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基于Skyline的三维技术在城市规划中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市建设的飞速发展,对城市规划技术的要求越来越高,传统的二、三维城市规划技术已不能满足现代城市规划发展的需求.以传统的二、三维城市规划技术为起点,分析其存在的技术缺陷,探讨skyline TerraSuit三维平台软件,研究虚拟仿真城市规划系统建设的策略和方法,并利用Skyline提供的应用程序接口开发了虚拟仿真城市规划系统,重点论述三维GIS技术在城市规划应用领域中所实现的功能,最后将系统进行了网络发布,实现了"规划在线"的理念.  相似文献   

利用Google SketchUp三维建模软件,以中南林业科技大学东园校区为例详细介绍了三维可视化的制作过程,包括导入SketchUp中1∶500校园地形图、三维模型的建立、模型的贴图、校园道路绿地的制作以及校园三维动画的制作和配音,体现了Google SketchUp在校园景观制作方面的强大功能和特点。建立虚拟校园用到的主要数据有1∶500的地形图、地物的纹理图片。  相似文献   

近年来三维实景建模技术广泛应用于各个领域,推动了三维建模的发展,实现了对三维场景快速、高效、低成本的真实还原,具有人工干预少、自动化程度高、模型逼真等优势。基于实景三维模型进行虚拟规划,弥补了平面规划工作烦琐、空间效果差等不足,能够直观可视地展示规划效果,为城市规划提供辅助决策服务,具有重要的现实意义。本文以辽宁省盘锦市大洼区为研究区域,通过哈瓦四轴八旋翼无人机进行倾斜摄影获取研究区影像数据,布设6个像控点;结合Smart3D建模软件,进行三维实景建模;通过DP-Modeler软件对模型进行精细化处理;通过Loca Space Viewer软件对研究区域东部进行虚拟规划建设,最终得到研究区的三维实景精修模型虚拟规划成果。本文研究的技术方法对于构建三维实景精修模型进行城市虚拟规划具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于SketchUp的城市三维建模技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许捍卫  房晓亮  任家勇  范小虎 《测绘科学》2011,36(1):213-214,189
本文以实际的数字城市项目建设来说明用SketchUp软件建立城市三维模型的流程,主要对三维模型构建中的数据导入,相对坐标,格式转换,场景组织等所遇到的具体技术要点进行阐述,并进一步分析了SketchUp软件在城市三维建模过程中与其他软件对比所具有的优缺点.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是直观有效表达客观世界的主要方法之一,在建筑、家居装饰、市政交通、城乡规划和地理信息系统等诸多领域均获得了广泛的应用。本文通过SketchUp与ArcGIS技术对虚拟校园的建设进行了探讨和研究,实现了北京城市学院本部校区虚拟校园的建设,为学校的招生、宣传、规划、建设、管理等提供三维可视化的参考信息。  相似文献   

三维城市规划辅助审批系统的设计与实现研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市规划领域,随着计算机软硬件、计算机图形技术和GIS技术的发展,人们越来越习惯于从三维空间来思考问题.随着"数字地球"、"数字城市"的提出与实施,二维的规划审批技术已不能满足目前城市规划审批的工作需求.为此,探讨在Skyline TerraSuite平台软件下,通过综合运用三维模型构建技术和GIS技术来创建城市规划空间数据库,从而建立了三维城市辅助规划审批系统,在某种程度上弥补了传统的城市规划审批工作方式的一些不足.  相似文献   

虚拟校园是三维GIS技术在数字化校园中的具体应用。本文采用Google SketchUp对校园景观进行三维建模及优化,利用ArcGlobe集成数字高程模型建立虚拟校园场景,然后通过ArcGIS Server发布和管理地图,供免费客户端ArcGIS Explorer远程访问和应用,实现了石家庄学院南校区三维虚拟场景的制作和发布。  相似文献   

虚拟校园是三维GIS技术在数字化校园中的具体应用.本文采用Google SketchUp对校园景观进行三维建模及优化,利用ArcGlobe集成数字高程模型建立虚拟校园场景,然后通过ArcGIS Server发布和管理地图,供免费客户端ArcGIS Explorer远程访问和应用,实现了石家庄学院南校区三维虚拟场景的制作和发布.  相似文献   

面向城市规划的虚拟景观建设方法的探讨与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着"数字地球"理论与技术的不断发展,利用三维GIS技术辅助城市规划已经成为行业发展的新趋势.提出一种快捷、有效的城市规划虚拟景观建设路线方法,并基于Skyline组件开发虚拟规划仿真系统,可利用该系统对城市规划虚拟景观的应用进行研究,为城市规划提供辅助决策服务.  相似文献   

建筑工程规划竣工测量是城市规划证后管理的一项重要程序,是进行城市规划审批结果动态管理的重要举措,也是落实城市规划管理规定中的控制性详细规划、城市设计、土地利用规划等内容的具体表现。本文主要论述了建筑工程规划竣工测量成果在基础地形图更新修测、3维虚拟城市建模、日照分析、房产与地籍测量等领域中的拓展应用,并对适用可行性等具体问题进行研究分析。  相似文献   

三维城市模型作为城市三维地理信息系统的重要组成部分,已广泛应用于城市规划、城市建设、建筑设计等领域。随着计算机图形学技术以及虚拟现实技术的不断发展,为快速、自动化生成高精度的三维城市模型提供了条件。本文基于OGRE引擎,阐述了三维城市建模技术的整体架构及关键技术,开发了自动化建模工具及三维可视化平台,实现了城市建筑自动建模及模型实时渲染显示。  相似文献   

虚拟现实系统在柳州市城市规划管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市的快速发展,对城市规划建设科学管理的要求越来越高,虚拟现实这一最新的空间技术迅速应用于城市规划建设领域。本文将虚拟现实技术与城市规划管理相结合提出了应用思路和开发经验。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的进一步加快,政府对城市统筹规划技术的要求日益增高。现代城市的规划设计更加需要科学的系统进行辅助决策。本文以扬州市三维可视化系统的成功建设,介绍了三维数字城市系统建设中的Skyline结合3Dmax快速建模技术,论述了Skyline三维平台建设虚拟城市的方法和策略,并利用其提供的应用程序接口进行了二次功能开发,一定程度上为数字城市规划建设提供技术支持与参考。  相似文献   

朱新宇  时慧  高飞 《测绘与空间地理信息》2017,(12):119-121,125,128
目前,很多单位和高校都在进行区域三维地图的建设,数字化的三维地图不仅可应用于建设和施工规划,也可应用于生活实践、地理信息分析等方面。本文以某大学新建校区为例,基于Google Earth的GIS平台搭建由全站仪施测、以AutoCAD和SketchUp制作的三维校园BIM模型,再利用MFC和COM API技术进行程序封装和基于C/S的软件开发,制作出一个可移植的区域三维地图导览系统。该系统不仅可以实现基本地物的三维展示和自由漫游,也可以实现查询、路径导航等一系列GIS分析功能。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) land development and utilization has become the trend for urban planning in the current metropolis.This paper presents a method for building a 3D cadastral management system from survey plans with SketchUp.It concentrates on the geometric representation and topological consistent maintenance of 3D cadastral objects.In this system a complete topological model is built to express the body construction and spatial relationships among 3D property units.SketchUp is used to automatically construct 3D models with attributes and thematic information from 2D survey plans.Spatial topologic relationships and operations are analyzed with the programming and development of Ruby language.The resulting system can manage 3D cadastral objects and manipulate them with spatial operations to support spatial analysis.  相似文献   

三维仿真虚拟现实技术在城市规划中的应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
余明  过静珺 《测绘科学》2004,29(3):52-54
虚拟现实技术是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机技术,利用此项技术,可以为城市规划与设计提供较好的感性认识。本文介绍了虚拟现实技术及其在城市规划设计中的作用,并探讨了城市真三维建模与可视化管理。  相似文献   

Virtual 3D city models are increasingly being used to model the realms of the real world for utilization in a number of applications related to environmental simulations including, urban planning, mapping the energy characteristics of buildings, noise mapping, flood modelling, etc. Apart from geometric and appearance/textural information, these applications have a requirement for complex urban semantics. Currently, a number of 3D standards are available in CAD, BIM and GIS related domains for the storage, visualization and transfer of 3D geospatial datasets. Initially, the 3D data models (such as COLLADA, VRML, X3D, etc.) were purely graphical/geometrical in nature and mainly used for visualization purposes. With the inclusion of thematic modules in OGC CityGML, the integration of geometry and semantics in a single data model paved the way for better sharing of virtual 3D city models. In spite of the availability of a wide range of 3D data standards, there are certain differences with respect to geometry, topology, semantics, LODs, etc., which complicates the integration of 3D geodata from heterogeneous sources. This paper serves to highlights the need for the innovative solutions with respect to the urban environmental related simulations primarily based on the use of virtual 3D city models. Four use cases are studied in this context namely, (1) urban solar potential estimation using CityGML models, (2) simulation of traffic noise level mapped on building walls from the urban road segments, (3) CityGML based 3D data models interoperability, and (4) 3D indoor logistics and subsurface utilities. However, for modelling majority of use cases, CityGML does not provide explicit thematic representations but provides support for extending the CityGML schema using Application Domain Extensions. In a nutshell, the study explores the semantic modelling capabilities of the CityGML for the transformation of native 3D virtual city models to one satisfying capabilities like semantic information and support towards interoperability.  相似文献   

This paper unified the urban cellular automata method and the virtual reality technology to construct a three-dimension (3D) virtual city which was based on automata. First, constructing an urban CA model that is based on the data structure of cellular entities can present the plane distribution state of the building in the 3D virtual city. The CA model was used to compute a group of temporal layout data of buildings in the virtual city,Then,DEM and DOM data were used to generate real three-dimensional terrain and produce different type library about 3D building model. Finally, The program was used to load and lay the 3D buildings to the corresponding position in the 3D virtual terrain to obtain a 3D virtual city, according to the cellular entity attribute.  相似文献   


This paper aims to evaluate what effect applying residents' urban image to virtual city design (a real time virtual model of an actual city) has on wayfinding performance during 'flying-based' navigation mode. Two experiments were conducted to compare two virtual city designs using the virtual model of Tel Aviv city. One design included highlighted urban elements from the residents' urban image, while in the second design no highlighted elements were included.

The experiments proved that using the elements of the residents' urban image in a virtual city design enhances the performance of all participants in the wayfinding tasks, and especially those with a low level of spatial knowledge. Analysis of the trajectory patterns and the verbal reports of the participants during navigation showed that the urban image design facilitates a more intensive use of a position-based strategy, in addition to the path-integration wayfinding strategy, which was found to be dominant in the virtual model without the highlighted urban image elements. On the basis of these findings we propose principles for designing virtual cities from a perspective of wayfinding.  相似文献   

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