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When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth's crust and upper mantle, they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves. It is possible to monitor the variation of the physical properties of the medium in the limited formation space above the transition zone of the seismogenic zone by measuring the time difference between the teleseismic PS converted wave and the first arrival P wave, that is, time-variation ΔtPS=tPS-tP. The advantage of this method is that the transition point of the teleseismic source with similar source is relatively stable at the transition interface, and the accuracy of the measured relative time is high, and the change of the medium in a small range of the seismogenic zone above the conversion interface can be monitored. This paper studies the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS in focal region before and after Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. We select 2001 to 2012 as the research period, use teleseismic waveforms which occurred in the southern region of Sumatra and Hindu Kush area recorded by Sichuan station YZP and JJS. These teleseisms satisfy 5.0 ≤ M ≤ 6.5, and their waveform signal-to-noise ratio is high with clear initial P-wave motion. The epicentral distance of teleseisms is less than 3 degrees. Then we obtain the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS between teleseismic PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave recorded during the study period in the two stations. The results show that there is a slow increasing trend of ΔtPS before 2006, and an obvious low value process of ΔtPS appeared in the period about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The maximum decline was about 0.2~0.3s, more than 4~5 times the measurement error. The low value has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the earthquake. The change of arrival time difference indicates that the medium is in different states in different periods of seismogenic process. The sharp decrease in ΔtPS from 2006 to January 2008 may be due to the strong disturbance caused by the stress accumulation of the medium. At this stage, the velocity of P wave and S wave increases with the increase of stress, and the increase of S wave velocity will result in the decrease of ΔtPS. The change of ΔtPS is greatly affected by S wave velocity, so ΔtPS appears to decrease rapidly. Regarding the low value that has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the Wenchuan earthquake, the possible reason is that the release of stress is much higher than the accumulation of stress in meta-instability stage. At this stage, the velocity of S wave decreases and the decrease of S wave causes ΔtPS to increase. Then, the Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurred. It is shown that the teleseismic converted wave method in this paper can monitor the variation of medium's wave velocity before large earthquakes, and it has a good prospect in seismic monitoring and worth further experimental study.  相似文献   

The Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake of December 8, 2016 is a pure thrust event in the northern Tianshan thrust fold belt. The earthquake occurred between the Qigu Fault and the Junggar southern margin fault, which are both thrust faults. Based on mobile gravity measurements from 2013 to 2018 in the northern Tianshan, the gravity net adjustment was accomplished using Urumqi absolute gravity observation point as the datum, and the absolute gravity value of surface observation points were obtained. In order to eliminate the seasonal effect on gravity variation, the paper uses the observation data in May per annual as studying objects and obtains the temporal-spatial dynamic evolution images of gravity field differences in the northern Tianshan at different time scales as well as the time series of gravity variation of some points in the adjacent area of the epicenter. The characteristics of regional gravity variation before and after the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake on December 8, 2016 and their relations are analyzed systematically. The results show that: 1)The gravity variations in the study area are dramatic in generally, and the contours of gravity variation are consistent with the main faults basically. There was a four-quadrant distribution near the epicenter before the earthquake, and the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake occurred near the center of the four-quadrant distribution and at the turn of the gravity variation contour. The three years' cumulative gravity variation before the earthquake and the gravity variation after the earthquake are inversed, and the variation amplitudes are equivalent, suggesting that the MS6.2 earthquake has released the stress and the energy accumulated before the earthquake. 2)This paper focuses on the analysis of gravity variation at the observation points on both sides of the Junggar southern margin fault near the epicenter. Regional gravity variation and gravity time series show that gravity variations at the same side of the Junggar southern margin fault are basically consistent, however, gravity variations at the different sides of the Junggar southern margin fault are different from each other obviously, indicating the difference of material migration laws in different structural regions. In addition, the strain energy accumulated in the epicenter is basically released after the earthquake, and the area nearby the epicenter tends to be stable. 3)The Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake occurred near the center of the four-quadrant and at the turn of the high-gradient zone of gravity variation, reflecting the location of strong earthquake is related to the distribution of four-quadrant of regional gravity variation, the high-gradient zone of regional gravity variation and its turn. It has a unique advantage in determining the location of strong earthquake using gravity variation results. The regional spatial-temporal gravity variation before the earthquake is manifested as a systematic evolution process of “steady state→regional gravity anomaly→four-quadrant distribution→earthquake occurring in the reverse process”. Studying the temporal-spatial evolution characteristics of gravity field before and after Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake has important practical significance for understanding the occurrence law of large earthquakes and capturing the precursory information of earthquakes.  相似文献   

Based on the mobile gravity observation data in 2014-2016 in Guangxi and its adjacent areas, this paper systematically analyzed the changes of regional gravity field and its relation to the MS5.4 Cangwu, Guangxi earthquake on July 31, 2016, and combined with GPS observation data and seismic geological survey results, discussed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the changes of regional gravity field and its mechanism. The results show that:(1) Before and after the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake, the gravity anomaly changes near the earthquake area were closely related to the major faults in space, which reflects the crustal deformation and tectonic activities that caused the surface gravity change along the seismogenic fault in the period of 2014-2016; (2) The gravity changes near the epicenter before and after the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake showed an evolution process in which the positive gravity anomaly zone changed to the negative gravity anomaly zone, a gravity gradient belt appeared along NNE direction and the earthquake occurred in its reverse change process; (3) The epicenter of the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake located both near the gravity gradient belt and in the zero transition zone of the surface strain gradient and the edge of the high maximum shear strain rate area, the observational fact further proved that the dynamic image of gravitational field and deformation field have important instruction significance to the location prediction of strong earthquakes; (4) in recent years, the gravity dynamic change in northwestern Guangxi presented a four-quadrant distribution pattern, and there is the risk of generating earthquake of magnitude about 5 in the center of the quadrants.  相似文献   

利用IRIS全球台网记录到的远场波形对2012年新源、和静交界MS6.6地震的破裂过程进行了反演,同时,结合发震构造喀什河断裂东段的构造特征和MS6.6地震前天山中段区域应力场状态,对MS6.6地震的可能发生机理进行了讨论。结果表明:1)MS6.6地震破裂持续时间约35s,地震能量主要在前16s内释放。整个破裂过程由2次子事件组成,第1次破裂强度大于第2次。此次地震破裂过程相对简单,具有双侧破裂特征,最大滑移量为45cm。MS6.6地震初始破裂点位于高滑动量区域的边缘,深部主体破裂区以逆冲兼右旋走滑错动为主,浅部以右旋走滑错动为主;2)MS6.6地震的3级以上余震主要分布在主震破裂大滑动量区域的外围或滑动量变化梯度较大的区域,主震发生后短期内余震的震源机制特征与主震破裂面在断层面上产生的滑动矢量分布较为一致;3)新源、和静交界MS6.6地震前,新疆地区逆冲类型的中强地震明显增多,尤其是天山中段,且这些地震的震源机制与区域应力场的状态较为一致。显示了天山中段受构造应力场控制作用增强,进而有利于具有右旋扭错性质的喀什河断裂东段发生右旋走滑运动,这可能是6.6级地震发生的直接原因。  相似文献   

以芦山、汶川地震震中为中心,选择了8个井点,对2个地震引起的井水位同震变化进行了比较,重点分析了3口同震变化反向的井点,即重庆的荣昌华江井、北碚柳荫井和四川的泸沽湖井。为使对比研究结果可靠,进一步收集了2011年3月11日日本9.0级地震、2012年4月11日苏门答腊北部海域8.6级地震引起的井水位同震变化资料。对汶川、芦山地震引起的同震体应变的计算结果显示:汶川地震时,荣昌华江井、北碚柳荫井和泸沽湖井水位同震变化与井点位置处的同震体应变一致,即位于同震体应变压缩区的井水位上升,位于体应变膨胀区的井水位下降;芦山地震时,3口井的水位同震变化与同震体应变不一致,表现出与日本、苏门答腊地震时相似的同震变化特征。  相似文献   

利用青藏高原东北缘2011-2013年期间的流动重力观测资料,系统分析了区域重力场动态变化及其与2013年7月22 H岷县漳县6.6级地震发生的关系.结果表明:1)测区内重力场异常变化与主要断裂带在空间上关系密切,反映沿主要断裂带(段)在2011-2013年期间发生了引起地表重力变化效应的构造活动或变形.2)岷县漳县6.6级地震前,测区内先出现了较大空间范围的区域性重力异常,后在震源区附近产生了局部重力异常及重力变化高梯度带,其中,甘肃临夏与岷县一带重力差异变化达150×10 8ms-2以上;这些可能反映岷县漳县地震前,区域及震源区附近均产生与该地震孕育、发生有关的构造运动或应力增强作用.3)重力场1a尺度动态变化图像和差分动态演化图像均反映岷县漳县6.6级地震孕育过程的最后2a出现较显著的流动重力异常变化,地震发生在NE向重力变化高梯度带上、重力变化零值线附近和等值线的拐弯部位.4)基于流动重力异常变化在岷县漳县6.6级地震前做过一定程度的中期预测,尤其是地点判定.  相似文献   

Mud volcano is a conical sedimentary body formed by high-pressure mud and gas-dominated fluid migrated to the surface through faults and other channels deep underground, which looks like a volcanic cone formed by magma-volcanism. As a product of crustal movement, mud volcano can bring a large amount of valuable information from deep to the surface when erupting. Therefore, mud volcano is called "god-given borehole" with a depth of 7~12km. Mud volcanoes are the result of upthrust of trapped gases released by the pressure in the stratum and also the channel for the upward migration of gases in the earth. The submarine mud volcano is one of the signs of hydrate and the living evidence of hydrate. The Wusu mud volcanoes are located in the northern Tianshan tectonic belt. Since the mud volcamoes locate in the active part of the tectonic belt and are well connected to the underground, their active degree has a good correlation with the seismicity. The earthquake cases studies based on the 7a long real-time macroscopic monitoring data and the more than 3a long geochemical monitoring data of the Wusu mud volcanoes show that in the earthquake cases of MS ≥ 5.0 within the range of 300km around the Wusu mud volcanoes, the abnormal mud gushing quantity obviously increased by macroscopic monitoring before 9 out of 13 earthquakes. The geochemical microcosmic monitoring data showed obvious abnormal changes before 3 out of 6 earthquakes. The anomalous duration from the emergence of the anomaly to the occurrence of the earthquake is mainly of the mid-term(6~12 months). Before the Jinghe MS6.6 earthquake on August 9, 2017, the Wusu mud volcanoes spewed violently and the chemical components showed an obvious high value anomaly. In January 2017, there was a significant increase in the amount of mud spewing in Aiqigou No.1mud volcano and Baiyanggou No.1mud volcano, and one month before the earthquake, there was the phenomenon that mud gushing amount of Aiqigou No.2 mud volcano gradually increased and the volcano was from dormant to active. There were obvious high values appearing before the earthquake in F-and SO42- in the Aiqigou No.1mud volcano and in F-, CO32-, SO42-, Rn(gas), CH4, Ar and N2 in Baiyanggou(No.1 and 2)mud volcanoes. The values of F-, CO32-, SO42-, Ar and N2 showed short-term anomalies, while CH4 and Rn(gas)showed medium term anomalies. Giggenbach triangular diagram (Na-K-Mg) indicates that the water-rock reaction of Baiyanggou mud volcanoes is complete and little disturbed by the outside. The water-rock reaction of the Aiqigou mud volcanoes is still ongoing, which can explain why the precursor anomaly of the chemical components of the Baiyanggou mud volcanoes is more obvious than that of the Aiqigou mud volcanoes. The geothermal reservoir temperature of the study area is estimated by using a cationic (Na-K, K-Mg, Na-K-Ca) geothermometer. The geothermal reservoir temperature of the Wusu mud volcanoes is about 70℃, and the circulation depth is about 3km. In the process of earthquake preparation, the mud carries deep chemical components to the ground surface due to the effect of compression stress(the result of focal mechanism)or the concentration of regional tectonic stress with earthquake preparation; Or the rock strata in or near the seismogenic area are deformed, the depth of liquid circulation will increase, and the water-rock reaction will be accelerated, which will increase the concentration of some ionic components, and the squeezing process will cause a large number of mud to gush out of the ground, carrying geochemical components. Therefore, the gushing quantity and some chemical components of the mud volcanoes were obviously abnormal before the earthquake.  相似文献   

利用甘肃省区域地震台网提供的地震波形,计算得到甘肃东南地区2010年1月至2014年6月183个ML≥2.5地震纵、横波的拐角频率和零频极限等震源谱参数,分析2013年7月22日岷县—漳县MS6.6地震前后纵、横波拐角频率比值和零频极限比值的变化特征,间接反映震源处波速比的变化。结果如下:(1)拐角频率比值的平均值约为1.32,而由零频极限比值计算得到的波速比平均值约为1.55,后者高于前者;(2)二者得到波速比的时间变化趋势基本一致:两个波速比在岷县地震前后呈现出"明显升高-下降-震前急剧下降-震后缓慢恢复"的变化过程;(3)二者得到的波速比空间分布基本一致:岷县地震震中附近及合作、舟曲等地区在震前出现低值异常,震中附近地区的波速比在震后有所回升。  相似文献   

将加卸载响应比的理论和方法引入地下水位潮汐资料计算中,根据岩石的应变与应力的非线性响应分析了井水位固体潮加卸载响应比的物理机理,从理论上论证了用地下水位观测资料计算加卸载响应比的可行性并研究出利用地下水位对固体潮的响应来计算加卸载响应比的方法.以此方法计算了我国大华北地区近20 a 来地下水位的固体潮加卸载响应比,分析了1989 年大同6 .1 级地震前后地下水位固体潮加卸载响应比的变化.多数井的水位固体潮加卸载响应比在地震前6 ~12 个月出现升高异常变化.  相似文献   

On October 17, 2014, a MS6.6 earthquake occurred in Jinggu, Yunnan. The epicenter was located in the western branch of Wuliang Mountain, the northwest extension line of Puwen Fault. There are 2 faults in the surrounding area, one is a sinistral strike-slip and the other is the dextral. Two faults have mutual intersection with conjugate joints property to form a checkerboard faulting structure. The structure of the area of the focal region is complex. The present-day tectonic movement is strong, and the aftershock distribution indicates the faulting surface trending NNW. There is no obvious surface rupture related to the known fault in the epicenter, and there is a certain distance from the surface of the Puwen fault zone. Regional seismic activity is strong. In 1941, there were two over magnitude 7.0 earthquakes in the south of the epicenter of Jinggu County and Mengzhe Town. In 1988, two mainshock-aftershock type earthquakes occurred in Canglan-Gengma Counties, the principal stress axes of the whole seismic area is in the direction of NNE. Geological method can be adopted to clarify the distribution of surficial fracture caused by active faults, and high-precision seismic positioning and spatial distribution characteristics of seismic sequences can contribute to understand deep seismogenic faults and geometric features. Thus, we can better analyze the three-dimensional spatial distribution characteristics of seismotectonics and the deep and shallow tectonic relationship. The focal mechanism reveals the property and faulting process to a certain extent, which can help us understand not only the active property of faults, but also the important basis for deep tectonic stress and seismogenic mechanism. In order to study the fault characteristic of the Jinggu earthquake, the stress field characteristics of the source area and the geometric parameters of the fault plane, this paper firstly uses the 15 days aftershock data of the Jingsuo MS6.6 earthquake, to precisely locate the main shock and aftershock sequences using double-difference location method. The results show that the aftershock sequences have clustering characteristics along the NW direction, with a depth mainly of 5~15km. Based on the precise location, calculations are made to the focal mechanisms of a total of 46 earthquakes including the main shock and aftershocks with ML ≥ 3.0 of the Jinggu earthquake. The double-couple(DC)component of the focal mechanism of the main shock shows that nodal plane Ⅰ:The strike is 239°, the dip 81°, and the rake -22°; nodal plane Ⅱ, the strike is 333°, the dip 68°, and the rake -170.31°. According to focal mechanism solutions, there are 42 earthquakes with a focal mechanism of strike-slip type, accounting for 91.3%. According to the distribution of the aftershock sequence, it can be inferred that the nodal plane Ⅱ is the seismogenic fault. The obtained focal mechanism is used to invert the stress field in the source region. The distribution of horizontal maximum principal stress orienation is concentrated. The main features of the regional tectonic stress field are under the NNE-SSW compression(P axis)and the NW-SE extension(T axis)and are also affected by NNW direction stress fields in the central region of Yunnan, which indicates that Jinggu earthquake fault, like Gengma earthquake, is a new NW-trending fault which is under domination of large-scale tectonic stress and effected by local tectonic stress environment. In order to define more accurately the occurrence of the fault plane of the Jinggu earthquake, with the precise location results and the stress field in the source region, the global optimal solution of the fault plane parameters and its error are obtained by using both global searching simulated annealing algorithm and local searching Gauss-Newton method. Since the parameters of the fault plane fitting process use the stress parameters obtained by the focal mechanism inversion, the data obtained by the fault plane fitting is more representative of the rupture plane, that is, the strike 332.75°, the dip 89.53°, and the rake -167.12°. The buried depth of the rupture plane is 2.746km, indicating that the source fault has not cut through the surface. Based on the stress field characteristics and the inversion results of the fault plane, it is preliminarily believed that the seismogenic structure of the Jinggu earthquake is a newly generated nearly vertical right-lateral strike-slip fault with normal component. The rupture plane length is about 17.2km, which does not extend to the Puwen fault zone. Jinggu earthquake occurred in Simao-Puer seismic region in the south of Sichuan-Yunnan plate. Its focal mechanism solution is similar to that of the three sub-events of the Gengma earthquake in November 1988. The seismogenic structure of both of them is NW-trending and the principal stress is NE-SW. The rupture plane of the Jinggu main shock(NW direction)is significantly different from the known near NS direction Lancang Fault and the near NE direction Jinggu Fault in the study area. It is preliminarily inferred that the seismogenic structure of this earthquake has a neogenetic feature.  相似文献   

本文对元代前的地震史料存载情况和据此资料编辑的强震目录(M≥4 3/4)做了概括的介绍。  相似文献   

计算了1979—1987年发生在北纬34°30'一36°'10,东经115°—117°45'范围内148次ML≥20级地震的波速比值,分析了1983年菏泽5.9级地震前后源区与场区波速比的时空变化特征及其差异,对计算结果进行了t检验,源区和场区波速比的时空变化及t检验结果表明,5.9级地震前,源区波速比存在比较明显的下降一低值一恢复过程。场区则表现了5.9级地震临震前的低值异常。5.9级地震后源区和场区的波速比计算结果一致,时空变化均为正常。  相似文献   

门源6.4级地震前后加卸载响应比的异常变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李佐唐 《地震工程学报》1997,19(4):47-50,97
研究了门源6.4级地震前后加卸载响应比的异常变化.门源地震前响应比呈明显高值异常.门源地区响应比的动态变化反映了该区域的地震孕育过程.  相似文献   

发展了一种根据单台垂向记录的地震直达P波的第一个周期信号, 研究地震波传播路径中介质衰减频散特性的方法. 为了更有效地提高P波频散测量的分辨率和信噪比水平,减小系统误差,使用了数据重采样技术. 应用改进的多重滤波方法测定P波群速度延迟. 根据线性滞弹性体松弛模型反演得到了介质品质因子Qm、95%置信水平下的测量误差及相关参数. 对营口台记录的辽宁岫岩震群的研究结果表明:① 1999年11月9日开始出现高Qm值,高Qm值对应的地震集中在距营口台32~46 km, 明显偏离Qm随震中距增加的线性规律;②5.4级地震前平均Qm值为460, 5.4级地震后至2000年1月12日5.1级地震之前Qm值为391, 5.1级地震之后Qm值为204.  相似文献   

汶川地震前后波速比变化特征的再研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
收集整理了四川省地震台网1990—2012年产出的地震直达波震相数据, 利用单台多震和达法对2008年汶川MS8.0地震前后四川地区的波速比变化特征进行了分析研究(共筛选出13个数据量较为丰富、 连续性较好的台站). 结果显示: 其中位于龙门山断裂中北段西侧的4个台站, 震前出现长达7年左右的中长期波速比低值异常; 其它9个台站的波速比震前变化基本稳定. 震前波速比出现异常的4个台站的分布与汶川MS8.0地震孕震区范围大体一致, 从而为研究汶川MS8.0地震前是否存在地壳介质特性的时间变化过程, 提供了有力的判定依据.  相似文献   

On July 31th, 2016, a moderately strong earthquake of MS5.4 hit the Cangwu County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The focal depth of this earthquake is about 10 kilometers. This earthquake occurred in the junction area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hunan Province and Guangdong Province. Nanning, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities felt this earthquake. The Cangwu County disaster area is unique in terms of geographical position, tectonic geology, landform, economic development situation, population distribution and climate condition, etc. Based on the investigation to the earthquake hit area, and the analysis of its special natural environment, social economical conditions and humanities, seven general disaster characteristics of the Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake are summarized from the point of view of earthquake disaster emergency rescue and reconstruction. namely, the low population density in the disaster area, the single building structure type and the low-level economic development, the short duration of ground motion, the small number and low magnitude of aftershocks, no large landslide, debris flow and other secondary geological disasters caused by this earthquake, the area is prone to typhoon and other climate disasters which are likely to aggravate earthquake disaster, and the earthquake occurred in an area of weak seismicity in South China. This paper introduces the basic situation of the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake and analyzes the seven disaster characteristics of this earthquake. In order to better respond to moderate-strong earthquake in weak seismicity regions of South China, this paper summarizes some experience and revelations about the earthquake in the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake emergency response process, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures of earthquake disaster reduction in weak seismicity regions in southern China. In the future work, we should pay more attention to pre-disaster prevention, and strengthen earthquake-monitoring capability. In order to reduce the casualties caused by collapse of houses, we should improve the seismic fortification standards of houses, carry out relevant researches on earthquake damage prevention measures of karst areas. And in order to carry out comprehensive disaster reduction, we should strengthen cooperation with the meteorological department, and carry out more comprehensive earthquake emergency drills.  相似文献   

The East Kunlun Fault is a giant fault in northern Tibetan, extending eastward and a boundary between the Songpan-Ganzi block and the West Qinling orogenic zone. The East Kunlun Fault branches out into a horsetail structure which is formed by several branch faults. The 2017 Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake occurred in the horsetail structure of the East Kunlun Fault and caused huge casualties. As one of several major faults that regulate the expansion of the Tibetan plateau, the complexity of the deep extension geometry of the East Kunlun Fault has also attracted a large number of geophysical exploration studies in this area, but only a few are across the Jiuzhaigou earthquake region. Changes in pressure or slip caused by the fluid can cause changes in fault activity. The presence of fluid can cause the conductivity of the rock mass inside the fault zone to increase significantly. MT method is the most sensitive geophysical method to reflect the conductivity of the rock mass. Thus MT is often used to study the segmented structure of active fault zones. In recent years MT exploration has been carried out in several earthquake regions and the results suggest that the location of main shock and aftershocks are controlled by the resistivity structure. In order to study the deep extension characteristics of the East Kunlun Fault and the distribution of the medium properties within the fault zone, we carried out a MT exploration study across the Tazang section of the East Kunlun Fault in 2016. The profile in this study crosses the Jiuzhaigou earthquake region. Other two MT profiles that cross the Maqu section of East Kunlun Fault performed by previous researches are also collected. Phase tensor decomposition is used in this paper to analyze the dimensionality and the change in resistivity with depth. The structure of Songpan-Ganzi block is simple from deep to shallow. The structure of West Qinlin orogenic zone is complex in the east and simple in the west. The structure near the East Kunlun Fault is complex. We use 3D inversion to image the three MT profiles and obtained 3D electrical structure along three profiles. The root-mean-square misfit of inversions is 2.60 and 2.70. Our results reveal that in the tightened northwest part of the horsetail structure, the East Kunlun Fault, the Bailongjiang Fault, and the Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault are electrical boundaries that dip to the southwest. The three faults combine in the mid-lower crust to form a "flower structure" that expands from south to north. In the southeastward spreading part of the horsetail structure, the north section of the Huya Fault is an electrical boundary that extends deep. The Tazang Fault has obvious smaller scale than the Huya Fault. The Minjiang Fault is an electrical boundary in the upper crust. The Huya Fault and the Tazang Fault form a one-side flower structure. The Bailongjiang and the Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault form a "flower structure" that expands from south to north too. The two "flower structures" combine in the high conductivity layer of mid-lower crust. In Songpan-Ganzi block, there is a three-layer structure where the second layer is a high conductivity layer. In the West Qinling orogenic zone, there is a similar structure with the Songpan-Ganzi block, but the high conductivity layer in the West Qinling orogenic zone is shallower than the high conductivity layer in the Songpan-Ganzi block. The hypocenter of 2017 MS7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is between the high and low resistivity bodies at the shallow northeastern boundary of the high conductivity layer. The low resistivity body is prone to move and deform. The high resistivity body blocked the movement of low resistivity body. Such a structure and the movement mode cause the uplift near the East Kunlun Fault. The electrical structure and rheological structure of Jiuzhaigou earthquake region suggest that the focal depth of the earthquake is less than 11km. The Huya Fault extends deeper than the Tazang Fault. The seismogenic fault of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is the Huya Fault. The high conductivity layer is deep in the southwest and shallow in the northeast, which indicates that the northeast movement of Tibetan plateau is the cause of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake.  相似文献   

唐山地震前后水氡变化率动态图象的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了唐山地震前后水氡变化率动态图象的时空演化特征.用水氡月均值的变化率做参量,绘制每月的变化率平面等值线图,得到水氡的变化率动态图象.研究表明,唐山地震前震中周围出现水氡变化率≥0.06的异常特征区.异常特征区的面积具有“扩展—收缩”的特点,并显示出阶段性.  相似文献   

长期、缓慢的地貌演化具有阶段性的特点,构造抬升与侵蚀相互作用引起山坡物质运移,使地貌单元具有向相对稳定状态转变的趋势.滑坡作为山坡物质运移的一种主要方式,在地貌演化过程中起到了重要作用.2014年鲁甸MS6.5地震诱发了异常多的滑坡,可以看作是该区地貌物质在短时间内发生的集中调整过程.这些滑坡主要沿河流分布,表明河流侵...  相似文献   

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