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本区寒武—奥陶系碳酸盐岩的成岩后生作用主要有:白云岩化作用、胶结作用、去膏化和去白云岩化作用、重结晶作用、压溶作用和溶解充填作用等。其中白云岩化,去膏化和溶解作用常增大岩石中的孔隙空间,对岩溶水的储渗有利;而胶结作用、重结晶作用和充填作用常降低岩石中的孔隙空间,对岩溶水的储渗不利。本文还根据各成岩作用产生的时间及其相互关系,总结了成岩阶段和成岩序列。   相似文献   

鄂中地区中奥陶统碳酸盐岩成岩作用及孔隙演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

和田河气田奥陶系碳酸盐岩成岩作用及孔隙演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层是塔里木盆地和田河气田的主要产层,受成岩作用的改造非常强烈。通过对岩心、普通薄片、铸体薄片、阴极发光、碳氧同位素、微量元素和流体包裹体等多种资料进行综合研究,详细阐述了主要成岩作用的形成机理及其产物,分析了其对储层的影响和成岩序列。胶结作用和压实作用是原生孔隙和部分次生孔隙的主要破坏者;溶蚀(岩溶)作用、压溶作用、破裂作用和白云石化作用是次生孔隙的主要建造者,它们产生的溶孔、溶洞和裂缝是天然气的主要储集空间和运移通道。成岩作用是该储层物性的主要控制因素,它控制了孔隙的演化过程。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩储层孔隙结构的影响因素与储层参数的定量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,在海外区块遇到了大量的孔隙型碳酸盐岩储层。由于岩性复杂,孔隙类型多样,致使其孔隙结构十分复杂,储层参数难以准确计算,油气储量难以客观评价。文中针对研究靶区这一类型的碳酸盐岩储层,首先从沉积作用和成岩作用两个方面分析了孔隙结构的影响因素,得出在不同岩性之间,孔隙类型之间的差异是造成孔隙结构存在较大差异的主要原因。而在同种岩性之间,泥质含量的增加会降低孔隙结构的品质。另外,成岩作用对颗粒粒径较大的岩石的影响更大一些。其次,讨论了储层参数的定量评价,由于不同类型孔隙的共存,导致孔隙度相似,而渗透率、饱和度等储层参数却存在较大差异。针对这一问题,指出了可以采用核磁和成像等特殊测井资料来表征不同类型孔隙的数值分布,利用三维数字化成像技术来展示不同类型孔隙的空间分布,为储层参数的准确计算和油气储量的客观评价奠定基础。  相似文献   

沈安江  陈子料 《地质论评》1997,43(1):91-100,T002
本文提出了中下扬子二叠纪礁碳酸盐岩主要作用类型有造礁作用,白云石化作用,胶结作用,溶解作用及裂隙作用,经历了海水,混合水,大气淡水及埋藏成岩环境,按下列序列演化,造礁作用-海水胶结作用-蒸发海水白云石化-淡水渗流带淋溶及潜流带胶结作用一混合水白云石化-浅埋I胶结,白云化及溶解作用(T1/P2)的多期交替-深埋藏胶结(含J3/J2古表生构造岩溶作用)一深埋藏溶解-深埋藏白云石化-浅埋藏II及表生淋溶  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩储层中的成岩作用一般被分作\"建设性的\"和\"破坏性的\"。但常见的如白云岩化和溶蚀作用并非都一定是建设性的,而胶结作用也并非只具破坏性。将那些使碳酸盐岩储层孔隙(主要是部分原生孔隙和早期次生孔隙)得以保持的成岩作用归为\"保持性成岩作用\"。保持性成岩作用对深部碳酸盐岩储层的发育至关重要。对典型的礁、滩相碳酸盐岩孔隙的研究表明,早期溶蚀、白云岩化均可在早期成岩阶段形成大量次生孔隙,保持性成岩作用可使部分原生孔隙和早期次生孔隙保存下来,并构成现今深部储层的主要储集空间。从岩石结构、地层压力和地层流体对孔隙的保持或改造3个方面,把碳酸盐岩中的保持性成岩作用分为岩石结构改造型、地层压力改造型和过度胶结抑制型3类。  相似文献   

王春连 《地质与勘探》2011,47(5):846-855
以四川盆地东北部长兴组碳酸盐岩为研究对象,应用薄片、铸体、阴极发光和X射线衍射等室内分析技术,对其成岩作用、成岩演化序列、储层孔隙演化及其特征进行了详细研究。研究区常见的成岩作用有:压实压溶作用、胶结作用、充填作用、交代作用、白云化作用、重结晶作用、溶蚀作用、破裂作用等成岩作用。其中对储层孔隙发育影响较大的主要是胶结作...  相似文献   

从凝块石概念的演变论微生物碳酸盐岩的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
作为微生物碳酸盐岩的主要类型,凝块石与核形石曾经被统称为"微植石"而与"叠层石"平行使用;但是,鉴于叠层石也具有凝块状组构,所以凝块石又被译作"斑粒石",或被称作"花纹石",因此,凝块石这一概念还显得有些混乱.术语和概念的差异与混乱代表了地质学家们对微生物碳酸盐沉积作用不同阶段认识的升华和进步.近年来,将微生物碳酸盐岩划分为叠层石、凝块石、树形石和均一石四大类,又将核形石作为"球状叠层石"而不与叠层石平行使用.尽管对微生物碳酸盐岩的研究已经取得了许多有意义的进展,如将微生物碳酸盐岩的地史演化归结为16个关键事件,总结了前寒武纪碳酸盐岩沉积相随着地球海洋和大气的长时间演变而产生的3种沉淀形式,将多年来形成叠层石的蓝绿藻归为细菌类称为"蓝藻菌"等.但目前还难以回答叠层石的确切生长机制,特别是前寒武纪叠层石;随着更老的地质时代中凝块石的发现,将凝块石理解为被生物扰动等作用所破坏的叠层石似乎与地质事实不完全相符;再者,凝块石的形成机制也还是一个谜.更重要的是,作为微生物碳酸盐岩的一种重要类型,凝块石这一术语的混乱以及对凝块石形成机制认识的变化,为窥视微生物碳酸盐岩的研究进展提供了一条重要的线索.  相似文献   

Field observations and petrographic analysis allow a sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of the intensely karstified Albian Mfamosing Limestone Formation in the Calabar Flank of the south-eastern Niger Delta. Main criteria for this interpretation are the presence of siliciclastic intercalations, of prominent hardgrounds, of characteristic microfacies including stromatolites and of phreatic and vadose diagenetic patterns. These criteria enable the recognition, from bottom to top in the type section of the Mfamosing Limestone, of a late phase in the formation of a highstand systems tract and of a flooding surface followed by a lowstand systems tract in which erosional features have been developed locally. The succession is topped by a transgressive systems tract. Some of these units and key sequence-stratigraphic boundaries have been traced into other outcrops in the area. In their identification within the heavily karstified outcrops, petrography overprints and vertical sequence patterns play a significant role. A sedimentation model explains the areal differences in development. Siliciclastic shedding influenced the carbonate system. Time-equivalent carbonate bodies occur on either side of the opening South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data for meteoric waters of the uplifted carbonate platform of northern Guam show that, contrary to recent models of lowstand diagenesis, phreatic dissolution is active beneath a 60–180 m thick vadose zone. Overland flow during high intensity rainfall events is focussed into surface detention ponds, which drain very rapidly via the epikarst and vertical fissures to the freshwater lens. We estimate that these waters contribute 13% of dissolved calcium in samples from pumping wells but may also deliver aggressive and/or organic-rich waters to the lens. Fast-flow vadose waters mix with lens-top waters to form fresher cap that discharges rapidly coastwards via cavernous porosity. Slower vadose percolation, sampled as cave drips, equilibrates with bedrock within the upper 30 m of the vadose zone, accounting for some 46% of dissolved calcium in the lens waters. The remaining 41% calcium is generated by net dissolution within the lens.  相似文献   

湖北省巴东栖霞组沉积成岩作用地球化学特征研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在详细的沉积作用、成岩作用研究基础上,利用多元统计分析方法重点对湖北省巴东水布垭剖面栖霞组碳酸盐岩地球化学特征进行了分析。研究表明,该组碳酸盐岩中 CaO 、Al2O3 、K2O 、Fe2O3 、P、Ba 和 Mn的含量主要与沉积环境或原岩岩性有关,地层中SiO2、MgO 、Sr 和 Na 的含量主要与成岩作用有关。建立了栖霞组沉积成岩作用地球化学模式。该研究合理地解释了本组岩石特殊的地球化学特征,深化了对该组岩石形成环境,特别是成岩环境的认识,区分了沉积作用和成岩作用对该组岩石地球化学特征的影响,对合理地选取有关地球化学参数研究该组岩石及类似地层的沉积作用和成岩作用具参考价值。  相似文献   

四川盆地五峰组—龙马溪组富有机质页岩成岩过程较为复杂,成岩作用类型多样,对页岩孔隙尤其是有机孔隙的发育和保存具有重要控制作用.在早—中成岩期,泥质页岩主要遭受机械压实、黄铁矿与碳酸盐胶结、蒙脱石伊利石化等作用的破坏改造,导致大量原生无机孔隙丧失,而硅质页岩主要经历机械压实和生物蛋白石重结晶作用,由于生物蛋白石重结晶作用...  相似文献   

Early-diagenetic cementation of tropical carbonates results from the combination of numerous physico-chemical and biological processes. In the marine phreatic environment it represents an essential mechanism for the development and stabilization of carbonate platforms. However, diagenetic cements that developed early in the marine phreatic environment are likely to become obliterated during later stages of meteoric or burial diagenesis. When lithified sediment samples are studied, this complicates the recognition of processes involved in early cementation, and their geological implications. In this contribution, a petrographic microfacies analysis of Holocene Halimeda segments collected on a coral island in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, is presented. Through electron microscopical analyses of polished samples, this study shows that segments are characterized by intragranular cementation of fibrous aragonite, equant High-Mg calcite (3.9 to 7.2 Mol% Mg), bladed Low-Mg calcite (0.4 to 1.0 Mol% Mg) and mini-micritic Low-Mg calcite (3.2 to 3.3 Mol% Mg). The co-existence and consecutive development of fibrous aragonite and equant High-Mg calcite results initially from the flow of oversaturated seawater along the aragonite template of the Halimeda skeleton, followed by an adjustment of cement mineralogy towards High-Mg calcite as a result of reduced permeability and fluid flow rates in the pores. Growth of bladed Low-Mg calcite cements on top of etched substrates of equant High-Mg calcite is explained by shifts in pore water pH and alkalinity through microbial sulphate reduction. Microbial activity appears to be the main trigger for the precipitation of mini-micritic Low-Mg calcite as well, based on the presumable detection of an extracellular polymeric matrix during an early stage of mini-micrite Low-Mg calcite cement precipitation. Radiocarbon analyses of five Halimeda segments furthermore indicate that virtually complete intragranular cementation in the marine phreatic environment with thermodynamically/kinetically controlled aragonite and High-Mg calcite takes place in about 100 years. Collectively, this study shows that early-diagenetic cements are highly diverse and provides new quantitative constraints on the rate of diagenetic cementation in tropical carbonate factories.  相似文献   

The composite δ13C record of Neoproterozoic carbonates is characterized by large magnitude (<18‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) swings that have been interpreted to record (a) changes in dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water driven by a carbon cycle with different boundary conditions, (b) pervasive diagenetic alteration or (c) local controls similar to those active in Cenozoic platformal successions. A sedimentological study of the Trezona Formation in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia was conducted to determine the palaeoenvironmental context of the Trezona anomaly, one of the most widely recognized examples of a Neoproterozoic mega‐excursion that occurs beneath glaciogenic sediments of the Marinoan ice age (ca 635 Ma). Stratigraphic mapping identified an unconformity at its base separating it from the shelf deposits of the underlying Enorama Shale. The lower Trezona Formation is dominantly calcareous mudstone with mudcracks, channels, and mud chip and algal flake breccias interpreted to record exposure and desiccation on mudflats, shallow pools and lagoons. A marked increase in microbial carbonate and oolites in the upper Trezona Formation records a relative decline of mud input that terminates with karst. The Trezona Formation is thus interpreted to have been deposited in shallow, localized, salt withdrawal basins on the exposed shelf creating a mosaic of poorly connected lagoons and (alkaline) lakes that were intermittently restricted or isolated from the sea. Variations in δ13C and δ18O correspond with facies changes and reflect locally evolving depositional conditions influenced by sills and channels that shifted the sea water to freshwater balance. This restricted setting and range of δ13C values is more similar to Cenozoic platformal deposits (ca 12‰) than the muted (ca 3‰) global sea water variation recorded in pelagic sediments. The anomalous δ13C values in the Trezona Formation may instead provide constraints on the changing terrestrial biosphere directly preceding the evolution and rapid expansion of metazoan life.  相似文献   

文章围绕陆相碎屑岩成岩作用系统这一议题,概述了成岩作用系统研究的发展历程,总结近年来国内外成岩作用系统的研究进展,提出了未来的研究趋势。认为当前陆相碎屑岩成岩作用系统研究取得的进展包括5个方面:(1)原始沉积环境对成岩作用系统的影响,(2)成岩流体对成岩作用系统的影响,(3)构造作用对成岩作用系统的影响,(4)成岩系统的封闭性与成岩作用的关系,(5)层序控制下的成岩响应。未来成岩作用系统研究的趋势:各种实验手段的革新和综合利用、成岩系统过程恢复、成岩作用定量化研究及多学科交叉融合等方面将是未来成岩作用系统研究的主要方向,必将推动成岩作用系统研究进入新的阶段。  相似文献   

惠州凹陷是珠江口盆地重要的油气富集区,但深层古近系的勘探尚未突破,主要是束缚勘探的储层问题没有得到解决。对于深部储层而言,孔隙的发育状况与储层的岩石成分、结构密切相关,成岩作用及孔隙演化对储层的储集性能有重要的影响。本文在对大量薄片和岩芯进行分析的基础上,运用扫描电镜、X射线分析、有机酸测试等手段,对惠州凹陷深层砂岩储层的成岩作用和孔隙演化进行了详细研究。结果表明,压实作用、胶结作用等使砂岩孔隙度降低,不稳定矿物和部分填隙物的溶蚀作用导致孔隙度增大。各井数据揭示珠海组及恩平组深层储集砂岩的成岩强度大部分达到了中成岩阶段B期,有机酸被释放出来,参与溶解作用,次生溶蚀孔隙的大量形成,改善了深部储层的物性,增添了深层的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

《Geological Journal》2017,52(5):808-827
With the recent discovery of new oil fields around the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, a better understanding of the origin of its high‐quality lacustrine carbonate reservoirs has become important. The lacustrine carbonates of the upper fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (ES4s) have been examined using a variety of methods, including core and thin section observations, XRD, SEM, CL and fluid inclusion and isotope testing. The δ13C and δ18O values of the Dongying carbonates differ significantly from Eocene marine values, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of carbonate minerals are higher than Eocene marine water and the same as the surrounding Palaeozoic carbonate bedrock. Additionally, the distribution of the carbonates is controlled by the surrounding Palaeozoic carbonate bedrock, all of which indicate their lacustrine origin. Six major carbonate lithofacies are distinguished in the southern gentle slope zone. Bioclastic, oolitic and intraclastic grainstones dominate the littoral to sublittoral zones, while mudstones are mainly distributed in the profundal zone. The ES4s interval is composed of a third‐order depositional sequence that contains several small‐scale, higher frequency depositional cycles. Overall, stacking patterns of high‐frequency depositional cycles are consistent with the general facies variation from basin to shore. Shallow‐water grainstones contain both primary intergranular and secondary dissolution pores, whereas the dolomitized mudstones in the profundal zone contain intercrystalline pores and fractures. Diagenetic processes that improve reservoir quality include dissolution and dolomitization. Reservoir quality was diminished by burial calcite cementation and compaction. High‐quality reservoirs are mostly distributed in dolomitized grainstones and wackestones, which are deposited in the shoal facies of shallow lakes. Variations in reservoir quality in the Dongying Depression are due to a combination of lithofacies type, dissolution intensity, early dolomitization and tectonic‐related deformation. Due to the influx of meteoric waters and shallow burial depth, the grainstones in the littoral zone have the best reservoir quality. Integrated studies have helped to understand the reservoir heterogeneity and hydrocarbon potential of the Dongying lacustrine carbonates. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对巢湖北部地区以碳酸盐岩为主的寒武系—下三叠统海相地层的黏土矿物分析及伊利石结晶度测定的结果表明:伊利石是本区海相地层的主体矿物,平均体积分数为73%。黏土矿物的成岩转化特征表现为蒙皂石的伊利石化。按照伊利石结晶度的成岩-浅变质程度划分,本区寒武系—下三叠统的成岩作用已达到最高成岩阶段。伊利石结晶度的纵向变化总体上可分为上、下两部分:下部寒武系至志留系的结晶度为0.41~0.60°Δ2θ,结晶度与埋深具有一定的相关性,成岩作用是下部地层黏土矿物特征的主控因素;上部泥盆系至下三叠统的结晶度为0.45~0.77°Δ2θ,呈波动变化,蒙皂石连续出现,地层没有被显著埋藏,沉积因素是上部地层黏土矿物特征的主控因素。下三叠统地层中蒙皂石的分布特征以及上泥盆统五通组顶部高岭石的普遍富集具有重要的古气候研究意义。  相似文献   

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