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GNSS/INS组合导航系统定位精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓艳 《北京测绘》2014,(3):86-88,38
GNSS/INS组合导航系统近年来得到了快速发展,应用领域越来越广泛。组合导航的定位精度是一个重要的研究方向,本文将应用于航空遥感领域的高精度GNSS/INS组合导航系统放置在地面平台上,采集试验数据,通过与NRTK定位结果比较,对组合导航系统定位精度进行分析,得出GNSS/INS组合导航系统的定位精度可达到厘米级的试验结论。  相似文献   

GNSS/INS紧组合导航系统自主完好性监测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴有龙  王晓鸣  杨玲  曹鹏 《测绘学报》2014,43(8):786-795
可靠性和对故障的可区分性是评价系统完好性的两个重要因素。本文将多GNSS系统与不同精度的INS系统进行组合,由此分析不同因素对组合系统内部的可靠性和故障探测与隔离能力的影响。仿真结果表明,集成多GNSS系统可以改善卫星星座的几何分布结构,从而提高系统的内部可靠性和对故障的区分能力;当GNSS系统与INS系统相结合时,也能大幅度提高系统的可靠性和区分性;相较于低精度的INS系统,采用高精度的INS系统能够进一步的提高系统的可靠性,并增强对故障的区分能力。  相似文献   

为降低系统模型误差及观测模型误差的影响,结合噪声协方差自适应控制机制,对双天线GNSS/INS初始对准方法进行改进。利用噪声协方差自适应控制下的扩展卡尔曼滤波进行数据处理,包括系统噪声协方差控制及观测噪声协方差控制。试验结果表明,系统噪声协方差自适应控制机制可提高系统稳定性,降低滤波稳态值;观测噪声协方差自适应控制机制可降低观测噪声的影响,提高对准绝对精度。采用后处理的方式,利用基线长度偏差最小的基线结果辅助姿态解算,绝对精度进一步提高,对准绝对精度主要受观测值影响。利用本文方法,横滚角、俯仰角对准绝对精度可达0.02°,航向角对准绝对精度可达0.04°。  相似文献   

随着卫星导航技术的发展,GNSS服务易受欺骗干扰已成为现实威胁。本文首先介绍了GNSS/INS组合导航抗欺骗式干扰技术背景,包括欺骗式干扰技术的概念、方式和案例等;其次深入分析和总结了国内外GNSS/INS组合导航系统抗欺骗式干扰技术研究现状与展望;最后进行了总结和思考。  相似文献   

GPS/INS组合导航系统时间同步方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在设计和实现GPS/INS组合导航系统时,各子系统的时间同步是最关键的问题。首先对GPS/INS组合导航系统的时间同步问题作基本描述,然后在简要分析基于GPS接收机的1 pps脉冲信号同步采样技术的基础上,提出另外一种基于GPS和INS的1 pps脉冲信号的时间比对同步方法,这种方法能较好地解决GPS接收机由于失锁引起的1 pps信号抖动,将晶体振荡器的短期稳定度和GPS时间的长期稳定度结合起来,使各子系统数据在时间上能准确同步。  相似文献   

弹道导弹的GNSS/SST/SINS组合导航系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种组合导航方案,该方案在硬件上采用全捷联的结构,在算法上将捷联星光跟踪仪(strapdownstar tracker,SST)的姿态信息,高动态GNSS的位置、速度信息与捷联惯导进行组合滤波,全面提高导航精度。设计并实现了弹道导弹GNSS/SST/SINS组合导航系统实时仿真平台,仿真结果表明了该组合方案的稳定、可靠性。  相似文献   

柏春岚 《北京测绘》2016,(6):99-102
主要研究了GNSS/INS组合导航在航空摄影中的应用.介绍了GNSS/INS组合导航的优点和应用理论,在此基础上,主要研究偏心分量、偏心角的测定,预处理POS数据,GNSS/INS数据联合处理,检校场空三解计算与EO文件的输出等整个GNSS/INS导航在航空摄影的应用,从中体现出该导航应用于航空摄影的优越性.  相似文献   

针对实际环境中量测噪声易被野值污染而呈现非高斯分布,进而导致传统卡尔曼滤波(KF)算法性能降低的问题,提出了最大熵卡尔曼滤波(MCKF)算法. 该算法基于最大熵准则(MCC)和M估计的思想推导得到. 与KF相比,所提算法能够给异常量测值分配较小的权重以减轻其对于状态估计的影响,与基于Huber函数的卡尔曼滤波(HKF)算法相比,其能够更有效地利用量测信息,因此所提算法相比于KF和HKF而言更加鲁棒. 在全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)与惯性导航系统(INS)的紧组合模式下进行车载实测实验,由于GNSS的伪距与伪距率等原始量测信息质量不佳,因此KF和HKF的性能均受到影响,而所提MCKF算法能够有效地抑制异常量测值的影响,能够更快地收敛且得到更高的估计精度.   相似文献   

李博峰  陈广鄂 《测绘学报》2022,51(8):1708-1716
自动驾驶和智能交通要求载体的高精度定位,更要求载体之间的高精度协同控制。当前依靠增加传感器来提升载体定位精度的研究思路依然无法有效解决卫星信号长时间失锁的复杂情况。本文提出了基于GNSS/INS组合的载体协同高精度定位方法,通过建立载体之间的相对位置关系来实现载体间观测值的共享,从而提升载体的定位精度和可信度。试验结果表明,GNSS/INS组合的协同定位模式相比于单独定位模式能显著改善载体恶劣环境下的定位精度。  相似文献   

首先系统研究了GPS/INS 组合导航系统的仿真原理,然后以Matlab/Simulink为平台,在对GPS、INS进行单独仿真的基础上,对GPS/INS组合导航系统进行了实时的扩展Kalman滤波仿真试验,试验结果不仅证明组合导航具有较高的导航精度,而且为进一步研究组合导航系统开辟了一条比较实用的道路.  相似文献   

柴大帅 《测绘学报》2022,51(5):787-787
随着我国BDS的持续发展,GPS不断完善,GLONASS加紧现代化进程,多系统的联合使用对卫星定位的精度和可靠性带来极大改善。但在复杂的动态环境下,卫星信号频繁受到遮挡,甚至失锁,无法保证定位的有效性。INS不受外界环境的影响,并且可以获得短时、高精度的导航参数。GNSS/INS组合导航技术能够获得连续、可靠和高精度的导航参数信息,已经被广泛应用于军事与民用领域。  相似文献   

针对车载移动测量系统在获取城市基础地理信息数据时受噪声点、GPS信号差、建筑物密集等因素的影响,造成定位精度差的问题。该文对实测数据进行分析,采用GPS单系统的1~15s采样间隔和GPS+BDS组合的1~15s采样间隔以及GPS/BDS/GLONASS三系统组合模式,分析松组合、紧组合及动态PPP组合对定位精度的影响。结果表明,利用GPS/GLONASS单系统处理时,当车速大于30km/h或者建筑物密集时,卫星的可视效果较差,得到的定位误差可达到分米甚至米级。当采用GPS+BDS/GPS+BDS+GLONASS组合处理时,可视卫星得到保证,定位精度能一直保持在厘米级。同时,单系统下不同采样间隔对定位精度影响很大,多系统组合可以在较大的采样间隔下,保持较高的定位精度。通过对不同卫星组合,不同采样间隔下的定位精度分析,能够为车载移动测量系统在不同环境下选择何种方法定位精度最高提供依据。  相似文献   

面向矿山无人驾驶卡车场景,针对GNSS定位不连续且容易被干扰、INS存在累计误差的缺点,本文提出了一种基于GNSS+INS组合的导航算法,该算法融合了两种算法的优点,提高了定位的精度和可靠性。分别将RTK算法和组合导航算法结果与开源软件RTKLIB和NovAtel板载输出结果对比。试验结果表明,本文算法在精度上与NovAtel板载输出结果基本持平,明显优于RTKLIB软件。本文算法平面和高程误差均值及STD均优于5 cm,姿态误差均值和STD优于1°,可以满足矿用无人驾驶卡车的定位精度需求。  相似文献   

MEMS-based integrated system of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and an inertial navigation system (INS) has been widely used in various navigation applications. However, such integration encounters some major limitations. On the one hand, the noisy MEMS-based INS undermines the accuracy with time during the frequently occurring GNSS outages caused by signal blockage or attenuation in certain situations such as urban canyon, tunnels, and high trees. On the other hand, the model mismatch between actual GNSS error and the assumed one would also degrade the obtained accuracy even with continuous GNSS aiding. To improve the overall performance for GNSS/MEMS-INS, better error models can be obtained using Allan variance (AV) analysis technique for modeling inertial sensor errors instead of the commonly recommended auto-regressive processes, and on the other hand, the measurement update in Kalman filter is improved using innovation filtering and AV calculation. The performance of each method and the combined algorithm is evaluated by a field test with either differential GNSS (DGNSS) or single-point positioning (SPP) as external aid. In addition to the considerable navigation enhancement brought by each method, the experimental results show the combined algorithm accomplishes overall accuracy improvements by about 18% (position), 8% (velocity), and 38% (attitude) for integration with DGNSS, and by about 15% (position), 75% (velocity), and 77% (attitude) for that with SPP, compared with corresponding traditional counterparts.  相似文献   

GPS/MEMS INS integrated system for navigation in urban areas   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper evaluates the performance of a tightly coupled GPS/INS integrated system based on low cost MEMS IMUs in dense urban areas, and investigates two different methods to improve its performance. The first method used is to derive observations from two different constraint equations reflecting the behavior of a typical land vehicle. The first constraint equation is derived assuming that the vehicle does not slip and always remains in contact with the ground. If these assumptions are true the velocity of the vehicle in the plane perpendicular to the forward direction should be zero. The second constraint equation is derived from the fact that the height does not change much in a short time interval in a land vehicular environment. Thus, when a GPS outage occurs (partial/complete), the integrated system combines the INS and constraints-derived virtual measurements to keep the position and velocity errors bounded. This method is suitable for use in real-time applications. The second method is specifically suitable for a post-mission application and involves the use of Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother. The designed system performance is evaluated using two data sets collected in dense urban areas. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of different algorithms considered, in controlling the INS error growth, and indicates the potential of MEMS IMUs for use in land vehicle navigation applications.  相似文献   

Due to their complementary features of GPS and INS, the GPS/INS integrated navigation system is increasingly being used for a variety of commercial and military applications. An attitude determination GPS (ADGPS) receiver, with multiple antennas, can be more effectively integrated with a low-cost IMU since the receiver gives not only position and velocity data but also attitude data. This paper proposes a low-cost attitude determination GPS/INS integrated navigation system. The proposed navigation system comprises an ADGPS receiver, a navigation computer unit (NCU), and a low-cost commercial MEMS IMU. The navigation software includes a fault detection and isolation (FDI) algorithm for integrity. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed navigation system, two flight tests have been performed using a small aircraft. The first flight test confirmed the fundamental operation of the proposed navigation system and the effectiveness of the FDI algorithm. The second flight test evaluated the performance of the proposed navigation system and demonstrated the benefit of GPS attitude information in a high dynamic environment. The flight test results show that the proposed ADGPS/INS integrated navigation unit gives reliable navigation performance even when anomalous GPS data is provided and gives better navigation performance than a conventional GPS/INS unit.  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)在弱信号环境下,GNSS信号易受到遮挡或者电磁干扰,严重影响导航定位的可靠性、连续性和精度.针对此问题,本文作者研究了一种GNSS和视觉观测紧组合导航定位方法.首先基于相机采集图像数据,利用ORB-SLAM2开源平台求解得到视觉位置结果增量,再联合GNSS伪距观测数据采用卡尔曼滤波(KF)进...  相似文献   

We describe an enhanced quality control algorithm for the MEMS-INS/GNSS integrated navigation system. It aims to maintain the system’s reliability and availability during global navigation satellite system (GNSS) partial and complete data loss and disturbance, and hence to improve the system’s performance in urban environments with signal obstructions, tunnels, bridges, and signal reflections. To reduce the inertial navigation system (INS) error during GNSS outages, the stochastic model of the integration Kalman filter (KF) is informed by Allan variance analysis and the application of a non-holonomic constraint. A KF with a fault detection and exclusion capability is applied in the loosely and tightly coupled integration modes to reduce the adverse influence of abnormal GNSS data. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed navigation system, road tests have been conducted in an urban area and the system’s reliability and integrity is discussed. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of different algorithms for reducing the growth of INS error.  相似文献   

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