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1879年武都南8级大地震及其同震破裂研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近年来,通过艰苦的野外现场考察和室内相关资料的系统调研,对1879年武都南8级大震的震级、震害、烈度分布、同震破裂及其形成该事件的发震构造、形成机制等方面的问题进行了专题研究。本文对武都南8级大震的宏观震中位置、震级及同震破裂研究结果进行了总结。重点讨论了该历史事件同震破裂的分布范围、破裂类型、规模及其形成机制等方面的问题。研究结果表明:(1)武都南地震的极震区主体位于甘肃东南部的武都与文县之间,且靠近武都南,为一呈北东东向展布的椭圆形,长轴长约70km,短轴长约30km,宏观震中位于极震区东部的堡子坝附近。(2)极震区内分布有3条向北东撒开,向南西收敛的同震破裂带。(3)主破裂带西起哈南白水江,东至固水子、透坊、稻畦子一带的白龙江沿岸。(4)同震破裂主要由地震裂缝、地震陡坎、地震鼓包、地震滑坡、堰塞湖等构造类型组成,其中以滑坡现象最为突出,保存也最为完整。(5)根据同震破裂的产生部位,几何』结构和形成机制,可认为武都南地震的同震破裂带是在哈南-稻畦子-毛坡拉断裂带左旋走滑兼倾滑活动作用下形成的。(6)根据同震破裂的规模及发震断裂运动量实测数据,可以确定武都南地震震级已达8级。  相似文献   

公元1879年7月1日(清光绪五年五月十二日)凌晨,在陇南武都、文县之间发生了8级强震.因震区地质构造复杂、交通不便,缺少历史资料的系统收集和整理,至今仍存在对本次大震认识的模糊之处.笔者近年来利用地缘之便收集了20余条与该次地震相关的碑刻、题记史料.通过比较分析,认为该次地震的宏观震中大约在洋汤河流域的桥头、屯寨(今天池乡),极震区则要延展到四川九寨沟县郭元乡、武都两水镇及石门乡等地.  相似文献   

1985年在甘肃文县屯寨乡洋汤寨的天池庙的大樑上发现了一条新的关于1879年7月1日武都8级地震的新的历史记载。该记载表明武都8级地震在这里的地震烈度至少达到了Ⅹ度。  相似文献   

公元前186年甘肃武都地震考证与发震构造探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
根据历史地震资料的重新考证和野外调查,认为现行地震目录所给出的公元前186年甘肃武都地震的参数不确切,应做如下修正:其重破坏区位于武都县桔柑乡——舟曲县坪定乡之间,震中位于武都县两河口附近,震级为7~71/4级, 烈度达Ⅸ~Ⅹ度. 这次地震重破坏区长轴方向为北西西向,大致与该区的迭部——白龙江断裂带中东段走向相吻合, 时间上与探槽揭露的该断裂段最晚一次古地震事件的年代(83plusmn;46)BC之前可以对比. 该断裂段至今仍保存有部分地震形变带的遗迹. 综合分析认为,公元前186年武都7~71/4级地震的发震构造应为迭部-白龙江断裂带的中东段.   相似文献   

1654年甘肃天水南8级地震补充考证   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
简要回顾了1654年天水南8级地震的研究历史,结合原有史料和新补充调查所获得的资料,核定了各破坏点的地震烈度,进而改绘了地震等震线图,其长轴方向为NE向。此次地震除造成大范围的城垣毁坏、房屋倒塌和人员伤亡之外,滑坡、山崩和堰塞湖等地震地质灾害也非常严重。其极震区位于礼县以东的西汉水河谷永兴镇—罗家堡—天水镇一带。该区发育了全新世活动的礼县—罗家堡断裂,其性质为左旋走滑兼正断。根据最新调查结果,该断裂沿礼县—盐关—罗家堡一带保存了地震陡坎、纹沟左旋和地震沟槽等地震地表破裂带形迹,其地理位置与历史资料考证所确定的极震区范围一致,印证了二者结论的可靠性和合理性。  相似文献   

1879年武都南8级大地震断层面参数和滑动性质的厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1879年武都南8级大震发生在高山峻岭之间,由于受自然环境和交通条件所限,一直难以进行详细的实地考察。到目前为止,关于此次地震的发震构造的研究较少且观点不一。依据成丛小震发生在大震断层面附近的原则以及参考前人给出的极震区长轴形态,我们采用1985—2009年发生在该地震破裂区的精定位地震目录,选定了一个长条状研究区域,将模拟退火算法和高斯-牛顿算法结合,给出了1879年武都南8.0级地震震源断层是一条长约30km、埋深2~23km的NNE走向、高倾角并在NNW-SSE向压应力作用下发生右旋走向滑动的断层。该区域地壳深部(H>24km)至今没有地震发生,推测震源断层没有扩展到地壳深部。震源断层位置在文县高楼山(33.01°N,104.74°E)和梨坪(33.22°N,104.90°E)之间。另外,我们发现在极震区以西的雄黄山地区小震成丛发生,但野外调查并未发现明显的断面,这些小震应该与1879年武都南8级地震没有关系。  相似文献   

1990年共和7.0级地震的发震构造讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据地质、地震及形变资料研究了1990年4月青海省共和MS7.0地震的发震构造.认为NWNWW向的哇玉香卡拉干逆冲盲断裂是该次地震的发震构造.其地表形变以褶皱隆起为主.因此,共和地震是一次典型的“盲断裂褶皱地震”.  相似文献   

1654年礼县8级地震的发震区地处新构造活动强烈的青藏高原东北缘,位于南北地震带中北段,发育多条活动断裂。礼县8级地震发生在黄土覆盖区,距今约370年,受自然侵蚀与人类活动的影响,其地表破裂带和次生灾害现在已经难以分辨。为此,文章收集整理了1970年以来的地震台网和流动台网观测资料,基于地震层析成像方法,经过联合反演计算,研究1654年礼县8级地震的发震构造。研究根据岷县—礼县—两当一线的小震活动分布,推测存在"岷县—礼县—两当断裂",可能是1654年礼县8级地震的发震断裂,但仍需野外地质工作的进一步研究。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 1 2月 1 4日 2 1时 2 7分 ,在甘肃省河西走廊西端的酒西盆地南缘 ,玉门市西旱峡煤矿 -妖魔山一带发生了MS5 9破坏性地震 ,它是继 2 0 0 0年景泰 5 9级地震、2 0 0 1年 7月1 1日肃南祁青乡 5 3级地震后 ,在祁连山北缘发生的又一次破坏性地震。是中国大陆 2 0 0 2年度发生的最大一次地震 ,也是甘肃省遭遇的第一次现代化工业城市地震。整个玉门市震感强烈 ,部分建、构筑物 ,工业设施遭到不同程度的破坏或损坏。在现场考察的基础上 ,本文主要讨论本次地震的震害特征和发震断裂特征。1 主要震害及其特征1 1 震害及其类型本次地震造…  相似文献   

1994年9月16日台湾浅滩7.3级地震发震构造的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从台湾海峡与台湾浅滩的地貌特征、区域构造格局、海峡盆地形成历史、深部构造与断裂构造、震源机制解以及地震活动等方面论述了台湾浅滩7.3级地震的发震构造,认为北东东向澎湖-北港隆起南侧断裂(义竹断裂)是该地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred along the Longmen Shan fault zone, only five years later, another M7 Lushan earthquake struck the southern segment where its seismic risk has been highly focused by multiple geoscientists since this event. Through geological investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we suggest that the segment along the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault at south of the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is active during Holocene. Along the fault, some discontinuous fault trough valleys developed and the fault dislocated the late Quaternary strata as the trench exposed. Based on analysis of historical records of earthquakes, we suggest that the epicenter of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake should be located near Tianquan and associated with the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault. Furthermore, we compared the ranges of felt earthquakes(the 2013 M7 Lushan earthquake and the 1970 MS6.2 Dayi earthquake)and suggest that the magnitude of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake is more possible between 6½ and 7. The southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone behaves as a thrust fault system consisting of several sub-paralleled faults and its deep structure shows multiple layers of decollement, which might disperse strain accumulation effectively and make the thrust system propagate forward into the foreland basin, creating a new decollement on a gypsum-salt bed. The soft bed is thick and does not facilitate to constrain fault deformation and accumulate strain, which produces a weak surface tectonic expression and seismic activity along the southern segment, this is quite different from that of the middle and northern segments of the Longmen Shan fault zone.  相似文献   

Bayan Hara Block is one of the most representative active blocks resulting from the lateral extrusion of Tibet Plateau since the Cenozoic. Its southern and northern boundary faults are characterized by typical strike-slip shear deformation. Its eastern boundary is blocked by the Yangze block and its horizontal movement is transformed into the vertical movement of the Longmen Shan tectonic belt, leading to the uplift of the Longmen Shan Mountains and forming a grand geomorphic barrier on the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. A series of large earthquakes occurred along the boundary faults of the Bayan Hara Block in the past twenty years, which have attracted attention of many scholars. At present, the related studies of active tectonics on Bayan Hara Block are mainly concentrated on the boundary faults, such as Yushu-Ganzi-Xianshuihe Fault, East Kunlun Fault and Longmen Shan Fault. However, there are also some large faults inside the block, which not only have late Quaternary activity, but also have tectonic conditions to produce strong earthquake. These faults divide the Bayan Hara Block into some secondary blocks, and may play important roles in the kinematics and dynamics mechanism of the Bayan Hara Block, or even the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. The Dari Fault is one of the left-lateral strike-slip faults in the Bayan Hara Block. The Dari Fault starts at the eastern pass of the Kunlun Mountains, extends eastward through the south of Yalazela, Yeniugou and Keshoutan, the fault strike turns to NNE direction at Angcanggou, then turns to NE direction again at Moba town, Qinghai Province, and the fault ends near Nanmuda town, Sichuan Province, with a total length of more than 500km. The fault has been considered to be a late Quaternary active fault and the 1947 M73/4 Dari earthquake was produced by its middle segment. But studies on the late Quaternary activity of the Dari Fault are still weak. The previous research mainly focused on the investigation of the surface rupture and damages of the 1947 M73/4 Dari earthquake. However, there were different opinions about the scale of the M73/4 earthquake surface rupture zone. Dai Hua-guang(1983)thought that the surface rupture of the earthquake was about 150km long, but Qinghai Earthquake Agency(1984)believed that the length of surface rupture zone was only 58km. Based on interpretation of high-resolution images and field investigations, in this paper, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the Dari Fault and the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake. Late Quaternary activity in the central segment of the Dari Fault is particularly significant. A series of linear tectonic landforms, such as fault trough valley, fault scarps, fault springs and gully offsets, etc. are developed along the Dari Fault. And the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake is still relatively well preserved. We conducted a follow-up field investigation for the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake and found that the surface rupture related to the Dari earthquake starts at Longgen village in Moba town, and ends near the northwest of the Yilonggounao in Jianshe town, with a length of about 70km. The surface rupture is primarily characterized by scarps, compressional ridges, pull-apart basins, landslides, cleavage, and the coseismic offset is about 2~4m determined by a series of offset gullies. The surface rupture zone extends to the northwest of Yilonggounao and becomes ambiguous. It is mainly characterized by a series of linear fault springs along the surface rupture zone. Therefore, we suggest that the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake ends at the northwest of Yilonggounao. In summary, the central segment of the Dari Fault can be characterized by strong late Quaternary activity, and the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake is about 70km long.  相似文献   

讨论了阿尔金断裂带1900年以来的5级以上地震活动,结果显示空间上地震活动具有分段性,其中在青海段出现5级地震填空性空段,并形成5级地震的平静区,时间上具有平静和活跃交替的特征。进一步分析阿尔金断裂带青海段(茫崖北—肃北)现代小震活动,结果显示:茫崖以西震源深度约40 km以内,青海段(茫崖北—肃北)震源深度约10 km范围内,超过10 km较少,肃北—黑崖子以东约100 km处震源深度由浅逐渐变深,从10 km左右逐渐变化到40 km左右。与此同时,依据上述资料探讨了阿尔金断裂带青海段的强震危险性。  相似文献   

开原-赤峰断裂两侧地震序列活动的差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了开原-峰断裂两侧地震序列活动的差异问题,认为在地震趋势预测研究中应该将辽宁南部和开原-赤峰断裂以北地区分开考虑更为合适,海城和岫岩应用前震序列进行主震预测的经验不能适用于东北北部地区。  相似文献   

王华林  侯珍清 《地震研究》1994,17(1):79-107
昌马断裂带是是青藏高原北部一条活动强烈的左旋走滑断裂带。它表现为重力、航磁、地壳厚度的综合异常梯度带,属于断面陡、切割深的超岩石圈断裂。昌马断裂带由12条长4公里至18公里不等的不连续的主断层和4条次级断层组成,可划分为东、中、西三大段落。断裂的水平位移和滑动速率具有分段性,全新世以来,东、中、西三段的左旋水平滑动速率分别为4.1毫米/年,2.6毫米/年和1.5毫米/年。北东东、北北西和北西西三个方向断层的位移具有分级特征,不同级别的位移具有良好的同步性。全新世以来北东东、北北西和北西西三个方向断层的水平滑动速率分别为4.1毫米/年、3.8毫米/年和2.7毫米/年。白垩纪以来,昌马断裂呈天平式运动,显示了枢纽断裂运动特征,枢纽轴位于断裂中段。昌马地震震源破裂性质及其反映的震源应力场与地震破裂带的破裂性质及其反映的构造应力场不一致。昌马地震震源机制解反映了北北西~南南东挤压,作用应力近于水平的震源应力场;昌马地震破裂带的变形组合反映了东北~南西挤压的构造应力场。昌马地震破裂带长120公里,分为东部正走滑段、中部逆走滑段和西部尾端破裂段,显示了多个水平位移峰值。全新世以来,沿昌马断裂发生了6次强震事件,强震复发  相似文献   

2013年7月22日,甘肃岷县漳县MS6.6地震发生在南北地震带的中北段,东昆仑断裂和西秦岭北缘断裂是该地区复杂多样的构造几何特征中2条主要的边界控制断裂.这次地震的震害分布与临潭-宕昌断裂的走向基本一致,为长轴走向NWW的椭圆,极震区内严重破坏范围也完全位于该断裂带内,这与临潭-宕昌断裂复杂的几何结构密切相关,也说明地震的发生是多条次级断裂共同作用的结果.综合分析认为,受西秦岭北缘断裂带向南侧的扩展和青藏高原向NE扩展过程中东昆仑断裂带的NE向挤压作用共同影响下的临潭-宕昌断裂是这次地震的发震构造.  相似文献   

有关1976年唐山地震发震断层的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
江娃利 《地震地质》2006,28(2):312-318
对《地震地质》刊登的两篇文章中有关唐山断裂是高角度西倾的逆冲走滑断裂及唐山市东侧付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震的发震断裂的观点进行讨论。笔者认为,如果唐山地震断层是西倾的逆冲走滑活动,需要考虑唐山逆冲断裂的活动方式与唐山市西侧第四纪凹陷之间的关系;如果付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震震源构造的地表破裂,需要解释该西倾的倾滑断裂带与唐山市内走滑地裂缝带的成因联系。此外,还需要更有说服力的证据排除该地表破裂带是次生构造破裂的可能。建议对控制草泊第四纪凹陷的活动断裂开展调查  相似文献   

李富光 《华南地震》1991,11(3):46-51
根据区域重砂普查圈定的辰砂分散晕和跨断层剖面壤中气汞测量结果,联系已有地震资料,讨论了阳江--从化断裂带的活动性及汞异常与地震活动的关系。认为:沿断裂 带群集的汞民中以作为活动断裂的判别标志之一;汞沿断裂裂隙向上运移系促使断裂活动的动力因素之一;汞异常段之间的相对低值区或其外侧系地震活动的主要场所。  相似文献   

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