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The October 7, 2014 MS6.6 earthquake in southwest of Jinggu in the southwestern Yunnan Province occurred as the result of shallow strike-slip faulting within the crust of the Eurasia plate in the broad plate boundary region between the India and Eurasia plates. The strike of fault plane is 140°, and the aftershock distribution shows that the rupture plane is also NNW-trending. Tectonics of the region are controlled by the convergence of the India plate with Eurasia, which has driven the uplift of the Himalayas to the west of this earthquake, and has caused the formation of numerous intraplate continental transform structures in the surrounding region. The pattern of elastic-wave radiation from the earthquake is consistent with the shock occurring either as the result of right-lateral faulting on a northwest-trending fault or as the result of left-lateral faulting on a northeast trending fault. Faults of both types have been mapped in southwestern Yunnan, and it is unclear at this time which type of fault hosted this event. Magnetotelluric survey line is across Jinggu earthquake zone. The advanced data processing and analysis technology of MT is employed and the quantitative data from field surveys are analyzed to acquire the reliable electrical model. The MT data are inverted using nonlinear conjugate gradient (NLCG) inversion algorithm. At last, the interpretation of the electrical model is performed considering the geology and the other geophysical data. Based on the final inversion model of the target profile, it is found that:(1) Electrical structure of the source region can be divided into four layers:The surface is relatively low resistivity layer(0~5km), consisting mainly of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basin sedimentary rocks, the value of resistivity is 100Ω·m; The high resistivity layer(5~10km) in upper crust mainly consists of Proterozoic metamorphic rocks, with resistivity higher than 1 000Ω·m; there are the upper crust high-conductivity layer(15~25km) and crust-mantle transition zone(blow 25km); (2) The focal depth of the Jinggu earthquake is about 10km, which locates in the interface between high resistivity layer and high-conductivity layer; (3) Most of the focal depths of the aftershocks are in the range of 5km and 10km, and the two depths(5km & 10km) are corresponding to the resistivity gradient belt.  相似文献   

LIU Yue  SHAO Zhi-gang 《地震地质》2016,38(4):1070-1081
According to the Region-Time-Length (RTL) algorithm,the analysis of seismicity changes prior to the 2014 Yunnan Jinggu MS6.6 earthquake was conducted by using the earthquake catalogues about 6 and 15 years before this earthquake,respectively.When the studied period was nearly 6 years,an enhancement of seismic activity was detected around the epicenter since the beginning of 2013.The anomalies mainly distributed in the region of 22.5°~24.5°N and 99°~102°E.The range and degree of anomalies changed from small to large,and then to small chronologically.As the surface integral in respect to RTL,the physical parameter IRTL,which could reflect the regional seismicity level,began to increase since August 2013,and then reduced after reaching the peak point.The time length from the peak point of IRTL curve to the earthquake occurrence was 9 months.When the analyzed catalogue was nearly 15 years,the 2007 Ninger MS6.4 occurred in the studied region.Seismicity quiescence was detected prior to the Ninger MS6.4.Before the Jinggu MS6.6,seismicity quiescence was detected firstly,and then enhanced activity was observed 1 year prior to the earthquake occurrence.The anomalies mainly distributed in the region of 22.5°~24.5°N and 99°~102°E.The time length from the peak point of IRTL curve to the earthquake occurrence was 7 months.The above study showed that even the earthquakes location was near and the magnitude was close to each other,a big difference in seismic activity before the earthquakes may exist.Before the Jinggu MS6.6,there was some difference in seismicity changes according to different beginning time of catalogues,but the distribution of anomalies and the time length from the peak point of IRTL to the earthquake occurrence were uniform.So there was an important significance for exploring the relationship between the distribution of anomalies and the earthquake location,and the relationship between the time of the peak point of IRTL and the earthquake occurrence time.  相似文献   

The Wulong MS5.0 earthquake on 23 November 2017, located in the Wolong sap between Wenfu, Furong and Mawu faults, is the biggest instrumentally recorded earthquake in the southeastern Chongqing. It occurred unexpectedly in a weak earthquake background with no knowledge of dramatically active faults. The complete earthquake sequences offered a significant source information example for focal mechanism solution, seismotectonics and seismogenic mechanism, which is helpful for the estimation of potential seismic sources and level of the future seismic risk in the region. In this study, we firstly calculated the focal mechanism solutions of the main shock using CAP waveform inversion method and then relocated the main shock and aftershocks by the method of double-difference algorithm. Secondly, we determined the seismogenic fault responsible for the MS5.0 Wulong earthquake based on these calculated results. Finally, we explored the seismogenic mechanism of the Wulong earthquake and future potential seismic risk level of the region. The results show the parameters of the focal mechanism solution, which are:strike24°, dip 16°, and rake -108° for the nodal plane Ⅰ, and strike223°, dip 75°, and rake -85° for the nodal plane Ⅱ. The calculations are supported by the results of different agencies and other methods. Additionally, the relocated results show that the Wulong MS5.0 earthquake sequence is within a rectangular strip with 4.7km in length and 2.4km in width, which is approximately consistent with the scales by empirical relationship of Wells and Coppersmith(1994). Most of the relocated aftershocks are distributed in the southwest of the mainshock. The NW-SE cross sections show that the predominant focal depth is 5~8km. The earthquake sequences suggest the occurrence features of the fault that dips northwest with dip angle of 63° by the least square method, which is largely consistent with nodal planeⅡof the focal mechanism solution. Coincidentally, the field outcrop survey results show that the Wenfu Fault is a normal fault striking southwest and dipping 60°~73° by previous studies. According to the above data, we infer that the Wenfu Fault is the seismogenic structure responsible for Wulong MS5.0 earthquake. We also propose two preliminary genetic mechanisms of "local stress adjustment" and "fluid activation effect". The "local stress adjustment" model is that several strong earthquakes in Sichuan, such as M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, M7.0 Luzhou earthquake and M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake, have changed the stress regime of the eastern margin of the Sichuan Basin by stress transference. Within the changed stress regime, a minor local stress adjustment has the possibility of making a notable earthquake event. In contract, the "fluid activation effect" model is mainly supported by the three evidences as follows:1)the maximum principle stress axial azimuth is against the regional stress field, which reflects NWW-SEE direction thrusting type; 2)the Wujiang River crosscuts the pre-existing Wenfu normal fault and offers the fluid source; and 3)fractures along the Wenfu Fault formed by karst dissolution offer the important fluid flow channels.  相似文献   

The 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake attacked the Jinggu area where few historical earthquakes had occurred and little study has been conducted on active tectonics. The lack of detailed field investigation on active faults and seismicity restricts the assessment of seismic risk of this area and leads to divergent view points with respect to the seismotectonics of this earthquake, so relevant research needs to be strengthened urgently. In particular, some studies suggest that this earthquake triggered the activity of the NE-trending faults which have not yet been studied. By the approaches of remote sensing image interpretation, structural geomorphology investigation and trench excavation, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the faults in the epicenter area, which are the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin and the Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault, and drew the conclusions as follows: (1)The eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin originates around the Naguai village in the southeastern margin of Yongping Basin,extending northward across the Qiandong, Tianfang, and ending in the north of Tiantou. The fault is about 43km long, striking near SN. The linear characteristic of the fault is obvious in remote sensing images. Structural geomorphological phenomena, such as fault troughs, linear ridges and gully dislocations, have developed along the faults. There are several dextral-dislocated gullies near Naguai village, with displacements of 300m, 220m, 146m, 120m and 73m, respectively, indicating that the fault is a dextral strike-slip fault with long-term activity. In order to further study the activity of the fault, a trench was excavated in the fault trough, the Naguai trench. The trench reveals many faults, and the youngest strata offseted by the faults are Holocene, with 14C ages of(1 197±51)a and(1 900±35)a, respectively. All those suggest that it is a Holocene active fault. (2)The Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault starts at the southeast of the Jinggu Basin, passes through Xiangyan, Yixiang, Chahe, and terminates at the Zhaojiacun. The total length of the fault is about 60km, and is a large-scale NE-trending fault in the Wuliangshan fault zone. Four gullies are synchronously sinistrally dislocated at Yixiang village, with the displacements of 340m, 260m, 240m and 240m, indicating that the fault is a long-term active sinistral strike-slip fault. A trench was excavated in a fault trough in Yixiang village. The trench reveals a small sag pond and a fault. The fault offsets several strata with clear dislocation and linear characteristic. The thickness of strata between the two walls of fault does not match, and the gravels are oriented along fault plane. The offset strata have the 14C age of(2 296±56)a, (3 009±51)a, and(4 924±45)a, respectively, and another two strata have the OSL age of(1.8±0.1)ka, (8.6±0.5)ka respectively, by which we constrained the latest paleoearthquake between(1.8±0.1)ka(OSL-Y01)and(378±48)a BP(CY-07). This again provides further evidence that the fault is a Holocene fault with long-term activity. (3)Based on the distribution of aftershocks and the predecessor research results, the 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake and the M5.8, M5.9 strong aftershocks are regarded as being caused by the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin, which is part of the Wuliangshan fault zone. The seismogenic mechanism is that the stress has been locked, concentrated and accumulated to give rise to the quakes in the wedge-shaped area near the intersection of the SN and NE striking faults, which is similar to the seismogenic mechanism in the southwest of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

Based on the phase report of Xinjiang Seismic Network, the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake sequence ML ≥ 1.0 was relocated by the HypoDD method. The results show that the aftershocks were distributed along NE and NW direction. The aftershocks were in the depths of 5~15km. In addition, by using the digital waveforms of Xinjiang Seismic Network, the best double-couple focal mechanism of the main shock and some aftershocks of MS ≥ 3.8 were determined by the CAP method. Based on the above studies, the source depth, focal mechanism and aftershock distribution of the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake were analyzed and the seismogenic structure was discussed. The nodal plane parameters of the best double-couple focal mechanism are strike 144°, dip 26°, rake 118°, and strike 293°, dip 67°, rake 77°, respectively. The moment magnitude MW is about 5.9, with centroid depth of 15.2km. These show that the main shock was a thrust type. Most focal mechanism solutions of the aftershocks were shown as a thrust type, which are similar to the main shock. It is speculated that the possible seismogenic fault of this earthquake is the Huorgosi-Manas-Tugulu Fault.  相似文献   

Differently from the existing studies, about 210 days of the original seismic recordings since the Ludian MS6.5 earthquake are collected from almost all of the nearby stations, and a velocity model and a non-linear location technique are specially selected, in order to relocate the sources of the earthquake sequences. What is more, the same model as used in determining the absolute locations is adopted as the DD technique is used to determine their relative locations. Then the strikes and dips of the seismogenic faults are estimated by linearly fitting the source locations, and finally a new explanation is proposed for the sequence formation. It is shown that the sequence may be divided into 4 sub-areas spatially, each of which corresponds to a nearly vertical fault with but different dimensions and striking azimuths, and that two of them are relatively larger and linked with each other, being the main faults of the sequence, and two others are relatively smaller and separated away from the main faults. These 4 faults, together with the local existing faults, form a radiating-shaped structure reflecting the complicated tectonics, which is very likely to be related with the density variation in lower crust.  相似文献   

Based on the digital waveforms of Xinjiang Seismic Network, the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake sequence (ML ≥ 1.0) was relocated precisely by HypoDD.The best double-couple focal mechanisms of the main shock and aftershocks of ML ≥ 4.0 were determined by the CAP method. We analyzed the characteristics of spatial distribution, focal mechanisms and the seismogenic structure of earthquake sequence. The results show that the main shock is located at 43.775 9°N, 86.363 4°E; the depth of the initial rupture and centriod is about 15.388km and 17km. The earthquake sequence extends unilaterally along NWW direction with an extension length of about 15km and a depth ranging 5~15km. The characteristics of the depth profiles show that the seismogenic fault plane dips northward and the faulting is dominated by thrusting. The nodal planes parameters of the best double-couple focal mechanisms are:strike 292°, dip 62° and rake 80° for nodal plane I, and strike 132°, dip 30° and rake 108° for nodal plane Ⅱ, indicating that the main shock is of thrust faulting. The dip of nodal planeⅠis consistent with the dip of the depth profile, which is inferred to be the fault plane of seismogenic fault of this earthquake. According to the comprehensive analysis of the relocation results, the focal mechanism and geological structure in the source region, it is preliminarily inferred that the seismogenic structure of the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake may be a backthrust on the deeper concealed thrust slope at the south of Qigu anticline. The earthquake is a "folding" earthquake taking place under the stress field of Tianshan expanding towards the Junggar Basin.  相似文献   

有关1976年唐山地震发震断层的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
江娃利 《地震地质》2006,28(2):312-318
对《地震地质》刊登的两篇文章中有关唐山断裂是高角度西倾的逆冲走滑断裂及唐山市东侧付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震的发震断裂的观点进行讨论。笔者认为,如果唐山地震断层是西倾的逆冲走滑活动,需要考虑唐山逆冲断裂的活动方式与唐山市西侧第四纪凹陷之间的关系;如果付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震震源构造的地表破裂,需要解释该西倾的倾滑断裂带与唐山市内走滑地裂缝带的成因联系。此外,还需要更有说服力的证据排除该地表破裂带是次生构造破裂的可能。建议对控制草泊第四纪凹陷的活动断裂开展调查  相似文献   

2014年云南鲁甸MS6.5地震震源运动学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用中国数字地震台网记录的区域宽频带波形,通过频率域和时间域多步反演,研究了2014年云南鲁甸MS6.5地震震源运动学特征.基于点源的震源机制解揭示:地震发震断层面参数分别为走向342°/倾角83°/滑动角-34°,表现为一次左旋走滑型为主兼有少量正断倾滑分量的事件.质心在水平方向位于震中(103.354°E,27.109°N)东南约5.4km,最佳波形拟合的质心深度约4.4km,平均总标量地震矩M0为2.1×1018N·m,矩震级MW约6.1.破裂过程图像显示:此地震为一次不对称双侧破裂事件,破裂半径约10km,整个破裂面积为227.6km2,平均滑动量约0.16m.破裂在6s内释放了大多数能量,震后0~2s,破裂以孕震点为中心向NW和SE两侧同时扩展,2s后,破裂表现出明显的方向性,主要向SE(沿走向342°相反方向)扩展,故导致SE向多数台站视破裂持续时间总体偏小,最小值为2s.约6s后破裂基本趋于停止.推断鲁甸地震破裂在上地壳浅层集中释放了大多数能量是导致灾害严重的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

The Oct.1,2014 M5.0 Yuexi earthquake occurred on the Daliang Shan fault zone where only several historical moderate earthquakes were recorded.Based on the waveform data from Sichuan regional seismic network,we calculated the focal mechanism solution and centroid depth of the M5.0 Yuexi earthquake by CAP (Cut and Paste) waveform inversion method,and preliminarily analyzed the seismogenic structure.We also calculated the apparent stress values of the M5.0 earthquake and other 14 ML≥4.0 events along the Shimian-Qiaojia fault segment of the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan block.The result indicates that the parameters of the focal mechanism solution are with a strike of 256°,dip of 62°,and slip of 167° for the nodal plane Ⅰ,and strike of 352°,dip of 79°,and slip of 29° for the nodal plane Ⅱ.The azimuth of the P axis is 121° with dip angle of 11°,the azimuth of T axis is 217° with dip angle of 28°,and the centroid depth is about 11km,and moment magnitude is MW5.1.According to the focal mechanism solution and the fault geometry near the epicenter,we infer that the seismogenic fault is a branch fault,i.e.,the Puxiong Fault,along the central segment of the Daliang Shan fault zone.Thus,the nodal plane Ⅱ was interpreted as the coseismic rupture plane.The M5.0 Yuexi earthquake is a strike-slip faulting event with an oblique component.The above findings reveal the M5.0 Yuexi earthquake resulted from the left-lateral strike-slip faulting of the NNW Dalang Shan fault zone under the nearly horizontal principal compressive stress regime in an NWW-SEE direction.The apparent stress value of the Yuexi earthquake is 0.99MPa,higher than those of the ML ≥ 4.0 earthquakes along the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan block since 2008 Wenchuan M8.0 earthquake,implying a relatively high stress level on the seismogenic area and greater potential for the moderate and strong earthquake occurrence.It may also reflect the current increasing stress level of the entire area along the eastern boundary,and therefore,posing the risk of strong earthquakes there.  相似文献   

2014年8月3日的云南鲁甸6.5级地震震源机制解、余震震中分布及震后的地震地质调查表明,发震构造为NW向包谷垴-小河断裂,断层发生左旋错动;震源机制与余震精定位数据表明发震断层倾角较陡。崩塌、滑坡分布在一个长轴为NW向的矩形区域内(15km×12km),基岩崩塌指示地震动主方向自北向南由SE向变为SN向,与震源机制解揭示的主压应力方向NW-SE总体一致。地震诱发的次生地质灾害崩塌、滑坡的平面分布特征可以用2种发震模式来解释:1)总体走向为NW的弧形断层发生左旋走滑错动,由北向南,地震动方向由SE向逐渐转变为近SN向;2)除NW向断层的左旋错动之外,NE向断裂也可能被牵动,发生由NW向SE的逆冲运动。地震是由NE、NW 2组断层共同作用的结果,以NW向断层左旋错动为主、NE向断层逆冲为辅。余震震中主要呈NW向线性展布,同时在震中附近存在NE向分布的地震条带,隐含2组断层同时错动的可能性;而鲁甸6.5级地震震中所在的滇东北永善、昭通地区,区域多个地震的震源机制表明,地震断层多以逆冲运动为主,走滑为辅。  相似文献   

台湾9.21集集地震考察兼论强震发震断层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
彭阜南  叶银灿 《地震地质》2004,26(4):576-585
1999年9月21日,台湾中部山麓带发生了M7.3的大地震,震源深度为8km,财产损失及人员伤亡是百年来台湾许多地震中损失及伤亡最大的1次,其震级也是台湾本岛陆上所发生的地震级别最大的。震源机制属低角度逆冲断层成因,余震在平面上围绕着北港高基底作半圆状分布,在垂向上,则分布在逆冲断层的上盘。与此相应,地面变形及上部结构物的破坏,以车笼埔发震断层上盘最为激烈,下盘几乎不受影响。此外,地震断裂的北端,水平位移量高达9.8m,垂直抬升达10m,比主震区要大;其地面加速度峰值,亦高达水平为502gal,垂直为519gal。这些特点表明,地震是受到地下深处侏罗型叠瓦状构造的控制。此外,3个诱发地震中心均受当地的地质构造与地貌条件的控制。文中还叙述了震害及工程结构物破坏的特点,尤其是水工结构物的震害  相似文献   

2006年文县5.0级地震的发震构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2006年6月21日文县5.0级地震发生在构造环境复杂的地区,该地区之前已有100多年没有发生过中强地震。该地震的发生说明该地区的地震活动开始增强。文县5.0级地震没有形成地表破裂带,给研究发震构造带来了一定的困难,通过1/20万地质图、遥感资料解译、震源机制反演以及地震序列精确定位的方法依然能够研究该地震的发震构造。为判定该地区未来的地震危险性,文中采用遥感资料解译、多种方法反演震源机制、双差法地震精定位的方法联合分析该地震的发震构造。1/20万地质图显示该区域存在多条断裂,遥感资料的解译结果表明石坊-临江断裂为较活动的断裂。2种方法所得震源机制结果表明该地震为左旋走滑兼有逆冲,主压应力方向为N60°E。双差法定位结果也支持该地震为走滑兼有逆冲,余震的分布与断裂的逆冲有关。结合多种结果联合分析认为该地震的发震构造为石坊-临江断裂,主压构造应力方向为N60°E  相似文献   

In this paper, we processed and analyzed the Sentinel-1A data by "two-pass" method and acquired the surface deformation fields of Menyuan earthquake. The results show the deformation occurred mainly in the south wall of fault, where uplift deformation is dominant. The uplift deformation is significantly larger than the subsidence and the maximum uplift of ascending and descending in the LOS is 6cm, 8cm respectively. Meanwhile, based on the Okada model, we use the ascending and descending passes data as constraints to invert jointly the fault distribution and source parameters through constructing fault model of different dip directions. The optimum fault parameters are:The dip is 43°, the strike is 128°with the mean rake of 85°. The maximum slip is about 0.27m. The inverted seismic moment M0 is 1.13×1018N·m, and the moment magnitude MW is 5.9. The SW-dipping Minyue-Damaying Fault is possibly the seismogenic fault, based on the comprehensive analysis of the focal mechanisms, aftershocks relocation results and the regional tectonic background. The focus property is dominated by thrust movement with a small amount of dextral strike-slip component. The earthquake is the result of local stress adjustment nearby the Lenglongling Fault under the background of northeastward push and growth of Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

We collected seismic records of 228 ML≥1.0 Jiujiang-Ruichang MS5.7 earthquake sequence from Dec.26, 2005 to Jun. 30, 2006. By using double-difference method combined with waveform cross-correlation, those earthquakes were relocated and finally the accurate source parameters of 224 earthquakes were obtained. The errors are about 0. 5km in horizontal and less than 2km in vertical direction, respectively. It was found that the depth of earthquake sequence concentrates in 8~14km range, and the epicenters are distributed along both NW and NE direction, and dominantly along NW direction. Combined with the focal mechanism, the distribution direction and the tectonic setting, we infer that the rupture of the NW-trending fault caused the MS5. 7 main shock, and then the rupture probably encountered an asperity and triggered the MS4. 8 strong aftershock. The NE-trending fault came into a seismically quiet period by stress adjustment in a short time, while the NW-trending fault released stress for a long time which caused a series of aftershocks. The MS5. 7 main shock is caused by the NW striking Yangjisshan-Wushan-Tongjiangling Fault and the MS4. 8 aftershock occurred on the NE striking Liujia-Fanjiapu-Chengmenshan Fault.  相似文献   

川滇次级地块震源机制解类型与一致性参数   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
程万正  阮祥  张永久 《地震学报》2006,28(6):561-573
根据P波、S波的振幅并结合部分记录清晰的P波初动资料,求得1994——2005年川滇地区4个次级地块,即川青地块、雅江地块、川中地块和滇中地块2.5级以上有良好地震波记录的925次地震的震源机制解. 结合已取得的中强地震的震源机制解资料,研究了上述4个次级地块的应力场特征及震源断层的错动类型. 其P轴优势方位分布:川青地块为EW方向,雅江地块、川中地块、滇中地块为ESE或SE方位. 根据大量震源机制解资料, 编程计算了各地块的平均应力张量, 即主应力sigma;1, sigma;2, sigma;3的方向. 定义了单个震源机制解的力轴与平均应力张量的差异, 或称震源机制解的一致性参数, 进而分析了川滇4个次级地块的值和震源断层错动类型的分布及随时间的变化. 通过次级地块大量区域小震震源机制解的测定,可以给出动态应力场和震源断层错动方式的变化信息.   相似文献   

On January 21 2016, an earthquake of MS6.4 hit the Lenglongling fault zone(LLLFZ)in the NE Tibetan plateau, which has a contrary focal mechanism solution to the Ms 6.4 earthquake occurring in 1986. Fault behaviors of both earthquakes in 1986 and 2016 are also quite different from the left-lateral strike-slip pattern of the Lenglongling fault zone. In order to find out the seismogenic structure of both earthquakes and figure out relationships among the two earthquakes and the LLLFZ, InSAR co-seismic deformation map is constructed by Sentinel -1A data. Moreover, the geological map, remote sensing images, relocation of aftershocks and GPS data are also combined in the research. The InSAR results indicate that the co-seismic deformation fields are distributed on both sides of the branch fault(F2)on the northwest of the Lenglongling main fault(F1), where the Earth's surface uplifts like a tent during the 2016 earthquake. The 2016 and 1986 earthquakes occurred on the eastern and western bending segments of the F2 respectively, where the two parts of the F2 bend gradually and finally join with the F1. The intersections between the F1 and F2 compose the right-order and left-order alignments in the planar geometry, which lead to the restraining bend and releasing bend because of the left-lateral strike-slip movement, respectively. Therefore, the thrust and normal faults are formed in the two bending positions. In consequence, the focal mechanism solutions of the 2016 and 1986 earthquakes mainly present the compression and tensional behaviors, respectively, both of which also behave as slight strike-slip motion. All results indicate that seismic activity and tectonic deformation of the LLLFZ play important parts in the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone, as well as in the NE Tibetan plateau. The complicated tectonic deformation of NE Tibetan plateau results from the collisions from three different directions between the north Eurasian plate, the east Pacific plate and the southwest Indian plate. The intensive tectonic movement leads to a series of left-lateral strike-slip faults in this region and the tectonic deformation direction rotates clockwise gradually to the east along the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone. The Menyuan earthquake makes it very important to reevaluate the earthquake risk of this region.  相似文献   

The East Kunlun Fault is a giant fault in northern Tibetan, extending eastward and a boundary between the Songpan-Ganzi block and the West Qinling orogenic zone. The East Kunlun Fault branches out into a horsetail structure which is formed by several branch faults. The 2017 Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake occurred in the horsetail structure of the East Kunlun Fault and caused huge casualties. As one of several major faults that regulate the expansion of the Tibetan plateau, the complexity of the deep extension geometry of the East Kunlun Fault has also attracted a large number of geophysical exploration studies in this area, but only a few are across the Jiuzhaigou earthquake region. Changes in pressure or slip caused by the fluid can cause changes in fault activity. The presence of fluid can cause the conductivity of the rock mass inside the fault zone to increase significantly. MT method is the most sensitive geophysical method to reflect the conductivity of the rock mass. Thus MT is often used to study the segmented structure of active fault zones. In recent years MT exploration has been carried out in several earthquake regions and the results suggest that the location of main shock and aftershocks are controlled by the resistivity structure. In order to study the deep extension characteristics of the East Kunlun Fault and the distribution of the medium properties within the fault zone, we carried out a MT exploration study across the Tazang section of the East Kunlun Fault in 2016. The profile in this study crosses the Jiuzhaigou earthquake region. Other two MT profiles that cross the Maqu section of East Kunlun Fault performed by previous researches are also collected. Phase tensor decomposition is used in this paper to analyze the dimensionality and the change in resistivity with depth. The structure of Songpan-Ganzi block is simple from deep to shallow. The structure of West Qinlin orogenic zone is complex in the east and simple in the west. The structure near the East Kunlun Fault is complex. We use 3D inversion to image the three MT profiles and obtained 3D electrical structure along three profiles. The root-mean-square misfit of inversions is 2.60 and 2.70. Our results reveal that in the tightened northwest part of the horsetail structure, the East Kunlun Fault, the Bailongjiang Fault, and the Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault are electrical boundaries that dip to the southwest. The three faults combine in the mid-lower crust to form a "flower structure" that expands from south to north. In the southeastward spreading part of the horsetail structure, the north section of the Huya Fault is an electrical boundary that extends deep. The Tazang Fault has obvious smaller scale than the Huya Fault. The Minjiang Fault is an electrical boundary in the upper crust. The Huya Fault and the Tazang Fault form a one-side flower structure. The Bailongjiang and the Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault form a "flower structure" that expands from south to north too. The two "flower structures" combine in the high conductivity layer of mid-lower crust. In Songpan-Ganzi block, there is a three-layer structure where the second layer is a high conductivity layer. In the West Qinling orogenic zone, there is a similar structure with the Songpan-Ganzi block, but the high conductivity layer in the West Qinling orogenic zone is shallower than the high conductivity layer in the Songpan-Ganzi block. The hypocenter of 2017 MS7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is between the high and low resistivity bodies at the shallow northeastern boundary of the high conductivity layer. The low resistivity body is prone to move and deform. The high resistivity body blocked the movement of low resistivity body. Such a structure and the movement mode cause the uplift near the East Kunlun Fault. The electrical structure and rheological structure of Jiuzhaigou earthquake region suggest that the focal depth of the earthquake is less than 11km. The Huya Fault extends deeper than the Tazang Fault. The seismogenic fault of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is the Huya Fault. The high conductivity layer is deep in the southwest and shallow in the northeast, which indicates that the northeast movement of Tibetan plateau is the cause of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake.  相似文献   

基于高分辨率卫星影像解译,通过野外地质地貌填图与差分GPS测量,初步获得了帕米尔高原1895年塔什库尔干地震地表破裂带的空间展布、破裂类型、位移及分布等基本参数,据此估算了可能的地震震级,讨论了其宏观震中及发震构造模型.塔什库尔干地震使得慕士塔格正断层南段的部分和整个塔合曼正断层发生破裂,形成了长约27km的地震地表破...  相似文献   

The Longtan reservoir is located in Tian'e County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southwestern China on the upper reaches of Hongshui River, the main stream of the Pearl River. The dam of the reservoir is 200m high, and the maximum water depth can be up to 194m as the water level reaches 400m. The reservoir storage capacity is 27.3 billion cubic meters, so it is a typical high-dam reservoir with large storage capacity. Terrain of the reservoir is high in the west and low in the east. The reservoir is located at the confluence of the Hongshui River, Buliu River, Nanpan River, Beipan River, Mengjiang River and Caodu River. The construction of Longtan hydropower station officially started in July 2001, and the reservoir impoundment was on September 30, 2006. The power station is equipped with 9 sets of 700 000kW water turbine generator units, with a total installed capacity of 6.3 million kW and an average annual generating capacity of 18.7 billion kW·h. So its storage and hydropower capacity rank third only to the world-famous Three Gorges hydropower project and the ultra-large hydropower project in Xiluodu of Jinsha River in China. Seismicity enhanced rapidly in the reservoir area after the impoundment. More the 5 000 earthquakes have been recorded so far, with the maximum magnitude of ML4.8, which occurred on September 18, 2010. The earthquakes are mainly concentrated in the deep water area where fault zones run through. Assuming the seismogenic fault can be simulated by a plane and most small earthquakes occur nearby the fault plane, the information of seismogenic fault can be obtained by the hypocenter location parameters of small earthquakes.  相似文献   

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