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祁连山北缘玉门-北大河断裂晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过卫星影像解译、野外实地调查并结合前人研究成果,对位于祁连山北缘的玉门—北大河断裂晚第四纪构造活动特征进行研究。结果表明,玉门—北大河断裂为一条全新世活动的逆冲断裂,该断裂西起玉门青草湾,向东经老玉门市、大红泉止于骨头泉,全长约80km,整体走向NWW。根据断裂的几何结构及活动习性可将其分为三段:东段构造形态简单连续,为逆冲断层陡坎为主的古地震地表破裂带;中段结构复杂,由多条次级断层组成,以逆冲扩展为主;西段未出露地表而成为盲断裂-褶皱带。通过对断层陡坎差分GPS测量及相应地貌面年代测试,得到断裂晚更新世以来逆冲速率约为(0.73±0.09)mm/a。  相似文献   

A type of authigenic pyrites that fully fill or semi-fill the rock fractures of drillholes with gas hydrate anomalies are found in the Qilian Mountain permafrost; this type of pyrite is known as “fracture-filling” pyrite. The occurrence of “fracture-filling” pyrite has a certain similarity with that of the hydrate found in this region, and the pyrite is generally concentrated in the lower part of the hydrate layer or the hydrate anomaly layer. The morphology, trace elements, rare earth elements, and sulfur isotope analyses of samples from drillhole DK-6 indicate that the “fracture-filling” pyrites are dominated by cubic ones mainly aligned in a step-like fashion along the surfaces of rock fractures and are associated with a circular structure, lower Co/Ni and Sr/Ba, lower ΣREE, higher LREE, significant Eu negative anomalies, and Δ34SCDT positive bias. In terms of the pyrites’ unique crystal morphology and geochemical characteristics and their relationship with the hydrate layers or abnormal layers, they are closely related with the accumulation system of the gas hydrate in the Qilian Mountain permafrost. As climate change is an important factor in affecting the stability of the gas hydrate, formation of fracture-filling pyrites is most likely closely related to the secondary change of the metastable gas hydrate under the regional climate warming. The distribution intensity of these pyrites indicates that when the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is narrowing, the hydrate decomposition at the bottom of the GHSZ is stronger than that at the top of the GHSZ, whereas the hydrate decomposition within the GHSZ is relatively weak. Thus, the zone between the shallowest and the deepest distribution of the fracture-filling pyrite recorded the largest possible original GHSZ.  相似文献   


Late Cenozoic sediments in the Hexi Corridor, foreland depression of the Qilian Mountain preserved reliable records on the evolution of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. Detailed magnetic polarity dating on a 1150 m section at Wenshushan anticline in the Jiudong Basin, west of Hexi Corridor finds that the ages of the Getanggou Formation, Niugetao Formation and Yumen Conglomerate are >11-8.6 Ma, 8.6-4.5 Ma and 4.5-0.9 Ma respectively. Accompanying sedimentary analysis on the same section suggests that the northern Tibetan Plateau might begin gradual uplift since 8.6-7.6 Ma, earlier than the northeastern Tibetan Plateau but does not suppose that the plateau has reached its maximum elevation at that time. The commencement of the Yumen Conglomerate indicates the intensive tectonic uplift since about 4.5 Ma.


The exciting source of the active source repeated monitoring is located in the Xiliushui Reservoir in Zhangye,Gansu Province. The system began operating normally on July 9,2015,and we had completed a period of 40 days of continuous excitation experiment before November 10,2015. Our results reveal that the airgun source has good consistency and repeatability,and the detective system of active source can record signal clearly. The construction of active source repeated exploration projects has achieved some results,which can provide valuable experience for the research of active source repeated exploration. The observation data we obtained makes it possible to follow the temporal and spatial variations of the deep structure of the Qilian Mountain areas.  相似文献   

新疆北天山非弹性衰减、场地响应及其震源参数研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘建明  李志海 《地震》2014,34(1):77-86
本文利用新疆北天山22个数字地震台的地震波形资料,首先采用Atkinson方法得到了北天山Q值随频率f的关系式为Q(f)=465.2f0.53; 其次采用Moya方法反演得到了22个台站的场地响应,结果显示,绝大多数台站的场地响应在1附近,其中5个台站的场地响应表现出不同程度的放大效应,可能与台基岩性和仪器工作状态有关; 最后用ω平方震源模型计算了161次地震的震源参数,结果表明,在单对数坐标下,161次地震震级(MS)与地震矩的对数、震源破裂半径、矩震级呈正相关关系、与拐角频率呈负相关关系、与应力降并无明显的依存关系,进而利用震源参数中的应力降时序图,分析了研究区内2次6级地震前后应力降随时间的变化特征: 表现为震前出现高应力异常,震后趋于低值的变化过程。  相似文献   

祁连山气枪主动震源浮台漂移钢索悬吊控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地下介质动态变化监测研究中的信噪比、震源可重复性和波速精确测量等关键问题,利用大容量气枪作为主动震源,构建了一套高性能的主动源探测技术系统,该系统主要由气枪震源和信号接收部分组成。为了解决浮台偏离设定位置的问题 ,提出了浮台漂移控制技术。实验结果表明,该技术可以有效地解决气枪激发后浮台受到水流冲击作用而偏离设定位置的问题。本研究结果可为一定激发场地情况下的气枪主动震源重复探测工作所借鉴。  相似文献   

基于动三轴试验建立的冻结、融化状态青藏铁路粉质黏土的累积塑性应变模型,考虑路基土体动应力的作用,二次开发适用于青藏铁路高温极不稳定多年冻土区路基长期永久变形的蠕变法则,并在既有的黏弹塑性本构模型将其引入,计算列车荷载作用下青藏铁路路基的永久变形。分析结果显示:(1)列车荷载作用下距离路基顶面不同埋深土体的累积动力永久应变随着等效振次的增加而增加,并且先期的增长速度较快,最终趋于稳定,长期沉降在路基中心处最大,最终在路基距离轨道最远处几乎为零;(2)随着列车速度的增加,路基中心永久变形逐渐增大;(3)随着列车轴重的增加,路基中心永久变形逐渐增大,并且随着埋深的增加,列车轴重对路基永久变形的影响逐渐变小;(4)随着冻结深度的增加,路基表面累积塑性变形呈降低趋势;随着融化深度的增加,路基表面累积永久变形增加。  相似文献   

甘肃祁连山主动源重复探测激发源位于甘肃省张掖市祁连山西流水水库,2015年7月9日各系统开始正式运行,11月10日完成了为期40天的连续激发实验。观测资料处理结果表明,气枪震源具有良好的一致性和可重复性,整个观测系统能比较清晰地记录到震源激发的信号。祁连山主动源项目建设取得的结果可为主动源探测工作提供宝贵经验和科学借鉴,不断取得的观测数据为跟踪了解祁连山地区的深部结构时空变化提供了可能。  相似文献   

Numerical experiments were conducted to investigate the ocean's response to the precipitation. A squall line observed in TOGA COARE was simulated. The simulation reproduced some of the observed ocean responses to the precipitation, such as the formation of a fresh water layer, surface cooling and the variation of upper layer turbulent mixing. The precipitation-induced fresh layer can cause the vertical turbulent diffusivities to decrease from the surface to a depth of about 11–13 meters within a few hours. After the rainfall, the turbulence increases near the surface of the ocean due to the combined effect of increased shear and wind forcing, but decreases with depth due to the development of a stable layer. The main reason for the turbulence variation is the decrease in the vertical turbulence flux below the surface fresh layer because of increased static stability. Sensitivity experiments reveal that the sea-surface temperature increases faster after rainfall due to the formation of a shallow fresh water layer near the surface.  相似文献   

在研究轨道振动荷载的产生机理基础上,归纳出一个能够涵盖速度、线路不平顺、轮重、轨枕对轮载的分散作用等因素在内的轨道荷载解析表达式,以此作为输入施加到土体模型上,利用ANSYS模拟地基土在轨道移动荷载作用下的三维瞬态弹塑性反应。通过计算得到土体不同位置位移和加速度时程曲线,并得出如下结论:荷载刚施加时地面位移会有一个突变,但是随着荷载的移动会达到一个稳定值,并随着水平面内远离轨道,该值逐渐衰减;荷载刚刚施加时加速度会有一个突变值,随着荷载的移动逐渐趋于零。轨道机车速度对竖向方向的位移和加速度影响不大。  相似文献   

Rock-physics models are constructed for hydrate-bearing sediments in the Qilian Mountains permafrost region using the K–T equation model, and modes I and II of the effective medium model. The K–T equation models the seismic wave propagation in a twophase medium to determine the elastic moduli of the composite medium. In the effective medium model, mode I, the hydrate is a component of the pore inclusions in mode I and in mode II it is a component of the matrix. First, the P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, density, bulk modulus, and shear modulus of the sediment matrix are extracted from logging data.. Second, based on the physical properties of the main components of the sediments, rockphysics model is established using the K–T equation, and two additional rock-physics models are established assuming different hydrate-filling modes for the effective medium. The model and actual velocity data for the hydrate-bearing sediments are compared and it is found that the rock-physics model for the hydrate-filling mode II well reproduces the actual data.  相似文献   

华北北部短临前兆场特征与震源过程的数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张国民  石耀霖 《中国地震》1995,11(4):327-340
本文对华北20多次Ms≥5的震例进行了研究,得到了华北北部地震的7项短临异常特征。同时,把短临地震阶段视为震源介质软化和断层蠕动的物理过程,利用各向异性非线性震源模型和有限元方法计算了震源及其周围地区特征点(假定观测点)上的平均应力、最大剪切力、体应变和孔隙压等物理量随时间的变化,通过对这些理论曲线的分析得到了短临地震前兆具有形态多样复杂、数量随时间指数型增长、异常从外围向震中迁移、异常相对集中于  相似文献   

针对高速铁路列车荷载激励输入特性及无砟轨道路基在动载作用下的动力响应问题,建立了轨道—路基三维有限元数值模型,确立了单元结构类型、路基本构模型及结构材料参数的选取方法及依据。根据列车荷载分布特点及其激励输入特性,采用2车厢8轮对车辆离散模型,通过Fourier变换获得了相邻车厢两个转向架通过轨道时轨下扣件点的反力时程曲线,在此基础上利用实测数据验证了模型的合理性和适用性。以运行速度300 km/h,轴重为170 kN的高速列车为例,分别计算CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道路基及双块式无砟轨道路基的竖向动应力、竖向动位移及动加速度,揭示上述响应规律与轨道路基结构之间的相关性。  相似文献   

During the past 1000 years, there had been sev-eral widespread climate events on the earth, such asthe ‘Medieval Warm Period’, the ‘Little Ice Age’ andthe recent warming from the later part of the nine-teenth century onward[1,2]. To better understand thedetails of climatic history on a regional scale, morehigh-resolution, millennia-length climate reconstruc-tions are needed by intensive, multiproxy investigationof ice cores, sediments of loess and lakes, corals andtree-rings. Since …  相似文献   

Chien-Yuan  Tseng  Guo-Chao  Zuo  Huai-Jen  Yang  Houng-Yi  Yang  Kuo-An  Tung  Dun-Yi  Liu  Han-Quan  Wu 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):526-549
Field relationships, mineralogy and petrology, whole‐rock chemistry, and age of the Zhamashi mafic–ultramafic intrusion in the North Qilian Mountains, northwest China, have been studied in the present work. The Zhamashi intrusive body consists of ultramafic, gabbroic, and dioritic rocks in a crudely concentrically zoned structure. The ultramafic rocks are layered cumulates with rock types varying continuously from dunite through wehrlite and olivine clinopyroxenite to clinopyroxenite. The gabbroic and dioritic rocks are also layered or massive cumulates with rock types varying continuously from noritic gabbro through hornblende gabbro to diorite. The ultramafic and adjoining gabbroic rocks are discontinuous in lithology and discordant in structure across the interface. The interface is steep, sharp, and fractured. Contact metamorphic zones are well developed between the Zhamashi intrusive body and the country rock. The concentrically zoned structure of the intrusive body and the intrusion into the continental crust are the two main pieces of evidence for considering that the Zhamashi intrusion is Alaskan‐type. The mineral chemistry of the chromian spinels (Cr‐spinels) and clinopyroxenes, and the variation trend of the whole‐rock compositional plot in the (Na2O + K2O)–FeO–MgO (AFM) diagram are also supportive of this consideration. The age of the Zhamashi intrusive body, determined with sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe on the zircon grains, is 513.0 ± 4.5 Ma. Parental magma of the Zhamashi intrusion is compositionally close to the primitive magma produced by partial melting of the mantle peridotite. It was differentiated by fractional crystallization at low total pressure and under H2O‐rich conditions in an arc environment to form all the major rock types. The concentrically zoned structure of the Zhamashi intrusive body was constructed in two stages: formation of a stratiform‐type layered sequence, followed by diapiric re‐emplacement. The occurrence of the Alaskan‐type intrusion suggests an active continental margin and Cambrian arc magmatism for the northern margin of the Qilian Block.  相似文献   

The November 14, 2001 Ms8.1 Kunlun Mountains earthquake in northern Tibet is the largest earthquake occurring on the Chinese mainland since 1950. We apply a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element numerical procedure to model the coseismic displacement and stress fields of the earthquake based on field investigations. We then further investigate the stress interaction between the Ms8.1 earthquake and the intensive aftershocks. Our primary calculation shows that the coseismic displacement field is centralized around the east Kunlun fault zone. And the attenuation of coseismic displacements on the south side of Kunlun fault zone is larger than that on the north side. The calculated coseismic stress field also indicates that the calculated maximal shear stress field is centralized around the east Kunlun fault zone; the directions of the coseismic major principal stress are opposite to that of the background crustal stress field of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. It indicates that the earthquake relaxes the crustal stress state in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Finally, we study the stress interaction between Ms8.1 earthquake and its intensive aftershocks. The calculated Coulomb stress changes of the Ms8.1 great earthquake are in favor of triggering 4 aftershocks.  相似文献   

The actively deformed foreland of eastern Qilian Shan (mountains) contains well‐preserved geomorphic features such as erosion surfaces, river terraces and tectonically uplifted alluvial fans, providing suitable archives for research on regional tectonic activities and palaeoclimatic changes. These geomorphic surfaces are well dated by using a combination of magnetostratigraphy, electron spin resonance, thermoluminescence, infra‐red stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon dating, and correlation with the well‐established loess–palaeosol sequences of China. Our results show that the erosion surface formed about 1·4 Ma ago, and the age of river terraces is 1·24 Ma, 820–860 ka, 780 ka, 420–440 ka, 230–250 ka, 140 ka, 60 ka and 10 ka, respectively. Valley incision rates of c. 0·09–0·25 m ka?1 have been identified. The repetitive stratigraphic and geomorphic pattern of these terraces indicates the fluvial sedimentation–incision cycles are tightly associated with the 100‐ka glacial–interglacial climatic cycles. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


多年冻土活动层变化导致冻土区大范围地面变形,严重破坏区域内基础设施和水文地质条件,亟需加强活动层季节冻融过程的观测研究.本文提出一种基于分布式目标的小基线集时序InSAR(DSs-SBAS)的冻土形变监测方法.该方法采用分布式目标提取和特征值分解算法,并结合基于地温-形变约束关系的参考点选取新策略,提高了冻土形变监测结果的时空分辨率和可靠性.以祁连山黑河西支源头的野牛沟为研究区域,通过对27景Sentinel-1 SAR影像进行时序InSAR分析,获取了2014-2016年该区多年冻土的形变时间序列和年均形变速率,并利用Stefan模型联合地温数据估算其季节性形变幅度.实地踏勘和结果分析表明:(1)研究区大部分多年冻土处于稳定状态(-1.0~+1.0 cm·a-1),在地形陡峭的南坡边缘及含冰量丰富的野牛沟河上游两侧沟底部分区域存在较大形变;(2)区域内冻土形变时间序列呈现年周期变化,冻土冻融形变存在季节性周期形变和季节性波动下沉两种形变特征,形变幅度和速率最大可达6.0 cm和-3.0 cm·a-1;(3)不同区域的活动层冻结/融化始日和冻土形变存在明显差异,主要和冻土地貌、土壤类型以及活动层厚度有关.本文提出的方法在青藏高原多年冻土区大范围冻融监测和活动层厚度反演研究方面具有很大的应用潜力.


祁连山北缘佛洞庙-红崖子断裂古地震特征初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
佛洞庙-红崖子断裂位于祁连山北缘断裂带中部,是祁连山与河西走廊之间的一条重要边界断裂,断裂全长约110km,总体走向北西西,该断裂为一条全新世活动的逆-左旋走滑断裂,断裂活动形成了一系列陡坎、断层崖以及冲沟和阶地左旋等断错地貌.本文通过3个探槽剖面对发生在该断裂上的古地震事件进行了分析,可确定地震事件2次,事件Ⅰ为历史地震,发生在距今400年前,为1609年红崖堡71/4级地震;事件Ⅱ的年代为距今(6.3±0.6)ka B.P.和(7.4±0.4)ka B.P.之间.同时结合前人的一些研究资料,对古地震的复发模式和间隔进行了初步讨论.  相似文献   

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