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The aeromagnetic survey was conducted by the French organization, BRGM in 1966, where As-Safra prospect area at the east of Al-Madinah city was included. The aeromagnetic data were then interpreted for potential occurrences of mineralization zones along with their extensions. Spectral analysis, using Filon Fourier transform, was implemented to extract the residual anomalies that can be attributed to mineralization zones. In this study, analytic signal, normalized standard deviation (NSTD), and 3D Euler deconvolution filters were used to enhance the demonstration of subsurface mineralized zones occurrences. Analytic signal and NSTD filters showed that the studied area is dominated by three main trends controlling the occurrences of mineralized zones, NNW-SSE, N-S, and E-W to ENE-WSW. On the other hand, 3D Euler deconvolution filter showed that the dominant structures are mostly the magnetic contacts, and their depths vary between 118 and 355?m.  相似文献   

This study presents analysis and interpretation of aeromagnetic data to construct subsurface structure maps and determine the depths to magnetic basement. Subsequent analysis steps are applied to the total magnetic intensity (TMI) data. These steps include Reduction to the Pole (RTP) map that was derived from the TMI map then subjected to spectral frequency analysis to isolate RTP map into high and low frequencies and determine pseudo-depth for each map from power spectrum in which there were two main average levels (interfaces) at depth 1.3 and 0.7 km for the deep-seated and near-surface magnetic structures, respectively. 3D Euler deconvolution technique is applied to calculate the depth to the magnetic contacts; the results show clustering of solutions, the shallow solutions are related to the outcrops less than 80 m from flight level, and the solutions which are related to sedimentary cover locations (Um al-Huweitat, Wasif, and Mohamed Rabah basins) are ranged between 200 and to more than 1100 m. Moreover, anomaly enhancement techniques such as tilt derivative (TD), horizontal tilt derivative (TDX), and source edge detect (SED) are applied to enhance shallow features, and determining structure element boundary for both shallow- and deep-seated anomalies and revealing possible faults such as 2D forward modeling are applied to selected profiles to adjust the interpreted structures and map the boundaries and basement relief of the three basins (Mohammed Rabah, Wasif, and Um al-Huweitat). The analysis shows that the study area is affected with network of dip–slip faults due to high shearing and compression stress which formed grabens and horsts at different depth levels in the study area. The trends of predominant faults related to deep-seated structures are NW–SE with depths ranged between 1 and 1.4 km and in regard to the shallow-seated structure, the predominant fault trends are NW–SE, NNW–SSE, and NNE–SSW with depths ranged between 0.3 and 0.8 km.  相似文献   

The study area is located at the east of Qattara Depression at the north of the Western Desert of Egypt. The study area contains Abu Gharadig basin, which is the most petroliferous basin in the Egyptian Western Desert. Only three exploratory wells are presented in the study area, showing a thick sediment section overlying basement rocks. Magnetic data have been frequently used in geophysical exploration. Aeromagnetic data are mainly utilized to estimate the depth to the magnetic basement as well as to delineate the possible structures of the study area. The depth to magnetic basement has been estimated using the analytical solution of exponential equations obtained from the Fourier transformation of magnetic data, assuming multi-prisms. The depths obtained from this technique vary from 0.70 to 2.91 km with an average depth of 2.08 km. Local phase filters have been mainly used as edges detector where the possible occurrences structures can be delineated. Hyperbolic tilt angle, second-order tilt angle, and normalized total horizontal derivative (TDX) provide the best results for delineating the possible structures, showing the possible contacts within the basement of the study area. The edge enhancement filters show that the study area has been affected by different structural trends taking E-W, NE-SW, NNE-SSW, N-S, and ENE-WSW directions.  相似文献   

From a geologist's perspective, magnetic data are most useful in mapping contacts and providing insight into the 3D geometry of the geology. Since the early 1970s, automatic methods based on the horizontal and vertical derivatives are applied to potential field data in order to map geological lineaments. In this paper, three methods for locating magnetic contacts are applied to magnetic anomaly data of the study area. The local maxima of horizontal gradient determined on the magnetic map and its upward continued maps to several heights delineate the contacts and indicate their dips. The amplitude of the 3D analytic signal of magnetic data provides information on the location of the edge of the sources in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The Euler deconvolution is also used to estimate the source depth at the contact location. These results allow the production of a structural map showing the magnetic lineaments for the survey area. This map is consistent with many faults already recognised or supposed by the traditional structural studies and highlights new ones by specifying their layout and dips.  相似文献   

This study presents original results regarding the use of aeromagnetic to explore deep subsurface structuring in southern part of Tunisian Sahel petroleum province (Eastern Tunisia, North Africa). Several filters and techniques were applied to the total magnetic intensity (TMI) grid. First, an adequate reduce to the pole (RTP) grid was generated. The RTP map shows 17 positive and negative anomalies associated with short- and long-wavelength amplitude anomalies. Positive anomalies correspond to high magnetic basement structures estimated from seismic lines in the area. Circular anomalies are also distinguished locally and can be explained by Cretaceous magmatic rocks recognized in numerous petroleum wells. Second, specific qualitative and quantitative filters (e.g., residual-regional separation, horizontal tilt angle (TDX), tilt angle (TILT), total horizontal derivative of tilt angle (THDTILT)) were applied to elucidate the form and the extent of buried magnetic anomalies and lineaments. The resulting deep structural map revealed the presence of NW-SE, N-S, and E-W regional magnetic basement structures and lineaments and a regional tectonic node surrounding Henchir Keskes-Agareb-Mahres-Hachichina area. Two magnetic inversion models calculated across the study area highlight west to east crustal thinning trend and permit depth to basement estimation. These results are valuable for future conventional and unconventional petroleum exploration in this underexplored southern part of Sahel plain.  相似文献   

Locations and depths to magnetic contacts were estimated from the total intensity magnetic field using the Horizontal Gradient Magnitude (HGM), Analytic Signal Amplitude (ASA) and Local Wavenumber (LWN) methods. Aeromagnetic data from the Ibadan area, in south-western Nigeria, were analyzed to estimate depths to magnetic sources as well as source locations. The minimum/maximum depth limits of the HGM and LWN are relatively close and comparable, while shallow source depths limits are greater than expected in the ASA method when compared with the HGM and LWN functions.  相似文献   

The study of aeromagnetic data over parts of Assam-Meghalaya has delineated major discontinuities representing faults/ fractures/ contacts/ shears and magnetic body axes, which helped in understanding the regional and structural setup of the area. The known Barapani and Dapsi Thrusts, Dudhnai Fault and three strong magnetic anomalies with reverse magnetisation have been delineated. The quantitative analysis of aeromagnetic data brought out the depths of magnetic interfaces and the magnetic picture of different layers, which also helped in understanding the regional and structural setup. The contact modeling across few profile sections showed the depths to the top of contacts and the map of magnetic-basement-depth-model revealed the undulations of the basement. Magnetic body axes of several magnetic anomalies and also several magnetic discontinuities representative of faults/ fractures/ contacts/ shears system in the area along with five potential blocks for mineral prospecting are the main outcome of this exercise. The seismotectonic activity associated with the magnetic features has also been studied to understand the structural setup.  相似文献   

Multiple geographic information system (GIS) datasets, including joint orientations from nine bedrock outcrops, inferred faults, topographic lineaments, geophysical data (e.g. regional gravity, magnetic and stress field), 290 pre-gas-drilling groundwater samples (Cl–Br data) and Appalachian Basin brine (ABB) Cl–Br data, have been integrated to assess pre-gas-drilling salinization sources throughout Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania (USA), a focus area of Marcellus Shale gas development. ABB has migrated naturally and preferentially to shallow aquifers along an inferred normal fault and certain topographic lineaments generally trending NNE–SSW, sub-parallel with the maximum regional horizontal compressive stress field (orientated NE–SW). Gravity and magnetic data provide supporting evidence for the inferred faults and for structural control of the topographic lineaments with dominant ABB shallow groundwater signatures. Significant permeability at depth, imparted by the geologic structures and their orientation to the regional stress field, likely facilitates vertical migration of ABB fluids from depth. ABB is known to currently exist within Ordovician through Devonian stratigraphic units, but likely originates from Upper Silurian strata, suggesting significant migration through geologic time, both vertically and laterally. The natural presence of ABB-impacted shallow groundwater has important implications for differentiating gas-drilling-derived brine contamination, in addition to exposing potential vertical migration pathways for gas-drilling impacts.  相似文献   

The Jiza' basin is located in the eastern part of Yemen, trending generally in the E–W direction. It is filled with Middle Jurassic to recent sediments, which increase in thickness approximately from 3,000 m to more than 9,000 m. In this study, block-35 of this sedimentary basin is selected to detect the major subsurface geological and structural features characterizing this basin and controlling its hydrocarbon potentials. To achieve these goals, the available detailed gravity and magnetic data, scale 1:100,000, were intensively subjected to different kinds of processing and interpretation steps. Also, the available seismic reflection sections and deep wells data were used to confirm the interpretation. The results indicated three average depth levels; 12.5, 2.4, and 0.65 km for the deep, intermediate, and shallow gravity sources and 5.1 and 0.65 km for the deep and shallow magnetic sources. Accordingly, the residual and regional anomaly maps were constructed. These maps revealed a number of high and low structures (horsts and grabens and half grabens), ranging in depth from 0.5 km to less than 4.5 km and trending mainly in the ENE, NW, and NE directions. However, the analytical signal for both gravity and magnetic data also showed locations, dimensions, and approximate depths of the shallow and near surface anomaly sources. The interpretation of the gravity and magnetic anomalies in the area indicated that the NW, NNW, ENE, and NE trends characterize the shallow to deep gravity anomaly sources; however, the NE, NW, and NNE trends characterize the magnetic anomaly sources, mainly the basement. Two-dimensional geologic models were also constructed for three long gravity anomaly profiles that confirmed and tied with the available deep wells data and previously interpreted seismic sections. These models show the basement surface and the overlying sedimentary section as well as the associated faults.  相似文献   

New methods are presented for processing and interpretation of shallow marine differential magnetic data,including constructing maps of offshore total magnetic anomalies with an extremely high resolution of up to 1-2 nT,mapping weak anomalies of 5-10 nT caused by mineralization effects at the contacts of hydrocarbons with host rocks,estimating depths to upper and lower boundaries of anomalous magnetic sources,and estimating thickness of magnetic layers and boundaries of tectonic blocks. Horizontal dimensions of tectonic blocks in the so-called "seismic gap" region in the central Kuril Arc vary from 10 to 100 km,with typical dimensions of 25-30 km.The area of the "seismic gap" is a zone of intense tectonic activity and recent volcanism.Deep sources causing magnetic anomalies in the area are similar to the "magnetic belt" near Hokkaido. In the southern and central parts of Barents Sea,tectonic blocks with widths of 30-100 km,and upper and lower boundaries of magnetic layers ranging from depths of 10 to 5 km and 18 to 30 km are calculated.Models of the magnetic layer underlying the Mezen Basin in an inland part of the White Sea-Barents Sea paleorift indicate depths to the lower boundary of the layer of 12-30 km.Weak local magnetic anomalies of 2-5 nT in the northern and central Caspian Sea were identified using the new methods,and drilling confirms that the anomalies are related to concentrations of hydrocarbon.Two layers causing magnetic anomalies are identified in the northern Caspian Sea from magnetic anomaly spectra.The upper layer lies immediately beneath the sea bottom and the lower layer occurs at depths between 30-40 m and 150-200 m.  相似文献   

High resolution airborne magnetic data of parts of the southern Benue Trough were digitally processed and analyzed in order to estimate the depth of magnetic sources and to map the distribution and orientation of subsurface structural features. Enhancement techniques applied include, reduction to pole/equator (RTP/RTE), first and second vertical derivatives, horizontal gradients and analytic signal. Results from these procedures show that at least 40% of the sedimentary basin contain shallow (<200 m) magmatic bodies, which in most cases are intermediate to mafic intrusive and hyperbysal rocks, and may occur as sills, dikes or batholiths. Magnetic lineaments with a predominant NE–SW trend appear to be more densely distributed around the basement rocks of the Oban Hills and metamorphosed rocks around the Workum Hills. 3D standard Euler deconvolution and Source Parameter Imaging (SPI TM) techniques were employed for depth estimation. Results from the two methods show similar depth estimates. The maximum depth to basement values for 3D Euler and SPI are 4.40 and 4.85 km with mean depths of 0.42 and 0.37 km, respectively. Results of 2D modelling of magnetic profiles drawn perpendicular to major anomalies in the study area reveal the existence of deep seated faults which may have controlled the emplacement of intrusive bodies in the basin. The abundance of intrusive bodies in the study area renders this part of the southern Nigerian sedimentary basins unattractive for petroleum exploration. However, the area possesses high potential for large accumulation of base metal mineralization.  相似文献   

安少乐 《地质与勘探》2020,56(4):774-782
位场场源边界识别是位场数据分析解释中的重点内容之一。相邻异常源由于场的叠加而难以区分,尤其是对于叠加异常中不同深度的场源边界的识别。倾斜角法是位场数据处理中常用的边界增强方法之一,能有效突出低振幅、短波长的异常特征。本文基于倾斜角法定义了新的位场边界探测方法,该方法利用倾斜角方程中位场二阶垂直导数与垂向导数水平导数之比进行计算,能有效区分相邻异常源产生的叠加异常,突出叠加异常中不同深度场源的边界特征。通过综合模型和实测数据,并与现有的基于导数的位场边界探测方法进行比较,评价了该方法的应用效果。结果表明,该方法对场源深度的变化不太敏感,它可以更准确地确定场源边界,区分相邻异常源的叠加异常,尤其对密集型组合地质构造的识别有较好的效果,即使是在场源埋深较大情况下,也能突出叠加异常中不太明显的微弱变化的线性异常特征,以及弱异常源的形态特征,可为精细研究局部地质构造提供技术支持。  相似文献   

根据中国东部及邻近海域总磁异常计算的三维解析信号振幅值比总磁异常,能精确地刻画磁源体的位置、深度和边界。结果显示在中国东部地区不同构造块体内的岩浆岩深度差异很大,华北块体的磁异常解析信号振幅值较高、尺度大,磁源体埋深达10 km左右或更深,反映了这个古老克拉通块体的中—下地壳内部较为强烈的岩浆活动过程与活化。受构造抬升和岩浆上涌影响,苏鲁—大别造山带的岩浆岩体埋深则相对较浅,多小于5 km。中、下扬子块体的岩浆岩体的埋深也普遍较大,但是岩浆活动微弱,解析信号振幅值很低。受晚中生代古太平洋俯冲的影响,华南块体及其东北海域分布比较孤立的岩浆岩体,其深度大都小于5 km。在东海,受新生代张裂作用的影响,岩浆岩体的深度与基底隆起或沉降呈明显对应关系。琉球群岛对应平静的磁异常并显示较深的岩浆岩体分布,表明琉球群岛不是菲律宾海板块俯冲形成的火山弧而可能是由俯冲增生楔物质和部分从欧亚大陆分离出来的块体构成,其西侧的岩浆岩带才是真正的火山弧。  相似文献   

In the present study, the Bouguer, aeromagnetic, and seismological data analysis for Nile Delta including the Greater Cairo region and its surroundings was used to examine and trace the tectonic framework for some deep-seated faults (mostly normal faults with a small strike–slip component) and their orientation, on which most earthquakes have occurred. The new tilt derivative (TDR) geophysical map and Euler deconvolution presented here can be used to trace the structural relationships and their depth investigations across the entire region. Generally, most of the Euler deconvolution results especially from the gravity map were well coincided with the location of contacts derived by TDR particularly NNW to NS, EW, and NE trended structures. The depths to the gravity or magnetic sources, and the locations of the contacts of density contrast were estimated. Results of the Euler deconvolution method suggested that, in the southeastern part of the area, the basement could be observed to be shallow and has become deeper beneath the northern part. Furthermore, the resulting structural map of this study is well correlated with previous geological and seismological data analyses. At least two sets of predominant faults are suspected, faults with a NNW strike (Clysmic trend) which are particularly felt in the southern portion of the Delta, and some of them give it the shape of a “graben like structure.” Another parallel set of faults, having NE–SW strike (Pelusium trend), was also obvious in the southern part between Cairo and Suez cities (at Abu Zabal area). The evaluated trending faults (NNW–SSE or NE–SW) are intersecting with predominant major WNW–ESE to E–W (Tethys trend) striking faults. These intersections may generate more additional seismic pulses and consequently increase the seismic activity for these structures. However, minor NW (Najd Fault System) is obvious in the TDR magnetic map, whereas less attendance NS (East African trend) structural trends are evident in the TDR gravity map. Moreover, it could be said that the southeastern portion of the Nile Delta (especially the eastern portion of Greater Cairo) is affected by highly tectonic fault systems. Finally, a new tectonic map was also evaluated from the resulting structural map, which helps to quantify different structural patterns (faults and/or contacts), and their relations with the regional tectonic trends are discussed.  相似文献   

Our investigation relates to the interpretation of the magnetic data of Jbel Saghro, by aeromagnetic processing using Geosoft and ArcGis software. The data were obtained from digitizing the preexisting maps. From the magnetic field anomaly maps, different anomalies were identified with differences in intensities, sizes, and shapes and in being isolated or interfered. The directions are in general ENE-WSW, NNW-SSE, W-E, and NW-SE which are in good agreement with the general tectonic structure of the region. In order to correspond the anomalies to their natural sources and their geometrical configuration, it was necessary to calculate the residual polar. This avoids the presence of two lobes for the same source, what makes it possible to delimit the geological sources laterally. Thus, the attribution of each magnetic anomaly to its geological source becomes possible. Indeed, generally magnetic anomaly of strong intensities and big wavelengths is associated to very magnetized structures related to the Precambrian basement, and the negative a.m. is connected to structures of weak magnetization located in general in the cover. The application of the tilt angle filter allowed the localization of the outcrops of the inliers and new geophysical lineaments. On the other hand, the local maxima of the horizontal gradient made it possible to reveal the large structural features concerning the main tectonic events of the area.  相似文献   

导数计算是位场(重磁)数据处理中必不可少的技术手段,现今大多采用Fourier变换来进行。Hartley变换是在Fourier变换基础上定义的一种实数域运算,比Fourier变换更加对称,所需的运算量更少。笔者推导出基于Hartley变换的重磁异常导数计算公式,计算结果与理论值之间误差小于5%,通过理论模型证明Hartley变换可替代Fourier变换进行位场异常的导数计算,且受噪音干扰较小。将Hartley变换用于位场边界识别滤波器的计算,获得了清晰的断裂分布。  相似文献   

南海西南次海盆与东部次海盆地质与地球物理分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在对南海西南次海盆和东部次海盆的地质和地球物理特征分析和对比的基础上,提出了南海东部次海盆的地球物理场异常和地质构造均呈EW向分布,而西南次海盆则表现为NE向分布。并利用插值切割法对南海深海盆的磁力异常场进行了分析处理,提出了其显示的地球动力学过程的差异,并对南海西南次海盆和东部次海盆的演化史进行了探讨:东部次海盆是在晚渐新世-早中新世通过SN向的海底扩张形成的,而西南次海盆是在中始新世至早渐新世通过NE向的大陆边缘裂谷作用形成的。  相似文献   

In this paper, the Electrical Resistivity Tomography and magnetic methods, including Tilt Angle and Euler Deconvolution, have been used in a comperative manner to determine the lineaments and depths of buried archeological structures. The zero contours of the tilt angle correspond to the boundaries of buried structures and the half distance between ±π/4 rad corresponds to the depth to the top of the structures. Also, in order to estimate the positions and depths of buried structures in the study area, the Euler Deconvolution method was applied to the total magnetic field data. All of the methods have a good correlation about determination of the horizontal locations and depths of the buried structures. The archeological excavations based on the geophysical investigations have demonstrated that the buried structure is an ancient cistern building because of the unearthed pools. Therefore, the interpretations of the geophysical methods and fiction of the paper were made according to the ancient cistern building. With this study, a buried ancient cistern structure was modeled and revealed by the geophysical methods for the first time. Additionally, using of these geophysical techniques in a comparative manner for the archaeogeophysical work will greatly contribute to future studies.  相似文献   

This report details the result of geophysical exploration for iron ore; which involved vertical magnetic intensity (?Z) and gravity measurements, to delineate the geometry and depth extent of the deposit and acquiring quantitative and qualitative information for pre-drilling purposes in Agbado-Okudu. It is located about 3 km from Jakura along Lokoja-Jakura marble quarry and within low latitude precambrian basement complex district of Kogi State, Nigeria. A total of 517 magnetic measurement points along 16 traverses and 330 gravity reading along 11 profiles on the deposit in northeast–southwest azimuth were undertaken. The magnetic and gravity data enhancement involved linear regression curve fitting and fast Fourier transform, which were used to construct residual magnetic (RM) and gravity (RG) anomalies, analytic signal amplitude, Euler deconvolution at varying spectral indices (SI), power spectrum, and source parameter image (SPI), using the submenu of Geosoft Oasis Montaj software. Interpretation of the RM and RG anomalies revealed a primary causative body which perfectly correlates the positive anomalies and iron ore deposit, in form of a horizontal or gently dipping dyke with strike length of 600 m and average width of 110–130 m, within the gneiss complex in the north and trending south of the area. A secondary causative body associated with the negative anomalies and inferred as a vertical/near vertical thin sheet striking northeast–southwest coincided with the granitic and quartzitic intrusion. The NW–SE and E–W lineament trend conformed Kibarian and Liberian orogeny cycles of generally known structural trends in Nigeria, which shows that the iron ore deposit is structurally controlled. Depths to sources were estimated within range ≤ 2–24 m and 37.5–60 m, regarded as shallow and relatively deep depths, respectively. Ten vertical boreholes ranging in depth between 50 and 100 m are recommended, five of which require a priority attention to ascertain the thickness of the primary causative body.  相似文献   

航磁异常深部弱信号提取技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭志馗 《地质与勘探》2015,51(6):1007-1015
磁异常通常是地下不同深度磁性地质体产生磁场的叠加,在规范高度的航磁测量结果中,深部磁性体所产生的异常通常表现为弱而平缓,其水平与垂向分辨率均较低,在航磁资料处理解释中难以有效捕获。因此,应用适当方法提取由深部地质体引起的弱磁信息是十分必要的。本文采用精度高且稳定的位场延拓技术将航磁异常向下延拓,可以稳定增强磁异常幅度,随着延拓面与场源之间距离的减小,浅成磁信号与深成磁信号的视深度差异将增大,在对数功率谱上可以将其区分,而后可利用匹配滤波方法将浅部信号剥离,从而得到深部弱信号,同时可计算深部弱信号的视深度。  相似文献   

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