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We analyzed the variation characteristics of Poisson's ratio in crustal media from January 2009 to December 2012 at 11 fixed seismic stations(for station SCH, it is from January 2006 to December 2012)within an epicenter distance of 200km of the Xinyuan-Hejing MS6.6 earthquake in Xinjiang on June 30, 2012 using the methods of P wave receiver functions, H-κ stacking of receiver functions, and time sliding window, and obtained the following conclusions: (1)The crustal media's Poisson ratio of five stations in an epicenter distance less than 130km showed a significant and long-lasting decline about 2~3 years before Xinyuan-Hejing MS6.6 earthquake. Taking the crustal Poisson ratio mean value as reference, the decrease ranges between 0.003 and 0.014, the decrease in 4 stations are more than twice the mean error. The variations of the Poisson's ratio in crust are characterized by "V" shape or "double V" shape. Earthquakes occur at the end of the formation of "V" shape. After the occurrence of earthquakes, the Poisson's ratio continues to rise. The earliest initial fall appeared in July 2009 at WUS station which has the minimum epicentral distance(77km). The Poisson ratio of the crustal media of 6 stations with epicentral distance more than 150km fluctuated up and down around the mean value, and there is no significant decline or persistent low value. (2)We analyzed the arrival-time variations of the quasi-repetitive receiver functions Ps converted wave(tPs)of the 3 stations WUS, SCH and XNY and found that the travel times of Ps converted waves became smaller in the crust before the earthquake and increased after the earthquake. (3)Through the comprehensive analysis on the descending process, decline ranges, variations process, duration of Poisson' ratio, the Ps converted waves arrival time variations, the original time of earthquake, and the number of stations, it is inferred that the cause for Poisson's ratio anomalous variations is the change of physical properties of crustal media in the process of earthquake preparation and occurrence. Since the variation characteristics of crustal media may be related to the earthquake magnitude, the size of seismogenic area, the medium properties under stations, and the focal distance, whether the medium variation characteristics exist before and after Xinyuan-Hejing MS6.6 earthquake will need more earthquake cases analyses. (4)The H-κ stacking of receiver functions is used to calculate the velocity ratio. Because P-wave velocity is given, this method can only be applied when the Ps converted wave velocity of Moho surface of receiver functions changes before an earthquake. With the application of receiver functions to the analysis of more earthquake cases, we can gain more insights into the variation of crustal medium parameters during the seismogenic process. This observation indicates that the receiver function method may become a new approach to detect the Poisson's ratio change of the crustal media before strong earthquake under the condition of high seismic network density.  相似文献   

通过对汶川8.0级地震前,龙门山地区小震活动与月球上中天、下中天时刻对应关系的讨论,得到龙门山小震活动与月球引潮力的低潮对应关系不明显.另外,对龙门山小震与固体潮理论曲线对应的讨论,得到每组小震的头震在接近固体潮曲线的谷底发生,即地震的发生与固体潮的低潮有关.在临近大震前,地震多发生在固体潮曲线的上升部位,即引潮力增长...  相似文献   

以芦山、汶川地震震中为中心,选择了8个井点,对2个地震引起的井水位同震变化进行了比较,重点分析了3口同震变化反向的井点,即重庆的荣昌华江井、北碚柳荫井和四川的泸沽湖井。为使对比研究结果可靠,进一步收集了2011年3月11日日本9.0级地震、2012年4月11日苏门答腊北部海域8.6级地震引起的井水位同震变化资料。对汶川、芦山地震引起的同震体应变的计算结果显示:汶川地震时,荣昌华江井、北碚柳荫井和泸沽湖井水位同震变化与井点位置处的同震体应变一致,即位于同震体应变压缩区的井水位上升,位于体应变膨胀区的井水位下降;芦山地震时,3口井的水位同震变化与同震体应变不一致,表现出与日本、苏门答腊地震时相似的同震变化特征。  相似文献   

The Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake of December 8, 2016 is a pure thrust event in the northern Tianshan thrust fold belt. The earthquake occurred between the Qigu Fault and the Junggar southern margin fault, which are both thrust faults. Based on mobile gravity measurements from 2013 to 2018 in the northern Tianshan, the gravity net adjustment was accomplished using Urumqi absolute gravity observation point as the datum, and the absolute gravity value of surface observation points were obtained. In order to eliminate the seasonal effect on gravity variation, the paper uses the observation data in May per annual as studying objects and obtains the temporal-spatial dynamic evolution images of gravity field differences in the northern Tianshan at different time scales as well as the time series of gravity variation of some points in the adjacent area of the epicenter. The characteristics of regional gravity variation before and after the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake on December 8, 2016 and their relations are analyzed systematically. The results show that: 1)The gravity variations in the study area are dramatic in generally, and the contours of gravity variation are consistent with the main faults basically. There was a four-quadrant distribution near the epicenter before the earthquake, and the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake occurred near the center of the four-quadrant distribution and at the turn of the gravity variation contour. The three years' cumulative gravity variation before the earthquake and the gravity variation after the earthquake are inversed, and the variation amplitudes are equivalent, suggesting that the MS6.2 earthquake has released the stress and the energy accumulated before the earthquake. 2)This paper focuses on the analysis of gravity variation at the observation points on both sides of the Junggar southern margin fault near the epicenter. Regional gravity variation and gravity time series show that gravity variations at the same side of the Junggar southern margin fault are basically consistent, however, gravity variations at the different sides of the Junggar southern margin fault are different from each other obviously, indicating the difference of material migration laws in different structural regions. In addition, the strain energy accumulated in the epicenter is basically released after the earthquake, and the area nearby the epicenter tends to be stable. 3)The Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake occurred near the center of the four-quadrant and at the turn of the high-gradient zone of gravity variation, reflecting the location of strong earthquake is related to the distribution of four-quadrant of regional gravity variation, the high-gradient zone of regional gravity variation and its turn. It has a unique advantage in determining the location of strong earthquake using gravity variation results. The regional spatial-temporal gravity variation before the earthquake is manifested as a systematic evolution process of “steady state→regional gravity anomaly→four-quadrant distribution→earthquake occurring in the reverse process”. Studying the temporal-spatial evolution characteristics of gravity field before and after Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake has important practical significance for understanding the occurrence law of large earthquakes and capturing the precursory information of earthquakes.  相似文献   

汶川Ms 8.0地震部分余震重新定位及地震构造初步分析   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
利用双差地震定位法对5月12日汶川MS8.0地震至6月26日四川地震台网整理形成观测报告的2741个余震进行了重新定位。在此基础上,初步探讨了汶川地震的地震构造及其余震的破裂扩展。重新定位后震源深度主要分布在0~20km间的上地壳,25~40km的下地壳也有少量地震发生,与下地壳存在脆性变形的断裂活动相对应,在20~25km深度范围内的上下地壳之间存在一个明显的缺震层,推测其可能构成推覆构造的滑脱面。从震源分布与震源机制解在空间的变化上,地震破裂由南向北单侧破裂且存在明显的分段活动性,推测可能存在逆冲推覆与右旋走滑破裂相互转换的过程:逆冲推覆滑动主要发生在高川以南的段落上,震源机制解表现为以逆冲为主;地震破裂向北并未沿龙门山推覆构造带北段扩展,而是斜切青川断裂,震源分布刻画的结构面陡直,震源机制解表现为以右旋走滑错动为主  相似文献   

Based on the mobile gravity observation data in 2014-2016 in Guangxi and its adjacent areas, this paper systematically analyzed the changes of regional gravity field and its relation to the MS5.4 Cangwu, Guangxi earthquake on July 31, 2016, and combined with GPS observation data and seismic geological survey results, discussed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the changes of regional gravity field and its mechanism. The results show that:(1) Before and after the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake, the gravity anomaly changes near the earthquake area were closely related to the major faults in space, which reflects the crustal deformation and tectonic activities that caused the surface gravity change along the seismogenic fault in the period of 2014-2016; (2) The gravity changes near the epicenter before and after the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake showed an evolution process in which the positive gravity anomaly zone changed to the negative gravity anomaly zone, a gravity gradient belt appeared along NNE direction and the earthquake occurred in its reverse change process; (3) The epicenter of the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake located both near the gravity gradient belt and in the zero transition zone of the surface strain gradient and the edge of the high maximum shear strain rate area, the observational fact further proved that the dynamic image of gravitational field and deformation field have important instruction significance to the location prediction of strong earthquakes; (4) in recent years, the gravity dynamic change in northwestern Guangxi presented a four-quadrant distribution pattern, and there is the risk of generating earthquake of magnitude about 5 in the center of the quadrants.  相似文献   

邱永平 《内陆地震》2013,27(1):15-19
宁波台ZK03井水氡在汶川8.0和日本9.0级地震前后出现的异常,可能是这两次地震的前兆异常和震后效应,并且出现的异常有较多相似之处。从水氡五日均值曲线来看,震前11个月开始就出现了异常,五日均值最大异常量都出现在异常结束前5个月,形成了一个“V”字形的中短期低值异常形态。同井观测的动水位同震响应也较相似,说明这两次地震波传播中对该井的水动力作用基本相同,因此也可能会出现相似的水氡中短期异常现象。  相似文献   

发展了一种根据单台垂向记录的地震直达P波的第一个周期信号, 研究地震波传播路径中介质衰减频散特性的方法. 为了更有效地提高P波频散测量的分辨率和信噪比水平,减小系统误差,使用了数据重采样技术. 应用改进的多重滤波方法测定P波群速度延迟. 根据线性滞弹性体松弛模型反演得到了介质品质因子Qm、95%置信水平下的测量误差及相关参数. 对营口台记录的辽宁岫岩震群的研究结果表明:① 1999年11月9日开始出现高Qm值,高Qm值对应的地震集中在距营口台32~46 km, 明显偏离Qm随震中距增加的线性规律;②5.4级地震前平均Qm值为460, 5.4级地震后至2000年1月12日5.1级地震之前Qm值为391, 5.1级地震之后Qm值为204.  相似文献   

张永仙  石耀霖 《地震》1994,(6):26-33
本文利用有限元方法模拟计算了强震发生前孕震区的波速比及S波分裂的时空变化,结果表明,孕震过程中,随着应力的局部集中,岩体发生扩容,引起裂隙的增生及定向排列,从而使孕震区产生各向异性,引起波速比的变化及S波分裂现象,在不同阶段,穿过同一路径的地震射线其波速比和S波分裂特征不同;在同一时刻,沿不同路径传播的地震射线其波速比及S波分裂也不同。总体看来,平行于孕震断层传播的地震波速比变化比垂直于其波速比及  相似文献   

将加卸载响应比的理论和方法引入地下水位潮汐资料计算中,根据岩石的应变与应力的非线性响应分析了井水位固体潮加卸载响应比的物理机理,从理论上论证了用地下水位观测资料计算加卸载响应比的可行性并研究出利用地下水位对固体潮的响应来计算加卸载响应比的方法.以此方法计算了我国大华北地区近20 a 来地下水位的固体潮加卸载响应比,分析了1989 年大同6 .1 级地震前后地下水位固体潮加卸载响应比的变化.多数井的水位固体潮加卸载响应比在地震前6 ~12 个月出现升高异常变化.  相似文献   

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