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Microplastics in marine environment are global environmental issue and challenge and have received an extensive international concern. At present, most of researches focus on the investigation of microplastic abundance in the ocean surface water, and there is insufficient understanding of the distribution and transport processes of microplastics in the deep-sea environment. This paper reviewed marine microplastic studies carried out in the last decade, and summarized the source, global distribution and transport processes of microplastics. Field investigations showed that both surface water and water column were important accumulation areas for microplastics, while deep-sea surface sediments were final sinks for microplastic deposition and accumulation. Transport of microplastics to the deep sea included two modes: vertical settlement and lateral transport. Laboratory simulation showed that the sinking rate of microplastic particles in the ocean changed between 300 and 1 000 meters per day, and the sinking process was not solely controlled by particle physical properties such as particle density, but also influenced by ocean dynamic process, biological action and marine snow aggregation. Microplastics deposited on the seafloor could migrate laterally towards the deep sea with resuspended sediments, which were related to internal waves, deep-sea turbidity current or climatic events. However, there remain the key knowledge gaps in uncertain speed and quantity of microplastics moving to the deep sea, which is not conducive to the comprehensive understanding of the microplastic transport process from source to sink. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the vertical sinking flux of microplastics with layered sediment traps in order to study the source-to-sink transport processes of microplastics in deep-sea environment.  相似文献   

With regard to the analysis and application of diatoms in the marine sediments, diatom purification method, data analysis method and diatom application in environmental reconstruction were summarized. The diatom purification is composed of four main processes (removing calcium carbonate, organic and minerogenic matter, and slide preparation). For each process, frequently used methods and improvements were introduced, while their pros and cons were compared. As to the data analysis, in order to ensure statistical reliability, the essential methods and principles were represented in detail with species identification and counting, data expression and error estimation involved to reduce errors as much as possible. On this basis, the numerical method application was explained for its advantage of improving the accuracy for analysis. The applications of diatom fossils in environmental reconstruction were studied more deeply abroad, including the investigation of relationship between diatom fossils and upper-water environment, the application of diatoms from deeper core sediment for reconstructing oceanic paleoenvironment, tracing salinity and reflecting eutrophication. As far as the deficiency of the domestic research was concerned, multidisciplinary technologies and observational data were suggested to be combined into the study in order to promote the quantitative research of diatom fossils and the accuracy of environmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

Atmospheric Deposition (AD) provides external nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) supporting the growth of phytoplankton in oceans and thereby exerts obvious impacts on carbon and nitrogen cycles and climate change associated. Specifically, the external nutrients derived from atmospheric deposition can promote the marine primary production and nitrogen fixation that enhance the ocean capacity in absorbing CO2; AD may also change a few pathways of carbon and nitrogen cycles in oceans and increase the emissions of biogenic aerosol and radioactive gases such as N2O, DMS, etc. Due to the underlying important impacts on climate and environmental change, AD and processes related have become the hot topics of multidisciplinary studies in the areas of ocean and atmospheric sciences, and the focus of some international core projects such as Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), an International Study of Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Their Isotopes (GEOTRACES) and Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER). With the severe air pollution and high frequencies of Asian dust events, as the downwind areas of big cities and dust sources, the East China Sea and adjacent North Pacific have received increasing influences of AD. Limited studies showed that the increase of AD indeed caused significant influence on carbon and nitrogen cycles in these immediately related oceanic areas and the study there would have a signature effect on global oceans. A multidisciplinary study on the impacts of AD in oceans, e.g., combing molecular biology and experimental ecology techniques to study primary production processes, utilizing isotopic techniques to trace the change of the nitrogen cycle, new evidences of ocean-biogenic aerosol emissions, etc. would be the focus in the future.  相似文献   

数值模拟法是地下水水量和水质评价的主要技术方法,通过简述地下水数值模拟的发展历程、FEFLOW软件的输入特点和功能,并结合FEFLOW在地下水模拟方面的应用现状,论述了对河流和断层处理的方法,最后提出了FEFLOW软件存在的问题及应用前景。研究结果可知:(1) FEFLOW是迄今为止功能最为齐全的地下水数值模拟软件,适用于各种尺度的地下水、多孔介质和热能传输项目,但这些领域基本都是水流和溶质运移耦合、水流和热量运移耦合等两场进行耦合,少见三场耦合研究实例;(2)存在无法实现源汇项单独处理等缺陷,仅能实现in/outflow on top/bottom菜单功能,降雨入渗和蒸发同时作用必须用净补给量来表达,增加了前处理的困难,在应用模型模拟时,由于FEFLOW网格划分时的数量受到限制,超大区域建模也容易出现不精确问题;(3)在对地下水污染物运移模型模拟时,通常考虑的是对流、弥散、吸附作用,而未有一阶化学非平衡反应,随着人类对地下水环境和质量的高度重视,对于两相有机和无机污染物迁移耦合研究将会是未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

Microplastics in the ocean are the plastic fragments less than 5 mm in diameter, which enter into the ocean through a variety of ways. In the past 60 years, the global plastic production increased by 560 times, and the accumulation of microplastics in the marine environment is increasing. Microplastics suspend in seawater, or deposit to the bottom sediments. The potential risks of microplastics to marine ecosystems cause widespread concern. This paper summarized the research progress of the ecological risks of microplastics in the ocean, including the distribution and concentration of marine microplastics in coastal waters, sediment and open ocean, the ingestion of microplastics by different species of marine organisms, the ecotoxicology of microplastics, the plastics additives and the absorbed pollutants. The research directions were proposed for the future, including the optimization of microplastics sampling and measuring methods, microplastics observation in different marine habitats, the eco-toxicological effects of microplastics and food chain bioaccumulation effect, the methodology of microplastics ecological risk assessment. It is expected to provide evidence for the risk assessment of microplastics on Chinese coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

胡婷婷  陈家玮 《岩矿测试》2022,41(3):353-363
微塑料(粒径小于5mm的塑料颗粒),由于其自身较强的迁移特性及对环境污染物较强的亲和力,会引发严重生态风险,受到广泛关注。微塑料可以通过地膜破损、垃圾填埋和大气沉降等方式汇集在土壤中。土壤中的微塑料不仅会向下迁移,吸附富集共存的污染物,还会在表生地球化学作用下发生老化,对环境安全造成更大的威胁。本文基于近年文献重点综述了土壤环境中微塑料的吸附迁移行为以及老化作用对污染物环境行为的影响。结果表明:①微塑料在土壤中的迁移行为受到其自身理化性质(大小、形状及官能团)及土壤环境条件的影响;②微塑料可以吸附携带外部环境污染物迁移,从而改变污染物在环境中的归宿与生物可利用性;③老化作用会改变微塑料理化性质,影响微塑料的吸附与迁移能力,加速内源污染物的释放,其中有机污染物邻苯二甲酸酯释放的浓度范围约为50.3~6660ng/g,常见重金属Pb2+的释放浓度范围约为5.1~81.4μg/g。本文建议今后应加强三方面研究工作:①不同土壤环境中多因素耦合条件下,开展微塑料与环境污染物的相互作用机制研究,特别是不同土壤介质及环境因素对污染物在微塑料上的吸附/解吸/迁移行为的影响。②通过实验模拟手段,研究环境中不同老化作用对微塑料性质和环境行为的影响。③加强微塑料内源污染物在不同环境中的释放研究,揭示老化作用对内源污染物释放行为的影响。  相似文献   

板块构造是一个复杂的动力学体系,俯冲作为板块间相互作用中最重要的特征之一,长期以来通过各种手段并未完全得以认识。近10年来,俯冲带数值模型迅速发展,而2D/3D数值实验也取得许多新的认识:地幔柱顶托作用触发俯冲可能存在于行星演化早期;板片脱水形成的薄弱剪切带是导致现今俯冲样式为单向不对称俯冲的主要决定因素;俯冲增生岩浆的化学组成很大程度上取决于俯冲的发展过程,熔体抽离的强度和俯冲板片年龄共同影响新生地壳的体积。  相似文献   

湖泊数值模拟研究现状综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为陆面过程的重要组成部分,湖泊在天气气候预测中的作用得到了相关研究者的广泛关注,并成为大气科学研究领域中的一个热点.主要综述了当前湖泊模式的基本类型、所考虑的关键物理过程及其参数化方案,并尝试分析了各个方案的优劣以及模拟效果.相关研究表明,现有的湖泊模式对浅湖的模拟比较成熟,而对深湖和冰湖的模拟有待改进.未来的研究亟需构筑适用于大湖、深湖以及冰湖的参数化方案,发展能全面模拟各类型湖泊的数值模式,并且湖泊数值模拟的改进依赖于今后更多高质量的全球湖泊观测结果.  相似文献   

氡气的污染是室内建筑空气环境中一个比较突出的问题。通过对国内外资料历年研究成果的分析,利用数值差分的方法,建立了室内氡气传输的三维稳态方程,给出了相应的边界条件,对室内氡浓度的迁移特征进行了数值模拟,并对其影响因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

地下水资源是北京供水系统的支柱,设立地下水水源地保护区,是保护水源地最大可能免受人类活动影响、保证水质安全的重要措施。论文以北京市某典型水源地为例,在收集相关水文地质勘查、长期动态观测、水源地开采现状、规划及周边污染源调查等成果资料的基础上,建立了地下水系统水文地质概念模型,模拟出地下水流场。通过质点追踪技术,计算水源地水力捕获带范围。综合考虑水源地周边地形、地物和潜在风险污染源等因素,确定了水源地保护区的范围。结果表明,数值模拟法能客观详细地刻画实际地下水含水层的结构与水文地质条件,划分结果可靠、准确,能为地下水管理部门提供有效合理的保护依据。  相似文献   

运用数值模拟软件对户县涝渭水源地潜水含水层进行分段模拟开采,并结合分段比选法在设计要求下对布井方案进行分段比选,确定整个水源地的最优布井方案。通过对水源地整体模拟开采,计算得出潜水含水层可开采量为76 800 m3/d,且最大降深未超过7 m,水源地地下水资源取得了较好的论证。通过实际应用看出:数值模拟方法在计算地下水可开采量方面具有易于计算、精度较高的特点,可提高小区域浅层地下水资源论证的质量。  相似文献   

Futher development and preliminary application of marine technology international standardization in China were introduced: ①Combination of marine observation international standardization, advanced manufacturing technology and information technology; ②Standardization on general marine technology; ③Connection between marine exploration and international standards; ④Standardization on submersibles. The establishment of marine technology subcommittee (ISO/TC8/SC13) provides an opportunity to bring China national marine technology standards into international market. Furthermore, it's a connection among marine technical research, standardization, and industrial development.  相似文献   

四川盆地降水日变化特征分析和个例模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用台站观测降水资料,分析四川盆地及周边地区降水分布和日变化特征,得到以下结论:四川地区降水存在2个高值中心,均位于盆地周围的山地;盆地降水"夜雨"特征明显;川西高原降水峰值以午夜前降水量的贡献为主;盆中与盆地西南边缘山地的降水峰值由夜间降水量与降水频率共同作用;盆地东北边缘的山地是午前降水频率与后半夜的降水量均有贡献。其次,结合WRF模式的数值试验,对2008年9月23~24日发生在盆地的夜间暴雨过程进行模拟研究和综合分析。结果表明WRF模式较好地模拟了此次天气过程降水的空间分布和日变化规律,通过分析模拟的环流场与温湿场发现,夜雨的形成与大尺度环流场的影响和地形强迫关系密切。  相似文献   

近断层地震动模拟现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王海云  谢礼立 《地球科学进展》2008,23(10):1043-1049
地震动是由3个物理过程(震源破裂过程、波传播过程、场地反应)组成的一种复杂系统的产物,地震动模拟均是围绕这3个物理过程的建模开展的。地震动模拟目前仍然是一门相对较新的科学,强震观测中不断发现的新情况、新问题及其深入研究进一步推动近断层地震学理论和实践的发展。减少建模中的不确定性,用基于观测物理学的统计特征逐渐取代基于现象的假设描述,以改善地震动模拟的精度。基于大量地震动模拟的研究文献和资料,归纳、评述了近断层地震动模拟方法的现状、3个物理过程的建模方法及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

刘红云  杨操静  郭小砾 《地下水》2006,28(4):16-17,47
肥城盆地是山东省的重工业区之一.多年来,由于超量开采深层地下水,已经引起了严重的地质灾害.本文通过对肥城盆地煤田区水文地质条件等基础资料的综合分析,采用AQUA3D软件建立了相应的地下水数值模拟模型,经过对模型的识别和校正后,对该地区的第四系地下水可开采量进行了预报.并对该地区地下水的开发利用提出了建议.  相似文献   

Viruses are by far the most abundant entities in marine environments, and are mainly phages that infect bacteria and archaea, which also are a significant component of marine ecosystem and a major force behind marine biogeochemical cycles. As a major source of mortality, viral lysis can release highly labile cellular components, both organic matters and inorganic nutrients, regulating the metabolism of its hosts and influencing the biogeochemical cycles. During infection, viruses could hijack the metabolic system of hosts for its own propagation, thereby changing the metabolism and metabolites of host cells. This paper summarized the effects of viruses on the metabolism of marine bacterioplankton at both the cellular and community level, and its influence on the cycling of ocean elements. Then, the potential impact of environmental factors was assessed on the influence of viruses upon bacterial metabolism. This paper will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the role of microbes within marine biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   

There are various types of Organic Matter (OM) in marine sediments, and it is of great significance to accurately estimate the source of them. The methods used in most researches include element ratio (C/N), stable isotopes (δ13C) and biomarkers (BIT), all of which are used for the whole sample as objects and calculated by end-member of terrestrial and marine source OM, respectively. However, OM is preserved in different ways, such as on its own recalcitrance or combining with inorganic minerals. Preservation differences make their respective parameter values change. After differential sedimentary by gravity or other factors,different preservation types of OM are enriched or dispersed, making some parameters distorted and even meaningless in some areas. Therefore, the parameters of OM measured by the whole sample are influenced by the source of OM and the way of deposition and preservation. Therefore, it is unreliable to use these parameters to study the source of OM without considering the way of preservation. Based on this, this paper put forward a method of particle separation to separate the sediment in different propertied and preservation types. According to the composition and characteristics of the OM at the specific grain level, the corresponding index and end-members value were used to calculate more accurate proportion of the OM. It is of profound significance to understand the production, aggregation, occurrence, migration and deposition of OM and its evolution in the entire carbon cycle.  相似文献   

As an important bridge between the underlying surface and the free atmosphere, the atmospheric boundary layer is not only closely related to the development of various weather processes, but also plays a key role in local and regional weather and climate changes. In view of the complexity of the atmospheric boundary layer, the numerical simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer has always been a hotspot and difficulty in the numerical simulation research of the atmosphere. In this paper, the three numerical model development stages of the atmospheric boundary layer in recent decades were summarized and the important advances in arid and semi-arid areas, Tibet Plateau, urban complex underlying surface, and special typhoon boundary layer were reviewed. At present, there are still five scientific problems to be solved urgently, including cloud and boundary layer interaction, boundary layer parameterization, model resolution, boundary layer data assimilation and boundary layer development mechanism. Moreover, it was pointed out that in this field we need to strengthen the understanding of different types of atmospheric boundary layer processes, boundary layer bottom and top interface exchange, boundary layer development mechanism in special regions, improve boundary layer parameterization scheme and give full play to the advantages of LES in boundary layer simulation.  相似文献   

马尧  吴彬 《地下水》2014,(5):4-5
为探究新疆准东基地水源地地下水开采量可实行方案与地下水水位下降状况,采用Processing MODFLOW软件,对项目区进行地下水数值模拟研究。经过模拟流场形态与观测值以及对地下水动态进行拟合,提取地下水梯度场、降速场与实测资料进行对比分析。总结得出符合该地区地下水变化的地下水开采量方案。研究表明该水源地地下水开采实施方案符合该地区水资源长期发展。  相似文献   

The Last Interglacial or Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, is of great interest because it serves as an analog for the Holocene. The climate change and duration during Marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e are considerably well understood for recent and future climate. Despite great interest in this subject over many years, a number of issues concerning the climate circumstances of MIS 5e are by no means resolved. We analyzed 35 published palaeoclimate records with reliable chronologies and robust proxies in typical region of the world to evaluate climate change during MIS 5e. These data indicate that: ① The duration of this warm phase is thought to range from (128±2) ka to (116±2) ka. The climate of MIS 5e was likely relatively stable with a number of abrupt, weak amplitude, cool and/or arid events. And the difference between regions is noticeable for the occurrence, amplitude, onset and duration of these events. For example, marine records from the North Atlantic indicate that the climate of MIS 5e was relatively stable, however the records from Norwegian sea show that the climate of MIS 5e had a significant changes at the beginning and cold event in the Mid-Eemian; The δ18O, δD and CH4 in the ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica imply that climate was relatively stable during the last interglacial period, while in Europe from the north to the south the duration of this phase became shorter and the intensity of climatic events became stronger. In addition, the climatic conditions of MIS 5e reconstructed by climate proxy from China are various and have the subject of some controversy. ②The global climate response to the insolation forcing would have been uniform on suborbital timescale. Nevertheless, as a result of regional sundry climatic forcing factors, global millennial-scale/century-scale climate oscillations were marked by significant local features during stage 5e. ③ Based on the better chronological controls, the estimation of climate parameters, the high-resolution climate records, and precise knowledge of the phase relationship between climate changes in global, the earlier depiction for climate circumstances and environment change during Marine Isotope Stage 5e should be refined and our understanding of the climate dynamics and mechanism and climate modelling should be improved.  相似文献   

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