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The results of studies into the aerosol optical depth (AOD) for the atmosphere in the Middle Urals in the spectrum range of 0.34–1.02 μm for 2004–2010 is presented. The interannual, annual, seasonal, and daily variations in the AOD are analyzed. The major statistical characteristics of the AOD, the parameters of the probability density function of distributions over different wave lengths, and the parameters of Angstrom’s formula for the different seasons are calculated. The monitoring stations in the Russian segment of the AERONET network are ranked with respect to the AOD value. A shift from March to May in the spring maximum of the AOD is revealed in comparison with the results of the actinometric observations for the period of 1960–1986. A qualitative assessment is given to the influence of forest and peat fires in the region on the AOD. A classification of the states of aerosol haze in the atmosphere according to the AOD values is proposed.  相似文献   

应变速率与单轴压缩强度极值的关系在抗冰结构设计与优化中占有重要地位。基于2009年冬季普兰店海域海冰在不同海冰温度(-5°C、-10°C、-15°C)下的压缩强度试验数据,给出各自应变速率—压缩强度散点图。结果表明,海冰在不同加载速率下表现为三种破坏模式,即韧性区、过渡区与脆性区;海冰温度对过渡区对应应变速率范围影响较小,均在6.3×10~(-4)~2×10~(-3)区域附近。结合三段式函数形式,给出不同温度下应变速率—压缩强度极值的曲线拟合结果。依据上述结论,在庄河海域选择应变速率10~(-2)、10~(-3)与10~(-4)进行不同海冰温度(-16°C~-4°C)下单轴压缩强度试验。结果显示:在韧性区,海冰温度与压缩强度极值呈弱负相关;在过渡区,海冰温度与压缩强度极值呈明显线性减小;在脆性区,强度极值相对海冰温度敏感度较低。基于此,在应变速率—压缩强度曲线中提出温度影响系数,这一试验分析方法可推广至其它海域。  相似文献   

A review of contemporary methods for determining integrated parameters of the water content in the atmosphere―atmospheric water-vapor content and cloud liquid-water content―is presented. Fields of these parameters can only be mapped spatially on the basis of using data of satellite measurements. The least errors of the retrieval of atmospheric water-vapor content and cloud liquid-water content is provided by methods based on using measurements of the satellite-borne scanning multichannel microwave radiometers over the ice-free ocean areas in the absence of precipitation. Most methods for retrieving the atmospheric water-vapor content and cloud liquid-water content from the data of microwave radiometers are based on results of numerical simulation of brightness temperatures of the upwelling microwave radiation of the ocean–atmosphere system. The evolution of satellite-borne microwave radiometers and methods for the retrieval of integrated parameters of water content is presented.  相似文献   

The distribution functions of atmospheric aerosol obtained on the basis of lidar sounding and photometric measurements over marine water areas in continental and transition zones are analyzed. Changes in the microphysical parameters of the distribution function in the continent-ocean transition zone with height are considered on the basis of data taken from three-frequency lidar sounding. Specific features of changes in the particle size distribution with height during intense dust storms and records of volcanogenic aerosol in the tropopause region in the summer of 2008 are described.  相似文献   

The influence of increased concentrations of submicron aerosol produced by forest fires on thermal characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in Moscow and its remote vicinity (the town of Zvenigorod) are analyzed on the basis of regular remote measurements of the ABL temperature profile with the use of MTP-5 profilers. In the air basin of a large city, additional aerosol and accompanying pollutants in early morning hours (at small heights of the Sun) most frequently did not cause substantial changes in the ABL thermal structure. In the locality remote from the megalopolis (Zvenigorod), the atmospheric pollution by aerosol led to noticeable changes in the ABL thermal characteristics. Especially strong changes were observed in the daytime, during the maximum supply of solar radiation. In morning hours, the heating rate of the lower 100-m layer of the polluted air exceeded the heating rate of a relatively pure air by more than one degree. In higher layers, the differences between the rates of temperature changes in a relatively clean atmosphere and in an atmosphere polluted by aerosol (in the suburb) were insignificant.  相似文献   

The influence of the aerosol component on the total transmission of sounding IR radiation is analyzed. The emissions of both industrial and natural origins into the atmosphere were regarded as the medium. It is noted that, in studying the radiative transport through gas-aerosol mixtures, it is necessary to take into account both molecular absorption and scattering from aerosol particles. It is shown that there are certain boundary values of the microphysical parameters of aerosol where it is sufficient to take into account only one of the above-mentioned factors of radiation extinction. The quantitative values of the parameters of an aerosol medium, on the basis of which the solution of the transport equation can be significantly simplified, are given.  相似文献   

We have estimated and compensated the error in long-term series of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) calculated from the data on direct integral solar radiation measured by a standard actinometer at the Meteorological Observatory of the Moscow State University (MO MSU) for strong atmospheric turbidity conditions. The necessary corrections have been obtained by the Monte-Carlo simulation of the actinometry measurements for different atmospheric conditions, taking into account the angular size of the field of view of the instrument; and a special correctional formula has been obtained. This correction formula has been applied for all timed AOT values of above 0.5 observed at the MO MSU for the entire time period from 1955 to 2013. Changes in the long-term average AOT values in Moscow occurred only when the smoky haze from the forest and peat fires affected the aerosol turbidity of the atmosphere. Here, the significant decreasing trend of aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere from 1955 to 2013 has been retained with the same confidence level.  相似文献   

A method for reconstructing the parameters of postvolcanic stratospheric aerosol from the results of joint measurements of the aerosol backscattering coefficient with lidar systems based on the Nd:YAG laser and the aerosol extinction coefficient with the SAGE III satellite instrumentation is developed. The most informative set of optical characteristics is determined for each of the microphysical parameters under consideration (concentration, surface area, volume, and effective size of particles of the fine and coarse aerosol fractions). Multiple polynomial regressions between optical and microphysical characteristics of aerosol are obtained. These regressions make it possible to determine the microphysical characteristics of aerosol within a wide range without solving incorrect inverse problems. The results are compared with independent experimental data. The errors of reconstructing microphysical parameters of aerosol are estimated for different situations in the stratosphere. The influence of the shape of particles of the dust fraction on the results of a reconstruction of the microphysical parameters of aerosol is considered.  相似文献   

2006年夏季、冬季和2007年春季、秋季在长江口及东海海域进行了大面积走航采样,通过离子色谱法分析了气溶胶中主要水溶性离子的质量浓度,探讨了其季节变化和海域分布.分析结果表明,K+和Ca2+季节变化显著,海域分布呈现近岸高外海低的趋势,Na+和Mg2+海域分布差异显著;NH4+-N,NO3--N和SO42--S的春、...  相似文献   

A spectral range of 920 to 960 cm?1 is chosen for satellite measurements of the CO2 content in the atmosphere with a correlation method. The optimal transmission function of the measured gas in the correlation channel of the radiometer is estimated. It is shown that the effects that atmospheric gases (H2O, CO, O3, N2O, and CH4) and errors in specifying the land-surface temperature and the vertical air-temperature distribution have on errors in measuring the CO2 content throughout the entire atmospheric thickness may reach several percent.  相似文献   

The electric state of the middle-latitude convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is investigated during a point in time when it is not disturbed by clouds, precipitation, mist, or industrial aerosols. A numerical model is developed that estimates the electroaerodynamic state of the convective ABL. The model is parameterized using results of field observations and laboratory experiments. According to the model, vertical profiles of atmospheric electric field strength, space charge density, electric conductivity, and atmospheric electric current density are calculated in the horizontally homogeneous approximation with a high space-time resolution.  相似文献   

Monitoring data on the ion composition of aerosols and gas admixtures in the background and polluted atmosphere of the Lake Baikal region are presented. The ion composition and morphology of aerosols are affected by heterogeneous chemical reactions and variations in relative humidity. Two types of aerosol particles are revealed over this region. The fraction of solid particles recorded in most episodes includes primarily carbonates of alkaline and alkaline-earth metals. With increased atmospheric humidity, these particles are engaged in heterogeneous chemical reactions with gas-phase NH3 and H2SO4, proceeding through the phase of watering. As a result, the composition of these aerosols is changed, and a fraction of aqueous H2O/H2SO4/(NH4)2SO4 aerosol particles of a different composition is formed. On the basis of a physical and chemical analysis of monitoring data on the aerosol composition and concentrations of gas admixtures, the average aerosol-size distribution of different types is estimated. For the first time, the mean acidity of aqueous aerosol particles is estimated.  相似文献   

In this work the procedure of replacing the inhomogeneous atmosphere with homogeneous layers is discussed. The absorption and emission functions of a layer in a selected spectral region are the same as they are for the inhomogeneous layer. The dependence of the effective brightness temperature of a layer on its thickness is shown in the methane absorption band 1220–1260 cm–1. Negative values of luminosity spectral density of a homogenous atmospheric layer with a width of over 3200 m indicate an increase in the weakening role of the layer for the outgoing radiation in the considered atmospheric model. The application of the method of gas optical filter correlation for a measurement of the methane content in the near-ground atmospheric layer from an aerospace platform is considered.  相似文献   

The evolution of smoke plume over European Russia (ER) during the massive forest and peatbog fires of summer 2010 has been studied using observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) from MODIS instruments (both Aqua and Terra platforms), objective analysis of meteorological fields performed at the Russian Hydrometeorological Research Center, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, as well as upper air data. A relation between the structure inhomogeneities of the AOD field and regional atmospheric circulation has been found. It is shown that, on August 5–9, 2010, the maximum of smoke pollution did complete turn around Moscow, while remaining at a distance of 200 to 650 km from the megacity. Both regionally averaged shortwave aerosol radiative forcings (ARFs) at the top and the bottom of the atmosphere are estimated for the period of extreme smoke pollution over ER. The spatial distributions of ARF values over the territory of the region and the estimates of the local and spatially distributed thermal effects of smoke aerosol are given. It is shown that, on August 5–9, 2010, the spatial distribution of AOD and the calculated thermal effects of smoke aerosol were in agreement with the spatial distributions of air-temperature anomalies observed in the lower 1.5-km layer of the atmosphere. MODIS’s AOD data obtained during the wildfires were validated by AOD observations from the CIMEL sun photometer operated at the AERONET station Zvenigorod.  相似文献   

Methods of stochastic dynamics based on the application of fluctuation theorems (FTs) are used for describing nonstationary responses of natural objects to specified finite, but not necessarily small, changes in external factors in the presence of random disturbances. Nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation relationships (FDRs) are obtained on the basis of one of the FTs. These FDRs are used for calculating the soil moisture content response to specified changes in the mean precipitation in the presence of synoptic disturbances. The model under consideration, in spite of its coarseness, includes an important nonlinear effect of the moisture excess discharge into a reservoir. An approximate analytical theory is constructed. This theory makes it possible to take into account nonlinear effects when response functions are determined.  相似文献   

New prognostic estimates are obtained for the potential variability of the atmospheric ozone content in the first half of the 21st century. The calculations are based on models of gas composition and general circulation in the lower and middle atmosphere and on the scenarios of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is shown that the rate of ozone content increase will be controlled to a considerable extent by variations in stratospheric temperature. Even though the contents of atmospheric chlorine and bromine are not reduced, contrary to the WMO prediction, and remain at the present-day levels, the continuation of stratospheric cooling will lead to a rapid recovery of the ozone content to its level characteristic of the 1980s. Model experiments on variations in the stratospheric aerosol content have shown that an increase in the aerosol concentration will not affect the rate of ozone recovery in the atmosphere during reduced emissions of chlorine and bromine gases if the stratospheric temperature remains lowered. Numerical experiments have also shown that the simultaneous anthropogenic action on the contents of halogen gases and on the lower-stratosphere temperature can reduce the adverse effects of Freons and halons on the ozone layer.  相似文献   

二甲基硫(CH3SCH3,或DMS)是大气硫化物最主要的天然来源之一,是由海洋浮游植物产生的。其在大气中的氧化产物甲磺酸(MSA)和非海盐硫酸盐(Nss-SO42-)是沿海天然降水中酸性物质的主要贡献者。对大气气溶胶中甲磺酸的采样条件及测定方法进行了探讨,利用离子色谱技术测定了青岛春季大气气溶胶中甲磺酸质量浓度平均为0.376μg/m3,并与文献结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

西北太平洋波候与大气涛动的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ECMWF 1958-2001年44 a的ERA-40海浪再分析资料计算了西北太平洋海域(0°~45°N,99°~160°E)月平均有效波高(SWH)、平均周期(T)与北太平洋模态指数(NPI)、太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)和多变量ENSO指数(MEI)等大气涛动之间的时间和空间的相关性,重点探讨了NPI对北半球西太平洋波候(SWH和T)的影响。结果表明:NPI、PDO和MEI均与SWH和T有显著的相关性;NPI与SWH和T呈现正相关性,NPI超前SWH和T半年左右正相关最强,最强的相关海域位于日本和菲律宾以东洋面;NPI还存在3~5 a、8~9 a和13~15 a的年际和年代际周期变化; NPI高指数且PDO负位相或MEI负位相均使得SWH和T 增大; MEI冷位相且叠加PDO负位相时也利于SWH和T增大。NPI影响西北太平洋波候的可能机制是:NPI处于低(高)指数时,阿留申低压加深(减弱)且位置偏东(西),北太平洋西风带海面风速急流出现(消失),太平洋副热带东北信风大值区东移(西移),西北太平洋海域信风减弱(加强),西北太平洋海域有效波高和平均周期随之减小(增大)。中、东太平洋西向传播的涌浪对西北太平洋海域波侯有重要影响。  相似文献   

The microphysical characteristics of aerosol were measured in the atmospheric surface layer simultaneously over the center of Moscow and its vicinity (Zvenigorod Scientific Station, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences) from June 15 to June 30, 2009, in order to compare the mass concentrations, particle-size distribution functions, and elemental compositions of aerosol over the megapolis and the background zone. During the fire peak of 2010, on August 8, aerosol samples were taken in the center of Moscow and their chemical composition was determined. Comparing results obtained from the simultaneous measurements of the concentrations of aerosol and its elemental composition made it possible to determine their interdiurnal variability, which suggests that the features of time variations are of a regional character and they are determined mainly by the dynamics of the synoptical processes of air-mass exchange. The chemical composition of obtained samples was determined using the method of atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurement results obtained in June 2009 revealed an increase in the content of anthropogenic elements in the atmosphere over Moscow when compared to their content in the atmosphere over the background zone. In Moscow, during the summer fires of 2010, the concentration of sulfur exceeded its concentration in June 2009 by an order of magnitude, and the concentrations of Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, and Fe increased several times. The mean mass concentration of aerosol amounted to 917 μg/m3 in August 2010 and 50–70 μg/m3 in June 2009.  相似文献   

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