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This paper provides further evidence for the ongoing discussion as to whether the Dabie UHPM belt formed in Triassic or Palaeozoic time, and whether the Sulu UHPM belt formed in Triassic or Neoproterozoic time. Combined use of laser Raman spectrometer (LR), cathodoluminescence imaging (CL), and ion probe U–Pb in‐situ dating (SHRIMP) provided accurate ages of UHPM from rocks collected from Weihai, NE Sulu UHPM belt. LR was used to identify coesite and other UHP minerals as inclusions in zircon separates from an amphibolized peridotite and an eclogite. CL was used to examine the zoning structure of these zircon, and SHRIMP dating was performed on specific spots on zircon to obtain ages of different geological events. An age of 221 ± 12 Ma was obtained for coesite‐bearing zircon from the amphibolized peridotite; an age of 228 ± 29 Ma for eclogite was obtained from the lower intercept of a concordia plot. These ages are interpreted as the time of UHPM in the Weihai region. Ultramafic rocks to the east of Weihai yield a magmatic age at 581 ± 44 Ma. The zircon in the ultramafic rocks possibly also records a thermal event at c. 400 Ma, but no independent geological evidence for this event has been found. The eclogite protolith formed in the Middle Proterozoic (1821 ± 19 Ma), which is similar to the age of country rock gneisses of 1847–1744 Ma. The new geochronological data confirm that UHPM occurred in the Triassic in the Sulu area when subduction took the ultramafic body and the eclogite protolith, together with the adjacent supracrustal rocks, to mantle depths.  相似文献   

Marble is associated with ultrahigh pressure eclogite in the Dabie Mountains, East China. U-Pb isotope data for the marble define a238U-206Pb isochron age of 435 ± 45 Ma with an initial206Pb/204Pb value of 18.075 ± 0.006. The age of ∼435 Ma is interpreted to represent the time of limestone diagenesis rather than the time of metamorphic resetting accompanied by the formation of the ultrahigh pressure eclogites at Triassic. The paleontologic and stratigraphic studies also favor a local excursion in the carbon isotopic composition of the latest Ordovician water within a sedimentary basin between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. Because the latest Ordovician limestone was involved in the eclogite formation, the continental collision between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean plates would postdate Ordovician. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

锆石是U-Pb计时的首选对象,对于地质历史复杂的变质岩地区,如大别碰撞造山带的年代学研究,具有不可替代的重要性。变质岩中锆石经历了Pb的扩散丢失作用;晶格损伤导致的蜕晶化作用;增生-混合作用和重结晶作用。这些过程对锆石计时的准确性和有效性带来不同程度的影响。为了使测定的年龄有确定的地质意义,在进行锆石U-Pb定年前,必需对锆石进行成因矿物学和矿物内部结构研究,特别是阴极荧光和背散射电子成像研究,通过内部结构特征确定锆石成因过程。在化学U-Pb法定年时注意普通铅校正和^204Pb测定值对年龄的影响,尽量选择单一成因锆石。特别强调在大别造山带年代学中引入锆石微区离子探针定年技术。  相似文献   

Carbonate rocks are one of the major hosts to eclogite in the Mt. Dabie region. Eclogite bodies enclosed in the carbonate rocks occur mostly as knobs, ovoids and lenses measuring centimeters to tens of centimeters in size. The bodies have been intensely carbonatized and usually have transitional contacts with their carbonate hosts. The carbonate rocks have abundant relics of eclogite minerals and their retrogressive derivatives. The REE patterns of the carbonate rocks are characterized by the absence of negative Ce anomaly. These features suggest that a considerable portion of the eclogite-bearing carbonate rocks in the Mt. Dabie region was produced by carbonatization of eclogites and their retrogressive derivatives. These carbonate rocks suffered deformation and recrystallization after their formation. This research project was financially supported by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources (Project No. 9501102-04-1).  相似文献   

岩石学研究表明北大别罗田榴辉岩经过了榴辉岩相、麻粒岩相和角闪岩相变质作用,表现出多种减压出溶结构.特征性的减压出溶结构有单斜辉石和石榴石中分别发育石英+角闪石+斜长石等与金红石+单斜辉石+角闪石等针状矿物出溶体,以及锆石中含有柯石英残晶.这些进一步证明北大别南部(罗田一带)同北部(如黄尾河、百丈岩等地)榴辉岩一样经过了>5~7CPa的超高压变质作用.  相似文献   

An ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic slab at Yangkou Beach near Qingdao in the Sulu region of China consists of blocks of eclogite facies metagabbro, metagranitoid, ultramafic rock and mylonitic orthogneisses enclosed in granitic gneiss. A gradational sequence from incipiently metamorphosed gabbro to completely recrystallized coesite eclogite formed at ultra-high-pressures was identified in a single 30 m block; metagabbro is preserved in the core whereas coesite eclogite occurs along the block margins. The metagabbro contains an igneous assemblage of Pl+Aug+Opx+Qtz+Bt+Ilm/Ti-Mag; it shows relict magmatic textures and reaction coronas. Fine-grained garnet developed along boundaries between plagioclase and other phases; primary plagioclase broke down to Ab+Ky+Ms+Zo±Grt±Amp. Augite is rimmed by sodic augite or omphacite, whereas orthopyroxene is rimmed by a corona of Cum±Act and Omp+Qtz layers or only Omp+Qtz. In transitional rocks, augite and orthopyroxene are totally replaced by omphacite, and the lower-pressure assemblage Ab+Ky+Phn+Zo+Grt coexists with domains of Omp (Jd70–73)+Ky±Phn in pseudomorphs after plagioclase. Both massive and weakly deformed coesite-bearing eclogites contain Omp+Ky+Grt+Phn+Coe/Qtz+Rt, and preserve a faint gabbroic texture. Coesite inclusions in garnet and omphacite exhibit limited conversion to palisade quartz; some intergranular coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite also occur. Assemblages of the coronal stage, transitional and UHP peak occurred at about 540±50 °C at c. 13 kbar, 600–800 °C at ≥15–25 kbar and 800–850 °C at >30 kbar, respectively. Garnet from the coronal- through the transitional- to the eclogite-stage rocks show a decrease in almandine and an increase in grossular±pyrope components; garnet in low-grade rocks contains higher MnO and lower pyrope components. The growth textures of garnet within pseudomorphs after plagioclase or along grain boundaries between plagioclase and other phases are complex; the application of garnet zoning to estimate P–T should be carried out with caution. Some garnet enclosing quartz aggregates as inclusions shows radial growth boundaries; these quartz aggregates, as well as other primary and low-P phases, persisted metastably at UHP conditions due to sluggish reactions resulting from the lack of fluid during prograde and retrograde P–T evolution.  相似文献   

南大别山碧溪岭榴辉岩加里东期 Ar-Ar年代学信息   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
笔者曾尝试把热液矿床流体包裹体 Ar- Ar定年技术应用于碧溪岭超高压变质榴辉岩石榴子石流体包裹体定年研究 , 并获得了石榴子石流体包裹体 Ar- Ar等时线年龄~ 450Ma.为了探索这个年龄信息的地质意义 , 继续开展了更广泛的研究工作 , 结果表明,加里东期年龄信息也记录于碧溪岭其他榴辉岩露头的石榴子石流体包裹体中 , 它们的 Ar- Ar年龄谱和等时线非常相似 ; 而碧溪岭榴辉岩体中的花岗片麻岩之角闪石和黑云母的 Ar- Ar年龄谱平坦 , 其等时线年龄分别为 (275± 18) Ma和 (273± 4) Ma, 明显早于当前主流学术观点的超高压峰期变质年龄 240~ 220 Ma.这些 Ar- Ar年龄将有助于进一步认识大别-苏鲁地区超高压变质作用历史.  相似文献   

大别山中生代钾质岩浆作用与超高压变质地体的剥露机理   总被引:37,自引:8,他引:37  
马昌前  李志昌 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):379-395
在已知的超高压变质地体中, 大别山是碰撞后花岗岩类侵入作用最为强烈的唯一地区。这里, 中生代的钾玄岩系列和高钾钙碱性系列的侵入岩, 可以依其年龄和组成特征划分为3 组。第 I组, 主要由晚三叠世 (约210 Ma) 二长闪长岩 辉长岩体组成, 它可能是在板片断离过程中富集的大陆岩石圈地幔部分熔融的产物 (板片断离型); 第 I I组, 由中侏罗世- 早白垩世 (160~120 Ma) 的角闪石英二长岩、黑云母二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩组成, 主要是由幔源岩浆的分离结晶与地壳混染共同作用的产物 (岩浆底垫型); 第 I I I组, 以白垩纪 (125~95 Ma) 的花岗岩和花岗斑岩为代表, 是在热穹窿作用过程中大别杂岩深熔作用和高度演化的产物 (穹窿型)。大别山超高压变质岩通过地幔的剥露可能与晚三叠世—早侏罗世的板片断离有关, 而大规模的岩浆侵位与超高压变质岩的快速剥露相伴出现说明, 岩浆底垫和岩浆漂浮作用可能在大别山中侏罗世—早白垩世的快速剥露中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

潘永信  朱日祥 《岩石学报》2005,21(4):1101-1108
本文对采自大别山碧溪岭、新店、石马、花凉亭和朱家冲等地点的102块定向超高压和高压变质榴辉岩、片麻岩和大理岩等样品,进行了岩石磁学和磁化率各向异性(AMS)研究。磁化率和磁化强度随温度变化以及磁滞回线参数的分析结果表明,岩石剩磁载体以假单畴-多畴磁铁矿为主。新鲜榴辉岩和大理岩的磁化率很低,经过退变质作用的榴辉岩具有最大磁化率值,片麻岩的磁化率变化范围较大。这表明这些岩石中的磁性矿物含量主要受退变质作用和原岩成分差异的控制。磁化率各向异性度(P)主要受磁面理(F)的控制,显示出在其发育期以挤压构造环境为主;新鲜榴辉岩、退变质榴辉岩和片麻岩的F和P值依次增大。榴辉岩和片麻岩的AMS椭球的展布近似。在地理坐标下,这些AMS椭球的最小主轴(K3)以向北倾为主,最大主轴(K1)多为南倾。  相似文献   

大别地体超高压变质岩石锆石Lu-Hf同位素研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对大别山南部超高压变质带双河和黄镇地区的榴辉岩、片麻岩和硬玉石英岩中变质锆石进行了原位LA-MC-ICPMS的Lu-Hf同位素分析.双河和黄镇的榴辉岩及双河的硬玉石英岩有低176Lu/177Hf和低176Hf/177Hf组成,两地的片麻岩有高176Hf/177Hf比和高且分散的176Lu/177Hf组成.锆石Hf同位素分布主要受变质原岩的形成时代控制,增生锆石基本上继承了原岩锆石的Hf同位素特征,既有增生锆石相对有低176Lu/177Hf和高176Hf/177Hf、继承重结晶锆石相对有高176Lu/177Hf和低176Hf/177Hf的特征,也有二者相互重叠没有区别的,它主要受原岩性质和变质过程中锆石遭受的溶蚀程度控制.增生锆石的低Lu/Hf是锆石在变质过程中Lu含量下降和Hf含量增高造成的,增生锆石的高176Hf/177Hf继承自岩石中其它高Lu/Hf比矿物的长期演化.继承锆石的初始Hf同位素组成εHf值和亏损地幔模式年龄TDM示踪表明,各超高压变质原岩的时代和成因是复杂的:双河榴辉岩原岩物质源自25亿年的亏损地幔和至少27亿年以上的古老晚太古地壳混合.双河片麻岩原岩年龄相同,但有不同的壳幔混合物源.黄镇榴辉岩原岩主要源于亏损幔源岩浆形成的初生地壳的重循环,很少的地壳混染.黄镇片麻岩和榴辉岩的物源区年龄相同.两地片麻岩原岩物源主要来自弱亏损地幔,存在古老地壳物质和地幔物质的混合.大别地区超高压变质岩锆石的Lu-Hf同位素特征主要反映了7~8亿年和18~19亿年时扬子克拉通北缘地区的岩浆活动特点和大地构造环境.  相似文献   

刘景波  叶凯 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):482-484
通过拉曼光谱,识别出大别山超高压变质带片麻岩的锆石中有重晶石和硬石膏包裹体,它们与柯石英共生,由此表明超高压变质过程中存在变质流体。  相似文献   

大别山岳西县石关混合岩锆石SHRIMP定年及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安徽岳西县石关混合岩属于原北大别变质杂岩的一部分。锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年结果:第一次变质时间为232Ma,相当于晚三叠世早期,第二次变质时间为207Ma,相当于晚三叠世晚期。复合锆石的核部(继承锆石)为发育韵律环带的岩浆碎屑锆石,其年龄值分别为560Ma、444Ma、394Ma、378Ma和331Ma,暗示其原岩非岩浆岩,而应为沉积岩;研究结果还表明,北大别石关混合岩经历了两次变质作用:①超高压变质作用,变质时间为232Ma(n=5加权平均年龄);②退变质作用,时间为207Ma。与苏鲁地区超高压变质和退变质时间一致。  相似文献   

The Maobei complex in the southern Sulu ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China, mainly consists of layered eclogites, garnet peridotites and orthogneisses. Based on the modal mineral and whole‐rock compositions, eclogites from the Maobei complex are divided into quartz eclogite, quartz‐rich eclogite, rutile eclogite, rutile‐rich eclogite and eclogite. The distinct spatial changes in the lithology and related chemical compositions indicate that this complex includes 10 rhythmic layers. The rutile eclogites have high TiO2 (2.4–5.9 wt%), commonly coupled with high P2O5 (up to 4.1 wt%) contents; most show fractionated REE patterns with slight positive Eu anomalies. The rutile‐rich eclogites have very high TiO2 (3.3–5.7 wt%), FeOT (17.5–25.3 wt%), V (126–1163 ppm) and Co (14–132 ppm), and very low SiO2 (38.0–42.3 wt%), Zr (24–85 ppm), Nb (0.3–6.9 ppm), Ta (<0.1–0.6 ppm) and total REE (10.7–334.0 ppm) contents, variable degree of LREE depletion, and positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.1–2.9), and the Ti is decoupled from other high‐field‐strength elements. These characteristics are consistent with Fe‐Ti gabbros of typical layered intrusions, implying a cumulate of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and abundant accessory magnetite in an evolved basaltic magmatic chamber. Based on a normal stratigraphic sequence, the Maobei complex shows an iron‐enrichment trend, followed by alkaline enrichment with increasing fractionated crystallization and stratigraphic height. These facts, together with SHRIMP U‐Pb zircon ages of 773.7 ± 8.0 Ma, indicate that the protolith of the Maobei complex is a Neoproterozoic layered intrusion consisting of a base of peridogabbro, a main body of gabbro and minor granodiorite. Unusually high Ti, V and P contents in three rutile eclogite layers suggest that they are potential economic ore deposits.  相似文献   

Pressure–temperature conditions for formation of the peak metamorphic mineral assemblages in phengite-bearing eclogites from Dabieshan have been assessed through a consideration of Fe2+–Mg2+ partitioning between garnet–omphacite and garnet–phengite pairs and of the reaction equilibrium celadonite+pyrope+grossular=muscovite+diopside, which incorporates an evaluation of the extent of the strongly pressure-dependent inverse Tschermak's molecule substitution in the phengites. For the latter equilibrium, the calibration and recommended activity–composition models indicated by 45 ) have been employed and importantly yield results consistent with petrographic evidence for the stability at peak conditions of coesite in certain samples and quartz in others. Confirmation that in some phengite-eclogite samples peak silicate mineral assemblages have equilibrated at confining pressures sufficient for the stability of coesite (and in some cases even diamond) rather negates previous suggestions that coesite may have been stabilized in only very localized, possibly just intracrystalline, domains. Inherent difficulties in the evaluation of peak metamorphic temperatures from Fe2+–Mg2+ partitioning between mineral phases, due to uncertainties over Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios in the minerals (especially omphacites), and to re-equilibration during extensive retrograde overprinting in some samples, are also assessed and discussed. Our results indicate the existence in south-central Dabieshan of phengite eclogites with markedly different equilibration conditions within two structurally distinct tectonometamorphic terranes. Thus our data do not support earlier contentions that south-central Dabieshan comprises a structurally coherent continental-crust terrane with a regional P–T gradient signalling previous deepest-level subduction in the north. Instead, we recognize the Central Dabie ultra-high-pressure (coesite eclogite-bearing) terrane to be structurally overlain by a Southern Dabie high-pressure (quartz eclogite-bearing) terrane at a major southerly dipping shear zone along which late orogenic extensional collapse appears to have eliminated at least 20 km of crustal section.  相似文献   

大别山及苏鲁地区微粒金刚石分类及其大地构造意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1992年发现大别山首例微粒金刚石之后,又于2003年和2004年在大别山和苏鲁地区的榴辉岩薄片中和榴辉岩的人工重砂中发现了微粒金刚石。本文报道其中尚未发表的7颗,并对2颗较大的薄片中的微粒金刚石和2颗自由晶体金刚石进行拉曼光谱和红外光谱测试。研究结果表明,本区所有微粒金刚石都为IaA和IaB型金刚石的混合体。缺少Ib型金刚石,表明没有人造金刚石的混入。薄片中的金刚石大部分为石榴子石的包裹体,少数产出于颗粒之间,直径为30-180μm。自由颗粒微粒金刚石直径为400-700μm。在大别山北部,不但又一次找到了微粒金刚石,还在石榴子石中发现有单斜辉石、磷灰石和金红石的出溶。这表明北大剐不但是超高压地质体,而且可能是本区俯冲最深的地质体。  相似文献   

大别山太湖—马庙断裂带两侧变质地体的增温变质作用   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
王清晨 Mass.  HJ 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):338-349
大别山榴辉岩地体以太湖 马庙断裂带为南界。该断裂带近东西走向, 向南倾斜。通过对石榴石中 Mg 含量由核部向边缘增高的生长环带构造的分析和详细的 P T 轨迹的计算表明, 断裂带北侧的榴辉岩和南侧的角闪岩及角闪片麻岩均经历了降压增温变质过程。热榴辉岩由地幔深处的折返和地温梯度的升高为可能的热源。  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of Eclogites in the Light of PunctuatedMetamorphic Evolution in Dabie Terrane,China¥YouZhendong;HanYujing;ZhongZ...  相似文献   

大别山北部榴辉岩及英云闪长质片麻岩的锆石U-Pb年龄分析表明:北部榴辉岩相峰期变质时代为226~230Ma左右;北部塔儿河一带英云闪长质片麻岩经历过印支期变质事件;大别山北部与南部超高压岩石中一致的(226~230Ma)高压或超高压变质年龄表明,北部镁铁-超镁铁质岩带中部分岩石也曾作为扬子俯冲陆壳的一部分,在印支期发生过高压或超高压变质作用;本区锆石发生过两期变质增生事件,一是印支期高压或超高压变质,另一期是燕山期热变质事件;榴辉岩及英云闪长质片麻岩的原岩形成时代为晚元古代;锆石U-Pb年龄可用多期变质增生模型来解释。  相似文献   

Eclogites of the Dabie Region: Retrograde Metamorphismand Fluid Evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabie region can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stage is marked by polymorphic inversion, recrystallization and exsolution of solid solutions, and is thought to represent eclogite-facies retrograde environments. The fluid-bearing stage is likely to have occurred at the late stage of ecologite-facies diaphthorosis and is represented by kyanite porphyroblasts, rutile, and sodic pyroxene in association with high-pressure hydrous minerals such as phengite and zoisite (clinozoisite) without significant amount of hydrous minerals such as amphibole, epidote and biotite. The fluid-rich stage might have commenced concomitantly with lower amphibolite-facies diaphthoresis and persisted all the way towards the near-surface environment. The product of this stage is characterized by plentiful hydrous and volatile-bearing phases.The dissemination-type rutile mineralizations in eclogites might have  相似文献   

The Dabie Mountains are believed to be a collisional orogenic belt between the Yangtze amd Sino-Koreancontinental plates. It is composed of the foreland fold-thrust zone, the subducting cover and basement of theYangtze continental plate, the coesite- and diamond-bearing ultra-high pressure metamorphic zone and themeta-ophiolitic melange zone in the subducting basement, the fore-arc flysch nappe and the back thrust zoneoccurring respectively on the southern and northern margins of the Sino-Korean continental plate and the in-herited basin with molassic deposits on the northern margin. When the palaeo-Dabie oceanic plate subductednorthward in the Early Palaeozoic, volcanic arc and back arc basin probably formed on the southern margin ofthe Sino-Korean continental plate. The Sm / Nd isotopic dating of the strata and eclogite which were drawn in-to the foreland fold-thrust zone indicates that the intense collision of the two continental plates took place inthe Early Mesozoic.  相似文献   

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