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俯冲带榴辉岩的变形作用及其对俯冲-折返过程的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹毅  宋述光 《地质通报》2008,27(10):1646-1653
榴辉岩是大洋和大陆俯冲带的重要岩石类型,在研究俯冲带的形成过程、热结构、壳幔相互作用等方面有重要意义。通过对天然和实验样品中石榴子石、绿辉石等矿物的变形特征、变形机制、变形的影响因素等的综合分析,系统总结了高压变质带中榴辉岩矿物显微和超微变形研究的进展,探讨了榴辉岩的变形特征在恢复俯冲与折返过程研究中的意义及一些尚待解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

Coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite from the Chinese South Tianshan high‐pressure (HP)–ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) belt consist of similar mineral assemblages involving garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, epidote, phengite, rutile/sphene, quartz and hornblendic amphibole with or without paragonite. Eclogite assemblages generally contain omphacite >50 vol.% and a small amount of glaucophane (<5 vol.%), whereas blueschist assemblages have glaucophane over 30 vol.% with a small amount of omphacite which is even absent in the matrix. The coexisting blueschist and eclogite show dramatic differences in the bulk‐rock compositions with higher X(CaO) [=CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeOtotal + MnO + Na2O)] (0.33–0.48) and lower A/CNK [=Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] (0.35–0.56) in eclogite, but with lower X(CaO) (0.09–0.30) and higher A/CNK (0.65–1.28) in garnet blueschist. Garnet in both types of rocks has similar compositions and exhibits core–rim zoning with increasing grossular and pyrope contents. Petrographic observations and phase equilibria modelling with pseudosections calculated using thermocalc in the NCKMnFMASHO system for the coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite samples suggest that the two rock types share similar P–T evolutional histories involving a decompression with heating from the Pmax to the Tmax stage and a post‐Tmax decompression with slightly cooling stage, and similar P–T conditions at the Tmax stage. The post‐Tmax decompression is responsible for lawsonite decomposition, which results in epidote growth, glaucophane increase and omphacite decrease in the blueschist, or in an overprinting of the eclogitic assemblage by a blueschist assemblage. Calculated P–X(CaO), P–A/CNK and P–X(CO2) pseudosections indicate that blueschist assemblages are favoured in rocks with lower X(CaO) (<0.28) and higher A/CNK (>0.75) or fluid composition with higher X(CO2) (>0.15), but eclogite assemblages preferentially occur in rocks with higher X(CaO) and lower A/CNK or fluid composition with lower X(CO2). Moreover, phase modelling suggests that the coexistence of blueschist and eclogite depends substantially on P–T conditions, which would commonly occur in medium temperatures of 500–590 °C under pressures of ~17–22 kbar. The modelling results are in good accordance with the measured bulk‐rock compositions and modelled temperature results of the coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite from the South Tianshan HP–UHP belt.  相似文献   

A series of dehydration experiments was carried out on both intact rock and cold-pressed powdered samples of serpentinite at temperatures in the range 535–610 °C, 100–170 °C above the onset of the breakdown temperature of 435 °C. Pore water pressures near 120 MPa were servo-controlled using a pore volumometer that also allowed dehydration reaction progress to be monitored through measurement of the amount of evolved water. Effective hydrostatic confining pressures were varied between 0 and 113 MPa. The reaction rate of intact specimens of initially near-zero porosity was constant up to 50–80% reaction progress at any given temperature, but decreased progressively as transformation approached completion. Water expulsion rates were not substantially affected by elevation of effective pressures that remained insufficient to cause major pore collapse. An Arrhenius relation links reaction rate to temperature with an activation enthalpy of 429 ± 201 and 521 ± 52 kJ mol−1 for powdered and intact specimens, respectively. Microstructural study of intact specimens showed extensive nucleation beginning at pre-existing cracks, veins and grain boundaries, and progressing into the interior of the lizardite grains. Extrapolation of these data towards equilibrium temperature provides an upper bound on the kinetics of this reaction in nature.  相似文献   

曹毅  宋述光 《中国区域地质》2008,(10):1646-1653
榴辉岩是大洋和大陆俯冲带的重要岩石类型,在研究俯冲带的形成过程、热结构、壳幔相互作用等方面有重要意义。通过对天然和实验样品中石榴子石、绿辉石等矿物的变形特征、变形机制、变形影响因素等的综合分析,系统总结了高压变质带中榴辉岩矿物显微和超微变形研究的进展,探讨了榴辉岩的变形特征对恢复俯冲与折返过程的意义及一些尚待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of southwest Japan is one of the type localities of subduction‐related high‐P metamorphism. However, variable pressure–temperature (PT) paths and metabasic assemblages have been reported for eclogite units in the region, leading to uncertainty about the subduction zone paleo‐thermal structure and associated tectonometamorphic conditions. To analyse this variation, phase equilibria modelling was applied to the three main high‐P metabasic rock types documented in the region – glaucophane eclogite, barroisite eclogite and garnet blueschist – with modelling performed over a range of P, T, bulk rock H2O and bulk rock ferric iron conditions using thermocalc . All samples are calculated to share a common steep prograde PT path to similar peak conditions of ~16–20 kbar and 560–610 °C. The results establish that regional assemblage variation is systematic, with the alternation in peak amphibole phase due to peak conditions overlapping the glaucophane–barroisite solvus, and bulk composition effects stabilizing blueschist v. eclogite facies assemblages at similar PT conditions. Furthermore, the results reveal that a steep prograde PT path is common to all eclogite units in the Sanbagawa belt, indicating that metamorphic conditions were consistent along strike. All localities are compatible with predictions made by a ridge approach model, which attributes eclogite facies metamorphism and exhumation of the Sanbagawa belt to the approach of a spreading ridge.  相似文献   

The assemblage garnet–chloritoid–kyanite is shown to be quite common in high‐pressure eclogite facies metapelites from orogenic belts around the world, and occurs over a narrowly restricted range of temperature ~550–600 °C, between 20 and 25 kbar. This assemblage is favoured particularly by large Al2O3:K2O ratios allowing the development of kyanite in addition to garnet and chloritoid. Additionally, ferric iron and manganese also help stabilize chloritoid in this assemblage. Pseudosections for several bulk compositions illustrate these high‐pressure assemblages, and a new thermodynamic model for white mica to include calcium and ferric iron was required to complete the calculations. It is extraordinary that so many orogenic eclogite facies rocks, both mafic eclogites sensu stricto as well as metapelites with the above assemblage, all yield temperatures within the range of 520–600 °C and peak pressures ~23±3 kbar. Subduction of oceanic crust and its entrained associated sedimentary material must involve the top of the slab, where mafic and pelitic rocks may easily coexist, passing through these PT conditions, such that rocks, if they proceed to further depths, are generally not returned to the surface. This, together with the tightly constrained range in peak temperatures which such eclogites experience, suggests thermal weakening being a major control on the depths at which crustal material is decoupled from the downgoing slab.  相似文献   

Composite multiphase solid (MS) inclusions composed of carbonate and silicate minerals have been found for the first time in metamorphic garnet from ultrahigh‐P eclogite from the Dabie orogen. These inclusions are morphologically euhedral to subhedral, and some show relatively regular shapes approaching the negative crystal shape of the host garnet. Radial fractures often occur in garnet hosting the inclusions. The inclusions are primarily composed of variable proportions of carbonate and silicate minerals such as calcite, quartz, K‐feldspar and plagioclase, with occasional occurrences of magnetite, zircon and barite. They are categorized into two groups based on the proportions of carbonate and silicate phases. Group I is carbonate‐dominated with variable proportions of silicate minerals, whereas Group II is silicate‐dominated with small proportions of carbonates. Trace element analysis by LA‐ICPMS for the two groups of MS inclusions yields remarkable differences. Group I inclusions exhibit remarkably lower REE contents than Group II inclusions, with significant LREE enrichment and large fractionation between LREE and HREE in the chondrite‐normalized REE diagram. In contrast, Group II inclusions show rather flat REE patterns with insignificant fractionation between LREE and HREE. In the primitive mantle‐normalized spidergram, Group I inclusions exhibit positive anomalies of Zr and Hf, whereas Group II inclusions show negative anomalies of Zr and Hf. Nevertheless, both groups exhibit positive anomalies of Ba, U, Pb and Sr, but negative anomalies of Nb and Ta, resembling the composition of common continental crust. Group I inclusions have higher Ba and U contents than Group II inclusions. Combined with petrological observations, the two groups of MS inclusions are interpreted as having crystallized from composite silicate and carbonate melts during continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. The differences in trace element composition between the two groups are primarily attributed to the proportions of carbonate and silicate phases in the MS inclusions. The silicate melts were derived from the breakdown of hydrous minerals such as paragonite and phengite, whereas the occurrence of carbonate melts indicates involvement of carbonate minerals in the partial melting and thus has great bearing on recycling of supracrustal carbon into the mantle. The coexistence of silicate and carbonate melts in the eclogitic garnet provides insights into the nature of hydrous melts in the subduction factory.  相似文献   

A new discovery of lawsonite eclogite is presented from the Lancône glaucophanites within the Schistes Lustrés nappe at Défilé du Lancône in Alpine Corsica. The fine‐grained eclogitized pillow lava and inter‐pillow matrix are extremely fresh, showing very little evidence of retrograde alteration. Peak assemblages in both the massive pillows and weakly foliated inter‐pillow matrix consist of zoned idiomorphic Mg‐poor (<0.8 wt% MgO) garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + chlorite + titanite. A local overprint by the lower grade assemblage glaucophane + albite with partial resorption of omphacite and garnet is locally observed. Garnet porphyroblasts in the massive pillows are Mn rich, and show a regular prograde growth‐type zoning with a Mn‐rich core. In the inter‐pillow matrix garnet is less manganiferous, and shows a mutual variation in Ca and Fe with Fe enrichment toward the rim. Some garnet from this rock type shows complex zoning patterns indicating a coalescence of several smaller crystallites. Matrix omphacite in both rock types is zoned with a rimward increase in XJd, locally with cores of relict augite. Numerous inclusions of clinopyroxene, lawsonite, chlorite and titanite are encapsulated within garnet in both rock types, and albite, quartz and hornblende are also found included in garnet from the inter‐pillow matrix. Inclusions of clinopyroxene commonly have augitic cores and omphacitic rims. The inter‐pillow matrix contains cross‐cutting omphacite‐rich veinlets with zoned omphacite, Si‐rich phengite (Si = 3.54 apfu), ferroglaucophane, actinolite and hematite. These veinlets are seen fracturing idiomorphic garnet, apparently without any secondary effects. Pseudosections of matrix compositions for the massive pillows, the inter‐pillow matrix and the cross‐cutting veinlets indicate similar P–T conditions with maximum pressures of 1.9–2.6 GPa at temperatures of 335–420 °C. The inclusion suite found in garnet from the inter‐pillow matrix apparently formed at pressures below 0.6–0.7 GPa. Retrogression during initial decompression of the studied rocks is only very local. Late veinlets of albite + glaucophane, without breakdown of lawsonite, indicate that the rocks remained in a cold environment during exhumation, resulting in a hairpin‐shaped P–T path.  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of U–Pb isotopes and trace elements in zircon and titanite were carried out on epoxy mounts and thin sections for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite in association with paragneiss in the Dabie orogen. The results provide a direct link between metamorphic ages and temperatures during continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. Zircon U–Pb dating gives two groups of concordant ages at 242 ± 2 to 239 ± 5 Ma and 226 ± 2 to 224 ± 6 Ma, respectively. The Triassic zircon U–Pb ages are characterized by flat heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns typical of metamorphic growth. Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry for the two generations of metamorphic zircon yields temperatures of 697 ± 27 to 721 ± 8 °C and 742 ± 19 to 778 ± 34 °C, respectively. We interpret that the first episode of zircon growth took place during subduction prior to the onset of UHP metamorphism, whereas the second episode in the stage of exhumation from UHP to HP eclogite facies regime. Thus, the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism of sedimentary protolith is temporally associated with two episodes of fluid activity, respectively, predating and postdating the UHP metamorphic phase. The significantly high Ti‐in‐zircon temperatures for the younger zircon at lower pressures indicate the initial ‘hot’ exhumation after the peak UHP metamorphism. There are two types of titanite. One exhibits light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, steep MREE–HREE patterns and no Eu anomalies, and yields Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 551 to 605 °C at 0.5 GPa, and the other shows LREE depletion and flat MREE–HREE patterns, and gives Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 782–788 °C at 2.0 GPa. The former is amenable for U–Pb dating, yielding a discordia lower intercept age of 252 ± 3 Ma. Thus, the first type of titanite is interpreted to have grown in the absence of garnet and plagioclase and thus in the early stage of subduction. In contrast, the second one occurs as rims surrounding rutile cores and thus grew in the presence of garnet during the ‘hot’ exhumation. Therefore, there is multistage growth of zircon and titanite during the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. The combined studies of chronometry and thermobarometry provide tight constraints on the P–T–t path of eclogites during the continental collision. It appears that the mid‐T/UHP eclogite facies zone would not only form by subduction of the continental crust in a P–T path slightly below the wet granite solidus, but also experience decompression heating during the initial exhumation.  相似文献   

The occurrence,mineralogy and geochemistry of eclogites in the Mt.Dabie area show that they were subjected to a high-pressure metamorphism together with the country rocks,but their petrochemistry and REE geochemistry show some difference from those of the country rocks.The geochemical characteristics of the eclogites are similar to those of bot continental tholeiitic basalt and oceanic tholeiitic basalt.The rocks probably subducted to the upper mantle with the Dabie metamorphic complex.When elevated to the surface,they were subjected to different staes of retrogressive metamorphism.  相似文献   

Exotic blocks of eclogite from distant localities along the Northern Serpentinite Melange of Cuba have comparable P–T histories that include high‐pressure prograde sections (450–600 °C, >15 kbar) associated with subduction of oceanic lithosphere, and retrograde sections within the albite–epidote amphibolite facies (<500 °C, <10 kbar) related to melange uplift. 40Ar/39Ar and Rb/Sr cooling ages (118–103 Ma) of one of the blocks indicate pre‐Aptian subduction and Aptian–Albian uplift. Detailed X‐ray imaging and profiling further reveals that minerals in these eclogite blocks (notably garnet and amphibole) display subtle but well defined oscillatory zoning that developed along the prograde trajectory of the rocks, previous to attainment of peak eclogitic conditions. The chemistry (e.g. coupled changes of Mg# and Mn in garnet, and of Si, Ti, Al and Na in amphibole) and geometry (euhedral to anhedral shapes) of the oscillations can be interpreted in terms of subtle fluctuations in P–T during the general prograde subduction‐related metamorphic path. A (near‐) equilibrium model is presented for the formation of oscillations at near peak conditions by means of recurrent dissolution‐growth reaction processes. This model for near‐peak conditions, and the chemical signatures of earlier oscillations (notably in amphibole), suggest that episodes of retrogression (upward movement?) affected parts of the subducting slab. It is proposed that these retrograde episodes record the tectonic rupture of the subducting slab and, probably, of the upper plate mantle, either due to the intrinsic dynamic behaviour of subduction systems or to the effects of the plate‐tectonic rearrangement of the Caribbean region during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

在北阿尔金的红柳泉一带,新识别出蓝片岩和榴辉岩的出露。它们与泥质片岩、钙质片岩和石英片岩等一起构成HP/LT变质带,与相邻的蛇绿混杂岩呈断层接触。根据估算的温度和压力显示榴辉岩形成的峰期温压条件为T=430~540℃,P=2.0~2.3GPa。分别对榴辉岩和蓝片岩中的多硅白云母和钠云母进行39Ar-40Ar年代学测定,获得榴辉岩中多硅白云母的坪年龄为(512±3)Ma,等时线年龄为(513±5)Ma;蓝片岩中钠云母的坪年龄为(491±3)Ma,等时线年龄为(497±10)Ma。这些年龄资料显示北阿尔金HP/LT变质带形成时代可能早于北祁连HP/LT变质带,反映了北阿尔金—北祁连早古生代洋壳俯冲存在穿时性。  相似文献   

滇西澜沧黑河地区厘定的奥陶纪谦迈蛇绿混杂岩是区域上勐库地区湾河蛇绿混杂岩的南延部分,是原特提斯洋盆关闭后的残迹;其中发育规模不等的榴辉岩构造岩片。榴辉岩经历了多期不同程度的退变质作用,可见丰富的退变质结构,主要榴辉岩相的变质矿物有石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、金红石等。岩石的SiO2含量为49.76%~52.71%,TiO2为1.12%~1.96%,Al2O3为14.18%~16.92%,CaO为7.91%~10.04%,MgO为5.93%~9.14%,Na2O为2.81%~4.77%,K2O为0.09%~1.15%,Mg#=56~69,表明岩浆的分异演化程度较低,接近原始岩浆,总体特点类似前弧玄武岩。稀土元素配分曲线向右缓倾,轻稀土元素轻度富集,(La/Sm)N=1.13~2.05,(Gd/Yb)N=1.18~1.56,与E-MORB(富集型洋中脊玄武岩)类似。微量元素特征表明,其原岩为一套富Nb玄武岩,来自富集地幔源区。总之,黑河地区榴辉岩的原岩属前弧玄武岩,是洋壳初始俯冲阶段的产物,代表了原特提斯洋盆由扩张向俯冲消减转换的岩石学记录。  相似文献   

松多榴辉岩出露于拉萨地块的石英片岩中,主要由较为基性的金红石榴辉岩和较为酸性的石英榴辉岩组成。榴辉岩相矿物组合为石榴子石 绿辉石 绿帘石±多硅白云母±石英±金红石。岩石发生了较强烈的退变质作用,退变质矿物有角闪石、绿帘石、石英、钠长石及绿泥石。石榴子石变斑晶具有生长环带结构,变斑晶和基质石榴子石主要落入C类榴辉岩区,少数石榴子石变斑晶边部和基质石榴子石落入B类榴辉岩区;单斜辉石主要为绿辉石,少数Ⅰ世代和Ⅲ世代为普通辉石;角闪石均为钙质角闪石。根据石榴子石-绿辉石-多硅白云母矿物温压计计算,获得的温压范围为630~777℃和2.58~2.70GPa,峰期变质条件接近于石英-柯石英转变线。榴辉岩的原岩经历了从高绿片岩相、角闪岩相、榴辉岩相、角闪岩相到高绿片岩相的变质过程,这反映了与古特提斯洋闭合有关的俯冲进变质作用和随后的折返退变质作用。  相似文献   

拉萨地块东部松多(超)高压榴辉岩记录了古特提斯洋俯冲及折返过程。松多榴辉岩带已发现松多、新达多、白朗和吉朗4个榴辉岩出露区,它们的峰期温压条件及变质p-T轨迹的研究对揭示拉萨地块古特提斯时期的俯冲及折返过程有重要意义。松多榴辉岩带东段吉朗榴辉岩的主要矿物为石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、角闪石、金红石、绿帘石、石英以及退变形成的后成合晶结构(透辉石+角闪石+斜长石)和少量的黑云母。石榴子石具有含丰富矿物包裹体的"脏"核和极少包裹体的"净"边,具有典型的进变质成分环带特征,从核部到边部镁铝榴石组分升高,锰铝榴石和钙铝榴石组分降低。石榴子石边部发育窄的角闪石+斜长石(An=28)组成的冠状体,表明石榴子石边部发生了后期角闪岩相退变质作用。通过变质相平衡模拟计算得到石榴子石以及多硅白云母记录的峰期温压条件为563℃、2. 4 GPa。结合岩相学特征,确定吉朗榴辉岩经历了4期变质演化阶段:(1)进变质阶段以石榴子石核部及其包裹体为代表性矿物组合;(2)峰期变质阶段矿物组合为石榴子石边部、绿辉石、多硅白云母、蓝闪石、硬柱石、金红石和石英;(3)早期退变质阶段以硬柱石分解产生绿帘石为特征;(4)晚期退变质阶段以绿辉石发育后成合晶和石榴子石生长冠状体为特征。认为吉朗榴辉岩为典型的低温高压榴辉岩,经历了顺时针p-T演化轨迹,折返过程为近等温降压过程。与松多带内其他(超)高压岩石相比,吉朗榴辉岩峰期温压条件较低,其围岩为变石英岩,区别于区内其他(超)高压榴辉岩的石榴子石白云母片岩及蛇纹岩围岩。推测吉朗榴辉岩来自于俯冲带浅部,由俯冲隧道中低密度沉积物裹挟折返。  相似文献   

苏鲁超高压变质带南部的东海地区有富Fe—Ti的钛铁矿榴辉岩和富Ti的金红石榴辉岩。富Fe—Ti榴辉岩的次要矿物主要由钛铁矿和钛磁铁矿组成,可舍少量金红石,具有很低的Si02(38.0%-42.3%)、Na20+K20(0.48%~2.13%)和Zr、Nb、Ta、Ba、1Kb、REE含量,很高的FeO(18.24%-25.33%)、V和Co含量,并具有不同程度的LREE亏损、明显的正Eu异常;富Ti金红石榴辉岩舍有丰富的金红石和磷灰石,SiO2含量范围(38.0%-54.8%)较宽,FeO含量较低,P2O5含量较高(可达4.1%),而X-TiO2与P205含量具正相关性。相对于原始地慢岩.富Ti金红石榴辉岩具有Rb、Th、K、Nb、Pr、Nd、Eu、Ti、Lu的负异常和Ba、Sr、Zr的正异常.并具相对较高的IKEE含量,LREE富集和HREE亏损的1KEE分配型式。岩石学和地球化学特征揭示,Fe—Ti榴辉岩的原岩是变质的Fe—Ti辉长岩,是基性岩浆强烈分离结晶作用形成的超基性-基性-中酸性层状侵入体的特征组成部分。  相似文献   

李鹏  张聪  刘晓瑜  申婷婷  邱添  杨经绥 《岩石学报》2017,33(12):3753-3765
位于拉萨地块中部松多榴辉岩带西端的新达多地区出露两种类型榴辉岩:含蓝闪石榴辉岩和双矿物榴辉岩。含蓝闪石榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴石、绿辉石、蓝闪石、多硅白云母及少量的绿帘石、角闪石、石英、金红石。石榴石不具有成分环带结构,蓝闪石存在于基质中,边部大多退变为冻蓝闪石并普遍发育有角闪石和石英的后成合晶。双矿物榴辉岩的主要矿物组合为石榴石、绿辉石、石英及少量的绿帘石、角闪石、金红石、钛铁矿、榍石。石榴石具有典型的进变质环带特征,从核部到边部镁铝榴石和钙铝榴石组分先升高后降低,铁铝榴石组分变化与之耦合,石榴石边部发育角闪石和钠长石的冠状体,推断石榴石记录了进变质的生长过程后又受到了退变质改造。结合传统温压计和变质相平衡模拟两种温压计算方法对榴辉岩的峰期变质条件进行限定,得到含蓝闪石榴辉岩的峰期温压条件为:615±5℃,33±0.5kbar;双矿物榴辉岩的峰期变质温度为630±10℃,压力不超过27kbar。变质相平衡模拟计算结果显示:(1)含蓝闪石榴辉岩经历了退变初期近等温减压过程,这一过程以硬柱石和少量滑石的脱水反应生成蓝闪石和绿帘石为主要特征;中晚期退变质阶段以大范围硬柱石消失后局部富余流体的消耗在蓝闪石边部形成冻蓝闪石以及蓝闪石边部发育后成合晶为特征,部分石榴石边部的韭闪石冠状体大致也发生在这一过程;(2)双矿物榴辉岩则记录了从进变质生长阶段到峰期变质阶段,最后再到退变质演化阶段的完整变质过程。结合前人对松多榴辉岩的工作,对新达多地区新近发现的两类榴辉岩的岩石学研究表明:拉萨地块内部的榴辉岩为典型的大洋俯冲带产物,代表了古特提斯洋盆的存在。俯冲折返过程中复杂的构造机制使得不同类型榴辉岩在同一地区出露共生。  相似文献   

闫伟豪  王勤  李伟强 《地质学报》2022,96(2):500-516
碳酸盐岩和碳酸盐化岩石是俯冲带中碳的主要地质载体.俯冲-折返的超高压变质岩记录了俯冲隧道中流体-岩石的相互作用与元素迁移,是研究地球内部元素循环的重要媒介.本文采集了大别造山带罗家岭互层状产出的大理岩和榴辉岩,建立了横跨岩性界面的矿物组成、显微结构和Mg-Fe-C-O同位素剖面.大理岩中主要组成矿物为白云石,其次为方解...  相似文献   

The solid-solid reaction magnesiocarpholite = sudoite + quartz has been bracketed between 350 and 500°C, 6.3 and 7.8 kbar. Because it is impossible to synthesize end-member sudoite, all experiments were carried out using natural minerals as starting materials. Although mineral compositions were very close to those of the end-members, the effect of the fluorine content in carpholite was significant. Particularly in those experiments where sudoite grows at the expense of carpholite, electron microprobe analysis of the run products shows that a more stable F-rich carpholite crystallizes too, and consumes the fluorine released in solution by the breakdown of the original carpholite.
Our experimental results are combined, through a thermodynamic analysis, with a previous data set and with previous experimental data concerning the relative stability of chlorite, talc and magnesiocarpholite with excess of quartz and water as a function of P–T and AlAl(SiMg)-1 substitutions in phyllosilicates. This allows us to constrain the feasible thermodynamic parameters (H°f, sud; S ° sud) and (H°f,car; S °car) for the Mg end-members. Using the partition coefficients calculated from natural parageneses, we have computed a petrogenetic grid for the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. It demonstrates that parageneses involving sudoite and carpholite can be used as indicators of P–T conditions, up to 600° C, 8 kbar for sudoite, and at higher pressure for carpholite.  相似文献   

This work supports a growing body of evidence that the Ashe Metamorphic Suite (AMS) of the eastern Blue Ridge province in North Carolina has an ensimatic origin and is part of a subduction‐related accretionary mélange, marking the Taconic suture between the North American craton and the Inner Piedmont. In a palinspastic reconstruction, the thrust fault at the base of the AMS appears to have intercepted the greatest depths (i.e. highest‐P metamorphic rocks) beneath parts of the AMS now exposed adjacent to the Grandfather Mountain window. The greatest volume of mafic rock is found in these same areas. We suggest that the nascent, subduction‐related, basal thrust fault was deflected downward by an obstacle in the form of an isolated, mafic volcanic edifice on the oceanic crust–a sea mount. Pelitic and mafic rocks dominate the AMS. North of the Grandfather Mountain window, retrograded eclogite occurs in the amphibolite near the base of the AMS. Textures and mineralogy indicate that an original eclogite assemblage was subjected to the following sequence of parageneses: (a) Eclogite(I) facies: omphacite+garnet+quartz, (b) Eclogite(II) facies: omphacite+garnet+epidote+quartz, (c) Symplectic (diopside+plagioclase)+garnet+epidote+quartz, (d) Amphibolite facies: (diopside+plagioclase)+garnet+epidote+hornblende+quartz, (e) Amphibolite facies: plagioclase+garnet+epidote+hornblende+quartz. P–T conditions, estimated from geothermobarometry applied to relevant mineral compositions, are c.720 °C and c.16 kbar for (b) eclogite(II) facies; c.655 °C and c.8.5 kbar for (e) amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

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