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A greenhouse experiment was conducted to explore whether additional nitrogen (N) supply could enhance carbon (C) accumulation, and phosphorus (P) use efficiency (NUEP) of Sophora davidii seedlings under dry conditions. Two-month-old seedlings were subjected to a completely randomized design with three water (80, 40 and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg N kg−1 soil) regimes. Water stress decreased C, N and P accumulation, NUEP, N and P uptake efficiency (NUtEN and NUtEP) regardless of N supply. The S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were not consistent with the various N supply levels. Nl increased C, N and P accumulation, and improved NUEP, NUtEN and NUtEP in the same water treatment. In contrast, Nh did few or even depress effects on C, N and P accumulation, and NUEP, although NUtEN and NUtEP increased with Nh in the same water treatment. Even so, NUEN decreased with increase of N supply in the same water treatment. The results suggested that appropriate or low N supply should be recommended for S. davidii seedling establishment in dry environment by improving C accumulation and NUEP.  相似文献   

Over the course of a day, aridland plants experience a range of incident photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) spanning three orders of magnitude. Rapid photosynthetic responses to changes in PPF have large effects on individual plant carbon gain and water use patterns, hence are important to plant distribution and success. We investigated the response over time of photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (g), and inter-cellular CO2 concentration (Ci) to step changes in PPF in a long-lived aridland perennial that typically occurs in two contrasting microhabitats, shade under shrubs of other species and unshaded inter-shrub spaces. An initial rapid response in A and Ci for plants in both microhabitats occurred after abrupt changes in PPF. This was followed by slower changes in these parameters during the rest of the light or dark period. Stomatal conductance responded more gradually to step changes in PPF. The initial increase in A after a dark cycle was significantly greater for plants under shrubs than for plants in inter-shrub spaces, but other changes in A, g and Ci did not differ. We attribute the similar responses in plants from different microhabitats to natural variations in solar radiation and limited selection for differentiation due to population gene pools dominated by plants in the open. Our results support the hypothesis that variable light regimes select for photosynthetic gas exchange processes that closely track changes in incident PPF. Our data also support the hypothesis that gas exchange responses to variable light regimes in aridland plants minimize trade-offs between carbon gain and water loss.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in soil surface CO2 efflux was measured in a stand of Populus euphratica in the Ejina Oasis of desert riparian forest in the extreme arid region in northwestern China from April 2007 through October 2007.Measurements were taken with a gas-exchange analyzer linked to a soil-respiration chamber.The mean soil CO2 efflux in the stand was 2.71 μmol/(m2·s) during the growing season and 1.38 μmol/(m2·s) in the nongrowing season.The seasonal maximum (end of May through early June) andminimum (October) CO2 efflux were 3.38 and 0.69 μmol/(m2·s),respectively.The diurnal fluctuation of CO2 efflux was relatively small (< 20 percent),with theminimum appearing around 05:00 and the maximum around 15:00.Linear regression analysis showed soil-surface CO2 efflux to be most highly correlated with soil temperature (R2=0.435) and soil moisture (R2=0.213).When all variables were considered simultaneously,only soil temperature (R2=0.378),soil moisture (R2=0.147),and root volume density (R2=0.021) explained a significant amount of variance in soil surface CO2 efflux.Stand volumes were not correlated with soil CO2 efflux on our sites.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect on host plants of defending against herbivores is important in grazing ecology and grassland management. In this study, the morphological and reproductive responses of Caragana microphylla Lam. to grazing sheep were investigated using a 15-year grazing experiment with six stocking rates in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. Plant height, rachis length, leaflet size, and number of pods decreased significantly, whereas spine density and length increased significantly with increased stocking rate. Significant negative correlations were observed between production of vegetative and reproductive organs and defensive organs, indicating that it is costly for C. microphylla to defend against herbivores and that morphological miniaturization and a tradeoff between production and defense were main responses of C. microphylla to herbivores.  相似文献   

The Mu Us Sandland is basically characterized by water shortage and high wind. Thus, wind-induced mechanical perturbation (MP) and soil water availability are likely to interact to affect plant growth. Since high water availability and MP can induce responses that are in the opposite direction, we hypothesized that MP effects on perennial grasses might be mitigated by increased soil water availability in the Mu Us Sandland. We counducted an experiment in which seedlings of Psammochloa villosa were subjected to two levels of MP (non-MP vs. MP 1 min d−1) and two levels of water availability (200 ml d−1vs. 400 ml d−1) and measured three plant traits. MP significantly decreased plant height, total biomass, and root/shoot ratio. There were significant interactions between MP and soil water availability on plant height and root/shoot ratio. These findings imply that MP alone is a stressful factor for P. villosa and MP effects on its growth can be partially mitigated by increased soil water availability, and also suggest that P. villosa may respond to MP in a way that allows plants to survive in the windy semiarid environments.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of large-scale climatic changes on biomass and biomass allocation in Leymus chinensis on an 11 longitude gradient along the North-east China Transect (NECT) in 2000. Ten sites, selected for plant sampling along the gradient, experienced approximately uniform theoretical radiation, but differed in precipitation and geographical elevation. The total biomasses, vegetative shoot biomass and reproductive shoot biomass of the species increased from the west to the east with the decrease of aridity or the increase of precipitation, but that of rhizome biomass decreased in the spatial ranging from 116° to 120° E. Vegetative shoot biomass allocation increased from the west to the east along the gradient; rhizome allocations, however, dropped significantly. Unlike those of rhizome and vegetative shoot, reproductive shoot biomass allocations at the two ends were remarkably lower than that in the middle of the gradient. In general, the total and component biomass and their allocations showed strong correlation with precipitation or aridity index along the gradient.  相似文献   

High soil temperatures influence seedling emergence as well as the performance of plant organs and yields. Temperatures of above 40°C were recorded in the topsoil of the Ferralsols of the semi-arid areas of SE-Kenya during the rainy season. Experiments were conducted in the climatological laboratory of the University of Trier, Germany, on two legumes (green grams and common beans var. kathika), grown by smallholder farmers in the study area under varying soil temperature conditions. The main objective was to examine the effect of soil temperature on various parameters: seedling emergence, crop water requirements, leaf area index and phenology of the two legumes. The simulated climatological laboratory conditions were similar to those at Kiboko, SE-Kenya. This study confirmed that under high soil temperature conditions, green grams are well adapted to semi-arid and hot tropical lowlands as well as lower midlands due to low water requirements, high seedling emergence rates and good yield performance. However, kathika beans were very susceptible to the simulated extreme climatic environment. By means of crop simulation modelling, a temporal differentiation for potential growth of green grams is presented for the long and short rains according to different rainfall conditions (ENSO, antiENSO, normal) over a period of 31 years.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, water stress, hydration–dehydration cycles and seed priming on the germination of Callitris verrucosa and Callitris preissii, two Australian semi-arid coniferous tree species, were investigated. Optimum germination occurred at 18°C, with a minimum germination time of 8–9 days for both species. At this temperature, germination was inhibited at osmotic potentials lower than −1·0 MPa, but the capacity to germinate at low osmotic stress increased as the temperature decreased. Seed priming and hydration–dehydration cycles did not reduce seed viability, and Callitris seeds appear to retain the physiological changes induced by short-term hydration, as the time to the onset of germination was decreased to about 3 days. The capacity of Callitris seeds for incremental germination is likely to increase overall germination success in a low rainfall environment.  相似文献   

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