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在声波测井领域,交叉偶极声波测井主要用于测量地层横波,判断地层的各向异性和裂缝。本文基于套管井中的偶极弯曲波传播特性,针对水泥胶结良好、I界面窜槽和II界面窜槽三种胶结情况下的基阶地层弯曲波的声场特性,计算了弯曲波的频散曲线并考察了水泥参数(弹性参数和几何尺寸)对弯曲波频散曲线的影响,利用实轴积分法计算了常规水泥或超轻水泥固井情况下软地层套管井的偶极全波,并采用谱域加权相似法对全波进行了频散分析。结果表明:在软地层常规水泥胶结良好的套管井中,弯曲波的截止频率高于常规偶极源的激发频带,但采用超轻水泥固井时,截止频率会向低频移动,超轻水泥固井有利于在软地层中测得弯曲波。当I界面窜槽时,弯曲波的截止频率向低频移动,在软地层中比较明显,超轻水泥固井情况比常规水泥固井向低频移动更为显著。如果II界面窜槽,无论何种水泥固井弯曲波的截止频率均低于2k Hz。不同胶结情况下的全波分析进一步验证和说明了弯曲波的频散特性对套管井水泥胶结质量比较敏感。  相似文献   

油田受异常地应力作用而损坏的油井绝大部分都是套管井,针对这一实际情况,通过求解套管井应力集中情况下各层介质中应力场的分布,应用摄动积分方法,将裸眼井声弹性方程发展为适用于套管井井孔体系的情况.数值考察了井外无限远单轴水平压应力作用下,声弹方程中各层介质敏感系数和速度-应力系数随频率的变化,及二相互垂直偏振的偶极弯曲波相速度的频散曲线.结果表明,套管井声弹方程中的速度-应力系数主要由地层参数决定,内层介质的贡献较小,其中与三阶弹性模量相对应的项又起决定作用;井孔周围应力集中将引起平行和垂直单轴压应力方向偏振的二弯曲波发生速度分裂,同时随频率的增大两条频散曲线产生交叉,说明这种交叉仍然可用作判断套管井情况下地层各向异性是本征的还是由异常应力诱导的判据,用正交偶极声波测井技术在套管井中无损检测异常地应力仍然可行;但低速地层交叉点将明显向高频区移动,这又是与裸眼井情况重要的不同之处.本文还给出现场实测数据的处理实例,理论结果得到验证.  相似文献   


经典弹性波理论往往在套管与水泥环之间增加一层流体环来模拟套管与水泥环之间胶结差时的测井响应, 但流体环的存在, 使得套管与水泥环之间缺失了剪切耦合, 即使几个微米的厚度, 套管波幅度也会明显增大, 接近甚至超过自由套管时的30%.因此经典弹性波理论常常无法解释现场测量数据中套管波幅度的渐变现象.实际套管井中胶结界面粗糙或不规则起伏使套管与水泥环界面两侧介质有所接触, 往往存在剪切耦合, 用剪切刚度和法向刚度表达的滑移界面理论应用到套管与水泥环或水泥环与地层界面的胶结响应, 可模拟界面从完全胶结到完全不胶结的过渡状态.通过将滑移界面理论模拟的波结构与在套管与水泥环之间加一层软固体层时的经典弹性波理论模拟的波结构对比, 验证了滑移界面理论在模拟水泥胶结时的适用性.滑移界面理论与经典弹性波理论结合分析了水泥不同胶结状态下井孔内外声场的辐射特征, 随着界面水泥胶结质量的下降井内接收的套管波以及套管波泄漏到地层中的纵横波幅度逐渐增强, 透过井壁辐射到地层中的纵波和横波逐渐降低.将滑移界面理论应用到套管井水泥胶结状况的模拟, 弥补了经典弹性波理论在模拟水泥胶结测井响应时的局限性, 也为定量刻画水泥环界面的耦合刚度提供了可能.


在套管井测井中,沿着钢管产生的拉伸波(即管波)在声波数据中产生很强的干扰,使得地层声速的提取十分困难.基于管波与地层声波的干涉原理,本文提出了一种声波处理方法.管波的传播特征是已知的,且管波和地层波都由同一声源激发,因此,可以用管波来改造测井声波数据.对改造后数据采用希尔伯特变换作进一步处理,得到与地层信息相关的解析信号,从该信号中即可提取出地层声速.通过对理论模拟数据的处理和现场测井数据的应用,验证了新方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

套管井应力集中诱导井周波速各向异性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对在套管井中应用正交偶极声测井检测地层各向异性和确定异常构造应力的需要, 本文通过求解水平构造应力作用下套管井的应力场分布,应用声弹性理论说明应力集中对套管井井周弹性波速空间分布的影响,分析了波速空间分布对加套管后的正交偶极各向异性声测量的影响.井孔、套管、水泥环和地层系统的复杂性改变了原裸眼井情况地层中的应力场分布,使应力集中的范围明显缩小到井眼附近.对应不同方位径向偏振横波的交叉点向井孔附近移动.横波波速空间分布的方位极值规律发生变化,但纵波波速空间分布的方位极值规律不变,仍能提供最大远场构造应力施加的方向.  相似文献   

套管井贴壁声波测井仪器在固井质量评价中的应用越来越广泛.本文利用三维交错网格高阶有限差分方法首次研究了贴壁声源在套管井中激发的非轴对称声场特征,给出了测井声源在贴壁固体弹性介质中激发时的数值模拟方法,模拟的全波波形与测井仪器在实际井中记录的波形吻合较好,这为利用数值模拟方式开发贴壁声波仪器的潜在应用奠定了基础.通过对套管井不同胶结状况下的数值模拟,得到了贴壁声源在套管井中激发的声场特征和传播规律,模拟结果显示加载声源的贴壁滑板的存在大大压制了套管中弯曲型Lamb波的幅度;套管中传播的拉伸波的幅度相对较强,其泄漏到水泥中的声波传播到水泥和地层界面时发生反射,反射波的幅度和相位特征携带了水泥环第二界面的胶结信息.数值计算结果为利用贴壁声源激发接收的波形实现水泥环第二界面井周不同角度上的胶结评价奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

对套管井偶极弯曲模式波的频散特性进行了系统的数值考察、实例对比和分析.发现套管井弯曲波频散曲线随地层横波速度的降低,特别是地层横波速度小于2000 m·s-1以下,会迅速移向高频区,偶极弯曲波基础模式主频散区(或截止频率)可出现在13 kHz以上,以致超出了现行低频偶极子声波测井仪的激发与接收频带,这是一过去没有被研究者注意到的现象,并进一步被现场实例所证实.研究表明控制套管井弯曲波频散曲线主频散区位置的主要是钢套管的厚度和地层横波速度.对地层横波速度大于井孔流体声速的快速地层,在钢套管壁厚一定(8 mm)的情况下,频散曲线主频散区可移至11 kHz以上,可能出现的最大可能频域位置是同一井孔内径,井外全钢时的频散曲线上等于、小于地层横波速度那一段,这对各种地层和套管参数都是适用的.对地层横波速度小于等于井孔流体声速(1500 m·s-1)的慢速地层,弯曲波频散曲线随地层横波速度的降低移向高频区的特点更为明显,可能移至16 kHz以上;而套管厚度的影响,也比快速地层大的多,对地层横波速度小于1380 m·s-1的慢速地层,无论用多高的频率激发,都不能在现行使用的各类套管井(壁厚6~12 mm)中用偶极声波测井仪测到弯曲模式波.  相似文献   

确定岩石中先存应力状态的声发射法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对经过三向预加压的石灰岩试件所进行的试验研究表明,其声发射活动的特点与单向受力时的情况完全不同。此时,在一个试件的一次加载过程中会出现两次Kaiser效应,分别对应于载荷达到预加压时所施加的轴压与围压值之时。利用回归分析的方法来处理试验数据,可以使声发射活动对应力的响应关系用三条回归直线来近似。这三条直线的两个交点所对应的应力值,可以确定出预加压时岩石试件承受的应力状态  相似文献   

侯明明  范家参 《地震研究》1999,22(2):206-216
当合力作用在横截面核心之外时,此截面的拉应力对于抗拉强度很低的圬工是不能承受的 ,故应考虑压应力的重新分布。本文采用能反映激发和衰减的非线性Ray/eigh阻尼,使控制方程无量纲化,设振幅函数满足所有边界条件而简化控制方程非齐次的VamderPol方程,得了其头两次渐近解,再计算压应力重分布。  相似文献   

根据断裂力学原理,研究了水库蓄水后,在原有产生断裂的地应力基础上库水产生的附加应力,并分析了张开和闭合断裂的应力强度因子的变化趋势和正断层、逆断层及走滑断层发生扩展的可能性,从而揭示不同断层诱发水库地震的可能性。  相似文献   

Guided seismic waves are generated at lateral discontinuities in coal seams as an integral part of the mechanics of scattering downgoing body waves from a surface energy source.Numerical and laboratory model studies undertaken for both thin and thick coal seam waveguides show that small faults generate recognizable diffraction patterns by convertingP andS waves into channel wave arrivals at in-seam geophones on a walkawayVSP profile.These results suggest that in-seam geophones can be used during subsequent surface reflection surveys so as to improve mine profitability by optimising longwall layout in faulted ground.  相似文献   

本文发展了建立在地层参考状态为各向同性介质假定下的现行井孔声弹性理论,就井外为横向各向同性面与井轴垂直的、具有9个独立三阶弹性模量的横向各向同性介质(VTI井况),水平面内受双轴应力作用下给出了一个简洁的与井内压力、应力差、应力和以及多极源偏振方位角有关的井孔弯曲波声弹公式,并且导出了平面纵、横波速度的声弹公式.数值考察了弯曲波速度之改变量的灵敏系数随频率的变化、受井外水平双轴应力作用时两种偏振的偶极弯曲波频散曲线以及对应不同方位径向偏振的横波速度.研究结果表明弯曲波声弹公式与5个二阶弹性系数以及7个独立的三阶弹性模量有关;而且由内压引起的井孔弯曲波声弹性公式中的三阶弹性模量仅与6个独立的弹性模量有关.横向各向同性介质井孔弯曲波速度的交叉现象仍是判断地应力存在的标志;一个重要的认识是受双轴应力作用的弯曲波速度变化在低频区主要与c144和c155两个三阶弹性模量有关,而且此认识与径向偏振的平面横波一致.在缺乏足够实验条件情况下,对VTI情况,以c144,c155和c123三个独立的量进行测量,然后可暂不考虑三阶弹性模量的各向异性,建立简化的应力反演公式.反之,如果已知地层的地应力信息,由简化的声弹公式可以反演三阶弹性模量c144,c155和c123.  相似文献   

The paper outlines analytically and exemplifies numerically the basic aspects, characterizing dispersion spectra of the shear horizontal (SH) waves in transversely periodic layers and half-spaces with a monoclinic functionally graded unit cell. On introducing the background, the ’quasi-orthorhombic’ formulation is pointed out. Further analytical consideration bypasses explicit intricacy of the wave solutions in continuously varying media and relies only on a few basic traits of the governing equation of SH motion. An elementary reasoning pinpoints the key features of the Floquet eigenmodes and their link to the traction-free boundary conditions in question. This simple grounds suffices to generalize the remarkable property, previously restricted to the orthorhombic piecewise homogeneous periodic stacks, which implies that the SH dispersion spectrum for a unit cell, assumed free of traction at the faces, is embedded into the spectrum for the finite periodic structure of these unit cells and contains the locus of surface-wave solutions for the semi-infinite periodic structure. The conclusion is valid for an arbitrary continuous and/or discrete transverse periodic inhomogeneity. Numerical results, presented for the case of continuously inhomogeneous unit cell, are based on the Peano series of multiple integrals.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider the propagation of magneto-acoustic-gravity waves in a compressible, conducting isothermal atmosphere permeated by a uniform horizontal magnetic field. The singular levels, arising in a horizontal magnetic field, are considered in their most general form. Exact analytical solutions for a number of particular cases of wave propagation are obtained. The wave transformation is analyzed for all these cases using the solutions obtained.

Based on the theory of wave propagation across a magnetic field, low-frequency wave trapping in a chromospheric resonator is explained, and some properties of running penumbral waves are discussed.  相似文献   


Starting from Euler's equations of motion a nonlinear model for internal waves in fluids is developed by an appropriate scaling and a vertical integration over two layers of different but constant density. The model allows the barotropic and the first baroclinic mode to be calculated. In addition to the nonlinear advective terms dispersion and Coriolis force due to the Earth's rotation are taken into account. The model equations are solved numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme. In this paper we discuss the results for ideal basins: the effects of nonlinear terms, dispersion and Coriolis force, the mechanism of wind forcing, the evolution of Kelvin waves and the corresponding transport of particles and, finally, wave propagation over variable topography. First applications to Lake Constance are shown, but a detailed analysis is deferred to a second paper [Bauer et al. (1994)].  相似文献   

Many theoretical models predict that arrested dykes may generate major grabens at rift-zone surfaces. Arrested dyke tips in eroded rift zones, however, are normally not associated with major grabens or normal faults that could be generated by dyke-induced stresses ahead of the tips, and normal faults and grabens tend to be less common in those parts of eroded rift zones where dykes are comparatively abundant. Similarly, there are feeder dykes, as well as dykes arrested a few metres below the surface, that do not generate faults or grabens at the surface. Here I propose that this discrepancy between theoretical models and field observations may be explained by the mechanical layering of the crust. Numerical models presented here show that abrupt changes in Young's moduli, layers with high dyke-normal compressive stresses (stress barriers), and weak, horizontal contacts have large effects on the dyke-induced stress fields. For the models considered, the surface tensile stresses induced by arrested dykes are normally too small to lead to significant fault or graben formation at the rift-zone surface. The only significant dyke-induced surface tensile stresses (2 MPa) in these models are for a dyke tip arrested at 1 km depth below the surface of a rift zone with a weak contact at 400 m depth and subject to extension. That tensile stress, however, peaks above the ends of the weak horizontal contact, which, in the model considered, occur at distances of 4 km to either side of the dyke, and shows no simple relation to the depth to the dyke tip. Thus, for a layered crust with weak contacts, straightforward inversion of surface geodetic data to infer dyke geometries may result in unreliable results.Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   

液体表层层状介质导波频散曲线研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
随着地震勘探向浅海、湖泊等流体覆盖层的渗透,存在液体表层或夹层介质中导波的传播研究受到人们重视.在前人研究工作的基础上,本文对存在上覆液体层时的两层、三层以及低速夹层的固体层状介质模型的频散曲线进行了数值计算,分析了当上覆液体表层的厚度变化时多模式导波频散曲线特征.通过与没有液体表层时的完全固体介质模型相对比,研究了存在上覆液体表层时多模式导波频散曲线独特的形态特征,进一步引伸出在滩浅海进行地震勘探中应注意的问题.为在滩浅海及湖泊等表层为液体覆盖层的地区利用导波进行勘探和研究提供一定的研究思路和理论依据.  相似文献   

偶极声源在裸眼井及套管井外的横波辐射特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
偶极横波远探测技术作为近年来发展起来的一门地球物理测井技术,一个重要应用前景就是在裸眼井和套管井测井时寻找井外地层中的油气构造.本文从井中偶极声场积分表达式的远场渐近解出发,对裸眼井及套管井中偶极声源的辐射场进行了对比分析,首次得到了偶极声源在不同声源频率和不同地层类型下的辐射特征.并深入研究了套管井中偶极声源的SH横波远场辐射特性,给出了不同耦合情况下的SH横波远场辐射特性的变化规律,对比了套前套后SH横波远场辐射的异同.结果表明:井中偶极声源的远场辐射特性受声源频率和地层类型影响较大;在套管井中,偶极声源辐射到地层中的横波能量也可以进行远探测,尽管与裸眼井情况相比,辐射能量会有所降低.本文的结果为偶极横波远探测技术的应用提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

The structure of monochromatic MHD-waves with large azimuthal wave number m 1 in a two-dimensional model of the magnetosphere has been investigated. A joint action of the field line curvature, finite plasma pressure, and transversal equilibrium current leads to the phenomenon that waves, standing along the field lines, are travelling across the magnetic shells. The wave propagation region, the transparency region, is bounded by the poloidal magnetic surface on one side and by the resonance surface on the other. In their meaning these surfaces correspond to the usual and singular turning points in the WKB-approximation, respectively. The wave is excited near the poloidal surface and propagates toward the resonance surface where it is totally absorbed due to the ionospheric dissipation. There are two transparency regions in a finite-beta magnetosphere, one of them corresponds to the Alfvén mode and the other to the slow magneto-sound mode.  相似文献   

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