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乌兰乌拉湖-玉树断裂东段晚第四纪滑动速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
乌兰乌拉湖-玉树断裂是巴颜喀拉地块与羌塘地块分界地带的一条重要活动断裂.该断裂东段晚第四纪以来活动强烈,断错地貌特征明显,为全新世活动的左旋逆冲断裂.利用后差分GPS对阶地与洪积扇断错地貌进行了精细测量,并结合碳十四(14C)和光释光(OSL)测年结果对地貌面年代进行限定,获得该断裂东段晚更新世晚期以来的垂直位错量为5...  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘是现今陆内地壳形变最为强烈的地区之一,一系列长度和力学性质不同的活动断裂将岩石圈分割为多个活动块体。川滇块体是其中构造活动最为显著的区域之一,其西边界由多条互相平行的断裂组成,巴塘断裂是其中的一条主干断裂。了解该断裂晚第四纪以来的变形特征和速率对于认识川滇块体强震的空间分布及变形模式具有重要意义。巴塘断裂整体走向NNE,全长115km,是一条全新世右旋走滑活动断裂。该断裂基本控制了基岩山体边界,其中坡中槽、三角面、断层陡崖等地貌沿断裂呈线性分布,并在黄草坪及巴塘县城2处区域保存了丰富的晚第四纪活动证据。文中利用无人机摄影测量手段建立了黄草坪及巴塘县城分辨率达亚米级的数字地形数据,并对被断错的洪积扇、冲沟等地貌标志物进行了精确测量。在黄草坪地区,巴塘断裂活动造成的山前冲沟水平偏转量为(46±9) m,同时在巴塘县城断裂活动使莫曲河洪积扇边缘被右旋断错(40±5) m。文中利用单个砾石宇宙成因核素法及深度剖面法分别确定了黄草坪最老一级地貌面和莫曲河洪积扇的年龄,分别为(12.5±0.5) ka和(16.4+3.9/-5.6) ka,据此可以得到巴塘断裂晚第四纪以来的右旋走滑速...  相似文献   

甘孜—玉树断裂带是青藏高原中东部的一条大型左旋走滑断裂带,同时也是羌塘地体和巴颜喀拉地体的重要地质边界.当江断裂位于甘孜—玉树断裂带的西北段,沿线发育当江荣、当江和哲达等一系列串珠状第四纪断层谷地.通过遥感影像解译和数字高程地形模型(DEM)数据分析,结合野外构造地貌调查,以及断错地貌面的光释光年代测定,发现断裂沿线冲沟、河流阶地和洪积扇等断错地貌发育,反映了该断裂晚第四纪左旋走滑活动性强烈.该断裂最新活动时代为全新世晚期,距今约3.04 ka.当江断裂晚更新世以来的左旋滑动速率为7±3mm·a~(-1).研究结果为该区的地震危险性分析和高原东北部的运动学特征探讨提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

用岷江都江堰—汶川段晚第四纪阶地面的变形量估算了龙门山断裂带中段的滑动速率。岷江及其支流发育3级晚第四纪河流阶地,阶地面的年龄分别约为10,20,50kaBP。阶地纵剖面在茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂处有明显的垂直变形。断裂活动具有间歇性特点,晚第四纪以来有过3期活动,其起始时间分别为50,20,10kaBP。依据各级阶地面年龄和变形量估算的茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂晚第四纪逆冲滑动速率分别为0.5,0.6~0.3,0.2mm/a;据阶地走滑位错估算的茂汶-汶川断裂和北川-映秀断裂的晚第四纪右旋走滑速率均约为1mm/a。现代河床之下发育很厚的河流堆积物表明,龙门山的构造抬升经历了较为复杂的过程  相似文献   

在大比例尺遥感影像解译的基础上,利用野外调查测量、探槽开挖及热释光测年的方法,对那拉提断裂进行了研究。那拉提断裂是一条晚第四纪以来仍有较强的活动大型逆冲左旋走滑断裂带,断裂带宽度巨大,由多条倾向不同的次级断裂组成,分布在南北宽数千米的范围内。断裂断错了那拉提山前晚第四纪以来的各级地貌面,主要表现为断层陡坎、冲沟水系和地貌面的左旋位移,根据实测陡坎高度及对应地貌面的定年,获得断裂所造成的南北向地壳缩短速率在0.7~1.0 mm/a左右,这表明天山内部同样存在明显的构造变形。  相似文献   

灵武断裂晚第四纪活动特征及位移速率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
灵武断裂是银川地堑南段的东侧构造边界,与灵武-吴忠地区的地震活动有密切的关系,以往研究程度较低.作者通过实际调查、探槽开挖、年代侧定、相关地貌年代测定、断错历史研究等方面的大量工作对该断层晚第四纪的活动性开展了比较系统的野外考察.本文以野外考察获得的资料为基础,论述了该断层晚第四纪的活动特征,估计了其垂直位移速率.  相似文献   

天全-荥经断裂是青藏高原东南缘的1条晚第四纪且活动资料较少的断裂,在2008年汶川M 8.0地震之后,龙门山断裂带西南端未来的地震危险性受到关注。对天全-荥经断裂晚第四纪活动特征的获取有助于理解该区地震危险性的评价。通过遥感影像解译,结合野外调查和断错地貌测量,分析了天全-荥经断裂在荥经下坝村至桂花村切过荥经河河谷晚第四纪地貌区的活动证据。断裂沿线形成冲积扇断错、阶地坎断错和断坎等地貌,并沿断裂发育滑坡。晚第四纪以来断裂以左旋走滑活动为主,其中T2/T2'阶地坎被左旋断错22—24m。利用荥经河阶地与青衣江河流阶地对比,认为该断裂20—40ka以来左旋走滑速率为0.6—1.1mm/a。仍需要从古地震等方面开展工作,来进一步确定天全-荥经断裂的地震危险性。  相似文献   

灵武断裂晚第四纪活动特征及位称速率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
廖玉华  柴炽章 《中国地震》2000,16(2):158-165
灵武断裂是银川地堑南段的东侧构造边界,与灵一吴忠地区的地震活动有密切的关系,以往研究程度较低。作者通过实际调查、探槽开挖、年代侧定、相关地貌 年代测定、断错历史研究等方面的大量工作对该断层晚第四纪的活动性开展了比较系统的野外考察。本文以野外考察获得的资料为基础,论述了该以晚第四纪的活动特征,估计了其垂直位移速率。  相似文献   

龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段晚第四纪活动性特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
遥感影像解译和野外地质地貌调查表明,龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段是以左旋走滑为主兼张性正断的区域性活动断裂。根据一些断错地貌点的大比例尺填图、实地测量及其年代学分析,确定了该断裂为全新世活动断裂,断裂晚更新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为2.2mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.6mm/a;全新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为1.8~3.0mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.5mm/a。断裂晚更新世以来的滑动速率在不同的时间尺度上变化不大,反映了该断裂晚更新世以来的活动强度比较平稳  相似文献   

晚第四纪以来香山-天景山断裂左旋走滑量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
香山-天景山断裂是青藏高原东北缘弧形断裂带中一条重要的活动断裂,长期以来活动强烈,早期以挤压逆冲为主,可能在第四纪早期转变成以左旋走滑为主兼具逆冲性质的断裂.黄河在夜明山前缘穿过此断裂,在沙坡头大弯一带形成一个完美的“几”形拐弯.文中对沙坡头大弯一带黄河地貌、阶地特征、样品年龄进行了探查和分析测试,结果表明,距今170ka以来,香山-天景山断裂左旋位移量最大不超过880m,滑移速率<5.18mm/a.  相似文献   

李光涛  苏刚  程理  李峰  吴昊 《地震地质》2019,41(3):545-560
中甸-大具断裂南东段位于哈巴和玉龙雪山北麓,属于川西北次级块体西南边界,断裂总体走向310°~320°,是一条重要的边界断裂。了解该断裂的活动性质、活动时代和滑动速率等对分析川西北次级块体运动,研究该断裂与玉龙雪山东麓断裂的交切关系等问题具有重要意义。文中基于1︰5万活动断层地质填图,对断裂沿线地层地貌、陡坎地貌、地表破裂、典型断层剖面以及河流阶地等进行了详细的研究。研究表明:1)中甸-大具断裂南东段按几何结构、断错地貌表现、断裂活动性可分为马家村—大具次级段和大具—大东次级段。2)通过野外地质调查发现,马家村—大具次级段断错了全新世冲洪积扇,形成了地表破裂,为全新世活动段;而大具—大东次级段虽然也断错了晚更新—全新世地层,但其断错规模及滑动速率均较小,由此认为其全新世以来活动较弱。3)通过分析断裂沿线断层陡坎、水平位错及地表破裂等地质地貌问题,认为马家村—大具次级段的活动性质为右旋走滑兼正断,其晚更新世以来的垂直滑动速率为0.4~0.8mm/a,水平滑动速率为1.5~2.4mm/a;大具—大东次级段以右旋走滑为主、正断为辅,其晚更新世晚期以来的垂直滑动速率为0.1mm/a。4)在大具盆地内发现的NW向地表破裂带的形成时代很年轻,不排除是1966年中甸6.4级地震或1996年丽江7.0级地震造成的地表破裂。  相似文献   

东昆仑活动断裂带东段全新世滑动速率研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
文中通过对东昆仑活动断裂带托索湖至玛曲段的实际野外测量,获得了该段上的1组断裂位错实测数据和14C及TL测年样品。通过室内分析研究,发现大体以阿尼玛卿山玛积主峰为界,东昆仑活动断裂带托索湖至玛曲段可再分为花石峡段和玛沁段2个在几何上不连续的段落,花石峡段的全新世水平滑动速率(115±11)mm/a明显高于玛沁段(70±06)mm/a。此外,由于断裂而引起的断裂两侧的差异垂直隆升速率,花石峡段自4kaBP以来约为(21±03)mm/a,玛沁段自10kaBP以来约为055mm/a。这种差异垂直隆升速率的明显变化,一方面反映了东昆仑活动断裂带不同段落上活动的差异,另一方面也可能反映了研究区内全新世以来的快速隆升  相似文献   

The Shanxi Graben System is one of the intracontinental graben systems developed around the Ordos Block in North China since the Cenozoic, and it provides a unique natural laboratory for studying the long-term tectonic history of active intracontinental normal faults in an extensional environment. Comparing with the dense strong earthquakes in its central part, no strong earthquakes with magnitudes over 7 have been recorded historically in the Jin-Ji-Meng Basin-and-Range Province of the northern Shanxi Graben System. However, this area is located at the conjunction area of several active-tectonic blocks(e.g. the Ordos, Yan Shan and North China Plain blocks), thus it has the tectonic conditions for strong earthquakes. Studying the active tectonics in the northern Shanxi Graben System will thus be of great significance to the seismic hazard assessment. Based on high-resolution remote sensing image interpretations and field investigations, combined with the UAV photogrammetry and OSL dating, we studied the late Quaternary activity and slip rate of the relatively poorly-researched Yanggao-Tianzhen Fault(YTF)in the Jin-Ji-Meng Basin-and-Range Province and got the followings: 1)The YTF extends for more than 75km from Dashagou, Fengzhen, Inner Mongolia in the west to Yiqingpo, Tianzhen, Shanxi Province in the east. In most cases, the YTF lies in the contact zone between the bedrock mountain and the sediments in the basin, but the fault grows into the basin where the fault geometry is irregular. At the vicinity of the Erdun Village, Shijiudun Village, and Yulinkou Village, the faults are not only distributed at the basin-mountain boundary, we have also found evidence of late Quaternary fault activity in the alluvial fans that is far away from the basin-mountain boundary. The overall strike of the fault is N78°E, but the strike gradually changes from ENE to NE, then to NWW from the west to the east, with dips ranging from 30° to 80°. 2)Based on field surveys of tectonic landforms and analysis of fault kinematics in outcrops, we have found that the sense of motion of the YTF changes along its strikes: the NEE and NE-striking segments are mainly normal dip-slip faults, while the left-laterally displaced gullies on the NWW segment and the occurrence characteristics of striations in the fault outcrop indicate that the NWW-striking segment is normal fault with minor sinistral strike-slip component. The sense of motion of the YTF determined by geologic and geomorphic evidences is consistent with the relationship between the regional NNW-SSE extension regime and the fault geometry. 3)By measuring and dating the displaced geologic markers and geomorphic surfaces, such as terraces and alluvial fans at three sites along the western segment of the YTF, we estimated that the fault slip rates are 0.12~0.20mm/a over the late Pleistocene. In order to compare the slip rate determined by geological method with extension rate constrained by geodetic measurement, the vertical slip rates were converted into horizontal slip rate using the dip angles of the fault planes measured in the field. At Zhuanlou Village, the T2 terrace was vertically displaced for(2.5±0.4)m, the abandonment age of the T2 was constrained to be(12.5±1.6)ka, so we determined a vertical slip rate of(0.2±0.04)mm/a using the deformed T2 terrace and its OSL age. For a 50°dipping fault, it corresponds to extension rate of(0.17±0.03)mm/a. At Pingshan Village, the vertical displacement of the late Pleistocene alluvial fan is measured to be(5.38±0.83)m, the abandonment age of the alluvial fan is(29.7±2.5)ka, thus we estimated the vertical slip rate of the YTF to(0.18±0.02)mm/a. For a 65° dipping fault, it corresponds to an extension rate of(0.09±0.01)mm/a. Ultimately, the corresponding extensional rates were determined to be between 0.09mm/a and 0.17mm/a. Geological and geodetic researches have shown that the northern Shanxi Graben System are extending in NNW-SSE direction with slip rates of 1~2mm/a. Our data suggests that the YTF accounts for about 10% of the crustal extension rate in the northern Shanxi Graben System.  相似文献   

Based on the 1︰50000 geological and geomorphologic mapping of active fault, the structural geomorphic features and activity of Hancheng Fault are investigated in detail. In the study, we divide the fault into three sections from north to south: the section between Xiweikou and Panhe River, the section between Panhe River and Xingjiabao and the section between Xingjiabao and Yijing, the three sections show different characters of tectonic landform. The section between Xiweikou and Panhe River is a kind of typical basin-mountain landform, where diluvial fans spread widely. In the north of Yumenkou, the fault deforms the diluvial fans, forming scarps, along which the fault extends. In the south of Yumenkou, the fault extends along the rear edge of the diluvial fans. In the section between Panhe River and Xingjiabao the fault extends along the front of the loess mesa. In the section between Xingjiabao and Yijing the fault forms scarp in the loess and extends as an arc shaped zone, and the landform is formed by the accumulative deformation of the fault. The activity of the fault becomes weak gradually from northeast to southwest. The fault activity of the section between Xiweikou and Panhe River is the strongest, and the latest age of activity is Holocene. The slip rate since the mid-Holocene is bigger than 0.8mm/a at Yumenkou. The fault activity of the section between Panhe River and Xingjiabao is weaker than the north part, the fault's latest active age is identified as the later period of Late Pleistocene and the activity becomes weak gradually from northeast to southwest. At the estuary of the Jushui River the slip rate of the fault is about 0.49mm/a since late Late Pleistocene. The fault activity of the section between Xingjiabao and Yijing is the weakest. There is no evidence of paleosol S1 deformed in fault profiles, and only some phenomena of fracture and sand liquefaction in the earlier Late Pleistocene loess. The activity of the fault is in line with the fault landform feature. At macro level, the relationship between the uplifted side and the thrown side of the fault switches gradually from the Ordos uplifting region and the rifted basin to the interior blocks of the rifted basin, which maybe is the regional reason why the activity of the Hancheng Fault becomes weak from the northeast to the southwest.  相似文献   

Strike-slip fault plays an important role in the process of tectonic deformation since Cenozoic in Asia. The role of strike-slip fault in the process of mountain building and continental deformation has always been an important issue of universal concern to the earth science community. Junggar Basin is located in the hinterland of Central Asia, bordering on the north the Altay region and the Baikal rift system, which are prone to devastating earthquakes, the Tianshan orogenic belt and the Tibet Plateau on the south, and the rigid blocks, such as Erdos, the South China, the North China Plain and Amur, on the east. Affected by the effect of the Indian-Eurasian collision on the south of the basin and at the same time, driven by the southward push of the Mongolian-Siberian plate, the active structures in the periphery of the basin show a relatively strong activity. The main deformation patterns are represented by the large-scale NNW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by right-lateral shearing, the NNE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by left-lateral shearing, and the thrust-nappe structure systems distributed in piedmont of Tianshan in the south of the basin. There are three near-parallel-distributed left-lateral strike-slip faults in the west edge of the basin, from the east to the west, they are:the Daerbute Fault, the Toli Fault and the Dongbielieke Fault. This paper focuses on the Dongbielieke Fault in the western Junggar region. The Dongbielieke Fault is a Holocene active fault, located at the key position of the western Junggar orogenic belt. The total length of the fault is 120km, striking NE. Since the late Quaternary, the continuous activity of the Dongbielieke Fault has caused obvious left-lateral displacement at all geomorphologic units along the fault, and a linear continuous straight steep scarp was formed on the eastern side of the Tacheng Basin. According to the strike and the movement of fault, the fault can be divided into three segments, namely, the north, middle and south segment. In order to obtain a more accurate magnitude of the left-lateral strike-slip displacement and the accumulative left-lateral strike-slip displacement of different geomorphic surfaces, we chose the Ahebiedou River in the southern segment and used the UAV to take three-dimensional photographs to obtain the digital elevation model(the accuracy is 10cm). And on this basis, the amount of left-lateral strike-slip displacement of various geological masses and geomorphic surfaces(lines)since their formation is obtained. The maximum left-lateral displacement of the terrace T5 is(30.7±2.1)m and the minimum left-lateral displacement is(20.1±1.3)m; the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T4 is(12±0.9)m, and the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T2 is(8.7±0.6)m. OSL dating samples from the surface of different level terraces(T5, T4, T2 and T1)are collected, processed and measured, and the ages of the terraces of various levels are obtained. By measuring the amount of left-lateral displacements since the Late Quaternary of the Dongbielieke Fault and combining the dating results of the various geomorphic surfaces, the displacements and slip rates of the fault on each level of the terraces since the formation of the T5 terrace are calculated. Using the maximum displacement of(30.7±2.1)m of the T5 terrace and the age of the geomorphic surface on the west bank of the river, we obtained the slip rate of(0.7±0.11)mm/a; similarly, using the minimum displacement of(20.1±1.3)m and the age of the geomorphic surface of the east bank, we obtained the slip rate of(0.46±0.07)mm/a. T5 terrace is developed on both banks of the river and on both walls of the fault. After the terraces are offset by faulting, the terraces on foot wall in the left bank of the river are far away from the river, and the erosion basically stops. After that, the river mainly cuts the terraces on the east bank. Therefore, the west bank retains a more accurate displacement of the geomorphic surface(Gold et al., 2009), so the left-lateral slip rate of the T5 terrace is taken as(0.7±0.11)mm/a. The left-lateral slip rate calculated for T4 and T2 terraces is similar, with an average value of(0.91±0.18)mm/a. In the evolution process of river terraces, the lateral erosion of high-level terrace is much larger than that of low-level terrace, so the slip rate of T4 and T2 terraces is closer to the true value. The left-lateral slip rate of the Dongbielieke Fault since the late Quaternary is(0.91±0.18)m/a. Compared with the GPS slip rate in the western Junggar area, it is considered that the NE-trending strike-slip motion in this area is dominated by the Dongbielieke Fault, which absorbs a large amount of residual deformation while maintaining a relatively high left-lateral slip rate.  相似文献   

Based on the 1︰50000 active fault geological mapping, combining with high-precision remote imaging, field geological investigation and dating technique, the paper investigates the stratum, topography and faulted landforms of the Huashan Piedmont Fault. Research shows that the Huashan Piedmont Fault can be divided into Lantian to Huaxian section (the west section), Huaxian to Huayin section (the middle section) and Huayin to Lingbao section (the east section) according to the respective different fault activity. The fault in Lantian to Huaxian section is mainly contacted by loess and bedrock. Bedrock fault plane has already become unsmooth and mirror surfaces or striations can not be seen due to the erosion of running water and wind. 10~20m high fault scarps can be seen ahead of mountain in the north section near Mayu gully and Qiaoyu gully, and we can see Malan loess faulted profiles in some gully walls. In this section terraces are mainly composed of T1 and T2 which formed in the early stage of Holocene and late Pleistocene respectively. Field investigation shows that T1 is continuous and T2 is dislocated across the fault. These indicate that in this section the fault has been active in the late Pleistocene and its activity becomes weaker or no longer active after that. In the section between Huaxian and Huayin, neotectonics is very obvious, fault triangular facets are clearly visible and fault scarps are in linear distribution. Terrace T1, T2 and T3 develop well on both sides of most gullies. Dating data shows that T1 forms in 2~3ka BP, T2 forms in 6~7ka BP, and T3 forms in 60~70ka BP. All terraces are faulted in this section, combing with average ages and scarp heights of terraces, we calculate the average vertical slip rates during the period of T3 to T2, T2 to T1 and since the formation of T1, which are 0.4mm/a, 1.1mm/a and 1.6mm/a, and among them, 1.1mm/a can roughly represent as the average vertical slip rate since the middle stage of Holocene. Fault has been active several times since the late period of late Pleistocene according to fault profiles, in addition, Tanyu west trench also reveals the dislocation of the culture layer of(0.31~0.27)a BP. 1~2m high scarps of floodplains which formed in(400~600)a BP can be seen at Shidiyu gully and Gouyu gully. In contrast with historical earthquake data, we consider that the faulted culture layer exposed by Tanyu west trench and the scarps of floodplains are the remains of Huanxian MS8½ earthquake. The fault in Huayin to Lingbao section is also mainly contacted by loess and mountain bedrock. Malan loess faulted profiles can be seen at many river outlets of mountains. Terrace geomorphic feature is similar with that in the west section, T1 is covered by thin incompact Holocene sand loam, and T2 is covered by Malan loess. OSL dating shows that T2 formed in the early to middle stage of late Pleistocene. Field investigation shows that T1 is continuous and T2 is dislocated across the fault. These also indicate that in this section fault was active in the late Pleistocene and its activity becomes weaker or no longer active since Holocene. According to this study combined with former researches, we incline to the view that the seismogenic structure of Huanxian MS8½ earthquake is the Huashan Piedmont Fault and the Northern Margin Fault of Weinan Loess, as for whether there are other faults or not awaits further study.  相似文献   

宗务隆山南缘断裂位于柴达木盆地东北缘,是祁连山南缘与柴达木盆地的边界逆断裂,对其晚第四纪活动性进行研究对于理解祁连山地区应变分配模式以及该地区断裂向柴达木盆地内部的挤压扩展过程具有重要意义。文中通过遥感影像解译和野外地质调查,结合GPS地形剖面测量以及宇宙成因核素与光释光定年,对宗务隆山南缘断裂拜京图和蓄集乡等段落开展了详细的研究。综合分析拜京图和蓄集乡地区不同期次洪积扇的垂直位错以及相应地貌面的年龄,得到宗务隆山南缘断裂晚第四纪以来的平均垂直滑动速率为(0. 41±0. 05) mm/a,水平缩短速率为0. 47~0. 80mm/a,约占祁连山地区地壳缩短速率的10%。这些结果有助于进一步理解祁连山地区的应变分配模式以及柴达木盆地北缘地区的构造变形机制。  相似文献   

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