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The Daqingshan Fault located in the northern margin of the Hetao Basin has experienced intensive activity since late Quaternary, which is of great significance to the molding of the present geomorphology. Since basin geomorphological factors can be used to reflect regional geomorphological type and development characteristics, the use of typical geomorphology characteristics indexes may reveal the main factors that control the formation of topography. In recent years, more successful research experience has been accumulated by using hypsometric integral(HI) values and channel steepness index(ksn)to quantitatively obtain geomorphic parameters to reveal regional tectonic uplift information. The rate of bedrock uplifting can be reflected by channel steepness index, the region with steep gradient has high rate of bedrock uplifting, while the region with slower slope has low rate of bedrock uplifting. The tectonic uplift can shape the geomorphic characteristics by changing the elevation fluctuation of mountains in study area, and then affect the hypsometric integral values distribution trend, thus, the HI value can be used to reflect the intensity of regional tectonic activity, with obvious indicating effect.
Knick point can be formed by fault activity, and the information of knick point and its continuous migration to upstream can be recorded along the longitudinal profile of stream. Therefore, it is possible and feasible to obtain the information of tectonic activity from the geomorphic characteristics of Daqinshan area. The research on the quantitative analysis of regional large-scale tectonic activities in the Daqingshan area of the Yellow River in the Hetao Basin is still deficient so far. Taking this area as an example, based on the method of hypsometric integral(HI) and channel steepness index(ksn), we use the DEM data with 30m resolution and GIS spatial analysis technology to extract the networks of drainage system and seven sub-basins. Then, we calculate the hypsometric integral(HI) values of each sub-basin and fit its spatial distribution characteristics. Finally, we obtain the values of channel steepness index and its fitting spatial distribution characteristics based on the improved Chi-plot bedrock analysis method. Combining the extraction results of geomorphic parameters with the characteristics of fault activity, we attempt to explore the characteristics of drainage system development and the response of stream profile and geomorphology to tectonic activities in the Daqingshan section of the Yellow River Basin.
The results show that the values of the hypsometric integral in the Daqingshan drainage area are medium, between 0.5~0.6, and the Strahler curve of each tributary is S-shaped, suggesting that the geomorphological development of the Daqingshan area is in its prime, and the tectonic activity and erosion is strong. Continuous low HI value is found in the tectonic subsidence area on the hanging wall of the Daqingshan Fault. The distribution characteristics of the HI value reveal that the Daqingshan Fault controls the geomorphic difference between basin and mountain. Longitudinal profiles of the river reveal the existence of many knick points. The steepness index of river distributes in high value along the trend of mountain which lies in the tectonic uplift area on the footwall of the Daqingshan Fault. It reflects that the bedrock uplift rate of Daqingshan area is faster. The distribution characteristics of the channel steepness index show that the uplift amplitude of Daqingshan area is strong and the bedrock is rapidly uplifted, which is significantly different from the subsidence amplitude in the depression basin at the south margin of the fault, indicating that the main power source controlling the basin mountain differential movement comes from Daqingshan Fault. Based on the comparison and analysis on tectonic, lithology and climate, there is no obvious corresponding relationship between the difference of rock erosion resistance and the change of geomorphic parameters, and the precipitation has little effect on the geomorphic transformation of Daqingshan area, and its contribution to the geomorphic development is limited. Thus, we think the lithology and rainfall conditions have limited impact on the hypsometric integral, longitudinal profiles of the river and channel steepness index. Lithology maybe has some influences on the channel knick points, while tectonic activity of piedmont faults is the main controlling factor that causes the unbalanced characteristics of the longitudinal profile of the channel and plays a crucial role in the development of the channel knick points. So, tectonic activity of the Daqingshan Fault is the main factor controlling the uplift and geomorphic evolution of the Daqingshan area. 相似文献
浑江断裂带及水系的分形特征和构造活动性研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
应用分开有几何学方法对浑江断裂带及水系进行了分形特征研究。计算结果表明,浑江断裂带具有较强的活动性,而且次级NNE向断层比NE和NW向断层活动性更强,结合地震活动属于 质地貌,构造应力场等方面的分析。探讨了该断裂带的活动性及区域新构造运动特征。 相似文献
根据GPS观测资料求出的水平地应变和由跨断层垂直形变计算出的速率强度累积率,研究了包头-大同地区1992~1995年、1995~1996年和1996~1999年的各时期的应变特征,并对包头6.4级(1996年5月3)地震前后的地应变进行对比,认为以压应变为主导的高值区可能是未来强震孕育的地区.面应变、主压应变、剪应变和趋势累积率同时较高的地区,强震危险性较大.一般低应变区和张应变为主导的地区,孕育强震的可能性小,属于比较稳定的地区.1992~1999年包头-大同地区的GPS水平应变的演变,反映了1996~1998年地震幕的孕育发展及结束的全过程.以压应变为主的高应变区和应变梯度带可作为未来强震危险区的判定标志之一. 相似文献
热水 -日月山断裂带是发育在青藏高原东北缘柴达木 -祁连活动地块内部的 1条重要的NNW向逆 -右旋走滑活动断裂带 ,长约 183km。断裂由 4条不连续的次级断裂段右阶羽列而成 ,阶距 2~ 3km左右 ,在不连续部位形成拉分区。主断裂两端则形成帚状分叉。断裂活动形成了一系列山脊、冲沟和阶地等右旋断错微地貌 ,其中Ⅰ级阶地右旋断错约 8~ 11m ,Ⅱ级阶地右旋断错约 35m。同时沿断裂带还形成了许多断层陡坎 ,Ⅰ级阶地或洪积台地上断层陡坎高约 0 .5~ 1m ,最高达 2 .8m ,Ⅱ级阶地或台地上的断层陡坎高约 2 .5~ 3m ,最高达 4~ 5m。根据相应的阶地年代 ,计算得到断裂带全新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为 3 16mm/a ,垂直滑动速率为 0 .83mm/a 相似文献
大青山山前活动断裂带分段与潜在震源区划分 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
潜在震源区的划分主要包括潜在震源区范围的划定以及震级上限的确定,目前遵循地震构造类比和地震活动重复等原则。而活断层的分段特性也是潜在震源区划分时必须考虑的一个重要因素。大青山山前断裂带至今有3种不同的分段方案,文中比较分析了前人对大青山山前断裂带的分段,并在此基础上对大青山及山前盆地的潜在震源区作了新的划分。鄂尔多斯块体周缘被拉张性断陷盆地围绕,这些断裂系地震构造相似,且除呼包盆地外均有历史8级以上地震记录。文中将大青山山前断裂带与鄂尔多斯块体周缘断裂系进行了构造对比,特别是与华山山前断裂进行了断裂活动性定量对比,得出雪海沟到土左旗段的震级上限为8级,断裂两端潜源震级上限均为7.5级 相似文献

It is well known that the slip rate of Kunlun Fault descends at the east segment, but little known about the Awancang Fault and its role in strain partitioning with Kunlun Fault. Whether the sub-strand(Awancang Fault) can rupture simultaneously with Kunlun Fault remains unknown. Based on field investigations, aerial-photo morphological analysis, topographic surveys and 14C dating of alluvial surfaces, we used displaced terrace risers to estimate geological slip rates along the Awancang Fault, which lies on the western margin of the Ruoergai Basin and the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau, the results indicate that the slip rate is 3mm/a in the middle Holocene, similar to the reduced value of the Kunlun Fault. The fault consists of two segments with strike N50° W, located at distance about 16km, and converged to single stand to the SE direction. Our results demonstrate that the Awancang fault zone is predominantly left-lateral with a small amount of northeast-verging thrust component. The slip rates decrease sharply about 4mm/a from west to east between the intersection zone of the Awancang Fault and Kunlun Fault. Together with our previous trenching results on the Kunlun Fault, the comparison with slip rates at the Kunlun fault zone suggests that the Awancang fault zone has an important role in strain partitioning for east extension of Kunlun Fault in eastern Tibet. At the same time, the 15km long surface rupture zone of the southeast segment was found at the Awancang Fault. By dating the latest faulted geomorphologic surface, the last event may be since the 1766±54 Cal a BP. Through analysis of the trench, there are four paleoearthquake events identified recurring in situ on the Awancang Fault and the latest event is since (850±30)a BP. The slip rate of the Awancang Fault is almost equivalent to the descending value of the eastern part of the east Kunlun Fault, which can well explain the slip rate decreasing of the eastern part of the east Kunlun Fault(the Maqin-Maqu segment)and the characteristics of the structure dynamics of the eastern edge of the Tibet Plateau. The falling slip rate gradient of the eastern Kunlun Fault corresponds to the geometric characteristic. It is the Awancang Fault, the strand of the East Kunlun Fault that accommodates the strain distribution of the eastward extension of the east Kunlun Fault. This study is helpful to seismic hazard assessment and understanding the deformation mechanism in eastern Tibet. 相似文献

CAO Jun XU Han-gang RAN Yong-kang LIANG Ming-jian LEI Sheng-xue ZHANG Peng LI Li-mei GU Qin-ping ZHAO Qi-guang 《地震地质》2017,39(2):287-303
The Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ), a well-known lithosphere fault zone in eastern China, is a boundary tectonic belt of the secondary block within the North China plate, and its seismic risk has always been a focus problem. Previous studies were primarily conducted on the eastern graben faults of the Yishu segment where there are historical earthquake records, but the faults in western graben have seldom been involved. So, there has been no agreement about the activity of the western graben fault from the previous studies. This paper focuses on the activity of the two buried faults in the western graben along the southern segment of Yishu through combination of shallow seismic reflection profile and composite drilling section exploration.
Shallow seismic reflection profile reveals that the Tangwu-Gegou Fault(F4)only affects the top surface of Suqian Formation, therefore, the fault may be an early Quaternary fault. The Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)has displaced the upper Pleistocene series in the shallow seismic reflection profile, suggesting that the fault may be a late Pleistocene active fault. Drilling was implemented in Caiji Town and Lingcheng Town along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)respectively, and the result shows that the latest activity time of Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)is between(91.2±4.4)ka and(97.0±4.8)ka, therefore, the fault belongs to late Pleistocene active fault.
Combined with the latest research on the activity of other faults along TLFZ, both faults in eastern and western graben were active during the late Pleistocene in the southern segment of the Yishu fault zone, however, only the fault in eastern graben was active in the Holocene. This phenomenon is the tectonic response to the subduction of the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plate and collision between India and Asian Plate. The two late Quaternary active faults in the Yishu segment of TLFZ are deep faults and present different forms on the surface and in near surface according to studies of deep seismic reflection profile, seismic wave function and seismic relocation. Considering the tectonic structure of the southern segment of Yishu fault zone, the relationship between deep and shallow structures, and the impact of 1668 Tancheng earthquake(M=8(1/2)), the seismogenic ability of moderate-strong earthquake along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)can't be ignored. 相似文献
对毛毛山断裂带断层岩进行了宏观及微观的观察和分析,特别是对断层岩中石英颗粒的形貌特征、溶蚀类型及断层岩的组分进行了研究。结果表明该断裂是一条具有多期活动的全新世活动断裂.滑动性质以粘滑为主,断裂的东段较西段更为明显。 相似文献
根据该地褶皱形态、断裂特征、应力场分布等资料研究,指出马边~永善及其两侧的构造形迹自西而东有一个相应强~弱变化过程。推测其力源主要来自西部喜马拉雅构造域的侧向推挤,所形成的马边-永善地震带是处于马边-昭通-曲靖断裂构造带的一部分,从而成为川西经向构造带的东部边界,也是青藏高原东南边缘与四川盆地西南边缘的浅部界线 相似文献
运用格点尝试法推断了沂沭断裂带现状构造应力场的分段受力环境,初步分析了沭断裂带及其两侧块体在中强地震前后构造应力环境的变化特点。其变化特点为:震前3个区主应力方位值有一个明显的增大趋势;3个区的增大变化为不同步;沂沭带主应力方位值增大出现时间较晚,增幅较大,为阶跃性增大;山东东部的主张应力方位值幅度增大,持续达4年以上,震后3个区主应力方位值出现明显的同步性回落,沂沭带的主应力降幅巨大。 相似文献
云南活动性断裂带的结构变异与孕震体构造的空间关系 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
中国的强震主要发生在一些板内大型走滑断裂带上,地震的破裂基本上是以走滑型破裂为特征。在这些活动性的走滑断裂带上形成的孕震体构造与该走滑断裂结构在空间的变化有关,并且表现出几种主要的变异形式。结合西南地区地震构造的实例,本文剖析了这几种结构变异形式,阐明了孕震体构造存在的空间机制。本文从地震与构造丛集相关及其所具有的分维特征入手,展开了对孕震区断裂结构变异特征的识别和孕震体空间机制的探讨,表述了一条活动性大断裂必须由若干次级断裂和无数中小断裂的空间组合,才能形成孕震体的必要条件。 相似文献
As one of the rhombic blocks in North China, Kaifeng depression is on the south of the northern Huabei depression and in the north of the southern Huabei depression, bounded by Xinxiang-Shangqiu Fault and Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault, respectively. So far, the activity of Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault during Kainozoic era and the relationship between Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault and Xinxiang-Shangqiu Fault is still unknown. We interpreted several deep seismic profiles across Taikang uplift and Kaifeng depression on the basis of the strata sequence exposed by the 8 drill holes in the related area. The outcomes indicate that the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault strikes EW on the whole, presenting undulating feature in plain, with a length about 154km. The profiles show the dip angle of the fault is steeper in the shallow than that in the deep, with an obvious "L-shaped" turning point. In Paleogene, the fault was a normal fault. In its hanging wall, the Kaifeng depression, there deposited hundreds of meters of Eogene. After middle Himalayan movement, Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault converted to a strike-slip fault, the dip angle became steeper, but the activity became weaker. The Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Fault ended its activity before Quaternary. As a response to the compression in the footwall caused by the sustained sinistral shearing, there developed a series of NW-trending, en echelon wide and gentle folds. Then, the activity in Kaifeng depression shifted to its north boundary. 相似文献
舒兰断裂带是东北地区著名的依兰—伊通断裂带的中段。本文从构造分析和历史发展的角度出发,阐述了舒兰断裂带的基本特征及其晚近时期新活动 相似文献
右江断裂带地处桂西断块区,有记载以来沿带曾发生40~50级地震15次,属中强地震带。笔者在室内卫片、航片、大比例尺地形图解译和分析的基础上,经野外实地调查,获得了断裂带晚更新世活动的若干地质地貌证据,实测了断裂的左旋位移数据。文中介绍了有关证据,并根据年龄数据,计算了断裂中、晚更新世以来的水平和垂直位移速率。断裂带在平面上分3大段,即百色以西段、百色—思林段、思林—坛洛段,各大段又可进一步分为若干个小段。断裂断错了距今(328±025)×104a~(1016±079)×104a的阶地堆积物和残坡积物,控制着百色—田东晚第四纪盆地的发育,地貌上形成断层谷和槽地、断层崖和陡坎,横穿断裂的水系发生同步左旋位移,其活动性质以左旋走滑为主,兼有张性差异运动。晚更新世不同时段以来断裂的水平位移速率为147~198mm/a,中更新世以来的垂直位移速率为074~076mm/a,晚更新世以来为01~035mm/a。该断裂的位移速率明显低于其西的川滇断块内部断裂,更低于川滇断块周边断裂 相似文献