dominated fluids(⩽6wt% NaCl equiv.) of relatively high temperature (300–580°C), trapped under moderate to high pressure. Estimated M1 fluid δD and calculated fluidδ18O plot within the metamorphic water field. There appears to be no involvement of magmatic fluids.By contrast, M3 (= barren quartz) and M4 (= zinciferous economic mineralization) stages have H2OCO2NaClCaCl2 fluid inclusions with high salinities (23–25 wt% NaCl equiv.) and low temperatures(∼ 80–140°C), which were trapped under low-pressure conditions. The high salinity and NaCl + CaCl2 content of both M3 and M4 indicates that their parent fluids leached evaporitic salts. M3 fluids are meteoric water dominated, falling close to the meteoric water line (δD andδ18O averaging −64 and −8‰, respectively). M4 fluids have highly distinctive δD averaging −101‰, and calculated fluidδ18O varying from−1.2to+7.1‰. The unusually low δD composition of M4 suggests the involvement of “organic” fluids, in which H is derived directly or indirectly from organic matter. The relatively highδ18O of M4 fluids indicates that considerable isotopic exchange with sedimentary material took place, displacing theδ18O from the meteoric water line. The data imply interaction of meteoric waters with evaporite and hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary sequences, most probably the adjacent Aquitain Basin.The main economic mineralization (M4 stage) took place during a tensional event, probably coincident with the Lias-Dogger transition.Calculatedδ34SH2S of M4 sulphide(+5.4to+8.2‰) is almost identical toδ34S of local Cambrian sulphides(+4.7to+9.4‰) suggesting a genetic link. Abundant siderite associated with M4 sphalerite hasδ13C ranging from−2.6to−4.4‰ indicating that carbon was sourced from sedimentary carbonate mobilized by, or equilibrated with the hydrothermal fluid.Late-stage sulphides exhibit extraordinary and highly distinctiveδ34S. Sphalerite has extremely low δ34S(−42.5to−50.5‰), whereas pyrite has an extraordinary large range from−33.2‰to+74.3‰. Closed system sulphate reduction is held to be responsible for the extremely highδ34S: whereas more open system reduction produces the very low values. The coincidence of isotopically lowδ13C(−7.6to−11.9‰) for co-genetic calcite suggests the involvement of organic matter in the reduction process.  相似文献   

The shallow Plio-Quaternary (PQ) water table, present over almost the whole Djerid and Chott El Gharsa basins (southern Tunisia), is used as a complement of oases irrigation, especially in summer season. The simplicity of the Plio-Quaternary lithology is confronted to the complexity of the mineralisation mechanisms and the water origin in this aquifer. An approach combining the use of water-dissolved chemical species and isotopic contents has been used to better understand the PQ behaviour under severe increasing exploitation and to determinate the origin of its different water bodies. In southern Tunisia, the aquifer system is composed of the upper unconfined PQ aquifer, the intermediate semi-confined/confined Complexe Terminal (CT) and the deeper confined Continental Intercalaire (CI). Chemical analyses highlighted an origin of mineralisation in close relationship to the dissolution of both sulphated salts (MgSO4 and Na2SO4) and chlorinated salts (NaCl and MgCl) abundant in the surface and subsurface gypsum crust. Positive correlations between gypsum anhydrite, mirabilite, thenardite and halite saturation indexes with respective mineral species, confirm evaporites dissolutions. Isotopic data showed that in addition of sporadic rainfall events, there is a contribution from the CI and the CT Saharan groundwaters, recharging the PQ aquifer in the study area. Return flow irrigation is partly affected by evaporation, before recharging the shallow aquifer, in oases limits.  相似文献   

Based on the inventory, revision, and analysis of stratigraphic, paleontological, and lithofacies data on the area of Ordovician deposits in the southern Siberian Platform (Irkut amphitheater), the refined and detailed schemes of biofacies zonation of this paleobasin are substantiated. Schemes of zonation have been compiled for the Nyaian, Ugorian, Kimaian, Mukteian, Volginian, Kirenskian-Kudrinian, Chertovskian, and Baksanian Horizons of the regional Ordovician stratigraphic chart of the Siberian Platform. The schemes present biofacies different in lithologic composition, spread of dominant groups of fauna, and hydrochemical regime (normal-marine salinity, freshwater, or high salinity). It is shown that contrasting changes in paleogeographic environments and the spread of faunal communities under changing environmental conditions were influenced by the transgression-regression cyclicity of the evolution of the Siberian Platform paleobasin and by the proximity of the land. Specific groups of fauna localized in particular facies are described. These groups are regarded as communities that were the first to occupy the littoral zones of epicontinental sea basins in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

The groundwater hydrogeology of southern Tunisia emphasizes two main groundwater bodies so-called Zeuss-Koutine and south Gabes. These groundwater bodies yielding economically important storage of useful water present complex internal architecture and heterogeneity allowing exchange flows throughout permeable or/and fractured bodies. A geophysical survey using resistivity soundings was carried out along this area to describe in detail the field structure and the 3D extent of these groundwater bodies by the hydrogeological new data and detailed subsurface mapping based on resistivity sounding and seismic data. This survey discusses also the potentialities of some permeable layer in water storage and purposes potential favorable areas for optimum groundwater mining.  相似文献   

The sedimentary rocks of the Metlaoui Formation in the Gafsa basin (southern Tunisia), which may be grouped in three units: the basal (Thèlja), middle (Chouabine) and upper unit (Kef Eddour), provide a record of preserved sedimentary, authigenic and biological processes. This paper presents the findings of sedimentological investigations of the biosiliceous deposits of the middle unit. This unit contains either well-preserved (Opal-A) or diagenetically altered (Opal-CT, clinoptilolite, quartz and even clays) diatom frustules. Such diagenetic changes are commonly described in marine and lacustrine biosiliceous deposits. The fossil content of theses diatomaceous layers implies shallow-marine conditions.The opal-rich sediments, and the associated facies record the transgressive transitions associated with high organic productivity, probably enhanced by seasonal input of nutrients, and high sea level stands, and a close association with stratified water column conditions. The formation of bedded diatomaceous sediments is known to require either high organic productivity or anoxic conditions in bottom/intermediate water, and eventually both processes. The initial organic content of the biogenic deposits was impoverished in early stages of sedimentation and diagenesis. A large part of the organic matter could have been destroyed during early diagenetic processes and from further oxidation in outcrops.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to ascertain the extent of the effect that phosphate fertilizer industrial waste has on the surface and bottom sediments of the Ghannouch-Gabes coast, off the Tunisian Mediterranean Sea. To achieve this, 44 surface sediments and 3 core sediments were studied for mineralogy, trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn), F, CaO, and SO3. For all the analyzed elements, the spatial distribution in surface sediments showed that the area located between the commercial and the fishing port of Gabes is the most polluted zone. The ranking of metal contents was found to be Zn > Cd > Cu > Pb. The vertical distribution of trace metals indicated that the highest levels were found in the uppermost segment of the sediment cores compared to the lower depth subsurface due to a continuous input of phosphogypsum (PG) release and confirmed that the area between the two harbors suffered from several types of pollutants compared to reference core C1, collected from other non-industrialized areas. This spatial and vertical distribution is probably due to the harbor piers which acted as barriers and limited the dispersion of PG discharge. The contamination factor, the geoaccumulation index, and the pollution load index were determined. The results obtained confirm the anthropogenic impact on the levels of metal, on the fluorine, calcium, and sulfate concentrations in the area, located between the commercial harbor of Ghannouch and the fishing harbor of Gabes, whereas the concentrations of elements analyzed tends to decrease on both sides of this sector. Statistical analyses (principal component analysis) showed trace metals, fluoride, sulfate, and a large amount of calcium resulting from the same anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

The results of the study of clay mineral alterations in Upper Pleistocene sediments of the southern trough in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) due to the influence of hydrothermal solutions and heat produced by sill intrusions are discussed. Core samples from DSDP Holes 477 and 477A were taken for the analysis of clay minerals. Application of the method of modeling X-ray diffraction patterns of oriented specimens of the finely dispersed particles made it possible to establish the phase composition of clay minerals, determine their structural parameters, and obtain reliable quantitative estimates of their contents in natural mixtures. The modeling data allowed us to characterize reliably the transformation of clay minerals in sediments of the hydrothermally active southern trough in the Guaymas Basin. In Upper Pleistocene sandy–clayey sediments of the southern trough, changes in the composition of clay minerals occurred under the influence of a long-living hydrothermal system. Its lower part (interval 170.0–257.5 m) with maximum temperatures (~300°C) was marked by the formation of chlorite. Terrigenous clay minerals are not preserved here. Saponite appears at a depth of 248 m in the chlorite formation zone. Higher in the sedimentary section, the interval 146–170 m is also barren of terrigenous clay minerals. Sediments of this interval yielded two newly formed clay minerals (chlorite and illite), which were formed at lower temperatures (above 180°C and below 300°C, approximately up to ~250°C), while the relatively low-temperature upper part (110–146 m) of the hydrothermal system (from ~140°C to ~180°C) includes the mixture of terrigenous and newly formed clay minerals. Terrigenous illite is preserved here. Illitization of the mixed-layer illite–smectite was subjected to illitization. The terrigenous montmorillonite disappeared, and chlorite–smectite with 5–10% of smectite layers were formed. In the upper interval (down to approximately 110 mbsf), the composition of terrigenous clay minerals remains unchanged. They are composed of the predominant mixed-layer illite–smectite and montmorillonite, the subordinate illite, mixed-layer chlorite–smectite with 5% of smectite layers, mixed-layer kaolinite–smectite with 30% of smectite layers, and kaolinite. This composition of clay minerals changed under the influence of sill intrusions into the sedimentary cover at 58–105 m in the section of Hole 477. The most significant changes are noted in the 8-m-thick member above the sill at 50–58 m. The upper part of this interval is barren of the terrigenous mixed-layer illite–smectite, which is replaced by the newly formed trioctahedral smectite (saponite). At the same time, the terrigenous dioctahedral smectite (montmorillonite) is preserved. The composition of terrigenous clay minerals remains unchanged at the top of the unit underlying the sill base.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic record of the eastern Murzuq Basin has been importantly influenced by deformation resulting in angular and/or deeply erosional unconformities, though the overall context is intracratonic. Major transgressive events and the Ordovician glaciation are nevertheless documented, allowing the delineation of tectonic-, eustasy- or climate-driven unconformities. Lower Palaeozoic key events and related unconformities that characterize the North Gondwana platform have therefore a signature in the eastern Murzuq Basin. The basement/cover unconformity, also known as the infra-Tassilian surface, truncates all the deformed and metamorphosed Lower Cambrian and older rocks. Above is a ?Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician megasequence (Murizidié and Hasawnah Fms.), which is in turn truncated by an intra-Ordovician, angular unconformity. This megasequence is unconformably overlain by a Middle Ordovician (Hawaz Fm.) to Silurian (Tanzzuft and Akakus Fms) megasequence, which includes the Upper Ordovician glaciogenic unit (Mamuniyat Fm.), bounded at the base by a polygenic glacial erosion surface showing corrugated glacial lineations, tillites, and glaciotectonic structures. The Middle Ordovician to Silurian megasequence is finally truncated by a base-Devonian, angular unconformity overlain by fluvial sandstones. Regarding the possibility that those fluvial deposits may be as younger as Late Devonian in the eastern Murzuq Basin based on palaeoflora, the so-called Caledonian unconformity might be here a much younger (mid-Eifelian?) surface, and the occurrence of the Lower Devonian “Tadrart Fm.” is questioned. The Upper Ordovician glacial erosion surface, which is sometimes referred to as the Taconic unconformity, usually truncates Middle Ordovician strata in the Murzuq Basin but reaches significantly deeper stratigraphic levels in places that have been previously involved in the intra-Ordovician deformation event. In the Murizidié (southeastern Murzuq Basin), the infra-Tassilian surface, the intra-Ordovician unconformity, and the Upper Ordovician glacial erosion surface amalgamate together. Here, an estimate of the glacial erosion depth cannot be derived from the stratigraphic hiatus beneath the glacial incision, the main part of which relate to the intra-Ordovician tectonic event. The Upper Ordovician climate-related glacial erosion surface is not a valid unconformity for a sequence hierarchy framework of the Lower Palaeozoic, although it presents most of the physical attributes of tectonic-driven unconformities.  相似文献   

中国南方晚古生代构造演化与盆地原型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
晚古生代-中三叠世,中国南方在陆块间离散-聚合的不同构造运动体制下,分别在扬子陆块内部和边缘形成了不同的盆地原型及其演化序列。在扬子陆块的西南缘,主要形成裂谷-被动大陆边缘坳陷-弧后盆地的原型演化序列;扬子陆块南缘发育裂谷到台内坳陷再到裂谷原型演化序列;扬子陆块内部主要形成台内拗陷-裂谷的原型演化序列。古特提斯洋演化对晚古生代构造和盆地原型的演化起决定性作用。  相似文献   

A heuristic search method for optimal zonation of well logs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimal zonation of well-log data, that is, determining an optimal number of major segments such as waveforms in a log, may be achieved by employing a criterion of minimum variance (within a segment) and a heuristic search of potential boundary (link) points of digitized log data. This new method is based on an algorithm originally devised by D. M. Hawkins and D. F. Merriam in 1973. Their method can be improved by introducing a heuristic search procedure, thereby decreasing computer time by 7- to 50-fold, depending on the number of data points and configuration of the logs. Time saving is proportional to the size of the data set. Three examples—one hypothetical and two real—are used to illustrate the modification of the Hawkins and Merriam algorithm.Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 1985.  相似文献   

Through the Late Cretaceous, the southern shore of the Tethys Ocean migrated north and south over short distances. These vicissitudes are documented in the Continental Intercalaire, a long series of mainly non-marine sediments deposited in which dinosaur or other reptiles tracks and floral fossils are common across southern Tunisia (North Africa). A combined taxonomic, climatological, and palaentological studies provides independent lines of evidence for reconstruction of palaeoenvironments. The Bou Hedma/Boulouha and Sidi Aïch/Douiret Formations from southern Tunisia span the later part of the Late Cretaceous. During the Late Cretaceous the Tunisian territory was an archipelago, thus a particularly suitable area for a more detailed study. We investigated the area’s plant palaeo-biogeography, using fossil wood, with information from both a literature survey and investigation of new samples. The presence of fossils at great depths and distances from the present coastline, without signs of abrasion and far from areas of fluvial discharges does indicate that these remains have not been transported from the continent to the shelf, but have been preserved directly on the area that today correspond to the continental shelf. The climate during the accumulation of Barremian-Albian deposits in this region is inferred to have been warm and humid.  相似文献   

华北地块南部晚古生代—三叠纪盆山耦合关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
华北地块南部的晚古生代至中生代初期发育有多种类型的沉积盆地,其形成演化直接受控于秦岭造山带的主造山作用过程。泥盆纪—石炭纪是秦岭与华北地块的点接触碰撞时期,古秦岭洋和二郎坪弧后盆地同期逐步消亡,演化为陆壳基础上的残余海盆地及残余弧后盆地。二叠纪为面接触碰撞阶段,豫西小秦岭段首先隆升,成为向北的物源区。在商丹-北淮阳主缝合带及其弧后残余盆地消亡的同时,华北地块南部形成盆地,并成为旱二叠世华北陆表海的沉积中心。秦岭与华北地块全面碰撞发生于三叠纪,在造山变质变形广泛活动的背景下,华北地块则形成了统一的大型坳陷型盆地。  相似文献   

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