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Research Progress of Coastal Dunes Response to Storm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major areas of world coastal dunes have been frequently attacked by storms. The storm, as a high energy influential factor for the formation and evolution of coastal dunes, is also one of the important research contents on the surf zone-beach-dune interaction. The research progress are reviewed from the following aspects: Coastal dune morphological response to storms, coastal dune sediments response to storms, mechanisms of coastal dunes in response to storms, and the research methods and techniques used in the research on coastal dunes to storms. Finally, open questions and future developments were suggested.  相似文献   

风沙地貌形态动力学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
风沙地貌是广泛分布于干旱、半干旱,甚至部分湿润地区,由风力作用形成的一种地貌类型。风沙地貌学是研究在风力作用下物质运动形成的地表形态特征、空间组合规律及其形成演变的科学,是地貌学中以风为外营力形成的地貌为对象的分支学科。风是风沙地貌学研究的基础,其贯穿整个风沙地貌学研究。风况决定了风沙地貌的形态特征、空间组合特征和演化过程,同时,沙丘表面气流和风沙流控制沙丘的形态演化过程和移动过程。风沙地貌经过100多年的发展,在沙丘形态特征、动力学过程等方面取得了长足发展。从风沙地貌观测方法、分析方法和形态动力学角度出发,总结了近年来风沙地貌形态、形成风况以及动力学方面的研究进展。随着新技术的发展,全站仪、三维地形扫描仪等新的形态观测设备开始应用于风沙地貌形态测量,使得大范围风沙地貌形态精准测量成为可能,为风沙地貌形态动力学研究提供精确的地形特征资料。同时,三维超声风速仪等高频风速观测仪器也广泛应用于风沙地貌动力学观测,从而探讨风沙地貌形态—近地层气流的互馈机制。但是,针对具体的分析方法,如风况与沙丘形态的对应关系,近地层气流的分析方法以及形态—气流互馈关系等方面,目前还没有好的解决办法。  相似文献   

The interactions among surface water, groundwater and seawater are closely related in the coastal area with complex hydrological conditions. A series of impacts from human activities and climate change are also more significant in this region. In order to understand the key knowledge and research status of surface water and groundwater interaction in coastal area, it is a useful method to analyze literatures in this research scope in the core database of Web of Science by using CiteSpace. The research achievements in this field were systematically sorted and potential research hotspots were explored, which may provide references for subsequent researches. The results show the following. The number of highly cited articles and highly burst articles in this research field has increased significantly since 2010. At present, this field is still in the development stage and has a broad research prospect. The United States, Australia, China and Germany have done plenty of researches on this issue and achieved a lot. At present, the number of research achievements supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China is in the lead over the world. Seawater intrusion, submarine groundwater discharge, the relationship between tide and hydrological conditions are the main research direction in this field. Hydrochemistry and isotopic analysis, and numerical simulation are the most important research methods in this field. The potential development directions and breakthroughs in this field include submarine groundwater discharge, the evolution of coastal mangrove wetlands, the migration and transformation of nutrients, the influences of different hydrological factors on coastal areas, and the impact of climate change on coastal areas. Overall, the future development of surface water and groundwater research in coastal areas is inseparable from the cross-integration of various disciplines, mutual verification of multiple methods and the introduction of new technical means.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are located in marine-terrestrial interlaced zone. With their unique geographical positions, the coastal ecological risk assessment has both the complexity of regional ecological risk assessment and its own particularity. In recent years, due to the coastal economic development and the deterioration of ecological environment, coastal ecological risk has received more and more attention, but there are still lacking in further systematic study about the coastal ecological risk assessment. With the summary and analysis of the existing research results from home and abroad, based on land-ocean interaction plan and full consideration of the uniqueness, regionalism and complexity of the coastal zone environment, this paper made scientific conclusion on the definition of the coastal ecological risk assessment concept and its components from risk source, habitat and risk suffer-the three basic elements. Moreover, from risk source, risk suffer and comprehensive evaluation-the three aspects, it discussed in detail the related research topics, progress as well as main conclusions. Then, it analysed the characteristics and evaluation methods, and put forward the framework model of coastal ecological risk assessment. Finally, it analysed and proposed the existing deficiencies and future research direction, providing new ideas for future research on coastal ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

在浅层气区进行小口径岩心钻探,最重要的是井控防喷技术。发生井喷是钻探施工中最严重的事故。根据地质岩心钻探特点,针对浅层气埋藏浅、在区块内分布范围广、发生井喷的概率大、施工风险高等高危特征,制定了在浅层气地区进行小口径岩心钻探施工的工艺技术;按照《大庆油田钻井井控实施细则》(征求意见稿)相关规定,结合大庆长垣南浅层气区地质条件,以及地质钻探全孔取心要求,制定了小口径岩心钻探井控设备配置标准和技术措施,以确保安全生产,不发生井喷事故。  相似文献   

The coastal wind-eroded landform, one of the kinds of wind-eroded landforms which widely distribute and have complex causes of formation, now is being much more concerned in recent years with the major research development of wind-eroded landform based on the advanced research techniques and methods. According to the summarization about the main progresses of foreign research on coastal wind-eroded landform in different periods, the status and dispute of research on coastal wind-eroded landform in China, and the development difference of coastal and mainland wind-eroded landform in China, it is essential work to improve the research on the coastal wind-eroded landform in China. Finally future research directions of coastal wind-eroded landforms are suggested such as to find out the types and their distribution features of coastal wind-eroded landforms in China, investigate their morphology and change characteristics,probe into the interaction essence between the morphological changes and the airflow and wind-sand flux of typical coastal wind-eroded landforms, and explore the model and laws of formation and evolution of coastal wind-eroded landforms in China.  相似文献   

Microplastics in marine environment are global environmental issue and challenge and have received an extensive international concern. At present, most of researches focus on the investigation of microplastic abundance in the ocean surface water, and there is insufficient understanding of the distribution and transport processes of microplastics in the deep-sea environment. This paper reviewed marine microplastic studies carried out in the last decade, and summarized the source, global distribution and transport processes of microplastics. Field investigations showed that both surface water and water column were important accumulation areas for microplastics, while deep-sea surface sediments were final sinks for microplastic deposition and accumulation. Transport of microplastics to the deep sea included two modes: vertical settlement and lateral transport. Laboratory simulation showed that the sinking rate of microplastic particles in the ocean changed between 300 and 1 000 meters per day, and the sinking process was not solely controlled by particle physical properties such as particle density, but also influenced by ocean dynamic process, biological action and marine snow aggregation. Microplastics deposited on the seafloor could migrate laterally towards the deep sea with resuspended sediments, which were related to internal waves, deep-sea turbidity current or climatic events. However, there remain the key knowledge gaps in uncertain speed and quantity of microplastics moving to the deep sea, which is not conducive to the comprehensive understanding of the microplastic transport process from source to sink. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the vertical sinking flux of microplastics with layered sediment traps in order to study the source-to-sink transport processes of microplastics in deep-sea environment.  相似文献   

黄海西部沿岸流系特征分析及其对物质输运的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄海西部沿岸是我国人类活动和海洋经济开发较为集中的地带,陆地和海洋相互作用较为强烈,其特殊的地形和所处的独特地理位置,使得该海域的环流复杂多变,沿岸海域各水团与陆架锋以及长江口东北部的锋面一起构成了黄海西部特有的环流体系和背景场,对该海域的物质输运和扩散、海水运动以及海洋生物地球化学过程产生影响,并制约着沿岸海域对污染...  相似文献   

The formation of the Cenozoic N-S striking rifts in the Tibetan Plateau is the consequence of continuous contraction after the India-Asia collision. Its formation and evolution are of great significance for understanding the growth of the Tibetan Plateau. In recent years, geochronology, structural geology, geochemistry and geophysical exploration have been used to study the onset timing, mechanism and evolution process of the N-S striking rifts, and the N-S striking rifts are related to the deep dynamics in Tibet. However, it is still difficult to reach a consensus on the understanding of the N-S striking rifts in the Tibetan Plateau. This paper summarized the research status and existing problems on the onset timing, mechanism and their relationship with the deep layer of the plateau: the main extension period of the N-S striking rifts is Miocene; mechanisms controlling its formation are complex and may be various in different periods; the N-S striking rifts have a close genetic relationship with potassium and ultrapotassic rocks in the plateau, and their distribution may be affected by high-conductivity and low-velocity bodies. Based on existing knowledge, more precise geochronological constraints, deep process detection, and numerical modeling will be the future development trends in the study of N-S striking rifts.  相似文献   

In this paper, various dominating factors affecting crustal movement of the coastal zone in eastern China are analyzed, and major characteristics of crustal movement are summarized. Subduction of the pacific plate and Philippine plate and southeastward “escape“ of Qinghai-Tibet plateau are believed to be dominating factors affecting crustal movement of that zone. Undoubtedly, it is a best way to monitor this kind of large-scale crustal movement with GPS technique. The feasibility of monitoring crustal m...  相似文献   

The ammonia-nitrogen in shallow groundwater of coastal area of Tangshan Fengnan exceeds the content limit at varying degrees. To analyze the the migration features of ammonia-nitrogen in the groundwater, a two-dimensional groundwater flow and quality model has been established on the basis of investigation and analysis of hydeogeological conditions in this region. Ammonia-nitrogen in the first aquifer groundwater migrates slowly and is difficult to diffuse during the migration process for the low exploitation, the small hydraulic gradient, the relatively fine aquier rock particles and poor permeability of the aquifer  相似文献   

彭粲璨  唐建军 《探矿工程》2015,42(3):15-19,24
随着湘西北地区页岩气勘探开发步伐的不断推进,钻井技术作为页岩气勘探开发的龙头地位日益突显,在页岩气探井钻井实施过程中,井控防喷始终是钻井技术安全中的重中之重。湘西北地区页岩气相比常规油气具有低压、低渗、低饱和度的“三低”特征,钻井过程中所采用的井控防喷技术有本质的不同。通过从井控技术的源头出发,建立起页岩气钻井井眼地层压力理论计算模型,提出相应的井控技术工艺措施和装备,结合湘西北页岩气预探井慈页1井井控实例和成熟的常规油气井控技术,制定一套相应的井控技术工艺措施,做到安全、节约、高效的页岩气钻井。  相似文献   

在空气潜孔锤钻进时,孔口安装防喷装置可将高速返出的粉尘或泥浆导离孔口,防止喷向工作台而污染孔口工作环境。综合考虑ZMK5530TZJ60型车载钻机孔口工作台结构特点、配套的斜坡钻杆外形特征、钻进工艺特点以及装卸操作环境等因素,设计了一款适用于顶驱车载钻机的空气潜孔锤钻进用低压防喷装置。该低压防喷装置具有结构简单、安装方便;通过胶芯与钻具之间的过盈实现孔口密封,密封胶芯补偿量大,可密封外径变化较大的斜坡钻杆;可在加接钻杆时更换密封胶芯;设置了2个导流口,上返流体在此压降变化小,有利于排渣的通畅等优点。现场试验表明,该低压防喷装置能够有效密封粉尘泄漏、明显改善孔口施工环境,达到了设计的目的。  相似文献   

近海营养盐和微量元素的大气沉降   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
受气候变化和人类活动的影响,传输和沉降到全球近海的大气污染物急剧增加.1997年后对近海营养盐和微量元素大气沉降的众多研究表明,通过大气沉降至近海的氮和磷分别为13~73 mmol N/(m2·a)和0.11~1.6 mmol P/(m2·a),微量元素的沉降通量具有显著的时空变化特征,在不同海区最高可相差3个数量级.对于很多近海包括东海(East China Sea)和黄海(Yellow Sea),大气沉降的营养盐和部分微量元素可能超出了其河流输入量.大气沉降除了对近海富营养化有重要贡献之外,其事件性特征可使初级生产力在短期内大幅度增加,从而影响赤潮发生.微量元素沉降还可能抑制某些藻类生长,对初级生产力和生态系统结构产生更为复杂的影响.未来研究重点是准确估算近海各物质的大气沉降通量,了解其对浮游植物生长的影响机制.  相似文献   

对中国实验室国家认可委员会(CNAL)编号为CNAL T0242的砂质土壤中Cu、Pb、Zn、Mo、V五组分测试结果进行统计,采用稳健统计法,根据z比分数评判各实验室的测试结果。通过对CNAL T0242能力验证结果分析,客观反映参加实验室的测试能力和测试水平。  相似文献   

四川都江堰市、彭州、什邡地区的侏罗系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
石和 《地层学杂志》1997,21(3):192-202
龙门山中段都江堰市、彭州市、什邡县等地的侏罗系十分发育,呈NE-SW向展布。在1991~1995年1/5万区调期间,从这个地区测制的一些侏罗系剖面中划分出了千佛崖组、沙溪庙组、遂宁组和莲花口组4个岩石地层单位,并与邻区相应地层单位进行了对比,总结了它们的岩石特征和相变;根据ESR(电子自旋共振)测年资料讨论了侏罗纪的年代地层划分;并简要叙述了千佛崖期湖相、沙溪庙—遂宁期河流相和莲花口期洪积相(冲积扇相)的划分依据。  相似文献   

沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受绿洲和沙漠景观格局的双重影响,沙漠—绿洲过渡带是一个对外界条件变化极为敏感的生态环境脆弱带。沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程及其动态演变直接影响绿洲的稳定和有序发展,在空间上制约沙漠的进退或绿洲的变迁。从沙漠—绿洲过渡带局地小气候、沙尘暴、风沙环境、土壤风蚀、风沙输移和绿洲防护体系建设等几个方面比较全面地综述了近数十年来沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程研究进展,并基于当前沙漠—绿洲过渡带生态环境建设与地方需要等面临的实际问题,分析了该领域今后的研究重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于MATLAB下BP网络在砂土液化评价中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍利用MATLAB神经网络工具箱训练BP网络的方法及其在砂土震动液化评价中的应用,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

在分析榆树湾煤矿地表移动观测资料的基础上,研究了特厚砂土层条件下的厚煤层开采的地表移动变形规律与特征。揭示了特厚砂土层、薄基岩及大采厚等特殊因素对地表沉陷规律的影响,获得了特厚砂土层开采条件下的地表移动变形特征,研究成果将对榆林煤矿后续的安全合理开采、保安煤柱的留设、环境治理与保护等具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

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