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Surface sediments from the Jizan shelf, southern Red Sea, were analysed for grain size and mineralogical and elemental composition in order to establish their geochemical characteristics. Texturally, sediments are classified into sand and mud; the latter dominates the shelf. Grain size variability and mineralogical assemblages present in the sediments largely control the abundance and distribution of CaCO3, organic carbon content (OC) and the major and trace elements. Sand sediments are composed of carbonate material of marine origin and contain high concentrations of Ca, Mg and Sr. Mud sediments are relatively rich in OC and are characterised by high concentrations of Al, Fe, Ti, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, V and Ba. Unlike the sand, Mg concentration in the mud sediments seems to be controlled by stronger contribution from non-carbonate material. Factor analysis is applied to identify the variables accounting for most of the variance in the mud sediment samples. Three factors are found to describe about 78% of the variance. The first factor which accounts for 41% of the total variance is the Fe and Mn oxides that reach the area through episodic flooding. The second and third factors are the mud (22%) and the mineralogy (15%) of the sediments, respectively.  相似文献   

A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either narrow rocky headlands with intermittent pocket beaches or wide low-lying beaches dissected by wadis. Granulometric testing of samples from 135 locations showed that beach sand size was mainly very fine to medium grained (M z = 3.93 Ø), sorting ranged from 1.65 to 0.41 and skewness values from ?051 to 0.39, being mainly negative; dune sands were medium to fine grained (M z = 1.13 Ø; average sorting 2.8), while skewness variations within dune samples indicated symmetrical to fine skewed values (б Ι = 0.55 to 0.89). Most foreshore samples were derived from wadis. Wadi mud levels can be high, e.g. Baysh (84%), and wadi Samrah (90%) with mean grain size ranging from very fine to medium sand (M z = 3.9 Ø), sorting being well to poor (0.45 to 1.52) due to sediment influxes. Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation. The carbonate content varied between 1.5 and 31.5% due to hinterland contributions, and spatial analysis showed increasing quantities of carbonate minerals towards the south. On the wider geographical front, findings from Jizan are similar to those of the Northern United Arab Emirates (UAE), including sabkhas, being composed of sand, skeletal carbonate, fine fluvial material and wind-blown silt and clay components of wadi origin. Further work on the northeastern Red Sea edge can hopefully confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Jizan is one of the Saudi Arabian coastal cities endowed with diverse natural settings, which includes Ash Shuqayq in the north, Turfah in the centre and Jizan in the South. This work analysed specific environmental characteristics, such as spits, sabkhas and wadis. Assessments used Landsat imagery to examine coastal change between 1973 and 2011. The cumulative temporal change identified regression trends given by coefficients of determination that explained a significant percentage of data variation for Jizan (R 2 = 69%) and Turfah (R 2 = 72%), while Ash Shuqayq was insignificant (R 2 = 14%). Inter-survey results predicted future change, although trends were not significant, i.e. Jizan (R 2 = 22%), Turfah (R 2 = 14%) and Ash Shuqayq (R 2 = 3 and 61% with outlying value removed). Aerial photos showed regional coastal changes, which included a maximum accretion of 36.4 m and maximum erosion of 12.9 m. These are scientifically effective techniques to monitor regional coastal change, i.e. erosion and accretion and identified rates of 0.59, 1.80 and 3.53 myr?1 for Ash Shuqayq, Turfah and Jizan. Changes were linked to infrastructure developments, e.g. tourism, port development and natural causes, e.g. spit formations and wadi outfalls.  相似文献   

The tectonic and magmatic history of the Jizan coastal plain of the Red Sea (Tihama Asir) in Southwest Saudi Arabia is dominated by SW-NE extension. This extension manifests itself by a basic dike swarm and several generations of normal faults that trend roughly NW-SE. The oldest synrift deposits are non-marine clastics and bimodal volcanics of the Jizan Group, which were intruded by basic dikes, gabbros and granophyres of the Tihama Asir Magmatic Complex (TAMC). Radiometric ages for the TAMC-rocks range from 26 to 18 Ma. Rifting in the southern part of the Red Sea System therefore is certainly older than 26 Ma. Between 26 and 20 Ma the southwestern Arabian margin was affected by a monoclinal downwarp (flexure). The oldest extensional features in the Jizan area are N-S to NNW-SSE striking dikes and normal faults which were overprinted by other NW-SE striking extension structures. An array of en-echelon extensionzones is linked by complex patterns of transfer faults, mainly WNW-ESE striking dextral strike slip or oblique-slip faults. The observed superposition of dikes and normal faults of different orientations was not necessarily caused by a counterclockwise rotation of the regional stress-field, but more likely reflects the clockwise rotation of individual faultbounded blocks between the two phases of extension. Uplift of the graben shoulder east of the Jizan coastal plain is probably younger than 14 Ma and its development coincides with a major rearrangement of the kinematics along the Red Sea. This new kinematic pattern probably led to the onset of strike-slip movement along the Aqaba-Levant transform. At the same time extension and volcanism ceased in the Jizan area or shifted further to the west. After a long hiatus of about 10 Ma renewed extension facilitated extrusion of alkali-olivine-basalts since 2 Ma ago.The kinematic development of the southwestern Arabian continental margin confirms aWernicke-type simple-shear model for the evolution of the southern Red Sea.
Zusammenfassung Die tektonisch-magmatische Entwicklung der Küstenebene von Jizan (Tihama Asir, Südwestarabischer Kontinentalrand) ist geprägt durch NW-SE-streichende Extensionsstrukturen wie einen basischen Gangschwarm und mehrere Generationen von Abschiebungen, die mit der Bildung des Roten Meeres in Zusammenhang stehen. Die ältesten Synriftablagerungen, lakustrine Sedimente und bimodale Vulkanite der Jizan Group wurden von basischen Gängen, Gabbros und Granophyren des Tihama Asir Magmatit-Komplexes intrudiert, für den radiometrische Alter von 26-18 Ma vorliegen. Die Riftbildung im südlichen Abschnitt des Roten Meeres ist deshalb sicher älter als 26 Ma. Der sich in Südwest-Arabien bildende Kontinentalrand wurde während des Zeitraumes 26-20 Ma von einer monoklinalen Verkippung (Flexur) erfaßt. Die ältesten Extensionsstrukturen (Abschiebungen, Gänge) im Gebiet von Jizan streichen N-S bis NNW-SSE und wurden von NW-SE-streichenden abgelöst. En-echelon angeordnete, durch Extension geprägte Bereiche werden durch komplexe Transferstörungen miteinander verbunden. WNW-ESE-streichende dextrale Seitenverschiebungen bzw. Schrägabschiebungen fungieren dabei als hauptsächliche Verbindungsstrukturen. Die beobachtete Änderung der Streichrichtung von Gängen und Abschiebungen ist vermutlich weniger auf eine Rotation des regionalen Spannungsfeldes als auf klemräumige, im Uhrzeigersinn erfolgte Rotation einzelner Blöcke zurückzuführen. Die Hebung der Grabenschulter im Gebiet von Jizan ist vermutlich jünger als 14 Ma und fällt mit einer generellen Umstellung in der Kinematik des Roten Meeres zusammen. Diese Umstellung findet im nördlichen Roten Meer ihren deutlichen Ausdruck mit der einsetzenden Lateralbewegung an der Aqaba-LevanteBlattverschiebung. Mit der beginnenden Heraushebung des Escarpments erlosch die Extension und der Vulkanismus im Gebiet der Küstenebene von Jizan bzw. verlagerte sich in andere Gebiete. Erst vor ca. 2 Ma kam es erneut zu Extension und zur Extrusion von Alkali-Olivin-Basalten. Die kinematische Entwicklung des Südwestarabischen Kontinentalrandes wird mit dem Modell einfacher Scherung (»normal simpleshear-Model« nachWernicke 1985) für die Bildung des südlichen Roten Meeres erklärt.

Résumé Le développement tectono-magmatique de la plaine côtière de Jizan (Tihama Asir, marge continentale sud-ouest de l'Arabie Saoudite) est caractérisé par des structures extensionnelles (dykes et failles normales orientés en général NW-SE) en relation avec la formation de la Mer Rouge. Les dépôts de rift les plus anciens, représentés par des sédiments lacustres et par les volcanites bimodales du groupe de Jizan, sont intrudés par des gabbros et granophyres appartenant au complexe magmatique de Tihama Asir, daté de 26-18 Ma. Il en résulte que l'ouverture de la partie sud de la Mer Rouge est antérieure à 26 Ma. Au cours de la période qui s'étend de 26 à 20 Ma, la marge continentale sud-ouest de l'Arabie a été affectée d'une rotation monoclinale (flexure). Les structures extensionnelles les plus anciennes dans la région de Jizan (filons et failles normales) sont orientées N-S à NNW-SSE et ont été reprises par des structures NW-SE. Les domaines qui ont été soumis à extension sont reliés par des failles transformantes complexes, essentiellement dextres. Le changement d'orientation des dykes et des failles normales n'a probablement pas été causé par une rotation des contraintes principales, mais plutôt par une rotation dextre de blocs rigides. Le soulèvement de l'épaulement du graben dans la région de Jizan est probablement postérieur à 14 Ma et coïncide avec un changement général des conditions cinématiques de la Mer Rouge. L'effet le mieux exprimé de ce changement en Mer Rouge septentrionale est le mouvement décrochant de la structure d'Aqaba. Le soulèvement de l'épaulement a marqué la fin de l'extension tectonique et de l'activité magmatique. Au Quaternaire, une deuxième période d'extension a conduit à l'extrusion de basaltes alcalins à olivine. L'évolution cinématique de la marge continentale du sudouest de l'Arabie s'intègre dans le modèle de cisaillement simple normal proposé parWernicke (1985) pour le développement de la Mer Rouge.

- Jizan (Tihama Asir, ) , NW SE, , . , , Jizan , Tihama Asir, , , 26–18 . 26 . 26–20 , - , . , — Jizan N — S NNW- SSE, NW — SE. , , , () ; WNW-ESE , . , - , . . , . Jizan, 14 . , Aqaba — Levante. Jizan . 2 - . - (normal simple-shear Modell , 1985), .

contribution no. 213, SFB 108 Universität Karlsruhe  相似文献   

Integrated micropalaeontological, palynological and lithological analysis of the Upper Cretaceous to Recent sedimentary succession, as observed in deep and shallow well drill cores and field samples, has revealed a highly varied history of environments of deposition. Supratidal, freshwater conditions prevailed during the Late Cretaceous, Oligocene, Early and Late Miocene to Recent Marginal marine conditions are represented in the Palaeocene to Lower Eocene successions, but without any indication of hypersaline sabkha environments. Marginal marine conditions involving periodic hypersaline sabkha and hypersaline lake development existed during the Early and Late Miocene. In most of the studied areas, very deep, normal salinity marine conditions, within the upper bathyal regime, existed during the Early Miocene; episodes of marine suboxia are indicated by the microfaunal and organic facies character. Later, during the late Early Miocene and early Middle Miocene, similar deep marine conditions prevailed, but with episodes of hypersalinity that culminated in the late Middle Miocene. Such conditions are believed to have resulted from the isolated of the basin and the precipitation of deep marine precipitates. These changes in palaeoenvironment are considered to reflect episodes of eustatic sea level fluctuation, which are possibly linked to the structural evolution of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

The Rabigh area, a coastal region north of Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia contains raised Quaternary coral reefal terraces and reworked coral fragments mixed with sand and gravel. This area has a thin exposure Lower Miocene shallow marine carbonate rocks that laterally pass into evaporites. The Miocene carbonate and evaporite rocks conformably overly the Lower Miocene siliciclastic sequence, are in turn capped by the Harrat basaltic boulders. The Miocene carbonates are made up of dolomitic packstone, wackestone and mudstone, whereas the overlying Quaternary reefal terraces are composed of coral boundstone and grainstones.The Quaternary reefal terraces of Rabigh area have been dated using the uranium-series dating method to obtain precise dates for these corals. The calculated ages (128, 212 and 235 ka) indicate that deposition took place during high sea level stands associated with interglacial times during Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 7. The youngest age (128 ka) clearly corresponds to stage 5e of the last interglacial period. The obtained ages correlate well with those of the emerged reefs on the Sudanese and Egyptian coasts at the western side of the Red Sea. The broad distribution of wet climate, pluvial deposits on the continents and high sea level stands indicate a wide geographical range of the interglacial events of the Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 5 and 7.The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of the Miocene and Quaternary carbonate rocks in Rabigh area show a broad range of δ13C and δ18O. The Quaternary carbonate rocks have significantly higher δ13C than the Miocene ones, but low δ13C values of the Miocene samples likely indicate a high contribution of carbon from organic sources at the time of deposition. Linear trends are evident in both groups of samples supporting the likelihood of secondary alteration.  相似文献   

Al-Kharrar Lagoon is a fossil back-reef basin with hypersaline waters, situated 10 km northwest of Rabigh city, central of the eastern Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia. About 130 stations were selected for measurements of the lagoon’s water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water depths during March 2014. The common macro-algae, flora, and fauna were also sampled and identified. The present study aims to investigate the prevailing environmental parameters and their impact on the macro-fauna/flora of the lagoon. The average water depth of the lagoon was around 5 m and reached maximum values of 8 and 16 at the lagoon centre and inlet, respectively. The results showed that the lagoon’s surface water temperature and salinity have mean values of 25 °C and 40‰, but with extreme values of 30 °C and 45‰ that occurred only at the enclosed intertidal areas, respectively. Their dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were 6.5 mg/l and 8.3, respectively and the latter showing the highest values up to 8.5 in the intertidal areas dominated by the green cyanobacteria. These physicochemical conditions make the lagoon as a favorite place for the mangrove Avicennia marina, macro-algae, seagrasses (Halophila stipulacea and Cymodocea rotundata), and algal mats (Cyanobacteria) which dominate the intertidal and supratidal areas of the lagoon, tolerating extremely high-salinity and high-temperature conditions. On the other hand, corals were observed alive at the southern part of the lagoon, immediately south of the Al-Ultah Islet. Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, and density in the lagoon’s water indicated that the water column consists of two layers throughout the year.  相似文献   

The coralline limestone covers large areas in the western and northern parts of Jeddah City. This coralline limestone is composed mainly of shelly limestone with pencil-sized animal borings. These borings increase the primary porosity and make the rock weak enough to have low-bearing capacity. The dry density (γ dry) values of the study coralline limestone ranges from 1.54 to 2.09 g/cm3. The total porosity varies from 12.34 to 28.42 %. The absorption percentage fluctuates between 6.49 and 17.75 %. More than 95 % of the tested rock core samples have compressive strength less than 15 MPa. The compressive strength commonly decreased with the increase of animal borings. The obtained results cause the study coralline limestone weak enough to support heavy structures.  相似文献   

The Neogene carbonate rocks have relatively small exposure relative to the siliciclastic and evaporite rocks in Rabigh and Ubhur areas, north Jeddah, Red Sea coastal plain of Saudi Arabia. The Miocene carbonates form small hills in both areas, which conformably overlie the siliciclastics, whereas the Pleistocene coral reefs form terraces facing the Red Sea in Rabigh area. The Neogene carbonates are represented by the following microfacies types: (1) dolomitic, oolitic, foraminiferal packstone; (2) sandy, dolomitic, intraclastic, foraminiferal packstone; (3) dolomitic and oolitic wackestone; (4) dolomitic, foraminiferal, intraclastic wackestone; (5) dolomitic mudstone; (6) coral boundstone; and (7) grainstone. The diagenetic processes affecting these carbonates are compaction, dissolution, aggrading neomorphism, and replacement that took place during deposition, shallow burial, and uplift. Pervasive dolomitization by the seepage reflux mechanism is responsible for the mimic replacement of the calcite of the original component of the limestone with dolomite. Sediments, biota, and lithofacies characteristics of the studied carbonate rocks of Rabigh and Ubhur areas indicate the presence of three facies zones; these are (1) FZ 5 platform margin reefs, (2) FZ 6 (platform margin sand shoals), and (3) FZ 7 platform interior-normal marine. The standard microfacies types are represented by (1) SMF 12, limestone with shell concentration; (2) SMF 15, oolitic wackestone and packstone; and (3) SMF 18, bioclastic grainstone and packstone with abundant benthic foraminifera.  相似文献   

Al-Arbaeen and Al-Shabab inlets are two Red Sea coastal inlets lying on the mid-coast of Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia. Forty-four surface sediment samples were collected from these inlets and surrounding areas during June 2010. Water depths and the overlying environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen) of these samples were measured. Sediment samples were analyzed for variables, such as loss on ignition (LOI, organic matter), CaCO3, heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr and Pb) and benthic foraminifera to assess any changes in the environment of the inlets and surrounding areas. Variables distribution patterns indicated that mud sediments dominated the inlets and enriched by LOI, heavy metals and Ammonia tepidaQuinqueloculina seminula assemblage, whereas coarse (sand–gravel) sediments dominated the substrates of surrounding areas and enriched by CaCO3 and Coscinospira hemprichii–Peneroplis planatusVaridentella neostriatula assemblage with low values of LOI and heavy metals. Highest concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr and Pb were recorded inside the inlets, especially near the discharge points, and they were positively correlated with the LOI and mud fraction indicating their affinity to anthropogenic materials. However, highest concentrations of Fe and Mn were typically recorded in the whole study area. These metals were positively correlated with the LOI values of the surrounding area, but in the inlets they were negatively correlated with the LOI, indicating an existence of reducing conditions caused by limited dissolved oxygen conditions at bottom waters of the inlets. Changing the environment within the inlets, according to higher concentrations of heavy metals and LOI, is probably responsible for the existence of the low density and diversity of benthic foraminifera and the absence of (reefal) symbiont-bearing species.  相似文献   

Ibrahim  Elkhedr  Mogren  Saad  Qaysi  Saleh  Abdelrahman  Kamal  Ghrefat  Habes  Zaidi  Faisal  Hakami  Ahmed 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(3):2613-2628
Natural Hazards - The main objective of this study is to detect the subsurface extension of salt diapirs and structural deformations in the city of Jazan and its suburbs using gravity data. Salt...  相似文献   

A probabilistic approach is used to evaluate the seismic hazard for 12 strategic cities in Saudi Arabia along the eastern coast of Red Sea. The focal depth variations controlled by rheological characteristics are taken into account for hazard calculations, and its creditability is tested through sensitivity analysis for hazard results. This study presents a neo-probabilistic seismic hazard assessment methodology in which the focal depth distribution of earthquakes within seismogenic layer is divided into three depth slices. These depth slices are based upon rheological characteristic of seismogenic layer. The hazard results are obtained using this depth-slice methodology and conventional approach in which uniform distribution of seismicity within seismogenic layer is assumed. The sensitivity analysis culminated in underestimation of hazard values in higher frequencies for uniform distribution of seismicity within seismogenic layer. Foregoing the observations recorded above, it can be concluded that the exploitation of depth-slices biased by the rheology to calculate hazard is relatively preferable in the situations demanding safety measures.  相似文献   

Detailed field-structural mapping of Neoproterozoic basement rocks exposed in the Wadi Yiba area, southern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia illustrates an important episode of late Neoproterozoic transpression in the southern part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). This area is dominated by five main basement lithologies: gneisses, metavolcanics, Ablah Group (meta-clastic and marble units) and syn- and post-tectonic granitoids. These rocks were affected by three phases of deformation (D1–D3). D1 formed tight to isoclinal and intrafolial folds (F1), penetrative foliation (S1), and mineral lineation (L1), which resulted from early E-W (to ENE-WSW) shortening. D2 deformation overprinted D1 structures and was dominated by transpression and top-to-the-W (?WSW) thrusting as shortening progressed. Stretching lineation trajectories, S-C foliations, asymmetric shear fabrics and related mylonitic foliation, and flat-ramp and duplex geometries further indicate the inferred transport direction. The N- to NNW-orientation of both “in-sequence piggy-back thrusts” and axial planes of minor and major F2 thrust-related overturned folds also indicates the same D2 compressional stress trajectories. The Wadi Yiba Shear Zone (WYSZ) formed during D2 deformation. It is one of several N-S trending brittle-ductile Late Neoproterozoic shear zones in the southern part of the ANS. Shear sense indicators reveal that shearing during D2 regional-scale transpression was dextral and is consistent with the mega-scale sigmoidal patterns recognized on Landsat images. The shearing led to the formation of the WYSZ and consequent F2 shear zone-related folds, as well as other unmappable shear zones in the deformed rocks. Emplacement of the syn-tectonic granitoids is likely to have occurred during D2 transpression and occupied space created during thrust propagation. D1 and D2 structures are locally overprinted by mesoscopic- to macroscopic-scale D3 structures (F3 folds, and L3 crenulation lineations and kink bands). F3 folds are frequently open and have steep to subvertical axial planes and axes that plunge ENE to ESE. This deformation may reflect progressive convergence between East and West Gondwana.  相似文献   

Dammam Dome is an oval-shaped structure that covers an area of about 500 km2 and encompasses Al Khobar, Al Dhahran and part of Ad Dammam cities, east of Saudi Arabia. The dome characterizes by the presence of well developed fractures system that exposes at its apex and extends to its peripheries. Based on their size, trend and extent, fractures within Dammam Dome are divided into three types: regional (major) fractures, local (minor) fractures and very small size-localized fractures. This study discusses the criteria used in classifying those fractures, and the relationship of the regional (major) ones to the doming process. A model for the trends pattern of fracture is suggested for those fractures, and examined with the concentric and radial fracture pattern associated normally with dome structures. The suggested model is compatible and concordant with the dome model, which proves that the major fractures in the area are related to the dome emplacement and process. Outcomes and findings of this study are crucial for understanding the behavior and distribution of fractures associated with domes. Additionally, the suggested model of fractures and their trend pattern is important model in similar setting for hydrocarbon exploration and for any urban development and major constructions within the Dome vicinities.  相似文献   

Serious hazards have taken place in urban areas and road construction in Saudi Arabia because of the presence of accumulations of drifting sand dunes. Several researches, which carried out investigative work to solve this problem, were reviewed. Three locations of dune fields along the area between Jeddah and Al-Lith were investigated. The dune forms was identified. Detailed field investigations showed that barchan dunes are dominant in the area. The sands from the studied locations were found to be similar in grain size and shape parameters. Mineralogically, the sand reflects the composition of the surrounding igneous and metamorphic rocks. Regression analyses were performed and empirical relationships between dune height, width, windward length, slip-face length, and rate of movements were developed. Relatively strong relations exist between these parameters. The most important geometric parameter controlling dune movement with wind speed and direction is determined to be the dune height. A reasonable similarity occurs between the barchan dunes in the study area and those existing in Al Nufud, Al Jafurah sand seas, and Khulays area. The studied dune fields pose some natural hazards on the roads, and the surrounding buildings and constructions in the villages along the area between Jeddah and Al-Lith, especially during wind storms.  相似文献   

Wind sedimentation in the Jafurah sand sea, Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Jafurah sand sea of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia extends along the Arabian Gulf coastline from Kuwait in the north to the Rub Al Khali in the south, a distance of about 800 km. Sand drifts southward to south-eastward from regions of high wind energy in the north to low wind energy in the south. The aeolian landscape is zoned, with areas of deflation, transport and deposition from north to south. Drift rates in the zone of transport, near Abqaiq, range from 2 m3 m-w-1 yr-1 on sabkhas, to 29 m3 m-w-1 yr-1 on the crests of dunes. Average drift rates of approximately 18 m3 m-w-1 yr-1 observed during the study can cause about 1 m of accumulation per 5500 yr in a 100 km zone of deposition downwind, not including the bulk transport represented by the forward advance of dunes. Dune advance ranged from 23 m (2.9 m high dune) to 3 m (23 m high dune) during April-October 1980. The study area consists of dune, interdune, sand sheet and siliciclastic sabkha terrains, each of which is characterized by differing drift rates, and differing rates of erosion or deposition. Sedimentation occurs by lateral movement of dunes and interdunes, and vertical accretion by sand sheets and sabkhas.  相似文献   

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